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LINGUAPHONE ITALIAN COURSE VOCABULARIES AND TEXT OF SOUNDS RECORD LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE PREFACE (Translation of the Preface in the illustrated text-book.) An ideal system of instruction for the learning of a foreign language should fulfil the following essential conditions: x. It should be suitable for private or self-tuition as well as for class-work, and should conform to the best methods of modern language instruction. 2. It should impart a practical conversational knowledge of everyday subjects, while at the same time it should also convey, in a clear and concise manner, the essentials of grammar and syntax. 3. It should enable the learner to think in the foreign language, without any process of translation, by training him from the very outset to associate the foreign words he encounters with the objects or actions they denote. He will thus acquire the ability to speak the language naturally and instinctively —-in the same way as he learned his own language when a child. 4. Finally, the learner should be taught to speak the foreign language with correct accent and intonation, The Linguaphone Method of teaching languages by means of specially prepared language records and text-books admirably fulfils all these requirements. Linguaphone Courses are now published in more than twenty languages and are in use in practically every country, while leading universities, colleges and schools throughout the world have incorporated them in their curriculum. THE ITALIAN COURSE The Linguaphone Italian Course is equally suitable for chil- dren and adults, for entire beginners and for those who have a theoretical knowledge of the language and wish to become profi- cient in the spoken language. The Course consists of descriptive talks and conversations which have been recorded on fifteen double-sided records. There is also a special Sounds record spoken by Prof. Marcello Pagnini, Dottore in lingue, Lettore d’inglese, Facolta di Lingue, Universit di Pisa. The text is in easy-flowing and perfectly natural idiomatic language which would be used by educated people under similar circumstances, Practical grammar is introduced into the text of each lesson and is absorbed by the student as he goes along. The companion books which go with the Course give detailed explana- tions of grammatical points, idioms and so on. The illustrations, which have been specially drawn by the well-known artist Herbert Gwynn, form an integral part of, and perform an important func- tion in, the Course. Full particulars as to the use of the books in conjunction with the records are giyen in the Students’ Instructions supplied with the Course. SPEAKERS In order to enable the student to follow easily the words spoken by the records, the first lessons are spoken very slowly and distinctly, the rate of speech increasing as the Course pro- gresses, so that in the more advanced lessons a perfectly natural rate of speech is heard. Seven speakers have taken part in the recording of the Course, namely: Prof. ROLANDO ANZILOTTI, Dottore in lettere, Lettore dinglese, Facolta di Magistero, Universita di Firenze; Signora ANNA ARAGNO; Prof. CESARE CECIONI, Dottore in lettere; Prof. MARCELLO PAGNINI, Dottore in lingue, Lettore d’inglese, Facolta di Lingue, Universita di Pisa; Prof. EDGARDO MERCANTI, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Londra; Dott. FRANCESCA PRIULI-BON; Conte RICCARDO PRIULI-BON. The first few lessons are spoken by the same two speakers, so that the student may concentrate on the new sounds of the langnage without being confused by the introduction of too many different voices. Once he has become familiar with the sounds, he will find it pleasing and stimulating to hear new voices. Inasmuch as no two speakers of a language speak alike, aifferences will be found in the pronunciation of the speakers, but every one of them can be accepted as a safe model for the general student, while for those who make a special study of phonetics, the various differences of detail will provide ample scope for study. EXTRA READING PRACTICE Supplementary Reading Exercises will be found at the end of the illustrated text-book. These passages will show the student how, without going beyond the scope of the lessons, he can adapt the material he has learned to form quite different sentences and 4 describe a wide variety of events and circumstances. They are also an excellent revision test, because, if the student has really mastered the lessons, he should be able to read the Supplementary Exercises without difficulty and without having to consult the Vocabulary. The student who masters this Course will have acquired a thoroughly practical knowledge of the Italian language, both written and spoken. Not only will he have a good grasp of the grammar, but he will also have at his command a store of useful words*, colloquial expressions and idiomatic sentences, which will enable him to enjoy to the full his contacts with Italian people. At the same time, he will be able to understand and appreciate Italian thought as expressed in the literature of the country. * The vocabulary has been based primarily on standard word-frequency counts, z CONTENTS Page Titles of the Lessons in the Illustrated Text-book ... 