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Physical  exuberance of Kashmir is as inebriating as its mental excellence.

Herein, we find a happy compromise between the prowess of body and ingenuity
of mind; To speak squarely in Kashmir, we witness a living example of superb soul
enshrined in a superb body. Nature has been luxuriant here in weaving a dexterous
tapestry of rainbow-colored flowers stretching over miles after miles. The jingle of
babbling brooks endows it with undying seraphic music. Taking a cue from this
physical enimence, Man here has not lagged behind in providing a meaning to his
land of buxom youth.

Man, here has always tried to replenish this physical eminence with his inquisitive
mind ever-ready to bridge the gap between his own self and the opulence around.
Hence, here in Kashmir, we perceive a veritable equation between Man and his

Therefore, to derive inspiration from amiable surroundings as also to groom it

purposefully with the richness of mind over here, Man has provided a silvery
tongue to this arresting panorama of enticing youthfulness; The result has been
exhilarating poetry vibrating with the heartbeats of Nature and Man alike. So, it
does not sound as an exaggeration when Bilhana-the celebrated lyricist of Kashmir
Christenes his homeland, Kasbmir, as the 'land of Divine Speech,' from whose
womb saffron and poetic prowess have sprung up as real-brothers." Right from the
day, when Man planted his feet on this land, his mental exercise has never cooled
its heels. It has been a continuous drill; Man, as such, could not afford to be
anything but a poet in such an inspiring and soothing climate. Tools for scaling
such virgin heights were already there; it was now left to Man to use these for his
edification. The denizen of this fairyland took this challenge in fight earnest and a
galaxy of philosophers, chroniclers and poets have shone an its firmament. In
modern times 'Azad' has very laudably and all the more, very loudly beckoned to
man to derive inspiration from the evergreen nature around him, and consequently
tame his animality to reach upto such heavenly heights. He, essentially, is a poet of
human values bemoaning the shortcomings and inhibitions under which Man is
constrained to count his days; but at the same time, inspring him to know his own
self as well its his compatriot, which only can usher in an era of mental peace and
worldly affluence for him. He has not woven songs of sorrow, but has always
wafted an aroma of optimistic rosy future through his pulsating imagination. He
has consequently opted for finding an asylum in the future, disdaining the
unpalatable present. He may, therefore be called a poet of morrow.

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