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Static Structural with Nonlinear Material Models Tutorial

2-D Cantilever Beam Model

Part Number 6700.420

Revision 13.02
June 2001
June 13, 2001

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You must have ALGOR’s Accupak/NLM or Accupak/VE software installed on your computer to complete the
demonstration model in this tutorial. The tutorial specifically demonstrates use of Accupak/NLM, and, if you use
Accupak/VE instead, some of the keystrokes, text and figures will differ.

Please refer to Appendix B to see a list of the ALGOR software programs and version numbers used in this tutorial. If you
have any problems running this tutorial, please contact your account representative or technical support.

Copyright  2001 ALGOR, Inc.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, either in part or in
its entirety, without the expressed written permission of ALGOR, Inc.

This publication describes the state of ALGOR software at the time of its printing and may not reflect the software at all times
in the future. This publication may be changed without notice. This publication is not designed to transmit any engineering
knowledge relating specifically to any company or individual engineering project. In providing this publication, ALGOR does
not assume the role of engineering consultant to any user of this publication and hereby disclaims any and all responsibility
for any errors or omissions arising out of any engineering activity in which this publication may be utilized.

This document has been designed to be printed on the customer's local computer and printer. ALGOR cannot be held
responsible for any errors incurred in the printing of this document.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 2
The Purpose of this Tutorial

Welcome to the ALGOR Design and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Systemthe best value in desktop computer FEA. This
Static Structural with Nonlinear Material Models Tutorial provides an introduction to the system in general and the
Accupak/NLM software in particular.

After working through the tutorial’s demonstration model of a two-dimensional cantilever beam, you should have a basic
understanding of how the system works. You should also have a good appreciation for some of the advanced modeling tools
included in the ALGOR Design and FEA System.

For additional information about FEA, see Appendix A. For complete product and purchasing information, please contact
your account representative at ALGOR, Inc., by calling +1 (412) 967-2700.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 3
Tutorial Conventions
To make this tutorial easy to use, the following conventions will be employed. For the command conventions, the item (or an
example of one) that you need to perform is noted in bold on the left. To the right of the item is a short description of the
action and/or results of the action.

User Input Notation Conventions

algframe Type "algframe" using the keyboard. Text that you need to type is noted in bold type using a Courier

<Esc> Press the <Esc> key (or choose "Esc" from the current menu if using Superview). Some of the other
keys expressed in this manner are <Enter>, <Tab> and the function keys, for example <F9>.

<Ctrl>-c Press <Ctrl> and the letter "c" simultaneously. Keys to be pressed at the same time are
shown with a hyphen between them.

"Enclose" Choose the "Enclose" option. The names of pop-up menus, options and buttons are enclosed in
quotation marks and shown as they are on the screen.

"Selection: Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose the "Shape" option. Then, from the cascading
Shape:Point" menu, choose "Point". Commands in sequences are separated by colons.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the specified location. ALGOR software is designed for a two-button
mouse. Where "click" or "left click" is used, you should press the left mouse button. "Right click"
means you should press the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse, you will not use
your middle button for ALGOR software.

In the tables throughout this tutorial, input instructions for using toolbars and pull-down menus are in the two left columns.
Descriptions or more detailed instructions are given in the right column. For example:

Selection "Selection:Shape:Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Shape" and
then "Point" to activate point selection mode.

Other Notation Conventions

sd3.dmit, an .esx file Filenames and file extensions are lowercase and italic.

filename.doc Filenames that are user-supplied are in bold, lowercase italics.

\model directory Directory names may appear in Courier type and be followed by the term "directory". (The directory
where all your ALGOR software is stored is usually referred to as the algor12 directory, where
"algor12" is in bold, lowercase italics.)

FILE menu Menu names are shown in uppercase characters.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 4
The rest of "The Basics" section provides introductory information about ALGOR software. If you would prefer to
immediately begin the tutorial's demonstration model, skip ahead to "Preprocessing" section.

Starting ALGOR Software

Both Superdraw III and the ALGOR interface will be used in this tutorial. They may be started by selecting either "Superdraw
III" or "Algor FEA", respectively, from your Windows environment. Windows 95/98/2000/NT users will find them from the
"Start" button under "Programs:Algor Software". Alternatively, the ALGOR interface may be started by double clicking the
"Algor Software" icon located on the computer desktop.

Navigating the ALGOR Interface

The ALGOR interface has two main parts, the CAD Solid Model Interface and the FEA Object Editor. In either part, you can
access program functions through pull-down menus, pop-up menus, model tree tabs and toolbars. By default, the CAD Solid
Model Interface displays the "Display Options", "File", "Mesh" and "Viewpoint" toolbars, while the FEA Object Editor
displays the "File", "Viewpoint", "Selection" and "Display Options" toolbars.

Displaying Toolbars

You can display or hide toolbars or adjust the icon size by accessing the TOOLS pull-down menu and choosing "View
toolbars...". To display the toolbars used in the tutorial but not displayed by default, follow these steps:

"Tools:View toolbars..." In the menu bar, choose TOOLS and then, in the pull-down menu, choose
"View toolbars…". The "Toolbars" pop-up window will appear listing all of
the toolbar names.
Mouse For each toolbar that you wish to display, click on the box to the left. A
checkmark will appear, indicating that that the toolbar is now active. The
toolbar will be displayed on screen.
Note: If you want to hide a toolbar, click on the box to the left of the toolbar
name in the "Toolbars" pop-up window. The checkmark will disappear from
the box and the toolbar will be hidden.
"Close" Click on "Close" to exit the "Toolbars" pop-up window.

In the "Toolbars" pop-up window, you can use the "Large Buttons" and "Cool Look" options to change the size and
appearance of toolbars.

As you build your model, you may find that the toolbars prevent you from seeing the whole model. You can move or resize
the toolbars at your convenience.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 5
Moving Toolbars

To move a toolbar, click and hold on the left edge of the toolbar as shown below. Drag it to the desired location and then

Click on the left edge and drag to a new location

Displaying Toolbars as Windows and Resizing Toolbar Windows

A toolbar can be displayed as a window by double clicking on the left edge of the toolbar.

Double-click on the left edge of a toolbar to change to a window

A toolbar window can be moved by clicking on its title and dragging to a new location. To close a toolbar window, click on
the button.

To adjust the size of a toolbar window, position the cursor on the edge of the toolbar that you want to change. As shown
below, the cursor will become a two-headed arrow. Click and hold. Drag the mouse so that the outline of the toolbar changes
to the shape that you want and then release the mouse button.

Click on the desired edge and adjust the toolbar shape

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 6
Changing Model View
You can change model views by using the number pad keys while simultaneously pressing the <Ctrl> key. The various
number keys represent the appropriate display views for the model, as shown below.

