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Full name: Baca Jara Jhosep Smith

Date: 19/07/2020

Instruction: Write an email to an English-speaking friend about your own family life. Write your email in about 100 words.

Hello dear friend Raúl. How are you?

I want to invite you to play soccer with the former high school classmates next weekend.

the story that last week I returned to Trujillo, I was working at ponderosa mining, I really wanted to return

and see my family. While I was away I was remembering our adventures that we lived in high school. nice memories!

Days ago I met some of them and they are very excited to see us again. We have many things to discuss.

We will meet at the sports field at 9:00 a.m., it will be a very fun meeting.

I hope you are in good health.

See you soon.

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