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7 R. K. MALIK'S riitramanovs,neoica son, non eax NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLULDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI TARGET CBSE «Fluids include both liquids and gases. When external forces are present, fluid, unilke a solid, can flow unit conforms to the boundaries ofits container. - The uniform density po aid is expressed as one Where ms the mass ofthe ofthe fluid and Vs the vlume of the uid, Density isa sealar quantity its S units the kilogram per cubic meter. Pressure defined asthe normal force acting per unit rea of fluid, whichis expressed as, r ‘where Fs the magnitude ofthe normal force on area A. (When we say a forces uniform over an area, we mean thatthe forces evenly distributed over every point ofthe area) Pressure fsa Scalar quantity. The SI unit of pressure is the newton per square meter, which is given a special name, paseal (Pal, which isthe same as N/m Pascal elated to some other common (not) pressure unis as follows: 1 atm = 1.01 108 Pa = 760%0rr= 1.01 bar Pascal’ law: A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed incompressible fd i transmitted undiminished to every portion ofthe fluid and to the walls of ts container ‘The pressure na fui varies with depth (h as per the expression PP. gh where pis the density of the fd, when tis uniform, Hydrostatic pressure isthe pressure due told that static atest 3. The pressure at point na lid in static equilibrium depends on the depth ofthat point but not on any horizontal dimension (of the uid orits container . For an incompressible uid passing any point every second in a pipe of non-uniform cross-section, the volume isthe same in the steady flow, thats, here visthe velocity and Als the aea of cross-section - The device used to measure the pressure ofthe atmosphere called mercury barometer. . The device used to measure the gauge pressure (p,) ofa gas is called open-tube manometer. . Hydraulic lever works on the principle of Pascal’ law. With a hydraulic lever a given force applied overagiven distance can be transformed intoa greater force applied over a smaller distance. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET 2 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 14, Archimedes’ principle: When a body Is fly or partially submerged in a fluid, « buoyant force f from the surrounding fluid ‘acts on the body, The force is directed upward and has a magnitude equal to the weight mg of the fud that has been displaced by the body, ‘When a body floats ina fud, the magnitude F ofthe buoyant force on the body is equa to the magnitude F, ofthe gravitational {force on the body. \When a body floats ina fluid, the magnitude F, ofthe gravitational force on the body is equal to the weight mg ofthe uid that has been displaced by the body. The upward force exerted on an object immersed ina fluid is equal to the weight ofthe fluid that the object spaces. This force ‘exerted bythe fluid on the objects clled the Buoyant foree and the effec is known as buoyancy. Depending onthe nature of flow of lids, there are four assumptions that we make about idea ui {a} Steady flows in steady (or laminar lw, the velocity of the moving fd at any fixed point does not change with time. {(b)_Incompressible flow: When the density of fids has a constant, uniform value at rest they show incompressible flow. (@)_Non-viscous flow: When an object moves through a non-vscous Nui, it would experience no viscous drag force, that is, no resistive force due to viscosity ofthe fluid (4) rotational flows In an iertationa flow, a body does not rotate about an ans through its own center of mas. Jernoulls principe: As we move along a streamline, the sum ofthe pressure (1, the potential energy per unit volume (pg, and the kinetic energy per unit volume (pv/2) remains a constant: P+ pe/2+ pgh= constant, hich is basically the conservation of energy applied to non-viscous fluid motion in steady state There Is no fluid that has zero vis cosity and hence the above statements treated true only approximately. The viscosity i similar to friction that converts the kinetic ‘energy to heat energy. I the speed of a ud element increases as the element travels along a horizontal streamline, the pressure of the fluid must decrease, and conversely |. Torticall's law:"Efflx* means fluid outflow, Toriceli discovered that the speed of efflux from an open tankis expressed by afor- mula identical to that ofa free-falling body: v= Jah, when the tankis exposed tothe atmosphere, thats, P= Py this equation is known as Torricelli’ law, A ventur-meterisa device used to measure the speed ofthe flow of incompressible uid The tangential force required to maintain a nit velocity gradient between two paral! layers of liquid, each of unit area is known asthe coefficient of viscosity (7) of aqui The SI unit ofcoeficient of viscosity i poseulle (Fi) or N-sm? or Pas 5. Force to move a layer of viscous fluid with a constant velocity: The magnitude ofthe tangential fore required to move a lid layer ata constant speed , when the layer has an area Aand is located a perpendicular distance y from an immobile surfaces given by ra, y where isthe coefficient of viscosity. Sl unit of viscosity is Pas. Common unit of viscosity i poise (P) 7. Poiseuille’s aw: A fluid whose viscosity sn, flowing through a pipe of radius Rand length l,hasa volume flow rate Q given by o- B= ‘where P, and P, are the pressures atthe ends ofthe pipe. . According to Stokes’ law, viscous force F acting on the sphere varies directly with (a) the coeficient of viscosity 1 ofthe fui, (6) velocity v ofthe spherical body, and (rads ro the spherical body. Stokes law - the viscous dragging fore is matheraticaly expressed as F = -6mnav, Which explains the retarding force which s proportional othe velocty 9. The constant velocity, acquired by a freely fling body na viscous medium, is known as terminal velocity Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2635608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Reynolds number: The onset of turbulence ina fu is determined by a dimensionless parameter given by ped a ‘where dis typical geometical length associated withthe fui flow. Re ‘Surface tension is a property by virtue of which, the fre surface of aliquid possesses a tendency to contract so a5 to acquire ‘minimum surface area. I Fbe the force acting and !the length ofthe imaginary line, then the surface tension is given by aif = 2. The SI unit of surface tension Is Nim. The dimensional formula of surface tension i (ML?) 3. Fora given volume, spheres have the least surface area and so raindrops, soap bubbles drops of mercury, et assume a spherical shape. Surface energy: The potential energy per unit area ofthe surface film called the surface energy. ts the amount of work done in Increasing the area ofa surface flm through unity under isothermal conditions: Work done in increasing the surface area a Tnerease in surface area The Sl unit of surface energy is Nim and dimension of surface energy is MT. The angle between tangent tothe liquid surface at the point of contact and solid surface, inside the liquid is termed angle of contact and is denoted by 0, J. Aliquld whose angle of contact is less than 90° suffers capilary rise whereas a liquid whose angle of contact is greater than 90° sues capilary depression and when the angle of contac s 0= 90", the iqud will nether rise nor fall ‘The liquid raises more in a narrow tube and less ina wider tube, TEXTBOOK EXERCISES 1. Anoffice window has dimensions 34 m by 21 m. Asa result of the passage of a stom, the outside air pressure drops to 0.96 atm, ‘but nse the pressure is held at 1.0 atm. What net fore pushes out onthe window? Solution The pressure diference between two sides ofthe window results in anet force acting on the window.The ar nse pushes outward with a force given by A, where pis the pressure inside the room and & isthe area ofthe window. Similarly, the ar on the outside pushes inward witha force given by p,A, where pI the pressure outside. The magnitude of the net force is F=(p,~ pA. With ‘atm =1.013 x 105Pa, the net forceis F =p. — paJA-= (1.0 atm— 096 atm)1.013 « 10° Pavatm)34 mi(21 m) 29108 W. In 1654, Otto von Guericke, inventor ofthe air pump, gave a demonstration before the noblemen of the Holy Roman Empire in ‘which two teams of eight horses could not pull apart two evacuated brass hemispheres. (a) Assuming