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Body Height Estimation Based on Tibia Length in

Different Stature Groups
Izzet Duyar1* and Can Pelin2
Department of Physical Anthropology, Ankara University, 06100 Sihhiye, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Başkent University, 06530 Baglica, Ankara, Turkey

KEY WORDS tibia length; stature estimation; body proportions; forensic anthropology

ABSTRACT Long bone length is one of the best-known group. A control group with the same properties as the
indicators of human stature. Although the long bone study group was analyzed in the same manner. Particu-
length/height ratio differs in tall and short individuals, no larly with “short” and “tall” subjects, the difference be-
detailed study has investigated whether specific formulae tween true height and the height predicted by the group-
should be used to calculate height in different stature specific formulae was smaller than the difference observed
groups. This study proposes a new height estimation when the general formula was used. These discrepancies
method. Body height and tibia length were measured in were statistically significant. When estimating height
121 male subjects aged 18.0 –34.3 years. Three subgroups based on tibia length, the individual’s general stature
were established according to body height (short, medium, category should be taken into consideration, and group-
or tall), using the 15th and 85th percentiles as cutoff specific formulae should be used for short and tall sub-
levels. The general formula and a group-specific regres- jects. Am J Phys Anthropol 122:23–27, 2003.
sion formula were used to estimate height in each sub- © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Estimating stature from dry bone length or from subjects were from various cities and socioeconomic
the size of other body parts continues to be of par- backgrounds, living in the city of Ankara. A sample
ticular interest to forensic and biological anthropol- of 121 individuals was randomly selected from this
ogists, and to geriatricians. Several authors studied larger group, and was identified as the study group.
this subject in different populations, and observed The other 110 subjects formed the control group.
significant interpopulation differences in body pro- When stature was analyzed in each group, both
portions (Eveleth and Tanner, 1990; Cheng et al., showed a Gaussian distribution (Figs. 1, 2). The
1996). respective coefficients of skewness and kurtosis
Long bone length is known to be the best indicator were 0.084 and 0.029 for the study group, and
of stature. However, it is known that the long bone ⫺0.085 and ⫺0.327 for the control group. The Kol-
length/height ratio does vary to some degree with mogorov-Smirnov test of normality also verified
differences in stature (Olivier, 1969; Sjøvold, 1990; these findings (P ⬍ 0.001 for both groups).
Meadows and Jantz, 1995; Konigsberg et al., 1998). Each subject’s body height and tibia length were
The tibia is one of the commonly used long bones for measured using a Martin anthropometer. Body
stature estimation. The tibia length/body height ra- height was measured with the subject standing in
tio has been shown to vary among populations, and bare feet with his back to anthropometer. The per-
even among individuals. In fact, Meadows Jantz and son’s head was adjusted to the Frankfurt horizontal,
Jantz (1999) noted that such proportional changes and then the head was tilted slightly upwards by
are more pronounced in distal bones. applying gentle force to the mastoid processes and
Many anthropologists and forensic scientists use a zygomatic bones (Cameron et al., 1981). For tibia
single formula devised by Trotter and Gleser (1952,
length, the distance between the medial condyle and
1958) to estimate height. No detailed study has in-
the most distal point of the medial malleous was
vestigated whether different height calculations
should be used for different stature groups (tall,
medium, and short). The aim of this study was to *Correspondence to: Izzet Duyar, Department of Physical Anthro-
test the hypothesis that estimations of stature are pology, Ankara University, 06100 Sihhiye, Ankara, Turkey.
more accurate if different regression formulae are E-mail:
used for specific stature groups.
Received 14 December 1999; accepted 18 December 2002.
DOI 10.1002/ajpa.10257
The study involved 231 randomly selected Turk-
ish males, ranging in age from 18.0 –34.3 years. The



