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The Hephestors is a newly founded Space Marine Chapter. Their origins are veiled in mystery, their motives
unknown even by the Inquisition. Their march followed by grinding gears, the music of technology and
thunder of artillery.

The Hephestors are known to incorporate Xenos-tech in their Arsenal, each Battle Brother being a well
trained Tech Marine with deep knowledge of his weapons and armour.

They practice extensive cybernetic augmentation using reverse-engineered Necron Living Metal. This metal,
now part of their armour and cybernetic limbs, gives them more resilience and versatility in combat.

The Chapter is vast in number, with over 10.000 battle brothers.

They are supported by cohorts of the planet’s Astra Militarum and Imperial Titans.
These brave men and women are trained rigorously and don’t accept defeat. They will give the enemy the
Omnissiah’s peace, or perish in blood and flame.

While the Chapter is considered Loyalist, their use of Xenos tech and questionable actions have placed them
under the gaze of the Inquisition’s Ordo Hereticus, but reports from the Ordo Xenos disregards these

The truth however, in the Imperial Records, remains UNKNOWN.

The data contained a collection of blueprints for
high-power Necron weaponry along with information
about the indestructible Necron Living Metal,

945. M35.
Planet supposedly destroyed in a Warp Storm.

874. M41.

Reports of Unknown Astartes Activity on Svarog IV, previously designated B27O8. Planet has no reported taint of
Astartes number in thousands, Codex non-compliant. Suspected Renegade Warband due to extensive use of Xenos
Weaponry in their arsenal.


The Chapter seems Loyal according to the first reports. It is deemed beneficial to the goals of the Imperium of Man

and fulfill the Will of the Holy God Emperor of Mankind. Further Inquisition surveillance is now underway due to
reports of Techno-Heresy.

854. M35.
Imperial records state that an Adeptus Mechanicus
Magos discovered a planet rich with resources and
had requested supplies to help his crew excavate. The Ordo Xenos quickly confiscated all data and
A ship was sent and arrived in due time, and mining executed all personel connected to the expedition.
was soon underway.
Not long after, the Inquisitorial Ship was almost
The planet designated B27O8, was a registered Tomb destroyed by a Warp Storm, crash landing on a
World, but has shown no Necron activity for Forge World.
hundreds of years. The excavations into the Tomb Naturally, the Adeptus Mechanicus entered the ship
complex had confirmed that it was not functional, and claimed possession of the data from the
and the central power core has suffered damage, expedition.
leaving it inactive. The Magos’ crew were ordered to Seeing the data, the Mechanicus Tech Priests
halt any further excavations until a representative of boarded an exploratory vessel and ventured to the
the Ordo Xenos of the Emperor’s Inquisition was planet’s coordinates. Tomb Complex was discovered,
sent to oversee further work. with remnants of the expedition’s supplies, but
abandoned for hundreds of years. A Forge Colony
With the Inquisitor and his crew now in charge of the was later established on the site of the Tomb
excavation effort, the servitors kept digging further Complex, the surface monolith being completely
and further into the complex, revealing almost intact taken apart and repurposed, albeit with great
Necron stasis chambers in a great hall. The Servitors difficulty. Manufactorums are producing weaponry
were ordered to salvage any and all weaponry they on a regular basis.
can find, and bring it to the surface. Exterminatus of planet was rejected due to regular
exports of munitions to the Imperium.
Further discoveries are also recorded within the
A central Archive was discovered, while it took a long
time to power it and translate the contents, 85.6% of
all data was salvaged.

