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Q1. Human Resource departments are______________

(a) line departments
(b) authority department
(c) service department
(d) functional department
Ans. (c)

Q2. What is human factor?

(a) Micro and macro issues of socioeconomic factor.
(b) Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical aspects
of human being.
(c) The entire concept of human behaviour

(d) None of the above.

Ans. (b)
Q3. Job Analysis is a systematic procedure for securing and
reporting information defining a ______________.
(a) specific job

(b) specific product

(c) specific service
(d) all of these
Ans. (a)

Q4. What are the factors responsible for the growth of

(a) Development of scientific management and awakened sense of
social responsibility.
(b) The problem of how the available human resource could effectively
minimise the cost and maximise the production.
(c) Technical factors, awakening amongst workers, attitude of the
government, cultural and social system.

(d) All the above.

Ans. (c)
Q5. Which among the followings describe the skills that are
available within the company?
(a) Human Resource inventory

(b) HRIS
(c) Skills inventory
(d) Management inventories
Ans. (a)
Q6. Who has defined personnel management as a field of
management which has to do with planning and controlling
various operative functions of procuring, developing,
maintaining and utilising labour force?
(a) Harold Koontz
(b) Glueck
(c) Michael Jucius
(d) Flippo
Ans. (c)
Q7. Resources and capabilities that serve as a source of
competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals are called
(a) core competency
(b) core competence
(c) competitive advantage
(d) competency
Ans. (a)
Q8. Human Resource planning is compulsory for
(a) effective employee development programme
(b) base for recruitment
(c) base for selection policy
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q9. Job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, inductions and internal mobility are few
important functions which come under the heading
of______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function
(b) development
(c) maintenance
(d) procurement function
Ans. (d)
Q10. Directing is one of the important functions of HRM
which comes under___________.
(a) managerial function
(b) operative function
(c) technical function
(d) behavioral function
Ans. (a)
Q11. Whom does Human relation approach refer to?
(a) Worker, who should be given humanly treatment at work.
(b) Mutual cooperation between employer and employee in solving the
common problems.
(c) Integration of people into a work situation that motivates them to
work together to achieve productivity and also economic,
psychological and social satisfaction.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q12. Which of the following is a method of collection of
information for job analysis?
(a) Questionnaire method
(b) Ratio analysis
(c) Optimisation models
(d) Trend analysis
Ans. (a)
Q13. ___________ provides information on the human
attributes in terms of education, skills, aptitudes, and
experience necessary to perform a job effectively.
(a) job description
(b) job specification
(c) job analysis
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (b)
Q14. Who laid the foundation of HRM practice?
(a) Elton Mayo
(b) Roethlisberger and Dickinson
(c) Peter Drucker and Douglas McGregor
(d) David C. McClelland.
Ans. (c)
Q15. How HRM has become a highly specialised job?
(a) It is concerned with obtaining and maintaining a satisfied work
(b) It maximises the output and satisfaction of the employees.
(c) Promote group satisfaction and individual development.
(d) Optimum utilisation of man-power by motivation and improving
the efficiency.
Q16. Job specification includes _____________.
(a) Physical characteristics
(b) Psychological characteristics
(c) Personal characteristics
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q17. TQM’s major emphasis is on___________ .
(a) Product quality
(b) Company profitability
(c) Customer delight
(d) Employee training
Ans. (a)
Q18. Ability to perform exceptionally well and increase the
stock of targeted resources within the firm is called
(a) productivity
(b) efficient
(c) effective
(d) competency
Ans. (d)
Q19. What is the scope of HRM?
(a) Training and development of employees for their growth.
(b) Maintenance of good industrial relations and workers’ high morale
for higher productivity
(c) Further researches in behavioural science, new ideas in man,
management and advances in the field of training and development.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q20. What is the importance of controlling?
(a) Ensure that activities are in accordance with the terms of the plan.
(b) An important mental process on the part of a manager
(c) Power to influence people’s behaviour
(d) Process of regulating the activities.
Ans. (a)
Q21. What is a decision in management?
(a) Reaching at a proper conclusion after consideration.
(b) A decision involves choosing of alternatives.
(c) A decision is the outcome of a group of people or an individual.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (a)
Q22. An employee-working in a unit or plant who is a citizen
of the country in which the unit or plant is located but where
the unit or plant is operated by an organisation
headquartered in another country _____________.
(a) Home Country National
(b) Host Country National
(c) Third Country National
(d) Host Country
Ans. (b)
Q23. Quantitative Technique refers to-
(a) Models, simulation, resource allocation technique.
(b) Waiting line problems and the queuing theory
(c) Gaming and Game theory and Probability theory
(d) All the above.
Ans. (d)
Q24. Staffing includes _______.
(a) workload estimation
(b) termination
(c) appointments of personnel, placement
(d) all of these
Ans. (d)
Q25 .To calculate the need for manpower on the basis of the
average loss of manpower due to leave, retirement, death,
transfer, discharge, etc. is known as____________.
(a) work load analysis
(b) workforce analysis
(c) job analysis
(d) forecasting
Ans. (b)
Q26. MPDQ stands for_____________.
(a) Management Position Description Questionnaire
(b) Management Process Descriptive Questions
(c) Methods for Personality Development Questions
(d) Modern Positions Developed Qualitatively
Ans. (a)
Q27. What should be the strategy of HRM?
(a) Making the long-term and short-term planning.
(b) Planning the optimum level of manpower.
(c) Introducing training programmes to personnel.
(d) All the above.
Ans. (d)
Q28. The process of helping unwanted present employees
find new jobs with other firms called ______________.
(a) Outplacement
(b) Replacement
(c) Placement
(d) Employment
Ans. (a)
Q29. What is the ‘Laissez fair’ view point?
(a) A view popularised by Ronssean, Bentham and Hobbes.
(b) A minimum of public intervention in economic activities.
(c) Business enterprise must get opportunity to earn more profits.
(d) The change in the concept of labour from commodity approach to
human concept.
Ans. (b)
Q30. How can we understand the nature of human factor?
(a) Through determinants of human behaviour
(b) According to the behaviour of people at work
(c) The way the management influences an individual and a group.
(d) Through the study of human behaviour in organisation.
Ans. (b)
Q31. Trend analysis is a ______________
(a) Forecasting technique
(b) Skills inventory
(c) Job analysis technique
(d) Markov analysis
Ans. (a)
Q32. The factual statement of the duties and responsibilities
of a specific job is known as _____________.
(a) job description
(b) job specification
(c) job analysis
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (a)
Q33. In Japanese management, employees’ career path is
non-specialised. Why?
(a) In Japanese industries job rotation is carried out for employees to
have different skills and also for interdepartmental cooperation.
(b) In an organisation from the time of induction, employees are
exposed to various types of jobs and training to enable them to have
adaptability to any job.
(c) Japanese management system prefers to create capable workers to
adapt organisational changes, as and when required.
(d) Rotation of job provides benefit of skills required for top quality
Ans. (c)
Q34. Who has said that HRM is not a one shot deal?
(a) Fayol
(b) Taylor
(c) Terry
(d) McFarland
Ans. (c)
Q35. Skills inventory, replacement charts, Markov analysis,
regression analysis all are types of ____________.
(a) redundancy plan
(b) training plan
(c) retention plan
(d) forecasting methods
Ans. (d)
Q36. Trade unions and employee association, Industrial
relation, employee participation and empowerment are
procurement functions of a manager which comes
(a) integration function
(b) procurement function
(c) development function
(d) behavioural function
Ans. (a)
Q37. Quality improvement is_____________.
(a) a team effort
(b) achieved by quality inspector
(c) zero things gone wrong
(d) tough job, and not possible
Ans. (b)
Q38. An employee working in a unit or plant who is not a
citizen of the country in which the unit or plant is located
but is a citizen of the country in which the organisation is
headquartered is called __________.
(a) Home Country National
(b) Host Country National
(c) Third Country National
(d) Host Country
Ans. (a)
Q39.“Human resource management” involves the elements
(a) planning, organising, and controlling
(b) planning, organising and coordinating
(c) leading, directing and coordinating
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q40. The procedure in which relevant information relating
to a job and its requirements is systematically discovered
and noted is
(a) job analysis
(b) job specification
(c) job classification
(d) job evaluation
Ans. (a)
Q41. Which pair in order of sequences represents the first
and last steps in a T&D programme?
(a) determination of T&D needs, and evaluation of T&D programme
(b) determination of T&D needs, and designing the T&D programme
(c) designing T&D programme, and implementing it
(d) evaluating of T&D programme, and implementing it
Ans. (a)
Q42. Career development involves
(a) conscious determination of career aspirations and potentialities of
employees and matching them with the organisation’s needs
(b) providing counselling to students to choose their careers
(c) providing information to students about opportunities of
(d) determining the potentialities of students for a suitable career
Ans. (a)
Q.43. When an employee expresses organisationally desired
emotions during interpersonal transactions, then it is
known as_______________ .
(a) emotional labour
(b) displayed emotions
(c) felt emotions
(d) moods
Ans. (a)
Q44. Job evaluation essentially seeks to
(a) determine the relative worth of various jobs in an organisation in
monetary terms
(b) evaluate the performance of employees on their respective jobs
(c) evaluate the importance of various jobs in the organisation
(d) establish the hierarchy of various jobs in the organisation
Ans. (a)
Q45. Grievance redressal, discipline, collective bargaining
are_______________ of HRM.
(a) integration function
(b) procurement function
(c) development function
(d) behavioural function
Ans. (a)
Q46. The content of job description
(a) job title, condition of work
(b) educational qualification, skills
(c) both a and b
(d) none of the above
Ans. (a)
Q47. How can one distinguish between the Japanese
management system and other management systems?
(a) It encourages to perform constantly and consistently.
(b) Primarily concerned with high performance and quality standards.
(c) It is a system in contrast to American management system.
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (c)
Q48. In-basket training is involved in
(a) vestibule training
(b) on-the job training
(c) simulation
(d) coaching
Ans. (c)
Q49. To calculate the number of persons required for
various jobs with reference to a planned output is called
(a) work load analysis
(b) workforce analysis
(c) job analysis
(d) forecasting
Ans. (a)
Q50. What are the major hurdles that require immediate
action by HRM for the progress of Indian economy?
(a) Dishonesty and corruption
(b) Lack of interest in work and production loss,
(c) Unemployment and poverty
(d) Combating inflation and holding the price-line of essential
Ans. (c)
Q51. Who is generally known as “the father of modern
management theory”?
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Frederick W. Taylor
(c) Frank Gilbreth
(d) Chester Bernard
Ans. (a)
Q52. Which of the following is considered the first wage
incentive plan in modern industrial era?
(a) Halsey plan
(b) Taylor’s differential piece-rate plan
(c) Barth plan
(d) Gantt Task plan
Ans. (b)
Q53. Concept of MBO was first developed by
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) Douglas McGregor
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) Clayton P. Alderfer
Ans. (a)
Q54. Industrial discipline ordinarily does not imply
(a) observance of company’s rules and regulations
(b) cooperating with management and co-workers
(c) active participation in union activities
(d) smooth discharge of duties and responsibilities
Ans. (c)
Q55. A strike called by a section of workers/union members
without authorisation from proper authority of the union is
(a) sectional strike
(b) jurisdictional strike
(c) wild cat strike
(d) sympathetic strike
Ans. (c)
Q56. Which is a form of participative management?
(a) information-sharing
(b) associative participation
(c) consultative participation
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q57. Social factor having a potent bearing on HRM practices
in India includes
(a) caste system
(b) doctrine of karma
(c) c8ustoms and traditions
(d) all of the above
Ans. (a)
Q58. T&D programme in international HRM should give due
attention to
(a) promotion of efficiency of personnel in the host country
(b) understanding of the cultural environment of the host country
(c) improvement of technical expertise
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
Q57. International staffing does not give much emphasis on
the consideration of
(a) cultural adaptability
(b) global experience
(c) family flexibility
(d) political consciousness
Ans. (d)
Q58. The objectives of workers’ participation in
management do not ordinarily include
(a) promotion of collective bargaining
(b) promotion of industrial harmony
(c) promotion of industrial democracy
(d) promotion of productivity
Ans. (a)
Q60. The advantages of staffing from amongst the host
country nationals generally do not include
(a) reduction of language barriers
(b) reduction of living cost
(c) greater control over the activities of the organisation
(d) better understanding of host country’s laws and regulations
Ans. (c)
Q61. Which form of participative management promotes
“semi-autonomous work-groups”?
(a) quality of work life
(b) quality circle
(c) TQM
(d) quality group
Ans. (c)
Q62. Industrial action generally does not include
(a) strike
(b) lock-out
(c) demonstration
(d) Bandh
Ans. d
Q63. The role of HRD personnel is to –
a. description of entire process / analytical decomposition
b. identification of HRD elements and resources
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Analytical decomposition only
Ans. (c)
Q64. The primary goal of HRD is –
a. To increase productivity of workers / and organisational
b. Improve workers’ skill and enhance motivation, to prevent
obsolesces at all levels
c. prevent obsolescence and increase organisational profitability only
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q65. Leadership is the –
a. ability to influence other people
b. ability to create within people an urge to do
c. ability to obtain willing co-operation of the followers
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q66. A team is evaluated on features like –
a. Co-operation / confrontation avoiding / common objectives
b. Openness of view and unwritten procedure systems
c. Regular review / appropriate leadership
d. All above
e. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q67. For Total Quality Management (TQM) the required
qualities are:
a. Understand customer’s current and future needs / leaders establish
unity of purpose / involvement of people for organisation’s benefit
b. achievement of desired results when resources and activities are
managed as a process and (a) above
c. Mutually beneficial suppliers relationships enhances the ability to
create value and (b) also
d. Should have a temporary objective of the organisation
Ans. (c)
Q68. Human due diligence means investigation of –
a. Management team / staff
b. Structure / issues / managerial capacity of a potential partner
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Financial due diligence
Ans. (c)
Q69. Knowledge management refers for critical issues of
a. Organisational adaptation
b. Survival and competence against discontinuous environmental
c. Synergistic combination of data and information processing
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q70. What influences the bank employees’ attitude on work
a. Educational qualification
b. Ownership of bank
c. Location of the branch
d. All above
e. Only (a) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q71. Discuss the roles of the HR Manager
a. Administrator / evaluator / career development advisor / instructor
or facilitator
b. marketing programmes and services / instructor material producer
c. Needs analyst /organisational changer / researcher + (a) above
d. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (d)
Q72. The objectives of HR audit are –
a. to determine the effectiveness of management programmes
b. analyse the factors and recommend for correcting deviations + (a)
c. extent to which line managers have complied with HRD polices +
d. to study future manpower inventory and identify shortfalls
Ans. (c)
Q73. Employee accountability is strengthens in
a. HR Audit
b. HR Training
c. Succession Planning
d. HR functions
Ans. (a)
Q74. The main barriers of communications are –
a. Organisational + Semantic
b. Personal + psychological + resistance to new ideas
c. Both (a) + (b)
d. Organisational / psychological
Ans. (c)
Q75. Manpower planning consists of –
a. determining the jobs to be done / identifying the skills / estimating
the exists likely / filling up the requirements
b. identifying the skills / filling up the requirements
c. Estimating the turnover likely to happen in near future
d. determining the jobs to be done
Ans. (a)
Q76. Promotion is basically a reward for –
a. Efficiency
b. Seniority
c. Physical fitness
d. Retention
Ans. (a)
Q77. What is 360° appraisal?
a. a process that provides an employee opportunity in decision making
b. a process that provides an officer opportunity of feedback about
own performance
c. a process that provides an employee with feedback about his / her
workplace performance
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q78. Role of performance management is to accomplish –
a. Performance needs of the organisation
b. Guide the development of individuals for skill and knowledge
c. Motivate individuals / provide data adopt condition of human
capital + (b)
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q79. Competency Mapping is possible through approaches
like –
a. Job analysis / workforce skills analysis / supply and demand
b. Job analysis / Gap analysis / solution analysis
c. Gap analysis / solution analysis + (a)
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q80. Human needs have been divided into five categorises
under need hierarchy theory. Who invented this theory?
a. McClelland
b. John Atkinson
c. Maslow
d. Herzberg
Ans. (c)
Q81. Key Performance Areas means –
a. Areas which are within the responsibility of the role
b. Areas which the management has demarcated to be performed by
c. Areas for strengthening of skills and attitudes
d. All above
Ans. (a)
Q82. Career path planning is affected by –
a. Employee preference
b. Employee requirements
c. Employee preference/employees requirement and structure of the
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (c)
Q83. Phases of performance counselling are –
a. Rapport building / employee should discover own SWOT / action
plans, through brainstorming sessions
b. Two way communication / employee be encouraged for their own
performance appraisal
c. Organisational objectives are integrated
d. All above
Ans. (a)
Q84. Training method commonly used, for employee in
banks is –
a. On the job training
b. Classroom Training
c. Off the job training
d. Vestibule Training
Ans. (b)
Q85. Training evaluation is measured by –
a. Goal based / Goal free / Responsive
b. Systems / professional review / quasi-legal
c. Goal based / systems / responsive
d. Both (a) + (b)
Ans. (d)
Q86. The process of perception is influenced by factors like