Click on appropriate number (left) to select view (right)

View icons with view names and corresponding number pad key commands

Accessing Help

Help for the ALGOR interface can be obtained by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and then choosing one of the
following options depending on your needs: "Contents", "Index", or "Search". Additional information can be obtained by
using the "Help:Docutech" command sequence to access DocuTech, ALGOR's software documentation information resource
on CD-ROM.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 7
The ALGOR Interface

Figure 1 shows the ALGOR interface.

Interface Legend
A. Title Bar: Displays the active program name (CAD Solid Model Interface or FEA Object Editor) and the model name.
B. Menu Bar: The menu bar is located just below the title bar and contains the pull-down menus.
C. Floating Toolbars: These list groups of icons, giving you quick access to many commands.
D. Model Tree: Two tabs (CAD Interface and FEA Editor) provide tree lists for convenient access to model data.
E. Working Area: This region is where modeling activity is displayed. The working area can be divided into multiple
F. Miniaxis: Indicates your viewpoint in relation to the three-dimensional working area.
G. Design Scenario Toolbar: Provides data fields that display current values and enable you to modify values.
H. Status Bar: Displays important messages and pertinent information.

Figure 1: An Overview of the ALGOR Interface

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 8
Overview of Nonlinear Analysis
What is the difference between linear and nonlinear analysis and why should you consider the need to perform a nonlinear
analysis on your model?

Linear analysis is only accurate for a model in which the relationship between the forces and stresses/deflections is a linear
function. The classic example of this type of behavior is a simple linear spring that is fixed at one end and has an axial force
at the free end. If the magnitude of the force is increased, the deflection of the spring will increase in proportion. If the
relationship is linear and the force is plotted against the displacement, the resulting curve will be a straight line (see Figure 2).
Hooke's law is then defined as F=Kx, where the spring stiffness (K) is the slope of the line.

Figure 2: Force-Displacement Curve for Linear Spring

With nonlinear analysis, forces do not display a linear relationship with displacements and/or stresses. There are three major
causes of nonlinear behavior that can be classified as follows:

Material Nonlinearity

Material nonlinearity is caused by materials that do not have a linear stress-strain curve. An example of this type of material
is carbon steel that is loaded past the point of yield. Up to the yield point, steel is elastic in nature and has a linear stress-
strain curve as depicted in Figure 3. The slope of this line is commonly referred to as the Modulus of Elasticity or Young’s
Modulus. In the plastic region beyond the point of yield, the stress-strain curve becomes nonlinear. When loading steel
materials into the plastic region, a nonlinear analysis is required to obtain accurate results.

Figure 3: Typical Stress-Strain Curve for Carbon Steel

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 9
Geometric Nonlinearity

Geometric nonlinearity occurs in models that are subjected to relatively large deformations or strains. In these cases, the
severe deformation of the model has an appreciable impact on the geometric characteristics of the model. Simply stated, a bar
that is severely deformed will behave differently under load than when the bar was initially straight at the onset of the
analysis. The Accupak/NLM program can account for this behavior by incrementing the load and updating the geometric
stiffness matrix during the course of the analysis.

Element Nonlinearity

Element nonlinearity is characterized by situations where the stiffness matrix of an element will change as a function of some
specified variable. A good example of this is a contact element, which can be used to model the contact between different
surfaces. When the surfaces are in contact, the stiffness matrix of the contact element is positive and the contact forces are
transferred through the contact element. When the surfaces are not in contact, the stiffness matrix of the contact element is
zero and no forces are transferred. The Accupak/NLM program can account for this type of behavior by incrementing the
load and updating the element stiffness matrix during the course of the analysis.

The following is the sequence of steps that you will typically follow in performing a nonlinear stress analysis with the
ALGOR Accupak/NLM program. (Figure 4 shows a graphical flowchart of these steps.)

Figure 4: Flowchart of Modeling Steps for Nonlinear Stress Analysis

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 10
2-D Cantilever Beam Model
In this tutorial, you will use ALGOR's nonlinear static stress analysis capabilities to model and analyze a two-dimensional
(2-D) cantilever beam.

You will perform the following steps:

I. Preprocessing – Create the model geometry using Superdraw III, Add the necessary boundary conditions and add
properties to the geometry using the FEA Object Editor. Visually check the geometry and boundary conditions using

II. Processing – Analyze the model using the Accupak/NLM analysis processor. (Note: Accupak/VE can also be used, but
some keystrokes, text and figures will differ from what is shown in this tutorial, which specifically demonstrates use of

III. Postprocessing – View the analysis results with Superview.

I. Preprocessing
In the preprocessing phase, you will create a two-dimensional model of the cantilever beam. Using Superdraw III, you will
generate the geometry. Add the necessary boundary conditions, forces, and add properties to the geometry using the FEA
Object Editor. You will select an element type, specify material properties, define loading conditions and cases and convert
the drawing to nodes and elements. Then, using Superview, you will visually check the geometry, boundary conditions and

1. Problem Description

Because mechanical design should be driven by engineering analysis, ALGOR provides design modeling tools with the ability
to make models which are ideal for the engineering analysis of all design model classes. For every model class, one or more
powerful, easy-to-use suites of engineering design tools are available.

In this tutorial, we will use a two-dimensional solid design scenario to create a simple model of a carbon steel cantilever beam
with a circular cutout (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Engineering Drawing of the Cantilever Beam

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 11
Due to the in-plane loading, any stresses through the thickness of the beam will occur from Poisson's effect and will have no
variation through the thickness. The model can then be classified as a plane stress analysis, which warrants the use of the 2-D
solid nonlinear element using the plane stress option.

The beam is to be loaded with a 3250-pound force, which has been predetermined to cause some of the material in the beam
to go plastic in the region of the stress-strain curve beyond the point of yield. The load will then be taken off of the model
completely so that the plastic deformation and residual stresses caused by yielding can be analyzed.

As a result of this type of complex loading and unloading, it is important to input a stress-strain curve for the material that
adequately represents the behavior of the material in both the elastic and plastic regions. For this example, a von Mises
material option will be used to characterize the stress-strain behavior with a bilinear curve as shown in Figure 6. The slope of
the line up to the point of yield is the Modulus of Elasticity or Young’s Modulus (E). The slope of the line after the point of
yield is known as the strain hardening modulus (Et).

Figure 6: Typical Von Mises Material Model for Carbon Steel

2. Creating the Model Geometry with Superdraw III

In this section, you will use Superdraw III to create the geometry of the two-dimensional cantilever beam model.

Starting ALGOR Software

Start the ALGOR interface from the Windows taskbar.

Note: Alternatively, at the Windows desktop, you could double click on the "Algor Software" icon, .

"Start:Programs:Algor Software: In the Windows taskbar, click on the "Start" button. Use the
Algor FEA" mouse to drag the cursor to "Programs" and then "Algor
Software". Click on "Algor FEA".

The initial ALGOR interface screen will now appear. From this screen, you have a variety of tasks available to you. You can
start a new model, choose an existing model and perform any complete engineering analysis.

