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Chapter II

traveling to a unique place

After having lived a lifetime with his humbly grown
father the Young man was a time for a trip
throughout china and realized that everything was
fabulous at the same time that was believe his
children then this Young man told his children
that he could possibly mudary to china for a
couple of years to change the environment and
the progress of their careers.
after the tour they made in the past the great idea
of buying a house for his wife and children so
they can be in a different environment and
relaxed that nothing will happen to them and that
we don´t harm anyone and my family stayed in

This is volvia´s book to go with her family

traveling around the world knowing different
cultures and getting different objects pressed
from different knowledge able beliefs to the
different governors of each place.
After two years the went to where they were living
and then they went to visit the mother of the
young man because he had not seen her for a
long time so he and his family came and went to
visit his other family on the part of the young man.
couple of months in all these months the young
man took his mother to dinner at a restaurant,
went panama, went to buy different clothes, then
the young man went to visit the family of his wife
in which they did the same to not delay so much
after the young man´s vacations ended their
return to the races and again had another tour but
this was done in Spain he met many other people
with those who recreated with his family because
he could not spend much time with his family,
then everyone spent traveling to different places
knowing and taking advantage of the fact that his
father is working and cannot be with them after
they returned it their father they shelled from the
trips and spent in family in their house.

they took advantage of every moment of their

work since this was no longer in need as he was
on tour in which he had to wait for the others to
run, he took advantage of his family being with
him and the great people he met to fix an exit to
another country in which they enjoyed it since
they went to a luxury hotel where it had a pool,
apart from this in front of the hotel was the beach
this place was Puerto Rico they all praised the
beauty of the city, after that I had to come back
and leave them in this place to continue enjoying.
We are going to see that the young man in a race
got a serious accident because of one of the
brake oil tanks, and his family returned as soon
as possible when they arrive, they find the great
surprise that the young man is almost in very bad
health this was in the worst physical state and
they had to withdraw it from the tournament but it
was almost too late, the young man had to leave
the races for a long time.
but after about 4 months he wanted to return to
the races to compete in the most important race
of his career in which he has always been the
champion for 3 consecutive times the young man
understood that he should return after all the time
and not he was.
when the young man returns to his team, he
realizes that he was already replaced by another
and that they did not want to see him again, the
young man had to go to another team to receive
him in another very small team he was reinstated
because he was a great runner for a long time,
and then in the race in the young man was going
to run for which they had replaced him then he
put all his enthusiasm, we will see that the young
man had lost the gift of running and we will see
that he won the career and had not lost his
success in that career, his family lived with him
for a long time after he finally retired.

Then it is said that after he retired he decided to go

on vacation for 3 months with his whole family his
parents were also the same as those of his wife they
are said to be very delicious for some photos found
on their social networks since that photo did not they
have seen almost nothing more his wife and children
in shopping commercials centers.

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