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Coal Technology for Power,

Liquid Fuels, and Chemicals
R. D. Srivastava.'!' H. G. Mcllvried 111,(2)
J. C. Winslow,(3) C. ~ Maronde,(4) and
R. ~ Noceti (5 )

INTRODUCTION (with a heating value of 9000-12,000

The United States contains about one-third of BTU/lb) and lignite (with a heating value of
the world's coal reserve s, and coal represents 8000-10 ,000 BTU/lb). Coal is a major source
over 90 percent of US. proven reserves of'fos- of energy for electric power production and
sil fuels. Recoverable reserves of US . coal are process heat and can serve as a source of syn-
estimated to be 250 billion tons. Bituminous thetic fuels and feedstock for the petrochemi-
coals (with a heating value of 10,000- cal industry.
15,000 BTU/lb) comprise nearly one-half of Historically, interest in coal technology has
total US. coal reserves. Eastern US. coals are been cyclic, depending primarily on the price
generally bituminous. Western and south- of petroleum. Coal dominated the US. energy
western US . coals are mainly sub-bituminous picture until the discovery of petroleum. Each
subsequent threat to oil supplies spurred a
renewed interest in coal, which rapidly faded
as major new oil discoveries increased the
(1)Principal Engineer, Science Applications Internat ional supply of oil and lowered its price. The threat
Corporation, National Energy Technology Laboratory,
USDOE. to oil supplies in 1973 produced the historic
(2)Consulting Engineer,ScienceApplications International response, generating increased interest in
Corporat ion, National Energy Technology Laboratory, converting coal to more convenient, cleaner
13lConsultant, National Energy Technology Laboratory, fuels. Coal use for electric power generation
USDOE. has increased, but the economic conversion of
(4lProj ect Manager, National Energy Technology coal to clean transportation fuels still stands
Laboratory, USDOE.
15)Div ision Director, National Energy Technology as one of the key technical challenges of our
Laboratory, USDOE. time.


Bituminous and sub-bituminous coals since 1949, reaching 3.7 tons per miner per
account for the major share of all coal pro- hour in 1989. In 1998, average productivity
duced in the United States. In 2000, production reached 6 tons per miner per hour, largely due
of all types of coal totaled almost 1.1 billion to increased production from large western
short tons, of which about 95 percent was bitu- surface mines and increased use of longwall
minous or sub-bituminous (Fig. 19.1). Despite mining in the eastern United States .
its clean burning characteristics, anthracite, Continued improvements in mine produc-
most of which is mined in northeastern tivity (averaging 6.7% a year since 1978)
Pennsylvania, accounts for a diminishing are projected to cause falling real mine
share of total coal production. Figure 19.2 mouth prices. Higher electricity demand and
presents data on coal consumption in the lower prices, in turn, yield increasing coal
United States. demand. However, this demand is subject to a
Environmental concerns have led to an fixed sulfur emissions cap set by the Clean
increased demand for low-sulfur coal, which Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA 90),
is concentrated in the West. Also, surface which has led to progressively greater
mining, with its higher than average produc- reliance on low-sulfur western coal. The use
tivity, is much more prevalent in the West of western coals can result in up to 85 percent
than in the East. Although more coal is mined reduction in sulfur emissions compared with
east of the Mississippi than west, the share of many eastern coals. As coal demand grows,
western production has increased signifi- however, new coal-fired generating capacity
cantly since 1965, when production of west- is required to use the best available control
ern coal was only 27 million tons (5% of technology: scrubbers and other advanced
the total). By 1999, western production had techniques that can reduce sulfur emissions
increased to 571 million tons (52% of the by 90 percent or more. Thus, there will still be
total). In the period from 1990 to 1998, a market for low-cost, higher-sulfur coal.
medium- and high-sulfur coal production The literature on the subject of coal compo-
decreased from 700 to 636 million tons. sition, structure , and use has grown signifi-
Electric utilities are the dominant consumers cantly during the last two decades, as interest
of coal with consumption growing from 84 in coal research has continued. The future
million tons in 1949 (a 17% share) to 983 mil- of coal science looks bright as researchers
lion tons in 2000 (a 90% share). The percent- continue to make significant contributions to
age of total consumption in 2000 for all other the elucidation of the structure , composition,
sectors was lower than it was in 1949. The and physicochemical behavior of coal.
most dramatic declines occurred in the trans- New analytical techniques have made an
portation sector (as railroads switched to important contribution to these advances. The
diesel engines) and the residential and com- objective of this chapter is to provide a brief
mercial sectors (as people switched from coal review of the state of the art of coal science
to oil and gas for heating). In 1949, residential and technology.
and commercial use accounted for 187 million
tons (39% of the total); but in 2000, consump-
tion in these sectors totaled less than 6 million ORIGIN AND CLASSIFICATION
tons, less than I percent of U.S. coal usage.
Consumption by the industrial sector trended Coal is a brown to black carbonaceous sedi-
downward after the mid-1960s , falling to mentary rock composed of macerals (organic
about 65 million tons in 2000 from 205 mil- material) and minerals (inorganic material).
lion tons in 1966. As Table 19.1 shows, the Coal originated from the remnants of various
United States is the second largest producer of forms of plant life (mosses, ferns, shrubs ,
coal in the world, right behind China. trees, etc.) that flourished in swamps and bogs
Average productivity of all types of mines millions of years ago during prolonged
in the United States has increased each year periods of warm temperatures and abundant
Tot al By Rank
1,200- 800-

ell 600-
c: c:
~ ~
t: t:
o o
s: til 400-
c: c:
~ ~
~ ~
300- 200 -

___ .. Anthracite
o iii iii iii iii iii i i" iii i •• • i 'i' • I ' i ••• III i.'. I" • ",' • • • 0
o ----..----------
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

By Min ing Method By Location

800- 800-

600- ell 600-
c: c:
~ ~ .. ' ,
t: "\ o
,," -, 1'- -,_
J? 400-,' " ......, til 400- ,,-- (")
(/) " , .., , " '-- c:
",,,_, ... - ,'.. -.. '-' ,-' o
sc " Unde rground s »
~ 200 - ~ 200-
,,,,-' ~
West of the Mississippi " , m
,, ::J:
...... ' Z
o I I" i i' I I Iii i • iii' i I' i i Ii I. I I I • I o ·~,-,-;7;--~-I----i-:77"'i..i • I , • I I i i i iii iii iii' I •• or-
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 oC)
Fig. 19.1. Coal Production, 1949-2004. (Annual Energy Review, Energy Information Agency, U.S. Dept. of Energy.) <

By Sector. 2~ Sector Shorn. 1949 and 2004

1.200 '00

..jg llOO 75

., 600

Re'idetlt* ConYnerClill' 1nduItnaI' T~tion'

C')· lftI W'lft IU ~ ~ lonIor " It\M O _ 5 perotnl " ~ .

Soun» TMIII 7.3.

Fig. 19.2. U.S. Coal consumption by sector. (Annual Energy Review, Energy Information Administration.)

TABLE 19.1 Top Coal-Producing As overlying sediments became thicker, the

Countries, 2004 peat was compressed into a solid rock by the
process of lithification. (Typically, 6 ft of peat
Country Production (Million Sh ort Tons)
will form I ft of coal.) This was followed by
China 2,156 coalification, the complex progressive chemi-
United States 1,112 cal changes that convert peat into coal. A
India 444
Australia 391 major reaction occurring during coalification
Russia 309 is the loss of oxygen (in the form of water)
South Africa 268 from the organic material. Thus, as coalifica-
Germany 232 tion proceeds, the oxygen and hydrogen con-
Poland 177
tents of the coal decrease , with a concomitant
Kazakhstan 96
Canada 73 increase in carbon content. The length of time
Ukraine 69 that these reactions proceed and the tempera-
Czech Republic 68 tures and pressures to which the organic mol-
Turkey 51 ecules are exposed determine the degree of
North Korea 34
coalification (maturity) of the coal. Coal rank
Indonesia 12
World total 6079 is a measure of the degree of coalification; as
coalification proceeds, coal rank increases
Source: U.S. EIA from lignite through sub-bituminous and bitu-
minous to anthracite.
rainfall . This accumulated organic matter, Coal is an inhomogeneous rock, because
known as peat, was the precursor of coal. different types of plant material behave differ-
Although the peat may have been altered by ently under coalification conditions , and min-
bacterial and chemical action, overlying water eral matter is not uniformly distributed, either
excluded oxygen and retarded the rate of by type or by amount. Microscopic examina-
decay. This exclusion of oxygen from the peat tion reveals this inhomogeneity by showing
was critical for preser ving the organic matter. that different areas of the coal structure have
Over time, inorganic sediments accumulated a different appearance. The organic compo-
on top of the deposits of plant debris . The nents of coal are classified into six macerals:
gradual rising and lowering of the sea level vitrinite, exinite, resinite , semifusinite , micri-
over time led to deposits of peat alternating nite, and fusinite. The first three of these
with deposits of sand and mud, resulting in macerals are reactive (relatively easily hydro-
the current situation of coal seams interlay- genated or oxidized), and the other three
ered with rock layers. are relatively inert. Most coals are banded,

that is, show a banded structure. Besides Coal Structure

banded coals, there are two types of dull, non- From the above discussion it should be clear
banded coals: (I) cannels, which are rich in that there is no such thing as pure coal. Because
spores, and (2) bogheads, which contain of variations in the organic and inorganic mate-
abundant remains of algae . rial that went into the formation of the coal,
Coals can be classified by rank and/or type. each seam will be different. Furthermore, there
Table 19.2 presents a classification of coals in will be significant differences from point to
the United States according to rank. The fac- point in the same seam. Composition and struc-
tors determining rank (degree of coalifica- ture can vary dramatically between coals of dif-
tion) are moisture, volatile matter (material ferent ranks, or even between coals of the same
that is volatilized when coal is heated at a cer- rank. However, some structural features are
tain temperature for a certain length of time) , common to all coals. I
fixed carbon (the ash-free residue after the In general, at a molecular level, coals are
loss of moisture and volatile matter), heating composed of aromatic and hydroaromatic
value, caking tendency, and weathering prop- building blocks with a variety of substituent
erties. Vitrinite reflectance (a commonly used groups and some cross-linking between
rank indicator for high-rank coals) is meas- adjacent units. Some of these units are not
ured by comparing the intensity of a beam of strictly planar because of the presence of
light incident on a polished vitrinite surface heteroatoms (oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur)
with the light reflected directly back from that and hydro-aromatic portions. Graphite con-
surface. sists of parallel, mutually oriented layers of
An international coal classification carbon atoms separated by a distance of
(Table 19.3) classifies high-rank coals 0.335 urn. The parallel stacking of layers in
according to their volatile-matter content, cal- coal is similar, but lacks mutual orientation
culated on a dry, ash-free (dat) basis. Because between the layers, and the average spacing
volatile matter is not a suitable parameter for between layers is somewhat larger in coal
classifying coals containing more than than in graphite.
33 percent volatile matter, the calorific value Low-rank coals are composed of small
on a moist, ash-free basis is included as a layers that are more or less randomly oriented
parameter for such coals. The resulting and connected by cross links . Thus, the struc-
classes of coal, based on volatile-matter con- ture is highly porous. Medium-rank coking
tent and calorific value , are grouped accord- coals show a greater degree of orientation and
ing to their plastic properties by employing a greater tendency toward parallel stacking.
either the free-swelling or the Roga test. They These coals have fewer cross links and fewer
are then placed in subgroups according to pores than lignites. High-rank coals (prima-
plastic properties, by using either the rily anthracites) show a growth in the individ-
Audibert-Arnu or the Gray-King test. A ual layers , a marked increase in the degree of
three-digit code number is used to identify a orientation, and the development of a new
coal ; the first digit indicates the class of the type of pore that is elongated and parallel to
coal , the second digit indicates the group, and the layers. These coals are the result of the
the third digit indicates the subgroup. highest degree of coalification.
In assessing the suitability of a coal for a par- The identification of the constituents of
ticular purpose, the above classification of coal a complex mixture, such as coal, by molecu-
types must be used with caution. The lar type may proceed in a variety of ways, but
heterogeneous nature of the wide range of plant generally consists of three types of analyses:
materials and minerals that were the genesis of chemical , spectroscopic, and physical.
coal guarantees an almost unlimited range of Mathematical formulas have been developed
chemical constituents within the various types that use the properties measured by these
of coal; and these constituents determine the techniquto derivestructuralparameters.Several
coal's reactivity under specific conditions. good reviews on this subject are available.l -'
Table 19.2 Classification of Coals by Rank"
Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Calorific Value
Limits (%) Limits (%) Limits (BTU/lb) C
(Dry, Mineral- (Dry, Mineral-Matter- (Moist, b Mineral-
Matter-Free Basis) Free Basis) Matter-Free Basis) G')
Equal or Equal or Equal or
Greater Less Greater Less Greater Less Agglomerating :::I:
Class Group Than Than Than Than Than Than Character
I. Anthracitic 1. Meta-anthracite 98 2 lD
2. Anthracite 92 98 2 8 o;:0::
3. Semianthracite 86 92 8 14 Nonagglomerating"
II. Bituminous 1. Low volatile bituminous coal 78 86 14 22
2. Medium volatile bituminous coal 69 78 22 31 2:
3. High volatile A bituminous coal 69 31 Commonly c
4. High volatile B bituminous coal 13,000d agglomerating" rn
14,000 1 .....
11,500 13,000 ::I:l
5. High volatile C bituminous coal
10,500 11,500 Agglomerating
III. Sub-bituminous I. Sub-bituminous A coal 10,500 11,500 Nonagglomerating :::I:
2. Sub-bituminous B coal 9,500 10,500 m
3. Sub-bituminous C coal 8,300 9,500 C;;
IV. Lignitic I. Lignite A 6,300 8,300 ::I:l
2. Lignite B 6,300
"This classification does not include a few coals, principally nonbanded varieties, that have unusual physical and chemical properties and which come within the limits of fixed C
carbon or calorific value of the high-volatile bituminous and sub-bituminous ranks. All these coals either contain less than 48% dry, mineral-matter-free fixed carbon or have
a heating value of more than 15,500 moist, mineral-matter-free British thermal units per pound. S
"Moist refers to coal containing its natural inherent moisture but not including visible water on the surface of the coal. CO)
elf agglomerating, classify in low-volatile group of the bituminous class. 2
dCoals having 69% or more fixed carbon on the dry mineral-matter-free basis shall be classified according to fixed carbon, regardless of calorific value. or-
eIt is recognized that there may be nonagglomerating varieties in these groups of the bituminous class, and there are notable exceptions in high volatile C bituminous group. oG')
TABLE 19.3 International Classification of Coals by Type (Courtesy Bureau ofMines, U.S. Department of the Interior)


,. ,-., ...... _ ..., Id.t .,"hMd by coillne prOO!tf1tn.

GIlO"J••AAAMUfRS The f", t fiCUfe 01 the code n"mbtr lnd-e,tts the clan of tM COoII, <M'.,ml"~ by YOIatlle·tnllter SUBGROUPPARAMETERS
CIlOU. content liP to ll" v. M. • nd by ulol,f,c p.r'INte' .bow.33$ V. M.
NUlllfR 1M UC'onct'..... m.c;'lft the Croup of ca.!. delerml"ed by tailln, pr~rtI.'. S~~~:~PI i
f,....,.. nde.
(cn.c .... The 1I'1Irel "Iur, tndlCatft tht' ,ubl'ouP. detlfmlned by collin, ptOPert.. , . OII,lomel«
...1toI.lncs.. Cit.yo-Kln,

<)S I 535 635 > 140 > GS

434 534 634 >50 -140 G5- GS

>4 >4S
433 S33 633 > 0- 50 GI-G4

432 S32 632 ~ 0 E-G

423 523 623
> 2O-4S 422 >22 622 ~ 0 t-c
421 521 621 Contr.chon onl, I s-o

412 512 612

~O I r-c
1·2 >S-20 --
411 511 611 Cont,.chon only I s-o
I I --
o Ool O-S 400 I SOO 600 I 700 I 800 I 900 NonlOfle"I"1 I A

CUUNUllSfR A, .,. 1f~I(.hon. 1M follcNnnC C~,1ft hhe an

'''ptO.'~I. woI'I~, ·m.n., conlen' of; (")
>3 -10
Volttlle matt., >2S -33
Cian 6 33 -41 C wlal." ~Il.' o
0-3 >3-f6.5 -1>10-14 >14-20 >20-21 >33 >33 >33 >33
(.......·_1 6.5 10 7 33-""
8 35- 50"
.ARAllfTERS 9 42-50"
c.lOnfe . .amel., .!l_ )13.950 > 12.960 -1 >10.910 -1 >10.260- -l
13.950 12.960 10.980 m
IDlttf'mtNd by WltaMe manl' up to 33" V. M. .,.I(J by caklt ihc Nlemettf lbote )]'1 Y. M.t o
"Gross calorific value on moist, ash-free basis (30 C, 96% relative humidity) BTU/lb. -<
Note: (I ) Where the ash content of coal is too high to allow classificat ion according to the pre sent systems, it must be reduced by laboratory float-and-sink method (or any other co
appropriate means). The specific gravity selected for flotation should allow a maximum yield of coal with 5- 10% of ash. (2) 332a ... > 14-1 6% V. M. 332b .. . > 16-20% V. M. CD

Coal Composition and Analyses bed, county, and state can be found in a num-
Coal is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxy- ber of publications, such as the data bank
gen , nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, other elements developed by the U.S. Department of Energy
in trace amounts, and mineral matter. The per- and the Pennsylvania State University Coal
centage of these elements varies considerably, Bank, Bureau of Mines bulletins, Illinois
depending on rank and even within coals of State Geological Survey circulars, and the
the same rank. For coals of different ranks, the Argonne National Laboratory Coal Data Base
largest variation in composition occurs in the (for a limited number of coal samples).
carbon and hydrogen contents, while for coals The heating value (usually reported in BTU/lb)
of the same rank , sulfur and mineral matter given in Fig. 19.3 is the higher-heating value
exhibit the greatest variation. (HHV) , also referred to as the gross heating
The two most common coal analyses are the value. This quantity is defined as the heat pro-
proximate analysis and the ultimate analysis. duced by combustion of a unit quantity of coal
In addition, there are a number of miscella- at a constant volume, under specified condi-
neous analyses. Many of these tests are empir- tions, with all water produced being condensed.
ical, requiring strict adherence to specified The lower heating value (LHV), also referred to
conditions. In the United States , the American as the net heating value, is calculated from the
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) HHV by deducting 1030 BTU for each pound
standardizes these methods. International of water originally present or formed during
standards are developed by the International combustion. The heating value can be estimated
Organization for Standardization. from a number of formulas based on the ulti-
A proximate analysis includes the determi- mate analysis for carbon (C), hydrogen (H),
nation of moisture, ash , volatile matter, and oxygen (0), and sulfur (S). Some correlations
fixed carbon (by difference). The proximate include additional parameters.
analysis, together with total sulfur and heating Nitrogen and sulfur are the two primary
value , is usually sufficient to characterize coal heteroatoms in coal and tend to form environ-
burned for process heating and steam genera- mental pollutants when coal is processed.
tion . An ultimate analysis includes the deter- Therefore, the structure of sulfur and nitrogen
mination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, total compounds in coals , their evolution during
sulfur, chlorine (sometimes), ash , and oxygen thermal decomposition, and the distribution of
(by difference). Other analyses that may be these species in products have been exten-
conducted include not only standard tests, sively investigated. These studies suggest that
such as heating value, free-swelling index, nitrogen in coal is almost entirely contained in
and ash composition, but also special tests to tightly bound ring structures. The nitrogen-
determine trace elements, mineral phases, containing structures evolve from coal without
maceral types, surface properties, conversion cleavage during pyrolysis. Nitrogen com-
potential, and plastic properties. pounds in coal can interfere with synthetic
Standard analyses are described in ASTM fuels processing owing to the fact that most of
and Bureau of Mines publications, but these compounds are basic and are strongly
nonstandard methods must be acquired from adsorbed on the acidic catalysts used, thus poi-
publications dealing with the specific area of soning them . Nitrogen present in coal is con-
interest. For example, the plasti c properties of verted to NO x during combustion, the extent
coal, which are important considerations in of the conversion depending on a variety of
many process designs, can be characterized factors , including oxygen concentration, flame
by various techniques, each having its own temperature, residence time at temperature,
advantages and disadvantages (Table 19.4). and the degree of fuel-air mixing.
Figure 19.3 shows typical heats of combus- Unlike nitrogen that is almost entirely
tion , and Fig. 19.4 shows typical proximate associated with the organic structure of coal ,
analyses (reported on an ash-free basis) of sulfur is present in both the organic and inor-
various coal ranks. Analyses listed by coal ganic const ituents. Inorganic sulfur is present
TABLE 19.4 Summary of Various Techniques to Characterize the Plastic Properties of Coal
Description Advantages Disadvantages
Free-swelling Visual comparison of cokes carbonized under Inexpensive, rapid, reprodu cible. Lack of flexibility ; transition
index/Grey- King well-de fined conditions, with standard conditions. phenomena from coals to coke not
Hot-stage Morpholog ical changes observed by optical Appropriate to supply the changes in maceral s when Provides qualitative informa tion
Microscopy microscopy. heated. "s ubjective."
Foxwell/gas flow Measures the resistance of the gas flow through a Indirectly measures the fluidity of the plastic mass by Requ ires highly purified
Method bed of coal during continuous heating. the pressure differences between the inlet and outlet (oxygen-free) gas to avoid
port s. oxidation.
(a) Constant torque (a) Record s the angular velocity of a rotating shaft Measure s the changes in fluidity as a Does not provide data on swelling
through a bed of coal as a function of func tion oftcmpcratur c: quite sensitive for properti es, limited heating rate s
temp erature. determining extent of oxidation or weathering. (- 3°C/min).
(b) Variable torque (b) Records the changes in torque required to
rotate a cylindrical retort (when coal is
carbonized) at constant speed as a function of
tempe rature .
Dilatometer Expansio n, contraction, and volume change on Provides data on dilation parameters and trans ition Does not provide quantitative
resolidification measured as a function of temp eratures; wide range of heating rates infor mation on changes in flu idity
temperature when heated. « 100°C/min). of coal. (")