The process of making these bolts is a well-kept

Wargear The Armor of the Technis Astartes is also
Since its founding, the Chapter was very active enhanced. Dubbed the Mk. 9 Atlas Pattern
in its acquisition of Xenos technology and its Armor, this armour incorporates Necrodermis in
incorporation into its arsenal. Aside from the its design. The Necrodermis layer is located
aforementioned Necron tech, they also included beneath a thinner layer of standard armour
Eldar warp drives into their Battle Barges, Ceramite and Adamantium. The Ceramite is
which in turn enabled them to use the Webway, thinner in order to balance the weight caused by
although Webway travel is still a bit risky, due to the incorporation of Necrodermis, which by itself
the incompatibility of Eldar and Human tech, weighs a substantial amount. Older patterns of
but the Chapter still manages to take advantage Power Armour are still in service.
of the short, yet useful Webway “jumps”.
In order to use this modified armour, the
The Battle Barges are equipped with Necron Astartes have more enhanced strength and their
Death Rays, which gives them more than enough Black Carapace is altered to interact with the
firepower, although it takes a while to charge the Necrodermis. Additional augmentations of
generators in order to fire a single shot. This Astartes include replacing limbs or organs with
flaw makes the ships vulnerable in close combat, Cybernetic equivalents. Some of these
so it is advised to keep distance (but if need be, prosthetics are made of Necrodermis, and are
there are close combat options using standard quite resilient in combat. They interface with the
weapons). Central Nervous System through a central Nano
processor connected to the Brain stem, making it
The standard weapons for Astartes are modified so that the prosthetic limb or organ reacts like its
Astartes Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern Bolter rifles, organic counterpart, providing sensory input as
enhanced with Gauss coils in their barrels. This well. This feature can be disabled in cases of
produces a magnetic field, which accelerates the intense trauma.
bolt forward. Furthermore, the bolt itself was
modified so that when it gets in contact with said Experiments were made in incorporating
field, it generates a greenish-blue light, described Necrodermis to the bones of Astartes. The
by Techpriests of the Chapter as a experiments were a failure, and have proven
“Disintegrator field”. When an object gets in unnecessary, since prosthetics work far better
contact with this field, its molecular bonds are than Necrodermis-enhanced limbs. The
broken, allowing the bolt to penetrate its target surviving test subjects have experienced seizures
regardless of the protection they are wearing. of excruciating pain, which in some cases

resulted in the Astartes attacking their battle Astartes. They are trained as ordinary
brothers. After this incident all the surviving test footsoldiers from the age of 6 up to the age of 11-
subjects were summarily executed and their 12. The training involves the study of various
records have been erased from the Archives. types of Xenos and Human technology,
Weaponcrafting and care, Military Tactics, etc.
Armoured divisions are used to crush the enemy A great emphasis is placed on Weaponcrafting
front line with superior firepower. The front line and care, as every Soldier and Astartes is
of Land Raiders are armed with Necron-tech expected to know how his weapon works, how it
enhanced turrets. The shots take time to charge can be improved and repaired, as to ensure that
compared to the regular fire of the standard it never misfires. After a 5-6 year service the
Land Raider. The delay may put the tank in Chapter Master or the Captain of the 1st
jeopardy, but it compensates with a devastating Company selects the best recruits. They are then
blast that vaporizes the enemy in its range. The enlisted into the Astartes Hephestus Program.
Front Line tanks are escorted by a squad of The first 3 phases of Astartes Organ
Predators. The front line is supported with a line implantation are conducted at the same time at
of Whirlwinds providing sufficient artillery fire. the age of 12. After the procedures the recruit
The main body of the Air Force of the Chapter becomes a Neophite and is introduced into the
consists of a fleet of Storm Eagles, followed by a Scout Company.
smaller contingent of Thunderhawks. They are The Scout company differs slightly from the
supported by a fleet of Fire Raptors armed with norm. A tech squad is formed with lightly
Twin-Linked Railgun Auto-Cannons and Wing- armoured Neophites. They accomplish recon
Mounted Disintegrator Hellstrike Missiles. missions and battlefield surveillance similarly to
a Scout regiment, but with equipment analogous
to that of a Tech Marine. They have hampered

Chapter mobility compared to the standard Scout

regiment, but compensate that with more
support firepower from planted turrets and

Customs portable cover.