a. Our needs and wants
b. Sensory inability
c. Our stimuli
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q87. The term industrial relations means –
a. Relationship between Management and Labour
b. Relationship between organisation and employees
c. Relationship that grows out of employment
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q86. Collective bargaining is a procedure regulated by
agreements between their –
a. Bargaining agents and employers
b. Employees and employees
c. Employers and employers
d. Labour officer and Trade unions
Ans. (a)
Q87. Advantages of grievances handling procedure –
a. Management can know employees feelings
b. Employee gets grievances ventilated
c. Keeps a check on supervisor’s attitude
d. Both (b) + (c)
e. All above
Ans. (e)
Q88. How to handle grievances?
a. Grievance in writing / taking to employee directly for speaking truth
/ ensure confidentiality and handle the case within tie frame
b. Treat each case as important, and obtain grievances in writing /
examine company’s position / identify violations / do not hold back
the remedy, if the company’s wrong + (a) above
c. Get all the facts (relevant) about the grievance / examine the
personnel record of the aggrieved worker / gather information from
the union representative properly + (b) above
d. Identify grievance / previous record of the worker / companies’
rules and prompt redressal of grievances, if genuine.
Ans. (c)
Q89. When any discipline becomes ineffective or less-
a. Longer time spending in action
b. Discipline is handled impersonally
c. Aware of rules and performance criteria
d. Only (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
Q90. Functions of the personnel management can be
described as –
a. Managerial
b. Operative
c. Developmental
d. Both (a) + (b)
e. All above
Ans. (d)
Q91. Lockout is a weapon available to –
a. Employees
b. Trade Unions
c. Employers
d. Government
Ans. (c)
Q92. How the conflicts within employers and employees can
be settled or prevented?
a. Voluntary method
b. Government Machinery
c. Statutory Measures
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q93. The word workers participation in management means