Heat of Combustion (ash free)

16000 r--- - - - - -- - -.- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - _

12000 --- --- r - -


::9 8000 t-- ~ - - l- I- - I- -

8.... g 0
CO ~ ~
~ ...

q 0
~ en 2 M
.,; .,;
4000 l - i- ~ ~
I- I- -

Iimml 'I l iiiil!~ 1.!11111:1 r

Fig. 19.3. Heat of combustion of U.S. coals selected to represent t he various ranks. (Courtesy Bureau of

in coal in several forms, such as pyrite (FeSz) (approximately 400°C), producing FeS, HzS,
and sulfates (small amounts). Organic sulfur and organic sulfur compounds. Organic sulfur
is mainly present in ring compounds . Pyrite compounds can be classified into three
decomposes at a relatively low temperature groups, those with loosely bound sulfur, those

with tightly bound sulfur, and an intermediate removing the overburden. Blast holes are
category. The tightly bound sulfur compounds drilled, and explosives are loaded into these
decompose above 500°C, while the loosely holes to shatter the rock cover; earth-moving
bound sulfur compounds decompose at low equipment is used to remove the soil and the
temperatures (about 100°C). Some of the shattered rock. The coal is then collected with
tightly bound organic sulfur compounds are power shovels or other coal-digging machines
formed by incorporating sulfur from pyrite and loaded directly into trucks. When the
decomposition into ring structures. seam is near the top of a hill, the entire hilltop
may be removed to expose the coal. Strip min-
ing can be very efficient, especially in the
COAL MINING AND PREPARATION West, where coal seams can be 100 ft thick or
Coal mines fall into two general more. For example, the Wyodak seam aver-
classifications-surface and underground. ages nearly 65 ft thick.
Production of coal by type of mining for the Auger mining is a supplementary method
United States is shown in Fig. 19.1. used to reach coal in stripped areas where the
overburden has become too thick to be
removed economically. Large augers are oper-
Surface Mining
ated from the floor of the surface mine and
Surface mining techniques are used when the bore horizontally into the coal face to produce
coal is present near the surface, and the over- some reserves not otherwise minable. This
lying strata (overburden) are thin enough to technique is frequently used to supplement
permit economic removal. Surface mining coal recovery from contour mining.
techniques include contour mining, strip min-
ing, and auger mining.
Underground Mining
Contour mining is used in hilly areas, where
the slope of the surface will permit only a nar- Underground mining is somewhat more
row bench cut around the side of a hill; the labor-intensive than surface mining and is
excavation is backfilled immediately after the used to remove coal located too deep for
removal of coal. It is the only method that can surface mining; but here too, machines are
be used on slopes of 15 degrees or higher. used in most instances to dig, load, and haul
Strip mining is used in flat or gently rolling the coal. Access to the coal seam is through
land, predominantly in the Midwest and West, a drift (horizontal passage), a slope, or a shaft
where large, efficient equipment can be used. (Fig. 19.5), depending on the location of the
In this technique, the coal is exposed by coal seam.


Fig. 19.5. Three types of entrances to underground mines-shaft, slope, and drift. (Courtesy Bureau of

A drift mine is one that enters a coal mining. The seam should be over 42 in. thick
seam exposed at the surface on the side of to accommodate the large coal cutter or plow
a hill or mountain. The mine follows the coal that is used, and a large reserve is necessary.
horizontally. The use of longwall mining has increased
A slope mine is one where an inclined significantly in the past several years to the
tunnel is driven through the overlying rock to point where it accounts for 30-40 percent of
the coal, with the mined coal removed by underground production. Despite the increase
conveyors or trucks. in the use of longwall mining, subsidence
A shaft mine is one where a vertical shaft is remains a significant problem. Surface struc-
dug from the surface to reach the coal, which tures can suffer significant damage, and wells
may be at great depth. The coal is then mined and streams can be disrupted.
by horizontal entry into the seam, with the A modification of this method, using a con-
recovered coal hoisted to the surface through tinuous mining machine on faces up to 150 ft
the vertical shaft. long, is known as shortwall mining. It uses the
Two general systems are used in under- roof support system of self-advancing chocks
ground mines: room-and-pillar mining and developed for longwall operations.
longwall mining.
In room-and-pillar mining, coal removal
Coal Preparation
progresses in a nearly horizontal or low-angle
direction by opening multiple stopes or Coal preparation is a term applied to upgrading
rooms, leaving coal pillars to support the coal to make it suitable for a particular use; this
vertical load. This system recovers about includes blending and homogenization, size
50 percent of the coal and leaves the mined reduction, and beneficiation or cleaning. It is
area looking much like a checkerboard. It is this last aspect, as well as the degree to which
used in areas where the overlying roof rock it is required, that most significantly governs
has geologic characteristics that provide good the cost of coal preparation. Figure 19.6 shows
support. This system was used in old mines, levels of cleaning in terms of broad categories.
where the coal was hand-dug. Two current Only about one-third of the 3.3 billion metric
methods for extracting the coal from the seam tons of coal produced every year is at present
are the conventional method, where the coal is cleaned by breaking, crushing, screening, and
undercut and blasted free, and the continuous wet and dry concentrating processes.
method, where a machine with a rotating cut- The purpose of coal cleaning" is to remove
ter head moves along the coal face to extract mineral matter, consisting of rock, slate,
the coal instead of blasting it loose. Roof pyrite, and other impurities, and to increase
control is the major problem for room-and- the organic content. Coal cleaning typically
pillar mining. Ninety-eight percent of room- involves size reduction, particle sizing, clean-
and-pillar mining is by the continuous ing, and dewatering. In general, cleaning
method. processes utilize differences in density or
Longwall mining uses a machine that moves surface properties between the organic and
back and forth across the face of the coal mineral matter in the coal. Depending upon
seam in large rooms to remove up to the size of the coal particles being cleaned,
100 percent of the coal along faces of up to cleaning techniques can be divided into three
1000 ft or more across. As coal is removed, areas: coarse, medium, and fine.
the mining machine moves forward, and the The vast majority of the coal cleaned
roof is allowed to collapse behind. Coal commercially is separated by processes that
recovery using this method is greater than in rely on the density differential of the various
room-and-pillar mining, and the method can components. Technologies that make separa-
be used where roof conditions are fair to poor. tions on this basis are particularly effective
Strong roof rock, however, can be a problem, for treating the coarse to intermediate sizes of
since roof collapse is desired in this type of coal (i.e., particle sizes ranging from greater





Fig. 19.6. Different levels of coal cleaning and the effect on coal recovery and economics.

Froth Flotation
Oil AgglomeratIOn


Dense - Medium Cyclone

Shaking Table

o 0.1 1JI to tao

AppIIc8bII SID R8ng. (1IIIl)

Fig. 19.7. Coal-cleaning equipment in common use in the coal industry with respect to the coal size

than 10 cm to about 0.1-0.5 mm), with effi- effective in removing pyrite from coal. With
ciency decreasing as particle size decreases. very few exceptions, coal cleaning is done
Centrifugal force is often applied to improve using aqueous media. Figure 19.7 shows var-
separation, particularly for finer particles. ious coal-cleaning methods and the corre-
Density-based processes are particularly sponding size ranges of the coal treated.

The first step in most coal-cleaning opera- use a suspension of fine magnetite in water to
tions is size reduction, the main objective achieve a fluid with the desired density. Dense-
being to liberate mineral matter from organic medium systems are more expensive to install
matter. Typically, coal is crushed to 2-4 in. and operate than water-only systems, but their
top size, and no grinding is performed. Size superior performance makes them particularly
reduction equipment ranges from heavy-duty well suited for cleaning difficult-to-clean
crushers and breakers, capable of crushing coals.
lumps up to a meter in size, to coal pulveriza-
tion equipment, capable of milling coal to a
Medium-Coal Cleaning
fine powder. Grinding the coal finer liberates
more mineral matter, but fine coal is more Medium-size coal, which is usually the second
difficult and expensive to process. The ease largest weight fraction, includes coal ranging
with which coal can be ground (coal hard- in size from ~ in. to 28 mesh (0.5 mm).
ness) is measured in terms of the Hardgrove The principal techniques used for medium-
Grindability Index (HGI). A high HGI (>80) coal cleaning are dense-medium cyclones,
indicates soft, easy to grind coal, and a low hydrocyclones, spirals, and wet concentrating
HGI (~35) indicates difficult-to-grind coal. tables. All of these equipment types are
Details on size reduction can be found in var- widely used in the coal industry, with the
ious books on coal preparation.V' dense-medium cyclone being the most effi-
After the coal is crushed, it is generally cient and prevalent. In a dense-medium
screened to separate the raw coal into various cyclone, a mixture of raw coal and a dense
sizes for cleaning operations. Screening of medium (magnetite suspension) enters the
coal particles above ~-in. size usually is carried cyclone tangentially near the top, producing
out dry. Double-deck vibrating screens com- free-vortex flow. The refuse is discharged
monly are used for this purpose. For sizing through the underflow orifice, and the clean
below ~ in., wet screening is used, employing coal is discharged from an axial outlet located
either high-frequency vibrating screens or the at the top of the cyclone. When only water is
Sieve Bend. Classifying cyclones are used to used in a cyclone for cleaning coal, it is called
size coals finer than 100 mesh. a hydrocyclone. The spiral separator is usually
8-10 ft in height and consists of a trough going
downward in a spiral. The coal slurry is fed in
Coarse-Coal Cleaning
at the top; and, as the slurry follows the spiral
Coarse coal, which is usually the largest down, centrifugal force separates the coal from
weight fraction in the coal feed to the clean- the denser mineral matter. Wet concentrating
ing plant, typically has a size greater than tables, also known as shaking tables, work
~ in. Jigging and dense-medium separation much like the classical miner's pan.
are the most frequently used coarse-coal
cleaning techniques. In jigging, the separation
Fine-Coal Cleaning
of coal from mineral matter is accomplished
via a fluidized bed created by a pulsating Coal below 0.5 mm in size, classified as fine
column of water, which produces a stratifying coal, typically makes up 5-20 percent of the
effect on the raw coal. The lighter coal parti- feed to the cleaning plant. It is generally
cles rise to the top, overflow at the end of the processed by methods such as froth flotation,
jig, and are removed as clean product. The which depend on surface properties. In froth
denser mineral matter settles and is removed flotation, the fine coal slurry, to which a small
as refuse. Dense-medium separations include amount of flotation agent (usually fuel oil and
processes that clean raw coal by immersing it a short-chain alcohol, such as methyl isobutyl
in a fluid with a density intermediate between carbinol) is added, is processed through
the density of clean coal and that of reject a flotation cell. In the cell, fine bubbles are
mineral matter. Most dense-medium washers generated by using either forced air or suction.

The coal, being hydrophobic, attaches to the Separator, the Falcon Concentrator, and the
air bubbles and rises to the top, where it Knelson Concentrator. The development of
is removed as froth. The refuse, being advanced ultrafine dense-medium systems,
hydrophilic, remains in the water and is such as Carefree CoaFM and MicroMag, also
removed from the bottom. The process is very have the potential to improve cleaning of coal
effective in recovering high-grade coal at fines. However, none of these processes has
moderate cost. yet achieved any significant degree of
Conventional mechanical flotation cells commercialization.
have been widely used in the industry for An oil agglomeration process that utilizes
many years and remain the primary means of oil, or a similar hydrocarbon, to agglomerate
cleaning coal particles smaller than 100 mesh. coal and leave mineral matter in aqueous sus-
These units consist of a number of cells (usu- pension has been tested on pilot and commer-
ally 4-6) connected in series, each cell cial scales. Other processes (high-gradient
containing a mechanical agitator and aerator. magnetic and electrostatic cleaning) utilize
The feed slurry, pretreated with frother and, differences in magnetic and electrical charge
usually, collector reagents, passes from one properties of the mineral matter present in
cell to the next with the most floatable coal coal. None of these processes has achieved
being recovered in the first cell and the least significant commercial success.
floatable coal in the last cell. Conventional mechanical dewatering
A newly developed alternative to mechani- devices, such as vibrating screens and vibrat-
cal flotation cells is column flotation. Column ing basket centrifuges, are effective in
flotation differs from conventional flotation in dewatering coarse and medium coal to mois-
that columns have a much greater height-to- ture levels of less than 5 percent. Vibrating
width ratio and do not require mechanical and high-speed vibrating screens are typically
agitation to induce particle-bubble attachment. used to dewater coal larger than about ~ in.
Columns are claimed to be more effective For coal in the ~ in. X 30-mesh size range,
than conventional cells for beneficiating finer vibrating basket centrifuges have proven to be
particles due to better control of bubble size highly effective and are widely used through-
(smaller is better), improved particle-bubble out industry.
interaction, and froth washing capabilities. One of the biggest problems in processing
There are a number of similar column fine coal is dewatering and drying. Fine coal
processes, with each possessing one or more dewatering is one of the most costly opera-
unique technological advances. Among the tions in the coal-cleaning plant; and, there-
most significant of these are Microcel'P', fore, a significant number of operators bypass
Kenflote''Y, Flotaire, and the packed column. this operation by discarding coal fines
The Jameson Cell differs from other columns directly to their waste slurry impoundments.
in that particle-bubble contact is achieved in Although these impoundments create a
a downcomer tube, where air and feed mixing tremendous environmental liability and repre-
occurs in a venturi-type system, rather than in sent a loss of valuable coal resources, they
the slurry column itself. The MicrocelP' has still are widely used with an estimated 30-50
been applied commercially for the recovery of million tons of coal being added to ponds
fines from both freshly mined coal and refuse each year. Abandoned and active ponds in
ponds and has also realized significant appli- the United States are estimated to contain 2-3
cations in the minerals industry. billion tons of coal.
In addition, improved separation of fine Vacuum filtration and screen-bowl cen-
particles has resulted from recent advances trifuges are the principal unit operations used
in density-based separation techniques. This for mechanical dewatering of fine coal.
includes the development of several new water- Pressure filtration (plate and frame filter
only devices, such as various concentrating presses and continuous belt filter presses) is
spirals, the Kelsey Jig, the Multi-Gravity used to a much lesser extent to dewater fine

coal and refuse. Sedimentation devices (thick- up to 4000g, and an electro-acoustic technique
eners, including conventional, high-rate , and that utilizes the synergistic effect of electric,
multiplate units) are widely used to provide ultrasonic, mechanical, and surface chemical
clarified water for recycle back to the plant forces to remove moisture from the cake.
and to preconcentrate dilute slurries (usually
refuse fines) prior to dewatering or disposal.
Chemical Coal Cleaning
Thickener operation almost always requires
the use of flocculants (primarily synthetic Chemical cleaning processes utilize alkali
polymers or, to a lesser extent, modified or acid to leach out the impurities present
starches) to promote particle settling. in coal. Chemical methods are effective in
The use of screen-bowl centrifuges has removing both organic and pyritic sulfur. For
increased significantly in popularity to the example, the Molten Caustic Leaching
point where now they are the predominant Process is quite effective in its ability to
method for dewatering fine coal. Compared remove both organic and pyritic sulfur, min-
with vacuum filters, these units provide lower eral matter, and trace elements from coal. 7
operating costs and increased moisture reduc- The process consists of treating coal with
tions; however, typically 10-15 percent of the molten caustic (usually a eutectic mixture
coal entering the unit is lost to the effluent. of sodium and potassium hydroxides) at
These units typically produce filter cakes in 35D-400°C for up to 4 hr. The treated coal is
the range of 15-20 percent moisture. washed with water and dilute acid to give
Solid-bowl centrifuges occasionally are used a low-ash, low-sulfur product. The major
on very fine coal, where coal losses using drawbacks of chemical cleaning processes are
screen-bowl centrifuges would be excessive. economics and the need to use corrosive
The primary form of vacuum filtration is materials. The optimum coal desulfurization
the rotary-disk vacuum filter, which consists scheme may include both physical and chem-
of multiple vertical disks , connected by ical treatment.
a horizontal hollow shaft, that are partially
submerged in open tanks containing the
slurry to be dewatered. A vacuum is applied COAL UTILIZATION
to the portion of the disk that is submerged to The vast majority of the coal produced is
draw slurry toward the filter medium sup- burned to generate heat and power. The next
ported by the disk to form a filter cake on the most important use is for the production of
surface of the filter as water passes through. metallurgical coke. Other uses are for the pro-
As the disk rotates out of the slurry, the filter duction of synthetic fuels and as a raw mate-
cake is dried by the continuing vacuum rial for the production of chemicals. This
action, and a final product is produced by section discusses the technologies involved in
pressurized air blowback and mechanical these uses of coal."
scrapers. Flocculating agents may be added to
the slurry prior to filtration to improve dewa-
tering performance. These systems typically Environmental Concerns
Related to Coal Use
produce final product moistures in the range
of20-30 percent depending on the percentage As discussed above, coal contains many of the
of minus 200-mesh material in the feed. elements in the periodic table, at least in trace
Filtration devices that utilize high-pressure amounts; and, during processing and/or com-
forces are capable of reducing moisture in the bustion, these elements or their compounds
filter cake to about 20 percent, but capital and can be released into the environment.
operating costs are high for these devices. Examples of harmful pollutants that can
Other newly developed techniques that result from coal use are sulfur dioxide, sulfur
have been tested on a pilot scale include an trioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates, hydro-
ultrahigh-g centrifuge, which generates forces gen chloride, mercury vapor, and a wide

