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Learning evidence 3 - Weather forecast

English III
I. Look at the image about the weather this week. Then write 5 true
sentences about how the weather will be next week (1 point each – 5

Example: On Sunday, it will probably rain.

1. The next Thursday it will be cloudy_______

2. _On Saturday, it won´t be cold__________

3. _The week it will be wet and cloudy _____

4. _On Tuesday, it will probably rain________

5. ____Today Friday it will be rain in the night_

Helping people with disabilities

II. Write 5 sentences about your plans on how you are going to help
people with disabilities (1 point each – 5 total).

Example: I am going to be a sing language interpreter.

1. _I am going to teach to childs with disabilitis ina school tomorrow.

2. _I going to ask for language lessons ____________________

3. _I am going to help at the disability center all week_________

4. _I going to learn to do different activities for they___________

5. _I going to buy a computer games and songs to teach and play with

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