the hemispheres have (trong) thin walls so that in Fig 9:1 may be considered both the inside and outside radius, show thatthe force F required to pull apart the hemispheres has magnitude F= nf'Ap, where Apis the difference between the pressures outside and inside the sphere. (b) Taking Ras, the Inside pressure a 0.10 atm, and the outside pressure as 1.00 atm, nd the magnitude of force the teams of horses would have had to exert to pul apart the hemispheres. (2) Explain why one team of horses could have proved the point just as wel ifthe hemispheres were attached toa sturdy walk, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution {a}, The pressure difference results in forces applied as shown in Fig. 9.1. We consider a team of horses pulling to the right. To pull the sphere apart, the team must exert a force at least as great asthe horizontal component of the total force determined by “summing” actully, integrating) these force vectors ‘We consider a force vector at angle @ Its leftward component s pcos 4A, where dis the aea element for where the force Is applied. We make use ofthe symmetry of the problem and let d& be that of ating of constant Gon the surface. The radius of the ring is r= Asin, where Rs the radius of the sphere. If the angular width ofthe ring is d, in radians, then its width is Rd ‘and its area is dA = 2x sn 0 d0. Thus, the net horizontal component ofthe force ofthe at is given by fy ata [eno cos0de = oar tl «ea We use 1 atm=1.01 x 10Pa to show that AP =090 atm = 9.09 x 10* Pa. The sphere rads. = n(0.30 m)19.09 x TO" Pa) = 26% 10¢N = 26, ‘One team of horses could be used if one half of the sphere Is attached to a sturdy wall The force of the wall on the sphere ‘woul balance the force ofthe horses. '3. (2) If Axgentinoscurus, along necked, gigantic sauropod dinosaur had a head height of 21 m and a heart height of 9.0 m, what (hydrostatic) gauge pressure in its blood was required at the heart such that the blood pressure at the brain was 80 torr (ust ‘enough to peruse the brain with blood]? Assume the blood had a density of 1.06 x 10 ka/.(b) What was the blood pressure (in torr or mmHg) at the fet? Solution ‘The hydrostatic blood pressures the gauge pressure in the column of blood between fet and bran, We calculate the gauge pres- sureas follows: (a) The gauge pressure at the heart ofthe Argentinoscurusis Pret = Poan + Pgh = 80 ort + (1.06 10? kg/mPV9B.nvs!K21m — 80 m) a0 =10«10" tor. (&) The gauge pressure at the feet ofthe Argentinascurusis tore Px = Pan +PQH = 80 Yor + (1.06 10° hgh 9. v2)(21 m) ht = BO torr + 1642 tor = 1722 or" = 1.7 x 10° tor, 4, In Fig. 92, a spring of spring constant 3.00 x 10* N/m is between a rigid beam and the output piston of a hydraulic lever. An empty ‘container with negligible mass sits on the input piston. The input piston has area A, and the output piston has area 18.04, Initially the spring isa its rest length. How many kilograms of sand must be (slowy) poured into the container to compress the spring by S.00em? Figure 9.2 Solution ‘With A; = 184, and the other values given inthe problem, the sand that must be slowly) poured into the container to compress the spring by 5.00 cm i calculated as follows: ar mg = xR = 850g '. Anion anchor of density 7870 kg/m* appears 200 lighter in water than in ait(a) What isthe volume ofthe anchor? (b) How much does it weigh in air? Solution ‘The anchor s completely submerged in water of density pts apparent Weight Is Wi = W —Fy where W'= mg ists actual weight ‘and F,= p,gVis the buoyant force. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI {9}, Substituting the values given, we find the volume ofthe anchor tobe 2000 1000 kg/m 188 VF {(b) The mass ofthe anchor ism = py, where prs the density of ron. Therefore its weight in ais W = mg = ppg = (7870 kg/e)|204 x 10-2 mP)|980 ms) = 157 «10? N = 157 KN, ‘Note: In genera, the apparent weight ofan object of density p that is completely submerged ina fluid of density py can be weitten as Wigs = (2 ~ BINS. ‘6. What fraction ofthe volume of an iceberg (density 917 kg/m) would be visible if the iceberg floats (a) inthe ocean (salt water, den- ‘sity 1024 kg/m and (b) na river (fresh water, density 1000 kg/m)? (When salt water freezes to frm ce, the salt is excluded. So an Iceberg could provide fresh water to a community) Solution Let be the total volume of the iceberg. The non-vsible portion is below water, and thus the volume ofthis portion Is equal to the volume ofthe fluid displaced by the iceberg. The fraction ofthe iceberg thats visible is calculated as rent Since, leberg is loating, we have Since, m= p¥, Ea, (1)implies Thus, the visible faction is (a) tthe iceberg (9, = 917 kg/m? flats in salt water with p; = 1024 kg/m? the faction would be 217i ios? (@) On the other hand the iceberg floats In fresh water (py = 1000kg/m, the faction would be = 010 = 10%. ac 21a SIT ages = fac = 1~ Bw SIG w 8s = 396, The volume of sir pace nthe passenger compartment of n 1800 ky crs 5.00 The olume of the motor nd front wheels is (27501 nd the vlume ofthe rear wheels es tank and tunkls O00 mt water cant enter these two regions The car rls int 2 fae.) At fat no water enters the pssengr compartment. How much of theca cule meters i below the water srace vith the car foating (Fig 9337) A water slowly enters, the car sinks ow many cubic meters of water ae nthe car as sap pears below the water surface? (The cr witha heavy lod inthe unk remains orzo) Figure 9.3 Solution (a), When the volume ofthe car below waters V,then Fy = pig = Wow leads tO You, (1800kgi9.8m/s") pad ~ (1000kg/m'X8.8mi57) ~ "20M Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES (8) We denote that the total volume ofthe caras Vand that of the water tas V, Then, Fe = paVO = Wen + Pali which gives — tole 100 kg/m* a 8. A garden hose with an internal diameter of 1.9 cm is connected toa (stationary) lawn sprinkler that consists merely of a container ith 24 holes, each 0.13 em in ameter. Ifthe water inthe hose has a speed of 0.91 m/s at what speed does it leave the sprinkler holes? setion Meet eqn coy ty bethepedl ean eo be pede ant oA Soecosscdoulsesoftefon Howe senhocanda bees ng tae tegatana) bnes wAsnialen = fein whee Rte adil oie rite nese Nang at De mt at ed Diy 19cm Y= PY patos Oo) = Bs 9. Waters pumped steadily out ofa flooded basement at aspeed of 5.0 mvs through a uniform hose of radlus 1.0 cm. The hose passes ‘ut through a window 3.0m above the waterline. Whats the power ofthe pump? Solution ‘Suppose that a mass Am of water is pumped in time At. The pump increases the potential energy of the water by AU= (Amlgh, ‘here his the vertical distance through which ts lifted, and increases its kinetic eneray by A= }(Av2, where vis its final speed ‘The workit does is AW = au +a = amin + ame and ts powers ‘The rate of mass flow Is Am/At= pyA where pis the density of water and Ais the area ofthe hose. With A =n 3.14% 104 mand paw the power ofthe pump s calculated as P =phe(ah-+ 1!) = 1.574g/5| + 2°» gow. 10. A cylindrica tank witha large diameter is fled with water to a depth D = 0.30 m. A hole of cross-sectional area A™= 6.5 cm?in the ‘bottom of the tank allows water to drain out (a) Whats the rate at which wate flows out, in cubic meters per second? (b) At what distance below the bottom of the tank the cross-sectional area ofthe stream equal to one-half the area of the hole? Solution (a) We use the Bemoull equation + Jer + 9h = 8 +301) + poh, ‘where h, isthe height ofthe water inthe tank, Ps the pressure there and vs the speed of the water there; hf the altitude ‘of the hole, P isthe pressure there, and vis the speed of the water there. ps the density of wate. The pressure atthe top ‘ofthe tank and at the hole is atmospheric so P= Since, the tank's large we may neglect the water speed at the top Its ‘much smaller than the speed a the hole. The Bemoull equation then becomes pghy = (V2)pv3 + pghy and v= Vath he) = JXOBMIP VERO) = 242m/s “Te flow rates Avs = (6.5% 10-4 22.42 ms) = 1.6 10° m/s ‘We use the equation of continuly:Ayy,=Asvs, where A, =}, and v, Is the water speed where the area ofthe stream is half Itsarea atthe hoe. Thus, A, = 2, =4B4 Os Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI 7 The waters in freefall and we wish to know how frit has fallen when its speeds doubled to 4.84 m/s. Since the pressures the same throughout thefal vi + pghs = $ v3 + aah Thus nyo He _ Minis? — 242M _ 965, Ne 2eams) 8% Note: By combining the two expressions obtained from Bermoulis equation and equation of continuity, the ose setonal area the stream may be related tothe vertical height allen -n-4cd a 4) —]-3f- 4) moma thst 1A) Sh-(a) 11, Ing. 94, the fesh water behind a reservoir dam has depth D=15 m. A horizontal pipe 40 cm in ameter passes through the dam at depth d= 60 m. A plug secures the pipe opening. (2) Find the magnitude ofthe fictional force between plug and pipe wal (6) The plugs removed. What water volume exits the pipe in 30h? Solution {a} Thefretion forceis, 1 = Aap = nsgdA = (1.0 «10° kg?) (98 vs") (60 mi( 2} (0040 m? = 74N. 1h Thesped of ater fwingout oh ls =. Ths the volume of ater fowngcutfthepipeint = 30 his v= A = 000 mt f29R ITED (208 00) = 15 10%. 