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MATH 114 – differential calculus

Handout #12
Hyperbolic Functions
Certain combinations of ex and e x appear frequently in some applications of mathematics,
especially in engineering and physics. These combinations are called hyperbolic functions which are
analogous to the trigonometric functions. They have essentially the same relationship to the hyperbola
that the trigonometric functions have to the circle. The three basic hyperbolic functions are the
hyperbolic sine ( sinh x , “cinch”), the hyperbolic cosine ( cosh x , “kosh”), and the hyperbolic tangent
( tanh x , “tansh”).
sinh x  e  e
Hyperbolic Sine
 e x
Hyperbolic Cosine cosh x  e
x x
Hyperbolic Tangent tanh x  ex  e x
e e
x x
Hyperbolic Cotangent coth x  e x  e x
e e

Hyperbolic Secant sech x  2

e  e x

Hyperbolic Cosecant csch x  2

e  e x

Hyperbolic Identities

sinh x csch x  1 cosh 2 x  sinh 2 x  1 sinh( x)   sinh x

cosh x sech x  1 1  tanh 2 x  sech 2 x cosh( x)  cosh x

tanh x coth x  1 coth 2 x 1  csch 2 x tanh( x)   tanh x

sinh2x  2sinh x cosh x cosh x  sinh x  ex

cosh 2x  cosh 2 x  sinh 2 x cosh x  sinh x  e x

 2sinh2 x  1 sinh( x  y)  sinh x cosh y  cosh x sinh y

 2cosh2 x 1 cosh( x  y)  cosh x cosh y  sinh x sinh y

sinh x
tanh x 
cosh x

cosh x
coth x 
sinh x

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

Derivative of Hyperbolic Functions

dx  
d sinh u  cosh u  d (u)

dx  
d cosh u  sinh u  d (u)

dx  
d tanh u  sech 2 u  d (u)

dx  
d coth u   csch 2 u  d (u)

dx  
d sech u   sech u tanh u  d (u)

dx  
d csch u   csch u coth u  d (u)

Examples. Find the first derivative of the following functions:

1. y  tanh( x2 1)

2. y  ln(sinh x)

3. y  sinh x cosh x

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

4. y  x sech x

5. y  sech 2 x

6. y  coth x sech x

7. y  lncoth 2 x

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

8. y  arccoscoth x

9. y  arctan sinh x2 

10. y  sinh x2

11. y  sech 2 4w

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

12. y  tanh 3 x

13. y  coth 1

14. y  ln(tanh x)

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

15. y  coth(ln y)

16. y  ex cosh x

17. y  tan 1(sinh2x)

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

18. y  (sinh x) x

19. y  sin 1(tanh x2 )

20. y  xsinh x , x  0

Panopio, F.M. Simplified Differential Calculus. Feliber Publishing House. 1998

Leithold,Louis. The Calculus 7. Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. 2002

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