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How to make money playing videogames?

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Have you ever imagined earn money ‘playing’ videogames? Well, actually is totally
possible and it’s consider as a formal profession. Who would think that an activity just for
entertain initially could affects in different ways our lives. There was a stigma about
videogames, for instance, if they are safe or not. Today it’s the opposite, now more people
are interest on videogames and how to make money with them.
Have an audience seems to be the key on this profession. Actually, there exist lots of
streamers- people who broadcast their gameplays in different platforms- on internet. It’s
vital the communication and connection between streamer and fan because they can send
you money. For that reason, streamers have to adventure in different types of games, try
and review them.
Your gaming skills and the way of your playing could make an impact on your audience
and videogame brands, which means sponsorships. You can sign millenaries contracts if
you share interesting content on your platforms and social media.
Last but not least, most of the streamers launched merchandising that includes cloth,
accessories, games and so on. The creativity on this market is essential because as you
may know there are lots of design uploaded on webpages.
Remember the bigger the audience, the more money you earn.

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