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The Master:
Lost tribe:

Zillah runs and looks around.

Zillah:​​ Father! Father help! They killed them. My brothers, they slew them! Enoch the Wise,
betrayed! Irad the Strong, ambushed! By our own Children.

Zillah starts to cry blood and Caine arrives

Caine: ​I know, my Childe. And for what they have done, they must be punished. But for now
your safety comes first. I promise you, when all is mended, we will walk the night again.

Narrator: ​And so Caine encased Zillah in protective stone, but let the her tears remain flowing
as a reminder to his promise.
Years later the Master traveled with Anosh, a mortal seer who had dreams of a stone that wept
blood. As they traveled the dreams became clearer and clearer.

Anosh:​​ we are close, it must be in this valley.

Narrator: ​The duo traveled through a desert valley, sleeping by day, traveling by night. The soil
seemed iron red. Like a lake of dried blood under the desert moon.

The Master: ​Over there, is this the stone from your dreams?

The Master points towards the stone as it starts to weep blood. The Master approaches and
drinks from the blood.

Anosh: ​What are you doing?

The Master starts to cry and weep.

The Master: ​What have they done? The wretches! I hate them! Hate them! How could you do
this father?
Anosh: ​What happened, are you ok? Why did you drink that?

The Master: ​Dastur,​ ​I am a creature of night and Blood . And for bringing me here, I shall
reward you. I shall make you my Childe.

The Master cuts Anosh and bleeds him out and then Sires him.

Anosh: ​What happened? I don’t understand.. What is this feeling I have?

The Master: ​All shall be revealed, we will have plenty of time as we travel to the Eagle’s Nest.
You need to be introduced to the Clan.

Narrator: ​and so they traveled to Alamut, the Eagle’s Nest of Clan Assamite. The 2 were split
up as the Master went to speak to the leaders of the Clan. Anosh was put into a dark cell. After
days of dark solitude, he heard the voice of another.

Guard: ​Here is some blood, you must be hungry.

Anosh: ​Why are you keeping me here?

Guard: ​Your sire sinned by embracing you. For his crimes, the both of you shall pay.

Narrator: ​many more nights pass and never was Anosh welcomed by his Clan. Many more
nights of darkness and solitude cause Anosh to lose all sense of time. And then one Night

The Master: ​Dastur, come! These fools still revere my Sire. After all the sins that he has done,
we will find no allies here. They tried to find the location of the Stone, but they cannot be

Narrator: ​And so the duo was on the road once more. Until one night, they were met by 3

Assamite1: ​The two of you are ordered to return to Alamut immediately!

Anosh: ​I am not going back to that place.

The Master: ​Hide Dastur! I will handle them

The 3 Assamites draw their weapons and so does the Master.

Narrator: ​A battle ensues and with a skill and speed that Anosh had never seen, the Master
destroys his three clanmembers, coming out of the battle unscathed. The duo left the lands
controlled by Alamamut and returned to the Stone.
Tasting its weeping tears once more Anosh began to understand the burden of his Sire and
together they dedicated their unlives to the duty of defeating the Antideluvians for the betrayal
Years later Anosh stands at the Weeping stone, surrounded by his brothers, childer and

Anosh: ​Gather! Tonight we shall drink of the tears of Zillah. By doing this, we shall destroy the
shackles that the unfaithful generation have used to bind us. Instead we take a much stronger
bond, a bond with Caine himself. He shall protect us against his Grandchilder, as we pledge
ourselves to avenge the deaths of his beloved Childer.

All present drink from the weeping stone

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