variety of trace metals. In addition, most uses changes, and their extremely large steam-
of coal result in the production of carbon generating capacity. Large units can generate
dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas as much as 9.5 million pounds of steam per
from the point of view of the quantity in the hour at 3500 psig and 1000°F. Smaller indus-
atmosphere. Since coal has the lowest HIC trial installations typically favor stoker firing.
ratio of the fossil fuels, coal combustion
releases more CO2 per unit of heat released Stoker Firing. Stokers have been in opera-
than combustion of oil or gas. Because of tion for more than 150 years and are still used
these problems, considerable effort is being to fire small-capacity boilers, generally for
expended on developing technologies to steam production. There are several types of
permit the use of coal with minimum envi- stokers, which are classified by the method of
ronmental degradation. The discussions coal feeding and the relative flow directions
on the various coal utilization processes in of the fuel and air. The three main types are
the following sections include techniques to underfeed, crossfeed, and overfeed. Both fuel
mitigate environmental concerns. and air flow in the same direction in retort
stokers; this arrangement is called underfeed
burning. The fuel moves across the air direc-
COMBUSTION tion in chain- or traveling-grate stokers;
In the United States, approximately 90 percent this design is called crossfeed burning.
of the coal consumed annually is burned in The spreader stoker approximates overfeed
boilers to generate steam'r '! to run turbines burning, the incoming fuel moving toward the
for electric power production. The burning of air. Except for certain types of coal gasifiers,
coal in small-scale combustion devices for in which lump coal moves downward toward
direct heating is more significant outside the a grate against air (or oxygen and steam)
United States, so that, on a worldwide basis, coming through the grate, no conventional
about 55 percent of the coal produced is used combustion system operates purely in the
for electricity generation. overfeed mode. Table 19.7 gives the approxi-
mate capacity range for each type of stoker.
An example of a crossfeed chain-grate
Combustion Equipment
stoker being used to heat a fire-tube boiler is
A summary of the most important direct given in Fig. 19.8. This stoker consists of an
combustion processes for coal is given in endless track of grate bars that pass over rotat-
Table 19.5. Options for firing industrial and ing sprockets at each end, similar to a con-
electric utility boilers are stokers, pulverized- veyor belt. Coal is fed onto one end of the
coal-fired burners, and cyclone burners, the grate, using a hopper, to a depth of about 4 in.
choice depending on the kind of coal and The coal burns as it moves along the grate,
the amount of steam needed. Table 19.6 lists and, at the far end of the grate, only ash
the types of coal that can be burned with the remains. The ignition of the coal is assisted by
various combustion systems. Although good radiant heat from a refractory lining.
results usually will be obtained with the indi-
cated coal and firing equipment, this table Pulverized-Coal Firing. The burner and
should be used only as a rough guide, and furnace configurations for the main types of
final equipment selection should be based on pulverized-coal firing (often called suspen-
a sound engineering analysis. sion firing) are shown in Fig. 19.9. There are
Electric utility and large industrial plants some design variations among various verti-
favor pulverized-coal-fired and cyclone-fired cal, impact, and horizontal suspension firing
furnaces because of their inherent capability systems, but these schematic drawings serve
to effectively burn a range of coal types with to illustrate the general principles.
varying qualities, their comparatively high Coal-fired boilers are further differentiated
availability, their quick response to load by the operating mode, either dry-bottom or
TABLE 19.5 Summary of Direct Combustion Coal Process (Smoot) 2:!
Extent of Coal m
Use In u.s. Commercial Scale Size en
Process Type Description (% ofTotal Used) Use (TPD)' Coal Types Coal Size ::I:
Power station Commercial electricity 78-80 c
production l:D
Pulverized Rapid burning of finely Common 1000-10000 All 0.Ql-0.025 mm o;ill;
grained goal
Fluidized-bed" Well-stirred combustion Pilot plant 2000-8000 All 0.15-0.6 em o
Stoker Mechanically fed fixed bed Small 100 Noncaking 1-5 ern 2:
MHD Combustion energy capture Laboratory 80Q-4000 C
by magnetic fields en
Coal/oil mixture Burning coal/oil mixtures Demonstration -I
(COM) in oil furnaces s....
Industrial heat/steam Industrial plant power 8-11
Pulverized Small 1-100 o
Fluidized-bed Pilot 1-100 Same as above m
Stoker Common 1-100 iii
COM Demonstration 1-100 -I
Domestic/commercial Hand-stoked space heating 1 0.005-0.05 Noncaking 3-10 cm ~
Transportation Fuel for railroads 0.01-0.02 0.1-1 Noncaking »
aTPD = tons/day; "Very adaptable, exhibits high heat transfer in bed as well as low-level pollutant products. l:D
Source: Excerpted from Smoot, L. D. in Fossil Fuel Combustion, William Bartok and Adel F. Sarafin (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991. (5
Copyright © 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and used by permission of the copyright owner. m

TABLE 19.6 Suitability of Various Combustion Systems for Various Coals

Under Traveling or Pulverized-Coal Cyclone
Fuel Feed Chain Gate Spreader Burner Burner

Anthracite X X
17-25% volatile X X X X
25-35% volatile X X
strongly coking X X X X X
weakly coking X X X X
Lignite X X X X

TABLE 19.7 Approximate Capacity wet-bottom (slagging), depending on whether

Range of Stokers the ash leaves the boiler as a solid or as a liq-
uid. Most modern pulverized-coal-fired boil-
Grate Heat
Steam Release
ers are of the dry-bottom type, in which the
Production (1000 BTUlhr/ft2 ash is cooled before contacting any surface. 12
Type (1000Ib/hr) (max)) Wet-bottom firing provides a more conven-
Single retort 5-50 200 ient method of ash removal and disposal but
Multiple retort 40-300 300 has several disadvantages, including less
Traveling or chain grate 10-300 300 flexibility in fuel selection, higher incidence
Spreader 10-300 1000 of fouling and corrosion, and higher levels of



Fig. 19.8. Example of a chain-grate stoker equipped with a fire-tube boiler. (Reprinted with permission
from Schobert, H.H., Coal: The Energy Source of the Past and the Future, American Chemical Society,
Washington D.C., Copyright 1987, American Chemical Society.)

The other types of suspension firing

use burners in which the primary air, coal,
and secondary air are mixed just before or
immediately after entering the furnace. With
tangential firing, the burners are arranged in
vertical banks at each comer of a square, or
nearly square, furnace and directed tangen-
tially toward an imaginary circle in the center
of the furnace. This produces a vortex with its
axis along the vertical centerline. The burners
consist of an arrangement of slots, one above
vUTlCAl 'litHe M()R110~iU.L ,.RtNC
the other, admitting through alternate slots the
primary air-fuel mixture and secondary air.
The burners can be tilted upward or down-
ward 30 degrees from the horizontal plane,
enabling the operator to control superheat and
to permit selective utilization of furnace
heat-absorbing surfaces. In tangential firing,
the turbulence needed for mixing the fuel and
air is generated in the furnace instead of in the
TANC(HTIAl 'IRIMG fROM The other major type of pulverized-
coal-fired boiler is the wall-fired boiler.
Fig. 19.9. Methods of firing pulverized and In wall-fired units, instead of being mounted
crushed coal. (Courtesy Bureau of Mines) in the comers, the burners are mounted on the
walls of the furnace. They may be mounted on
NO x formation, that have led to its virtual only one wall, or they may be mounted on
elimination in the United States.P opposing walls. The burners typically are
The first suspension-fired furnace in the mounted in a grid pattern.
United States was designed like the one
shown for vertical firing in Fig. 19.9. Cyclone Firing. Cyclone firing is a form
Pulverized coal (about 70% through a 200- of two-stage wet-bottom firing in which the
mesh screen) is transported to the burner with coal is not pulverized, as for suspension fir-
primary air, amounting to about 20 percent of ing, but is crushed to 4-mesh size and admit-
the total air needed for complete combustion. ted tangentially with primary air to a
The balance of the air, known as secondary water-cooled cylindrical chamber called a
air, is admitted through openings in the fur- cyclone furnace, as shown in Fig. 19.9. The
nace wall. Because a large percentage of the finer particles bum in suspension, while the
total combustion air is withheld from the fuel coarser ones are thrown by centrifugal force
stream until it projects well down into the fur- to the furnace wall. The wall, having a sticky
nace, ignition stability is good. This type of coating of molten slag, retains the coal parti-
firing is well suited for coals that are difficult cles until they complete combustion.
to ignite, such as those with less than Secondary air, which is admitted tangentially
15 percent volatile matter. Although no longer along the top of the furnace, completes the
used in central-station power plants, this combustion of the coarse particles. Slag
design, with delayed admission of secondary drains continuously into the main furnace and
air, may find favor again if low-volatile chars through a tap hole into a water-filled slag
from various coal-conversion processes tank, where it solidifies. The main advantage
become available for burning for heat and of cyclone firing is the ability to use larger
power. coal particles. However, being a wet-bottom

technique, it suffers from the disadvantages versatility allows engineers to develop

discussed above. In particular, the high tem- FBC systems that are tailored to specific
perature required to melt the slag results in applications. This can result in significant
high NO x production. cost savings when compared with other
Fluidized-Bed Combustion. In the past The application of fluidized bed boilers
20 years, fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) to electric utility stations should reduce
has advanced from the laboratory and pilot- operating costs and increase efficiency
plant scale to commercial status. A fluidized- compared with conventional pulverized-coal-
bed combustor consists of a vessel containing fired plants of the same capacity equipped
a granular material, such as sand, coal ash, or with emission controls. The principle of
limestone. This bed is fluidized by blowing air the fluidized-bed combustor is illustrated
up through it. Fuel particles are injected into schematically in Fig. 19.10.
the bed and bum as they contact the oxygen Interest is increasing in running units at
in the air. As ash particles agglomerate, elevated pressures (6-15 atm) in order to
they sink to the bottom of the bed and are reduce equipment size, lower emissions,
removed. Fluidized-bed combustors are very reduce sorbent requirements, and increase the
flexible with respect to the fuel that can be thermal efficiency by using a gas turbine in
burned, and almost any carbonaceous addition to a steam turbine in a combined
material that can be injected into the bed can cycle. There is also a trend away from
be used. Steam tubes are generally immersed bubbling beds and toward circulating beds,
in the bed, where the heat transfer coefficient which use finer solids and higher velocities
is high. and are able to use sorbents more efficiently.
Although this technology is not yet widely Severallarge demonstrationsofFBC technol-
used in the electrical power industry, the ogy for electrical power generation have proven
potential advantages are clear. (1) The bed the viability of this technology. These include
temperature is low, about 1550°F, which the llO-MW(e) atmospheric pressure circulat-
means less formation of NO x and the reten- ing fluidized-bed boiler at the Colorado-Ute
tion of some of the sulfur in the ash of certain Electric Association's Nucla Station, which
coals. (Adding dolomite or limestone to the began operation in August 1988. A second
bed greatly improves sulfur retention.) Of project is the American Electric PowerTidd 70-
equal importance is less volatilization of MW(e) pressurized fluidized-bed combustor!
sodium and potassium in the coal; conse- combined-cycle demonstration, which began
quently, there are fewer deposits on, and generating power in December 1990.Both proj-
corrosion of, the furnace, superheater, and ects were partly funded by DOE's Clean Coal
reheater tubes. (2) Heat-transfer rates from the Technology Program.!"
fluidized bed to the immersed heat-transfer
surfaces are relatively high, as much as 100
BTU (hr ft2 OF). (3) Temperature control is Boiler Types
easier, because rapid mixing in the bed results Industrial and utility boilers are broadly classi-
in a relatively uniform bed temperature. fied as fire-tube or water-tube. In fire-tube
(4) FBC has the capability to bum many kinds boilers, the hot combustion gases pass through
of coal and is less sensitive to changes in coal tubes, and heat is transferred to water outside
heating value or ash characteristics than other the tubes. Most steam locomotives had this
combustion methods. (5) FBC is adaptable to type of boiler. The most common and least
several kinds of power generation cycles expensive boiler of this type is the horizontal
(e.g., co-generation or combined cycle), can return tubular (HRT) boiler. However,because
operate at atmospheric or elevated pressure, of the design and construction of fire-tube
and can use bubbling or circulating beds with boilers, there is a definite limitation to their
in-bed or external heat exchangers. This size and the pressure that they can tolerate.

Flue Gas




Solid Fuel ReinJection Discard

and Sulfur
Limestone l---Air
Fig. 19.10. Basic components of a fluidized bed combustor. (Shang, J.Y., Department of Energy,
Morgantown, WV.)

Water-tube boilers may be broadly classi- TABLE 19.8 Approximate Range of

fied as straight-tube and bent-tube types; the Capacities of Various Types of Industrial
latter have several variations in design and are and Utility Boilers
preferred for applications where higher Maximum Design
capacities and steam pressures are required. Type (Ib steam/hr) Pressure (psig)
In both types, heat is transferred by radiation
Fire tube (HRT) 1,000-15,000 250
or convection to the outside of the tubes, and
Water tube
water flows inside the tubes as a result of Straight 15,000-150,000 2,000
thermal circulation, or in the case of certain Bent, three-drum, 1,000-35,000 400
bent-tube boilers, as the result of forced cir- low-head
culation. A comparatively new version of the Two-drum, vertical 1,000-350,000 1,000
Electric utility Up to 9,000,000 3,500
forced-circulation, bent-tube boiler for central
station power plants is the "once-through"
type. The feed-water passes progressively
Pollution Controls
through the heating, evaporation, and super-
heater sections; no drum is used for separat- Coal combustion is drawing increasing scrutiny
ing steam from unvaporized water as in other because of concerns over coal's contribution to
boilers, so the ratio of water circulated in the several environmental problems: acid rain
boiler to steam generated is unity. Table 19.8 (from oxides of sulfur and nitrogen), global
presents approximate ranges of steam capac- warming (from CO2) , and particulates and trace
ity and pressure for the principal types of elements (from ash).15 Despite increasingly
boilers. stringent environmental regulations, coal is

likely to remain an implants in the United capture agent, such as limestone, to the bed,
States and many other countries.l'v" The and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
amount of coal burned is likely to increase (IGCC) systems convert the sulfur in the coal
steadily in developing countries like China to hydrogen sulfide, which can be removed
and India. The combustion of coal is also easily from the fuel gas stream before it is
important in a number of eastern European burned.
economies, such as Poland. Consequently, Most of the NO x emitted from coal com-
there is a strong impetus for developing bustion is in the form of nitric oxide (NO).
highly efficient clean coal technologies. Some of the NO x originates from oxidation of
Achieving significant reduction of SOz and nitrogen in the coal, and the rest comes from
NO x emissions from coal combustion is a the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen in the
major goal of the 1990 Clean Air Act combustion air. Consequently, partial control
Amendments. The achievement of these goals of NOx can be achieved by changing the con-
has been assisted by a U.S. DOE effort known ditions of the combustion process. This usu-
as the Clean Coal Technology Program, which ally involves the use of staged combustion, in
has provided government funding for a range which coal is first burned at fuel-rich condi-
of advanced pre- and post-combustion tech- tions, followed by addition of secondary air to
nologies to mitigate environmental problems. complete combustion at fuel-lean conditions.
Emissions of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, Staged combustion decreases NOx by lower-
and particulates from coal combustion are ing both oxygen concentration and tempera-
problems of increasing concern and regula- ture during combustion. So-called 10w-NOx
tion. Coal combustion contributes about burners have been developed that can be
25 percent of the particulate matter, 25 percent retrofitted to most utility boilers to reduce
of the sulfur oxides, and 5 percent of the NO x emissions.
nitrogen oxides emitted to the atmosphere. Other techniques that have been developed
Much of the particulates are derived from the to reduce NOx emissions involve post-
mineral content of the coal, but some particu- combustion operations, such as reburning,
lates also result from sulfur and nitrogen selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR), and
oxides that react to form various sulfate and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). In reburn-
nitrate salts. A major concern about particu- ing, additional fuel (natural gas, oil, or pul-
late matter is that the smallest particles are verized coal) is added to the combustion
respirable and may pose a health hazard. gases downstream of the main combustion to
Particulate matter is recovered in most power result in fuel-rich, reducing conditions, which
plants by the use of electrostatic precipitators, convert NO x into nitrogen and water. Overfire
which have been developed to very high effi- air is then added to complete combustion, but
ciencies (>99%). Other methods of particu- because of the lower temperature, additional
late removal include baghouses and cyclone NO x is not formed. In SNCR, ammonia or
collectors. urea is injected into the furnace to react with
An important technology for removal of NO x and form N z. For SNCR to be effective,
SOz is Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD), car- the flue gas, after urea or ammonia injection,
ried out in units known as scrubbers. Most must spend a minimum residence time within
scrubbers contact the flue gas with a slurry of a specific temperature range. In SCR, ammo-
lime or limestone to capture the sulfur oxides nia is injected into the flue gas, which then
and produce a sludge containing calcium sul- passes over a catalyst where reduction of NO x
fite and calcium sulfate. However, disposal of to N, occurs. SCR is used extensively in
sludge is another environmental problem, and Japan and Germany; and, because of decreas-
some scrubbers include oxidation to convert ing costs, its use in the United States is
all the calcium sulfite to sulfate (gypsum), steadily increasing. SCR is attractive because
which can be used for wallboard manufacture. it can remove upwards of 90 percent of the
Fluidized-bed combustion units add a sulfur NO x' Fluidized-bed combustors, in which

combustion occurs at a lower temperature methane and other gases), which is cleaned of
than in PC fired furnaces, generally produce H2S, NH 3, HCI, and particulates and then
less NO x' burned in a gas turbine. The hot exhaust gases
Another pollutant which is coming under from the gas turbine are used to generate
increasing scrutiny is mercury.17,18 Coal con- steam that drives a steam turbine. An impor-
tains trace amounts of mercury (an average of tant advantage is that the thermal efficiency
about 0.1 ppm) which, because of its high of a combined-cycle plant exceeds 40 percent,
volatility, is released into the atmosphere when whereas that of a conventional pulverized-
the coal is burned. Approximately 50 tons/year coal-fired boiler equipped with flue gas
of mercury are released by power plants. desulfurization is about 35 percent. The
Although coal cleaning can reduce the mer- development of more advanced gas turbines,
cury content of coal, it will prove difficult to capable of operating at higher gas inlet
achieve complete removal. Therefore, post- temperatures, will significantly increase the
combustion technology is the most probable efficiency advantage of combined-cycle
approach to controlling mercury emissions. plants. IGCC is discussed in more detail later
Possible technologies include adsorbents and in this chapter in the section "Gasification."
scrubbers. Scrubbers are already used at many Combined-cycle plants require clean fuel gas
power plants to remove S02 from the flue gas, for the gas turbine. To maximize efficiency,
and many of these scrubbers have been found gas cleanup should be carried out at high tem-
to remove a significant fraction of the mercury. perature. Removing trace amounts of impuri-
One adsorbent that has been used effectively is ties from the gasifier effluent without cooling
activated carbon. The EPA is under mandate to the gas stream presents a technical challenge.
develop regulations that may require removal An advantage of combined cycle plants is
of up to 90 percent of mercury emissions. that, because fuel gas volume is much less
than stack gas volume, pollutant removal
equipment can be much smaller. Also, the sul-
Advances in Combustion Technology
fur and nitrogen are in forms that are more
Because of improvements in steam-generating easily removed. Another advantage is the
equipment and turbines, remarkable advances modular nature of combined cycle plants,
have been made in the energy efficiency of which offers flexibility in construction and the
electric utility plants. One method of express- ability to add capacity in increments. The fea-
ing the efficiency of the conversion of coal sibility of combined-cycle plants is being
to electricity is the heat rate, which is the demonstrated in two of DOE's Clean Coal
amount of heat energy required to generate Technology Programs, the Tampa Electric
one kilowatt-hour of electricity. The heat rate Company IGCC Project and the Wabash River
of a modern, well-maintained plant in 1990 Coal Gasification Repowering Project. These
was about 8750 BTUIkWhr, compared with plants are recognized as being two of the
an average value of 17,500 BTUIkWhr in cleanest coal-fired power plants in the world.
1937 and 10,000 BTU/kWhr in 1968. Some The use of coal slurries, either coal-oil
new designs project heat rates close to mixtures (COM) or coal-water mixtures
7500 BTUlkWhr, corresponding to an (CWM), has been the subject of considerable
overall thermal efficiency of 45 percent.'? research because of the potential to replace
Further improvements in thermal efficiency fuel oil in boilers. Recent work has shifted in
may be achieved with new power generation favor of CWM over COM, as the cost savings
systems now being developed. One promising for the latter were not enough to offset con-
technology is IGCC, in which both a gas tur- version costs. CWM is typically composed of
bine and a steam turbine are used to generate 60-75 percent coal, 24-39 percent water,
electricity. In this concept, the coal is first and 1 percent chemical additives. The advan-
gasified to produce fuel gas (consisting tages of CWM compared with dry pulverized
mainly of CO and H2, with small amounts of fuel are the ease and safety of handling,