8 Notes on the Vocabularies... rt ae oe oa Io List of Abbreviations es isp 12 Collateral Vocabulary ... see ie La ov ane 13 Italian Pronunciation 0.0. eee eae 6S Notes on the Vowels and Consonants, Stress and Accent... 68 Text of the Sounds Record... wes ate on ae 70 Vocabulary to the Sounds Record. eee 75 English-Italian Alphabetical Vocabulary... ... 0... 78 TITLES OF THE LESSONS Let’s Speak Italian—Part I Introduction Let’s Speak Italian—Part IT Introduction My Family Lesson 1 Conversation about the Family ope Our House ” 3 Conversation about the House fen ee Our Sitting-Room He 28 Conversation OB Comparisons 7 Another Conversation 8 A Visit a) Having Tea » 10 The Dining-Room ae Table Talk IB My Bedroom = IS Morning and Evening ee | At the Hotel » 15 Booking a Room on 20: At the Restaurant gir TD Dinner at the Restaurant a 18) Numbers, Time, Dates » 19 Days and Months. Telling the Time tir 20 Italian Money » 20 At the Bank 22 Postal Services 23 At the Post Office 24 Travelling 25 At the Station » 26 Travelling by Air and Sea jas A Short Sea-Crossing » 28 A Street in Milan Asking the Way Bird’s Eye View of Rome Farewell to Rome The Large Stores Shopping The Tailor and the Dressmaker Ordering a Suit The Tobacconist Buying Cigarettes The Barber and the Hairdresser At the Hairdresser’s The Seasons Sports and Games Holidays in the Country Work in the Fields Holidays Planning a Holiday The Car Trouble with the Car Commerce and Industry Talking Business The Doctor, the Dentist, the Chemist A Visit to the Doctor’s Radio and Television Broadcasts Theatres, Cinemas, Variety Shows At the Theatre A Brief Account of Italian Literature 9 Lesson 29 30 3r 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 42 43 (x) 43 (2) 44 (1) 44 (2) 45 (1) 45 (2) 46 (1) 46 (2) 47 (t) 47 (2) 48 (2) 48 (2) 49 (1) 49 (2) 50 NOTES ON THE VOCABULARIES The object of the collateral vocabulary is to enable students using the Italian Course to ascertain the meaning of the text of the lessons with ease and without having to consult a dictionary, For that purpose the words and phrases of the text appear in the vocabulary in the order in which they occur in the text, so that the vocabulary can be used side-by-side with the text-book and the student can, should he require to do so, translate the text of the lessons as he goes along. Generally speaking, words are shown in the vocabulary as they appear in the text. If a word is given in brackets, it means that that word does not appear in the text or, at least, does not appear in that particular form. In the case of verbs, the infinitive is added underneath in brackets, e.g. parliamo, let us speak, is followed by (patlare, to speak). All verbs are given in this way until Lesson 20 has been reached. After this, the infinitive is only added in the case of irregular verbs, unless there is some special reason as, for instance, a spelling change. The stress on the infinitives of rst and 3rd conjugation verbs is always regular, i.e. on the penultimate syllable: e.g. an‘dare, finire, With some 2nd conjugation verbs, however, the stress may be on the syllable before the penultimate. As there is no rule to indicate when this happens, the stress mark is added in the case of such infinitives not spoken on the record and occurring in the Vocabulary for the first time: e.g. ‘essere (Introduction, Part 1); ri/spondere (Introduction, Part 2). If a noun or adjective occurs in the text in the plural and the singular is not given in the vocabulary, the student can assume that the singular ends in -o (for a masculine word) or -a (for a feminine word), Otherwise, the singular is always added in brackets. For idioms and idiomatic phrases, the literal meaning of each word is given first, followed by the free translation of the phrase as a whole. Where no exact English equivalent exists, the closest rendering possible is given. As a general rule, words once given in the vocabulary are not repeated, unless such repetition appears useful. It must be pointed out that the English translations given in this vocabulary are the correct meanings of the Italian words in 10 the particular context in which they appear, with, in some cases, the addition of a further common rendering, but it is obviously impossible to indicate all the interpretations of any given word in a book of this scope. There is probably hardly a word in any highly developed language which is not capable of bearing two or more different meanings, according to the context in which it is used. Thus the Italian word parte is translated by ‘part’ in the Introduction, because that is what it means there, but it does not follow that it can always be so translated, or that the English word “ part’ can always be rendered by parte; both the Italian and the English words