Use the ALGOR interface to access Superdraw III.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 12
Transferring to Superdraw III

Every ALGOR software package includes Superdraw III, ALGOR's finite element model-building tool. Although Superdraw
III provides access to all preprocessing, processing and postprocessing functions, it will be used only for some of its
preprocessing functions in this tutorial. The rest will be done using the FEA Object Editor of the ALGOR interface.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" In the ALGOR interface menu bar, access the TOOLS pull-down
menu and choose "Transfer to Superdraw". (See Figure 7.)
Note: Alternatively, you could access Superdraw III via the
Windows Start menu by using "Start:Programs:Algor
Software:Superdraw III".

Figure 7: Transferring to Superdraw

The initial Superdraw III screen will now appear. The Superdraw III interface allows you to access program functions through
pull-down menus and toolbars. Just below the title bar, the menu bar contains the pull-down menus for accessing key
modeling and analysis functions as well as displaying help and accessing DocuTech (ALGOR’s CD-based documentation and
information resource). For more detailed information about the features of Superdraw III, refer to the Superdraw Reference
Division available through DocuTech.

Specifying the Analysis Type

Make sure that the "Model Data Control" window is open. If it is not open, then do the following:

"Tools:Model Data Control…" Click on the TOOLS pull-down menu and select the "Model Data
Control…" option to access the "Model Data Control" window.
(See Figure 8.)
Note: Alternatively, you could click on the "Model Data" button in
the status bar.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 13
Figure 8: Accessing the "Model Data Control" Window

Specify the analysis type using the "Model Data Control" window. (Alternatively, you could use the "Analysis Type"
command under the ANALYZE pull-down menu.)

"Analysis Type" Click on the "Analysis Type" field in the "Model Data Control"
"Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Select the "Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Material Models"
Material Models" option. (See Figure 9.)
Note: If you have Accupak/VE installed instead of Accupak/NLM,
then you will not see "Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Material
Models" as an option for the analysis type. Rather, you should
choose "MES with Nonlinear Material Models".

Figure 9: Specifying the Analysis Type

Notice that the analysis type is now shown in the title bar.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 14
Defining the Unit System

Use the "Model Data Control" window to define the unit system for the model. (Alternatively, you could use the "Unit
System…" command under the SETTINGS pull-down menu.)

"Units" In the "Model Data Control" window, under "FEA Model", click
on the "Units" button. A "NOTE" pop-up window will prompt you
to specify a model name.
"OK" Click on "OK" to close the "NOTE" pop-up window. The "Save
As" pop-up window will appear.
Mouse In the "Save in:" field, specify the directory location for the new
file, such as "C:\tutorial". (Usually, it is recommended that the
location should be somewhere other than inside your algor12
nlbeam In the "File name:" field, type a new file name (such as "nlbeam").
(See Figure 10.) The name and location of your file may vary
according to your preferences.
"Save" or <Enter> Press <Enter> or click on the "Save" button to save the new
filename. Notice that the location and filename that you entered
are now shown in the title bar.

Figure 10: Entering a Filename for the New Model

The "Units Definition" data entry screen will now appear. In the "Unit System" field, make sure that the "English (in)" option
is selected. If it is not, then do the following.

Use the mouse to click on in the "Unit System" field to access
a pull-down menu of options.
"English (in)" Select the "English (in)" option.

Accept the data entered in the "Units Definition" screen.

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data and close the
"Units Definition" data entry screen. (See Figure 11.)

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 15
Figure 11: Defining the Unit System

The specified unit system is now shown in the title bar.

Defining Initial View Settings

In order to view the model without obstruction in the live area, close the "Model Data Control" window.

"Close" In the "Model Data Control" window, click on the "Close" button.

For convenient viewing, define the following settings:

Common "Settings:Miniaxis Display…" Choose the SETTINGS pull-down menu and then the "Miniaxis
Utilities Display…" option to access the "Miniaxis Display" pop-up

"At Fixed Location" Click on "At Fixed Location". A checkmark will appear in the box
to the left, indicating that this option is active.
"Done" Close the "Miniaxis Display" pop-up menu.
View "View:Pre-Defined Views:YZ Right" Select the YZ view by opening the VIEW pull-down menu and
Utilities selecting "Pre-Defined Views" and then "YZ Right". Models with
2-D elements must be constructed in the YZ plane.

"Options:Display Model Using…" Choose the OPTIONS pull-down menu and then "Display Model
Using…" to access the "Model Display" pop-up window.
"Layer Number" Specify that the model will be displayed by layer number.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 16
Drawing a Rectangle

Draw a 4"x4" rectangle to begin the definition of the end of the cantilever beam with the cutout.

Add CAD "Add:Rectangle…" Select the "Rectangle…" command from the ADD pull-down
Objects menu. Coordinates can now be entered in the status bar.

<Enter> Press the <Enter> key to input the first corner point at (0,0,0).
<Tab>4<Tab>4<Enter> Enter the other corner point of the rectangle as (0,4,4).
View "View:Enclose" Use the "Enclose" command to automatically scale the viewing
Utilities area so that all geometry is visible. Your screen should now look
like Figure 12.

Figure 12: Enclosed View of Rectangle

Adding the Cutout

Add CAD "Add:Circle: Click on the "Circle" option in the ADD pull-down menu, then on
Objects Center and Point…" "Center and Point…".

<Tab>2<Tab>2<Enter> Enter the centerpoint of the circle at (0,2,2).

<Tab>3<Tab>2<Enter> Enter a point on the diameter of the circle at (0,3,2). Your model
should now look like Figure 13.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 17
Figure 13: Model with the Circle Added

Dividing the Circle and Meshing

Divide the circle into four arcs and mesh the region.

Construct "Construct:Divide…" Choose the CONSTRUCT pull-down menu and then "Divide…"
Objects to access the "Divide" pop-up window.

"Number…" Use the "Number…" command to change the number of divisions.

4<Enter> In the dialog bar, enter 4 as the number of sections.
"To Lines" Click on "To Lines" to deactivate this option (i.e., make sure there
is not a checkmark in the box to the left) so that the circle will be
divided into arcs and not lines.
"Divide" The circle is now divided into 4 arcs.

Rotate the arcs so that each arc is aligned with a side of the rectangle.

Modify "Modify:Rotate…" Choose the MODIFY pull-down menu and then "Rotate…" to
Existing access the "Rotate" pop-up window.

"About X Axis" Choose the X-axis as the axis of rotation.

"Angle…" Specify the angle of rotation.
45<Enter> In the dialog bar, enter a rotation angle of 45 degrees.
<Tab>2<Tab>2<Enter> Enter the center of the rotation at (0,2,2).
"Rotate" The four arcs are now rotated by 45 degrees.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 18
Construct a mesh between each arc and the line of the rectangle with which it is aligned.