transporting (e.g. via pipeline), and injecting not recovered, but rather are burned to
the fuel. It is possible that the manufacture of produce heat for the coke oven and for auxil-
CWM can be integrated into coal beneficia- iary power production. One of the earliest
tion processes, such as froth flotation. nonrecovery units was the beehive oven,
Potential problems from replacing oil with which for many years produced most of the
CWM are: (1) limited flame stability and coke used by the iron and steel industry.
turndown; (2) incomplete combustion; and With these ovens, none of the byproducts
(3) slagging and fouling caused by inorganic produced during coking were recovered.
constituents. This technology is still in the A beehive oven consists of an old-fashioned
development stage. Several demonstration beehive-shaped brick chamber. It has a charg-
projects have been completed or are under ing hole in the top of the dome and a dis-
way, with the primary focus being on utiliza- charging hole in the oven's wall near the
tion of waste coal fines from coal-cleaning bottom. Coal is charged through the opening
operations. in the top and spreads over the oven floor.
Retained heat from the previous charge is suf-
ficient to start devolatilization. Evolved gases
COKE PRODUCTION mix with air entering through the discharge
The production of metals frequently requires door and burn, with the combustion products
the reduction of oxide-containing ores, the exiting through the charging port in the top.
most important being production of iron from The heat generated by the burning gases is
various iron oxide ores. Carbon in the form of sufficient to complete the coking process. The
coke is often used as the reducing agent in finished coke is removed through the dis-
a blast furnace, which is basically a vertical charge door. Because of their low efficiency
tubular vessel to the top of which is fed alter- and pollution problems, beehive ovens are no
nate layers of iron ore, coke, and limestone. longer used in the United States.
Coke is the porous residual solid remaining The general principle of operation of
after a coal's volatile matter is released at high modern nonrecovery coke plants is the same
temperature. Coal cannot be fed directly at the as for the beehive oven, except that the units
top of a blast furnace, because it does not have are designed to prevent the escape of volatile
the structural strength to support the column organic compounds (VOCs) and other pollu-
of iron ore and limestone in the furnace while tants to the atmosphere. Coking takes place in
maintaining sufficient porosity for the air large rectangular chambers that are heated
blast to pass upward through the furnace. from the top by radiant heat transfer and from
Not all coals can produce coke that is suit- the bottom by conduction through the floor.
able for use in a blast furnace. The property Primary air for the combustion of evolved
that distinguishes coking coals is their caking volatiles is introduced through several ports
ability. Various tests such as maceral analysis, located above the charge level. Combustion
free swelling index, chemical analysis, etc. gases exit the chamber through downcomers
are performed to identify suitable coals. in the oven walls and enter the floor flue
Frequently, to achieve the necessary coal prop- thereby heating the floor of the oven:
erties to produce a suitable coke, several coals Combustion gases from all the chambers
are blended to generate the feed to the coke collect in a common tunnel and exit via
plant. Commercial cokemaking processes can a stack that creates a natural draft for the oven.
be divided into two categories: nonrecovery To improve efficiency, a waste heat boiler can
cokemaking and byproduct cokemaking. be added before the stack to recover waste heat
and generate steam for power production.
At the completion of the coking process, the
Nonrecovery Cokemaking
doors of the chamber are opened, and a ram
In nonrecovery coke plants, the volatile pushes the hot coke (approximately 2000°F)
components released during cokemaking are into a quench car, where it is typically cooled

by spraying it with water. The coke is then TABLE 19.9 Composition of

screened and transported to the blast furnace. Coke-Oven Gas
Component Composition (vol. % (dry))
Byproduct Coke Production Hydrogen 54
The majority of coke produced in the United Methane 25
Nitrogen 10
States comes from wet-charge, byproduct Carbon monoxide 6
coke oven batteries. Byproduct cokemak- Carbon dioxide 3
ing consists of the following operations: Higher hydrocarbons
(l) selected coals are blended, pulverized, and (ethane, propane, etc.) 2
oiled for bulk density control; (2) the blended
coal is charged to a number of slot-type byproduct plant removes these contaminants
ovens, each oven sharing a common heating so that the gas can be used as fuel. The
flue with the adjacent oven; (3) the coal is volatiles emitted during the coking process
carbonized in a reducing atmosphere with are recovered as four major byproducts: clean
the off-gas being collected and sent to the coke-oven gas, coal tar, ammonium sulfate,
byproduct plant for byproduct recovery; and and light oil. The following description repre-
(4) the hot coke is discharged, quenched, and sents a typical coke-oven gas cleanup scheme,
shipped to the blast furnace. but considerable variations are possible from
After the coke oven is charged with coal, plant to plant.
heat is transferred from the heated brick walls Tar is the first byproduct recovered. Hot
to the coal charge. In the temperature range coke-oven gas at a temperature of about
from 375 to 475°C the coal decomposes to 1100°C is quenched to about 80°C by contact
form a plastic layer near the walls. From 475 with an aqueous spray (flushing liquor) in the
to 600°C there is marked evolution of aro- primary cooler. The cooled gas, along with
matic hydrocarbons and tar, followed by reso- excess flushing liquor, is collected in
lidification into semicoke. At 600-1 100°C the coke-oven battery gas-collecting main.
coke stabilization occurs, characterized by The condensed tars and water are transported
contraction of the coke mass, structural deve- to a tar decanter, where the heavier tars are
lopment of coke, and final hydrogen evolu- separated out, and the water is recycled to the
tion. As time progresses, the plastic phase primary cooler. The gas passes through
moves from the walls to the center of the a compressor, called the exhauster,which sucks
oven. Some gas is trapped in the plastic mass, the gas from the ovens and provides sufficient
giving the coke its porous character. When pressure to allow the gas to flow through the
coking is complete, the incandescent coke rest of the byproduct train. During cooling of
mass is pushed from the oven and wet or dry the coke-oven gas, some of the tar forms an
quenched prior to being sent to the blast fur- aerosol, which is carried along with the gas.
nace. Modern coke ovens trap the emissions Because these tar droplets would contaminate
released during coke pushing and quenching, and foul downstream equipment, the tar mist is
so that air pollution is at a minimum. removed in an electrostatic precipitator. The
recovered tar is pumped to the tar decanter.
Byproduct Recovery. Coke-oven gas is Ammonia removal is the next step in the gas
released during the coking process. A typical cleanup process. A typical approach is to con-
composition for raw coke-oven gas is given in tact the coke-oven gas with a solution of sul-
Table 19.9. In addition to the components furic acid to form ammonium sulfate, which is
shown in the table, raw coke-oven gas also then recovered by crystallization, dried, and
contains various contaminants, such as tar sold as fertilizer. More modern processes for
vapors, light oil vapors (mainly benzene, ammonia removal include the water wash
toluene, and xylene), naphthalene, ammonia, process, in which the coke-ovengas is scrubbed
hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide. The with water that dissolves the ammonia along

with some H 2S and HCN. The scrubber solu- The tar and liquor plant handles the
tion is sent to a fractionator to recover pure flushing liquor that circulates between the
ammonia, which can be sold or catalytically byproduct plant and the primary cooler. It also
decomposed. Another option is the PHOSAM processes the wastewater that results from
Process , developed by u.s. Steel, which recovery of the coal moisture and chemically
absorbs ammonia in a solution of mono- bound water in the coal. The flushing liquor
ammonium phosphate and produce s anhy- flows into tar decanters , where the tar sepa-
drous ammonia for sale. rates from the water and is pumped to storage
The purpose of the final cooler is to remove for later sale. Heavier solid particles separate
the heat of compression added by the from the tar and are removed as tar decanter
exhauster and to cool the gas to its final tem- sludge. After withdrawal of a bleed stream
perature so that downstream absorbers will that contains ammonia, the aqueous liquor is
operate more efficiently. Final cooling is pumped back to the primary cooler. Following
typically achieved by direct contact with the removal of tar particles, the wastewater
cooling medium, either water or oil. An stream is steam stripped. An alkali, such as
important function of final cooling is removal sodium hydroxide, is added to decompose
of naphthalene. In final coolers using wash ammonia compounds dissolved in the liquor.
oil, the naphthalene dissolves in the oil, and The ammonia vapor is recovered
a side stream is steam stripped to remove the and combined with the rest of the ammonia
naphthalene. If water cooling is used, the recovered from the coke-oven gas.
condensed naphthalene must be absorbed by In the past, many products valuable to
contacting the water with tar. The tar is con- industry and agriculture were produced as
tinuously exchanged with fresh tar to prevent byproducts of coke production , but today most
naphthalene buildup. of these materials can be made more cheaply
The cooled coke-oven gas then passes to by other techniques. Therefore, the main
the light oil absorber, where benzene, toluene , emphasis of modem coke byproduct plants is
xylene, and higher aromatics are scrubbed to treat the coke-oven gas sufficiently so that it
from the gas using a wash oil. The light oil is can be used as a clean , environmentally
recovered from the wash oil in a fractionator. friendly fuel. Although coke-oven gas is now
The crude light oil can either be sold, or it can generally used in the coke plant or a nearby
be refined to recover individual aromatics, steel plant, during the 1950s and 1960s a sig-
such as benzene. In the past, coke-oven gas nificant contribution to domestic energy use
was an important source of aromatic com- was made by coke-oven gas, which is roughly
pounds, but now they can be more cheaply similar to the gas generated by a moving-bed
obtained from petroleum. gasifier.
The final step is desulfurization . A number
of processes have been developed which are
suitable for removing H2S from coke-oven Direct Coal Utilization in the
Steel Industry
gas. These include using solutions of potas-
sium carbonate, monoethanolamine (MEA), Although coke is still required for blast
or ammonia to absorb the H2S . If ammonia furnace operation, the amount of coke used
solution is used as the absorbent, desulfuriza- per ton of hot metal can be significantly
tion is frequently combined with the ammonia reduced by injecting granular or pulverized
removal step. Recovered H2S can be converted coal into the furnace along with the hot blast
to elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid. The prod- near the bottom of the blast furnace. The coal
uct remaining after all the above steps is reacts with oxygen to form H2 and CO, which
cleaned coke-oven gas, some of which is used act as reducing agents as they rise through the
to heat the coke ovens and produce more coke furnace. As long as sufficient coke is used to
with the rest going to the boiler house and/or preserve bed porosity, a portion of the coke
the blast furnace for direct injection. can be displaced by injected coal on a roughly

pound per pound basis. Reducing coke coking in that in mild gasification the goal is
requirement not only reduces costs, because the production of liquid and gaseous fuels
coal is cheaper than coke, but also reduces with the accompanying char being the
the environmental problems associated with byproduct, whereas in coking the coke is the
coke production. Furthermore, furnace capac- main product, and the liquids and gases
ity is increased, because the smaller volume are the byproducts. A major problem with this
of coke charged means a larger volume of technology is the low quality of the liquid
iron ore can be charged. products, which are hydrogen deficient and
A wide variety of noncoking coals have require expensive upgrading to convert them
been successfully tested for direct injection, into gasoline, diesel fuel, and other products.
ranging from lignite to anthracites. The Pyrolysis-based processing for the production
choice depends on price and availability of liquids is discussed in more detail later in
rather than on attaining the highest injection this chapter under Pyrolysis-Based Processes
rates. Among coals of similar cost and avail- in the section "Coal Liquefaction."
ability, important factors are ash, volatile
matter, moisture content, and grindability.
Also, sulfur and alkali contents should be
low. Because ash lowers temperature and Coal was first gasified in England by William
affects grindabilty, ash should be less than Murdock in 1792, and the world's first coal
10 percent. When injecting pulverized coal, gas company was chartered in England in
volatile matter should be as high as possible, 1812. Coal gas was first produced in America
since low volatile coals tend not to burn in 1816 in Baltimore, and by 1850, over 55
completely and contribute particulate matter commercial coal gasification plants in the
to the off-gas. Moisture should be minimized, United States were generating gas for lighting
as water absorbs heat in the blast furnace, and heating. During the late 1800s and early
causes difficulties during grinding, and can 1900s, a large number of coal gasifiers oper-
cause plugging problems in storage vessels ated commercially in the United States and
and injection equipment. In addition to coal, Europe to produce industrial and residential
natural gas, oil, and tar are also injected into fuel gas. In the early 1930s, there were over
blast furnaces. 11,000 coal gasifiers operating in the United
Another approach receiving increased States, consuming about 13 million tons of
interest is direct reduction of iron ore. In this coal per year and producing 500 million
process, coal is added directly to the smelting BTU/day of coal gas.
vessel and is the source of the reducing gases Most of the early gasifiers were moving bed
and thermal energy. Thus, easily crushed and units, charged with sized coal and blown with
handled, inexpensive noncoking coals of high steam and air to generate "producer gas"
calorific value can be used. Particle size (150 BTU/sct). Operation of the moving-bed
requirements are variable, but less than 1 mm gasifiers in a cyclic mode (blowing first with
is most often used; and, in some cases, there air to heat the coal, followed by contact with
is an effort to restrict moisture content to steam to produce "water gas") increased
below 6 percent. the heating value of the product gas to
300 BTU/ scf. The heating value of the fuel gas
was further increased to about 500 BTU/scf
Mild Gasification
by co-feeding oil with steam in the moving
Mild gasification is actually a pyrolysis-based bed process to produce "carburetted water
process, closely related to coking. It is designed gas," which contained hydrocarbons in addi-
to produce the most profitable slate of alterna- tion to H 2 and CO. Coke oven gas was also
tive fuels and chemicals by decomposing coal used as "town gas." An early gasification
at relatively mild conditions of temperature and process, still in use today, was that developed
pressure. 20,21 Mild gasification differs from by Lurgi. This gasifier operates at elevated

pressure and uses oxygen, instead of air, thus TABLE 19.10 Typical Coal Gasifier Raw
increasing the heating value of the product gas. Gas Composition
By the mid-1950s, the availability of
Component Concentration (vol. %)
inexpensive natural gas and petroleum had led
to the abandonment of most coal gasification Hydrogen 25-30
Carbon monoxide 30-60
units. However, even as oil and natural gas use
Carbon dioxide 5-15
increased, coal gasification plants continued Water 2-30
to be built on a limited scale in certain areas Methane 0-5
of the world, particularly in countries with Hydrogen sulfide 0.2-1
a limited supply of petroleum. Carbonyl sulfide 0-0.1
Nitrogen 0.5-4
Extensive process development was carried
Argon 0.2-1
out in the United States in the late 1940s to Ammonia/hydrogen cyanide 0-0.3
mid-1950s, prompted by a concern that natural
gas reserves were limited. This work included
(1) development of a 100 ton/day Texaco reduced to H2S, and nitrogen is reduced to
entrained-flow gasifier at Morgantown, West NH 3• These materials, along with HCl and
Virginia, by Texaco and Olin Matheson; entrained particulates, are removed in the
(2) demonstration of a 360 ton/day Babcock downstream gas cleanup system. A typical
and Wilcox entrained-flow gasifier at Belle, gasifier raw gas composition is shown in
West Virginia; and (3) development of a 24 Table 19.10.
ton/day Koppers-Totzek entrained-flow gasi-
fier at Louisiana, Missouri. Further work has
Chemistry of Coal Gasification
resulted in the development of several addi-
tional gasifiers, including the Shell, KRW, The initial step in coal gasification involves
E-Gasl?", British Gas/Lurgi, Kilngas, and grinding and/or pretreatment of the coal to put
Dow gasifiers. Recent interest in coal gasifi- it into a form suitable for injection into the
cation has been driven by the potential of gasifier. In the gasifier, the coal is heated in
IGCC facilities to increase the efficiency of the presence of a reactive gas whose compo-
power production and reduce emissions. sition depends on the product desired.
Development of improved coal gasification Walker 24 has presented an extensive review of
processes increases the potential for imple- gasification reaction fundamentals.
mentation of coal gasification technology for Reactions occurring during gasification of
a variety of applications.F coal can be divided into three groups: (I) pyrol-
In modem gasification systems.P a bed of ysis reactions (thermal decomposition of the
coal or other carbonaceous material is blown coal), (2) gasification reactions (gas-solid reac-
with a mixture of steam and air or oxygen tions), and (3) gas-gas reactions. The major
under pressure to produce a low to medium reactions taking place are listed in Table 19.11.
heating value gas whose main constituents are The first reaction that occurs is pyrolysis or
CO and H 2 with smaller amounts of CO 2, devolatilization (Reaction 17.1). Reaction 17.2
CH 4 , and other components. (A mixture of H, represents the conversion of gaseous pyrolysis
and CO is called synthesis gas or syngas. products into predominantly methane and
Chapter 22 discusses some of the chemicals coke, the extent of this reaction depending
that can be made from syngas.) Most of the upon gasifier design. Gasification is related to
mineral matter (ash) in the feed leaves the pyrolysis/coking in that, when coal is gasified
bottom of the gasifier either as a dry solid or by reacting it at a high temperature with steam
as a liquid, which solidifies to form an inert and an oxidant (air or oxygen), pyrolysis is the
glassy slag, suitable for sale or disposal. Only first reaction as the coal is heated to reaction
a small fraction of the ash is entrained in the temperature. Depending on the type of gasifier,
syngas and requires removal downstream. condensable hydrocarbons may be collected as
During gasification, sulfur in the feed coal is a byproduct or may be completely destroyed.

TABLE 19.11 Reactions Occurring during Coal Gasification

sn, kcallgmol Name Number

Pyrolysis reactions
CHx = C + CH4 Pyrolysis (17. 1)
CHx + H2 = C + CH4 Hydropyrolysis (17.2)
Gas- solid reactions
C + 0.50 2 = CO - 26.45 Combustion (17.3)
C + O 2 = CO 2 -94.1 Combustion (17.4)
C + Hp = CO + H2 41.9 Steam/carbon (17.5)
C + CO 2 = 2CO 4 1.25 Reserve boudouard (17.6)
C + 2H2 = CH4 -17.9 Hydrogasification (17.7)
Gas-gas reactions
CO + Hp = H2 + CO 2 -0.7 Water-gas shift (17.8)
CO + 3H2 = CH4 + Hp -59.8 Methanation (17.9)

Combustion reactions, Reactions 17.3 and equilibrium constants for the other reactions
17.4, are the fastest gasification reactions and can be calculated.
are highly exothermic. The oxygen can come The reactions in Table 19.11 are useful for
from air, enriched air, or pure oxygen. In examining the effect of changes in gasifier
practice, the oxidation reactions occur rapidly operating conditions on product gas composi-
with essentially complete oxygen consump- tion. As temperature is increased, endother-
tion, so that most of the reactor volume is mic reactions are favored over exothermic
utilized for the other reactions listed in reactions, which means that methane produc-
Table 19.11. The primary combustion prod- tion will decrease and CO formation will
ucts are CO and CO2 , The equilibrium con- increase. An increase in pressure favors reac-
stants for both Reactions 17.3 and 17.4 are tions in which there are fewer moles of prod-
greater than 1 up to 3500°C; and, as a result, ucts than moles of reactants. Thus, higher
both reactions are essentially irreversible at pressure favors methane and CO2 formation .
typical gasifier temperatures. The CO/C0 2 Coal char gasification is generally equilib-
ratio should increase with lower pressure rium controlled. For design purposes, it is
and higher temperature, because pressure common to consider char as thermodynam i-
does not influence the equilibrium of cally equivalent to graphite, although this is
Reaction 17.4, and Reaction 17.3 is not not strictly true.
favored under pressure. Even when gasifier operating conditions are
Reactions 17.5, 17.6, and 17.7 illustrate the known, it is not possible to calculate the com-
gasification of char by reaction with various position of the product gas exactly. First, the
gases. The carbon-steam Reaction 17.5 is pyrolysis reactions and those of the pyrolysis
an endothermic reversible reaction. Steam products are highly dependent on coal pro-
undergoes a side reaction, Reaction 17.8, perties and gasifier operating mode and vary
called the water-gas shift reaction. This reac- significantly from case to case. Second, the
tion, which is very rapid, is catalyzed by vari- thermodynamic equations treat coal char as if
ous impurities and surfaces. The carbon-Co, it were pure carbon, which is not the case.
reaction, Reaction 17.6, is favored at high Finally, the system may not reach equilibrium.
temperatures and low pressures, whereas the Thus, although useful predictions of gas com-
carbon-H, reaction, Reaction 17.7, is favored position can be made, exact calculations are
at low temperatures and high pressure. Since not possible. Nevertheless, knowledge of sto-
only three of Reactions 17.5-17.9 are inde- ichiometry, equilibrium constants, and reac-
pendent, if the equilibrium constants for tion rates provides a reasonable basis for the
Reactions 17.6, 17.7, and 17.8 are known, the modeling and design of gasification systems.