a. Sharing the decision making powers
b. Sharing the decision making with lower results of the employees
c. Sharing the day to day working with higher ranks of persons
d. Sharing the financial decision making powers with representative of
Ans. (b)
Q94. What is the role of the trade-union in collective
a. To protect jobs and real earnings
b. Better conditions of work life for workers
c. Fighting against any possible, exploitations
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q95. Which kind of workers participation makes the
workers as shareholders of the company?
a. Participation at Board Level
b. Participation through ownership
c. Participation through complete control
d. Participation through work councils
Ans. (b)
Q96. Special allowances are not payable for –
a. Photostat copier Operators
b. Adding machine Operators
c. Addressographs
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q97. Why grievances should be redressed?
a. Affects the individual
b. Affects the management
c. Collective disputes conversion
d. All above
Ans. (d)
Q98. The employer-employees should have mutual trust /
confidence / willingness to settle / respect rights and
responsibilities of other party, is covered under –
a. Effective bargaining method
b. Essentials for effective bargaining
c. Types of bargaining
d. Areas of bargaining
Ans. (b)
Q99. Managerial functions, in personnel management can
be –
a. Planning / Organising / directing and controlling
b. Recruitment / placement / employment / Development and
c. Compensation / maintenance of health / employers’ welfare
d. Both (a) + (b) only
Ans. (d)
Q100. Discuss unfair management practices –
a. Noncompliance with promotional and transfer policies
b. Smooth handling of grievances
c. Timely payment of wages / salaries
d. Both (b) + (c)
Ans. (a)
Q101. The core elements of HRM are –
(i) People
(ii) Management
(iii) Behavioural Dynamics
(iv) Uniformity of application
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iv
Ans. (d)
Q102. What are the key HRM practices in Indian
(i) Job Description
(ii) Recruitment
(iii) Compensation
(iv) Training & Development
(v) Performance Appraisal
(vi) Promotion & reward
(vii)Career Planning
(viii) Gender equity
(a) i, ii, iii, v, vi
(b) iv, vii, viii
(c) only vi
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)
Q103. In a ____________, teams are formed and team
members report to two’ or more managers.
(a) Formal Organization
(b) Informal Organization
(c) Matrix Organisation
(d) Divisional Organization
Ans. (c)
Q104.________ refers to the attitudinal and behavioural
characteristics of a group and is concerned with how groups
form, their structure and process, and how they function,
(a) Group dynamics
(b) Organic structure
(c) Functional Structure
(d) Matrix organization
Ans. (a)
Q105. Benchmarking is
(a) T the process of comparing the business processes & performance
metrics including cost, cycle time, productivity to another that is
widely considered to be an industry leader
(b) A process in which the organisations evaluate various aspects of
their processes in relation to the best practice companies’ processes
usually within the peer group defined for the purposes of comparison
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q106. Reengineering starts with a —
(a) High-level assessment of the organisation’s mission
(b) Strategic goals
(c) Customer demands
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q107. Change Management is –
(a) It is a systematic approach in dealing with change from the indi-
vidual & organisational level
(b) A gradual process of approach in the workplace due to new poli-
cies, technology, or even a new boss
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q108. What are the different processes of Discipline
(i) Counselling
(ii) Reformative Theory
(iii) Disciplinary Process
(iv) Disciplinary Procedure & Principles of Natural Justice
(v) Principles of Natural Justice
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(d) only ii
Ans. (c)
Q109. _________ involves all the performance monitoring,
measurement, management being outsourced from a third
party or an external organisation.
(a) Human Resource Outsourcing
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Human Resource Business Process Outsourcing
(d) Performance Management Outsourcing
Ans. (d)
Q110. Performance Management System is –
(a) A formal, structured system of measuring, evaluating job related
behaviours & outcomes to discover reasons of performance & how to
perform effectively in future so that the employee, organisation &
society all benefit
(b) A process of looking both to the future & to the past, in the context
of the collective performance of all the employees in an organisation
(c) The process of establishing goals, assessing employees & im-
plement the annual performance appraisal process
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q111. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is/are –
(a) A specific, agreed measure of achievement within a KRA, which go
on to make up the goals and objectives measured under the
performance appraisal process.
(b) objective, independent and standardized measures of performance
not ratings or judgments of performance
(c) specific, measurable, attainable, realistic & time bound which help
to determine how much the KRA’s are met
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q112. What are the advantages of Incentive Based
(i) Incentives are important for inducements and motivation of
workers for higher efficiency & greater output
(ii) Increase in employee earnings, results in enhanced standard of
living of employees
(iii) Productivity increases & production capacity too, with reduced
(iv) Companies can reduce the burden of fixed costs by keeping a
portion of the remuneration as variable
(v) Tendency to bypass quality in pursuit of increased output for
higher incentives
(vi) Sometimes employees may disregard security regulations due to
payment by results approach adopted for higher incentive figure
(vii) Overworking may affect employee health
(viii) Can demotivate employees not in a position to earn higher in-
centive due to sectional differences
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) iii, iv, v, vi
(c) v, vi, vii, viii
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q113. Human Resource Planning (HRP) process is –
(a) A process, by which an organisation ensures that it has the right
number & kind of people at the right place, at the right time, capable
of effectively & efficiently completing those tasks that will help the
organisation achieve its overall objectives
(b) A process of forecasting an organisation’s future demand for &
supply of the right type of people in the right numbers
(c) A sub-system in the total organisational planning & facilitates the
realisation of the company’s objectives by providing the right type &
right number of personnel
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q114. Who is responsible to manage change?
(a) Employees
(b) Management
(c) Executives
(d) (b) & (c)
Ans. (d)
Q115. What are the roles of HRD professional?
(i) Planning – includes projections & planning for the skilled matrix of
manpower required for the future organisation
(ii) Staffing – providing the competency matrix required to face future
(iii) Employee Development – identify cost effective & modem
methods of training for skill & competency development
(iv) Performance Management – Developing an entire gamut of per-
formance linked measures to align individual performance to the
overall corporate performance
(v) Employee Rewards – with emphasis on pay for performance &
developing an incentive scheme that would reduce fixed costs at the
same time being motivating
(vi) Maintaining quality of Work Life & Discipline – with the impact of
global workforce it is necessary to develop a linked work-life discipline
for all employees in the organisation
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) iii, iv, v, vi
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q116. What are the objectives of HRM?
(i) Societal Objectives
(ii) Organisational Objectives
(iii) Functional Objectives
(iv) Personal Objectives.
(v) Statistical Objectives.
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q117. HRM refers to –
(a) A management function that helps managers to attract, set ex-
pectations & develop members for an organization.
(b) A set of programs, functions & activities designed & carried out for
maximum efficiency
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q118. How can a good employment brand help HR?
(i) Keep ahead in the talent war
(ii) Attract & induce the right kind of people she is looking for
(iii) Enhance her ability to get quality resumes to choose from
(iv) Retain her existing employee pool
(v) Subsequently see a dip in employee turnover
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q119. How an Individual Training needs are identified?
(i) Performance Appraisals
(ii) Interviews
(iii) Questionnaires
(iv) Employee Engagement surveys
(v) Training Feedback
(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) only iii
(c) i, ii, iv, v
(d) Both (b) and (c)
Ans. (d)
Q120. Job Rotation can be defined as –
(a) Lateral transfer of employees among a number of different posi-
tions and tasks within jobs which requires different skills and re-
(b) It helps to understand the different steps into creating a product or
(c) It permits individuals to gain experience in various phases of the
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q121. Training & Development together helps in –
(i) Removing performance deficiencies
(ii) Offer Greater stability
(iii) Flexibility & capacity for growth
(iv) Reduces accidents, wastages & damages to machinery
(v) Reduces dissatisfaction, absenteeism & complaints
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q122. Personnel Management is-
(a) A managerial function of planning, organising, directing, control-
ling, and coordinating the operative functions so that their individual
objectives and organisational goals are achieved
(b) A function which deals in recruitment, development, compensa-
tion, integration, utilisation & maintenance of people
(c) An aspect of relationship between and among the people and is
concerned about their well-beings as individuals and as group
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q123. When does the bargaining process begins?
(a) The charter of demands of the workers are not fulfilled
(b) Discontinuation of services & concerted actions by the workers
which results in low output and monetary loss
(c) The employer cannot afford to neglect these actions which results
in monetary loss
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q124. Cause of Genuine Grievance can be –
(a) Discrimination, lost opportunity, Injustice etc. done to the em-
(b) Harmony, Mutual trust & understanding
(c) Reasonable Charter of demands
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q125. Define the subject matter of Training
(a) Organisations need staff at all levels to be self-sufficient, re-
sourceful, creative & autonomous, but they face the challenge in
instilling confidence, initiative & problem solving capabilities
(b) Performance & capability are ultimately dependent on people’s
attitude and emotional maturity. Helping them to achieve on a
personal level provides a platform for trust and emotional contracting
with the organisation
(c) When people develop confidence, integrity & more knowledge, they
automatically become proactive, solution-focused, responsive which
has implications across a whole team with multiplying effect
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q126. __________ consists of the learning opportunities
designed to help employees to grow.
(a) Training
(b) Development
(c) Banking operations
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q127. Joint Management Councils are established in an
organisation which employs –
(a) 100 employees
(b) 300 employees
(c) 400 employees
(d) 500 employees or more
Ans. (d)
Q128. ROI Stands for —
(a) Return on Insurance
(b) Return on Investment
(c) Rate on Insurance
(d) Risk on Insurance
Ans. (b)
Q129. Talent Management consist of –
(i) Performance Evaluations to identify potentials
(ii) Psychological testing and assessment to determine capability gaps
(iii) Training & development programmes
(iv) Project work & job experience to accelerate development
(a) i, ii, iii
(b) ii, iii, iv
(c) i, ii, iii, iv
(d) only i
Ans. (c)
Q130. The term “Learning Organisation” means –
(a) People of all Levels, individually or collectively are continually in-
creasing their capacity to produce results, they care about
(b) A collective ideal, a vision
(c) It promotes culture of Learning, a community of learners, and it
ensures that individual learning enriches & enhances the organisation
as a whole
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q131. Line Management is –
(a) Hierarchical chain of command from executive to front-line level in
which top management has direct authority
(b) Organised along cross-functional lines, such as employee devel-
opment or strategic direction
(c) Both of (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q132. _____ is a process of transmission of massage and
understanding of information between two or more people,
it involves at least two parties – a sender and a receiver.
(a) Body language
(b) Communication
(c) System
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
Q133. _________ methods are generally applied on the
workplace while employees are actually working.
(a) On the Job training
(b) Off the job training
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
Ans. (a)
Q134. Selection is-
(a) A process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications &
competence to fill jobs in the organisation
(b) A process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify
& hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q135. Interviews can be —
(a) One-to-one
(b) Panel interview
(c) Sequential Interview
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
1. HRM is associated with the management of:
Ø      General people
Ø      Financial resources
Ø      Organizational people
Ø      Community members

2. Which of the following management function includes setting standards for everyone in the
Ø      Planning
Ø      Organizing
Ø      Leading
Ø      Controlling

3. Motivating the employees is classified as:

Ø      Informational role
Ø      Interpersonal role
Ø      Decisional role
Ø      Conceptual role

4. Which of the following is the main responsibility of an HR department?

Ø      Attracting candidates for job
Ø      Ensure staff development
Ø      Keep employees motivated
Ø      All of the given options