Outside of combat the Neophites conduct various

rituals with the Mechanicus and the Chapter.
“Without me the Machine Spirit fades. Without The rituals consist of sacrificing limbs or other
the Machine Spirit My Enemies draw breath” organs that the individual Neophite or Battle
Brother deems weak. The individual kneels at
The Hephestors practice extensive the altar, chanting a prayer to the Omnissiah
implementation of cybernetics in its infantry. and then speaking to the Techpriest: “The
Rarely does one come across an Astartes whose Omnissiah has spoken to me and deems my …
limbs or organs are not replaced by a cybernetic corrupted by weakness”. Afterwards the
equivalent. Techpriest removes the limb or organ and it is
placed upon the altar. Then the replacement
Recruits are selected from various planets in the
limb/organ is immediately attached, cauterizing
system by the Adeptus Mechanicus. They start
the wound in the process if required. During the
training very young, but contrary to most
procedure the kneeling individual is not allowed
chapters they are not immediately selected to be
to utter a sound, otherwise they themselves are rectified by the Arch Magos of the Chapter by
deemed too weak to proceed and are summarily modifying the Progenoid gland. The process is
executed by the priest. This sort of ritual is only known to the Arch Magos and is a well-kept
performed once every 5 standard Terran years. secret. The Larraman’s organ has had its
The Neophite or Battle Brother attends this properties changed. The Larraman’s cells still
ritual until their superiors deem them “Strong in act like platelets, but they also magnetize to the
Flesh and Metal”. This can mean that a inside of the Power Armour, drawing in the
Hephestor Astartes can basically replace all of Necrodermis onto the Marine’s skin, closing the
his limbs with cybernetic equivalents, but this is wound. The Inquisition looks on these
rarely the case (unless lost in battle) modifications as borderline Heretical, but made
an exception due to the unwavering loyalty of the
Necrodermis, or Necron Living Metal is Hephestors. The wider Mechanicus, however,
regarded by the Mechanicus on Svarog IV and condemn the acts, proclaiming the Chapter as
the Chapter as “The Blood of the Machine God”. Hereteks and pushing for it being proclaimed
Elaboration: They believe the metal to be the Excomunicate Traetoris.
physical manifestation of the Machine God, used
by the Necrons for Heretekal means, finally Apart from the Astartes, the Svarog
liberated by the Hephestors in order to fulfill its Blacktroopers (The Imperial Guard Regiment
holy purpose. The Necrodermis is regularly based on Svarog IV) have their own customs as
blessed by Techpriests before forging into limbs, well that have arisen mostly after the events of
weaponry and armour, to cleanse them from the 13th Black Crusade.
their xenos corruption. This in turn, in a way,
reduces the chance of the Chapter being labeled One of the events held every year is the
as Hereteks by the Inquisition and wider “Dominatus Requiem”, a holiday devoted to the
Mechanicus (with varying success). fallen comrades that valiantly died onboard the
Reaver Titan Dominatus Imperius.
There are customs within the Chapter that are It involves a parade towards Azmarin Ridge,
deemed almost Heretical by the Inquisition. where the great war machine made its last stand.
Certain gene-seed organs are fused with what is A great altar has been carved out of the wall of
presumed to be xenos-based tech to improve the canyon resembling the head of the God
their efficiency, according to the Chapter’s Engine. The General kneels before the altar and
Apothecaries. While this may function says a prayer. Afterwards he stands, draws his
hypothetically, the gene-seed organs and xenos sword, after which the guard in front fire their
technology are not completely compatible and weapons in rhythm to mimic the steps of the
some have even had ill effects. The examples Titan. The parade then continues back towards
being the Black Carapace, Progenoid glands and the Capital with the General holding the Armour
Larraman’s organ. As previously mentioned, the plate of the Titan that was on the Altar. He gives
Black Carapace is modified in such a way as to the plate to the Arch Magos who reads a prayer
enable the Astartes to manipulate the to the Omnissiah and then returns the plate to
