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Name: Juan Carlos Cevallos Guapacasa

Course: English Module 4-7

Opinion Essay
Is soccer the most beautiful sport in the world?
Known as the sport of a thousand emotions, the one who brings people together from
every corner of the world, fraternizes us and makes us one, especially when the national
team plays, it is surprising how great it is to raise frenzy in the masses.

However, we know that tastes and preferences are variable, since not everyone shares the
same opinion. There are even people not interested in the sport and alluding that it is
simply a waste of time.

The truth is that, without a doubt, in those less interested in this sport, it raises
expectations; here in Guayaquil, at least, you have a party every time you contest "El
Clásico del Astillero" where you live a long-running rivalry between Barcelona and
Emelec. It’s a must-see match that generates thousands of sensations in the fans of the
winner and the loser; in the event of a tie, both fans embrace and enjoy.

Soccer is magical. Just seconds catch up to change the course of history, to twist a fate that
seemed sealed. The example i have mentioned, i hope is of total understanding and
relevant enough to explain why I think soccer is the most beautiful sport in the world.

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