have several meanings which must be rendered by different words in the respective languages. The alphabetical section of the vocabulary will be found most useful for the purposes of composition, in which connection what has been said above regarding the varying meanings of words in different contexts should be borne in mind. In cases of doubt, some indication is usually given so that the student will know in what sense a word is used, e.g. under country will be found the meanings ‘‘campagna’’ and ‘‘paese ’’ with the indication that the latter word refers to a nation. If the student is still in doubt, he can check the meaning of the word in a good dictionary. Compound nouns, idiomatic expressions and phrases will be found under one or other of their main components. For example, spare wheel will be found under wheel; foreign currency will be found under currency, and so on. The greatest care has been exercised in the compilation of this booklet, but in the event of errors being found in it we shall be grateful if these are pointed out to us, and any suggestions for the improvement of the vocabulary will be welcomed and given care- ful consideration for future editions. ABBREVIATIONS adj. adjective adv. adverb approx. approximately conj conjunction f. feminine inter}. interjection inv. invariable lit. literally n. masculine pl. plural prep. preposition pron. pronoun sing. . singular subi. \ subjunctive TRODUZIONE PARTE 1° Parliamo italiano * introduzione (f.), introduction parliamo, let us speak (parlare, to speak) italiano (m.), Italian parte (f.), prima (f.), first buongiorno, good day (good morning, oe afternoon) =signore) (m.), Mr.; sir ten (=bene}, well arrivato (m.), arrived arrivato, welcome; glad to see you mi, me; to me; myself ascolti, listen (ascoltare, to listen to) mi ascolti, listen to me ora, now io, I sono, (I) am essere, to be) ()insegnante (m,), (the) teacher lei (polite form), “you Joi &, you are (essere, to be) (’allievo, o ), non, not lei non &, you are not parlo, (I) speak; (I) am speaking (parlare, to speaks) questa (f.), this é, is (essere, to be) una (f.), a; an; one tavola ({.), table questo (m.), this un (m.), a; an; one (the) pupil il (m.), the sul (=su+il) (m.), on the sulla (=su+la) (f,), on the la (£), the nel (=in+il) (m.), in the salotto (m.), sitting-room seduto (m.), sitting; seated su, on sedia (f.), chair davanti (a), before; in front (of) alla (=a+la) (£.), to the; at the davanti alla tavola, in front of the table (here: at the table) ha, you have (avere, to have) libro (m.), book in, in mano (f.), hand in mano, in your band guarda, you are looking at; you look at (guardare, to lool at) ascolta, you are listening to; you listen to {ascoltare, to listen to) impara, you are learning; you learn (imparare, to learn) a, to; at; in capire, to understand leggere, to read e, and scrivere, to write Ientamente, slowly quando, when capisce, (you) understand fei mi capisce, you understand me rapidamente, quickly grammofono (2m.), gramophone lei non mi capisce, you do not under- disco (m,), record stand me INTRODUZIONE PARTE 20 seconda (f.), second come, how sta, (you) are (stare, to be; stand; stay) come sta?, how are you? issimo, very well; excellent grazie (f," pl.), thanks; thank you risponda (a), answer; reply (ri’spondere a, to answer; reply to) r, by; to; in order to Rveme (eu): eran iiadages per favore, please alle (=a+le) (f. pl), to the mie (f pl.), my domande (f. pl), questions risponda ora, per fayore, alle mie do- mande, ‘now please answer my questions chi, who 9, or é lei, you are sono io, I am sono Italiano, io?, am 7 Italian? sissignore, yes sir (Introd. 2*-1) e lei, & Italiano?, and are you Italian? nossignore, no sir sa, (you) know; know how (sapere, to know) lei sa parlare Vitaliano?, can you speak _ Italian? si, yes poco (m.), little pochissimo (m.), very little che?, what? cosa’ (f.), thing quello (m.), that che cosa & quello?, what is that? dov’e? (=dove @?), where is it? che cosa ha?, what have you got? (avere, to have) ho, I have anche, also esso (m.), it 2 questo, 2 anch’esso un libro?, and is this a book too? no, no codesto (m.), that che cosa ascolta?, what are you listen- ing to? ascolto, I am listening to; I listen ta (ascoltare, to listen to) guardo, I'am looking at; 1 look at (guardare, to look at) sta imparando?, are you learning? (stare imparando, to be learning) sto imparando, I am learning mi capisce?, do you understand me? la (polite form), you capisco, I understand (capire, to understand) la capisco, I understand you 1° LEZIONE La mia famiglia prima (i.), first lezione (f.), lesson la (£.), the mia (i), my famiglia (f.), family la mia famiglia, my family ecco, here is; here are moglie (f.), wife mio (m.), my figlio (m.