Necrodermis-enhanced Power Armour. In the the General. He then places it in a special
beginning this posed a problem. The organ and container in the main square, where it lays for a
armour didn’t interface properly and the metal month, the pilgrims kneeling in front of it and
would extend inward and impale the Astartes, praying.
causing a slow and painful death. This was
The Blacktroopers must be trained vigorously Master. The Purity Seal contains various
and show great ingenuity on the battlefield. As blessings that aid the Astartes and Trooper in
mentioned before, all recruits start their training various combat situations to come. In this way it
with the Adeptus Mechanicus and then proceed is ensured that the Hephestors and their
towards military training, the best of the best adjacent armies remain stronger than their
being selected to become Astartes. The ones who enemies.
don’t get selected, they get sorted into the Svarog
Blacktroopers. The Blacktroopers are trained on The Hephestors closely work with their adjacent
various Death Worlds near the Homeworld. armies. For example: Most operations are first
Once every two years a small regiment is sent scouted by the Blacktroopers and are sent en
back to Svarog IV to serve there. Whilst there masse to the planet of interest. If the Troopers
they usually partake in testing various new require additional support, the Astartes are
weapons that the Mechanicus of Svarog have quickly deployed to accomplish the mission.
manufactured. The Troopers have good The Hephestors value their un-augmented
knowledge of the weapons they wield, and comrades, some Astartes even knowing
maintain them with great care. They improvise individual names in a Trooper regiment. This
when needed and some guardsmen even use their sort of behavior boosts the Trooper’s morale and
own weapon prototypes (with varying success in most cases reduces casualties. The “bond”
rates). One of the tests a Blactrooper faces is to between Astartes and Trooper is not of emotion
test his own prototype weapon. It is tested by though. It is born out of the need for efficiency,
firing a shot into a thick slab of Adamantium army synergy and requirement of absolute
and Ceramite. If the weapon fires without victory.
problems, penetrates the slab and hits the target The Hephestor’s hypnotherapy is responsible for
behind it, it passes the test and the Trooper the unacceptability of loss. The Astartes is
keeps it as his own. Some of the weapons are subjected to regular hypnotherapy during his
even mass produced for other Troopers. augmentation stage, in which he is indoctrinated
An annual tournament is held within the Great into a fanatical victory-seeker. The concept of
Arena in the Homeworld Capital. The Astartes, losing is almost nonexistent in the mind of the
and Troopers partake in various combat Hephestor Astartes. The Battle Brothers do not
scenarios against Xenos that were captured in accept defeat, even in insurmountable odds,
various campaigns. During these tournaments forcing them to use unorthodox and even
one chosen Astartes and Trooper partake in the desperation tactics. These doctrines have steered
contest, each carrying his own weapon. The the Chapter into the direction of “modifying”
contest is split into categories for the respective their weapons and armour with Xenos
contestants. The goal of the contest is to fight technology, especially those of Necron origin.
various Xenos and their war machines using a Due to their aforementioned beliefs, they have a
prototype weapon until either 5 rounds are high affinity to Necron artefacts and tech.
complete, or the contestant dies. If the contestant Regarding said tech, the Hephestors are known
dies, the round he died on becomes Round 1 and to be closely working (and being monitored by)
the next contestant is introduced, each round the Inquisition’s Ordo Xeno. The Ordo Xeno
being more and more difficult. The reward for regularly monitors, and receives information
surviving the Arena is a corresponding purity from the Chapter about their discoveries,
seal, blessed by the Arch Magos and Chapter
advancements and incorporations. While the
Inquisition does not saction the Heretical
modification of Gene Seed, they do value the
information regarding Xenos Tech, in terms of
their weaknesses, exploits and power. In this
way, the Inquisition, and therefore the wider
Imperium is granted an edge, however slight,
over the Xenos threat.