Pore structure can markedly affect char reac- diffusion is controlling, or both reaction rate
tivity. Coals in general are highly porous with and diffusion are important. To determine the
a polymodal pore size distribution. Pores nor- overall gasification rate, it is necessary to
mally are classified into macropores (>500 A model the actual gasifier.
in diameter) , transitional pores (20-500 A in Because of the reducing nature of the prod-
diameter) , and micropores «20 A in diame- uct gas, heteroatoms (sulfur, nitrogen, and
ter). Upon pyrolysis, the pores in the coal chlorine) appear in reduced form, that is, sul-
open up, but the, char still contains microp- fur appears as hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen as
orosity. Coal chars in general , and lignitic ammonia , and chlorine as hydrogen chloride.
chars in particular, retain coal's polymodal In most cases, these materials are scrubbed
pore distribution. Surface areas of coal chars from the product gas before it is burned .
are in the range 100-800 mZ/g. Most of this Ammonia and HCl are very water soluble and
surface area and, therefore, most of the active are easily removed by a water wash. A num-
surface reside inside the pores, so accessibil- ber of processes have been developed for HzS
ity of reactive gases to active sites is very removal; many of these process are based on
important. absorption in solutions of amines, such as
The fundamental reactions occurring dur- monoethanolamine (MEA).
ing gasification can be described by the
Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Rideal-Eley Types of Coal Gasifiers
mechanisms. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood
Gasification processes can be separated into
mechanism involves three steps: (1) adsorp -
three major types: (1) moving-bed (counter-
tion of the gas onto the solid surface ; (2) sur-
current flow) reactors; (2) fluidized-bed
face migration/reaction; and (3) desorption of
(back-mixed) reactors; and (3) entrained-flow
the products from the solid surface. In the
(not back-mixed) reactors. Figure 19.11 shows
Rideal-Eley mechanism, the basic steps are
the types of gasification reactors together with
(1) reaction between gas molecules and sur-
temperature profiles and locations of feed and
face atoms by direct collision and (2) desorp-
product streams. Table 19.12 summarizes the
tion of products.
important characteristics of each type of gasi-
Because coal chars are highly microporous,
fier, and Table 19.13 presents the performance
most of the gasification reactions take place
characteristics of selected gasifiers .
inside the char particles. Therefore, diffusion
of gas into, and products out of, porous parti- MOVing-Bed Gasifiers. Moving-bed gasi-
cles is required. The overall diffusion process fiers consist of a downward-moving bed of
can be described by the following steps: coal contacted by a countercurrent flow of
(I) diffusion of the reactant from the bulk gas gases moving upward through the bed. In
to the solid surface (film diffusion); (2) diffu- moving down the bed, coal sequentially
sion of the reactant from the particle's surface undergoes drying, devolatilization, gasifica-
to its interior (internal diffusion) ; (3) diffu- tion, combustion, and ash cooling. Moving-
sion of the product from the interior to the bed gasifiers can be operated at atmospheric
particle 's surface (internal diffusion) ; and pressure or can be pressurized with either air
(4) diffusion of the product from the surface or oxygen as the oxidant, with either dry ash
to the bulk gas (film diffusion). or molten ash removal, and with or without
If the pore diameter and process conditions stirrers to prevent agglomeration.
are well defined, the rates of internal and film In the drying zone at the top of the bed, the
diffusion can be calculated. The temperature hot upward-flowing gases remove moisture
dependency of the rate can be presented in the from the coal. As the coal moves down the
form of an Arrhenius plot, that is, log rate vs. bed, its temperature increases, and at about
reciprocal absolute temperature. Gasification 600-900°F pyrolysis occurs, liberating gases,
rates can be divided into three zones, depend- oils, and tars. As the devolatilized coal (char)
ing on whether reaction rate is controlling, further descends, it is gasified by reaction


Gasif ier
Top r"r-"""T--"TT"--,---r--~

; . 10 ' --+Gas
.:::. -:
':0:' .

(Dry Ash!

Gasif ier
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

GaSIfier ,----r--..,---T"""~i"'"1--..,......,

Coal I Gas
Flu idized-Bed
Gasifier I
Steam. I
or A i,
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Coal ---, r- Steam •

.t t. Oxygen . Gasif ier
"~" '''' or AIr Top
Y;t}, III I I I I
Oxygen .
or Air
. . . .•.. ....
Gas ifier I
.: : . . " "
" .

. ;.
. " . :' I
.. .... .
. ;:

1500 2000
I -.
Gas' Slag


Fig. 19.11 . Generic coal gasification reactors. (Source: Electric Power Research Institute and Synthetic
Fuels Associates, Inc.)

TABLE 19.12 Features of Fixed-Bed, Fluidized-Bed, and Entrained-Bed Gasifiers


Movingbed Fluidized bed Entrained bed

Bed of coal descending under the One or more fluidized bed zones Upflow or downflow suspension
influence of gravity gasific ation
Mechanica l grates/distributors Uniform temperature and composition High temperature-high rate
throughout each fluidized zone process
Moderate process response Fast process response
Discrete zones:
• Preheating-drying devolatilization
• Gasification
• Combustion

Moving bed Fluidized bed Entrained bed
High carbon conversion efficiency High degree of process uniformity Handles all types of coal
without pretreatment
Low ash carry over Excellent solids/gas contact Low steam consumption
Lower temperature operat ion Lower residence time than fixed bed Excellent solids-gas contact
Lowest air/oxyge n requ irement Higher coal throughput per unit volume No tar forma tion
of reactor
No phenol formation
Ability to slag ash
High capacity per unit volume of
Produces inert slagged ash
Moving bed Fluidized bed Entrained bed
Sized coal required Sized coal required Requires f inely crushed coal
Coal fines must be briquetted Dry coal required for feeding Small surge capacity requ iring
close control
Low off-gas temperature Requires complicated gas distri butor

TABLE 19.13 Performance Characteristics of Selected Gasifiers

Lurgi Lurgi KRW Design
Dry Ash Siagger Texaco Shell PDV Estimate V-Gas
West Kent
Parameters Illinois No. 6 coal Pittsburgh No. 8 coal Coal
T, OF 1600 2700 2700 3000 1793 1850 1831
p, psia 3 15 300 600 365 230 600 15
H20 --coal, mole-mole 2.42 0.293 0.027 0 13 0.29 1.34
0 2--coal, mole-mole 0.286 0.259 0.463 0.435 0.44 0.30 0.45
C conversion, % 99.3 99.E 99 99.3 76.0 89.6 93.3
Gas compos ition (dry)
CO 15.36 58.05 5 1.69 6 1.46 43.3 8 51.5 26. 1
CO 2 31.1 1.94 10.6 1.65 35.30 9.3 23.4
H2 42.9 30.4 1 35.1 30.6 18.04 25.9 37.4
CH4 3.78 7.76 0.09 0.04 1.33 l OA 2.8

Source: Shinner. R., Fourth Technical Meeting of COGA RN, presented in "Coal Gasification: Direct Applications
and Synthesis of Chemica ls and Fuels: A Research Needs Assessme nt," by Penner, S. S., and others for US DOE .24

with steam, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen to fines/dust carryover. Unconverted char and
produce a mixture of carbon mono xide , ash are removed as dry solids. Pretreatment is
hydrogen, and methane , containing unreacted required if strongly caking coals are used.
steam and carbon dioxide. Below this, char is Fluidized-bed gasifiers can be operated at
combusted by reaction with oxygen. The final atmospheric or higher pressure . Fluidizing
composition of the gas produced and the rates gases can be mixtures of steam with either air
of reaction are strongly influenced by gasifier or oxygen and, in some cases, mixtures of
temperature and pressure. hydrogen with other gases. The KRW gasifier
The ratio of steam to oxygen (air) in the is illustrated in Fig. 19.18.
gasifier controls the peak temperature in the
combustion zone. If a nonslagg ing operation Entrained-Flow Gasifiers. In an entrained-
is desired, sufficient steam is added to flow gasifier, a mixture of finely ground coal
offset exothermic oxidation reactions with entrained in a reactant gas flows co-currently
endothermic steam-carbon reactions to stay through the reactor, with little or no back-
safely below the ash-fusion temperature. mixing . This type of gasifier may be either
Slagging gasifiers operate at a higher temper- single-stage or two-stage.
ature, and ash is removed in a molten state In general , high temperatures (2200-
and then quenched in a water bath. 3200°F) are used to achieve complete gasifi-
Moving-bed gasifiers require sized coal for cation of the coal in a mixture with steam and
proper operation ; typically, coal between ~ in. oxygen or air. Because of the high tempera-
and 2 in. in diameter is used. The countercur- tures employed, gasification rates are consid-
rent flow of gases and solids leads to high erably higher than those achieved with
thermal efficiency, with exit gas temperature either fixed-bed or fluidized-bed gasifiers.
usually in the range of 500-1 ,OOO°F. The raw Entrained-flow gasifiers can handle all coals,
product gas contains fines and tar/oil pro- including strongly caking coals, without pre-
duced during gasification. These materials are treatment. The high temperature of operation
removed prior to downstream proces sing. produces a gas devoid of both methane and
Figure 19.15 illustrates the mechanical con- tars/oils. In two-stage gasifiers, the incoming
figuration for a Lurgi dry bottom gasifier. coal is first entrained with reactant gases to
produce gas; the resultant char is gasified fur-
Fluidized-B ed Gasifiers. In a fluidized ther in a second stage, which mayor may not
bed gasifier, reactant gases are introduced be entrained . As is the case with fluidized-bed
through a distributor at the bottom of the bed gasifiers, a staged operation achieves better
at a velocity sufficient to suspend the feed overall thermal efficiency without sacrificing
particles. The result is a bed of highly mixed higher throughput, because the more reactive
solids in intimate contact with the gas phase. incoming coal can be gasified at a lower tem-
The agitation leads to a uniform temperature perature than the less reactive char. Entrained-
throughout the bed. The high degree of mix- flow gasifiers can be operated at atmospheric
ing results in reaction rates that are typically pressure or pres surized, and ash may be
higher than those experienced in moving-bed removed either dry or molten. Figure 19.17
gasifiers, although fluid ized-bed gasifiers illustrates the two-stage entrained-flow
generally do not achieve as high a thermal E-Gas™ gasifier.
efficiency as moving-bed gasifier s.
The exit gas temperature for a fluidized-bed
Gasification for Power Generation
gasifier is higher than that for a moving-bed
gasifier. The higher temperature results in fur- High reliability, acceptable capital and operat-
ther reaction of the pyrolysis products , and, ing costs, and minimal environmental impact
therefore , the product gas contains a much are requirements for gasification systems pro-
lower concentration of tar/oil. However, parti- posed for utility applications. Operating costs
cle attrition generally leads to higher levels of can be minimized by using a gasifier that is

capable of operating on run-of-mine coal, chemicals production. The co-production

including caking coals and fines. The potential gasifier facility provides the flexibility to
also exists to feed other materials such as maximize power generation during peak
petroleum coke, lignite, sewage sludge, refuse demand, while maximizing fuels/chemicals
derived fuel (RDF), biomass, etc. to the gasi- production during off-peak periods. This
fier. Use of such opportunity fuels can lower makes gasification more attractive in the power
electricity costs. generation market and allows flexibility in the
Numerous studies confirm that gasifiers geographical location of plants based on local
coupled with gas turbine-steam turbine grid peak shaving needs. Although not yet
combined cycles represent one of the most commercial, co-production is being investi-
promising technologies for future coal-based gated by several energy companies.
power generation systems. IGCC technolo- A major goal of power production is
gies offer the potential for high efficiencies minimal environmental impact. Because the
with low pollutant emissions. High efficien- product gas from IGCC systems is purified
cies are achieved in IGCC operation by com- before combustion." burning this clean fuel
bining efficient combustion turbines with results in low pollutant emission levels.
steam turbine bottoming cycles. The gas tur- Another potential environmental problem is
bine converts high-temperature (3300°F) heat eliminated by designing and operating the
efficiently, while the steam turbine utilizes gasifier so that tars are not formed. Ash leav-
lower-temperature heat (1050°F) in the form ing the system is usually in the form of
of steam generated by recovering heat from molten slag, which is water quenched to form
the gas turbine exhaust. A typical IGCC facil- benign vitreous material suitable for use
ity is illustrated in Fig. 19.12. or disposal. On balance, coal gasification
A variation on IGCC operation is to combine systems are environmentally superior to other
power generation with chemicals or fuels pro- alternative coal utilization technologies and
duction, the so-called co-production option. In can meet rigorous environmental standards
this operating mode, part of the syngas pro- for S02' NO x ' and particulates. Furthermore,
duced by the gasifier is used for power produc- because of their increased efficiency, IGCC
tion and part is sent to a Fischer-Tropsch," plants emit less CO 2, the major greenhouse
methanol, or similar facility for fuels/ gas, per unit of electricity generated.

WasteWater Clean Vent Gas

Raw Gas COOLINGI Cool Gas


HEAT Hot Flue r-----'L-..---,


Electric Flue Gas Electric

Power Power

Fig. 19.12. Block flow diagram of a typical integrated gasification combined cycle power plant.

Descriptions of Selected Gasification Coal

Many different gasifiers have been developed, Oxygen
at least through the demonstration stage, by
a variety of organizations, both public and
private. However, not all of these gasifiers have
achieved commercial succes s, and improved
pro cesses now supercede some technologies
that were widely used in the past. In 1999, the
Texaco , Shell , and Lurgi (dry ash ) processes
accounted for over 75 percent of the installed
and planned coal gasification capacity, with
Texaco being the leader with almost
40 percent of installed capacity. It is beyond
the scope of this chapter to describe all exist-
ing gasifiers. The following processes cover
a wide variety of gasifier types and designs.

Texaco Coal Gasification Process. The Quench ..... Product

Texaco Coal Gasification Process (TCGP) Water ..... ;;:::==~ Gas
offers the following design features: a down-
fed, pressurized, entrained-flow, slag ging
reactor; air- or oxygen-blown; high operating
temperature; flexible feedsto cks and
products; and system coupling for cogenera-
tion. The TCGP is de signed to operate
at pre ssures between 20 and 30 atm and
temperatures between 1200 and 1500°C.
Figure 19.13 shows a direct quench gas
cooling configuration for the TCGP. The coal !
is wet-ground and mixed with water to make Black Water
a slur ry containing 60-70 wt. percent solids.
The slurry is mixed with oxygen or air in the Fig. 19.13. Texaco gasifier (direct quench mode).

gasifier burner. By properly adjusting the

oxygen/slurry ratio, gasifier temperature is water quench cooling method is preferred
maintained above the ash fusion temperature. when the desired final product is NH 3 or H 2,
The raw product gas is cooled either by direct as the required shift reactor is easily inte-
contact with quench water, as in Fig. 19.16, or grated into the quench train.
by passage through a radiative cooler followed Any carbonaceous material that can be
by a convective cooler. The cooled gases go to processed into a concentrated, pumpable
a scrubber to remove entrained char and ash. slurry can be gasified in a TCGP. For exam-
The product gas leaving the scrubber contains ple, petroleum coke is converted to syngas in
H 2, CO, CO 2, n.o, and traces of Ar, N 2, CH 4 , a 30-ton/day plant in Ube City, Japan, whi ch
H 2S, and COS. Spencer and others have has been operating since 1982. In 1991, a
reported on the performance of the TCGp'27,28 mixture of coal and sewage sludge was suc-
Various products have been prepared in cessfully gasified. The ability of the Texaco
commercial plants employing Texaco gasi- gasifier to handle a wide range of feedstocks
fiers, including H 2 , NH 3, fuel gas for electric- without the need for additional equipment or
ity generation, and syngas for production of changes in operating procedures ensure s flex-
methanol and other oxo products. The direct ibility in selecting the least expensive feed

alternative while maintaining high availability an inert atmosphere and pneumatically trans-
and reliability. ported to the coal pressurization and feeding
system. Coal, oxygen, and steam are injected
Shell Gasification Process. Shell's experi- into the gasifier through pairs of opposed
ence with coal gasification started with oper- burners. Oxygen purity is typically 95 percent,
ation of a 6-ton/day pilot plant in Amsterdam. but other purities can be used, depending
This was followed by a 150-ton/day unit in on the application. Gasifier pressure is 20-
Hamburg, Germany, and a 25Q-400-ton/day 40 bar, and temperature is above 1500°C.
unit in Houston, TX. This led to the success- Most of the mineral content of the feed coal
ful operation of a 2000-ton/day commercial leaves the gasification zone in the form of
unit. molten slag. The high operating temperature
The Shell gasifier (Fig. 19.14) consists of a ensures that the molten slag flows freely down
pressure vessel containing a gasification the tube walls and into a water bath at the
chamber whose inner wall consists of closely bottom of the gasifier, where it solidifies
spaced tubes. The wall temperature is con- into dense glassy granules that are washed,
trolled by circulating water through these depressured, and sent to storage or disposal.
tubes to generate saturated steam. Coal is Greater than 99 percent carbon conversion
ground (90% less than 100 urn) and dried in is obtained. Because of the high temperature,


.1...--- Recycle

Feed -+ ::::~~ ~..--- -+ Steam

Coal Coal

Oxygen Oxygen
and and
Steam Steam


Fig. 19.14. Shell gasifier.


no hydrocarbons heavier than methane exist an acid gas removal system. Recovered H2S
in the raw gas. The insulation provided by the is converted to elemental sulfur. Overall
molten slag layer minimizes heat loss. efficiency (including high pressure steam
The raw gas leaving the gasifier is production) is very high.
quenched with recycled cooled product gas to The Shell process can handle a wide variety
solidify any entrained slag droplets. The gas of coals, varying from lignite to bituminous,
then enters a syngas cooler that generates in an environmentally acceptable way and
high-pressure steam. The cooled gas flows produce a high-purity, medium heating
through filters or cyclones for fly slag value gas for use as a fuel for power genera-
removal. The recovered fly slag can be recy- tion, as a chemical feedstock, or as a source of
cled via the coal feed system to enhance hydrogen.
gasification efficiency. The syngas goes to
a scrubber for removal of remaining solids Lurgi Dry Ash Gasifier. The Lurgi Dry Ash
and water-soluble contaminates and then to Coal Gasification Process (Fig. 19.15) is


SfE"... •


Fig. 19.15. Lurgi dry bottom gas ifier. ("Comparative Study of Coal Gasification Processes-Koppers-Totzek,
Lurgi, and Winkler:' Koppers Co., Pittsburgh , PA.)

among the earliest commercially successful slag. Advantages of slagging the ash include a
gasifiers. The first commercial plant was built significantly lower steam requirement and
in 1936. Since then numerous plants have been improved utilization of high-rank coals and
built. In particular, Lurgi gasifiers provide the coal fines. Slagging operation also eliminates
syngas for the Sasol indirect coal liquefaction liquid byproducts by recycling them.
plants in South Africa and also for the Dakota Like the Lurgi dry ash gasifier, the BGL
Gasification synthetic natural gas plant. gasifier is a high-pressure, moving-bed,
Sized coal enters the top of the bed by way oxygen-blown unit. Coal with a size distribu-
of a lock hopper and moves down through the tion of 2 in. X 0 in. (the amount of minus
bed. Ash is withdrawn by a rotating grate and ~-in. material allowed depends on the coal's
is removed from the gasifier through another swelling characteristics) and/or briquettes are
lock hopper. Steam and oxygen enter the bot- fed to the top of the bed via a lock hopper sys-
tom of the gasifier through the grate and react tem. A rotating internal fuel distributor rakes
with the coal as the gas moves up through the and levels the top of the bed. The coal is gasi-
bed. As the coal passes down through the fied as it passes down through the reactor.
gasifier vessel, it undergoes in tum drying, Ash is removed from the bottom of the gasi-
devolatilization, pyrolysis , gasification, and fier as molten slag through a slag tap, then
combustion. This countercurrent operation quenched in water and removed by a lock
results in a temperature drop across the reac- hopper. Oxygen and steam are injected
tor. Temperature in the combustion zone near through tuyeres near the bottom of the bed.
the bottom is in the range of 2000°F, whereas As with the Lurgi dry ash gasifier, there is a
gas temperature leaving the drying and large temperature difference between the top
devolatilization zone near the top is typically and bottom, the magnitude of the difference
500-1000°F. The main factor affecting exit depending mainly of the moisture content of
temperature is the moisture content of the feed the feed coal. For bituminous coals, this tem-
coal. For feed coals high in moisture, such as perature difference is about 1000-1 200°F. The
lignite, the gasifier exit temperature is at the raw gas leaving the gasifier is directly
lower end of the range, and for a low moisture quenched to remove solids and condensable
bituminous coal it is at the upper end. liquids. The solids entrained in the raw prod-
The raw gas is quenched directly with recycle uct gas, along with hydrocarbon byproducts ,
water to condense the tar it contains. The gasi- such as tars and oils, naphtha , and phenols , are
fier vessel is cooled by water jacketing, which recycled to the top of the gasifier and/or rein-
generates a portion of the steam that is used in jected into the gasifier at the tuyeres, where
the gasifier. Sufficient steam is injected to keep they are gasified. Coal fines can also be fed
the temperature at the bottom of the gasifier through the tuyeres, either pneumatically as
below the melting temperature of the ash. The dried solids or slurried with wastewater.
quenched gas is sent to cleanup for removal of
NH3, H2S, and other impurities. After cleanup, E-Gas™ Process. The first large-scale
the gas has a higher methane and hydrogen experience with the f-Gas" gasifier
content than the gas from other gasifiers . (formerly the Destec gasifier) was gained in
Because of the lower exit temperature, oxygen more than 34,000 hr of operation at Louisiana
requirement is reduced. However, recovery Gasification Technology, Inc. from Apr il
and disposal of tar can be a problem. High- 1987 through November 1995. This was fol-
reactivity, low-rank coal with a high ash soften- lowed by construction of an E-Gas" gasifier
ing temperature and minimal fines is favored. at PSI Energy 's Wabash River Generating
Station in Indiana as part of DOE 's Clean
British Gas/Lurgi (BGL) Stagging Gasifier. Coal Technology program. This plant started
The BGL slagging gasifier technology operations in 1995 and has the capacity to
(Fig. 19.16) is very similar to the conventional gasify about 100 ton/hr of bituminous coal.
dry ash Lurgi gasifier, the key difference The E-Gas™ Gasifier consists of two
being that the BGL removes ash as molten stages : an entrained-flow, slagging first stage,

British Gas/Lurgi Stagging Gasifier

Fud cOil

COil lock hopper ------+-..

