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To improve your command of English we can follow some tips.

As we all know, mastering the English language fluently represents an important competitive
advantage to achieve success in the job market.

As well as attending classes regularly with a little creativity and willingness you can enhance your
learning to a great extent, here are some key tips for you to substantially improve your level of

1. Listening to music or radio in English: No matter what genre of music or type of conversation
you are dealing with on a radio station, listening to English on a regular basis helps you to train
and refine your ear. Applications such as Spotify or Rdio will help you quickly and practically
perform this exercise.

2. Read English books: One of the best ways to improve your English is to read literature; this
exercise increases vocabulary, helps to internalize structures, grammatical forms and collocations.
Another important exercise you can do is to read some paragraphs or whole chapters aloud, so
that, besides consolidating the basic structures of English mentally, you can also do it verbally, that
is, improving your pronunciation.

There is also the option of getting e-books completely free on sites where you can download
books with expired copyrights such as, or

3. Get informed in English: In the era of information and knowledge in which our current ultra-
globalized society is inserted, it is indispensable to keep updated on what is happening in the
world, but why not do it in English? Some media such as the New York Times or The Guardian
update their portals minute by minute, other websites such as CNN or the BBC broadcast
information online 24 hours a day. Take advantage of these tools to keep abreast of international
developments while improving your language.

4. Use apps, exercise and practice: With the rise of new technologies, there are dozens of mobile
applications that allow users to improve their English skills anytime, anywhere. One of the most
popular applications is "Duolingo", which offers various levels of exercises, games and interactive
audios, which are focused on expanding your vocabulary, improving your pronunciation and
practicing your grammar.

5. Out of shame: The fear of making a fool of yourself is responsible for the fact that many people
who embark on the arduous task of learning English do not achieve their goals.

Generally most people have a tremendous lack of confidence in their own abilities and this weighs
heavily on them when learning a new language. The fastest way to progress is to start speaking,
even if it is badly. No one will laugh at you and if they do, what does it matter; the important thing
is to improve your English.

I encourage you to follow these simple tips that will help you progress day by day.

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