of the Admiral’s proud battleship. The ship now
Historia out of power, it was vulnerable to enemy fire, a
big flaw in the design of the devastating weapon.
Suddenly, the machine spirit awakened once
“Our future lies in our enemies’ annihilation. more, powering up the auxiliary power, enough
Look at your fallen brethren and surpass them, or for the ship to get out of range. The Admiral
join them in death!” -Chaplain Balior didn’t wish to retreat like a coward, instead
ordered his men to brace for impact. The front
In terms of warfare, the Hephestors have been in of the ship was heavily armoured, with
almost constant conflict with the Tau Empire. protruding spikes on its bow. The ship barely
The Tau Empire has tried many counter- hitting ramming speed, it collided with the
offensives against the Chapter, but every time abominable vessel of the Emperor’s Children,
the Hephestors seemed to fall back, they causing it to burst into vibrant flames. The ship
returned with twice the force. Tau weaponry blessed by the Prince of Pleasure was no more
does manage to hamper the Chapter’s advance and the Corvinus Terribus finally pulled out of
for a short time, causing heavy casualties but due combat, greatly damaged by the subsequent
to their quick adaptability, Tau efforts have been barrage of fire, its void shields giving out as it
proven to be insufficient. Numerous worlds of approached the atmosphere.
the Tau Empire fell to the Hephestor’s relentless To enable the Admiral’s ship to escape, two
assault, but due to the Fall of Cadia and more cruisers entered the fray and launched a
frequent Warp Storms, the Chapter’s advance relentless barrage of broadside canon fire. The
was stalled. green-tinted projectiles smashing against the
Archenemy’s void shields, but leaving almost no
After the Fall of Cadia, the Hephestors started
mark. The defenses of the ships were too strong
behaving defensively. The more frequent Warp
for mere cruisers to penetrate. In a desperate
activity brought further Daemonic incursions.
attempt, one of the cruisers used its Ursus claws
They now wages war on two fronts: Against the
to pull one of the ships away to enable the
Tau, and the forces of Chaos. It has managed to
Admiral to escape to safety. It managed to
ward off many invasions. The 13th Black Crusade
penetrate the enemy ship, pulling it slowly
brought the Emperor’s Children Traitor Legion
towards itself. The Archenemy sent a boarding
to the Hephestors’ doorstep.
party to the cruiser and entered its holy
The Planetary Defense Force was effective corridors. The Chaos Space Marines of the
against the intruders, but additional fleet Emperor’s Children Traitor Legion mowed
support was needed. The Emperor’s Children through the crew as if they were mere lambs for
were relentless in their assault, almost destroying the slaughter. The Hallways now dripping with
the fleet in orbit of the Chapter’s homeworld. blood and the foul Heretics indulging in covering
The fleet now in high alert, Admiral Craven their bodies with the skin of fallen Guardsmen.
launched a bold counter offensive. His flagship They reached the bridge, as the brave captain sat
the Corvinus Terribus charged its Death Ray in his chair, grasping its armrests ever so tightly.
cannon and fired at the flagship of the He entered a sequence into the keypad to his
Archenemy. The horrid vessel was crippled and side, raising his bolt pistol with his other hand.
began to dissolve, its void shields barely The room glowed red and the alarms screamed
protecting it from the molecule-ripping energies throughout the ship, warning the remaining