12. Figure 95 shows siphon, which i @ device for removing liquid from a container. Tube ABC must intially be filed, but once this thas been done, iquid wl low through the tube until the liquid surface in the container i evel withthe tube opening at A. The liquid has density 1000 kam and negligible viscosity. The distances shown are h,=25 cm, d= 12 cm, and h,=40 cm. (a) With What speed does the liquid emerge from the tube at C?(b) the atmospheric pressure is 1.0 x 105 Pa, what isthe pressure in the liquid atthe topmost point B?(c Theoretically, whats the greatest possible height h thata siphon can it water? Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 8 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution (8), We considera point D onthe surface of the liquid in the container, n the same tube of flow with points A 8, and C. Applying Berouls equation to points and C, we obtain Fo+ }0¥8 + paty= + Jor + poe, Which leads to ve> PEER + 20 -ra+ = ftald+h, werent ast step we set = Pe Paand vlve=0. Plugging in the values, we obtain te = SASS mITVORD M+ OTR) = 32 ms We now consider points Band A+ Jovi + poh = R + Love + pak Since v= by equation of continuity 2nd P= Py Bermoults equation becomes Reh pale — hh) = Pa ~ pol th +a) 1.0% 108 Pa (1.0 10 kg? 188 mvs? 025 m + 040.m +0512) =92 10 Pa, Since P20, we must et = palh+d+h)20, which ils Pes 103m Shinn = Bed, oes 103 13. A ojindcal air duct in an air condtioning system has a length of 5.5 m and a radius of 72x 102 m. A fan frees ae (n= 1.8% 10 Pas) through the duct such that hearin a room (volume = 2601 replenished every 10 min, Determine theifferencein pressure between the ends ofthe ar duct. In this problem, we are treating air asa viscous Auld, According to Polsculle’ law, a fuld with viscosity n flowing through a pipe cof radius Rand length Lhasa volume flow rate Q given by the relation Q = 24, ~R)/(Bl). This expression can be solved for the quantity ,~ A the diference in pressure between the ends ofthe alr duct. Fist, however, we must determine the volume low rate Qof the Since the fan forces air through the duct such that 280 rm of aris replenished every 10min, the volume flow ateis ‘Thedference In pressure between the ends ofthe ar ducts according to Polseuile's aw, 1d _B(.8 10° Pa-s).SS mN0.467 m/s) aR ‘T2107 mF 14. A pressure difference of 18 10 Pa is needed to drive water (n= 1.0% 10° Pas) through a pipe whose radius is 5.1 x 10% m. ‘The volume low rate ofthe waters 28 x 10 m/s, Whatisthe length ofthe pipe? Solution ‘The volume low rate Qof a viscous Muld flowing through a pipe of radius Rs given by the relation Q= xR - AVENL), o where P-; is the pressure cifference between the ends ofthe pipe, Ls the lenath of the pipe, and nis the viscosity ofthe Fu Since all the variables are known except L we can use this elation to find it Salving Eq (1) forthe pipe length, we have A) 5 x(5.1% 10° miM(1.8 x10" Pa) = 4 79m, 1.0% 10" Pars) x 10 mA) 115. Calculate the height to which water at 4°C wil sein a capilay tube of 05 x 10-'m diameter. (Given surface tension of water= 0.072 N/m = 4aPa, Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Solution ‘The eight of waterin the capillary tube is calculated as follows 20072 x coso" as. 5 x 107 x 1000 x9" "29% 10 SECTION! = Pressure 1) Theuitrm density pofauisepresed as pat, ier sth ms the of eld and V's the voli ofthe ud Prensrels dened ost noma ec acing pe uae Ad wich i eepessed a £ pak, ‘where Fs the magnitude ofthe normal force on area A (When we say force's uniform over an area, we mean thatthe force is ‘evenly distributed over every pont of the area} ‘The Sl unit of pressures the newton per square meter, which is given a special name, paseal (Pa), which i sameas N/m Pascal Isrelated to some other common (ncn-SI pressure units as follows: {atm = 1.01 108 Pa = 760 torr= 1.01 bar ‘The pressure na fluid varies with depth (hs per the expression P=P,+ 09h, where pisthe density ofthe uid, when itis uniform. Conceptual Problems 11. Why does ship made of ron float in water although a needte sinks? Solution The weight ofthe water displaced by the immersed part ofthe ship balances the weight of the ship. As a result, the ship floats on water. On the other hand, when the weight of the water displaced by a needle I ess than the weight of the needle and therefore the needlesinks. 2. A sharp pointed needle can easily pierce the skin as compared to a dull needle even though the force applied in both the cass is the same, Explain, Solution In the case ofa sharp pointed needle, the pressure exerted by the needle on the skin is much greater than the pressure exerted by @ dull needle. Pressures defined asthe ratio of force and ares: . a ‘Therefore, pressure i inversely proportional to area of contact A. In the case ofa pointed needle, the area of contact I less and hence the pressure is large whereas the in ase of dull nedle, the area of contacts large and hence the pressure sess. P= 3. Does atmospheric pressure vary with the height above the surface of the Earth? Solution ‘Atmospheric pressure varies with the height above the surface of the Earth. The atmospheric pressure decreases as we move above ‘the surface ofthe Earth The decrease in pressure is due to decrease in the density of ar due to the height. The relationship between the pressure at surface of the Earth (and the pressure P’ at height hs given by =P’ shoo, where p isthe density fair and gis the acceleration due to gravity. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 0 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 4. Why is pressure scalar quantity eventhough pressureis force divided by area, and forceisa vector quantity? Solution Pressure is ascalar quantity because at one level inside the liquid, the pressure due to liquid is exerted equally inal directions. Ieshows tht a definite direction snot associated with the pressure due to the liquid. Also pressure isthe ratio of force and are: é pal Hence, pressure isthe ratio ofthe component of force normal to area andi isindependent ofthe sizeof area chosen. ‘Additional Problems 11, A Utube contains water and spirit separated by mercury as shown in Fig. 9.6.The mercury column in the two arms isin feel with 10.0 cm of waterin one arm and 11.5 cm of spittin the othet. Whats the relative density of the spirit? Figure 9.6 Solution Let p.and p,, respectively, be the densities of water and spitt and hyand hy respectively, be the heights of water and spirit columns. From Fig. 96, we have hy = 10 em and h = 11.5 em, Since the mercury column remains the same in both two arms ofthe U-tube, ‘the relative density ofthe spirits given by 3 hog=hpg a= hips = pr = B= 10 2, Atank5 m high s haf filed with water and then fled to the top with ol of density 0.85 g/cm’. What is the pressure atthe bottom ofthe tank due to these liquids? Solution Let the area of cross-section ofthe tank be A. The height ofthe water In the tank shy = 5/2 m-=2.5 m= 250 cm; density of waters 1b} = 1g/cr;the mass of the water in the tanks calculated as follows: Density = Volume = MassUM) = Density x Volume Density x Area of cross-section x Height Te height ofthe ollin the tankish=25 m: 185 g/cm. The mass ofthe lin the tank is alow lated as follows: Density = = Mass (M,) = Density x Volume = Density x Area of cross-section x Height = pany “Therefore, the total mass ofthe oll and wate Is given as M'= m, +-m,.The total force exerted by the mass M on the bottom of tankis aiven as follows: F = Mg =(m +m.)9 = pA + Ah, “Therefore, the pressure a the bottom ofthe tank's calculated as = (ah + pyhylg = 1 250 + 0.85 x 250}960 = 462.59: wt em Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI u 3. A plece of alloy has a mass 250g ina. When immersed in water, thas an apparent weight of 1.96 Nand in ol hasan apparent ‘weight of216 N Calculate the density of the (a alloy and (b) ol Solution Mass ofthe alloy s m= 250 9 = (250/1000) kg = 025 kg; acceleration due to gravity is g=98 mvs; weight ofthe alloy in alr is ‘obtained as W,=mg=025 x98=245N, Weight of aloyin wateris y= 196 Ne weight of alyin lis Wye=2.16 wight of water paced by alloys obtained st We Wy= 245-196-0494 The as of water dispiaced by thes obtained my = 082 = 00519. Volume of wate dsplaced by waters caleuated as folows: Mass = Mass Density = Mast = Volume = cyl 005g "Fook Weknow that Volume of water spaced by alloy = Volume of alloy ‘Therefore the density of alloy caclated as . 