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CRE28510.1177/0269215513504942Clinical RehabilitationTripp and Krakow


Clinical Rehabilitation

Effects of an aquatic therapy 2014, Vol. 28(5) 432­–439

© The Author(s) 2013
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approach (Halliwick-Therapy)
DOI: 10.1177/0269215513504942

on functional mobility in

subacute stroke patients:

a randomized controlled trial

Florian Tripp1 and Karsten Krakow2

Objective: To evaluate the effects of an aquatic physiotherapy method (Halliwick-Therapy) upon mobility
in the post-acute phase of stroke rehabilitation.
Design: Randomized controlled trial.
Setting: Hospital for neurological rehabilitation.
Participants: Adult patients after first-ever stroke in post-acute inpatient rehabilitation at least two
weeks after the onset of stroke (n = 30).
Interventions: In the Halliwick-Therapy group (n = 14) the treatment over a period of two weeks
included 45 minutes of aquatic therapy three times per week and a conventional physiotherapeutic
treatment twice a week. Subjects in the control group (n = 16) received conventional physiotherapeutic
treatment over a period of two weeks five times per week.
Outcome measures: The primary outcome variable was postural stability (Berg Balance Scale).
Secondary outcome variables were functional reach, functional gait ability and basic functional mobility.
Results: Compared to the control group, significantly more subjects in the Halliwick-Therapy group
(83.3% versus 46.7%) attained significant improvement of the Berg Balance Scale (P < 0.05). Improvement
of the functional gait ability was significantly higher in the Halliwick-Therapy group (mean (SD) 1.25(0.86))
than in the control group (mean (SD) 0.73 (0.70)) (P < 0.1). The mean differences of improvements in
functional reach and basic functional mobility were not statistically significant between groups.
Conclusions: This study indicates that Halliwick-Therapy is safe and well tolerated in stroke patients in
post-acute rehabilitation and has positive effects upon some aspects of mobility.

Stroke, aquatic therapy, mobility, balance, Halliwick
Received: 12 October 2012; accepted: 18 August 2013

1Department of Physiotherapy, Asklepios Neurological Corresponding author:

Hospital Falkenstein, Königstein/Taunus, Germany Florian Tripp, Department of Physiotherapy, Asklepios
2Department of Neurology and Neurological Rehabilitation,
Neurologische Klinik Falkenstein, Asklepiosweg 15, 61462
Asklepios Neurological Hospital Falkenstein, Königstein/ Königstein, Germany.
Taunus, Germany Email:
Tripp and Krakow 433