crew that they are to evacuate. There was no surrounded by the Archenemy. It seemed like all
more crew however, all 2000 stood together hope was lost, until a quake was felt on the
defending the bridge and their honoured ground and a voice shouting over a loud vox-
speaker: “By the Will of the Omnissiah, we
march. By our holy fire, we purge the Traitors”!
The Man proudly stood in front of the Heretics,
pulling the trigger violently but to no avail. The
damned traitors ripping the Captain apart and The Last Stand of the
desecrating his body. Minutes after a rumble was
heard and the ship tipped over, its artificial Dominatus Imperius
gravity failing, the systems shutting down and a
strange low-pitched noise started spreading ++ Varus They have brought down the
throughout the vessel. Green flames engulfed the Dominatus, and the filth are preparing to board.
traitors and the ship was cleansed of their filth. We have taken up arms to protect the bridge and
The Indominatus Valerias was now no more, and Princeps Cosano for as long as we can, but I fear
the Admiral, seeing the ship die, said his last it will only be a matter of time before they gain
farewell to the brave souls aboard. access. May the Omnissiah watch over you and
the Aquillus, as he has for us this day. ++
The ground forces were dispatched with more
difficulty. The Chapter Master sent the -Final transmission from the Dominatus
Armoured divisions on the front line to crush the
Imperius, from Moderati Antarius Faltz, to
enemy head on. The 8th reserve company was
sent behind enemy lines to prevent the enemy Vesalius Varus, Princeps of the warlord Engine
from retreating, pressuring the enemy into a Aquillus Ignus.
single point. The Traitors didn’t falter, however,
sending vile war machines against the Chapter’s The ground below trembled as the great War
forces. In a desperate attempt, the Chapter Machines marched towards Azmarin Ridge. The
Master Darius Magnus resorted to a form of Assault Troops hailing the great Titans as they
guerilla warfare. He pulled back his troops to a
passed over the rows of Space Marines. Their
nearby canyon named Azmarin Ridge. Using the
Arch Magos’ prototype cloaking device, he weapons firing and the thunderous noise of the
managed to hide two assault companies on the cannons spreading across the canyon like in
cliffs of the narrow passage. The Traitors some sort of acoustic chamber. The Traitors now
charged through, hoping to reach the retreating mere ashes in their wake, the great Titans
loyalist forces, not knowing this was all a well marched further forward, cleansing the ground
thought out trap. with holy fire of the Omnissiah.
The Archenemy well into the canyon, the Assault
Marines de-cloaked and swooped down on the The Hephestors’ lone Warlord Titan; the
Traitors. The tactical units turning around and
Aquillus Ignus, commanded by Princeps Vesalius
providing cover fire while the power-sword
wielding Angels of Death cut through the Varus, provides merciless salvo fire alongside the
Heretics in their droves. Dominatus, firing deadly accurate volleys of laser
The Tanks of the Hephestors now arriving into and plasma into the largest concentrations of
the fray, they fired on the canyon walls, burying enemy armour and troops. Thousands were
the Heretics below tons of rock. The Assault obliterated over the course of their relentless
Marines managed to escape the fray before the onslaught. However, the Ignus was commanded
massive rockslide, shouting a warcry that spread
away from that attack only a few hours into the
through the entire rocky corridor. But from the
sky came more traitors, the ground forces now battle to deal with a squadron of enemy engines
that were advancing dangerously close to the invaders as the Titan made its earthshaking
Chapters Titan yards the other side of the advance.
Azmarin Ridge.
Having full faith in the abilities of Princeps Lera The Titan proceeded to Tear into the wave of
Cosano, the Aquillus Ignus left the Dominatus daemonic invaders and annihilated heretics,
with one final parting salvo of its main weapons, renegades and xenos in their thousands,
obliterating a swathe of tainted armour and Unleashing the rest of its missile payload directly
heretic flesh in the blink of an eye. After this amongst the heretics. Towers of flame burst up
brutal salvo the Ignus receeded from the amongst the enemy advance as the missiles hit
frontline and moved to defend the Titan yards; home, causing a good portion of the weak-willed
where the Chapter’s two warhound Titans: Ira cultists to instantly rout back to the warp-rift,
Aeturna, and Venetor Mortalis, were receiving only to be trampled by the onslaught of
repairs to their void shield generators, Auspex ramshackle tanks and APC’s that bore down on
sensor banks, and were taking onboard another the Chapter’s already weakened Positions.
full load of ammunition and supplies. The Dominatus Imperius came to its defiant end
These remaining two of the Chapter’s Titans while in brutal close combat with an enemy
were undergoing repairs after taking substantial engine, specifically the Victrix Impassionata, a
damage from enemy engines earlier in the Chaos Warhound class engine. Both Titans
conflict. They would take at least another 2 days struck deadly blows against each other at point
to be put back into action, and the loss of the blank range, the Dominatus even using its
remainder of the Hephestors’ Warhounds was formidable volcano cannon at point blank range,
not something the Arch Magos was willing to annihilating the Warhounds left weapon mount
risk. and good portion of its torso with a sickening
cacophony of tearing metal and the ear piercing
During the climatic stages of the engagement the scream of a binary scrapcode roar as bubbles of
Chapter’s lone remaining Reaver Titan, the white hot Ceramite and Adamantium drip from
Dominatus Imperius, saw a break in the line, and the gaping side of the enemy engine.
charged headlong into the teeth of the enemy
attack, reactor core shining a brilliant white as However, the Dominatus’s heroic charge was
its mighty weapons began to rip the enemy fated to be its last. The once gleaming statue to
incursion asunder. The towering machine the Emperors might lay surrounded. Its void
crushing traitorous heretics by their dozens with shields buckled, the 4 ancient void generator
every tremor causing step as it picked up speed, banks blowing out one after another from a
crashing towards the archenemies advance. savage volley of fire from the Victrix’s remaining
weapon in the form of a plasma blastgun. The
The Dominatus continues its unabating assault mass of Chaos tainted armour that had minutes
into the enemy’s lines, turning enemy engines to before beaten back the Dominatus’s supporting
piles of molten slag with the Titans mighty armour and infantry support with a hell storm
volcano cannon as it advanced, then moving into of claw, tooth and bolter scuttled around the
close quarter with the archenemy. The large God-Engine’s feet like ants. Picking away at the
carapace mounted Apocalypse missile launcher nigh impenetrable armour with grim
spat fury and fire worthy of a Primarch into the inevitability.