0250kg Density = Volume ~ 5x 10°F my ~ S000KaM? = Salen Weight of oi displaced by alloy willbe W,-Wo=245N-216N=029N, If pisthe density of ell and Vis the volume dsplaced, the density ofthe oils calculated as pg =029 =p= 392kg/m = 0.592,g/er" 929, 029 Vo” 3x10 x9a Whats the absolute and gauge pressure ofthe gas above the liquid surface In the tank shown in Fig. 9.7 (Density ofl density of mercury = 13.6 x 10 kg/m’, 1 atmospheric pressure = 1.01 x 10° Nim) Solution Density of oll sp; = 820kg/m?; density of mercury is p; = 134 x 10? kg/n? We know that 1 atmospheric pressure = 1.01 105 Pa, LetP be the absolute pressure exerted by the gas inthe tank Therefore, the pressure at the point Ais obtained as follows: i, = Absolute pressure ofthe gas + Pressure exerted by the ollolumn above point A P+1.5+1%820%98 =P +02 10°)Pa Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘The pressure atthe point Bis obtained as follows = Mimospheric pressure + Pressure exerted bythe mercury column above point 8 Fy = latm+ hy pag = 01X10" + (15+ 0.75) x13.6 x 10? x 98 = 4.01% 10"Pa. a Since points A and B are atthe same level from Eqs. (1) and (2), we have the absolute pressure ofthe gas above the liquid surface In the tankas follows: ABR P+02%105Pa= 401% 105Pa 401 105 Pa 02x 108 Pa = 3.81 10% Pa, ‘Te gauge pressure ofthe gas above the liquid surface in the tanks calculated as follows: Gauge pressure ofthe gas = Absolute pressure - Atmospheric pressure = 381x108 — 101% 108 = 280 10°Pa, ‘An iceberg weighs 400 tonnes The specific gravity of iceberg 092 and the specie gravity of waters 1.02. What percentage of iceberg Isbelow the water surface? Solution ‘Mass ofthe iceberg is M = 40 tonnes = 400 x 1000 kg density ofthe eeberg is p = 092 10°ka/tn.The volume ofthe iceberg is ‘obtained as follows: ‘M _ 400% 1000 p> oszxior ~ 448m Let the fractional volume of iceberg immersed in water be x. Therefore, the volume of the water displaced is given by 434.8. Also, we know thatthe Mass of water displaced = Volume x Density = (4348x 1.02% 10) kg. ‘According tothe law of floatation, we have Weight of wate displaced = Weight of iceberg 494.841.0210) = 40010? ne 2G AB x 1.0210 * 4348 x TOD Hence, the required percentage of iceberg below the water i obtained as (0.90 x 100)% = 909%. . Considering the pressure P to be proportional tothe density, ind the pressure Pt a height h ifthe pressure on the surface ofthe earths If y= 1.03 x 10° Nim’; py=1.29 kgf? and g = 98 ms at what height will be pressure drop to one-tenth ofits valve at the surface ofthe Earth? Solution The pressure Ptobe proportional to the density, that, For pressure P,and density pe, we have Dividing Eq. (1) by Eq, 2), we get Pressures given by Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI When h=0,P=Peand wien h= h,P= P Integrating Eq, () with these two limits, we get [t-[t--{2)fo0 llogPh, = pt xoh P cenan gre P=Rxenemn, Equation (5) s the relation for pressure at height. which calculated as follows e a wal) = exon logo = 12998" 2303 2303 = 1227 «10% 3 = 7p 239 «019 x10%m= I9km. 7. Ina cari, compressed air exerts a force Fon a smal piston having a radius of 5 cm. This pressure Is transmitted toa second piston of radius 15cm fthe mass ofthe car tobe ifted is 1350 kg, whats F? Whats the pressure necessary to accomplish this task? Solution Radius of smal piston is r= 5 em; area of cross-section of small piston is A, = 27 radius ofthe second big piston is r= 15 cm: area of cross-section of small piston Is =); mass ofthe car m = 1350 kg, Acceleration due to gravity is 9 = 98 nv. The force ion the second piston is obtained as Fy = mg =(1350%98)N. Since the pressure I transmitted from the fs piston tothe second piston, the force exerted by the smal piston is calculated as ALAR a” 135098 x x5)? _ 13509825 a5" ‘The ir pressure necessary to accomplish the task of producing the force FIs calculated a follows = Ai MAT x10 _ 147 x10 . POA ng at4xas = "87? 8. Calculate the gauge pressure inside an air bubble of radius em lying just below the surface of water. The surface tension of water is 7107 Nim. Solution Radius of ar bubble is r= 2 cm = 0.02 m surface tension is S=7 > 10" Wim the gauge pressure or excess of pressure inside the air bubble s obtained as follows: cy Bea 25 _ 2x7x107 Pa BS 2 2XTXIO? 7, 9. Explain why (a) the blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than atthe brain? (b) the atmospheric pressure ata height ‘of about 6 km decreases to nearly half of ts value atthe sea level, though the height of the atmosphere is more than 100 km? (@ hydrostatic pressure sa scalar quantity even though pressure I force divided by area? (wcerT) Solution (a) The pressure ofa liquid is expressed as "9, o here Ps the pressure ofthe iqud, his the height ofthe quid column, pis the density ofthe lquld, and g isthe acceleration due to the gravity It can be deduced from Eq, (1) thatthe pressure is directly proportional tothe height. Therefore, the blood pressure in human vessels depends on the height ofthe blood column inthe body. The helght of the blood column is more at the feet than itis at the brain. Hence the blood pressure atthe feets more than itis at the bain. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES (b) Near the sea level the density of airs the maximum. Density ofa decreases with Increase in height from the surface. Ata height of about 6 km, density decreases to nearly half ofits value atthe sea level. Atmospheric pressure i proportional to density and therefore at aheight of 6 km fom the surface, t decreases 10 nearly half ofits original value atthe sea level (€)_ When forces applied on aliquid, the pressure inthe liquid I transmitted in all directions. Hence, the hydrostatic pressure does ‘ot have a fied direction an itis salar physical quantity, 10. 50 kg git wearing high heel shoes balances on a single heel. The heel is circular with a diameter 1.0 em. What isthe pressure exerted by the heel onthe horizontal oor? INCERT) Solution Mass of the it sm =50 kg lameter ofthe heel ofthe shoes is d= 1 cm =0.01 m: radius ofthe hee ofthe shoes fs obtained as 4,001 r= $= 221m < 0005m, Area ofthe heel ofthe shoes is calculated as ‘he nr? = (0005)? = 7.85 10° me The exerted force by the heel on the floors obtained as Famg=50%98=490N. The exerted pressure by the heel of the shoes on the horizontal loo is calculated as. Force _ __ 490 ee Torricli’s barometer used mercury. Pascal duplicated it using French wine of density 984 kg/m? Determine the height of the wine column for normal stmospherie pressure (NcERT) Solution ‘Acceleration due to gravity Is 9=938 mv"; density of mercury isp = 136% 10° ka/m height of the mercury column is hy =0.76 m; density of French wine s p,= 984 kg/m? Let the height ofthe French wine column be h-The pressure In both the columns i equal, thats, Pressure in the mercury column = Pressure inthe French wine columa 13610? x 076 _ 95, ‘Therefore the height ofthe wine column for normal atmospheric pressutes 10.5 m. 12, vertical offshore structure is built to withstand a maximum stress of 10” Pa. Is the structure sultable for putting up on top of an cil wellin the ocean? Take the depth of he ocean tobe roughly 3 km, and ignore ocean currents. (NcERT) Solution ‘The maximum allowable stress for the structure is P= 10? Pa; depth of the ocean is d= 3 km =3 x 10! m; density of water Is (p= 10° kg/m acceleration due to gravity is 9= 9.8 ms. The pressure exerted due tothe sea water at depth d= pg =3 x 10x 10° x98 =294 x 107 Pam 3% 107 Pa ‘The maximum allowable stress for the structure (10 Pa) s higher than the pressure of the sea water (294 x 10” Pa. The pressure ‘exerted by the ocean is lss than the pressure thatthe structure can withstand and therefore the structure Is suitable for putting ‘upon top of an ol wllin the ocean, [Ahydraulic automobile lifts designed to lift cars with a maximum mass of 3000 kg. The are of cross-section ofthe piston carrying the load is 425 cm What maximum pressure would the smaller piston have to bear? (NCERT) Solution The maximum mass of a car that can be lifted Is m= 3000 kg: area of cross-section ofthe piston carrying load is A= 425 em? = 425% 10 mi The maximum force exerted bythe load is Famg=3000 x98 = 29400N. The maximum pressure exerted on the piston carrying oadis obtained as F 29.40. 