Introduction therapy, a system for creating individual exercises

which can be adapted and increased in difficulty by
Many stroke survivors remain dependent on assis- carefully selecting a combination of hydromechani-
tance after the acute phase of treatment due to restric- cal effects, the starting position and the task.
tions of mobility.1 The present knowledge about Although previous studies found improvements
motor recovery after stroke and successful therapeu- in postural stability,10 cardiovascular fitness,11 gait
tic interventions in motor rehabilitation emphasizes speed11 and strength of the hemiparetic leg10,11 in
the need for treatment strategies with early active and chronic stroke patients, a recent Cochrane review12
repetitive training which focuses on realizing the could neither endorse nor reject aquatic physiother-
remaining motoric function in a meaningful and apy for stroke patients, as the authors described a
motivating context. Nevertheless, the required active ‘lack of hard evidence for water-based exercises
input for motor relearning is difficult to realize for after stroke’.
patients and therapists when facing severe motor In particular, to our knowledge, so far no data
impairments. Therefore patients in the early rehabili- about the effectiveness of aquatic therapy in the
tation phase are often forced into inactivity or inef- subacute phase of stroke rehabilitation in an inpa-
fective compensations. In order to enable patients to tient setting are available. Therefore the aim of this
be more active at an early stage of rehabilitation, study was to examine in this patient group the
‘modifying the task or environment’2 is required. The effects of aquatic therapy in reference to postural
specific environmental conditions of water influenc- stability, ambulation and basic functional mobility
ing physiological processes and motor activity are in comparison to standard physiotherapy within a
described as density, buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, randomized controlled trial.
viscosity and thermodynamics.3 In this context the
training environment in water may facilitate motor
activity, as training of paretic muscles is promoted,
while their use might be restricted under conditions
of gravity outside the water. In this study we included adult patients after first-
Halliwick-Therapy, which this paper focuses on, ever stroke in post-acute inpatient rehabilitation at
was developed and first described by James least two weeks after the onset of stroke. It was
McMillan and is characterized as a problem-solving determined that as a minimum motor requirement
approach with systematic intervention.4–9 Halliwick- for inclusion, transferring from one chair to another
Therapy focuses on postural stability and controlled had to be possible independently or with assistance
mobility as a basis for safe and coordinated move- of not more than one person. Excluded from partici-
ment in and out of water. In a 10-point programme pation were patients with independent gait ability
skills for being safe and independent in the water are indoors. Further exclusion criteria were an instable
gradually acquired. Phase 1 of the programme general condition, infectious diseases, severe heart
includes adjustment to the environment, while the failure, tracheostomy, sores, incontinence, lack of
second phase focuses on learning three-dimensional ability to cooperate, rejection of aquatic therapy,
active balance control utilizing dynamic and static perforation of the tympanic membrane and the pres-
tasks. The goal of the third phase of movement is an ence of additional other neurological disorders.
independent swimming technique adjusted to indi- All patients classified as suitable after a screen-
vidual physical disability. In the course of neurologi- ing utilizing inclusion and exclusion criteria
cal rehabilitation phase 3 is being conducted less received a detailed written and verbal explanation
frequently, as the goal of the therapeutic use of the of the structure and content of the study. After
Halliwick concept is not primarily independent informed consent was given, patients were ran-
swimming, but to enhance general motor indepen- domly allocated to one of the treatment groups by a
dence both in and out of water. The 10-point pro- person not involved with the process of treatment,
gramme is therefore complemented by water-specific testing and evaluation. The randomization was
434 Clinical Rehabilitation 28(5)

conducted using numbered pre-filled envelopes dependency on assistance is scored with 0–4 points
which contained an equal number of lots for both in 14 different items in the area of mobility, so a
treatment groups. As the number of study partici- maximum of 56 points can be achieved on an inter-
pants was not exactly predictable before the onset val scale. Improvement of postural stability is
of the study, we conducted a blocked randomization described as the most important prognostic factor in
with the aim of achieving a similar number in both stroke patients for achieving independent gait abil-
study groups.13 Initially 20 lots were randomized ity, while improving the strength of the hemiparetic
and further 14 at a later date. leg is less associated with the improvement of walk-
For the Halliwick-Therapy group it was deter- ing ability.15 Patients with a Berg Balance Scale
mined that the physiotherapeutic treatment con- score of less than 45 are known to have an increased
sisted of a combination of three Halliwick-Therapy risk of falling16 and changes of more than six points
sessions and two conventional physiotherapy ses- indicate clinically relevant changes.17
sions per week over a period of two weeks, with all For the secondary outcome measure, the mea-
sessions having a treatment time of 45 minutes. The surements of functional reach,18 functional gait
Halliwick-Therapy sessions were conducted by ability and basic functional mobility were deter-
physiotherapists who had participated in a certified mined. Whereas functional reach measures the safe
Halliwick-Therapy course. and stable weight shifting ability while standing,
Included in the aquatic therapy sessions was the Functional Ambulation Categories (FAC)19 describe
time for entering and exiting the pool, time for prep- the dependency on assistance for gait on a 5-point
arations and post-processing, such as towelling one- scale. The Rivermead Mobility Index20 assesses
self off and getting dressed in a bathrobe. The pure independent performance of 15 tasks in the area of
treatment time in the pool was approximately 35 everyday mobility.
minutes, of which about 5 minutes were for exer- In addition to the outcome measurements, descrip-
cises in water familiarization and mental adaption tive data were used to define the study groups. This
(learning phase 1 of the Halliwick concept)8 and data consisted of age, gender, time since stroke, side
about 15 minutes for exercising rotational control of lesion and type of stroke (ischaemic or haemor-
(learning phase 2 of the Halliwick concept).8 In the rhagic). Furthermore, the Barthel Index21 was col-
remaining 15 minutes locomotion under various lected to determine and compare the patients’
disturbances and in changing water depths was pri- functional status at the start of intervention.
marily exercised. All tests were conducted observer-blind and the
The control group received five sessions of stan- assignment of subjects to Halliwick-Therapy group
dard physiotherapy per week over a period of two or control group was not made available to the eval-
weeks and treatment time was 45 minutes as in the uating person until after the study period.
Halliwick-Therapy group. The contents of the stan- We conducted a descriptive analysis of the base-
dard physiotherapy sessions were not defined and line data and performed a chi-square test of the
therefore the treatment consisted of an individual nominally scaled data for different distributions
mix of different treatment concepts, task-specific between study groups at baseline. Furthermore we
exercising of various tasks in the area of mobility tested the mean values of the quantitative baseline
and possibly treadmill training. data for differences with a t-test.
As the aim of this study was to investigate effects For both study groups we calculated median and
on functional mobility, we decided to assess differ- mean values of the differences between baseline
ent aspects of mobility that are meaningful for and follow-up measurements of all outcome vari-
safety and independence in the everyday mobility ables. Group means were compared with t-tests for
of stroke patients. unconnected samples to determine significant dif-
As primary outcome measure postural stability ferences. Additionally we determined for each
was determined and assessed by the Berg Balance group the number of participants with clinically rel-
Scale.14 With this tool, performance as well as evant changes of the Berg Balance Scale, Functional
Tripp and Krakow 435


