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Course Name: SICS Technical – Novice


In order to understand a Reinsurance Product, it is very important to understand basics of

Reinsurance domain and practices globally. This course aims to provide learners with basis
domain understanding in the field of Insurance and Reinsurance.

Target Audience : AP, P1s and P2s

Expected Duration : 13 hour 45 minutes approx..

Modules/Documents Available:

 Reinsurance
 Business 1(Insurance & Reinsurance)
 Reinsurance Domain
 Business 2(SICS IntroducTon)
 SICS Overview
 Eclipse_and_project_setup
 2010-10-18 SICS4 Development Process
 Framework
 Persistancy framework
 Sics Domain Model
 BusinessProcess framework
 Find Framework
 Webservice_1
 Webservice_2
 Emessaging
 Sql_Domain_Basics

Lesson Objectives

After completing this course, learner should be able to accomplish the objectives from the
following lessons and topics.

- SICS Technical knowledge

Data provided in the documents is strictly confidential and for internal use only.

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