Note: Creating a 4-point mesh requires defining 4 points, A, B, C, and D. The number of mesh segments to be
created in both dimensions AB and BC can be specified. The "Between 2 Objects" command, in particular, requires
you to specify lines AB and CD. When choosing line AB, point A is defined as the endpoint on that line closest to
where you have left-clicked. Point C is specified in a similar manner when selecting line CD.

FEA "FEA Mesh:Automatic Mesh: Choose the FEA MESH pull-down menu and then "Automatic
Mesh Between 2 Objects…" Mesh" and "Between 2 Objects…" to access the "Mesh" pop-up

"Division Values…" Specify the density of the mesh in the AB and BC directions.
6<Enter> Enter 6 for the density in the AB direction (tangential). The
density in the BC direction (radial) will remain at the default value
of 4.
Mouse Position the cursor on the P1-P3 arc very near P1 (see Figure 14)
and click the left mouse button. (Annotation was added to the
figure to label items.) Then position the cursor on the P2-P4 edge
very near P2 and click the left mouse button. Your model should
now look like Figure 15. If it doesn't, you can click on the "Undo"
status button or use the "Edit:Undo Last Operation" command or
press <F2> to undo the mesh and then try again.

Figure 14: Annotated Selection Points for Meshing between Objects

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 19
Figure 15: Meshing the First Section

Meshing the Three Remaining Sections

Mouse Using the left mouse button, repeat this procedure for the three
remaining arcs and lines using the "P3-P4", "P5-P6" and "P7-P8"
point combinations in Figure 14. When you have finished, your
model should look like Figure 16.

Figure 16: Completed Mesh

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 20
Defining the Rest of the Cantilever Beam

"FEA Mesh:Automatic Mesh: Access the "Spacing" pop-up window.

"AB Spacing…" Activate the "AB Spacing…" option so that the aspect ratio of the
elements will vary in the AB direction. Notice that the default
settings are for "Arithmetic" and "Ratio…" and the dialog bar
indicates "Longest/Shortest 3, Number of Divisions 6". (This will
result in elements that are 3 times longer at point B than they are at
point A.)
FEA "FEA Mesh:Automatic Mesh: Activate the "4 Point…" option to define a mesh for the rest of the
Mesh 4 Point…" cantilever beam by specifying 4 points in order A,B,C,D.

"Division Values…" Specify the density of the mesh in the AB and BC directions.
18<Tab>6<Enter> Enter 18 for the density in the AB direction and 6 for the density in
the BC direction. Note that the density in the BC direction is set to
6 so that the nodes and elements will align with the existing
Mouse Place the cursor near the lower right corner of the model and click
the right mouse button once to define point A.
<Tab>24<Enter> Enter point B at (0,24,0).
<Tab>24<Tab>4<Enter> Enter point C at (0,24,4).
Mouse Place the cursor near the upper right corner of the model and right
click to define point D.
View "View:Enclose" Enclose all geometry on the screen.

Notice that, by keeping track of and specifying the correct mesh densities, the nodes and elements all align correctly. This is a
very important concept when creating a valid finite element mesh for your model.

Cleaning Duplicate Lines

Modify "Modify:Clean:Duplicate…" Click on the MODIFY pull-down menu and then select
Existing "Clean:Duplicate…" to access the "Duplicate" pop-up menu.

"Perform Cleaning" Remove any duplicate lines that were created during the meshing
process. The status bar will indicate that 450 lines were kept while
22 lines were deleted from the model. (See Figure 17.) In general,
it is recommended practice to check for duplicate lines after you
have modeled the geometry.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 21
Figure 17: Model after Use of the "Modify:Clean:Duplicate" Command

"Done" Close the "Duplicate" pop-up menu.

3. Converting the Superdraw III Drawing into an FEA Model

Next, you will convert your Superdraw III drawing into an FEA model. Use the FEA Object Editor to define:
• element data
• material property data
• global data
• boundary conditions and loads

Transferring to the FEA Object Editor

Transfer the model from Superdraw III to the FEA Object Editor in the ALGOR interface.

"File:Export to FEA Editor" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select "Export to FEA

Superdraw will close and the model will be redisplayed in the FEA Object Editor.

Note: Alternatively you could click on the window’s "Start" menu and then "Programs:Algor Software:Algor FEA".
In the window that opens click on "File:Open". Click on the "files of type" field and change it to an "*.esd"
extension. In the "look in" field, specify the location where you had saved the model in Superdraw. Double-click on
this file to open it in the FEA Object Editor.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 22
Mouse In the upper right corner of the display window, click on the
maximize button. The model will be redisplayed with the active
window maximized to fill the working area.
View- "View:Orientation:YZ Right" Change to "YZ Right" view. (See Figure 18.)

Figure 18: Model in the FEA Object Editor

Verifying the Unit System

In the model tree, notice that "Units" is listed on the "FEA Editor" tab. The ALGOR software automatically transferred the
model unit system from Superdraw III. Verify the unit system.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Units…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Units…".
Results (Alternatively, you could double click on "Units" on the "FEA
Editor" tab.) The "Units Definition" data entry screen will appear.

In the "Unit System" field, notice that the "English (in)" option is selected. (See Figure 19.) If you wanted to change the
units, you could click on "Allow model unit system to be changed" and then modify the data in the "Units Definition" screen.

Figure 19: Verifying the Unit System

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 23
To leave the default values as they are, do the following.

"Cancel" Click on the "Cancel" button to close the "Units Definition" data
entry screen.

Verifying the Analysis Type

In the design scenario toolbar, located near the bottom of the screen, make sure that the "Analysis type" field is set "Nonlinear
Stress with Nonlinear Material Models". If it is not, then do the following.

"Analysis type" Click on the "Analysis type" field. A menu of options will appear.
"Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Select the "Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Material Models"
Material Models" option.
Note: If you have Accupak/VE installed instead of Accupak/NLM,
then you will not see "Nonlinear Stress with Nonlinear Material
Models" as an option for the analysis type. Rather, you should
choose "MES with Nonlinear Material Models".

Specifying Global Information

Note: In the ALGOR interface, a red "X" on any item in the model tree of the "FEA Editor" tab indicates incomplete
information. An analysis cannot be completed until this information is defined. In this case, you will see that the red
"X" next to "Analysis Parameters" will disappear once the data has been defined.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Parameters…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose

Results "Parameters…". The "Global Data" entry screen will appear.
(Alternatively, you could double click on "Analysis Parameters" in
the model tree.)
"Duration" Under "Event", notice that the "Duration" and "Capture rate" fields
are highlighted by red dots, indicating that these fields are required
input. Highlight the "Duration" field.
1.0 Type 1.0 as the value for the duration.
"Capture rate" Highlight the "Capture rate" field.
40.0 Type 40.0 as the number of steps per second.

Make sure that the "Analysis type - automatic setup" field is set to "Non-Linear Static (NLS)". If it is not, then do the

"Analysis Type - automatic setup" Click on the arrow to the right of the "Analysis Type - automatic
setup" field.
"Non-Linear Static (NLS)" Select "Non-Linear Static (NLS)".