Distributor drive -----.C;"'-1-rr~

Co.1 distributor Istirru --+-~~~+-.

GIS quench ---------------~

~t----Rtfrutory lining

Product glS outllt-

- 1 - - - Pressure shell

Stum/ollygln tIed - - _. ..,f,..&e::.jl

~I"-------------- SIig tiP

SI19 quench chimbu -----l~;+;

- - - Circullting quench Ylter

SI.g lock hoppu - - - - - Circullting quench wltu

Fig. 19.16. British Gas/Lurgi slagging gasifier . (Source: British Gas.)

and a nonslagging second stage, as shown in with natural gas and then switched to the feed
Fig. 19.17. The first stage is a horizontal, slurry, produced by wet grinding of coal.
refractory-lined vessel in which carbonaceous Oxygen and preheated slurry are fed to two
fuel is partially combusted with oxygen at opposed mixing nozzles, one on each end of
an elevated temperature and pressure (2600°F the horizontal section of the gasifier. The
and 400 psia). The gasifier is initially heated oxygen feed rate is controlled to maintain the

Product Gas The hot syngas is cooled to approximately

700°F in the syngas cooler, a vertical firetube
heat recovery boiler with the hot syngas on
the tube side, that generates 1600 psia steam.
The cooled syngas is sent to the particulate
removal system that removes over 99.9 per-
cent of the particulates. The particulate-free
syngas is further cooled and then water
scrubbed to remove chlorides and volatile
Coal Slurry trace metals. The syngas is then cooled to
100°F before being sent to the acid gas

, ,:'-
removal system. During cooling, water con-
denses and dissolves most of the NH 3 , along
with some CO2 and H2S. This water is sent to
Slurry the sour water treatment unit. The essentially
sulfur-free syngas is moisturized and super-
Quench heated and sent to the combustion turbine.
KRWFluidized-Bed Gasifier. Development
Slaglwater slurry of this process was started by Westinghouse.
Later, Kellogg Rust purchased an interest, and
Fig. 19.17. E-Gas™ gasifier. (Source: Dastec Energy.)
the technology was renamed the Kellogg-Rust
Westinghouse (KRW) process. A 15-ton/day
unit was successfully operated at Waltz Mills,
gasification temperature above the ash fusion Pennsylvania. Based on this success, a KRW
point. Under gasifier conditions, the feed is gasifier was included as part of a 100-MW(e)
almost completely converted to a gas consist- IGCC Clean Coal Technology project near
ing primarily of H2, CO, CO2, and Hp. Reno, Nevada. Owing to problems, mainly
Coal ash and any added flux form a molten with the hot gas cleanup system, this unit only
slag that flows continuously through a tap operated for short periods of time.
hole in the floor of the horizontal section into The KRW fluidized-bed gasifier consists of
a quench water bath, where the slag solidifies. a vertical vessel with a smaller diameter at the
A continuous removal system transfers the bottom than at the top (Fig. 19.18). It is fitted
slag to a dewatering bin, where the bulk of the with a central feed tube through which coal,
slag settles out. The overflow goes to a settler sorbent (limestone), oxidant (air or oxygen),
for removal of the remaining fines. To and steam are introduced. Solids are fed
improve carbon utilization, the fine particles through a series of bins, which raise them
are recycled to the slurry preparation area. from atmospheric to gasifier operating pres-
Raw syngas from the gasifier's first stage sure. Coal and limestone are then pneumati-
flows up into the vertical, refractory-lined, cally transported to the gasifier central feed
second stage, where additional slurry, but no tube. Oxidant is added to the feed tube, and
additional oxygen, is injected. The injected the streams merge to form a central jet. The
fuel undergoes devolatilization and pyrolysis coal quickly devolatilizes, and the remaining
that both cools the syngas (because these char and limestone enter the gasifier bed.
reactions are endothermic) and increases its Combustion of char and gas occurs within
heating value (because of the nature of the the jet to provide the heat necessary for the
products produced). In addition, water reacts endothermic devolatilization, gasification,
with some of the carbon to produce CO and and desulfurization chemical reactions.
H2 • Unreacted char is carried overhead with Extraction steam from the steam turbine is
the syngas that leaves the gasifier at 1900°F. also fed to the gasifier. CO and H2 are the

t Product Gas


Freeboard --'1--_

Fluid Bed - -....

Combustion Jet

Ash Separation

Rotary Feeder -----II-4~

Coal, Limestone & Transport Gas

Ash Agglomerates and Spent Sorbent

Fig. 19.18. KRW gasifier.

major combustible constituents of the product dense calcium sulfide/oxide particles , sepa-
gas. Methane and other hydrocarbons are pro- rate from the char bed because of their higher
duced in small quantities during devolatiliza- density and different fluidization characteris-
tion of the coal. The gasifier temperature is tics. This separation occurs primarily in the
high enough to crack the tars and oils pro- region surrounding the central feed tube at the
duced. Because of the reducing atmosphere bottom of the gasifier. These solids are cooled
present during gasification, sulfur in the coal in the gasifier annulus by a countercurrent
is released as predominantly H2S . At condi- stream of recycle gas. The spent solids
tions in the gasifier, limestone is rapidly cal- (uncon verted calcined limestone, sulfided
cined to form lime that reacts with the HzS to limestone , and ash) leaving the gasifier are
form CaS. Because chemical equilibrium lim- transported to the ash collection system, con-
its sulfur capture, remaining H2S in the product sisting of a series of bins designed to reduce
gas is captured in a downstream desulfurizer. pressure back to atmospheric .
As the carbon in the coal is gasified, the Gas exiting the gasifier flows through a
particles become enriched in ash. These ash cyclone for removal of entrained solids (char,
particles tend to agglomerate and, along with ash, and sorbent) and then to the product gas

cooler, where it is cooled to 1000°F while production of a desired product (solid, liquid,
generating 1075 psia steam. Solids collected or gas).
in the cyclone are returned to the gasifier, Coal pyrolysis is a very old technique (dat-
while the gas goes to sulfur removal before ing back to the eighteenth century), based on
being burned in the gas turbine. relatively inelegant technology. Most pyrolysis
systems in use in the late 1800s and early
1900s were in Europe and had as their objec-
COAL LIQUEFACTION tive the production of smokeless fuel (char)
The primary purpose of any coal liquefaction for domestic use. However, within a short time
process is to produce a liquid product with an it was realized that the coal tar fraction con-
increased hydrogen-to-carbon ratio, a reduced tained valuable chemical products. However,
heteroatom (sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen) con- as inexpensive petroleum appeared on the
tent, and a minimal inorganic content. This has scene, interest in coal byproducts faded. A
been accomplished by a variety of methods, detailed review has been published.i?
which can generally be grouped into three Interest in pyrolysis was rekindled by the oil
major categories: pyrolysis, direct liquefac- embargo of 1973, and emphasis was placed on
tion, and indirect liquefaction. In pyrolysis, developing pyrolysis processes that would
coal is heated to generate gases and liquids/tars achieve a maximum yield of liquid products
while leaving a char behind. The liquids/tars capable of displacing petroleum as a source of
are condensed and further treated to produce distillate fuels. Several processes were devel-
conventional liquid fuels. A process variation oped to the pilot-plant stage in the 1970s, but
(hydropyrolysis) produces higher-quality development was discontinued when oil prices
products by carrying out the pyrolysis in a softened in the early 1980s, and none of these
hydrogen atmosphere. In direct coal liquefac- processes achieved commercial success.
tion, powdered coal is mixed with a solvent Pyrolysis conditions determine the extent to
and, usually, a catalyst, and heated under pres- which the coal is carbonized and the nature of
sure in a hydrogen atmosphere to produce the liquid and gaseous products. Coal pyroly-
gaseous and liquid products. The liquids are sis processes are generally classified as low
separated from ash and unconverted coal and temperature «700°C), medium temperature
refined to useful fuels. In indirect liquefaction, (700-900°C), or high temperature (>900°C).
the coal is first gasified to produce syngas, A number of reviews on advanced pyrolysis
which is then converted in the presence of a processes are available.Pr" Two highly devel-
catalyst at an appropriate temperature and oped pyrolysis processes were the COED
pressure to liquid products. Each of these process, developed by FMC Corporation,
approaches is discussed in more detail below. which used a series of fluidized beds operat-
ing at successively higher temperatures, and
the TOSCOAL process, which used a hori-
Pyrolysis-Based Processes
zontal rotating kiln.
When coal is heated, it undergoes thermal
decomposition, which results in the evolution
Factors Affecting Coal Pyrolysis
of gases and liquids/tars from the char that
remains. In all coal conversion and utilization During pyrolysis, the yield of gaseous and
processes (including combustion, gasifica- liquid products can vary from 25 to 70 percent
tion, and liquefaction), some form of coal by weight, depending on a number of vari-
pyrolysis occurs. Because coal pyrolysis is an ables, such as coal type, type and composition
important process for making metallurgical of the atmosphere present, final pyrolysis tem-
coke, a vast amount of literature exists on the perature, time-temperature path, and pressure.
topic. By carefully varying pyrolysis condi- Although certain operating conditions may
tions and optionally adding a reactive atmos- lead to increased product yield, achieving
phere (such as hydrogen), one can optimize these conditions may result in increased costs.

TABLE 19.14 Summary of Effects of Process Parameters on Coal Pyrolysis

Heating rate
• A rapid heating rate increases liquid/gas yield and reduces char yield
• A rapid heating rate produces poorer quality (lower HIC ratio) tar than that obtained at a slower heating rate l 9•20
• A rapid heating rate (in a reactive gas atmosphere) produc es char with increased open structure and reactivity
• A rapid heating rate increases the thermoplastic (softening and swelling) behavior of coal
• Achieving a rapid heating rate requires a sophisticated (often expensive) system
• Low-temperature operation (50Q-700°C) improves liquid yield
• Temperature affects heteroat om distribution among char, liquid, and gas
• At elevated temperatures (> I300°C), inorganics are removed as slag
• Lower temperature s require a longer residence time for complete reaction
Inert gas atmosphere :
• Higher pressure operation reduce s reactor size (i.e. increases throughput)
• Higher pressure reduces tar yield
• Coal feeding and product separation are more difficult at high pressure
• Higher pressure improves gas-solid heat transfer
H2 atmosphere:
• Improves the yields of liquid and lighter products
• Requires a sophisticated pressure control system
• May increase undesirable agglomerating properties of coal"
• H2 cost must be compared to the increased value of the product
Other atmospheres (HP, CO 2, CO, CH4, CS 2) :
• Probably improve liquid- gas yield
• Little information available
• Plastic behavior of coal is reduced-'
• Increases liquid/gas yield23
• Difficult to achieve gas- solid heat transfer (solid-solid heat transfer feasible)
• Little information available
Particle size
• Smaller particle size improves gas-liquid yield
• Smaller part icle size reduces secondary reactions
• Grinding cost increases with the reduction in size
Coal rank
• High Volatile A (HVA) bituminous coals produce the largest quantity of tar
• Lignites are rich in oxygen functional groups that lead to overall reduction in the calorific value of the product
• The type of sulfur (pyritic versus organic) present influences sulfur distribution among the products

Many excellent reviews (Howard.V Gavalas,' observedbefore the onset of thermal decompo-
and Solomon and Seri033) have been pub- sitionthat occurs above 350°C. When heated to
approximately 100°C, physically sorbed mois-
lished that discuss the factors affecting coal
ture is liberated. Heating low-rank coals, such
pyrolysis and product composition. In the fol-
lowing sections, major conclusions presentedas lignites, that contain appreciable carboxylic
functional groups will liberate carbon dioxide
in the literature are discussed (as summarized
in Table 19.14). by thermal decarboxylation. Over 50 percentof
the carboxylic acid functional groups are lost in
Temperature andHeatingRate. Coal under- the temperature range 100-250°C.
goes many physical and chemical changes As the temperature of thermal treatment
when heated gradually from ambient tempera- increases to the range 200-400°C, coal
ture to approximately 1000°C. Some changes, produces a number of lower molecular weight
such as carbon-carbon bond scission, are organic species (especially aliphatic com-

pounds), which are believed to arise from Bituminous coal tars tend to be more aromatic
components that are loosely bound to the more (and relatively more thermally stable) than the
thermally stable part of the coal structure. At a tars generated from lignites. When heated,
higher temperature (375-700°C, depending on bituminous coals soften, become plastic, and
the heating rate), thermal destruction of the swell to varying degrees, whereas lower-rank
coal structure occurs, as reflected by the for- coals generally do not become plastic.
mation of a variety of hydrocarbons, including However, at a rapid heating rate (about
methane, other alkanes, polycyclic aromatics, 10°C/min) or elevated pressure, certain lower-
phenols, and nitrogen-containing compounds. rank coals may melt and demonstrate some
In this temperature range, bituminous coals plastic and swelling characteristics.
soften and become plastic (thermoplastic) to
varying degrees. OtherFactors. Several other factors influ-
At still higher temperatures (600-800°C, ence, at least to some extent, the course of the
depending on the heating rate), the plastic pyrolysis process. These include particle size,
mass undergoes repolymerization, forming bed configuration, pressure/vacuum during
semicoke (solid coke containing significant pyrolysis, nature of the coal ash, secondary
volatile matter). At temperatures exceeding reactions, etc. 37 It is beyond the scope of
600°C, semicoke hardens to form coke with this chapter to consider these items, but the
the evolution of methane, hydrogen, and interested reader can find additional informa-
traces of carbon oxides. Pyrolysis of coal tion in the literature, including reports on
is essentially complete at approximately pressure effects,21,38 effect of'vacuum.P effect
IOOO°C. The temperature at which the maxi- of inorganics.P-" and effect of a reactive
mum devolatilization rate occurs depends on atmosphere.Pv'"
the heating rate. For a slow heating rate (about
5°C/s) the maximum rate occurs at around
400°C, whereas for a rapid heating rate (about Utilization and Characterization of
Pyrolysis Products
100C/s) the maximum rate might not occur
until 900°C.35 Maintaining the coal at the Efficient utilization of all the products, solid,
final temperature for an extended period nor- liquid, and gaseous, is essential if favorable
mally increases the yield of volatile material, economics for a pyrolysis process are to be
because char decomposition is a relatively achieved. Products may require varying
slow process. degrees of treatment before they are usable.
Because pyrolysis reactions do not occur at The stream exiting the pyrolyzer requires
sharply defined temperatures, the heating rate separation of gas, liquid, and particulates,
has a marked effect on the nature and distri- similar to the situation for a fixed-bed gasifier
bution of pyrolysis products, as summarized (i.e., cold gas cleanup). Possible operations
in Table 19.14. Solomon and coworkers include hot dust removal cyclones, quench!
conducted extensive work on the kinetics of particulate scrubber towers, and venturi
coal devolatilization, and many reviews are scrubbers to remove tar mist. In general, gas
available." stream sulfur removal and wastewater treat-
ment are also required. Finally, environmental
CoalRank. The type of coal strongly influ- factors, such as toxicity," carcinogenicity, and
ences pyrolysis behavior. Low-rank coals, mutagenicity of the coal pyrolysis liquids
such as lignite, contain oxygen functional (CPL), need to be considered. For example,
groups that evolve water and carbon oxides the mutagenicity of CPL is strongly dependent
upon pyrolysis. Higher-rank bituminous coals on the conditions of pyrolysis (temperature,
contain less oxygen; consequently, these coals coal type, and atmosphere during pyrolysis).
produce significantly less water and carbon Liquid fuels markets tend to have product
oxides when pyrolized. The nature of the tar specifications that do not vary widely.
produced is also dependent on coal rank. However, the characteristics of CPL can vary

greatly, depending on coal type and operating a variety of products , some of which are in the
conditions. In general, the WC atomic ratio for gas phase and some soluble in the liquid
CPL is lower than that for petroleum products, phase. The highly aromatic liquid products are
which is in the range 1.8-1.9 for No.2 fuel oil separated from ash and unconverted coal by
and 1.7-1.8 for No.6 fuel oil. In contrast, the solvent deashing or vacuum distillation and
WC ratio for CPL is in the range 0.9-1.5, indi- upgraded by conventional petroleum refining
cating that CPL is significantly more aromatic techniques to gasoline and distillates.
(50-70%) than petroleum-derived products. The success of any DCL process is highly
The uses of CPL can be divided into two dependent on the type of coal used. Coal rank
broad categories: (I) direct combustion , requir- influences both overall conversion and product
ing little or no upgrading, and (2) transporta- distribution. Lower-rank coals have been
tion fuels and chemicals, requiring extensive reported to give both higher and lower conver-
upgrading. The high aromaticity of CPL indi- sions than bituminous coals,42 with most
cates that conversion to gasoline is preferred to evidence supporting the latter. Furthermore,
conversion to diesel fuel. Much of the attention the liquid products from lower-rank coals are
in low-temperature tar processing has been generally more volatile and oflower molecular
devoted to hydroprocessing techniques, such as weight'-' than those from bituminous coals.
hydrotreating and hydrocracking, with the Germany demonstrated commercial-scale
primary objectives of reducing viscosity, operation of DCL during World War II,
reducing polynuclear aromatics, and removing employing the Bergius process, which they
heteroatoms (sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen) to had developed . After World War II, the United
produce usable fuels and chemicals. States constructed a 200-300 bbl/day DCL
The cost of H2 is still the primary impedi- plant at Louisiana, Missouri , based on the
ment to tar upgrading. Although the tar frac- German technology. This plant was operated
tion can be used as a source for chemicals, by the Bureau of Mines from 1949 to 1954.
such as phenolics, road tars, preservatives , and However, as the extent of petroleum deposits
carbon binders, these uses do not constitute a in the Middle East and other locations became
large enough market to support a major indus- apparent and fears of an oil shortage subsided,
try. Likewise, the char has a range of potential interest in DCL diminished.
applications, but the char must provide an eco- The 1973 oil embargo created a new surge
nomic return for pyrolysis processes to operate of interest in DCL as one of a number of
profitably. One obvious application is on-site routes to produce petroleum substitutes from
combustion to generate heat for the pyrolysis indigenous resources. From this renewed
process. Alternatively, the char can be com- effort in the early 1970s, three major DCL
busted in an electric power plant. Char could processes emerged: Solvent Refined Coal
also be gasified to produce hydrogen for use in (SRC-II), Exxon Donor Solvent (EDS) , and
hydropyrolysis or tar hydrotreatment. Other H-Coal. These processes converted coal to
applications include production of activated liquids in a single reaction stage and, by the
carbon and molecular sieves. late 1970s, had been developed at pilot-plant
scale, with designs underway for demonstra-
tion plants. However, in the early I980s, these
Direct Coal Liquefaction
plans were cancelled due to projected unfa-
Direct coal liquefaction (DCL) refers to the vorable economics. Interest then shifted to
process of converting coal to liquid products developing a two-stage process, which prom-
by mixing ground coal with a recycled process ised higher yields and better quality product
solvent and/or petroleum-derived residual with a concomitant improvement in econ-
oil and reacting the slurry in a hydrogen omics . For information on the early history
atmosphere at 750-850°F (40~50°C) and of DCL, see Wu and Storch," Donath and
1000-2500 psig (7-17 MPa) . Under these Hoering.f Ministry of Fuel and Power;" and
conditions , the coal structure breaks down into Perry s Chemical Engineers' Handbookt i

Chemistry of Direct Coal Liquefaction to prevent exposure of plant workers. Another

As coal is heated in a suitable solvent, it is problem is that the current trend is to limit the
rather rapidly (1-5 min) converted into soluble aromatics content of transportation fuels for
entities that have a high molecular weight and environmental reasons. Therefore, production
an average elemental composition relatively of specification fuels from coal liquids can
little changed from that of the moisture and require extensive (and potentially expensive)
ash free (maf) feed coal. As residence time is hydroprocessing.
extended, hydrocracking converts the dis- The first DCL processes were single-stage
solved entities to lower-boiling liquids with processes, in which both coal dissolution and
reduced heteroatom content. 48 The exact hydrocracking take place in the same reactor.
product slate depends on many factors, Later, it became apparent that these two steps
including operating conditions, coal proper- could not both be optimized at the same oper-
ties, and the solvent used. The dissolution ating conditions. This led to the development
reactions produce free radicals, which may of a two-stage process, in which a short con-
undergo retrograde reactions to form insolu- tact time (SCT) thermal liquefaction reactor
ble coke or, if there is sufficient hydrogena- was followed by a catalytic upgrading reactor
tion activity, be stabilized by reaction with to optimize conditions for both reactions, thus
hydrogen atoms. The stabilized free radicals leading to higher yields, more efficient use
can then undergo hydrocracking reactions to of hydrogen, and a better product distri-
form a wide range of products from methane bution. Other variations of two-stage process-
through heavy oil. Some hydrogen comes ing, such as the Integrated Two-Stage
from the gas phase, but most is transferred Liquefaction (ITSL) process, were developed
from the solvent. The most effective hydrogen later. Tables 19.15 and 19.16 present typical
transfer agents (hydrogen donor solvents) are compositions and yields, respectively, of dis-
hydroaromatic compounds, which can lose tillates from various DCL processes.
hydrogen and revert to polynuclear aromatics
and later be rehydrogenated to hydroaromat-
Direct Coal Liquefaction Processes
ics. The mechanism of these and other DCL
reactions is not fully understood, and since All DCL processes consist of three basic steps:
every coal molecule is unique, it is unlikely (1) slurrying powdered coal in a solvent,
that precise kinetics will ever be possible. (2) dissolving the coal under high pressure and
Because of the high concentration of ring temperature in a hydrogen-containing atmos-
structures in coal, coal liquids are highly aro- phere, and (3) separating the products from ash
matic, particularly the heavier fractions. This and unconverted coal. However, the specific
can be a problem, since some polynuclear configuration of equipment and the processing
aromatics are carcinogenic. Even though the conditions used vary considerably among dif-
carcinogens can be eliminated from the final ferent processes. It is beyond the scope of this
product by limiting the endpoint of the distil- chapter to review all DCL processes, but some
late to about 7000P and recycling heavier of the different approaches that have been used
components to extinction, care must be taken are discussed below.