5. HR managers are generally the _______________ managers:

Ø      Line
Ø      Middle
Ø      Staff
Ø      Top

6. Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during:

Ø      Mechanistic period
Ø      Catalytic period
Ø      Organistic period
Ø      Strategic period

7. Running the organizational activities is called:

Ø      Management process
Ø      Executive position
Ø      Quality management
Ø      D. Performance measurement

8. Jobs are identified & grouped while:

Ø      Planning
Ø      Organizing
Ø      Leading
Ø      Controlling

9. Effective HRM leads to:

Ø      Organizational success
Ø      Organizational failure
Ø      Organizational complexity
Ø      Organizational inefficiency

10. Organizational goals should be:

Ø      Achievable
Ø      Ambiguous
Ø      Random
Ø      Vague

11. Customers of an organization fall under which of the following category?

Ø      Shareholders
Ø      Staff
Ø      Partners
Ø      Stakeholders

12. What could be the best approach for an organization to sustain in a dynamic environment?
Ø      Be stagnant
Ø      Responsive to change
Ø      Reluctant to change
Ø      Merge with others

13. The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within an organization is represented by:
Ø      Job analysis
Ø      Job description
Ø      Job specification
Ø      Job evaluation

14. A practice used by companies to assign their costly activities to outside providers is known as:
Ø      Planning
Ø      Decentralization
Ø      Restructuring
Ø      Outsourcing

15. Organizational behavior depicts the:

Ø      Jargons used within the organization
Ø      Collective behavior of employees
Ø      Effect of society’s behavior on an organization
Ø      All of the given options

16. Leaders perform:

Ø      Decisional roles
Ø      Informal roles
Ø      Informational roles
Ø      Interpersonal roles

17. Organizations take inputs from:

Ø      Rules & policies
Ø      Internal environment
Ø      External environment
Ø      Legislations & litigations

18. Which of the following system represents interrelated activities?

Ø      A closed system
Ø      An isolated system
Ø      An open system
Ø      A clogged system

19. Brain drain is one of the:

Ø      Organizational threat
Ø      Organizational opportunity
Ø      Organizational strength
Ø      Organizational weakness

20. Shifting from manual to computerized system is resulted due to:

Ø      Workforce diversity
Ø      Technological advancement
Ø      Stake holders involvement
Ø      D. Globalization

21. Which of the following statement reflects the 'Age Discrimination Act' for workers?
Ø      At the age of 40 to 70, workers can not be retired by force
Ø      At the age below 18, workers can never be hired
Ø      Having 10 years of experience, workers should be promoted
Ø      Workers can never be rehired if retired once

22. Reactive approach to overcome the influence of discriminatory practices occurred

in the past is referred as:
Ø      Equal employment opportunity
Ø      Affirmative action
Ø      HR planning
Ø      Litigation process

23. Organizations put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational

people because:
Ø      It makes procedures cost effective
Ø      It helps in detecting the problems
Ø      It leads to product innovation
Ø      D. It assists in implementing new technology

24. In order to promote unbiased management, organizations should develop:

Ø      Powerful union
Ø      Strategic alliance
Ø      Legal compliance
Ø      Stakeholder influence

25. Following are all included in 'Statistical Approach' of forecasting, EXCEPT:

Ø      Trend analysis
Ø      Sensitivity analysis
Ø      Ratio analysis
Ø      Regression analysis

26. Alternative work arrangements include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Ø      Part-time work
Ø      Flexible hours
Ø      On-site child care
Ø      Job sharing

27. How often HR planning process is implemented within an organization?

Ø      Continuously
Ø      Annually
Ø      Bi-annually
Ø      Quarterly

28. Which of the following reflects the relationship between MIS & HRIS?
Ø      Both are same
Ø      MIS is one aspect of HRIS
Ø      HRIS is one aspect of MIS
Ø      No relationship exists

29. ‘Strengths’ & ‘Weaknesses’ are ____________________ to an organization.

Ø      Important
Ø      Internal
Ø      External
Ø      D. Central

30. Which of the following statement best reflects the Job analysis?
Ø      Conceptual process
Ø      Written statement
Ø      Recruitment method
Ø      Legal clause

31. Standards are established to:

Ø      Achieve desired outcomes
Ø      Meet legal compliance
Ø      Achieve competitive advantage
Ø      Promote goodwill in market

32. Which of the following constraint does NOT affect the recruiting efforts?

Ø      Compensation of the job
Ø      Image of the organization
Ø      Internal organizational policies
Ø      D. None of the given options

33. Job evaluation is based on the:

Ø      Physical skills required by the job
Ø      Relative job worth for an organization
Ø      Complexity of the job to perform
Ø      Conceptual skill required by the job

34. Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee’s performance for the purposes
of a performance appraisal?
Ø      Peers
Ø      Customers
Ø      Top management
Ø      Immediate supervisor

35. Which of the following is a stated outcome of 'Job Analysis'?

Ø      Job description
Ø      Job specification
Ø      Job evaluation
Ø      All of the given options

36. Which of the following term is used as an indicator of missing information by the applicant while
making selection decision?
Ø      Red flag
Ø      Red alert
Ø      High alert
Ø      Alarming situation

37. Which of the following best defines recruitment in an organization?

Ø      Forecast the supply of outside candidates
Ø      Develop an appropriate applicant pool
Ø      Determine the importance of job applicants
Ø      D. All of the given options

38. Which of the following term is used for choosing the individual who is best suited to a particular
position and to the organization from a group of potential applicants?
Ø      Recruitment
Ø      Staffing
Ø      Enrollment
Ø      Selection

39. Followings are included in contingent workers, EXCEPT:

Ø      Part-timers
Ø      Contractors
Ø      Directors
Ø      Temporaries

40. Which of the following term contains information regarding machines & equipments used at
Ø      Job analysis
Ø      Job specification
Ø      Job description
Ø      Job evaluation

41. HRM is associated with the management of;

Ø      General people
Ø      Financial resources
Ø      Organizational people
Ø      Community members

42. Cost of human resources refers to;

Ø      Company profits
Ø      Employee shares
Ø      Salary packages
Ø      Earned revenues

43. Top level managers require __________________ skills the most;

Ø      Technical
Ø      Interpersonal
Ø      Conceptual
Ø      Mechanical

44. Matching the job description with the individuals’ qualification is an important aspect of;
Ø      IS
Ø      MIS
Ø      HRIS
Ø      DBMS

45. HR managers are generally the _______________ managers;

Ø      Line
Ø      Middle
Ø      Staff
Ø      Top

46. Manufacturing was the main concern of personnel department during;

Ø      Mechanistic period
Ø      Catalytic period
Ø      Organistic period
Ø      Strategic period

47. SWOT Analysis is a tool for;

Ø      Determining organization’s mission
Ø      Developing organizational goals
Ø      Formulating strategies
Ø      Environmental scanning

48. Jobs are identified & grouped while;

Ø      Planning
Ø      Organizing
Ø      Leading
Ø      Controlling

49. According to the Hawthorne studies, the productivity of employees;

Ø      Increased by increasing light
Ø      Decreased by decreasing light
Ø      Increased by observing them
Ø      No change in their productivity

50. Organizational goals should be;

Ø      Achievable
Ø      Ambiguous
Ø      Random
Ø      Vague

51. Which one of the following is NOT the source of workforce diversity?

Ø      Age
Ø      Gender
Ø      Education
Ø      Resentment

52. To anticipate the human resource needs of the organization based on some previous data or
managerial judgment is known as;
Ø      Demand forecasting
Ø      Supplies forecasting
Ø      Financial forecasting
Ø      Sales forecasting

53. The thorough & detailed study regarding jobs within an organization is represented by;
Ø      Job analysis
Ø      Job description
Ø      Job specification
Ø      Job evaluation

54. A practice used by companies to assign their costly activities to outside providers, (for the
purpose of cost saving), rather than completing it internally is called;
Ø      Planning
Ø      Decentralization
Ø      Restructuring
Ø      Outsourcing

55. Organizational behavior depicts the;

Ø      Jargons used within the organization
Ø      Collective behavior of an organization
Ø      Effect of society’s common behavior on an organization
Ø      Culture prevails in an organization

56. Leaders perform;

Ø      Decisional roles
Ø      Informal roles
Ø      Informational roles
Ø      Interpersonal roles

57. Organizations take inputs from its;

Ø      Rules & Policies
Ø      Internal Environment
Ø      External Environment
Ø      Legislations

58. As organizational activities are interrelated, it is said to be;

Ø      A closed system
Ø      An isolated system
Ø      An open system
Ø      A clogged system

59. Management sciences department is one of the _______________ of the VU;

Ø      System
Ø      Subsystem
Ø      Board
Ø      Structure

60. Shifting from manual to computerized system is resulted due to;

Ø      Workforce diversity
Ø      Technological advancement
Ø      Stake holders involvement
Ø      Globalization
61. Rewards offered to labors involved in production, are categorized as;
Ø      Salary
Ø      Fringe benefits
Ø      Wage
Ø      D. Commission

62. The goal of pre-retirement educational programs is to;

Ø      Improve job satisfaction
Ø      Increase employee commitment
Ø      Minimize medical claims from retirees
Ø      D. Ease the transition from working life to retirement

63. Organizations put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizational people because;
Ø      It makes procedures cost effective
Ø      It helps in detecting the problems
Ø      It leads to product innovation
Ø      It assists in implementing new technology

64. Willingness, capacity & opportunity to perform are said to be;

Ø      Performance outcomes
Ø      Determinants of performance
Ø      Performance appraisals
Ø      Types of performance standards

65. One of the major barriers to career advancement experiencing by working ladies is;
Ø      Difficulty in balancing work and family life
Ø      Top management is usually male oriented
Ø      Lack of educational opportunities
Ø      Common perception that woman can not be better boss

66. Alternative work arrangements include all of the following EXCEPT;

Ø      Part-time work
Ø      Flexible hours
Ø      On-site child care
Ø      Job sharing

67. Mr. Ahmed is a cashier and he feels dissatisfied at work. What best justifies this situation?
Ø      His job may not be structured to suit his preferences
Ø      It involves physical toughness
Ø      It requires mental toughness
Ø      It involves too much customer interaction