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 24
Next, input a load curve for the model.

Mouse On the "Load Curves" tab, highlight the "Description" field.

beam Type beam as an identifying text description.
"Add Row" Click on the "Add Row" button. This will leave time = 0 and
multiplier = 0 for index 1.
Mouse Highlight the "Time" field for index 2.
0.5<Tab>32.5 Input 0.5 for time and 32.5 for multiplier.
"Add Row" Click on the "Add Row" button.
Mouse Click in the "Time" field for index 3.
1.0 Input 1.0 for time. Your windew should look like Figure 20.
"OK" Click "OK" to save the entered load curve data.

Figure 20: Load Curve Spreadsheet Information

Notice that the ending time of the curve is 1, which is equal to the duration of the event. Also, The value of 32.5 will be
multiplied by the 100-pound force that will be added, which will result in a 3,250-pound force acting on the model. The
function of this loading curve is depicted in Figure 21.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 25
Figure 21: Loading Curve Function for the Model

Specifying Element and Material Property Information for Part 1

Note: The method used in the following sections illustrates the ability to select parts or vertices visually by clicking
on them and then right-clicking on the active window to either modify the selected part's information or add loads
and boundary conditions to the selected vertices.

Alternatively, property information can be modified by right-clicking on the part name in the model tree and choosing one of
the "Modify" options. To access the part names, click on the "+" to the left of "Model <nlbeam>" in the model tree of the
"FEA Editor" tab.

Mouse Click anywhere on the currently displayed model lines. The

selected part lines will be highlighted.

Specify a description for part (or element group) 1, which is the only part in the model.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Description…" Choose "Modify" and then "Description…". The "Modifying the
Description on 1 Part Object" window will appear.
Cantilever Beam Type any identifying text string, such as "Cantilever Beam". (See
Figure 22.)
"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the description and close the window.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 26
Figure 22: Modifying the Description of Part 1

Specify the element type.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Type…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Type…". The "Modifying
the Element Type on 1 Part Object" screen will appear.

Make sure the "2-D" option is selected (that is, the radio button to the left is highlighted). If it is not, then do the following.

"2-D" Under "Element Type", click on the "2-D" option. A dot will
appear, indicating the selected element type.

Accept the specified element type.

"OK" Click on "OK" to accept the element type and close the
"Modifying the Element Type on 1 Part Object" window.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 27
Specify the element definition for part 1.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Element Definition…" Choose "Modify" and then "Element Definition…". The "
Element Definition" screen will appear.
"Material Model" Make sure that the "General" tab is active. Under "General
Settings", click on the arrow to the right of the "Material Model"
field to access a pull-down menu of options.
"von Mises with Isotropic Hardening" Click on "von Mises with Isotropic Hardening".
"Thickness" Highlight the "Thickness" field. Notice that a red dot appears to
the left, indicating that this field is required input.
-1.0 Type -1.0 as the value.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data. A pop-up
window will appear with a message to notify you that thickness
must be greater than zero.
"OK" Click on "OK" to close the message window.
1.0 Enter 1.0 as the value. (See Figure 23.)

Figure 23: The "Element Definition" Data Entry Screen

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the entered data.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 28
Define material properties for part 1.

Note: You can create a custom material library by selecting "Tools:Manage Material Library…", or use ALGOR’s
default Material Property Library to apply material properties to a model.

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up menu of

options will appear.
"Modify:Material…" Choose "Modify" and then "Material…". The "Element Material
Selection" screen will appear. In the "Select Library" field, make
sure that "Algor Material Library" is selected.
"[Customer Defined]" Under "Select Material", make sure that "[Customer Defined]" is
"Edit Properties" Click on the "Edit Properties" button to access the "Element
Material Specification" data entry screen.
"Mass Density" Highlight the "Mass Density" field.
0.000732 Type 0.000732 as the value.
"Modulus of Elasticity" Highlight the "Modulus of Elasticity" field.
30e6 Type 30e6 as the value.
"Poisson's Ratio" Highlight the "Poisson's Ratio" field.
0.30 Type 0.30 as the value.
"Yield Stress" Highlight the "Yield Stress" field.
30000 Type 30000 as the value.
"Strain Hardening Modulus" Highlight the "Strain Hardening Modulus" field.
5e6 Type 5e6 as the value. Your window should look like Figure 24.

Figure 24: Entering Material Properties for the Cantilever Beam

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to accept the material property

"OK" Click on the "OK" button to close the "Element Material
Selection" window.

Note: Because all required parameters for part 1 have been defined, the red "X" has disappeared from the icon next
to "1 <Cantilever Beam>" in the model tree on the FEA Editor tab. (Click on the "+" to the left of "Model
<nlbeam>" to see it.) If you click on the "+" to the left of "1 <Cantilever Beam>", you will see that the same is the
case with the icons representing model parameters.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 29
Adding a Nodal Force to the Model

Selection "Selection:Select:Vertices" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Select" and
then "Vertices". You will now be able to select vertices by clicking
on them.
Mouse Select the node on the upper right corner of the model by clicking
on it.
Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected object.
"Add:Force…" Choose "Add" then "Force…". The "Creating 1 Nodal Force
Object" window will appear.
Mouse Click on the "Magnitude" field.
-100 Type –100 as the value
"Z" Under the "Direction" heading, click on the radio button to the left
of "Z" to specify a vector in the z-direction
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Downward Force on Corner Type a description such as "Downward Force on Corner"
"OK" Make sure your screen looks like Figure 25 and then click on "OK"
to add the defined forces and close the "Creating 1 Nodal Force
Object" window.

Figure 25: Defining Nodal Force

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 30
Adding Boundary Conditions

Select Nodes on the left end of the cantilever beam.

View- "View:Zoom Area" Change the cursor to "rectangle zoom" mode.


Mouse Using the left button, define the zoom area around the left end of
the cantilever beam. (See Figure 26.) If you did not zoom in
enough, simply zoom in again. If you zoomed in too much or on
the wrong part of the beam, choose "View:Enclose" and try again.

Figure 26: Zooming In on the Left Edge of the Model

Selection "Selection:Shape:Rectangle" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and choose "Shape" and
then "Rectangle". You will now be able to select vertices by
drawing a box around them.
Mouse Position the cursor to the left and just above the top left point of
the beam and left click to begin the application box. Then move
the cursor down and to the right, so that the box encloses only the
nodes on the left edge of the beam. (See Figure 27.) Click again
to finish the selection. This will select all left edge nodes.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 31
Figure 27: Selecting the Left Edge of the Model

Mouse Right click anywhere on the working area. A pop-up window will
appear with options for the selected objects.
"Add:Boundary Conditions…" Choose "Add" and then " Boundary Conditions…". The "Creating
7 Nodal Boundary Condition Objects" window will appear.
"Fixed" Under "Predefined", click on the "Fixed" button. Checkmarks will
appear to the left of all options under "Constrained DOFs",
indicating that all degrees of freedom will be constrained.
Mouse Click on the "Description" field.
Fixed BC on the Left Edge Type a description for the defined boundary condition. Your
screen should look like Figure 28.
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to add the defined boundary conditions
and close the window.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 32
Figure 28: Applying Boundary Condition to Left Edge of Beam

Saving the Model

File "File:Save" Choose the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Save" command
to save the FEA model as a file named nlbeam.esx.