TABLE 19.15 Heteroatom Content of Products from Direct Liquefaction Processes

Wt. % in naphtha (Cr390°F) Wt. % in distillate (40G-975°F)

Process 0 N S H 0 N S H
H-Coal 0.6 0.3 0.07 13.19 J.l 0.5 0.08 9.52
EDS 2.42 0.23 0.28 12.03 2.0 0.6 0.3 8.97
SRC-II 3.51 0.42 0.26 10.46 3.63 0.99 0.25 9.27
ITSL 0.41 0.14 0.01 13.78 0.56 0.30 0.015 10.21

TABLE 19.16 DistillateYields fromVarious Direct Liquefaction Processes

Distillate Yield Quality
(wt. % (bbl/ton (gravity Heteroatoms (wt. %)
Process Configuration Maf Coal) Maf Coal) °APl) N 0 S
SRC-II One-stage 41 2.4 12.3 1.0 2.33 0.33
(1982) Noncatalytic
H-Coal One-stage 52 3.3 20.2 0.50 1.0 0.20
(1982) Noncatalytic
Wilsonville ITSL 62 3.8 20.2 0.25 1.9 0.23
(1985) Thermal-catalytic
Wilsonville CC-ITSL 70 4.5 26.8 0.16 <I 0.11
(1986) Catalytic-catalytic