10 | P a g e
Paint and centuries-old artwork were stripped smoke out of a hundred deadly scars. Though
off under the hail of all manners of ungodly among the celebration, the Dominatus’s fate was
weapons towards the defiant engine’s armour. obvious even to the lowliest guardsman, that
The once proud heraldry of millennia gone by Titanic swipe had been its final hurrah, and one
torn and shredded from beneath the mighty worthy of the emperor himself.
volcano cannon; and the tapestry of honour
ripped from the mount between the god Even the Dominatus Imperius itself could feel the
machine’s legs. The machine spirit of the end was nigh: the abominable invaders had
Dominatus was outraged by this and completely almost gained entry to its sacred interior, and
overtook the mind of its Princeps, who was the remaining forces of the archenemy were
struggling but inevitably failing to keep such a piercing its blessed armour hundreds of times
feral god machine bent to her will. over. tanks firing into the now exposed organs of
The Titan; now fully in control, could feel the Titan. Secondary explosions rocked the
thousands of pained pierces and scratches in its anchored engine as coolant pipes were
skin as needle like harpoons were shot into the obliterated, weapon reactors and generators
god machine’s weapon mounts and legs, blowing out under the strain; and the screaming
anchoring it in place. of the Princeps in the manifold tore even into the
Immaterium itself.
The lone Titan lifted its gargantuan powerfist writing and struggling, stumped limbs thrashing
and sent a planet shattering claw strike at the in the suspension liquid of her amniotic tank.
rearing beast-like head of the Victrix every portion of her body bloodied as the Titan
impassionata. Ceramite and adamantium withstands more horrific damage, the amniotic
clashed, the din of twisting metal mingled with fluid surrounding her going pink with the blood
the agonised scrapcode screams of the enemy now pouring from her countless wounds. Then
engine. The front of the feral machine’s suddenly, the unthinkable happened…
deformed head was instantly annihilated,
dethatching itself completely from the Victrix’s The god machine was brought to its knees.
battered torso with one last tormented cry as the The hundreds of massive tow cables attached to
traitor Princeps was crushed into a bloody pulp. hundreds of razor sharp harpoons had
The entire right side of the command bridge completed their terminal course into the legs and
caved in from the sheer brutal impact of the gun mounts of the ancient machine. The sound of
engine’s fist. The crumpled and destroyed bridge defiant and protesting servos and hydraulics
of the Victrix slammed down into the swarm of screeching and fighting against the inevitable
armour and heretics encircling the Titan, could be heard for kilometres as the Titan began
obliterating several heavy tanks and scores of its final agonising end.
men as it crashed into the ruined earth.
With a cataclysmic crash of metal, the once
Cheers rang out from Chapter Positions as the indomitable Reaver was brought to its knees,
guardsman units still left witnessed the death of barely keeping balance through the hundreds of
the abominable engine, boosting their morale to taut cables keeping it in its final spot. The
the heavens as they saw the Reaver Titan scarred and shattered armour of the engine was
obliterate its command deck with a brutal claw. a testament to its defiance through millennia of
Then seeing the decapitated torso stand their war against every conceivable enemy. Entire
frozen in place, Billowing fire and belching planets had come to fear its very name, yet here
11 | P a g e
it knelt. Defeated, broken, terminal damage
ravaged both the mighty engines interior and
A Desperate Strategem
exterior. Void banks long dead, the main reactor
“The Enemy has us surrounded Brothers, we ran out
beginning to deactivate and overheat through
of ammunition, with only our fists and our minds. Put
the destruction of so many secondary systems. It
them to use Brothers, the Omnissiah does not forgive
was bowed to the enemies will. Failure!” -Chaplain Balior
Princeps Cosano barely clinging to life as her
Two squads of Hephestor Astartes were sent behind
thrashes in the amniotic fluid, and deadly earth
Eldar lines. The Troopers bombarding them with
shaking attacks turned to twitches. Her body
continuous fire from their lasguns and keeping them
was as broken as the Titan she commanded, for focused on the heavily fortified trenches. The plan
so many centuries past. being to execute the vile Witch leading the Xenos
menace upon the planet.
As the Princeps started to lose grip on
consciousness, the Titans mighty head started to It was supposed to be a simple mission, quickly
lower itself in defeat, the machine spirit not executed without heavy casualties. All the simulations
strong enough to even raise an arm against the have confirmed this specific outcome, and the voice
heretical forces holding it to the floor. The of the Omnissiah is never wrong, not in Hephestors’
Moderati in the bridge disconnected from their eyes.
stations and ran to weapons lockers, grabbing With their faith unwavering they marched through
shotguns and laspistols, preparing to sell their the thick jungle behind enemy lines, an echo of
lives to defend the Princeps and the machine she lasgun fire spreading even through the thick
was intertwined with in the depths of the underbrush. This was a convenience for the Astartes,
manifold. almost muffling the sound of their power armour’s
They knew it was a futile gesture, but they had systems. After 5 hours of continuous marching, the
all agreed to defend both Princeps and Titan to Astartes reached the Eldar encampment. Target was
the very last. each and every crew member had in sight, the Battle Brothers awaiting confirmation
for fire. Balior, the Chaplain of the Hephestors, was
made peace with their thoughts, The Dominatus
leading this operation. Standing in front of all his
Imperius was their engine, and Lera Cosano was
men, he scanned the area with his Servo Skull, no life
their Princeps, and Terra would fall before they signs were detected in the near vicinity, except the
would abandon either. Eldar encampment. With confidence the Chaplain
gave the kill order, a Battle Brother loading his
Stalker Bolter prepared to fire.

