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Scary Night

Do you believe in ghosts? Your answer may be a yes or a no.

Anyway, I never believed in these things. I loved watching
horror movies and enjoyed horror stories but in practical life,
all those were just a crap for me.
I saw everything with a scientific perspective until one day,
something terrible happened with me….
It all began when I was in 2nd year. I was pursuing B-TECH ME
at Arihant Group of Colleges located near Thruha
international city at Nempra village.
It is a private college and a graveyard is situated nearby it.
Many stories related to ghosts and evil spirits have been
heard at our college hostel and among them room no 18 was
believed to be the most haunted one. Some say that so many
students commited suicide in that room and fortunately, I
was staying there…
The whole 1st year was fun. During my 2nd year, many of my
friends left the hostel and me along with my very few friends
were remaining. I was staying alone in my room, yes right,
room no 18. The graveyard could be seen straight through
the window of my room. I knew everybody called it haunted
but I never minded it.
One day while having dinner with my friends, we decided to
watch a movie together and as always, my room was
prefered for it as I was alone so the empty room gave a
theatre effect.
We were four friends; Divakar Narayan, a guitarist; Aashik
Raj, a web designer; Jignesh Iyer, football player and me Saroj
kumar. My hobby was writing. Only we were left in our hostel
of same batch. Rest were our juniors and seniors.
We watched the movie “Insidious”. Though we watched
dozens of horror movies already, this movie was just
excellent… It became one of my favourite horror movies.
“Let us call spirits”… Jignesh said.
“Are you out of your mind? I want to live peacefully…” said
“It will be fun. I am on it.”… I said joyfully.
“C’mon yaar this is not a childish game… It can badly effect
our entire life”. cried Aashik.
We argued too much and finally everyone agreed. The time
was 1:30 am and we all were in a mood. I quickly turned on
my laptop and googled everything about spirit calling.
I was quite good at Engineering Drawing so I replicated the
diagrams as seen in the webpage blog same on the drawing
sheet. It contained all alphabets, one digit numbers and
“YES/NO”. A circle was drawn at the center to place a coin.
We placed candles at the four corners of the sheet. I was so
We sat surrounding the sheet holding our hands making a
circle. We closed our eyes and concentrated deeply to call a
good spirit.
20 minutes passed and nothing happened. As it was obvious
for me, I laughed at them. We all were laughing at each
other. After a little hangout, they left my room wishing good
night each other. I closed the door and went to sleep.

--------------------------- INTERMISSION ------------------------------

Next day this news spread in our campus and all were just
making fun of us. Girls giggled whenever they saw us. Well I
enjoyed it instead. At least we became more popular by that.
One week passed and suddenly one day, Aashik came to me
making a terrible face.
He said “Something is happening with me bro, I don’t know, I
see weird things around me”.
“Haha…seriously? well your imagination is making up
everything.” I explained.
Both Jignesh and Divakar came to my room.
“You both are also feeling something?” I asked.
“Yes man… Are you alright?” Divakar shouted.
“look at me… do you think I am scared?” I asked.
Divakar said “yesterday night my guitar was playing by
“ya and my football was bouncing all around my room!!”
Jignesh exclaimed.
Aashik was making up so many stories very hard to believe.
Three of them were very scared I don’t know why but then it
was my turn…
That night as usual I went to my bed.
At around 1:30 am, I was trying to sleep. Suddenly I heard a
sound of knocking at glass. I turned my face towards the
window, there was nothing. I kept staring at the window then
again I heard it… it was coming from the mirror!!
I was shocked. This cannot be true!! I saw something in the
mirror for a second!!
I got up and sat on my bed, I feared little bit, my heartbeat
geared up. Few minutes later, I heard Aashik calling out my
name loudly. I rushed towards his room. He was laying on his
bed with a weird face. He called me to sit with him. He was
behaving very odd.
“Are you alright?” I asked him.
He laughed and said “Bro everything is fine.”
Then suddenly I heard something under his bed. We stared at
each other. Then he whispered in my ear, “There is somebody
under my bed please help me.”
I was stiff. I slowly bent down to see under the bed. I was
shivering badly. As I reached down, there I saw Aashik!!…
another him looking at me crying... he said slowly “there is
somebody on my bed!!”
I spinned my face back, there was nobody on the bed!!…
I took him out and made him relax. I was scared a lot, so was
The next day, after having breakfast, I came to know that all
three of them were missing.
Their roommates saw them on their bed before sleeping at
night and now they are missing.
I was feeling something fishy about all these. I was now all
alone not only in my room but entirely… I was feeling
something uncommon in my body. I hardly talked with
anybody, at college, classroom, canteen, playground, terrace,
everywhere, I was absorbed inside myself by fear.
Every night I lock the door, switch off the light and sleep
alone. But every morning, when I wake up, I see in my phone
a photo of me sleeping!!
Every time I went out for a walk, the street dogs would run
far away from me. They ran at a distance and kept on staring
at me in a group.
The animals and birds would keep on staring at me. One day I
holded a kitten (baby cat) in my hand and there I realized…
the kitten was not looking at me. It was staring little aside as
if somebody was standing behind me!!
I looked back suddenly, there was nobody. I ran from there
frustrated. I wanted to know everything. Am I getting mad or
making up something in my mind…
At night I reached hostel, had my dinner and came to my
room. I saw those candles lying in the corner of my room. I
thought of calling spirits again by myself alone. I set
everything again as earlier and concentrated.
After 5 minutes, I felt something… I opened my eyes and
there!! I saw a shining white spirit with dark red eyes staring
at me!! My hands were shivering, it had no legs.
I asked “who are you?”