68. The _____ problem occurs when supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high.
Ø      Central tendency
Ø      Leniency
Ø      Strictness
Ø      Halo effect

69. The relationship between critical incident method & BARS (behaviorally anchored rating scale)
Ø      No relationship exists
Ø      Different methods to evaluate performance
Ø      Both are similar PA methods
Ø      Comparison method is used for PA, while BARS is related to training evaluation

70. What is another term for 360-degree feedback?

Ø      Feedback loop
Ø      Multi-source assessment
Ø      Upward feedback
Ø      Circle feedback

71. Standards are established to;

Ø      Achieve desired outcomes
Ø      Meet legal compliance
Ø      Achieve competitive advantage
Ø      Promote goodwill in market

72. The point method to evaluate job is an extension of;

Ø      Ranking method
Ø      Factor comparison method
Ø      Classification method
Ø      Point factor method

73. Job evaluation is based on the;

Ø      Physical skills required by the job
Ø      Relative job worth for an organization
Ø      Complexity of the job to perform
Ø      Conceptual skill required by the job

74. Who is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee’s performance
for the purposes of a performance appraisal?
Ø      Peers
Ø      Customers
Ø      Top management
Ø      Immediate supervisor

75. Groups are called ______________ if jobs are similar.

Ø      Classes
Ø      Grades
Ø      Scales
Ø      Roles

76. Train the raters prior to conduct the performance appraisal is an important
responsibility of;
Ø      Top management
Ø      HR department
Ø      Line managers
Ø      Production department

77. Currently Organizations are providing benefits to their employees;

Ø      To attract new blood in the organization
Ø      To create stronger customer relationship
Ø      To enhance the market share
Ø      All of the above

78. Following are all examples of direct compensation EXCEPT;

Ø      Pension
Ø      Salary
Ø      Bonus
Ø      Income

79. One of the main flaws of Classification method to evaluate the jobs is;
Ø      It is an expensive method
Ø      Only beneficial for small organizations
Ø      Maximum probability of biasness
Ø      Not useful when jobs are different

80. Which of the following measurement methods rates employee performance relative to other
Ø      Graphic rating scale
Ø      Comparative method
Ø      Essay method
Ø      Critical incident method

81. A system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distributed information
related to the company's human resources is called a(n) _______________
Ø      HRIS
Ø      Progressive discipline system
Ø      IRS
Ø      Contingent workforce system

 82.Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company

Ø      Compensating human resources
Ø      Acquiring and preparing human resources
Ø      Managing the human resource environment
Ø      All of the given options

83.HRM has primary responsibility for all of these implementation variables except:
Ø      Task design
Ø      People
Ø      Reward systems
Ø      Organization structure

84.Which of these is the process of getting detailed information about jobs?

Ø      Job design
Ø      Job description
Ø      Job analysis
Ø      Job skills

85.In which of these steps, the HR manager attempts to ascertain the supply of and demand
for various types of human resources?
Ø      Forecasting
Ø      Program implementation
Ø      Evaluation
Ø      Goal setting

86.Which of these is defined as any practice or activity carried on by the organization with
the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees?
Ø      A leading indicator analysis
Ø      Recruitment
Ø      Personnel policies
Ø      Selection

87.Scientific management was one of the earliest and best-known statements of the
_____________ approach.
Ø      Biological
Ø      Motivational
Ø      Perceptual-Motor
Ø      Mechanistic

88.Most HR functions spend very little time on:

Ø      Traditional activities
Ø      Transactional activities
Ø      Transformational activities
Ø      Day-to-day operational activities

89.Playing the role of ____________ requires designing and delivering efficient and effective
HR systems, processes, and practices.
Ø      Administrative Agent
Ø      Change Agent
Ø      Strategic Partner
Ø      Employee Advocate

90.Which of these refers to the degree to which decision-making authority resides at the top
of the organizational chart?
Ø      Job design
Ø      Decentralization
Ø      Unity of command
Ø      Centralization

91.Career development consists of skills, education and experiences as well as behavioral

modification and refinement techniques that allow individuals to work better and add value.

92.Mentoring & Coaching has become increasingly important over the years because the
employees who aspire to higher management levels in the organization often need the
assistance and advocacy of someone higher up in the organization.

93.The goal of measuring performance is to improve the effectiveness & efficiency of the
organization by aligning the employee’s work behaviors & results with the organization’s
goals, improving the employee’s work behaviors & results.

94.Innovation entails developing skills to discover new products and processes and

designing adaptable structures and cultures.

95.Labor union might affect the appraisal process by stressing seniority as the basis for
promotions and pay increases.

96.MBO requires that supervisors and employees determine objectives for employees to

meet during the rating period and the employees appraise how well they have achieved their
97.Organizational approaches that are becoming increasingly popular in dealing with the
needs of dual career couples are flexible work schedules, telecommuting, and the offering of
child-care services.

98.The workers must look across company lines to other organizations to determine
what skills are transferable, and then go and get them

99.Performance feedback should do more than informing learners whether they were right or
wrong. Just notifying the trainees that they were wrong is not as effective as telling them why
they were wrong and how they can avoid making those mistakes in future.

100.Assistant to Position employees are given the opportunity to work under a successful

manger, often in different areas of organization. In doing so, these employees get exposure
to wide variety of management activities and are groomed for assuming the duties of next
higher level.

101.One reason for falling union membership in recent years is that __________
Legislation protects workers in a way that was once only offered by the unions
Ø      Unions have been seen as largely ineffectual
Ø      Union membership is too expensive
Ø      Manufacturers will not hire union members
Ø      Union members earn less on average compared to non-union members

102.All of the following types of organizations are covered by the Occupational Safety and
Health Act except __________
Ø      Federal agencies
Ø      Hospitals
Ø      Schools
Ø      Self-employed persons
Ø      Manufacturing facilities

103.There is fairly strong evidence that traits can predict _________ more accurately than
leadership effectiveness
Ø      Leadership emergence
Ø      Extraversion in leaders
Ø      Leadership awareness
Ø      Leadership competence
Ø      The conscientiousness of leaders

104.Which one of the following is not implied in the definition of power?

Ø      Influence
Ø      Potential    
Ø      Dependency
Ø      Actualization
Ø      Capacity

105.The conflict-handling intention of accommodating is ________

Ø      assertive and uncooperative
Ø      assertive and cooperative
Ø      unassertive and uncooperative
Ø      unassertive and cooperative
Ø      reflective and emotional
106.Which department enforces the standards set out in the Occupational Safety and Health
Ø      Department of Health Services
Ø      Department of Labor
Ø      Department of Defense
Ø      Department of Financial Services
Ø      Economic Development Department

107.Family issues, economic problems, and personality characteristics are examples of the
__________ factor of potential stress
Ø      Social
Ø      Environmental
Ø      Personnel
Ø      Psychological
Ø      Personal

108.The ___________ form of union security means that it is up to the workers whether or not
they join the union and only those who join must pay dues.
Ø      Closed shop
Ø      Union shop
Ø      Agency shop
Ø      Open shop
Ø      Maintenance of agreement

109.The dimension of assertiveness refers to situations ________

Ø      in which one party attempts to satisfy his/her own concerns
Ø      in which there is an expression of competition
Ø      involving a major behavior change that lead to conflict
Ø      in which one party behaves generously

110.Which of the following benefits could be awarded as workers’ compensation?

Ø      Cash benefit
Ø      Medical services
Ø      Time off with pay
Ø      Time off without pay
Ø      a and b

111. Appraisal of a worker’s performance can be described as:

Ø      Planning Activity
Ø      Organizing Activity
Ø      Controlling Activity
Ø      Leading Activity

112. Hawthorne studies depict the effects of work environment on:

Ø      Human Behavior
Ø      Human Performance
Ø      Human Satisfaction
Ø      All the given options

113. Process of working with different resources to accomplish organizational goals is            known

Ø      Strategic management        
Ø      Human Resource management    
Ø      Management       
Ø      Team work

114. The concept of how a person behaves in a group can be attributed to:

Ø      Thermodynamics   
Ø      Group Dynamics
Ø      MBO (Management by objectives)
Ø      Group Behavior

115. The study of Organizational Behavior is closely related to:

Ø      Human Psychology
Ø      Human Behavior in general
Ø      Human Behavior at work
Ø      Human-Machine Interaction

116. Essential component of an organization is:

Ø      Team         
Ø      Structure  
Ø      Individual   
Ø      None of the given options

117. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts is known as:

Ø      Efficiency
Ø      Effectiveness
Ø      Productivity
Ø      Synergy

118. Virtual teams can contribute to better coordination among the team members because:

Ø      Technology brings them together on a forum.

Ø      Team members meet physically with each other
Ø      Team members share views among themselves via communication links.
Ø      Team members have the real time environment for interaction.

119. Setting standards should be left to the employee rather than organization leads to self
controlling because:

Ø      It follows the management by objective approach.

Ø      It increases the productivity of the worker
Ø      It increases the confidence of workers
Ø      Workers come up to the high standard since they have no pressure from his superiors.

120. Which one is not basic component of OB (Organizational Behavior) Model?

Ø      Organization
Ø      Group
Ø      Team
Ø      Individual

121.  Job posting
Ø      Internal advertisement by an organization to attract candidates from the existing employees,
against a vacancy.
Ø      The system of transferring existing employees to comparable new jobs available in the organization.
Ø      An arrangement of in house training of employees for career advancement.
Ø      Grouping together of a family of similar jobs, under a single title to establish uniformity of standards in
controls and compensations.

122.   Realistic job preview is a:                                                             

Ø      Technique for listing elements of job before selecting someone to perform it.
Ø      Performance appraisal technique.
Ø      A selection device that enables the candidates to learn both the negative and positive
information about the job and organization.
Ø      None of the given options 

123.   Job analysis can be performed in all of the following ways except:

Ø      Observing hourly work

Ø      Reviewing interviews conducted with departing employees
Ø      Studying diaries or daily journals that manager kept over a three-month period
Ø      Giving workers checklists to indicate which tasks on the list are performed during job execution

124.  Considering continuous process improvement activities in organizations,

            Should “Zero defects” really be a goal?      

Ø      Yes perfection is reasonable goal.