for each of these height categories. The general for-

mula and the group-specific formulae derived from
the study group were used in the control group in
order to test the accuracy of the formulae.
The mean stature and tibia length values for the
short, medium, and tall subjects in the study group
are presented in Table 2. Tibia length did not scale
isometrically with stature, and the tibia length/body
height ratio increased as stature increased (Figs. 3,
4). In other words, tall subjects had longer tibias
relative to their height than medium and short sub-
jects. The tibia length/body height ratios for the
three study-group stature categories were statisti-
cally different, according to one-way analysis of vari-
ance (F⫽ 22.98, P ⬍ 0.0001).
These differences suggested the need for different
regression formulae to estimate stature. Table 3
lists the general formula, and the group-specific for-
mulae that were derived from the study group based
on tibia length in the short, medium, and tall cate-
Fig. 1. Distribution of individuals in study group. gories. Table 3 also shows the standard errors of the
estimates, the R2 values, and the F values for the
general and group-specific formulae.
Table 4 shows the difference between stature pre-
dicted by the general formula (stature ⫽ 678.68 ⫹
2.738 * tibia length) and true stature for each height
category in the control group. In medium subjects,
the difference between estimated and true height
was relatively small, whereas in tall and short sub-
jects, the means for under- and overestimation were
approximately 35 mm. When the general formula
was used, the estimated stature of tall subjects was
less than the true height, and the opposite applied to
short subjects. In other words, estimations by the
general formula for subjects in the extreme height
categories were closer to average height than then
they actually were.
Table 5 shows the differences between the specific
formula-predicted and true stature in the three
height categories in the control group. The mean
values for the two estimating procedures (general
formula vs. specific formulae) indicated that the
group-specific formulae yielded more accurate re-
sults. The difference between the general formula
Fig. 2. Distribution of individuals in control group. and group-specific formula findings in short subjects
was approximately 25 mm. In tall subjects, this dif-
ference was approximately 30 mm. In both cases,
measured (Martin et al., 1988). The authors took all analysis by paired-sample t-test showed that the
measurements and recorded to the nearest millime- general formula-specific formula differences were
ter. The mean age, stature, and tibia length in the significant (t ⫽ 9.18, P ⬍ 0.001 for short subjects; t ⫽
study and control groups are listed in Table 1. As ⫺4.88, P ⬍ 0.001 for tall subjects). In medium sub-
Table 1 shows, there were no significant differences jects, there was no statistical difference between the
between the two groups. results with the two methods (t ⫽ 0.30, P ⬎ 0.05).On
The study group was divided into three subgroups the other hand, from the viewpoint of general sam-
according to body height, with the 15th and 85th ple means, there was no significant difference be-
percentiles used as cutoff levels. A height of 1,652 tween the two procedures (t ⫽ ⫺0.33, P ⬎ 0.05). In
mm or less was identified as “short,” 1,653–1,840 summary, the findings indicated that group-specific
mm as “medium,” and 1,841 mm or more as “tall.” formulae were more accurate for subjects in the
Different linear regression formulae were generated extreme height categories.
TABLE 1. General characteristics of study and control groups
Study group (n ⫽ 121) Control group (n ⫽ 110) t P
Variable Mean SD Mean SD
Age (years) 20.87 4.01 21.72 2.58 1.90 0.059
Stature (mm) 1,746.41 91.39 1,746.69 88.30 0.02 0.981
Tibia length (cm) 389.85 30.15 390.43 28.14 0.12 0.901

TABLE 2. Comparison of anthropometric measurements and indices in study group (n ⫽ 121)

Short subjects (n ⫽ 18) Medium (n ⫽ 86) Tall subjects (n ⫽ 17)
Variable Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Stature (mm) 1,608.90 41.58 1,746.47 53.35 1,891.71 44.46
Tibia length (mm) 347.61 14.66 398.67 19.17 436.18 18.74
(Tibia length * 100)/stature 21.60 0.68 22.31 0.75 23.06 0.76

Fig. 4. Scatterplot (with 95% confidence interval) for tibia

Fig. 3. Scatterplot (with 95% confidence interval) for tibia
length and stature in control group.
length and stature in study group.

DISCUSSION modified because of the secular changes in propor-

tional relationships. Another consideration is that
Populations show considerable differences in body body proportions may change due to nutrition and
proportions. This has important implications for living conditions. Wales et al. (1992) observed that,
stature estimations based on body remains. To ad- compared to normal children, abused children had
dress these differences, specific formulae have been shorter legs in proportion to sitting height.
generated for certain populations (Breitinger, 1937; Regarding estimation of height from long bones,
Trotter and Gleser, 1952, 1958; Olivier, 1969; For- femur and tibia lengths are more closely related to
micola and Franceschi, 1996; de Mendonça, 2000). stature than the lengths of other long bones. Essen-
However, body proportions vary not only with ethnic tially, it is possible to explain variations in stature
origin, but also with time and geographical context. based on differences in the dimensions of these long
In their comparison of anthropometric data collected bones (Trotter and Gleser, 1952, 1958; Formicola
from Japanese children in 1957, 1967, and 1977, and Franceschi, 1996); however, it is not clear
Tanner et al. (1982) found that the lower limb whether the femur or tibia has more impact on
length/stature ratio increased over time. Other au- changes in body proportions. Feldesman et al. (1990)
thors reported similar findings (Greulich, 1957; found the relationship between femur length and
Zhang and Huang, 1988; Duyar, 1995). These secu- stature to be virtually constant in adults, regardless
lar changes in body proportions have implications of gender or ethnicity.
for studies on stature estimation. Jantz (1992) Because the tibia and fibula are known to be more
stated that the Trotter-Gleser formula should be strongly positively allometric than the femur (Mead-
TABLE 3. General height estimation formula and group-specific formulae based on tibia length for different
stature categories in study group (mm)
Stature category Regression equation SE R2 F P
Short Stature ⫽ 951.94 ⫹ 1.890 * tibia length 31.96 0.444 12.78 0.003
Medium Stature ⫽ 944.82 ⫹ 2.057 * tibia length 36.14 0.546 101.21 0.000
Tall Stature ⫽ 1,224.15 ⫹ 1.530 * tibia length 35.08 0.645 10.69 0.005
General formula Stature ⫽ 678.68 ⫹ 2.738 * tibia length 39.35 0.816 528.39 0.000