Randomized (n=30)


Allocated to Halliwick-Therapy group (n=14) Allocated to Control group (n=16)

♦ Received allocated intervention (n=13) ♦ Received allocated intervention (n=16)
♦ Did not receive allocated intervention (n=1) ♦ Did not receive allocated intervention (n=0)
(reason: incontinence)


Lost to follow-up (n=2) Lost to follow-up (n=1)

Discontinued intervention (n=1) Discontinued intervention (n=1) (reason:

(reason: diarrhoea) transferred to other hospital after falling)


Analysed (n=12) Analysed (n=15)

♦ Excluded from analysis (n=0) ♦ Excluded from analysis (n=0)

Figure 1.  Flow diagram.

Ambulation Categories and Rivermead Mobility study, no other complications or negative side-
Index. Analysis of the collected data was performed effects of the Halliwick-Therapy were observed.
using BiAS. for Windows 10.0 and G * Power 3.22 The follow-up measurements after the study period
were conducted with 27 patients, so that complete
data of 12 participants of the Halliwick-Therapy
group and 15 participants of the control group could
be evaluated.
During the study period 30 stroke patients met the Table 1 shows the participants´ characteristics.
inclusion criteria and were randomized to one of the The characteristics of the participants were similar
study groups (Figure 1). Fourteen patients were in both study groups and there were no statistically
assigned to the Halliwick-Therapy group and 16 to significant differences before the treatment period
the control group and baseline measurements were with regard to the investigated outcome measures.
conducted with all 30 patients. Two participants in Table 2 shows significant improvements (P <
the Halliwick-Therapy group and one participant 0.01) of the primary outcome measure (Berg Balance
in the control group dropped out during the course Scale) as well as the secondary outcome measures
of the study. Aside from these drop-outs, which (functional reach, Functional Ambulation
occurred independently of the interventions in this Categories, Rivermead Mobility Index) in both the
436 Clinical Rehabilitation 28(5)

Table 1.  Characteristics of the participants.

Halliwick-Therapy group n = 14 Control group n = 16

Gender (male/female)ª 9/5 10/6
Age (years)ª 64.8 ± 15.0 65.0 ± 15.1
Side of lesion (left/right)ª 4/10 6/10
Type of stroke (ischaemic/haemorrhagic)ª 12/2 15/1
Days since strokeª 51.9 ± 37.7 39.0 ± 27.9
Barthel Index at baselineª 48.57 ± 15.74 54.38 ± 17.21

ªDifference between the study groups not significant (P > 0.05).

