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NPM : 18010410456


Speech preparation getting started

A. Selecting A topic and purpose

1. Topic : my self
2. Determining the general purpose : to inform the audience about my
3. Determining the specific purpose : to inform the audience about my
4. Pharasing the central idea :there are some who I should
prioritize from here to the my self

B. Analyzing the audience

1. Audience – centeredness : about my self
2. Demographic audience analysis : all of my friends in the class
3. Situational audience analysis : about what they are want to

C. Gathering materials
1. Exploring your knowledge and experience : I get this topic from my
2. getting access to library resources and internet : I get information from

D. Supporting your ideas

1. Example :this speech is supported
by several examples from past experiences
2. Statistics :-
3. Testimony : this speech examples
from the videos
Assalamua’laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The honorable my teacher

and my beloved all friends

First of all, thanks to ALLAH swt who always given health, and salvation for all of
us. So that, we can to be here without trouble at all.

Blessing and salulation be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, his
family all his disciplis, and those who follow them in goodness till the day of judgment.

well now i will introduce myself, my name is elfi mahbengi, you can call me elfi. I am
a native Indonesian but I really like English. usually i read english books, and you know why
I like English so much? Because English is an international language and english is very
important, english is essy.

I am inspired by everything I see that all use English. We look right at English, we
look left at English and we take a laptop, we see English, we see magazines, there are English
language, so English is very important, therefore I am very love english. here I will also make
a speech about what my priorities are at the moment.

the first thing I prioritized was my study in English department, how could I become
one of the best students, who could boast of my parents and be able to benefit others. I
believe all of that requires a process, but I am still passionate in learning English, even
though sometimes I fail but I still try, many support me to succeed, so I have to prove with
others that I can.

the principle of my life what we have chosen must be maintained, as I choose the
language of college in the English department I will remain enthusiastic, and I am sure even
though we are not perfect in English but must still be able to, When learning English, what's
the problem? I think there is no problem, we just say what we see and speak what we lesten
and speak what you do.
and I always remember the future in my hands, not yours. I have a dream that
someday I will be the Chancellor of the IAIN campus, the dream starts with me studying at
my own campus, even though sometimes people feel weird hearing my dreams, but it doesn't
matter to me, no one knows how the future we will be like later.

when this is my dream, whether the problem is realized or not, is not a problem. at
least I have dared to dream that high, ok my friend maybe this is all that I can convey to you
guys, hope you guys are inspired by this speech.

Finally i say

Assalamua’laikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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