Suddenly a quiet rustle was heard very close to their

position. The Chaplain on edge, sends his Servo Skull
again. The waiting was almost painful, a few seconds
felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. The Servo
Skull did not return. The Astartes stood in formation,
ready for an ambush by the Xenos menace. After
another rustle of the trees above, there was a strange
sound, a low-pitched wave, then another, and
In a split second 4 figures jumped down from the
treeline, with sharp blades and multiple limbs. Their

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attack quickly replied with bolter fire, the Xenos The Chaplain threw a gesture telling his men to
teleporting as quickly as a bolt exits the Astartes’ spread out and fire upon command. They each
rifles. The desperate Hephestors retreated further encircled the camp, Xenos rifles at the ready. With a
from the camp as to not alert more of the Enemy, but single wave of his hand, the Chaplain and his men
it was all for naught. They found themselves fired upon the Eldar. In the insuing panic and
surrounded as they retreated to a nearby chasm. confusion the Eldar Farseer, the mission target, tried
to open a Webway gate to escape, but to no avail.
An entire squad lost, half of them wounded, they The whole site now resembling an underhive
retreated further into the chasm, darkness butchery, the Chaplain lifted up the lifeless corpse of
enveloping them. They could not hear the Enemy the Farseer, calling for extraction. At the question if
anymore, which put them into more of a silent panic. they had achieved victory, he simply responded with:
The Astartes know no fear, that is true. It is not fear ”Victory is always ours Brother, no matter the means
for their survival that torments them, but the fear of we achieve it. The Omnissiah judges not the means,
Failure. but the ends. Remember this, and you will never fail!”
The Chaplain orders the men to stop. Already weary
of the situation, he could sense their fear, their
anguish, their uncertainty. With a strong voice, he
uttered words of reassurance to his Brothers. They
will not die in this chasm, they will not fail, they will
not surrender to these pitiful Eldar. He commanded
each man to take up a knife, silently scour the jungle
for the Enemy. This was not a tactic often used by the
Hephestors, but desperate times call for all the cards
to be put on the table. As each Hephestor found his
target, he executed it with great speed, and procured
any weapon capable of fire.

The Eldar had curious weaponry, their rifles were

light, almost weightless in the hands of an Astartes.
In a dire situation there was no place for shame, and
now the Hephestors were prepared for the Xenos, for
they will never expect their own to fire upon them.
The Eldar’s arrogance knowing no bounds they
thought the Astartes were all dispatched in the initial
pursuit, so they rested in their encampment. The
Hephestors slowly approached the encampment, but
suddenly the Chaplain ordered the men to stop.
Their armours would alert the enemy, so he ordered
each man to remove his armour. They did so, and
covered themselves in dirt and leaves from the

They slowly came to the clearing, seeing a small

patrol and a handful of Eldar pillaging the remains
of their Astartes Brethren. The Hephestors quickly
dispatched of the Xenos using nothing but their bare
hands, as they snuck into the encampment.

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