4. Checking the Model for Errors with Superview

In this section, you will visually check your model for errors by using Superview, ALGOR's visualization software.

Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Object Editor.

Analysis/ "Analysis:Check Model" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Check
Results Model" to start Superview.

After the software verifies the geometry and finite element data, the beam model will appear in the Superview display area as
shown in Figure 29. Red triangles indicate the boundary conditions on the fixed end.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 33
Figure 29: Initial Superview Screen

The current version of Superview features an interface that is similar to Superdraw III's interface. All of the features of the
Superdraw III interface are now also features of the Superview interface, including titlebar, menu bar, live area, floating
toolbars, status bar and dialog bar.

Note: The interface from previous versions of Superview can be accessed by using the "Settings:Previous Style
Menu:Previous Style Menu On/Off" command sequence.

Checking the Nodes and Elements

Inquire on information about the nodes and elements of the model.

"Inquire:Model Statistics" Acess the INQUIRE pull-down menu and choose "Model
Statistics". The dialog bar will display the total number of nodes
and elements.
"Inquire:Group Statistics" Inquire on information about the element groups of the model.
The dialog bar will display element group statistics. For this
model, there is only one element group.
"Inquire:Element Information: Inquire on specific properties of two-dimensional elements. The
Two-Dimensional…" "Two-Dimensional Elements" pop-up window will appear.
"Select Element" Click on the "Select Element" button. The dialog bar will instruct
you to "Click on center of element."
Mouse Click on any element. The cursor will be "rubber-banded" to the
center of the chosen element. The dialog bar will display
information about the element. (See Figure 30.) You can click on
other elements in the model to get information about them.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 34
Figure 30: Inquiring on Element Information

Examine the material of the model.

"Material ID" In the "Two Dimensional Elements" window, click on "Material

ID". A checkmark will appear in the box to the left, indicating this
option is now active. In the dialog bar, the cursor will highlight the
"Enter Range BETWEEN" field. The default range is between 1
and 1.
<Enter> Press <Enter> to keep this range unchanged. All elements with a
material ID of 1 will be highlighted with a small square selection
mark at the center of the element. All two-dimensional elements
should be highlighted in this example, indicating they are all
modeled as material type 1.
"Next Range" Click on the "Next Range" button. All elements with material ID
from 2 to 2 are highlighted. Since there are no elements with
material type 2, none of the elements are highlighted.

Check the model geometry using a hidden-line view.

"View:Display Method: Access the VIEW pull-down menu and then choose "Display
Hidden Line Display…" Method" and "Hidden Line Display…". The "Hidden Line
Display" pop-up window will appear. The model will be
redisplayed with elements colored according to material number by
default. All elements will be green, confirming that there is only
one material.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 35
Examine the element and node numbers. Also check the model geometry for defects by shrinking all of the elements.

"Options:Numbering/Shrink…" Access the OPTIONS pull-down menu and choose

"Numbering/Shrink…". The "Numbering/Shrink…" pop-up
window will appear.
"Node Numbers" Click on "Node Numbers". The model will be redisplayed with
node numbers.
"Element Numbers" Click on "Element Numbers" to add element numbers to the
"Shrink Elements" Click on "Shrink Elements". The model will be redisplayed with
the elements shrunk to the default value of 75%.
"Values…" Click on "Values…". In the dialog bar, the cursor will highlight
the "Element Color" field.
10<Tab> Type 10 to specify the color for element numbers (dark blue).
Then press <Tab> to advance the cursor to the "Node Color" field.
2<Tab> Type 2 to specify the color for node numbers (red). Then press
<Tab> to advance to the "Char/line" field.
75<Tab> Type 75 to specify the number of characters per line. Then press
<Tab> to advance to the "Shrink to" field.
0.65<Enter> Type 0.65 to specify the percentage for shrinking elements. Then
press <Enter> to accept the entered data. The model will be
redisplayed with the specified color and size for the element and
node numbers and with the elements shrunk to 65%. (See Figure

Figure 31: Displaying Shrunken Elements to Check for Defects

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 36
"Node Numbers" Click on "Node Numbers" to toggle off the display of node
numbers. The model will be redisplayed without node numbers.
"Element Numbers" Click on "Element Numbers" to remove element numbers from the
"Shrink Elements" Click on "Shrink Elements" to toggle back to 100% element size.
The model will be redisplayed with the elements at full size.

Checking Boundary Conditions

The model will not be analyzed correctly if it can have free body motion. Examine the boundary conditions to see how the
model is tied down in space.

"Inquire: Access the INQUIRE pull-down menu and choose "Nodes and
Nodes and Boundary Conditions…" Boundary Conditions…". The "Nodes BC" pop-up window will
appear. In the dialog bar, a message indicates the boundary
condition that is currently active for inquiry.
"Get" Click on the "Get" button. The dialog bar will prompt you to
"Click on node."
Mouse Position the cursor near one of the nodes with a triangle and right
click on it. The cursor is "rubber-banded" to the selected node,
and the dialog region gives the node number, coordinate position,
nodal degree of freedom setting and height for the node. (See
Figure 32.)

Figure 32: Inquiring on Boundary Conditions at a Node

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 37
"Use Current Selection" Click on "Use Current Selection" to use the node selected by the
"Get" feature as the example to highlight all nodes sharing the
same boundary conditions.
"Highlight" Click on "Highlight". All nodes with a triangle are highlighted,
indicating that these nodes all have fully fixed boundary
Mouse Click on any node without a triangle. The dialog bar indicates that
this node is free to translate in Y and Z.

You can click on additional nodes to inquire on their boundary conditions.

Checking Nodal Loads

Examine the nodal force applied to the model.

"Inquire:Nodal Forces…" Access the INQUIRE pull-down menu and choose "Nodal
Forces...". The "Nodal Forces" pop-up window will appear. The
dialog bar indicates one load entry and the maximum force.
"Get" Click on "Get". The dialog bar will prompt you to "Click on node
to get display force at that node."
Mouse Position the cursor near the node at the upper right corner, where
the force was applied, and right click. The cursor will be "rubber-
banded" to the chosen node. The dialog bar will display the
number of forces on the node, the node number, the three global
force components and the magnitude of the force. (See Figure 33.)

Figure 33: Inquiring on the Applied Forces at a Node

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 38
Exiting Superview

Satisfied that the nodes, elements, boundary conditions and applied force appear correct, quit from Superview.