}, son figlia (f.), daughter ed, and io, I sono, (I) am (essere, to be) signor (=signore) (m.), Mr.; sir 8, is (essere, to be) signora (f.), Mrs.; lady; madam marito (m.), husband della (=di+la) (£.), of the della signora Bianchi, of Mrs. Bianchi io sono il marito delia signora Bianchi, T am Mrs, Bianchi’s husband un (m,), a; an; one uomo (m.), man una (f.), a; an; one donna (f.), woman abbiame, we have (avere, to have) due, two bambini (m. pl.), children maschio (m.), male (child), ie. boy e, and femmina (f.), female (child), ie. girl si, himself; herself; itself; yourself (polite); themselves; "yourselves (polite) chiamano, they call (chiamare, to call) si chiamano, they are called ero, Peter Maria, Mary ha, has (avere, to have) dodici, twelve anni (m. pl.), years ha dodici anni, is twelve years old otto, eight suo (m.), bis; her; its padre (m.), father sua (f.), his; her; its madre (£.), mother sono, (they) are (essere, to be) (m. pl.), the ei (m. ‘pl.), my figli (m, pl. of figlio), children i loro (m.), their essi (m. pl.), they i nostri (m. pl.), our noi, we siamo, (we) are (essere, to be) i loro (m. pl.), their genitori (m. pl. of genitore), parents seduto (m.), seated (sitting) in, inj on . poltrona (f.), armchair in poltrona, in an armchair fumo, (I) am smoking; (I) smoke (fumare, to smoke) sigaretta (f.), cigarette anche, also; too seduta (f.), seated (sitting) essa (£.), she; it leggendo, reading (leggere, ta read) sta leggendo, is reading libro (m.), book piedi (m. pl. of piede), feet in piedi, standing accanto (a), next (to); beside; by alla (=a+la) (f.), at the; to the finestra (f.), window (2) aécanto alla finestra, beside the win- dow; by the window accarezza, (she) is stroking; (she) strokes (acearezzare, to stroke) cane (m.), dog guarda, (she) is looking at; (she) looks at (guardare, to look at) gatto (m.), cat in ginocchioni, kneeling sul (=su+ il)’ (m.), on the pavimento (m.), floor gioea, (he) is playing; (he) plays (giocare, to play) con, with if suo (m.), his; ber; its trenino (m.), toy train 2" LEZIONE Domande ¢ risposte seconda (i.), second domande (7. pl.), questions risposte (f. pl.), replies; answers ho chi, wi lei (polite form), you come, how si chiama, calls himself; is called (chiamarsi, to be called) come si chiama mio figlio?, what is my son's name? suo figlio si chiama Piero, your son’s name is Peter; your son is called Peter suo (m.), your (polite) sua (f.), your (polite) e fei, come si chiama?, and what is your name? io mi chiamo, my name is Antonio, Anthony quanti (m. pl.), how many ne, of it; of them; some; any; some of it; some of them; any of it; any of em ne ha due, you have two non, not io non ne ho, I have none; I have not any quanti anni ha mio figlio?, how old is my son? egli (m.), he e lei, quanti anni ha?, and how old are you? trenta, thirty io ho trent’anni, I am thirty fratelli (m. pl.),, brothers Piero ha fratelli?, has Peter any brothers? non ha fratelli, he has no brothers; he hasn’t any’ brothers sorella (f.), sister che?, che cosa?, what? fa, does; is doing (fare, to do) che cosa fa mia moglie?, what is my wife doing? legge, she is reading; she reads (leggere, to read) sta... 2 is she? (stare, to be; stand; stay) & seduta o sta in piedi?, is she sitting or (is she) standing? e Piero, @ seduto?, and is Peler sitting? no, no sta, he is fuma, he is smoking; he smokes (fumare, to smoke) 3° LEZIONE La nostra casa terza (f.), third la nostea (f.), our casa (f.), house quasi, almost tutti (m. pl.), everyone nelle (=in+le) (f. pl.), in the grandi (pl. of grande), large; big: great citta (f.), city (-ies);' town(s) no, (they) live (abitare, to live) tutti. . . abitano, everyone lives; all people live appartamenti (m. pl), fats; apart. ments ma, but qui, here a, in; to; at Milano (f.), Milan abitiamo, (we) live (abitare, 40 live) periferia’ (f.), boundary; periphery; suburb alla perifetia, in the suburbs; on the outskirts villetta (f.), small house casetta (f.), small house piano (m.), floor; storey 2 un piano, with one floor; with one storey pianterreno (m.), ground floor primo (m,), first al (=a+il) (m.), to the; at the; in the al pianterreno, on the ground floor oltre, besides; in addition to anticamera (f.), entrance ball cucina (f.), kitchen; cooking ci sono, there are stanze (f. pl.), rooms stanza (£.), room da, for; by; from pranzo (m.), dinner la stanza da’ pranzo, the dining-room salotto (m.), sitting-room le (£. pl.), the camere (f. pl.), rooms fetto (m.), bed camere da letto, bedrooms (/if, rooms for bed) bagno (m.), bath (Aere: bathroom) gabinetto (m.), toilet; Javatory al primo piano, on the first floor entrando, (on) entering (entrare, to enter) vediamo, we sce (vedere, to see) attaccapanni (m.), hall-stand per, for; by; to; in order to cappelli' (m. pl.), bats soprabiti (m. pl.), overcoats; coats portombrelli (m.), umbrella-stand gli (m. pl.), the ombrelli pl.), umbrellas sul davanti, in front piccolo (m.), small; little giardino (m.), garden dove, where coltiviamo, we grow; we cultivate (coltivare, to grow; cultivate; till) dei (=di+i) (m. pl.), some fiori (m. pl. of fiore), flowers rose (f. pl.), roses tulipani (m. pl.), tulips garofani (m. pl.), carnations; pinks gigli (m. pl. of giglio), lilies ccc, (=eccetera), etc. (etcetera) dietro, behind 8, there is altro (m.), other pit, more pitt grande, larger aiola (£), flower-bed alcuni (m. pl.), some; a few alberi (m. pl.), trees frutto (m.), fruit alberi da frutto, fruit trees anche, also; even orto (m.), kitchen-garden piantiamo, we plant (piantare, to plant) ogni, every sorta (f.), kind; sort di, of ortaggi (m. pl. of ortaggio), vegetables patate (f. pl.), potatoes cipolle (f. pl.), onions pomodori (m. pl.), tomatoes cayoli (m. pl.), cabbages cavolfiori (m. pl. of cavolfiore), cauli- flowers ancora, again; still; yet altro ancora, others also muro (m.), wall cancello (m.), gate 4° LEZIONE Conversazione quarta ({.), fourth . Conversazione (f.), conversation sa, you know (how) (sapere, to know) dirmi, to tell me (dire, to tell; say) sa dirmi?, can you tell me? si, yes ‘ abiia, (you) live (abitare, to live) benissimo, very well; excellent mi, me; to me; myself dica, tell (dire, to tell; say) mi dica, tell me ora, DOW ©, or piccola (f.), small; little direi, I should say (dire, to say; tell) che, that non né.. . né, neither . - molto, very non @ né molto grande, né molto pic- cola, it is neither very large nor . nor very small locali (m. pl. of locale), rooms; pre- mises vi sono?, are there? nella (=in+la) (f.), in the vediamo, let's see (vedere, to see) uno (m.), one; a; an tre, three quattro, four cinque, five sei, six tutto (m.), all in tutto, altogether compresa (f.), including; included (com'prendere, to include; understand) superiore, upper al piano superiore, on the upper floor; upstairs che?, what? sicuro, certainly avete, you have (avere, to have) addirittura, actually; as 4 matter of fact tanti (m. pl,), (so) many quello (m.), that molti (m. pl.), many soltanto, only proposito (m.), subject a proposito, by the way le (polite form), to you piace, it pleases; it is pleasing (piacere, to please) frutta (f.), fruit le piace la frutta?, do you like fruit? (Zit. does fruit please you?) naturalmente, naturally mi piace molto, I like it very much soprattutto, especially; above all mele (f. pl.), apples pere (f. pl.), pears susine (f. pl.), plums uva (£.), grapes fichi (m. pl. of fico), figs 5* LEZIONE Il nostro salotto quinta (£.), fifth il nostro (m.), our nel (=in+il) (m.), in the cosa (f.), thing per prima cosa, first of all fronte (f.), front di fronte a, in front of; facing; opposite noi, us; wo tea, between; amid; in caminetto (m.), fireplace pianoforte (m.), piano davanti (a), before; in front (of) piano (m.), piano; plain; plane; plan sgabello (m.), stool lestra (f.), right a destra, on the right dello (=di+lo) (m,), of the strumento (m.), instrument scaffale (m.), bookcase; bookshelf; set of bookshelves; cabinet musica (f.), music scaffale per la musica, music cabinet sinistra (f.), left a sinistra, on the leit lampada (f.), lamp elettrica (f.), electric piano del caminetto, mantelpiece che, which marmo (m.), marble 1B2 G-6) orologio (m.), clock; watch pendolo (m.), pendulum orologio a pendolo, (pendulum-)clock candelabri (m. pl.), branched candle- sticks parte (f.), side; end; part uno per parte, one on each side; one at each end questi (m. pl.), these; the latter specchio (m.), mirror tocca, touches; reaches (toceare, to touch; reach) soffitto (m.), ceiling vetri (m. pl.), glass; windows; panes scaffale a vetri, bookcase with glass doors pieno, full opposta (f.), opposite della. parte ‘opperta, ou the ipposits side proprio, exactly; right; just; really sotto, under; beneath vecchia (f.), old cassapanca (f.), (wooden) chest quercia (£.), oal fa... . da, serves as; acts as (fare da, to serve as; act as) sedile (m.), scat fa... da sedile, serves as a seat camino (m.), fireplace divano (m.), divan; settee dei (m. pl.), some cuscini (m. pl.), cushions mezzo (m.), middle; half in mezzo (a), in the middle (of) tavolino (m.}, small table vicino, near (by) comoda (f.), comfortable; convenient soffice, soft tappeto (m.), carpet copre, covers (coprire, to cover) 6" LEZIONE Conversazione tra il maestro e l’allieyo sesta (f.), sixth maestro (m.), teacher; master (@)allievo. (m.), (the) pupil ce n’é uno, there is one dentro, in (it); inside; within; therein; herein ce ne sono molti, there are many quanti ce ne sono?, how many are there? precisamente, exactly lo (m.), it; him so, I know (sapere, to know) non Io so, I don't know davvero, really; indeed; in truth fi (m, pl.), them ho, (I) have (avere, to have) contati (m. pl.), counted (contare, to count) non [i ho contati, I haven't counted them dov'é (=dove &?), where is (it)? 18 nulla, nothing non c’é nulla, there is nothin, neanche, neither; not. . . eith even fi, there non ce nulla neanche fi, there's nothing there either; there’ isn’t anything there either yede, you sce (vedere, to see) che cosa vede?, what do you see? scaffaletto (m.