Halliwick-Therapy group and the control group. We of the Halliwick-Therapy group achieved clinically
tested the mean improvements of the outcome mea- relevant improvements of the Berg Balance Scale
sures for group differences with a t-test for indepen- compared to standard treatment. Furthermore the
dent samples. The t-test shows the mean improvement improvement in functional gait ability was signifi-
of the Functional Ambulation Categories was sig- cantly greater in the Halliwick-Therapy group than
nificantly higher in the Halliwick-Therapy group in the control group. We did not observe any nega-
than in the control group (P < 0.1). The differences tive side-effects of the application of aquatic ther-
in mean values of the improvements in the Berg apy after a minimum of two weeks post stroke.
Balance Scale, functional reach and the Rivermead Considering the limited number of participants
Mobility Index were not statistically significant. and the short intervention period of two weeks in
With regard to the Berg Balance Scale, improve- this study, the power to detect significant differ-
ments greater than 6 points are described as clini- ences between standard treatment and aquatic ther-
cally relevant.17 Likewise this applies to changes of apy was limited. A power analysis conducted post
at least 1 point in the Functional Ambulation hoc showed that with respect to 30 included patients,
Categories23 or at least 2 points in the Rivermead the relatively short study period of two weeks
Mobility Index.20 Table 3 shows a higher number achieved only a 30% probability of detecting a false
and proportion of participants with clinically null hypothesis in relation to the primary outcome
relevant improvements after the treatment period in measure. Therefore the results need to be inter-
the Halliwick-Therapy group. The different distri- preted with caution. This also applies to generaliz-
butions were statistically significant (P < 0.05) in a ability of the results of this study to the stroke
chi-square test concerning the Berg Balance Scale population, as we do not know what proportion of
(83.3% (n = 10) versus 46.7% (n = 7)) in favour of subacute stroke patients in principle meets the
interventional treatment. The different distributions inclusion criteria to take part in aquatic therapy.
in the evaluation of the results of the Functional This study did not investigate any long-term
Ambulation Categories and the Rivermead Mobility effects of an aquatic treatment. Therefore it is
Index were not statistically significant. unknown if the observed improvements in favour of
interventional treatment were a functional advan-
tage for the patients at a later point in time.
With regard to the effect on functional mobility,
the Rivermead Mobility Index, which we chose due
The results of this study support the hypothesis that to its reliability and fast performance, did not have
aquatic therapy may have positive effects on func- the sensitivity to detect minor changes over the
tional mobility in subacute stroke patients. This short treatment period in a group of severely
study has shown that significantly more participants impaired patients.
Tripp and Krakow 437

The results of the Berg Balance Scale of our

8.87 (9.08)b
6 (6.19)b
0.73 (0.70)b
2.07 (1.33)b
Mean (SD)
study can be compared with those of the study of
Noh et al.,10 which is, as far as is known to us, the
only published study investigating the effects of
Halliwick-Therapy on stroke patients. At baseline
Noh et al. found a mean Berg Balance Scale score of
(90% CI)
5 (2–14)
4 (2–12)
1 (0–1)
2 (1–3)

43.3 in the aquatic therapy group, which is consid-

erably higher than the mean Berg Balance Scale
score of the Halliwick-Therapy group at baseline in
our study (mean (SD) 27.08 (13.46)). However, the

BBS, Berg Balance Scale; FR, functional reach; FAC, Functional Ambulation Categories; RMI, Rivermead Mobility Index; CI, confidence interval.
37.60 (11.01)

mean improvement of postural stability after two

16.86 (8.52)
2.93 (1.22)
7.93 (2.49)

weeks of intervention was higher, with a mean (SD)

of 11.0 (6.25) points on the Berg Balance Scale than
the mean (SD) improvement of 7.6 (6.2) points in
the study of Noh et al. after an eight-week interven-
tion. This greater effect after a shorter intervention
Control group

28.73 (14.93)ª
10.86 (9.75)ª
2.20 (1.47)ª
5.86 (2.61)ª

period can be explained by the considerably differ-

ent functional status at baseline and a different

potential for motor recovery due to the difference in

time between stroke and the start of the study (2.8
years vs. 51.93 days).
11 (6.25)b
7.42 (7.36)b
1.25 (0.86)b
2.42 (2.35)b

A Cochrane review12 states ‘no significant

Mean (SD)

improvement of postural control for people after

Table 2.  Outcome measures at baseline and after two weeks of intervention.

stroke’ following aquatic therapy in comparison to

standard treatment when analysing the pooled mean
difference of the Berg Balance Scale. However,
unlike our investigation, the two studies10,11 included
Median difference

cSignificant difference between improvements of the study groups (P < 0.1).