"File:Exit" Access the FILE pull-down menu and choose "Exit". Superview
will close. You will return to the FEA Object Editor.

You are now ready to analyze the cantilever beam model.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 39
II. Processing

In the processing phase, you will analyze the cantilever beam model with the analysis processor.

1. Analyzing the Model with the Accupak/NLM Analysis Processor

Analysis/ "Analysis:Perform Analysis…" In the ANALYSIS pull down menu, click on the "Perform
Results Analysis" button to access the "Accupak/VE MES - Stress and
Dynamics with Motion" analysis screen.

"Analyze" Click on the "Analyze" button to begin analyzing the model with
the Linear Stress Analysis processor. (See Figure 34.)

Figure 34: Starting the Linear Stress Analysis Processor

If you wish, you can "Pause" or "Stop" the analysis before it runs to completion.

When the analysis is finished, an "Algor Analysis" pop-up window will appear telling you so.

"OK" Click on "OK" to close the pop-up window.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 40
2. Viewing the Processor Statistics and Summary Files

After the analysis is complete or has been stopped, you can view the processor statistics and summary files.

In the analysis screen, under "Output", the "View Statistics" option is active.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the scroll bar in the display window and
scroll through the statistics file.

After viewing the statistics file, view the summary file.

"View Summary" In the "Analysis" screen, under "Output", click on "View

Summary" to display the summary file.
Mouse Use the mouse to scroll through the summary file.
"Done" After viewing the summary file, click on "Done" to close the
"Analysis" screen.

Next, you will use Superview to view the analysis results.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 41
III. Postprocessing
In the postprocessing phase, you will view the analysis results using Superview. Previously, you used Superview as a
preprocessing tool to check the cantilever beam model. Now, you will use Superview as a comprehensive postprocessing tool
to look at the results obtained from the analysis processor. You will examine displacements and stresses as well as
experiment with some of Superview's capabilities.

1. Starting Superview

Execute the Superview program from within the FEA Editor.

Analysis/ "Results:View Contours…" In the RESULTS pull-down menu, choose the "View Contours…"
Results button. The model will open in Superview.

2. Viewing Analysis Results

Reposition the miniaxis to provide an unobstructed view of the model.

Common "Settings:Miniaxis Display…" Access the SETTINGS pull-down menu and choose "Miniaxis
Utilities Display…". The "Miniaxis Display" pop-up window will appear.

"At Fixed Location" Click on "At Fixed Location". A checkmark will appear in the box
to the left, indicating this option is active. The miniaxis will move
to the lower right part of the display area.
"Specify Fixed Location…" Click on the "Specify Fixed Location…" button. The dialog bar
will prompt you to "Click mouse to set fixed miniaxis location."
Mouse Position the cursor in the lower left part of the display area as
shown in Figure 35 and click. The miniaxis will move to the
specified location.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 42
Figure 35: New Location of Miniaxis

Viewing Displacements and Stresses

To see the maximum displacements and stresses, the load step must be changed to load step 20 out of 40 (20/40), which is
where the loading was at its maximum.

"Results:Time Step…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Time Step…".
The "Time Step" pop-up window will appear.
"Number" Click on the "Number" button. In the dialog bar, the cursor will
highlight the "Enter step number:" field.
20<Enter> Type 20 and then press <Enter> to specify the load step where the
force load was at its maximum.

Display the displaced and undisplaced model together for load step 20.

"Results:Displacement Data: Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Displacement
Displaced Model" Data" and then "Displaced Model". The "Displaced Model" pop-
up window will appear. By default, the "Displaced Model On" and
"Undisplaced Model Off" options will be active (i.e., the box to the
left will be checkmarked). The model will be displayed with the
displaced shape and the default scale.
"Undisplaced Model On" Click on "Undisplaced Model On" to activate this option. The
model will be redisplayed with the undisplaced shape as a green
wireframe beneath the displaced shape.
"Calculate Scale" Click on the "Calculate Scale" button. The model will be
redisplayed with the scale calculated for the display area. (See
Figure 36.)

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 43
Figure 36: Displaced Model on Top of the Undisplaced Model

Saving the Model Display as a Specified Graphic File

Superview provides the capability to save a model display in several different graphic file formats. As a demonstration, save
the current model display as a file in a specified graphic file format.

File "File:Save Image As…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and choose "Save Image As…".
Utilities The "Save As" pop-up window will appear.

"Save as type:" Click on the "Save as type:" field. A pull-down menu of options
will appear, enabling you to choose from six graphic file formats
(.bmp, .jpg, .tif, .png, .pcx and .tga).
"JPEG File Interchange Format Click on the option to specify .jpg graphic file format.
"Save" or <Enter> Click on the "Save" button (or press <Enter>) to save the model
display as nlbeam.jpg.

Examine the stresses in the model. Because the model was drawn in terms of inches and all material properties and loadings
were defined in terms of inches and pounds, the stresses displayed will be in terms of pounds per square inch (psi).

First, to isolate the stresses due to bending, look at the stresses in only one direction.

"Results:Stress Tensor…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Stress
Tensor…". The "Stress Tensor" pop-up window will appear.
"Normal…" Click on "Normal…". The "Vector" pop-up window will appear.
The model will be redisplayed with stress tensor contours in the
default X direction.
"Y Direction" Click on "Y Direction". The model will be redisplayed with stress
tensor contours in the Y direction. (See Figure 37.) The bending
stresses are in the direction of the axis of the cantilever beam,
which lies along the Y axis.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 44
Figure 37: Stress Tensor Display in the Y Direction for Load Step 20 of 40

Use Superview's dynamic view capabilities to examine the stress contours more closely.

"View:Dynamic…" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and choose "Dynamic…". The
"Dynamic View" pop-up window will appear.
View "Zoom…" Click on the "Zoom…" button. The cursor will change to a
Utilities magnifying glass, indicating zoom mode.

Mouse Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse upward to zoom in
on the model.
View "Pan…" Click on the "Pan…" button to activate dynamic pan mode. The
Utilities cursor will change to a four-way arrow.

Mouse Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the right to pan
the model to the region with the cutout. (See Figure 38.)

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 45
Figure 38: Using Dynamic View Capabilities to Examine the Stress Contours

View "View:Enclose" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and choose "Enclose" to resize
Utilities and center the model display.

Notice that the legend box has values that are greater than 30,000 and less than -30,000. Recall, in the "Element Material
Specification" data entry screen, the yield stress was specified as 30,000. These results then indicate that portions of the
model have exceeded the yield stress in tension and compression.

Examine the portions of the model that have yielded (in tension).