}, small cabinet scaffaletto per fa musica, small music cabinet qualcosa, something; anything qualcuno, someone; anyone nessuno (m.), nobody; no one non c’é nessuno, there’s nobody; there isn’t anybody quante (f. pl.), how many questa (f.). this sola (f.), alone; only 78 LEZIONE Il salotto dei nostri amici — Confronti seuine (f-), seventh 1. of amico), friends TT salotto dei nostri amici, our friends’ sitting-room confronti (m. pl.), comparisons signori (m. pl. of signore), gentlemen P Zenon Brambilla, Mr. and Mrs. Bram- billa amici nostri, friends of ours abitano proprio accanto a noi, they live next door to us simile, similar; like; alike pitt grande del loro, larger than theirs mobili (m. pl. of mobile), pieces of iture ci sono pil mobili, there is more furni- tuie (in it) si, one vede, sees figura (f.), picture; illustration questo (m.), this scaffali per i libri, bookcase; book- shelves non ci sono scaffali per i libri, there is no bookcase infatti, i fact tengo, 20 (Genes, to Jkoap hota) “A tengo, (I) keep them; I keep mine (ie. my books) isatee, While; ‘Wwhervas tiene, (he) keeps; (she) keeps i suoi (, his; ber(s); its (=in+lo), in the study indeed hanno, (they) have (avere, to have) coda (f.), tail pianoforte a coda, grand piano assai, much; very bello’ (m,), ‘beautiful; fine pit bello def nostro, finer than ours verticale, upright; vertical appassionate (f. pl.), passionate; im- passionate appassionate per, passionately fond of tutte due, both suonano, (they) play (suonare, sonare, to play (a musical in- strument) ) bene, well ha, (she) has; (he) has pezzi (m. pl.), pieces Buniti (mn? pl)” kept (together): lected; gathered: assemb apposito (m.), special; elt proper raccoglie, (she) puts or keeps together; collects (rac‘cogliere, semble) li raccoglie, (she) keeps hers cartelle (£. pl.), folders; portfolios col- to collect; gather; as- come, like termosifone (m.), central heating caloriferi (m. pl.), radiators io ho voluto, I wanted (volere, to want) antica (f.), old; antique; former; old- fashioned legna (f.), wood carbone (m.), coal un caminetto all’antica, a legna, non a carbone, an old-fashioned log fire, not a coal fire delle (=di+te) (£, pl.), some lunghe (f, pl. of lungo), long corfine (f. pl.), curtains seta (f.), cortine di ata, sille curtains parer (=parere) (m.), opinion; judg- ment; advice paret mio, in my opinion bella (f.), beautiful: fine la cosa pit bella, the most beautiful thing vicini (m. pl.), neighbours nel salotto dei nostri vicini, neighbours’ sitting-toom quadro (m.), picture sulla (=su+la) (f.), on the parete (f.), wall dirimpetto (a), opposite uscio (m,), door in our 8* LEZIONE Un'altra conversazione ottava (f.), eighth accanto alla sua, next to yours quindi, therefore uguale (a), like; the same (as); equal; same non del tutto, not altogether lo (m.), the fo scaffale dei libri, the bookcase i Brambilla non hanno libri?, have the Brambillas no bocks?; haven't the Brambillas got any books? si che ce Vhanno, oh yes, (they have) portatile, portable qualche, some qualche’ cartella di musica, some port. folios of music suona, plays (suonare, sonare, to play (a musical in- strument) ) in casa nostra, in our house molta (f), much passione (f.), love; passion; affection ha motta passione per la musica, is very fond of music quanto, as much as grande quanto quello della signora Brambilla, as large as Mrs. Bram. billa's comune, ordinary if suo @ un comune piano verticale, yours is an ordinary upright piano quello dei Brambilla, the Brambillas' (ic. the one belonging to the Brambilla family) bel (m,), beautiful; fine poco (m.), little tempo (m.), time esercizio (m.), exercise fare esercizio, to practise le piace la musica?, do you like music? 9° LEZIONE Una visita nona (f.), ninth visita (£.), visit sabato (m.), Saturday pomeriggio (m.), afternoon di pomeriggio, in the afternoon scampanellata (f.), (loud) ring viene, (he) is coming; (she) is coming (venire, to come) viene a farci (={fare+ci) visita, is com- ing to pay us a visit (fare visita, to pay a visit) cameriera (f.), maid apre, (she) opens (aprire, to open) porta (f.), door lo (m.), it; him entrare, to enter lo fa entrare, (she) shows him in (Jif. (she) makes him to enter) (fare, to make, do) richiude, (she) shuts the door (she) shuts again) (ci‘chiudere, to shut again) lo fa accomodare, (she) asks him to sit down (Zit, (she) makes him to sit down) in salotto, in the sitting-room riceviamo, (we) receive (ri'cevere, to receive) (uit 20 convenevoli (m. pl. of convenevole), compliments uso (m.), use convenevoli d'uso, customary compli- ments dandogli, giving him mane (f.), band dandogli Ia mano, shaking hands with him invitandolo, asking him sedersi, (to) sit down pochi (m. pl. of poco), a few minuti (m. pl.), minutes dopo, afterwards si ode, one hears; is heard (udire, to hear) nuovamente, again sonare, to ting campanello (m.), bell si ode nuovamente sonare il campanello, there's another ring at the door giovane, young nipote (f.), niece arrivata (£), arrived é arrivata, has arrived (arrivare, to arrive) oF ora, just now Luisella @ arrivata or ora, Luisella has just arrived campagna (f,), country trascorrere, to spend la sua (f.), her; his; its vacanza (f.), holiday domenicale, of Sunday viene a trascorrere con noi la sua vacanza domenicale, is coming to spend the Sunday with us abbraccia, she embraces (abbracciare, to embrace) zia (£), aunt