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2A Review 01

1.Circle the correct words.

a) This is/are Julian Battle. She/He is a new teacher from Honduras.
b) My name is/am Pablo. He/I’m from Brazil.
c) My sister and I are/is students. Our/We last name is Olsen.
d) His/He’s Roland. His/He’s 29 years old.
e) Their/They're at the party.

2. Write the answers to these questions:

His name is Tom Sanders.
My teacher is in our classroom.
That’s my best friend.
No, they’re not. They aren’t my sisters. They are my friends.
Yes, he is. He is from Italy.
f) ________________________________________________?
Yes, it is. Her name is Daniela Rome.

3. Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in the list: teach, do,
finish, start, love, like have.
1.A: I _____ a new job. I started today!
B: How_____you _____ it?
A: I _____ it.
B: What time do you _____?
A: I _____ at 9 and _____ at five.
2. A:What _____ he do?
B:He’s a cook.
A:Where _____ he work?
B: He_____ at The Pink Elephant.

4.Complete the conversation with time expressions: at, early, in, on, until, late.
a) I finish work _____ 5:30 pm. I start _____at 9:00 am.
b) I work _____ 2:00 pm on Saturdays. I don’t work in the afternoons and evenings.
c) I finish homework so _____! I never get enough sleep.
d) _____ weekends I always spend time with friends and family.
2A- Units 3-4
I. Circle the correct word.
A:Can I help you?
B: Yes, thank you. How much ​are/is​ ​that/those​ black boots over there?
A:​They’re/It’s​ $300.
B:What about the brown ​one/ones​?
A:​They are/It is​ $250. The brown boots are on sale.
B:And how much ​is/are​ the grey belt?
A:The grey ​one/ones​? ​It’s/They’re​ only $70.
B:And ​this/these​ beige ​one/ones​?
A: This ​is/These​ are just $40.
2.​Answer the questions, say what you prefer and make a comparative sentence using
the words in parentheses.
A)Which pants do you prefer, the cotton ones or the wool ones?(wool/attractive)
B)Which bracelet do you prefer, the silver ones or the gold ones? (silver/interesting)
C)Which one do you prefer the red notebook or the white notebook? (red/pretty)
3.Write the question for the answer​.
B:Yes, I do. I play the piano.
B:No, she doesn’t. She can’t stand Beyoncé’s music.
B:Yes, they do. My parents love classical music.
4.Complete with object pronouns:them(×2), us, it.
1. We don’t listen to folk music because we don’t like ___.
2. We love your voice, please sing for ___.
3. These movies are great. Do you like ___?
4. Who are those over there? Do you know ___?
5.Unscramble the questions and answers to complete the conversation​.
1.tonight/ to go dancing/with me/would you like/?
______________________________________________________________ new/Science fiction movie/ would you/ to see/?
3.I’d/ but/love to/have/homework/to do/I

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