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INSTRUCTION: Read the dialogue carefully and find many tenses in this

dialogue and write one sentence for each tense as example!

Situation: Ahmad and Ali are talking about Ramadhan. Check the following
conversation below!

Ahmad: Assalamu’alaikum.

Ali: Wa’alaikumsalam.

Ahmad: How is it going, Ali?

Ali: I’m fine. Thank you. How about you?

Ahmad: Alhamdulillah. Ramadhan is coming. What is your preparation? Do

you have any particular preparation?

Ali: I will prepare myself to close to Allah more privately. Because last
Ramadhan I didn’t do it well.

Ahmad: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What was wrong?

Ali: I was taken to the hospital because I had Pneumonia.

Ahmad: I’m so sad to hear that.

Ali: Thank you, my friend. Tell me about your last Ramadhan?

Ahmad: Well, I had fully fasting until the end of Ramadhan. I enjoyed and was
happy to celebrate Idul Fitri.

Ali: Wow! That’s awesome. Congratulation!

Ahmad: Thanks. Ramadhan is a holy month for us as Moslem, isn’t it?

Ali: Yeah. I agree with that. Ramadhan teaches us how to be a better person in
faith to Allah.

Ahmad: Yes, you are right. Because fasting is not only talked about foods and
drinks. The most important is how to control our soul. How to get the
discipline to do five times a day. There is no excuse to be lazy during

Ali: That’s right. What do you think about some people eat in public in
Ramadhan before Maghrib?

Ahmad: Oh, that is not my concern. I have no idea about that. What about your

Ali: Well, I still hard to control my self why I should take part in someone
business. It doesn’t mean if I do not care for that but I’m just saying in my mind
“Please, God. Change their life to be more respect”.

Ahmad: Aamiin. Because Ramadhan is full of temptation. We have to be more


Ali: Yup. That’s what I mean.

Ahmad: I will invite you breaking the fast and dinner together with my family
on the first day of Ramadhan. Would you like to come?

Ali: InsyaAllah. The first Ramadhan will be on Friday, 24 April 2020. Am I


Ahmad: Yes, you are. Will you help your mother to make Lebaran cakes?

Ali: Nope. My sister will do that. That’s a women business. I will clean the
house as the symbol that I clean myself to be a better person.

Ahmad: Wow! That’s great.

Ali: BTW. It’s almost Dzuhur. Let’s prepare for Mosque.

Ahmad: Let’s go.

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