ªDifference between the study groups at baseline not significant (P > 0.05).

in this comparison described chronic stroke patients

10.5 (6–15)
4.5 (1–15)
1 (1–2)
2 (0–5)

who were able to walk independently. Furthermore,

(90% CI)

in this Cochrane review Mehrholz et al.12 found the

bSignificant difference between baseline and follow-up (P < 0.01).

ability to walk was not significantly improved by

water-based exercises, but again this conclusion
was based on a study population of independently
ambulatory patients at least one year post stroke.11
38.08 (15.95)
21.08 (11.75)
2.75 (1.65)
7.50 (3.55)

The different findings on the effect of aquatic


therapy upon postural stability and gait ability in

Halliwick-Therapy group

our study compared with previous studies about

chronic, independently ambulatory patients may
imply a higher effectiveness of water-based exer-
27.08 (13.46)ª
13.66 (10.70)ª

cises earlier post stroke and with patients who are

1.50 (1.24)ª
5.08 (2.42)ª

not independently ambulatory.


In addition to significant improvements of all

measured outcome variables no negative side-
effects of the aquatic therapy occurred in this study.
Therefore this study indicates a relatively safe
FR (cm)

application of the Halliwick-Therapy in post-acute


stroke rehabilitation when utilizing the defined

438 Clinical Rehabilitation 28(5)

Table 3.  Participants with clinically relevant outcome improvement.

Halliwick-Therapy Control group (n = 15)

group (n = 12)
BBS Mean (SD) difference 11 (6.25) 8.87 (9.08)
Improvement >6 n = 10 (83.3%)ª n = 7 (46.7%)ª
Improvement ≤6 n = 2 (16.7%)ª n = 8 (53.3%)ª
FAC Mean (SD) difference 1.25 (0.86)b 0.73 (0.70)b
Improvement ≥1 n = 10 (83.3%) n = 9 (60%)
Improvement <1 n = 2 (16.7%) n = 6 (40%)
RMI Mean (SD) difference 2.42 (2.35) 2.07 (1.33)
Improvement ≥2 n = 5 (41.7%) n = 5 (33.3%)
Improvement <2 n = 7 (58.3%) n = 10 (66.7%)

ªSignificant difference between study groups (P < 0.05).

bSignificant difference between mean improvements of the study groups (P < 0.1).

BBS, Berg Balance Scale; FAC, Functional Ambulation Categories; RMI, Rivermead Mobility Index.

inclusion and exclusion criteria and a minimum of further outcome of independent mobility. Thus, the
two weeks between stroke and beginning of aquatic improvement of postural stability is the most impor-
treatment. With regard to the safety of stroke tant factor for achieving independent gait ability.15
patients with impaired mobility who are likely to Further studies with larger sample sizes, a longer
have an increased risk of falling, Halliwick-Therapy intervention period and follow-up measurements are
differs from other aquatic therapy approaches in therefore necessary.
that it offers a systematic structure beginning with
water familiarization and breath control. In the
course of the therapy sessions, the goal is to learn to Clinical messages
organize motor control in order to keep or regain
balance while performing different tasks. The thera- •• Aquatic physiotherapy with application of
pist uses fluid mechanics to facilitate and challenge the Halliwick-Therapy in combination
motor activity, while the buoyancy and viscosity of with conventional physiotherapy may
the water give the patient more time to develop effectively improve postural stability and
coordinated motor strategies to accomplish the task. gait ability in stroke patients in a subacute
It is important to note that the findings in this study rehabilitation phase.
suggest that motor relearning in the water utilizing •• This study indicates a safe application of
the Hallwick concept has positive effects on mobil- the Halliwick-Therapy after a minimum
ity outside the water, however it remains unclear if of two weeks post stroke.
the overall effect on mobility is greater than with
standard land-based physiotherapy.
This study did not investigate whether a longer
intervention period increases the observed effects of
The authors would like to acknowledge the contributions
Halliwick-Therapy on postural stability and func-
of Stephanie Humbert, Ann-Kathrin Bruhn and Gisela
tional gait ability, or whether a follow-up study would Göser for organizing the participants´ appointments and
show any differences between the study groups at a the support of Joy Coulton, Barbara Pudlo and Kristina
later date. As the highest potential for motor recovery Pudlo for translation of this manuscript. We would also
can be observed in the first months after a stroke, like to thank the team of physiotherapists at the Asklepios
early improvements in the area of functional mobility Neurological Hospital Falkenstein for supporting the
by aquatic therapy could positively influence the study.
Tripp and Krakow 439

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