659% Om E-Reaet ee Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI 15 14. A U-tube contains water and methylated spirt separated by mercury. The mercury columns inthe two arms aren level with 10cm ‘of water in one arm and 12.5 cm of spiitin the other. What the specific gravity of spirit? (NceRT) Solution ‘A Utube that contains water and methylated sprit separated by mercury is depicted in Fig. 98. Height ofthe spirit column Is ‘hy= 125 crm= 0.125 m: height of the water columns = 10 m= 0.1 m atmospheric pressures Px: density ofthe sprit sy densly of the water sp ‘The pressure a point Bs glven by Arhoo and the pressure at point Dis given by Athps. Pressure at points B and D isthe same. Therefore, from Eqs. (1) and (2, the specific gravity ofthe spr calculated as follows A+hpa= hg Ph 10 Pah al Mercury Figure 9.8 15. Inthe Additional Problem 14, if 15.0 em of water and sprit each are further poured into the respective arms ofthe tube, what ‘the diflerence inthe levels of mercury inthe two arms? (Specific gravity of mercury = 13.6), (NCERT) Solution Height of the water column is h = 10cm + 15 cm = 25 cm; height ofthe spire column i hy = 12.5 em + 15 cm-=27-5 cm; density ‘of waters p,=1 g/cm density of spits p, = 08 g/m; density of mercury is 1346 g/cm. Leth be the diference between the levels of mercury inthe two arms. Pressure exerted by the height, h ofthe mercury column Isgven by Pahpgehx 1369, o ‘The diference between the pressures exerted by water and sprit s obtained as follows: B-R=hp.g-hoo = 9(25x1-275x08) AR = 39 Equating Eqs (1) and (2), the diffrence between the levels of mercury inthe two arms obtained as 136g = 39 39 136h = 3 = he g3z = hn 0220588 = 0.221€m, ‘A manometer reads the pressure ofa gas in an enclosure as shown in Fig. 99a, When a pump removes some of the gas the ‘manometer reads as in Fig 9:96. The iqud used in the manometers is mercury andthe atmospheric pressure is 76 cm of mercury. (@) Give the absolute and gauge pressure of the gas inthe enclosure for cases (a) and (b), in units of em of mercury. (6) How would the levels change in case (b) if 13.6 cm of water (immiscible with mercury) are poured into the right limb of the manometer? (ignore the smal change in the volume ofthe gas) (NCERT) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES @ Figure 9.9 Solution (a) From Fig. 9.9a: Atmospheric pressures, = 76 cm of Hg diference between the levels of mercury in the two limbs provides ‘gauge pressure, hence, gauge pressure is 20m of Hg, Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure + Gauge pressure 76cm of Hg + of g = 96 cm of Hg. From Fig. 9.96: Difference between the levels of mercury in the two limbs s~18 cm, which implies that gauge pressure is of. Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure + Gauge pressure =76cmof Hg 18cm of Hg = 58cm of Hg ‘Water of limb length 12.6 cm is poured into the right limb of Fig. 9b, Relative density of mercury is 13.6. Hence, a column (f 13.6 cm of water is equivalent to 1 cm of mercury. Let h be the difference between the levels of mercury in the two limbs. ‘The pressurein the right limb s given as y= Atmospheric pressure + 1 em of Hg =76 Ay, we have v;> vy, the speed ofthe liquid increases when the water that flows ina broader pipe enters a narrow pipe. '5. Bernoulls theorem holds for incompressible, non-viscous fluids What wll happen, ifthe viscosity ofthe uids not negligible? Solution Since, Bernoulls theorem holds fr incompressible, non-vscous fluds the total energy of the Nuld decreases ithe viscosity of the fd is not negligible ‘Additional Problems 11 Ahelicoptr of mass 2x 10" kg has total wing area 400 mand fying horizontally with average speed of 250 m/s.) Find the pressure difference between the lower and upper surfaces ofthe wings and (b) velocity difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the wings. Given, density of air= 13 ka/m’,g = 10 mise, Solution ‘Mass ofthe helicopter ism = 2 x 10*kg; acceleration due to gravity g= 10 m/s area of wing of plane Is A= 400m. (a) The pressure diference between the lower and upper surfaces ofthe wings willbe £0, 2x10tn10 ’ ap = Fw 9 = 2x1 210 500 Wi (0) Letthe velocty atthe upper and the lower surface be v and v, respectively, and the pressure at upper and lower surface be P, and P, respectively. The velocity difference between the upper and the lower surfaces ofthe wings calculated as R+ pod = A+ Sond A-R= lot -dot A“ = jouw) (aw = 488) a Biv + vai ~ T3250 = "54 2. Ahole of area 1 mm? opens near the bottom of a large-water storage tank, and a steam of water shoots from it f the top of water Inthe tankis tobe kept at 20 m above the point of leak how much water i lites/s should be added tothe reservoir tank to keep thislevel? (= 10m". Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Height ofthe water rom the point of leaks h = 20 my acceleration due to gravity Is = 10 m/s area ofthe hole s A= Ime? the velocty of water flowing from the hole fs v= Jagh = NERTOXIG = 408 = 20m ‘The quantity of water owing out per second from the holes calculated as = Av = (10- x 20)00 = (2010+ X10L/4 = 2% 107 Ls = 20 mL 3. Water stands at depth H ina tank whose side walls are vertical. A hoe Is made on one of the walls ata depth h below the water surface, Find at what distance from the foot ofthe wall does the emerging stream of water strike the floor. Solution Figure 910 depicts the stuation. According to Bernoulli's principe, we have 1 = 8+ 00h + 1¥4 A+ poh + 3¥ = A+ pg + vb ‘As per the ven dade, we have Since the holes small the evel of water in tank falls slowly. Thus, we asume that v Substituting these values in (1), the velocity with which water comes outof the holes obtained as P+ poh Lor = P+ pgi=n+ tv 3p? = poh v= 29h v= fia. Lette the time taken by water fo fll through height (A, which is obtained as + Oba tt = We nao doe Nee Let Abe the distance ofthe point from the foot ofthe wall which is obtained as Revie PEED x fagh = ae Figure 9.10 4. A balloon filed with hydrogen has a volume of 1000 | and its mass i 1 kg, What would be the volume of the block of @ very light ‘material which it can just lif? One ltr ofthe material has mass of 913 9, Density fal = 13/1. Solution ‘Volume of balloon is V= 1000 L= 1000 x 10" m*= 1 m mass ofthe balloon is M= 1 kg. Let the mass of the block to belied by balloon (in kilogram) be m and the volume of block be v Therefore the total volume ofthe block and the balloon = V+ v. Also, we know that Volume of air displaced =Total volume of block and balloon = (V+ ‘The density fairis p = 13kg/n®. Mass ofthe air displaced = Volume x Density = (V+ vp. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 20 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘The weight ofthe air displaced is given by [V +v) pg. The total weight ofthe block and the balloon i given by (M + mig. According tothe law offltation, we have Weight of block and balloon = Weight of ai displaced (M+ mig = + vie9 (M+ m) = +v)p, ‘The density ofthe blocks Q Substituting Eq, (2) n (1) the volume ofthe block ofa very ight material which It can just ft the ballon is calculated as follows: M+vo=Vp+vp vo-vp=Vp-M Wo ~p)=Vp-M Vp-M_ 1x13-1_03_ 1 1 aye teat 3} = 93 = show = (hp x 1000)u = saa. ‘5. What should be the maxdmum average velocity of water in 2 tube of dlameter 2 cm so that the flows laminar? The viscasity of ‘waters 10" Nim?=s Solution Coefficient of viscosity = 10 Nim?