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Amitej Babra

Mr. Junker

Civics 9

5 May, 2020

Departments Within the Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is extremely unique in regards to the other branches of the U.S.

government. 15 completely different departments, all with one goal. The prosperity of America.

Although each department is regarded of equal importance, I believe that the Department of

Homeland Security is the most important because it is meant to protect the United States from

any terrorism and attacks, and also to safegaurd our borders. The Department of Homeland

Security has been making sure any threats terrorism are away from the U.S, keeping the

american people safe. Their mission also includes, keeping the border secure, from any illegal


The first reason why I believe the Department of Homeland Security is especially

important, is because they protect americans from external threats regarding terrorism. Since the

Department of Homeland Security was created, there haven't been many terrorist threats or any

alarming things that risk the safety of the american people. For example, the only major act of

terrorism would be 9/11. Apart from that, there are acts of terror in the form of shootings, and

crimes on a larger scale, however the Department of Homeland Security has generally done a

good job at keeping terror threats away from the U.S, and has limited international terrorist

groups away from America. Although the act of terrorism still occurs, they have kept away the

major threats and kept our border safe from any external harm. This shows how the Department
of Homeland Security has safeguarded our nation for the most part, protecting americans from

major sources of terrorism if not all sources of terrorism.

The other reason why I think that the Department of Homeland Security is an important

part of the Executive Branch, is because they are protecting the border and keeping America safe

in that sense as well. For example, they are always alert on the border and are keeping it

protected from anything unwanted. The Department of Homeland Security keeps anything

unwanted from crossing the border, and keeps Americans safe in that sense, but also protects

them from people illegally entering the United States. Another example, is that during times like

this, the Covid-19 pandemic, they are keeping the border safe for Americans so our homeland is


In Conclusion, the most important department out of all 15 departments in the Executive

Branch, is the Department of Homeland Security, as they help protect our homeland on a day to

day basis, in the form of protecting America from terrorism, but also keeping our borders safe

throughout, and always being alert to help keep the american people safe from any possible

dangers or threats to our nation.

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