TABLE 4. Differences between estimated height based on body proportions have also been studied from the
general formula and true height in control group (mm)1 perspective of growth and nutrition. Still, no de-
Stature tailed investigation has examined the effects of such
category n Mean2 SD Minimum Maximum proportional changes on stature estimation. Aldegh-
Short 15 35.14 34.16 ⫺10.76 103.03 eri and Agostini (1993) described the relationships
Medium 79 1.60 30.18 ⫺51.83 93.38 between lower limb anthropometric measurements
Tall 16 ⫺34.12 35.77 ⫺114.50 20.85 and stature, and emphasized the importance of
All controls 110 0.98 36.32 ⫺114.50 103.03
these with regard to surgical approaches. However,
Stature ⫽ 678.68 ⫹ 2.738 * tibia length. they did not mention proportional changes in rela-
Negative values indicate underestimates; positive values indi- tion to stature differences among individuals. For-
cate overestimates.
micola and Franceschi (1996) discussed the poten-
tial for error in stature estimation, particularly in
TABLE 5. Differences between estimated height based on group-
specific formulae and true height in control group (mm)1
tall and short subjects, and stated that the major
axis regression technique is more reliable for indi-
Stature viduals in extreme height categories.
category n Mean2 SD Minimum Maximum
When we used a single regression equation, the
Short 15 10.80 31.65 ⫺33.45 82.88 predicted heights were tall for short individuals and
Medium 79 1.13 28.10 ⫺42.63 72.82
Tall 16 ⫺4.39 20.08 ⫺43.54 27.40
short for tall individuals. Formicola and Franceshi
All controls 110 1.64 27.68 ⫺43.54 82.88 (1996) reported the same result, and Trotter and
Gleser (1958) noted this as a “typical phenomenon of
Short: Stature ⫽ 951.94 ⫹ 1.890 * tibia length. Medium: Stat-
ure ⫽ 944.82 ⫹ 2.057 * tibia length. Tall: Stature ⫽ 1,224.15 ⫹
regression equations.” We used group-specific for-
1.530 * tibia length. mulae in addition to the general formula, and the
Negative values indicate underestimates; positive values indi- group-specific calculations yielded significantly
cate overestimates. smaller differences between predicted and true
height. Our results indicate that group-specific for-
ows and Jantz, 1995), we examined the tibia length/ mulae give more accurate height estimates for indi-
stature ratios in short, medium, and tall subjects. viduals in extreme height categories. In summary, it
There were significant differences among the ratios appears that group-specific formulae may be more
for these categories. Our findings also confirm that reliable for forensic cases in which height estimates
this ratio increases as height increases. Similar for individuals are important.
changes in the ratios of the lengths of other long On the other hand, in some forensic cases, the
bones to stature have also been reported (Meadows available bones or body parts are isolated. In such
and Jantz, 1995; Konigsberg et al., 1998). These cases, the isolated bones or body parts should be
changes verify our hypothesis that group-specific evaluated according to their own dimensions in or-
formulae are needed for height estimation. der to decide which stature group-specific formula
An extensive study by Konigsberg et al. (1998) would be applied. High correlation between tibia
analyzed different methods for estimating and cali- length and stature is well-known (e.g., Trotter and
brating stature. The authors compared results with Gleser, 1958). Also in the present study, this corre-
inverse calibration, classical calibration, femur-stat- lation was found to be high (r ⫽ 0.903, P ⬍ 0.01).
ure ratio, and major and reduced major axis meth- Depending on this fact, tibia length is thought to be
ods. Based on their findings, Konigsberg et al. (1998, an indicator for stature and stature groupings.
p. 88) argued that when “an individual case derives In the present study, tibiae were classified accord-
from the same stature distribution as the reference ing to their lengths into three groups as short, me-
sample, inverse calibration is clearly the preferred dium, and long. As in the classification of body
method.” However, when estimating height for indi- height, 15th and 85th percentiles were used as cut-
viduals who were at the extremes, they found that off points; tibiae with a length of 360 mm or less
the square of the mean error was higher with this were determined as short, 361– 422 mm as medium,
method. Compared to these results, the procedure and 423 mm and above as long. In addition to stat-
we used in our study yielded a lower error when ure grouping, another grouping was established
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