/s; density of water p = 10° kg/m: diameter of tube D: 102 m. For laminar flow, 1000, The maximum average velocity of water In a tube of diameter 2 cm, so thatthe flow is laminar, is v= fe = 101000 «995 pO = 10 x02 ~ 905m. {6 Can Bernoulli's equation be used to describe the flow of water through a rapidin a iver? Explain, (ncerT) Solution Bemoul's equation cannot be used to describe the flow of water through a rapid ina river due tothe reason thatthe low of water ina rveris turbulent, but not streamline. Bernoulli equation can only be applied toa streamline flow. 7. Does it mater fone uses gauge instead of absolute pressures in applying Bernoulls equation? Explain, (weer) Solution ‘The two points where Bernoull's equation is applied should have significantly ferent atmospheric pressures, Hence, It does not ‘matter fone uses gauge instead of absolute pressures in applying Bernoull's equation. {8 Ina test experiment on a model airplane in a wind tunnel, the flow speeds on the upper and lower surfaces ofthe wing are 70 m/s and 63 ns respectively. Whats the ift onthe wing ft area is 2.5 m™? Take the density of ato be 1.3 kg/m (NcERT) Solution Speed of wind onthe upper surface ofthe wing is, = 70 m/s; speed of wind onthe lower surface ofthe wing is v,=63 mis; area of the wing isA = 25 m density of airs p= 1.3 kg/m. According to Bernoulli theorem, we have Ro lot= Reto AR doh, a ‘where P; Is the pressure on the upper suface ofthe wing and P; Is the pressure onthe lower surface of the wing, The pressure mif the flow must remain laminar? (b) Whats the corresponding flow rat? (Take viscosity of blood to be 2084 x 10° Pas) (NCERT) Solution (a) Diameter ofthe artery is d= 22% 10m=4x 103 me radius ofthe artery ir = 2% 10° me densty of blood is p= 1.06 10*kgim; iscosity of blood isn = 2084 x 10" Pas; Reynolds number for laminar flow i Ne=2000. ‘Therefore, the largest average velocity of blood flow in an artery of radius 2% 10m if the low must remain laminar is ‘obtained as follows {)Thelargestblood flow rateinan artery of raius2 x 10° mif the flow must remain laminar obtained as flows: R= HM = 14% 2X 10-9F 0983 = 1235 10-5 = 12421047 13. A plane iin level fight at constant spec and each af its two wings has an ares of 25m. the speed of the ais 10 krvh over the loner wing and 234 kh over the upper wing surface, determine the plane’ mass. Take a density tobe 1 kg/m!) (NCERT) Solution Speed of air over the lower wing i ¥, = 180 kh = 50 ms speed oft over the upper wing is = 234 kmh = 65 ms: the are of ‘the wings ofthe plane i A =2% 25m! = 50 mi density of ats p= 1 kg? et the pressure of a over the lower wing be P and pressure of i over the upper wing be P, Using emouls equation, the upward force onthe planes obtained as 1 aelot R ‘The upward force (Fon the plane is calculated a follows: From Eqs (1) and (2), we have dye Jeet - wy Using Newton's force equation, the mass (m) ofthe plane obtained as Fimo 9m S35 scnsthg = toh, SECTION III = Viscosity = Reynolds Number ‘= Surace Tension The Sl unit of coeficient of viscosity i poiseiull (P) or N-s/m? or Pass. - Force to move a layer of viscous fluid with a constant velocity: The magnitude ofthe tangentiel force Frequired to move fluid layer ata constant speed v when the layer has an area Aand located a perpendicular distance y roman immobile surface, lsgiven by r=, ¥y where mis the coefficient of viscosity. Slunitof viscosity is Pa-s. Common unit of viscosity is poise (). Polseuille’slaw: A ud whose viscosity is, flowing through apipe of radius R and length L, has avolume flow rate Q given by o-B where P, and Pare the pressures atthe ends of the pipe. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI 18) According to Stokes’ lw, viscous force F acting on the sphere varies directly with (a the coefficient of viscosity m of the Nid, (6) velocity v ofthe spherical body, and (c) radius rf the spherical body. Stokes's aw - the viscous dragging force —is mathe: matically expressed as F = 6xnav, hich explains the retarding force which s proportional to the velocity The constant velocity, acquire by 2 freely fling body in a viscous medium, is known as terminal velocity ‘Reynolds number: The onset of turbulence In a ulds determined by a dimension less parameter given by =e, an, verde yal gota length acne hth fi ow Sertuntorulan ks propery tran of wh, hat uaceoe pees inde coco tse Ina sate te. Foe the ce acting ante length teagan re, an he surace enon hen by gf. ‘The Sl unit of surface tension s Nim. The dimensional formula of surface tension is (MUTI. Surface energy: The potential energy per unit area ofthe surface film is called the surface energy. Its the amount of work done in increasing the area of a surface film through unity under isothermal conditions: Werk done in the surface area Suce ena) = en elnaer ea The Sl unit of surface energy is Wim and dimension of surface eneray is (MT-I. ‘Theangle between tangent to the iqud surface atthe point of contact and solid surface inside theliquid,stermed as angle of contact ands denoted by 0. Conceptual Problems 1. Why does fre surface of aliquid behave ikea stretched membrane? Solution The molecules in the fee surface of aliquid experience inward force and asa result, the free surface of the liquid tends to acquire ‘minimum surface area thereby behaves like a stretched membrane. 2. What willbe the effect on the angle of contact of aliquid ifthe temperature increases? Solution Te angle of contact ofa liquids directly proportional tots temperature. Therefore, the angle of contact of aliquid increases as its temperature increases |. What effect does temperature have onthe surface tension of aliquid? Solution ‘The surface tension of liquid is inversely proportional ois temperature. Therefore, the surface tension af aliquid decreases with inctease of temperature or vce versa. ‘4 Surface tension of all lubricating oll and paints is kept low. Why? Solution Surface tension of ll lubricating lls and paints is kept low so thatthe lubricants and paints can spread over large area, 5. Why mercury does not wet glass? Solution The angle of contact between water and glass fs acute whereas the angle of contact between mercuty and glass is obtuse. Asa rule ifthe angle of contact between aliquid and a soli is acute it wets the solid and in case the angle of contact i obtuse, it does not wet. 6. How does the viscosity of gases depend upon temperature? Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES For gases, the coefiient of viscosity i directly proportional tothe square root of temperature: n= VF. 7. Two.drops of mercury when brought together conlesce into one. Why? Solution \When two drops of mercury is brought together, they coalesce into one because the surface eneray ofthe large drop i less than the total surface energy ofthe two small drops. Therefore, to attain astate of minimum energy the drops of mercury coalesce into ‘one when brought near each other Less isthe energy and more ithe stabilty '8. Aftask contains glycerin and the ther one contains water. Both ae tired rapidly and kept onthe table. In which flask wl the Hquld come to rest eater and why? Solution ‘The ask with glycerin comes to res faster because the viscosity of alyceride is more than the viscosity of water. Therefore, the layers of alycerin oppose the motion of alyceride with greater force than in case of water. Therefore, glyceride due to greater opposing {force between the various layers comes to rest faster than water. ‘Additional Problems 11. A spherical ball of radius 1 x 10 m and density 10* kg/m als freely under gravity through a distance h before entering a tank of water. f afterentering the water, the velocity ofthe ball does not change, find h, the coeficient of viscosity of water is 98 x 10*Ns/m? Solution Radius of pheral balls =1 104 me dens of spherical balls p= 10" g/m coef of vscosty of waters) =98 x 10° Nu density ofthe balis = 10° a/n. The velocity ofthe spherical Lal after fling freely Uough a height h willbe v= 29h ang The terminal veloty ofthe alts calculated as 2 (0-2)9" _ 210" 104) x98<104 _ 2x9%108 10% 7 9x 98x10" ar Substituting the values in Eq, (1), we get the height h traveled (in falling) by the ball under gravity before entering a tank of water asfoliows: =20ms. 2 Calculate the energy spentin spraying a drop of mercury of 1 cm radius nto 10% droplets, al of same size, Surface tension of mercury 1535 x 102m, Solution ‘Surface tension of mercury is $= 35 > 10" Nim; numberof small droplets is 10% radius of big drop is Ry = 1m = 0.01 m. Volume of big drop is obtained as, Vm $a $xxxi00r 4 Va Sxexiotee. Let be the radius each small drop. Therefor, the volume of the 10% small drops is given by Volume of 10" drops “Therefore, rom Eqs (1) and (2, we get v (fem x10) =f xast0¢ = 3 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI "Now the change in surface area of the drop willbe A= 108 4x8} ~ Anh 2 Ax{lO* x10 = 10] = 410 — 10-4] = 4x x 10-01-10) afi- ie x10? x 99 24 3.14107 x Bw ext03(t~ pb) detox 98 waar = 012m ‘The energy spentin spraying the drop i obtained as. X AA = 35% 10 0.1263 = 435109. 