Ø      No, 0.1 percent errors can be corrected much more efficiently than they can be      prevented
Ø      Yes most industries find this an attainable goal.
Ø      Sometimes, for some mistakes, cost benefits can not be calculated

125.   Organizational efficiency is expressed as: 

Ø      Planning for long-run goals
Ø      Making the best use of scarce resources
Ø      Goal attainment
Ø      Meeting deadlines

126.  Goal setting is: 

Ø      Top down process
Ø      Bottom up process  
Ø      A process of top down support and bottom up development
Ø      A function of senior management

127. When the firm changes the way it operates, the process is known as:

Ø      Downsizing
Ø      Brain drain
Ø      Restructuring
Ø      Outsourcing

128. Which one is not included in the hiring process?

Ø      Recruitment
Ø      Socialization
Ø      Selection
Ø      Job specification

129. Effectiveness is -----------

Ø      Do right things

Ø      Do things right
Ø      Productivity
Ø      All of the given options

130. Extents of individual freedom and discretion employees have in performing

             their jobs is Known as
Ø      Capitation
Ø      Flextime
Ø      Empowerment
Ø      Autonomy

131.Based on the concept of qualified privilege, some courts have ruled that employers must be
able to talk to one another about employees.

132.Control and Coordination of headquarters may be impeded in selecting Host-Country


133.Pre-arrival stage explicitly recognizes that each individual arrives in organization with a set of
organizational values, attitudes, and expectations.

134.Training involves planned learning activities designed to improve an employee’s performance

at her/his current job.

135.The analysis that identifies the kinds of the skills and behaviors required for the    incumbents of
a given job and the standards of performance that must be met is called Task/Operational

136.Clear task instructions and model appropriate behavior are required for Effective learning.

137.Training to be more effective, is supposed to be followed with careful evaluation.

138.The benefits gained by a T & D program must outweigh the cost associated with providing the
learning experience.

139.Succession planning programs are considerations of the job openings that presently exist in
an organization, the openings that are likely to occur in the future, and how these positions might be
140.In Assistant to Position method, employees with demonstrated potential are given the
opportunity to work under a successful manger, often in different areas of organization.

141.A process that significantly affects organizational success by having managers and employees
work together to set expectations, review results, and reward performance.
Ø      Management by Objectives
Ø      Performance Appraisal
Ø      Performance Management
Ø      Organizational Planning

142.________________ is solely responsible for managing individual’s career.

Ø      Individual
Ø      Team
Ø      Organization
Ø      HR Manager

143.The evaluator uses a list of behavioral descriptions and checks off those behaviors that apply to
the employee. This method of appraisal is called
Ø      Forced-Choice Appraisal
Ø      Forced Distribution Appraisal
Ø      Checklist Appraisal
Ø      Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

144.Any compensation method that ties pay to the quantity or quality of work the person produces is
Ø      Gain-sharing Plan
Ø      Incentive Plan
Ø      Compensation Plan
Ø      Pay for performance Plan

145.Employee evaluations are directly affected by a “supervisor’s perceptions of who is believed to

be in control of the employee’s performance – the employer or the manager.” This theory is known
Ø      Attribution Theory
Ø      Stereotype
Ø      Halo Effect
Ø      None of above options

146.Which has an impact on job pricing and the ultimate determination of an individual’s financial
Ø      The Organization
Ø      The Job
Ø      The Employee
Ø      All of the above options

147.Office environment that contain harmful airborne chemicals, asbestos, or indoor pollution is
referred to
Ø      Homicide
Ø      Sick Building
Ø      Green Environment
Ø      Environment pollution

148.Benefits offered to employees reflect many of the trends existing in our

Ø      Country
Ø      Environment
Ø      Organization
Ø      Labor Force

149.Recognition, positive reinforcement and employees’ empowerment can be used to avoid the
Ø      Turnover
Ø      Conflict
Ø      Accident
Ø      Frustration

150.Not giving a compliment for a job done very well can cause
Ø      Punishment
Ø      Extinction
Ø      Negative Reinforcement
Ø      De-motivation

151.Feed back is information about some behavior and its effects.

152.Supportive communication is honest, accurate interpersonal communication that focuses on

building and enhancing relationships.

153.The extent to which members of a culture give preference to an in-group over individual goals
is collectivism.

154.Contributory Plans are group health-care plans in which employees share in the cost of the

155.Stress is complex issue; it can affect the performance in positive as well as negative ways.

156.A Developing trend toward integrating disability coverage with workers, compensation and,
eventually, with group health care is known as managed health.

157.Union shop, a union security provision stipulating that, as a condition of continued employment,
an individual must join the union that represents employees after a probationary period.

158.In negotiations, the bargaining posture that assumes that the goals of the parties are
irreconcilable is win lose bargaining/distributive bargaining.

159.All the practices that implement the philosophy and policy of an organization with respect to
employment are called employee relations.

160.Whistle –blowing, Disclosure by former or current organization members of illegal, immoral, or

illegitimate practices under the control of their employers.
161.Which is a common law doctrine stating that employers have the right to hire, fire, demote, or
promote whomever they choose, unless there is a law or contract to the contrary .
Ø      Management Rights
Ø      Employment at Will
Ø      Statutory Rights
Ø      Contractual Rights

162.The ability of one person to influence another is

Ø      Power
Ø      Responsibility
Ø      Authority
Ø      All given options

163.The first formal stage of the disciplinary procedure is

Ø      Written Verbal Warning
Ø      Written Warning
Ø      Employee Separation
Ø      Show-Cause Notice

164.A worker surplus forecasted results in

Ø      Creative Recruiting
Ø      Special Training Programs
Ø      Reduced Hours
Ø      Succession Planning

165.Which theory suggests that a leader should adapt his/her leadership style to the task?
Ø      Path-Goal Leadership Theory
Ø      Vroom-Jago-Yetton Model
Ø      LMX Theory
Ø      The Situational Leadership Model

166.To be effective, leaders must provide a _________________that is a general statement of the

organization’s intended direction that evokes positive emotional feelings in organization members.
Ø      Vision
Ø      Mission
Ø      Goal
Ø      Declaration

167.These rights Protect employees from discrimination, Safe working conditions, Right to form
Ø      Statutory Rights
Ø      Contractual Rights
Ø      Employment policies
Ø      Civil Rights

168.For simplicity’s sake, we can classify the most frequent violations of discipline into
_____________ categories.
Ø      Two
Ø      Three
Ø      Four
Ø      Six
169.To Becoming a Leader do all except
Ø      Build Your Power Base
Ø      Develop Your Judgment
Ø      Use Your Management Skills
Ø      Do Not Trust Anyone

170.A forecasting tool that uses mathematical equations to predict the behavior of one variable on
the basis of other known variable/s is known as
Ø      Managerial judgment
Ø      Regression analysis
Ø      Trend analysis
Ø      Ratio analysis

171.Reduced hours technique is used to

Ø      increase layoffs
Ø      cope with surplus
Ø      initiate creative recruiting
Ø      provide training

172.The actual hiring decision is done after

Ø      physical exam
Ø      interview
Ø      background investigation
Ø      conditional job offer

173.The jobs having challenging assignments, career oriented and having good remuneration
Ø      government influence
Ø      recruiting cost
Ø      image of organization
Ø      attractiveness of job

174.Organizations assess the training needs through

Ø      company record
Ø      customer complaints
Ø      both of the given options
Ø      none of the given options

175.The purpose of overtime is to

Ø      restrict recruiting
Ø      increase working hours
Ø      reduce variable cost
Ø      provide contingent workers

176.The process in which organization notifies its employees about job openings through notice
boards, company publications or letters is called
Ø      internal recruitment
Ø      job posting
Ø      job advertisement
Ø      open house

177.election criteria may includes all except

Ø      education
Ø      competencies
Ø      applicant pool
Ø      integrity

178.To conduct job analysis, HR manager work together with all except
Ø      worker
Ø      recruit
Ø      supervisor
Ø      consultant

179.The test that measures ability to learn and to perform the job is called
Ø      aptitude test
Ø      work sample test
Ø      vocational interest test
Ø      job knowledge test

180. Hiring process completes by

Ø      selection
Ø      recruitment
Ø      training
Ø      orientation

181.McClelland believes the needs for _____________________ are most important.

Ø      expectancy, instrumentality, and valance
Ø      existence, relatedness, and growth
Ø      positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment
Ø      affiliation, power, and achievement

182.___________are programs designed to help employees whose job performance is suffering

because of physical, mental, or emotional problems. 
Ø      Employee Assistance Programs
Ø      Wellness Programs
Ø      Safety Programs
Ø      Managed health

183.The 360 degree appraisal

Ø      works best in large organizations.
Ø      provides feedback from a verity of individuals.
Ø      aids in developing competitive intelligence.
Ø      diminishes the effect of development in the appraisal process.

184.Following are the phases of the Motivational Process except

Ø      Need Identification
Ø      Selecting Goals
Ø      Extinction
Ø      Consequences of performance Reward/punishments

185.Placing a dollar value on the worth of a job is known as

Ø      Job Pricing
Ø      Pay Grades
Ø      Pay Ranges
Ø      Single-Rate System
186.Total compensation constitutes of
Ø      direct rewards
Ø      indirect rewards
Ø      both of the given options
Ø      none of the given options

187.Following ways can be used to avoid the high turnover of employees except
Ø      Use Recognition
Ø      Use money
Ø      Use Positive Reinforcement
Ø      Empower Employees 

188.A system of retirement benefits that provides benefits like disability insurance, survivor’s
benefits, and Medicare is called _________. 
Ø      Social Security
Ø      Unemployment Compensation
Ø      Workers’ Compensation
Ø      Security benefit

189.Upward appraisal is done by

Ø      Immediate Supervisor
Ø      Peers
Ø      Subordinates
Ø      None of the given options

190.____________ exists when individuals performing similar jobs for the same firm are paid
according to factors unique to the employee
Ø      Employee Equity
Ø      Team Equity
Ø      Internal Equity
Ø      All of the given options

191._________ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating

employees, attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concerns.
Ø      Labor Relations
Ø      Organizational Behavior
Ø      Human Resource Management
Ø      Organizational Health and Safety Management

192.Which of these refers to the temporary, part-time and self-employed workers?