The Solvent Refined Coal (SRC-I and Although SRC-II was basically a thermal
SRC-II) Processes. The SRC-II process began liquefaction process, it was most successful
as a study of the feasibility of coal deashing by using bituminous coals with a high native
Spencer Chemical (later purchased by Gulf pyrite content. Iron sulfides are well known to
Oil) in 1962.49 The aim was to produce a very have catalytic properties for coal liquefaction.
low-ash, low-sulfur solid fuel that could substi- Recycling part of the ash-minerals-containing
tute for the coal burned in boilers. Feed coal is bottoms had two beneficial effects: (1) it
crushed, mixed with a recycled solvent and increased the pyrite concentration in the reac-
hydrogen, preheated, and fed to the dissolver, tor feed, and (2) it increased the residence
which operates at 840-870°F (450--465°C). time for heavy components, thus giving them
Dissolver effluent is flashed, subjected to ash more time to hydrocrack to distillate products.
removal and solvent recovery, and then solidi- A block flow diagram of the SRC-II process
fied by cooling. The product is a low-sulfur, is shown in Fig. 19.19.
low-ash, solid boiler fuel with a melting point
of approximately 300°F (150°C), a heat of The Exxon DonorSolvent Process. Research
combustion of 16,000 BTU/lb, and a HlC ratio on the Exxon Donor Solvent (EDS) process
approximately the same as that of the feed coal. began at Exxon in 1966. A schematic of the
A 50-ton/day SRC plant, located in Fort Lewis, EDS process is shown in Fig. 19.20.37,50 Coal
Washington, began operating in October 1974. is ground, mixed with hydrogenated distillate
Ash removal was initially accomplished using recycle solvent, and preheated before enter-
a filter, which was later replaced by a critical ing a slurry-bed liquefaction reactor, which
solvent deashing (CSD) unit. Operation of the operates at 800-880°F (425-470°C) and
plant revealed two problems: (1) it was diffi- 1500-2000 psig (10-14 MPa). Hydrogen is
cult to produce enough solvent to stay in sol- added to the reactor, which operates without
vent balance; and (2) the economics of addition of an external catalyst. The solvent
producing a coal substitute were not attractive. transfers hydrogen to dissolved coal frag-
To overcome these problems, the plant was ments in the liquefaction reactor with some
modified in late 1976 to increase residence additional hydrogen being supplied from the
time in the reactor and to recycle some of the gas phase. Distillate production is achieved
ash-containing bottoms. These modifications by thermal cracking and hydrogenation. The
resulted in greatly enhanced distillate produc- total reactor product is sent to a distillation
tion and changed the objective of the process unit where it is separated into gas, naphtha,
from producing a solid fuel (SCR-I) to pro- distillate, and vacuum bottoms containing
ducing a liquid product (SCR-II). The plant ash and undissolved coal. The 400-850°F
was shut down in 1981 and later dismantled. (204--455°C) distillate fraction is sent to a



~~~~~CTS ----------f


Fig. 19.19. Block flow diagram of SRC-II process for solvent refined coal. (Courtesy The Pace Company,
Denver, CO.)



H2 0

H2 - _ - . I LIQUEFACTION t--_-.I DISTILLATION 1----.-_0-4


H20 ---I..,--.......- ---,I--_...J

AIR -~-t--"""'T'"_ _J---- FUEL GAS

Fig. 19.20. Schematic of Exxon Donor Solvent process. (Courtesy The Pace Company, Denver, CO.)

fixed-bed catalytic hydrogenation unit to regen- 250-tonJday pilot plant operated at Baytown,
erate the hydrogen donor (H-donor) solvent. Texas, from 1980 through 1982.38
The use of an external reactor to hydro- Operating conditions for the EDS process
genate the recycle solvent distinguished the are similar to those for the SRC-II process;
EDS process from other single-stage and, like SRC-II, EDS works best with bitumi-
processes. 51 (Although this process uses a nous coals. The distillate yield is about 2.5-3
separate solvent hydrogenation unit, it is con- barrels ofliquid per ton of coal. This somewhat
sidered to be a single-stage process, because low yield is probably attributable to the
the coal itself is only treated in one reactor.) A absence of a catalyst in the liquefaction reactor.

Initial operation of the EDS process showed convert petroleum residues to lower-boiling-
that coal could be adequately hydrogenated in point products. 54 Research on the H-Coal
the absence of added catalyst. However, a process began in 1964 at Hydrocarbon
later modification, which used vacuum bot- Research, Inc. (HR!) on a bench-scale unit.
toms recycle (similar to the bottoms recycle Construction of a 200-600-tonlday pilot plant
demonstrated in the SRC-II process) in addi- adjacent to the Ashland Oil refinery in
tion to donor solvent recycle, displayed Cattletsburg, Kentucky, was completed in
improved operating characteristics and higher early 1980 and operated through November
distillate yield, particularly for low-rank 1982.
coals. The increased residence time in the Figure 19.21 shows a schematic of the
reactor of the heavy, high-boiling-point mate- H-Coal process, which employs a single cat-
rial increased the yield of naphtha. 52 In addi- alytic stage to produce a synthetic crude
tion, the ash in the bottoms recycle may have oip7,38 Coal is crushed, dried, and mixed with
provided a catalytic effect, resulting in recycle oil and hydrogen before being pre-
increased conversion for lignite and sub-bitu- heated to approximately 850°F (454°C). The
minous coals.P The recognition of these fac- preheater effluent is fed to the bottom of an
tors was important to the later development of ebullated bed reactor. During operation, fresh
the two-stage liquefaction concept. catalyst (a cobalt-molybdenum extrudate) is
fed to the top of the reactor, while spent cata-
The H-Coal Process. The H-Coal process lyst is removed from the bottom to maintain
is an adaptation of the H-Oil process, which constant reactivity and inventory. The upward
uses a catalytic ebullated bed reactor to flow of the coal slurry and hydrogen causes

AllJOII..-o-,. ro


.u,••• _ _A'\ te_'
." ... ore
'tv«l ~H+-+r-~ ITIU

nUll I''''' liD


, "ouoo


~~::::r., •

Fig. 19.21. Schematic of H-Coal Process. (Courtesy The Pace Company, Denver, CO.)

the catalyst to remain in suspension in the solvent to the first-stage dissolver. To avoid
reactor; however, there is a small volume at plugging and rapid catalyst deactivation that
the top of the bed which remains catalyst free. could result from use of a fixed bed, an
Products are removed from the top of the ebullated-bed reactor was used as the second
reactor, and the various fractions are sepa- stage. Although improved, distillate yields
rated by conventional techniques. were still relatively low.56
The H-Coal product has a high H/C ratio To further improve yields, the integrated two-
and a low heteroatom content, as shown in stage liquefaction (lTSL) process was devel-
Table 19.15. However, the use of high tem- oped. In ITSL hydrogenated resid from the
peratures in the reactor causes excessive ther- second stage is recycled to the first stage to
mal cracking, resulting in high gas yields and serve as solvent. In addition, solvent deashing
correspondingly poor hydrogen utilization (SDA) was used to remove ash from the resid.
efficiency. Typically, between 14,000 and The SDA unit was originally located between
20,000 standard cubic feet of hydrogen are the first and second stages, but later, in the
required for each ton of coal processed. reconfigured two-stage liquefaction (RITSL)
The H-Coal process produces approximately process, the SDA unit was relocated after the
3-3.5 barrels of liquid product for each ton of second-stage. This latter configuration showed
coal." Tests showed that the process is best that ash in the first-stage reactor effluent did not
suited for high-volatile bituminous coal; the use deactivate the catalyst in the second stage. The
of low-rank coals significantly reduced liquid product from the ITSL process was of
throughput and distillate yields. The successful better quality, as shown in Table 19.16, and
performance of the ebullated bed reactor in the more easily upgraded by conventional petro-
H-Coal process led to its later use in two-stage leum-refining techniques than the product from
liquefaction systems. the single-stage process.
The next advance was the close-coupled
Two-Stage Process. As DCL research pro- integrated two-stage liquefaction (CC-ITSL)
gressed, it became apparent that both coal dis- process, in which the residence time between
solution and hydrocracking could not be reactors was minimized by having the first-
optimized at the same operating conditions stage effluent pass directly to the second-stage
and that two-stage operation offered the reactor, thereby improving thermal efficiency,
potential for process improvements. This led reducing the potential for retrograde reactions,
to the use of a short contact time (SeT) eliminating the need for pressure letdown
thermal liquefaction reactor followed by a between stages, and producing a higher-
catalytic upgrading reactor (hydrotreater) to quality solvent.37,57,58 Distillate yields from
provide optimum conditions for both reac- the CC-ITSL of up to 64 percent (maf coal)
tions. This arrangement resulted in higher were reported for Illinois No. 6 bituminous
yields, more efficient use of hydrogen, and a coal." Several versions of the CC-ITSL
better product distribution. The development process have been investigated, including ther-
of the two-stage process involved contribu- mal/catalytic (T/C CC-ITSL), in which the
tions from a number of companies, including first stage is thermal and the second stage cat-
Lummus, Kerr-McGee, and HRI (which later alytic; catalytic/catalytic (C/C CC-ITSL), in
became HTI), and proceeded in an evolution- which both first- and second-stage reactors are
ary manner through a series of steps. ebullated beds; and use of a disposable slurry
The first approach to separation of the catalyst in place of ebullated catalyst.
two stages was the nonintegrated two-stage The most advanced two-stage process
liquefaction (NTSL) process.P in which a involves close coupled operation with a dis-
second-stage upgrading reactor was placed posable slurry catalyst (typically iron and/or
downstream of an SRC-I type dissolution molybdenum) added with the feed coal and an
reactor. Nonintegrated means that the second- integrated hydrotreater to treat the distillate
stage catalytic hydrotreater did not contribute condensed from the gaseous phase from the

high-pressure separator. This arrangement improvement in reaction kinetics would result

produces a high yield of distillate products in a large economic return through reduced
with a very low heteroatom content. reactor costs. In addition to supported catalysts,
research is being devoted to developing dis-
persed slurry phase catalysts that are more
Direct Coal Liquefaction and the Future active, selective, and resistant to deactivation in
Future research will be primarily driven by the presence of high-boiling-point components.
economic considerations. The use oflarge-scale The use of inexpensive western U.S.
commercial DCL will be feasible only when sub-bituminous coals as feedstock could fur-
the costs of coal-derived products are compara- ther improve process economics. It has been
ble with those of petroleum-derived products. shown that these coals can produce lower-
Special circumstances, such as those present in boiling and higher-quality liquids 3 1,32,4 1 and
Germany during World War II, may occasion- slower deactivation of the second-stage
ally make DCL economically feasible, but so catalyst." The main problem is their lower
far these situations have proven to be only reactivity, which causes inefficient use of
temporary. Two studies37,59 have reported that, reactor volume and the loss of product on
at an equivalent crude petroleum cost of around solids separation. The different behavior of
$35/bbl, coal liquefaction would be economi- low-rank coals is believed to relate to their
cally feasible. However, crude oil prices have thermal sensitivity and high propensity for
tended to fluctuate, and even if they rose to cross-linking. Dissolution promoted by an
$35/bbl, the viability of a large-scale DCL effective slurry-phase catalyst may be able to
operation would be tenuous. Investors would be counter this tendency by increasing the effec-
reluctant to commit the large capital expendi- tiveness of hydrogenation.
ture required for fear that crude prices would An economically viable DCL process may
drop and make their facility uneconomic. result from the incorporation of one or a
Several approaches to reducing costs are being combination of the above techniques. There is
pursued that may ultimately make DCL always the possibility of discovering an
economically competitive. approach that represents a radical departure
Decreasing the cost of hydrogen will from conventional techniques.
greatly improve the economics of any coal
liquefaction scheme. This may be done either
Indirect Coal Liquefaction
by lowering the cost of hydrogen production
or by improving the efficiency of hydrogen In indirect coal liquefaction, synthesis gas is
use, that is, minimizing the yield of light first produced in a suitable gasifier by reaction
hydrocarbons (methane through butanes). of the coal with oxygen and steam. Before
Coal cleaning, which involves the separation being fed to the synthesis reactor, the syngas
of some of the ash from the coal prior to lique- must be cooled and cleaned, which involves
faction, can yield several benefits. Primarily, it removal of particulates, H2S, NH 3, and other
reduces the load on the solid-liquid separator, impurities. Then, depending on the catalyst
thereby reducing the amount of organic mate- being used, it may be necessary to adjust the
rial rejected with the ash. Other benefits include H/CO ratio. Modem coal gasifiers typically
the reduction of wear on plant components and produce syngas with a H/CO ratio in the range
better utilization of reactor volume. However, 0.45-0.7, which is lower than the stoichiomet-
removal of mineral matter prior to reaction may ric ratio of about 2.0 for hydrocarbon produc-
eliminate beneficial catalytic effects that coal tion. Some catalysts, particularly iron-based
minerals, particularly iron pyrite, provide. catalysts, possess water gas shift conversion
Improved catalysts, in both stages of a C/C activity and permit operation with a low H/CO
CC-ITSL system, offer a significant potential ratio syngas. Other catalysts may require shift
benefit to process econornics/" Coal conver- conversion before the syngas is sent to the syn-
sion reactions are generally slow, and any thesis reactor. Because many syngas conversion

catalysts are very sulfur sensitrve, a guard Depending on the hydrogenation activity of
chamber before the reactor is sometimes used the catalyst, the product may be predomi-
to remove the last traces ofHzS. nantly paraffinic, or it may contain apprecia-
Any of the gasifiers discussed earlier in this ble amounts of olefins and alcohol s. The basic
chapter in the section "Gasification" can be reactions in the F-T synthesis are:
used to produce the syngas intermediate.
Thus, the feature that distinguishes one indi-
rect liquefaction process from another is the (2n + 1)Hz + nCO = CnH Zn+Z + nHzO
technology used to produce liquid products
from the syngas , rather than the technology
used to make the syngas. The liquefaction 2nHz + nCO = CnH Zn + »u,o
process usually involves some variation of
Fischer- Tropsch chemistry to produce naph-
tha and distillate fuels , but methanol, 2nHz + nCO = CnHZn+IOH + (n - I)HzO
dimethyl ether (DME), and other fuels and
If the catalyst has water gas shift activity, then
chemicals may also be produced."
the following reaction may also occur.
Fischer- Tropsch *. The process most fre- CO + HzO = Hz + COz
quently considered for indirect coal liquefac-
tion is the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis, This reaction converts CO into Hz and allows
developed in 1925 by German chemists operation with syngas having a HiCO ratio
Franz Fischer and Hans Tropsch. In the below the required ratio of about 2.0.
F-T process, synthesis gas is reacted over a The F-T synthesis typically follows polymer-
catalyst, typically iron or cobalt based, at 1-30 ization kinetics. The Anderson-Schulz-Flory
atrn and 20o-350°C to produce a wide range of equation describes the product distribution:
mainly aliphatic hydrocarbons , including gas,
LPG, gasoline, jet fuel, diesel oil, middle w" = n(l - O')ZO'n -1
distillates, heavy oil, and waxes. Germany used
where Wn is the weight fraction of products
this technology during World War II to produce
with carbon number n, and a is the chain
nearly 15,000 barrels/day of military fuels.
growth probability, sometimes referred to as
A two-phase fluidized bed reactor using
the Schulz-Flory alpha, the value of which
fused iron catalyst operating at higher temper-
depends on the catalyst and operating
atures (now classified as high temperature
conditions used. When a equals 0, the prod-
Fischer-Tropsch HTFT) was built by
uct is pure methane, and as a approaches I,
Hydrocarbon Research and named the
the product becomes predominantly high
"Hydrocol" process. A large-scale Hydrocol
molecular weight wax. In logarithmic form,
plant operated using a natural gas feed from
the distribution becomes:
1951 to 1957 in Brownsville, Texas. Thus
HTFT technology has its roots in the United 10g(Wnln ) = n logo + log[(l - O')Z/O')]
States. A more advanced version of this tech-
nology is now in use at Secunda in South A plot of loge~ In) vs. n is a straight line,
Africa using Sasol Advanced Synthol (SAS) with a slope depending upon the value of a
reactors with capacities up to 20,000 bbllday. (see Fig. 19.22).
The F-T synthesis is basically a polymer- Catalysts of commercial significance are
ization reaction in which carbon monoxide either iron-based or cobalt-based. Iron-based
molecules are integrated one at a time into a catalysts are typically not supported, whereas
growing chain, followed by hydrogenation. cobalt-based catalysts are usually supported
on alumina, silica, or a similar material. The
'Updates to F-T technolo gy were provided by Dr. Andre three-phase low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch
Steynberg of SASOL. (LTFT) technology can be operated in either



l- 0.001

0.00001 +-------,--,------,----,--,-------,---,--------,----,------,----r--,----,----r------'I'
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Carbon Number
Fig. 19.22. Typical Schulz-Flory plot.

fixed bed or slurry-phase reactors (also conditions could not be judged. Of these
termed SBCRs) using either precipitated iron units, the one developed by Kolbel was by far
catalysts or supported cobalt catalysts. Gulf the largest, with a 1.5 m diameter and about
Oil first proposed the use of supported cobalt 7.7 m bed height. This reator operated with a
catalyst in SBCRs in the early 1980s and precipitated iron catalyst and produced light
subsequently this has become the most hydrocarbon products rather than using the
popular technology for natural gas conversion wax production mode that is prefrred today.
applications although Shell uses (in Bintulu, Cobalt catalysts tend to be more active and
Malaysia) and still proposes fixed-bed reactor operate at somewhat lower temperatures.
technology. It is important to mention that Because the F-T reaction is highly exother-
cobalt catalysts are not recommended for coal mic, high heat removal and good temperature
conversion due to the high catalyst cost and control are vital for successful process
the deactivation caused by the impurities in operation. Three types of reactors have been
coal-derived synthesis gas even with the use used in F-T plants: tubular fixed-bed reac-
of costly upstream guard beds. There are no tors, fluidized-bed reactors, and slurry bubble
commercial scale coal conversion plants column reactors (SBCR). A tubular fixed-bed
using cobalt catalyst, whereas on the other reactor resembles a vertical tubular heat
hand both LTFT and HTFT commercial-scale exchanger. Catalyst is loaded into the tubes,
plants using iron catalyst are in operation in and a cooling medium, typically water, is
South Africa at Sasolburg and Secunda, circulated in the shell for heat removal and
respectively. In many potential coal conver- temperature control. To prevent the tempera-
sion applications the water gas shift activity ture in the center of the tube from getting too
associated with iron catalysts (and absent high, reactor tube diameter is limited to about
with cobalt catalyst) is beneficial. 2 in. Also, catalyst loading and unloading can
In the 1950s and 1960s various sized slurry be a problem.
reactors were tested in Germany, England, Two types of fluidized-bed units have been
and the United States but space velocites were used. So-called fixed fluidized beds, in which
all very low and so the performance at gas the catalyst remains in the reactor and the syn-
velocities applicable at likely commerical gas passes up through it, and transport reac-

tors, in which the fluidized catalyst is carried gas keeps the catalyst in suspension and
along with the syngas, separated from the provides backmixing. The fluidized bed reac-
product gas outside the reactor, and recircu- tor design is the least complex FT reactor
lated to the reactor inlet. These reactors nor- design. The FT reactor costs are similar for
mally are operated in a high-temperature both the slurry and fluidized bed approaches
mode (about 340°C), which produces lower- but the former has a less complex and hence
boiling-point olefins and other compounds lower-cost product recovery and product
in the gasoline boiling range. Heavier prod- upgrading plant. The choice between these
ucts would remain on the catalyst, thus two technologies for coal conversion depends
destroying fluidization characteristics in the on the desired products. LTFT technology is
reactor. best for diesel production. If gasoline and
Fluidized bed reactors use a lower heat commodity chemicals are required then HTFT
removal area and generate higher pressure, technology is the preferred approach.
better quality steam. SBCR technology is In 1990, Sasol operated a l-m diameter
better suited to the production of diesel fuel SBCR F-T demonstration unit. This was then
using a very simple refinery approach. This is scaled up to a 2,500 barrels/day commercial
the usual reason for selecting this technology. unit with a 5-m diameter by 22-m high reac-
An SBCR is a vertical vessel containing heat tor that was commissioned in 1993.The
transfer tubes for heat removal (Fig. 19.23). demonstration unit was modified for cobalt
Finely divided catalyst suspended in an inert catalyst operation and the resulting informa-
liquid fills the reactor. Syngas is fed through a tion was used to design two 17,000 bbl/day
sparger at the bottom. The upward flow of this reactors using the Co catalyst technology


.. WAX


Fig. 19.23. Schematic of a slurry-phase reactor.

which are due to start operation at Ras Laffan generated. At Sasol, the process is operated
in Qatar in early 2006. to produce primarily gasoline and diesel
The Sasol Complex. South Africa's fuels, but it can be modified by using differ-
Sasol installation is the world's largest syn- ent catalysts and reaction conditions to
fuels plant based on coal. It converts an enhance the yield of olefinic and oxygenated
inferior, high-ash (35%) coal into a broad products that can be recovered for chemical
spectrum of products, which include ethyl- uses. 6Z,63 Some of the oxygenates available
ene, propylene, butylene, gasoline, and long from the process are methanol, ethanol,
straight-chain alcohols and hydrocarbons, propanol, butanone, and higher alcohols and
SASOL I, which went into commercial ketones. F-T olefins can be separated and
operation in 1955, is part of a versatile used for production of oxo chemicals, syn-
chemical complex that supplies much of thetic rubber, and alkylbenzene sulfonate
South Africa's needs for materials such as detergents.
nitrogen fertilizers, plastics, and pipeline Hydrocarbon waxes produced in a fixed-
gas. Five million tons of coal per year are bed reactor, which has operated since 1955,
gasified in Lurgi gasifiers with steam and have found a variety of uses. Also, byproducts
oxygen under pressures of about 20 atm. from the Sasol Lurgi coal gasifiers are recov-
The principal components of the syngas are ered for chemical and solvent applications.
Hz, CO, COz' and CH 4 , with the key materi- These products include phenol, cresols,
als being Hz and CO. The H/CO ratio can toluene, xylenes, ammonia, and sulfur. An
be adjusted by changing the amounts ofHzO addition to the spectrum of chemical products
and 0z used in the gasification. from Sasol is polypropylene. Also, ethane is
Other constituents present in the raw syngas being cracked to supplement ethylene produc-
include NH 3, HzS, other sulfur-containing tion for sale to polyethylene producers.
compounds, and tars. The raw product is puri- Additional work is in progress to evaluate the
fied by cooling the gas, condensing water and recovery of organic acids from aqueous waste
phenolics, and passing the remaining gas streams.
through three absorption trains using very cold
methanol. This essentially removes all the Methanol. Methanol is a water-soluble,
gaseous constituents except Hz, CO, and CH4 . low molecular weight alcohol that may be of
Sulfur in the purified gas amounts to less than increasing importance as a low-sulfur fuel, a
0.01 ppm, thus virtually eliminating sulfur chemical feedstock, and perhaps as a gasoline
poisoning of catalysts and ensuring a low sulfur additive or an intermediate in gasoline produc-
final product. A flow diagram is shown in tion. The synthesis of methanol is accom-
Fig. 19.24. plished by the catalytic conversion of synthesis
Sasol II, with an output of 50,000 barrels gas containing two moles of hydrogen for
per day of products, came on stream in 1980. each mole of carbon monoxide. Methanol
This was followed in 1983 by Sasol III. These synthesis is widely practiced in industry on a
two new plants were designed for zero emis- commercial scale. See Chapter 10 for a dis-
sions of liquid wastes. With the addition of cussion of methanol manufacture.
these projects, which cost over $7 billion,
South Africa had the capacity to provide Methanol to Gasoline-The Mobil Process.
approximately 40 percent of its liquid fuels Mobil Research and Development Corporation
and chemicals needs from coal. developed a process that catalytically dehy-
In 1980, Sasol introduced a second gen- drates and polymerizes methanol to produce a
eration of its fluidized-bed F-T technology high octane unleaded gasoline. The catalyst is
(the Synthol process), and in 1989 a third one of a new family of synthetic zeolites des-
generation. Each new generation has utilized ignated ZSM-5 by Mobil. These new zeolites
improved engineering design and has have a unique channel structure, different from
enhanced the utilization of the chemicals previously known wide-pore (9-10 A in diam-

(a) Sasol's Two Main Coal-into-Oil Processes

Coai gasification and purification flow diagram

Coat Fines Medium Creosote

Residue Oil

Rew g., I
I Oil

I Phenol Pitch

St•• mL...._.......7"""'~....., , - - -........, Hydrogenated


_____• Anhvdrous Ammonia


Aqueous effluent

(b) Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Flow Diagram

Chemical and Water
Pure Gas
~. Pentanot

I I CH4-R;ch Gas J 1
I I I Decant Oil t--- - - - - ,
_ light Oil
Pure Gas
__ -
~ta~ _ _ -:
- - ~ - -
- - - --.--10
to Effluent
I 1.---
, - - C02
CH4-Rlch Gas
- -

..- _
-j -
- ~2 _
-r I
To Naphtha

a: I I ~--
I ,--..........L.--....,

Fig. 19.24. Block flow diagram of Sasol's coal-to-oil process. (Reprinted from Encyclopedia of Chemical
Processing Design, pp. 310, 320, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, lnc., 1979.)

eter) and other narrow-pore (5 A) zeolites. One A schematic diagram of the process is
of these new zeolites converts methanol into a shown in Fig. 19.25. Crude methanol is
mixture of hydrocarbons corresponding to vaporized at the bottom of the reactor and
high-quality gasoline. The mass balance shows passes through a dense fluidized bed at 775°F
0.44 lb of gasoline and 0.56 lb of water from and 25 psig. The methanol is converted to
each pound of methanol; however, the gasoline hydrocarbons and water. The catalyst is sepa-
produced contains 95 percent of the heating rated from reaction products in a disengager
value in the methanol feed. section at the top of the reactor, the reactor

catalySt Regenerator

Conversion Reactor

Steam Coils


Methanol Feed

Air Inlet

Water ------1tu...

L'Qulfied Pelro leum Gas

High Octane Gasoline

Alkylation. Fractionation
and Finishing

Fig. 19.25. Schematic of Mobil 's fluid-bed MTG process, which uses a unique zeolite catalyst to convert
methanol to high octane, unleaded gasoline. (Courtesy The Pace Company, Denver, CO.)

effluent is condensed, and the water and PETROCHEMICAL FEEDSTOCKS

hydrocarbon products are separated. To Feedstocks for the petrochemical industry are
make additional gasoline, propene and produced mainly from crude oil (Chapter 18)
butenes can be alkylated with isobutane by and natural gas (Chapter 20) . About
conventional petroleum technology (see 90 percent of all organic chemicals arc manu-
Chapter 18). factured from just six feedstocks: synthesi s
Portions of the powdered catalyst are gas, ethylene, propylene , butadiene , benzene,
periodically removed from the reactor, regen- and p-xylene, with synthesis gas accounting
erated with air, and returned to the reactor. for over half of these feedstocks. Although a
Small amounts of carbon monoxide, carbon lot of syngas for the manufacture of
dioxide, and coke are formed as byproducts. ammonia, methanol, and other chemicals is

produced by steam reforming of natural gas discovery of the first coal tar dye by Sir
or light oils , as discussed above syngas can William Perkins in 1856. Prior to that time, the
also be produced by coal gasification. liquid byproducts of coking were regarded as
Many references discuss and evaluate wastes . Perkins' discovery revealed that valu-
processes for the production of chemicals able material s could be isolated or made from
from coaI.4,64--{)6 Most basic chemicals cur- coal tar and ultimately led to the establishment
rently produced from oil or natural gas can be of the modern chemical industry. Coke ovens
produced from coal using demonstrated tech- rapidly came to be important as sources of
nology. The broadest range of synthesized chemicals, such as benzene, naphthalene,
products is available by conversion of coal to ammonia, and hydrogen. Coal tar became an
synthesis gas and utilization of existing important source for aromatic and heterocyclic
proces ses for production of chemicals, such chemicals for the dye and pharmaceutical
as ammonia, methanol, and acetyl derivatives. industries .
Advances in the chemistry of synthesis gas Coke production was formerly the most
are rapidly expanding the array of chemicals important demonstrated technology associ-
obtainable from coal by this route. 67- 69 Many ated with the direct production of chemicals
other chemicals can be separated from the from coal. Industrial chemicals currently
byproducts of gasification and pyrolysis obtained in significant amounts as coke
processes. In fact, the foundation of the mod- byproducts include benzene, toluene, xylene,
ern chemical industry was built on processes naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, phe-
utilizing coal hydrogenation and pyrolysis nol, ammonia, ammonium sulfate, sulfur, and
to obtain a variety of chemicals, including carbon dioxide. The vast majority of aromat-
dyes, solvents , fuels , and pharmaceuticals.?" ics production from coal occurs in Eastern
However, in the 1950s the wide availability Europe , India, and Japan."
and low cost of crude oil made petroleum- Chemical byproducts from coke manufac-
derived materials the preferred source for ture amount to roughl y 4 percent of the coal
chemicals production. feed. Although this yield initially supplied
Today, the choice of feedstock for adequate quantities of chemicals for devel-
chemicals production depends on complex oping end uses , the growth of the industry
technical , economic, environmental, and eventually required additional sources of
political factors. Clearly, not all chemicals are chemicals. The advent of technology for pro-
suitable for production from coal with current ducing calcium carbide and acetylene in 1892
technology. Some factors to be considered in provided a means for conversion of coke to
the evaluation of the appropriate feedstock for chemical products." Also, this technology
a particular chemical product are: (I) the rela- stimulated the growth of an independent chem-
tionship between the carbon/hydrogen ratio in ical industry by allowing the manufacture of
the chemical product and the feedstock, (2) chemicals to be pursued apart from the man-
the delivered cost of alternative raw materials, ufacture of coke for steel production. More
(3) capital costs, (4) environmental protec- recently, independent production of chemicals
tion , and (5) the reliability of supply. from coal has gone through the synthesis gas
Recently, except for special situations, such as route .
that for Sasol in South Africa, the manufac- Chemicals from coal via gasification of
ture of chemicals from coal at coal prices rel- coal to synthesis gas as a stand alone chemical
ative to the prices of petroleum and natural plant has been difficult to justify economi-
gas has not been attracti ve economically. cally because the alternative routes through
crude oil or natural gas have been
relatively cheap ($ I 5-$35/bbl oil and
Chemicals from Coal*
The use of coal as a raw material for the 'This section was prepared by W illiam L. Trapp of
production of chemicals started with the Eastman Chem ical Company.

$1.50-$3.00/MMBtu NG). With special Chemicals bring a steadier, higher-value

circumstances such as large-scale, high final demand.
product value, low coal cost or intangibles In recent years several commercial plants
such as security of raw material supply, these have been constructed for conversion of coal
type plants have been successfully built and to synthesis gas for chemical manufacturing .
operated on a limited basis. However, as These include the Eastman Chemical 's acetic
crude oil and natural gas pricing has anhydride plant, the Ube (Japan) ammonia
increased, interest in coal to chemicals has plant, the SAR (Germany) oxo chemicals
dramatically increased. plant, and several coal to ammonia plants in
Economics of coal gasification plants can China (e.g., Weihe, Huainan, and Lunan). The
often be improved by co-production of "sec- Ube plant and the SAR plant have since
ondary" chemicals that may be low volume, converted to lower-cost opportunity fuels
but high value. This concept of co-production (petroleum coke and residues). The Eastman
to improve overall economics is illustrated by plant is still operating exclusively on coal.
the efforts at Dakota Gasification's Great Feedstock changes at the other plants illus-
Plains Synfuels plant in North Dakota and at trate the vulnerability of coal conversion
Sasol in South Africa. At Great Plains, the pri- processes to a changing economic climate.
mary product is synthetic natural gas, but The fact that the Eastman process remains
other high-value products include naphtha, competitive under changing conditions is due
phenol, fertilizers , krypton-xenon from the to a set of special circumstances that favor a
air separation plant, and CO2 exported for coal-based process. The success of the
enhanced oil recovery. Research and develop- Eastman chemicals from coal complex
ment efforts are ongoing to enable profitable demonstrates that synthesis gas from coal is a
recovery of other byproducts . The types of viable feedstock for some industrial chemi-
byproducts produced depend, in part, on the cals under certain conditions.
type of gasification technology employed. Synthesis gas can also be converted to a
Low-temperature gasification such as the type of synthetic crude oil through the
Lugi gasifier used at Dakota Gasification Fischer-Tropsch process . The synthetic crude
produce more tars and oils that can be sepa- can be refined to produce diesel fuel, jet fuel,
rated and refined to other products. The high- naphtha, and other fuels with virtually no
temperature gasification processes such as sulfur and very low aromatics making it a
GE (formerly Texaco) produce very few clean burning fuel that could demand a
chemicals directly other than carbon monox- premium price. Sasol in South Africa has
ide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. been demonstrating this technology for
There is also much interest in coal gasifi- 50+ years. Coal to diesel has not been
cation from power producers to produce economical in most of the world until recently
electricity from coal more cleanly and effi- when crude oil prices have stayed above
ciently than traditional pulverized coal steam $40/bbl. Now there are several U.S.-based
plants. This concept is commonly referred projects in the planning stages for coal to
to as IGCC (Integrated Combined Cycle diesel fuel. Hydrogen can be produced from
Gasificat ion). Economic justification of stand coal-derived syngas and be used as refinery
alone power plants via IGCC is also difficult feed or as a basis for the fuel cells.
due to the high capital cost of these type Clearly, the number of chemicals produced
plants. There could be significant synergies from coal-derived synthesis gas can expand as
between power production and chemical co- new technologies are developed and favorable
production that could improve the economics economics exist. The most likely such chemi-
of both. Power plants bring the large scale cals are those for which processes have been
necessary for unit cost reductions, but the demonstrated but which presently are uneco-
electricity price in many markets is low and nomic. Relatively small improvements in tech-
variable (especially in off-peak hours ). nology, shifts in feedstock availability and/or

and separation facilities, a sulfur recovery

cost, decreased capital costs, or political factors
could enhance the viability of coal-based unit, and chemical plants to produce methanol,
processes for the production of methanol, methyl acetate, acetic acid, and acetic anhy-
ethanol, and higher alcohols, vinyl acetate, eth-dride. A flow diagram of Eastman's chemicals
from coal plant is shown in Fig. 19.26.
ylene glycol, carboxylic acids, and light olefins.
New technologies are being developed for A GE quench coal gasifier provides synthe-
the partial oxidation of coal to organic acids, sis gas at elevated pressure from local coal.
for plasma pyrolysis of coal to produce Medium- and low-pressure steam for use else-
acetylene and other small molecules.F and for where in the complex are produced by recov-
the manufacture of additional chemicals such ering waste heat. After the gasifier product is
as acetaldehyde from synthesis gas." Also, scrubbed with water to cool the gas and
the use of coal tar for the manufacture of remove ash particles, a portion of the syngas
high-temperature engineering plastics74 and is sent to a water-gas shift reactor to increase
bioconversion of coal to aromatics, organic its hydrogen content. A Rectisol unit, using a
acids, alcohols, and methane" have been cold methanol wash, then removes hydrogen
reported. Innovativestrategies are being consid- sulfide and carbon dioxide from the product
ered that offer the potential for reduced costs; gas streams. Cryogenic separation in a Linde
for example, by co-gasifying coal with waste, "cold box" provides a carbon monoxide
waste disposal credits might be obtained." stream for the acetic anhydride plant and a
hydrogen-rich stream for methanol produc-
tion. The recovered hydrogen sulfide is con-
Examples of Chemicals Production verted to elemental sulfur in a Claus unit
from Coal
followed by a SCOT tail gas treating unit.
The first U.S. manufacturer to produce a slate Methanol is produced from carbon monox-
of industrial chemicals from coal was ide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. The proper
Eastman Chemical Company (Division of feed composition is achieved by combining the
Eastman Kodak Company). Commercial hydrogen-enriched syngas from the shift reac-
facilities include a coal gasification plant for tor and the hydrogen-carbon monoxide stream
synthesis gas manufacture, raw gas cleanup from the gas separation unit. The feed stream





Fig. 19.26. Overall block flow diagram for coal gasification-acetic anhydride complex.

goes to both an energy-efficient, low-pressure, South Africa. Sasol produces many produ cts
gas-phase, catalytic Lurgi methanol process from coal-deri ved syngas , including ethylene ,
and an Air products liquid-phas e process . propylene , e-olefins, alcohols , and ketones .
Methanol is reacted with acetic acid to form They have also increased their production of
methyl acetate. In the final step of the process, methanol , synthetic lubricants, detergent
purified carbon monoxide from the gas separa- alcohols, acrylic acid and acrylates, oxo-
tion plant is reacted with methyl acetate to alcohols , styrene and polystyrene , propylene
form acetic anhydride. Part of the acetic anhy- oxide, and propylene glycol.
dride is reacted with methanol to co-produce As the above examples illustrate , the poten-
acetic acid. The methyl acetate resulting from tial exists for producing larger quantities of
this reaction is recarbonylated in the acetic commodity chemicals from coal. Some fators
anhydride reactor. The acetic anhydride is used that could facilitate the increased use of coal
to make various cellulose acetate plastics and for this purpo se include price increases for
fibers and acetate solvents. The reaction pro- petroleum and increased use of coal gasifiers
duces byproduct acetic acid that is recycled to for power production. As IGCC plants are
the methyl acetate plant to react with methanol. built, there will be an opportunity to incorpo-
Another example of large-scale production rate in the plant design the co-production of
of chemicals from coal is the Sasol facility in high-value chemicals.

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