27 identical drops of water are fling down vertically in ar each with a terminal velocity 0.1 nv. they combine to form a single bigger drop, what wil be its terminal velocity? Solution Letthe radius of each small drop of water be. Terminal vlocy ofeach small rop fv =0.15 mis The termina veloc gen by _2te-0% i Let Re the radius ofthe bg drop. According tothe glen data, we have “ a ‘Volume of? big drop = Volume of 27 small drops Sgn) = 27x 4a Sant = 274 R= 278 = R=, The terminal velocity of the bigger drop i given by 2p -olg 4 Dividing Eq, (1) by E,2), we get the terminal velocity as 4am (8) == 97 = 90:15 m/s= 135m/s 4. Alm of waters formed between two straight paral wites each 10. long and at separation 0.5 cm, Caeulate the work required tolnreate | mm ditance between the wires, Surface tension of water = 72x 10+ Nim. Solution ‘Surface tension of water is S= 72 10° Nimrlength othe water fim i = 10 em; breadth af the water fim 8 = 05 em, ‘The water fi formed between the two wires has two re surfaces. Therefore the nial surface ara ofthe water flm=2 (1005) = ‘Wen. On increasing the distance between the two wites by 1 mi (= 0.1 em) the Breath ofthe wate fm becomes =05+01=06em ‘Therefore, the ral surface area ofthe water mis 12-10 2em?=2% 104m, Hence, the amount of work done obtained as W = 5 x AA = 72% 10 2% 104 = 144x104. ‘5. Aofindical vse fled wth water up to height of 2m stand ona horizontal pane The side wal of the ese has a plugged Greu- larhole thing the Bottom. Find the minimum dlaeter of the hole so that the vessel begin to move on the foo the plug removed. The coefficient of ction between the bottom ofthe vessel and the panei and total mas of water plus vessels 10g. Solution Height of waterin the vessels h= 2m; coefcent of ficion between the bottom ofthe vessel and the plane's = 04% mass of the water us vesselis M= 100k veloc of efx through the hole sv = gh. Therefore the distance traveled by waterinsisv = 29h. Let pbe the dest of water and Abe the ares of rose-secton ofthe hole Therefor the rat of momentum calculated 3s (eA, 25h) = 20hhp Acorn to Newtons secon law of motion the fore due othe vlc ffs given by 2ghp and the force on the vessel tsaveny 29h. The ves moves when the orc onthe vessels eal thee a clon. eee fae! cor secton of theholeaeskultedes 2ghAp = uMg SuM 04x10 1 = Bhp ~ Tx2x 1008 ~ 705 = O01 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET 26 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘As the hole is crcularby nature, we have jen <2 0 [ - EH -omn {6 Water froma tap emerges vertically downward with an initial speed of 1.0 rvs The cross-sectional area ofthe tap is 10m? Assume thatthe pressure is constant throughout the stream of water, and that the flow Is steady. What is the cross-sectional aea ofthe steam0.15 mbelow the tap? Solution ‘The velocity of water when emerges from the tap vertically downward i v = 1.0 m/s cross-sectional area of the tap sa, = 10-4; height h= 0.15 m; acceleration due to gravity is g= 9.8 mvs. Using Bernoulls principle, we have Radel + gh = B+ Jed + 9h. Since P, =P, wehave 1 1 Jitan= Jd ooh Iya i= pa + 9th—m = b= vi + 20h -n)= eb + agh at, = TSIEN PT In SE RET M EST » ihn From the equation of continuity the cross-sectional area ofthe steam 0.15 m below the tapi calculated as olows: an = a, = 0 = M8 Explain why () the angle of contact of mercury with gas is obtuse, while that of water with gas s acute? (b) water ona clean «lass surface tends to spread out while mercury onthe same surface tends to form drop? (Put efferent, water wets glass while mercury doesnot) (surface tension of liquids independent ofthe area othe surface? (water with detergent dsolved int should have smal angles of contact. ea drop of quid under no external forces is always sphercalin shape. (wcenT) Solution {a) The angle between the tangent to the qu surface atthe point of contact andthe surface inside the quis called the angle of contact (0), as shown in Fig, 9.13. The respective interfacial tensions between the iui, soli, and slid-guid intertaces axe, Sy and 5, respectively Attheline of contact the surface forces betwen the thre media must be in equiv, that cos = Sz The ange of contact 0s obtuse 5, <5, asin the case of mercury on gas) This angles acute 5, <5, (asin the ease of water on oes). Mercury molecules wich make an obtuse angle with las) have two forces: (1 strong force of atracton between themselves and (2) a weak force of atacton toward the slds. Hence, they tend to form drops. Howevet, water molecules make acute ‘angles with las. They have a weak force of ataction between themselves and a strong force of attraction toward sols Hence they tend to spread out. (c) Surface tension isthe fore acting per unit length at the interface between the plane of aliquid and any other surface. This force isindependent ofthe area ofthe liquid surface. Therefore, the surface tension tao independent ofthe area ofthe gud surface. (4) Water with detergent dissolved init has small angles of contact (0) due tothe reason that fora small there ia fast cpilary 1se ofthe detergent inthe cloth. The capa tise of liquids directly proportional othe cosine of the angle of contac (0). 1f0is smal cos willbe age and the ise of the detergent water the cloth willbe ast {6} Aliguid tends to acquire the minimum surface area due tothe presence of surface tension The surface area ofa sphere ithe minimum fora gven volume. Hence, liquid drops take spherical shape under no external forces. Se Mercury on glass Water on glass Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI ', Fllin the blanks using the word(s) fom thelist appended with each statement (a) Surface tension of liquids generally. with temperatures (increases/decreases. (b} Viscosity ofgases__with temperature, whereas viscosity of liquids with temperature (increases/decreases (el. For solids with elastic modulus of rigidity, the shearing force is proportional to while fo fluids itis proportional to (shear straivtate of shear strain). (2) Fora uidin a steady flow, the increase inflow speed at aconstition follows (conservation of mass/Bernoull's principe). {@) For the model ofa plane ina wind tunnel, turbulence occurs at a speed for turbulence for an actual plane (greater? simale) (wcerT) Solution Since the surface tension ofa iquidis inversely proportional othe temperature, surface tension of iquids generally decreases with temperatures, "Most fluids offer resistance to their motion, whichis known as Viscosity. Viscosity of gases increases with temperature, whereas viscosity of iquids decreases with temperature. With reference tothe elastic modulus of rigility for solids the shearing force ls proportional tothe shear strain. With reference te the elastic modulus of rigidity fr fluids, the shearing force i proportional tothe rate of shear strain. Fora steady flowing ud an increase in it flow speed ata constriction follows both eanservation of mass and Bemoulls principe. For the model of a plane in a wind tunnel, turbulence occurs ata greater speed than it does for an actual plane. This follows fiom Bernoulli principle and different Reynolds numbers are associated withthe motions ofthe two planes. 