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Literary Elements to look for:

● Allusion
● Alliteration
● Anecdote- side story
● Anaphora- constant repetition-“we will succeed! We will win!”
● Metaphor
● Simile
● Irony
● Hyperbole
● Anachronism
● Symbolism
● Paradox
● Satire
● Vignette
● Rhetorical Question
● Juxtaposition
● Statistic
● Understates
● Overstates
● Tone words: scathing, resigned, melancholy,dire, resentful, nonplussed
● Paragraph requirement
● 2 prepositions, one nonrestrictive phrase using unequivocally,
● Semicolon however or moreover or therefore
● Try to use a syllogism with an image

● Two preposition

● 1 vocab
● Semicolon address audience - refer to someone
● Question (optional)
● Illustration
● Address Literary Element (Optional)


Throughout history / our society, there have been many leaders / individuals that have
__​Adj.​__ impact on our culture. ____​Author​____ discusses, rather emphatically, ___​Topic​___;
moreover _____​illustration (more stuff)​.

In our society, many people believe __​idea​___; however/ moreover, ___​author​___

believes ____​thesis​_____. For many people, this can be seen as ___​illustration​___; however,
____​author​___ unequivocally proves through the use of ___​Literary Elements used in the essay
that___​author’s idea​____.

In our society, the topic of __​topic__​has many believers and dissenters; moreover, some
people believe that__​illustration​__. ___​author​__ suggests that ___​topic​__; moreover,
__​author​___ believes that ___​idea​___ unequivocally makes people ___​author’s stance​___. By
using ___​literary elements used in article​__, ___​author​___makes this point clear.

In our society, ___​topic​___ has evolved over the past few decades; moreover, there
seems to be a controversy circling around ___​idea​___ in our society. Many dissenters(include 1
sentence why they would disagree) believe that ___​topic​___ are detrimental to young people.
___​author​__ attempts to debunk this view and allow the readers to unequivocally believe that
___​topic​___ through the use of ___​Literary Elements used in the essay​___.

In our society __topic__ has become a controversial topic. Many dissenters (include 1
sentence why they would disagree) believe that topic has no place in our society; however
_author__ unequivocally believes that _topic_ had to be instilled or we may suffer dire
consequences. By using ____ and ____, author makes this position clear.

Rhetorical Question / Anaphora

To enhance __​author​___’s essay, he incorporates ___​R.Q. / anaphora​___ to allow the

reader to vicariously enters the forum of the author’s debate. When the author states ___​quote
that shows literary element​___, _then explain why literary element is succesful__Thus the
__​writer​__successfully incorporates rhetorical question in his/her article by putting the reader
into a corner where there is no option(escape) from the __​author​__’s thesis and the only way out
is to agree with the author and follow his argument.


Anecdotes capture and captivate readers because readers can, based on the story, make a
personal connection with the idea, rather than being situated on the outside of an otherwise
abstract concept. When ---------uses the vignette of------it evokes (connect to thesis)

Allusion & anachronism

To persuade his / her readers of the benefits of ___​topic​___, ___​Author​___uses allusion /

anachronism to allow the readers to juxtapose ___​idea (present with the past)​___. This allusion
allows the readers to bridge the gap between ___​idea (time periods)​___ and see the progressive
evolution that __​topic​___ has / have undergone. In addition, when __​author​__ states __​quote
that shows allusion / anachronism​__.

The writer begins the essay by ​alluding​ to an ​ anecdote ​of an experience in her class.
This allusion allows the reader to juxtapose her personal experience with the present thesis and
vicariously understand and enter the world of her argument. When she states ​“ ”

​ statistics

Without a doubt, ____​author​____ vehemently cites statistics to prove his / her argument
rather than using ​literary element not used in the essay​. This allows the readers to view his
argument objectively and see ​idea​. Thus, ____​more stuff​_____.

To begin, the author uses ___ to enhance his/her thesis. By using ___, the writer allows
the reader to sway away from an ad hominem position to a position of logos. When she/he uses
“____” this allows the reader to see ____
The writer uses statistics to allow the reader to sway away from ad hominem diatribe that
seems prevalent in the throughout the essay. By citing ______ the writer shows _____

***Landslide, overwhelming***


To begin​,​ (the writer) uses a metaphor in line to compare ___ and ___. By juxtaposing
these two images, she(he) creates a dichotomy(two things that are opposite) that represents ____
that builds upon the author’s thesis. (allows the reader to visualize and relate to her(his) central

Parallel structure

The writer uses parallel structure to enforce the belief that ____​topic​____. By repeating
these words(sentences) structures, the writer helps to establish balance and flow in well
constructed sentences; therefore, these alignments of related idea help support the clarity of

Overstates / hyperbole (litote) / Understates

In line __, the writer drastically understates(overstates) his position in topic____/ By
using this hyperbole(litote) the writer draws the reader into the argument by___


Although the writer’s thesis seems tenuous in the beginning, by end of his/her essay,
__​the writer​___ unequivocally proves to the readers that___​thesis​___ through the use of
___​litterary elements used in the essay​___. Obviously in today’s society this bears some
relevance on ___​relate to current issue​__.

Thus, ___​author​___ makes use of ___​literary elements used in the essay​___ to persuade
people that __​restate thesis​___. Although at first his thesis may be viewed as esoteric, it however
addresses a vast audience. Furthermore, in our technologically advanced age ___​topic / related

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