Ø      Internal labor force
Ø      Contingent work force
Ø      High-performance work systems
Ø      Downsized employees

193.Which basic function of management includes delegating authority to subordinates and

establishing channels of communication?
Ø      Planning
Ø      Organizing
Ø      Leading
Ø      Staffing
194.Over the past 25 years, all of these areas of legal environment have influenced HRM
Ø      Equal employment opportunity legislation
Ø      Employees pay and benefits
Ø      Employee competition legislation
Ø      Job security

195.One of the most popular methods of increasing employee responsibility and control is
Ø      Outsourcing
Ø      "Military model" of management
Ø      HRIS
Ø      Work teams

196.Which of these is a major dimension of HRM practices contributing to company

Ø      Compensating human resources
Ø      Acquiring and preparing human resources
Ø      Managing the human resource environment
Ø      All of the given options

197.How has technology changed HRM practices?

Ø      Recruiting using the web generates smaller, more focused applicant pools.
Ø      Employee training is offered through scheduled classes rather than on demand.
Ø      Electronic resumes take less time to evaluate than paper resumes.
Ø      None of the given options.

198.How do companies facilitate workforce diversity?

Ø      Rely on external support systems for minority workers.
Ø      Encourage employees to challenge the beliefs and values of other employees.
Ø      Build in accountability through surveys and audits.
Ø      Reinforce traditional values.

199.Employee involvement requires extensive additional HRM activity in which of these

Ø      Training
Ø      Benefits
Ø      Labor negotiation
Ø      Marketing

200.Managers who meet designated goals are _______.

Ø      Assertive
Ø      Efficient
Ø      Effective
Ø      Entitled

201.David conducts new employee orientation for a large organization. His work is within
which basic HRM function?
Ø      Management
Ø      Motivation
Ø      Career planning
Ø      Training and development
202.Employee relations specialists are involved in which of these activities?
Ø      Handling employee complaints
Ø      Working with position control specialists in compensation
Ø      Negotiating benefits packages
Ø      Coordinating interview schedules

203.The father of scientific management is ________.

Ø      Deming
Ø      Burns
Ø      Taylor
Ø      Hawthorne

204.A large organization is an EEO employer with an affirmative action plan. Which of these
activities is performed as part of the plan?
Ø      All job applicants must have a recommendation from current or past employee
Ø      Insurance premiums from former employers of all applicants are analyzed
Ø      Job requirements are determined based on skills, knowledge and abilities
Ø      Job announcements are posted on the company bulletin board

205.Which of these items would be in the highest security category of a typical HRIS?
Ø      Employee name
Ø      Former employers
Ø      Salary
Ø      Work location

206.Which of these decreases in the labor supply is the easiest to predict?

Ø      Transfers-in
Ø      Retirements
Ø      Voluntary quits
Ø      Prolonged illnesses

207.Wal-Mart differentiates its business by offering the lowest prices. Offering the lowest
prices is Wal-Mart’s _________.
Ø      Functional strategy
Ø      Competitive advantage
Ø      Distinctive competence
Ø      Corporate strategy

208.__________ is the process of assessing progress toward strategic goals and taking
corrective action as needed.
Ø      Strategic management
Ø      Strategic planning
Ø      Strategic control
Ø      Diversification

209._________ is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others and to give orders.
Ø      Leadership
Ø      Authority
Ø      Delegation
Ø      Management

210.Which of the following is considered a qualitative approach to job analysis?

Ø      Position analysis questionnaire
Ø      Interviews
Ø      Department of Labor approach
Ø      Functional job analysis

211.Which of the following personality characteristics are associated with people who are
likely to exhibit violent behavior on the job?
Ø      Neurotic
Ø      Optimistic
Ø      Extraverted
Ø      Type A

212.Which of these suggestions is an effective way to deal with stress?

Ø      Meditation
Ø      Exercise 
Ø      Talking with others 
Ø      All of the given options

213.In most large facilities, who is responsible for reducing unsafe working conditions and
reducing unsafe acts by employees?
Ø      Chief executive officer
Ø      Chief safety officer
Ø      Occupational safety and health officer
Ø      Chief operations officer

214.Who distinguished between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation?

Ø      Frederick Taylor
Ø      Frederick Herzberg
Ø      David McClelland
Ø      Edward Deci

215.Which of the following is categorized as an indirect payment portion of employee

Ø      Wages
Ø      Salaries
Ø      Employer-paid insurance
Ø      Commissions

216.Stress can affect not only your health, but also other aspects of your life. What else can
be affected by stress?
Ø      Family relationships 
Ø      Work performance 
Ø      Your attention to safety 
Ø      All of the given options

217.Unemployment benefits are typically about __________ percent of a person's earnings

and last for__________.
Ø      50; 26 weeks
Ø      75; 1 year
Ø      100; 2 years
Ø      25; 4 weeks

218.Unsafe acts can be reduced through all of the following methods except:

Ø      Job rotation
Ø      Screening
Ø      Training
Ø      Incentive programs

219.Which of these is the most common type of retirement plan?

Ø      Defined benefit
Ø      ERISA
Ø      Defined contribution
Ø      Money purchase plan

220.Which one of the following statements is correct in relation to monetary rewards in

accordance with Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory?
Ø      Pay increases are a powerful long-term motivator
Ø      Inadequate monetary rewards are a powerful dissatisfied
Ø      Monetary rewards are more important than non-monetary rewards
Ø      Pay can never be used as a motivator

221.Which pattern of communication is the quickest way to send a message?

Ø      The circle
Ø      The chain
Ø      The Y
Ø      The wheel

222.Chronic stress is the stress that wears at people day after day. Which of these is an
example of chronic stress?
Ø      An unhappy marriage 
Ø      Ongoing money problems 
Ø      Dissatisfaction with a job 
Ø      All of the given options

223.The relative position of an organization's pay incentives compared to other companies in

the same industry is known as:
Ø      Pay structure
Ø      Pay appraisal
Ø      Pay level
Ø      Pay feedback

224.Poor quality lateral communication will result in which of the following?

Ø      Lack of direction
Ø      Lack of coordination
Ø      Lack of delegation
Ø      Lack of control

225.Which of the following is a health hazard in the work place?

Ø      Uncollected waste paper
Ø      Heavy object
Ø      Frayed crypt
Ø      All of the given options

226.Managers can motivate people to avoid performing dysfunctional behaviors by using:

I. Extinction
II. Punishment
III. Negative reinforcement
Ø      I, II, III
Ø      I and III
Ø      II and III    
Ø      I and II

227.Workers' compensation benefits fall into all of these major categories except:

Ø      Medical care
Ø      Retirement benefits
Ø      Disability income
Ø      Death benefits

228.Expectancy theory focuses on the relationships between which three factors?

Ø      Needs, effort and persistence
Ø      Needs, performance and inputs
Ø      Inputs, performance and outcomes
Ø      Needs, performance and outcomes

229.A horizontal extension of the object to increase task variety is called:

Ø      Job evaluation
Ø      Job enrichment
Ø      Job enlargement
Ø      Job rotation

230.Communication between two members of a project team from different function, but the
same level of authority is ________ communication.
Ø      UP ward
Ø      Downward
Ø      Lateral
Ø      Diagonal

231.     All of the following are External Environmental Factors except

Ø      Legal Considerations
Ø      The Labor Force
Ø      Customers
Ø      Corporate Culture

232.     The people who perform tasks in a wide variety of human resource-related areas are called
Ø      HR Executives
Ø      HR Generalists
Ø      HR Specialist
Ø      All of the given options

233.     A strategy intended to achieve fair employment by urging employers to hire certain groups of people
who were discriminated against in the past is known as
Ø      Fair employment
Ø      Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Ø      Affirmative action
Ø      Employment discrimination

234.     Generally, the goal setting is a 

Ø      Top down process
Ø      Bottom up process
Ø      Process of top down support and bottom up development
Ø      Function of senior management

235.     Following are the reasons for conducting job analysis except

Ø      Staffing workers
Ø      Observing workers
Ø      Training and Development
Ø      Legal Considerations

236.     The method that uses the organization’s current level of employment as the starting point for
determining future staffing needs is
Ø      Zero Based Forecasting
Ø      Bottom-Up Approach
Ø      Forecasting Human Resource Availability
Ø      None of the given options

237.     job analysis can be performed in all of the following ways except

Ø      Interviews conducted with departing employees
Ø      Analyzing log books
Ø      Observing hourly workers
Ø      Giving workers checklist to indicate which tasks on the list are performed during job.

238.     What specific activities listed below are part of the organizing function?
Ø      Giving each subordinate a specific task
Ø      Recruiting prospective employees
Ø      Training and developing employees
Ø      Developing rules and procedures

239.     _____ are authorized to direct the work of subordinates.

Ø      Staff managers
Ø      Line managers
Ø      Leaders
Ø      Advisory board members

240.     What tactic will employers likely have to take to fill openings left by retiring employees?
Ø      Instituting flexible work hours
Ø      Providing elder care
Ø      Hiring more women
Ø      Rehiring retirees

241.Following are the basic principles or conditions that facilitate learning except
Ø      Participation
Ø      Relevance
Ø      Feedback
Ø      Education

242.Career Development is:

Ø      A formal approach taken by an organization to help its people acquire the skills and
experiences needed to perform current and future jobs.
Ø      An employee’s progresses vertically upward in the organization from one specific job to the next.
Ø      Both a vertical sequence of jobs and a series of horizontal opportunities.
Ø      Self-understanding for future jobs. Then, the person is in a position to establish realistic goals and
determine how to achieve these goals.

243.___________ can provide an opportunity for the employee to share in decision making, to learn
by watching others, and to investigate specific organizational problems.
Ø      Lectures & Seminars
Ø      Assistant to Position
Ø      Committee Assignments
Ø      Simulations:

244.______ is a career-path method recognizing that technical specialists can and should be
allowed to continue to contribute their expertise to a company without having become managers.
Ø      Demotion
Ø      Lateral skill path
Ø      Dual-career path
Ø      None of the given options

245.Training instruction for a small group, which employs such techniques as role-playing or
simulation etc. and encounters give and take sessions and problem-solving techniques is called:
Ø      Career counseling
Ø      Workshop
Ø      Development Plan
Ø      On the job training

246.Barriers to career advancement include:

Ø      Lack of time
Ø      Rigid job specifications
Ø      Short-term focus
Ø      All of the given options

247.The basic skills possessed by the individual that are required to give certain performance are
termed as:
Ø      Ability
Ø      Motivation
Ø      Experience
Ø      Performance

248.Using the __________ approach, managers evaluate organizational effectiveness.