1. AU-shaped witeis dipped ina soap solution andl removed. The thin soap film formed between the wire and the ligt slider supports ‘a weight of 15 10 N (which Includes the small weight ofthe sider The length ofthe sliders 30 cm What is the surface tension ofthe film? (NCERT) Solution ‘The weight thatthe soap flm supports W/= 1.5 10? N; length of the sider is = 30 em =0:3 m.A soap flm comprises two free surfaces. Therefore the total length = 2/= 203 = 06 m. Surface tension ofthe flm s calculated a follows: arweight a 110. Explain why a) to keep a piece of paper horlzontal, you should blow ver, not under it? (b) when we try to close a water tap with ‘ur fingers, fas jets of water gush through the openings between our fingers? () the size of the needle ofa syringe controls ow rate better than the thumb pressure exerted by a doctor while administering an injection? (4) afd lowing out ofa smal hole in ‘vessel results in a backward thrust onthe vessel (ca spinning cricket ballin ar doesnot follow a parabolic trajectory? (NCERT) ‘Solution (a). When airis blown beneath @ paper, the velocity of aris higher under the paper than it is above it. According to Bernoulli's principle, atmospheric pressure reduces beneath the paper. This makes the paper fll To keep a piece of paper horizontal, ‘we should blow overt, which Increases the velocity of air above the paper. According to Bernoulls principle, atmospheric pressure reduces above the paper and the paper remains horizontal {©} According tothe equation of continuity, we have ‘Area x Velocity = Constant Fora smaller opening, the velocity of flow ofa fui is higher than itis when the opening I bigger. When we ty to closea tap cof water with our fingers, fast ets of water flow through the openings between our fingers due tothe reason that very small ‘openings are left forthe water to flow out of the pipe. Hence, area and velocity ae inversely proportional teach other. (@)_Thesmall opening ofa syringe needle controls the velocity ofthe bload flowing out which s based onthe equation of continuity. As the area of cross-section ofthe needles small compared to that ofthe thumb, the pressure exerted at the tip ofthe needle Islarge. Asa resul the flow rate is controled better by the needle. (4) While a uid flows out from a small hole in a vessel, the vessel receives a backward thrust. A fluid lowing out from a smal hole hasa large velocity according tothe equation of continulty: s= fon 15103 825x107 Wim. ‘rea x Velocity = Constant ‘Nso as per the law of conservation of momentum, the vessel attains a backward velocity as there are no external forces acting fon the system, {e} Aspinning cricket ball has two concurrent motions: (1) rotatory motion and (2) and linear motion. These two types of motions ‘oppose the elect ofeach other. This decreases the velocity of ir flowing below the ball. Hence, the pressure onthe upper side of the ball becomes lesser than that on the lower side. An upward force acts upon the ball Therefore, the ball takes a curved path, Itdoes not follow a parabolic path 11. Glycerin flows steady through a horizontal tube of length 15m and radius 1.0 em. the amount of glycerin collected per second at ‘one end is 40 10” ka/s, whats the pressure diference between the two ends ofthe tube? (Density of glycerin = 1.35108 kg/m* and viscosity of glycerin = 083 Pa-s) (NcERT) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Length ofthe horizontal tube is = 15 ms radius of the tube is r= 1 cm=0,01 my diameter of the tube is d= 2r = 0.02 m; rate of flow of glycerin is 4.0 10" kas. The amount of glycerin collected per second at one end is M =-4.0 x 10°>kg/s: density of glycerin {is p= 1.3% 10° kg/m’; Viscosity of glycerin Is 7) = 0.83 Pas; volume ofthe glycerin low per second Is obtained as M 40X10? «309 x 1 ms, Mo ADKIO? «308x104 ‘According to Poise’ formula, the rate of low given by 108 «10 8X OBS«1S _ og, mx(ooy | AX OP Reynolds numberis obtained by a-ay dq Fx (002)x083 Since the Reynolds number's 03, the low is aminar 1. What Is the presure inside the drop of mercury ofradus 3.00 mm at room temperature? Surface tension of mercury at that temperate (20°C is 4.65 «10! Nim The atmospheric pressure 1.01 10° Pa. Also give the excess pressure inside the drop. wcert) Solution Radius of the mercury drop fs =3.00 mm-=3 x 10% m: surface tension of mercury is S= 465 x 10" Nim atmospheric pressure is Py= 101% 10° Pa Total pressure inside the mercury drop = Excess pressure Inside mercury + Atmospheric pressure +101 10 = 101315 mPa Excess pressures calculated as 113, What Is the excess pressure Inside a bubble of soap solution of radius 5.00 mm, given thatthe surface tension of soap solution atthe temperature (20 °C) is 250% 10 N/m? If an air bubble of the same dimension were formed at depth of 40.0 cm inside a ‘container containing the soap solution (of relative density 1.20), what would be the pressure inside the bubble? (1 atmospheric ressureis 1.01 x 10°Pa). (NCERT) Solution Excess pressure inside the soap bubble s 20 Pa pressure inside the air bubble i 1.06 x 10°Pa; soap buble i of radius = 5.00 mm = '5 10" m; surface tension of the soap solution is 5=2.50 x 10 Nim; relative density of the soap solution is 120. Therefore, the density ofthe soap solution is p= 1.2% 10? kg/m’. Air bubble formed at a depth is h= 40 em =04 m; adius ofthe alr Bubble is r=5 mm=5 107 m; 1 atmospheric pressure = 1.01 x 10° Pa; acceleration due to gravity Is g=9 mV. The excess pressure inside the soap bubble is calculated as 45 _ 4425x107 a_i ‘The excess pressure inside the ar bubbles calculated as 225 225x102 | Peni ore ‘Ata depth of 04m, the pressure inside the air bubble s calculated as follows: ‘The total pressure inside the ar bubble = Atmospheric pressure + hog + P° = 101X105 +04 x 1.2% 10" x 9.8 +10 = 1.057 «10° Pa = 1.06 x10" Pa, ‘n Milka’ i drop experiment, what i the terminal speed of an uncharged drop of radius 20 x 10 m and density 12x 10° kg/m, Take the viscosity of air at the temperature ofthe experiment to be 1.8 x 10° Pas, How much Is the viscous force onthe drop at that speed? Neglect buoyancy ofthe drop due tai. (NCERT) Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Solution Terminal speed is 5.8 cms viscous force Is 3.9 10-" N: rads ofthe given uncharged drop r= 2.0 10% m; density ofthe uncharged drop is p= 1.2% 10° kg/m’ viscosity of air fs 9 = 1.8 10" Pars. Density of ar) can be taken a8 zero inorder to neglect buoyancy of at. Acceleration due to gravity, g = 918 mis Terminal velocity v ofthe ol opis calculated a5 follows: = PAB e200 2107221012958 5407 102 ws = 58 cms. Hence the terminal speed ofthe drop is 5.8 cm/s. The viscous force onthe drop is calculated as follows F = Grp = 6 x3.14 x18 x10 x20 x 105 x58 x10 =39%10-"N Hence the viscous force onthe drops 39x 10-*N, 115, Mercury hasan angle of contact equal to 140” with soda ime glass narrow tube of radius 1.00 mm made ofthis gas is dipped in a trough containing mercury By what amount does the mercury dip down inthe tube relative tothe liquid surface outside? Surface tension of mercury a the temperature ofthe experiment is 465 Nim. Density of mercury = 13.610 kg/m. (NCERT) Solution “Angle of contact between mercury and soda lime glass is 0= 140 radi of the nartow tubes r= 1 mm =1 x 10-m surface ten- sion of mercury at the given temperatures §=0.465 Nm; density of mercury, p= 136 10° kgf. Acceleration due to gravity, .9=98 m/.The height (tha the mercury dps down in the tube relative to the liquid surface outside is calculated as follows a AOI, yn 25050 20465 xc05140 5 * peas = rpg ~ Tx 10 «136 x10" x95 ‘The negative sign indicates the decreasing level of mercury. Hence, the mercury level dps by 5:34 mm. = -000534m = -5.34 mm. 116. Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-tube open at both ends. Ifthe U-tube contains ‘water, whats the difference ints levels in the two limbs ofthe tube? Surface tensch of water atthe temperature of the experiment is 73 x 10 Nim. Take the angle of contact tobe zero and density of water to be 1.0 x 10° kg/m? (g= 98 m/s". (NCERT) Solution Diameter ofthe fst bore isd, =3.0 mm=3> 10 mand hence the radius ofthe fist bores 4215x109 m, ae hersno Diameter ofthe second bore sd, =60 mand hence the ads ofthe econ bores ae Gesx0im Surface tendon of waters 3=73 102 Nim angle of contact betwen the bore suitace and water sm 0; ens of waters ‘p= LD 0 gi aceleration due to gai, g=918 meth and be the heights fs of wate nthe ist ond second tubes respective which are ven by _ Beas apg” r5cos0 8 from Eqs.) and 2 he ference between the levels of aterin the twolimbs ofthe Utube calculated as folows eos 2560 _ 25086121 “09 ers Tt0he98 [1S*TO 3K gure 94a shows a thin qu fim supporting 2 small weght = 45x 107 N. What the welght supported by lm ofthe same gud atthe same temperature Fg 9.14, Explain your answer ysl. (cen) nae Figure 9.14 = 4.966 x 10° m= 497 mm = S mmm, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Solution From Fig. 9.14 the length of the liquid fl supported by the weight is obtained as = 40 em theflm is W'=45 x 10° N. There are two free surfaces fo aliquid fim, Therefore, W _ 45x107 Surface tension = Mf = 4510" «5.625 10 Wim, In Fig. 9.14a,b¢, the liquid the same, Temperature Is also the same for each case. Hence, the surfece tension in Fig. 9.140 isthe ‘same asin Fig. 9.140, that i, 5.625 x 10" Nim. As the length ofthe film inal the cases f 4 cm the weight supported in each case i645 100, Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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