It said “you called me, I came… you have called

your death.”
“What? What do you want from me?” I shouted crying.

“Well you are going to die tonight by sharp 3:35

am. The same time you called me that day”…
“No!!...Where are my friends? We didn’t mean to hurt you”.

“I know but sin is sin. You shouldn’t have called me.

Those who ever see spirits should die”.

“That day, all three of them saw me except you.

They didn’t tell you. I was right behind you since
then. Their soul has been taken. Now you are next.
“No…my friends!!... please don’t kill me… I will never repeat
this again…”

“As you have called me, I can answer all your

questions till the time of your death”.
“Ok then tell me who are you? What was happening with me
till now?”

“I am a cursed spirit. I need to free a soul from a

human body to survive. You see about 2 accidents
in a week on Nalampur bridge, it is always created
by me.”
I was shocked to hear that!!
“How can you be so cruel? killing innocent people?” I asked.

“For me nothing is cruel or good. I need to survive

anyhow. I am waiting for my love.
About 150 years ago, this place was the home of my
dear loving Amarvati. Her home was set on fire by
some traitors. For many years this place was a
barren land and so a graveyard was founded
nearby here. But recently a greedy man owned
this land at a very cheap price and set up an
institution here. Since then my anger has raised.

She got burnt in fire exactly here at this place in

this room.”
“Oh so you made all those suicides who stayed here?”

“No… when somebody sees me, I have to kill him. I

do inform them the time of their death like I told
you… so they did suicide before their time.”
“Please don’t kill me…Isn’t there anyway that I can save
myself from you?”

“Yes… you will have to kill somebody for me with a

knife and I will let you go. All your memories
associated with me will be vanished. You might also
have heard of so many killings around this area
late night… Most of them had seen me once.”
“How do people see you?”
“Well I already said I am a cursed spirit, I easily get
caught by human eyes which leads me to kill more
and more”
The clock showed 3:00 am. My life span was now only 35
minutes. I really wanted to live.
I ran from there as fast as possible. It was following right
behind me I could feel it as before, but this time it was
holding a knife near my neck. I came out of the hostel gate
and kept running. I was scared, crying and shouting for help.
I got tired and stopped right in front of the grave yard. I
entered into the gate. I could see the window of my hostel
room from here. I was shocked!! I saw so many ghosts
roaming all around the hostel on the terrace, balcony, gallery
and some of the rooms.
Now that white spirit came in front of me, smiling. At my left
I saw dead bodies of my friends lying there, with their eyes
wide open!!

“Time to go now…”
It raised the knife above and directly thrusted inside my right
neck… I shouted loudly
I heard familiar voices calling out “Saroj Saroj what
I opened my eyes, so many hostel students gathered in front
of me making funny faces.
I looked around. I was in my room, laying on my bed.
Oh man!! It was a very bad nightmare!!...
I then recalled that after we did spirit calling, we laughed and
talked so much about it then I went to sleep and dreamt
Right now if you want to see ghosts, you can look for them
your right, your left, down, under bed, inside closet
everywhere but never look upside because they hate being


-Sharat kumar. V

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