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Amitej Babra

Mrs. Regnier

Honors English 9

November 4, 2019

Success of Futuristic. Cars

Do you have an electric car? Do you own a self driving car? Of course you don’t. You

might have one soon however, as electric cars have come to be more known to man. Did you

know automakers will overproduce 14 million electric cars by 2030. For example, cars like

Tesla are starting to rise up. And I will show how these cars have come to be known. Do you

know who Robert Anderson is? I’m guessing not. But you probably know who Elon Musk is

right? I'll be telling you who this man is and why he is so famous. Electric cars will begin to be

more familiar in your minds, as you will see how electric cars have come to be known, why they

are so famous in our society, and why they still need to be developed more.

Firstly, How were electric cars come to be known? Did you know, the first electric car

was made by Robert Anderson. You probably don’t know when however, guessing the late

1900s? Of course not. It was actually made in 1832! Can you believe that? The “Scottish

inventor Robert Anderson invented the first crude electric carriage powered by non-

rechargeable primary cells” (). On top of that, the Tesla has changed so much since then, in the

sense that it is all electric, and technologies have allowed it to be much more futuristic. Here is a

timeline as you can see, that cars have developed so much in between 1832, and now. These

cars have gone through so much in that period, and developed what they are like today. Also,

cars like these have vine to be known, because they run on electricity. This therefore shows,

“Fueling with electricity offers some advantages not available in conventional internal

combustion engine vehicles. Because electric motors react quickly, EVs are very responsive
and have very good torque. EVs are often more digitally connected than conventional vehicles,

with many EV charging stations providing the option to control charging from a smartphone app”


Secondly, Why are futuristic cars so famous? The main reasons include the positive

effect on the environment, and how the new futuristic elements have come as such a shock to

mankind, that the effect is greater. First of all, one environmental reason is that “Fewer

emissions that contribute to climate change and safer for the environment” (). This makes the

cars much more safe to our environment, and therefore more successful as more people are

interested in purchasing one. Another reason why they’re so famous, is because of the futuristic

elements which once seemed impossible. Elements such as self driving, and having a safer

build of a vehicle make them much more appealing. “Since they are electric vehicles, Recent

findings have shown that several EV features can improve safety. EVs tend to have a lower

centre of gravity that makes them less likely to roll over. They can also have a lower risk for

major fires or explosions and the body construction and durability of EVs may make them safer

in a collision” (). The overall build of these futuristic cars, and power it holds within itself makes

these cars more appealing and causes a higher demand for these vehicles.

Finally, what still needs to improve in these vehicles? Most likely the biggest reason

would be the cost. Did you know that the Tesla Model S has a starting price at 78,000 dollars?

This is probably the biggest reason for the lack of electric cars we see on the road. Tesla, the

biggest electric car company today, is likely the most famous car company today. But the

reason we don't see many Teslas, is because of the expense. Another reason futuristic vehicles

may not be on the road very often, is because they’re recently come to be known, and needs to

be developed more. For example, the futuristic elements in these cars aren’t fully developed yet.

For example, “37,000 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2017, and road incidents remain a
leading cause of death” (). So if we really believe in futuristic cars, we need to improve

technology in electric and self driving to make them safer

As you can see, the future is dependant on these cars. Electric cars and these elements

our changing our everyday lives. Electric cars are the future, and may one day completely

replace regular combustion vehicles. In this process, most of the future will be run on just

electricity. Because of this, we see that the future of these cars is very positive. Finally, although

cars like the Tesla are currently just the main electric cars, many car companies are planning to

come out with new electric vehicles in the future, where maybe regular vehicles will be extinct,

and the newer generations won't even know.

Works Cited

“2019 Tesla Model S.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report,

“Benefits Of Electric Cars.” Ergon Energy,


“Electric Vehicle Benefits.”,


PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,

Stewart, Emily. “Self-Driving Cars Have to Be Safer than Regular Cars. The Question Is How

Much.” Vox, Vox, 17 May 2019,


“Timeline: History of the Electric Car.”,


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