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Joaquin Moreno

Psychology 1010

Professor Thomas Hanson

3 August 2020


After taking this course I can proudly say that I have become more self-reflective and in

tune with who I am and how I can work on myself. I experienced a lot of realization about who I

am and the people that surround me. After taking tests such as the Big Five Test and learning

about human personality traits and the behavior that comes with those I have realized the person

I am and how I come unto others. And it has made me want to work on myself and make sure

I’m not only treating/affecting others how I hope to be treated.

I have recently been looking at how I’m behaving in a certain situation and asking myself

questions such as: Could I be more agreeable? Am I being conscientious? etc. Always trying to

be the best person I can be. I was doing this before taking this class but after learning about these

personality traits and how they define someone’s behavior, I’m able to understand it better now

and think about things more psychologically. I’m able to take a lot more things, that I now

understand, into consideration.

I talked about my score on a Big Five Test in an earlier paper and how it made me realize

a few bad habits I could change; I wanted to say that I truly have been working on those “loose

ends” and been improving on myself. My biggest flaw that was pointed out in that test was that I

am disorganized. At first, I was quite defensive about it, finding excuses as to why I might be

sometimes. But I realized that I was disorganized and that my bad habit is something I could
work on to be a better person. I’ve scheduled my days out more than I used to and I’ve been

filing a lot more stuff in my phone to always have it there. I have changed my behavior because

of what I’ve learned in this course and that is something to be proud of.

The course has given me new information that I can relate to and apply to my everyday

life. I now better understand personality and how much it affects ourselves and the people around

us. Very informative and such a great learning experience.

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