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Song sample + evidence of concern

for social issues

Artist I believe that: Earth song, is one of the songs

that made the most difference in people's
thinking, about all social Jackson
problems, which he
had from his own experience:

Hey, what about yesterday (What about us).

What about the seas (What about us). The
heavens are falling down (What about us). I
can't even breathe (What about us). What
about apathy (What about us) Drowning in
the seas (What about us). What about the
promised land Preachin' what I believe
(What about us). What about the holy land
(What about it). What about the greed (What
about us). Where did we go wrong, someone
tell me why (What about us). What about
baby boy (What about him). What about the
days (What about us). What about all their
joy Do we give a damn

Actions taken

He shed light on world issues such as climate

change, he donated to organizations that support
AIDS and cancer research, and he supported
causes like the United Nations High Commission
Short life story for Refugees.

Possible effects
His childhood was full of neglect and abuse. He
didn’t have time for friends. He was stuck in the
studio recording music, meanwhile, his father
He standing
to with
in his aware
hand. of the social
problems they were experiencing, inequality,
Then he had a huge success, he was the king of
physical, social and environmental abuse that he
pop, people were crying for him, for the singer
and the person he was, his main objective when
composing his songs was to create motivation in
people and make a change.

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