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Hi ladies! I wanted to start off my little blurb with one of my favorite little sayings
regarding mental health and ending the stigma surrounding it:

It’s not fight club, we’re allowed to talk about it!

One of the most important things we can do for our mental health is accepting the fact
that it exists and has an impact on our lives. Just like our physical health comes with
bumps and bruises, so does the wiring within our brains. We aren’t less just because we
have a physical disability, so why should we be less if we have a mental one?

Mental health is important, and so is the discussion that surrounds it. Positive and open
conversations allow us the confidence to say that mental illnesses are real, treatable
health conditions with the same rights to seek treatment from professionals that
physical illnesses have.

When we get a cut, we put a bandaid on it. When we break a bone, we get a cast put on
it. Each illness has a different remedy that helps the healing process. When we feel
anxious, we might go see a therapist. When we are overcome with depression, we might
turn to prescription medication. Turning to external sources to help us mitigate our pain
does not make us any less strong, it helps us realize that our healing is not linear, that it
has many ups and downs and twists and turns before we feel quite right again.

It’s so easy to dwindle yourself down and equate your worth with the struggles you face
from anxiety, depression, OCD, or the many other mental disorders. It’s important to
remember that you are SO much more than any problem you may face in life. Ending
the crippling stigma that surrounds mental health is one step further to everyone being
able to recognize that.
Remember: life is tough, but so are you.

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