Ø      External resource
Ø      Internal systems
Ø      Technical
Ø      Systems

249.A career stage in which one begins to search for work and finds a first job is:
Ø      Exploration period
Ø      Establishment period
Ø      Middle stage
Ø      None of the given options

250.Without proper feedback about an employee’s effort and its effect on performance, we run the
risk of decreasing his/ her _________.
Ø      Salary
Ø      Experience
Ø      Motivation
Ø      Performance appraisal

251. The ____ trust is based on the behavioral predictability that comes from a history of interaction
Ø      Deterrence-based
Ø      Knowledge-based
Ø      Identification-based
Ø      None of the given options

252. ______ is the process whereby union members vote out their union as their representative.
Ø      Authorization card
Ø      Representation certification
Ø      Representation decertification
Ø      Trade union election

253. We can define ____ as activities people perform to acquire, enhance, and use power and other
resources to obtain their preferred outcomes in a situation of uncertainty or disagreement.
Ø      Organizational politics
Ø      Executing authority
Ø      Collective bargaining
Ø      Position power

254. Protection from discrimination, safe working conditions and union formulation are _____ rights,
provided to employees.
Ø      Contractual
Ø      Individual
Ø      Statutory
Ø      Organizational

255. A situation in labor – management negotiation whereby management prevents union members
from returning to work is called _____.
Ø      Grievance
Ø      Strike
Ø      Arbitration
Ø      Lockout

256. The ______ leadership is a set of abilities that allows the leader to recognize the need for
change, to create a vision to guide that change, and to execute that change effectively.
Ø      Transformational
Ø      Charismatic
Ø      Autocratic
Ø      Transactional

257. The first formal stage of the disciplinary procedure is

Ø      Written Verbal Warning
Ø      Written Warning
Ø      Suspension
Ø      Dismissal

258. The cost associated with employee separations and turnover includes:
Ø      Recruitment & Selection costs
Ø      Training cost
Ø      Separation costs
Ø      All of the given options

259. According to _____, leaders may use different styles with different members of the same work
Ø      Path-goal leadership
Ø      Vroom-Jago-Yetton model
Ø      Leader-member exchange theory
Ø      The situational leadership theory

260. Following the ____, discipline should be immediate, provide ample warning, be consistent, and
be impersonal.
Ø      Disciplinary rules
Ø      Corrective action
Ø      Punitive action
Ø      Hot-stove rule
Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 While conducting job analysis the 'Observation Method' is useful when:
       ► Job requires more intellectual skills to complete
       ► Job is repetitive in nature
       ► Job is market oriented and requires more data or
       ► Job consists of observable physical activity
Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which one of the following is NOT included in 'Training and Development'?
       ► Orientation
       ► Career development
       ► Employee education
       ► Recruitment
Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Staffing is a process of hiring qualified employees at the right place and at the right time,
to achieve:
       ► Targeted sales goals
       ► Individual career goals
       ► Return on investment
       ► Organizational objectives
Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following reflects the holding beliefs about people that place them in
categories for recognizing and accepting differences?
       ► Backlash
       ► Mistrust
       ► Cohesiveness
       ► Stereotyping
Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which one is NOT the reason of  joining groups by people?
       ► To get affiliation
       ► To gain power
       ► To get security
       ► To get promotions
Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
  Individual's behavior comprises of:
       ► Heritage
       ► Perception
       ► Emotions
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following term is used to study the collective behavior of individuals within
an organization?
       ► Organizational culture
       ► Organizational norms
       ► Organizational behavior
       ► Organizational rules
Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following represents the expression "2+2=5"?
       ► Efficiency
       ► Effectiveness
       ► Productivity
       ► Synergy
Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Formal organizations are _________ organizations.
       ► Structured
       ► Unstructured
       ► Irrational
       ► Spontaneous
Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following aspect should be considered during task analysis, before
conducting the training in an organization?
►Individuals who require training
►Shortcomings in existing technology
►Ineffective feedback system of organization
►Areas where training is required
Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following stage of training module identifies the mediums of training?
►Designing phase of training
►Training Need Analysis
►Determining training objectives
►Training evaluation
Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The process by which people acquire skills & abilities required to perform jobs at hand, is
known as:
►Need analysis
Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 According to which of the following interview type, several applicants are being
interviewed by one or more company representatives? 
►One-to-one interview
►Panel interview
►Group interview
►Stress interview
Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 What could be the main consideration of an HR manager during recruitment?
       ► Outsource the employee selection to recruiting agencies
       ► Screen the pool of appropriate applicants
       ► Attract a large number of applicants
       ► Only hire the experienced candidates
Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Why organizations provide attractive salaries, fringe benefits, career development
opportunities and respect to their employees?
       ► To attract more and more people
       ► To enforce government regulations
       ► To retain valuable human resource
       ► To be the market leader in the future
Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Members of an effective team should be more:

       ► Extrovert

       ► Homogeneous

       ► Inflexible

       ► Introvert

Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which one of the following is NOT the characteristic of a Virtual Team?

       ► Lack of nonverbal signals

       ► Limited social contact

       ► Increased social relationship

       ► Ability to overcome time and space constraints

Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Organizations shifted from manual to computerized system as a result of:
       ► Workforce diversity

       ► Technological advancement

       ► Stake holder’s involvement

       ► Globalization

Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The intellectual & mechanical process used by an organization to transform inputs into
outputs is termed as:
       ► Task

       ► People

       ► Structure

       ► Technology

Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 “Organizational Structure” is the basic arrangement of:
       ► Financial resources

       ► Employed technology

       ► Physical resources

       ► Organizational workforce

Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Who is responsible to take corrective actions in response to unforeseen problems?
       ► Liaison

       ► Disturbance-handler

       ► Figurehead
       ► Spokesperson

Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following best reflects the responsibility of a Disseminator?
       ► Represent the organization to the outsiders

       ► Hire, train, motivate employees

       ► Perform duties that are symbolic & ceremonial in nature

       ► Transmit information to organizational members

Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following characteristic/s is/are part of Conceptual skills?
       ► Analytical ability
       ► Logical thinking
       ► Inductive reasoning
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following abilities are categorized as the Technical skill of an individual?
       ► Judgment & creativity

       ► Analysis & communication

       ► Knowledge & proficiency

       ► Innovation & advancement

Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Ratio of outputs to inputs is known as:

       ► Performance

       ► Effectiveness

       ► Motivation

       ► Efficiency

Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 "Effectiveness" is represented by:
       ► Doing things right

       ► Doing right things right

       ► Doing things right at the right time

       ► Doing things right by right person

Question No: 27    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following HR function is the basic element of recruitment?
       ► Attract the job applicants for the particular post

       ► Select the best one among all applicants

       ► Train the people as per organizational requirements

       ► Fire the non-performing employees

Question No: 28    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 A special form of recruitment that involves placing a student in a temporary job with no
obligation either by the company to hire the student permanently or by the student to
accept a permanent position with the firm following graduation, is known as:
       ► Cooperative work

       ► Student placement

       ► Internship program

       ► Student leasing

Question No: 29    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is an online recruitment method engaged in by a single employer or
group of employers to attract a large number of applicants?
       ► Job fairs
       ► Recent grads
       ► Internship programs
       ► Recruiting sites
Question No: 30    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 According to which act, pay discrimination on the basis of gender for same position &
performance is prohibited?
       ► Civil rights
       ► Equal pay
       ► Worker compensation
       ► Age discrimination
Question No: 31    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The invisible barrier that blocks females & minorities from ascending into upper levels of
an organization, is termed as:
       ► Gender discrimination
       ► Glass ceiling
       ► Affirmative action
       ► Stereotype
Question No: 32    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 As a result of which of the following activity, HRIS is gaining popularity day by day?
       ► Generating organizational reports
       ► Managing resources effectively
       ► Retrieving timely information
       ► Handling bundles of data
Question No: 33    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is said to be one of the major advantages of HRIS?
       ► Reduce administrative costs
       ► Involvement of computers
       ► New filing system
       ► Enhance employees’ involvement
Question No: 34    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is served as criteria for declaring a particular job as worth-full?

       ► Physical motion

       ► Significance of task
       ► Mental stress
       ► Long working hours
Question No: 35    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following condition stimulates the need of Job analysis within an

       ► Creation of New jobs

       ► Prior to job specification
       ► While modifying existing jobs
       ► All of the given options
Question No: 36    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The set of tasks & duties assigned to a particular person is said to be his/her:
       ► Duty
       ► Responsibility

       ► Work

       ► Position
Question No: 37    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 “Self-motivated & result oriented individuals with sound knowledge of combined cycle gas
turbine power plant operations and practical experience of mechanical, electrical and I&C
maintenance of plant.
Should have working experience in integrated management system environment & have an
understanding of the commercial aspects of  IPPs. Must possess managerial skills to lead &
This section of job advertisement represents which of the given term?

       ► Job analysis

       ► Job description

       ► Job specification

       ► Job evaluation

Question No: 38    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Read carefully the following section of job advertisement.        
ü        “Management, both technical & administrative affairs.
ü        Promotion of marine R&D activities for the purpose of protection/preservation of marine
ü        Exploration, exploitation & management of marine research & development within the
marine zone of Pakistan.
ü        Any other responsibility assigned by the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government
of Pakistan.”
This section of job advertisement represents which of the following term?
       ► Job analysis
       ► Job description
       ► Job specification
       ► Job summary
Question No: 39    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is said to be the main focus of Organization Behavior?
►How to become more effective in society
►How to best utilize human resource
►How to become environmental friendly
►How to become a market leader
Question No: 40    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Why Interpersonal skills are essential for employees to remain effective in their jobs?

►Helpful in the employees' motivation

►Enhance the employees' skills
►Increase the profitability of an organization
►Promote the centralized culture in an organization

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