"Results:General Settings…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "General
Settings…". The "General Settings" pop-up window will appear.
"Threshold" Click in the "Threshold" box. In the dialog bar, the cursor will
highlight the "Enter threshold:" field.
30000<Enter> Type 30000 and then press <Enter> to specify the threshold. The
model will be redisplayed with only those elements that have a
stress tensor value greater than the threshold value.
"Results:Calculations Options…" Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Calculations
Options…". The "Settings" pop-up window will appear.
"Smoothed Display" Click on "Smoothed Display" to toggle this option off (i.e., make
sure the box to the left is not checkmarked). The model will be
redisplayed with the results not averaged across elements. (See
Figure 39.)

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 46
Figure 39: Elements with a Stress Tensor Value Greater than the Threshold Value

"Smoothed Display" Reactivate the "Smoothed Display" option so that results are
averaged across the elements to provide a smoother display.
"Results:General Settings…" Access the "General Settings" pop-up window.
"Threshold" Toggle off the "Threshold" option. The model will be redisplayed
with stress tensor contours for the automatic range.

Examine displacement contours in the model.

"Results:Displacement Data: Access the RESULTS pull-down menu and choose "Displacement
Displacement Contours" Data" and then "Displacement Contours". The "Displacement
Contours" pop-up window will appear. The model will be
redisplayed with displacement contours. (See Figure 40.) The
default option is "Show Magnitudes", which will calculate the
displacement values based on the square root of the sum of the
squares of the displacements in the X, Y and Z directions. Since
all input was in terms of inches, the output of displacements will
also be in terms of inches.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 47
Figure 40: Displacement Magnitude Contours for Load Step 20 of 40

Notice that since the indicated displacements are actually quite small compared to the geometry, this model is not really
classified as being geometrically nonlinear. The nonlinearity in this case is being caused by loading the material into the
plastic realm beyond the yield point. It is important to realize that in the real world, large deformations are not necessarily
required to induce yielding of the material in a structure.

Change to the last load step in order to examine residual stresses and plastic deformations.

"Results:Time Step…" Access the "Time Step" pop-up window.

"Last" Click on the "Last" button to specify the last time step. The model
will be redisplayed with results for time step 40. This is the last
step and it has the force entirely removed. The plastic deformation
caused by yielding the material is now displayed.

When a material is loaded up to the yield point and then unloaded, it will spring back to its original shape. When a material is
loaded beyond the yield point and then unloaded, the material will have a permanent "set" and will not return to its original
shape. A good example of this is a paper clip. If you pull on the free end a very small amount and let it go, it will return to its
original position. If you subject the paper clip to a large deformation, it will go plastic and will not return to its original

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 48
Examine the residual stresses in the model.

"Results:Stress Tensor…" Access the "Stress Tensor" pop-up window.

"Normal…" Click on "Normal…". The model will be redisplayed with stress
tensor contours in the Y direction for step 40.
View "View:Zoom:In…" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and choose "Zoom" and then
Utilities "In…" to zoom in on the model. The "Zoom In" pop-up window
will appear. The dialog bar will prompt you to "Enter first corner
of zoom area."
Mouse Draw a zoom box around the left end of the cantilever beam as
shown in Figure 41. The model will be redisplayed with a zoomed
in view of the residual stresses.

Figure 41: Zooming In on the Residual Stresses

Notice that although the legend has values for the color red, there is little red in the display. This is a result of the averaging
of values across nodes and elements. If one element reports a high stress to a node and another element reports low stress to
the same node, the average of these values will be in between.

Use the "Maximum Absolute Values" command to display the elements with highest stresses more clearly.

"Results:Calculations Options…" Access the "Settings" pop-up window.

"Smoothed Display" Click on "Smoothed Display" to toggle this option off. The model
will be redisplayed with no averaging performed across the
elements for the stress tensor contours
"Maximum Absolute Values" Click on "Maximum Absolute Values" to activate this option. The
model will be redisplayed with elements colored according to the
highest value reported at one of their nodes. The elements
reporting the highest stresses are now more clearly displayed. (See
Figure 42.)

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 49
Figure 42: Residual Stresses in the Y-Direction with "Maximum Absolute Values"

The residual stresses indicate that the upper left corner of the beam is in residual compression and the lower left corner of the
beam is in residual tension. To understand these results, it is important to remember that only a small portion of the beam in
the corners went plastic. The rest of the beam stayed elastic and these regions want to return to their original undeformed
state. The upper left corner of the beam went plastic in tension, so its final state of deformation when unloaded will be longer
than its original state of deformation. When the elastic portions of the beam try to spring back, this area will be put into
compression. The lower left corner of the beam went plastic in compression, so its final state of deformation when unloaded
will be shorter than its original state of deformation. When the elastic portions of the beam try to spring back, this area will
be put into a tensile state of stress.

3. Exiting Superview and the FEA Object Editor

On your own, you can use Superview's features to further examine the model results. When you are ready to exit Superview,
do the following.

"File:Exit" Access the FILE pull-down menu and choose "Exit" to exit
Superview. You will return to the FEA Editor.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 50
For convenient storage and transfer of the model files and results, create an archive.

"Tools:Transfer to Superdraw" Transfer the model to Superdraw. The FEA Editor will close and
the model will be redisplayed in Superdraw III.
"File:Archives:Create…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and choose "Archives" and then
"Create…". The "Archive Creation Options" pop-up window will
"Model and Results" Under "Included Files", click on "Model and Results" to specify
that model files will be archived with results. (See Figure 43.)
"OK" Click on the "OK" button to create an archive of the model files
and results called nlbeam.ach. This archive can be retrieved into
Superdraw III by using the "File:Archives:Retrieve…" command

Figure 43: Creating an Archive of the Model Files and Results

Exit Superdraw III.

"File:Exit" Use the "File:Exit" command to exit Superdraw III.

Congratulations! You have completed this Static Structural with Nonlinear Material Models Tutorial.

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 51
Appendix A. Additional Information
Consult the following sources for more information about finite element analysis:

Suggested Reference Materials

Book I: Finite Element Modeling in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor Publishing
Division, 1994. Available as a reference textbook and multimedia CD-ROM.

Book II: Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Practice. Spyrakos, C.C. and Raftoyiannis, J. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Algor Publishing Division, 1997. Available as a reference textbook.

Finite Element Analysis in Action! Skaar, E.C. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Algor, Inc. Publishing Division, 1995. Available
as a videotape and multimedia CD-ROM.

Other Reference Materials

First Course in Finite Element Method Using Algor. Logan, D. L. A. Boston, Massachusetts: PWS Publishing Company,

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 52
Appendix B. ALGOR Software Reference
The following software version was used in this tutorial:

ALGOR Interface 13.02 22-FEB-2001

Accupak/NLM Analysis Processor 12.12 21-MAR-2000

Note: This tutorial specifically demonstrates use of Accupak/NLM. Accupak/VE can also be used because it
includes the capabilities of Accupak/NLM. If you use Accupak/VE, some of the keystrokes, text and figures will

Superdraw III 12.08 01-DEC-2000

Superview 13.02 6-NOV-2000

2-D Cantilever Beam Model, Revision 13.02printed locally from files supplied electronically. 53

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