abbraccia la zia, she embraces her aunt da, (she) gives (dare, to give) bacio (m.), kiss me, me la (£.), her; it; presenta, (she) introduces (presentare, to introduce) poi, then; afterwards; next signore (f. pl.), ladies cominciano, (they) begin (cominciare, to begin) arlare, to talk; speak foro, them (selves) solite (fpl.), usual moda (f.), fashion cinema (m.), cinema scuola (f.), school vomini (m. pl. of uomo), men parliamo, (we) speak Inyece, on the other hand; instead affari (m. pl. of affare), business (9-10) governo (m.), government situazione (f.), situation internazionale, international entra, (she) comes in spingendo, pushing carrella (m.), trolley te (m.), carve del e tea trolley tutto (m.), all Poccorrente (m.), the necessary (oc’correre, to be neces tutto l'occorrente, everything necessary teiera (f.), tea-pot tazze (, cups piattini (, small plates tovagliolini (m. pl.), serviettes bricco (m.), eh acqua (f.), wa calda (£.), hot i bricce ‘ delf’acqua calda, water jug lattiera (£.), mill-jug latte (m.), mille fettine (f. pl.), small slices fanone: (ui) einon zucchero (m,), sugar Piatto (m.J. plate: dish salatini (m. pl.), savouries; canapée paste (f. pl.), little cakes; French pas- les; sing. Kind of dough ‘a (f.), cake the hot- parete (f.), wall (of room) noi uomini parliamo invece d’affari, we padrone (m.) di casa, master of the men, on the other hand, tall about house; host _ business ‘ padrona (f.) di casa, mistress of the politica (f.), politics house; hostess 10" LEZIONE Prendendo il té decima (f.), tenth prendendo, taking (prendere, to take) pl ido il te, having tea buongiorno, good day (good morning, good afternoon) cara (f.), dear 8 grazie ( a oN “thanks thank you si accomodi, take a seat; sit down (accomodarsi, to take a seat; sit down) Prego, please 21 scusi, excuse (me) (scusare, to excuse) deviessere (—deve essere), it must be (dovere, to be obliged to devessere mia nipote . . . infatti, it must be my niece . . . yes, it is stai, you are (intimate form) come stai?, how are you? contenta (f.), pleased vederti, (to) sce you (intimate form) (vedere, to see) proprio, really; indeed sona proprio contenta di vederti, T am pleased to see you (10-11) come stai bene!, how well you look! vieni, come (intimate form) (venire, to come) ti, you (intimate form) presento, I introduce (presentare, to introduce) vieni che ti presento, let me introduce you signorina (£.), Miss; young lady Piacere (m.), pleasure; here: how do you dol un po’ di te, a little tea; some tea preferisce, you prefer (preferire, to prefer) leggero (m,), weak forte, strong col (=con 4 il) (m.), with the col latte o col limone?, with milk or lemon? troppo, too senza, with jut caro (m.), dear nuovo (m.). new che c’é di nuovo?, what is the news? vanno, (they) go (andare, to 0) come vanno gli affari?, how is business? abbastanza, fairly abbastanza bene, fairly good; fairly well devo, T must (davere, to he obliged to) dire, (to) say dati (, given dati i tempi, considering the times ditta (£,), cost cosi, Soa tira, pulls; draws; drags (tirare, to pull; draw; drag) avanti, forward si tira’ avanti, (a#frov.) we are just managing to exist stagione (f.), season morta (f.), slack; dead ® stagione morta, questa, per noi, this is a slack season for us gid, that’s so; yes; already sempre, always alti (m. pl.), heights bassi (m. pl.), bottoms alti e bassi, ups and downs oggigiorno, these days; nowadays importante, important mantenersi, to keep (oneself) a galla, afloat 11" LEZIONE La sala da pranzo dei signori Verdi undicesima (f.), eleventh sala (f.), room; hall sala da pranzo, dining-room si riunisce, assembles; gathers (riunirsi, to assemble; gather) pasti (m. pl.), meals Italia (f.), Italy colazione (f.), lunch prima colazione (f.), breakfast limita, limits; confines (imitare, to ‘limit; confine) si limita, is confined Beneralmente, generally; usually fe (m.), coffee calf © latie, white caffe agate (m.), biscuit poche (f. pl. of poco), a few e (m.), bread imburrato (m.), buttered pane imburrato (m.), bread and butter magari, maybe; perhaps; even marmellata (f.), jam; marmalade miele (m,), hone mezzogiorno (m. 3, midday al tocco, at one o'clock merenda (f.), tea (mea?) sera (f.), evening la sera (f.), in the evening oppure, or else; or pranza, dines (pranzare, to dine) allora, then modesto (m.), simple; plain serale, evening cena (f.), supper Torino (f.), Turin in visita, on a visit Roma (f.), Rome stato (mi.), been (essere, t0'be) invitato (m.), invited & stato invitato, has been invited da+i) (m. pl.), by the ori Verdi, by Mr. and Mrs. Verdi; at Mr. and Mrs. Verdi's apparecchiato (m.), laid the table cura (£), care con cura, carefully ciascun (m.), cach dai commensale (m.), table companion posata (f,), cover cucchiaio (m.), spoon coltello (m.), knife forchetta (f.), fork hiere (m.), glass piccolo (a), smaller vino (m.), wine tovagliolo (m.), serviette: table napkin panino (m.), roll favola (f), table disposti (m. pl.), placed untoliera (f.), an oil.cruet salicra (f,), salt-cellar paiola (f), pepper pot Forma (£.), ig for grated cheese bottigle C.J, bott person, Hit. (11-12) rosso (m.), red caraffa (J, jug; water bottle; decanter ravioli (m, pl,), raviolt trode (m.), soup; broth; clear soup serviti (m, pl.), served scodelle (f, pl.), soup-plates seguira, there will follow (seguire, to follow) pesce (m.), fish arrosto (m.), roast (meat) un atrosto con contorno, with vegetables formaggio (m.), cheese dolce (m.), pudding: sweet liquori (m. pl. of liquore), liqueurs verranno, (they) will come (venire, to come) verranno setviti, will be served roast meat 12" LEZIONE Quattro chiacchiere a tavola dodicesima (f.), twelfth quattro chiacchiere (f. pl.), a chat uattro chiacchiere a tavola, table talk fieta (f.), glad; pleased; happy é arrivato (m.), you have arrived pronto (m.), ready Possiamo, we can (potere, to be able) metterci, to put ourselves metterci . . . a tayola, sit down . . to table (mettersi a tayola, to sit down to table) subito, at once; immediately giorni (m. pl-), days Pensa, you think (polite form) (pensare, to think) quanti giomi pensa di potersi fermare siete how many days do you think you can stay (fermarsi, to stay) purtroppo, unfortunately venuto (m.), come (venire, to come) volte (f. pl.), times & gid venuto qui altre volte, you've already been here before nevvero?, haven't you? spesso, often impressione (£.), impression capitale (f.), capital che impressione le fa la capitale?, what do you think of the capital? (fare are jione, to make an im- meravigliosa (f.), wonderful come citta, as a city quando, when vista (f.), seen (vedere, to see) Vho vista, I saw it area (f.), seemed, appeased mi & parsa, it seemed to me; I thought it (was) di, than avessi (subj.), I had (avere, to have) mai, never immaginato (m.), imagined anche pili bella di quanto non avessi mai immaginato, even more beauti- ful than I had ever imagined veramente, truly: really eterna (f.), eternal la Citta eterna (f.), the Eternal City peccata (m.), pity possa (stbj.), you can (potere, to be able) pia a lungo, longer peccato che non possa fermarsi pid a lungo, it's a pity you can't stay longer tante (f, pl.), so many belle (f. pl), beautiful; fine da vedere, to seo; to be seen ancora, again; still; yet; more pollo (m.), chicken (12-13) ancora un po’ di pollo?, (will you have) capita cosi di rado di mangiare un a little more chicken? pollo arrostito con rants perfezione, lenitice!, willingly; with pl her it is so rarely one has a roast Tats La GIGS ARE! a ecteateo preety Ps Y sd saporito (m.), savoury; delicious squisito (m.), exquisite; delicions gentile, ‘kind cApita, it happens Enrico, Henry (capitare, to happen) guarda, look rado (m.), rare (guardare, to look) di rado, rarely; seldom vuoto (m.), empty gocciolo (m.), sip mangiare, to eat un gocciolo volentieti, (vpfrox.) just a arrostito (m.), roasted little, please tanta (f.), so much Beem = perfezione ({.), periection ponte (m.), bridge 13* LEZIONE La mia camera da letto tredicesima (£.), thirteenth mi addormento, I go to sleep; I fall stanco (m.), tired asleep titiro, I retire (addormentarsi, to go to sleep; fall (ritirarsi, to retire; withdraw) asleep) |, in; into; to es tolgo, I take off mattina (f.), morning (‘togliere, to take off) fa mattina, in the morning giacca (f.), jacket sette, seven mi tolgo la giacca, I take off my jacket alle sette, at seyen o'clock scarpe (f. pl.), shoes punto (m.), point; instant; moment calzini (m. pl.), socks alle sete in punto, on the stroke of infilo, I put on seven (infilare, to put on; slip on) suona, rings pantofole (f. pl.), slippers (suonare, sonare, to ring; sound) vado, I go sveglia (f.), alarm-clock (andare, to go) mi butto, I throw myself denti (m. pl.), teeth (buttarsi, to throw oneself) a lavarmi i denti, to clean my teeth git, down (lavare, to wash dal’ (=da+il) (m.), from the spazzolata (f.), brushing mi butto git dal letto, I jamp out of capelli (m. ‘pl.), hair(s) bed a darmi una spazzolata ai capelli, to vestaglia ({.), dressing-gown brush my hair nel (=in+il) (m.), into the; in the (dare, to give) bagno (m.), bath (dere: bathroom) finisco, I finish apro, I open (finite, to finish) (aprire, to open) finisco di spogliarmi, I finish undressing rubinetti (m. pl.), taps (spogliarsi, to undress) fredda (f.), cold pigiama (m.), pyjamas apro i rubinetti dell’acqua calda ¢ infilo il pigiama, I put on my pyjamas fredda, I turn on the hot and cold spengo, I turn out; I put out; I switch taps off scorre, (it) runs (‘spegnere, to turn out; put out; switch (scorrere, to run) off; extinguish) nella (=in+la) (f.), into the; in the luce (f.), light vasca (f.), bath (recedtacle) 24 mi rado, I shave (mysolf) (‘radersi, to shave oneself) lavo, 1 wash (lavare, to wash) viso (m.), face mi lavo il viso, T wash my face entro, I enter; get into (entrate, to enter) entro nel bagno, I got into the bath buona (f.), good Javata (f,), wash; washing nei (=in+i) (m. pl.), in the mesi (m. pl, of mese), months estivi (m. pl.), summer nei mesi estivi, in the summer months termino, I finish; I end; T terminate {terminare, to finish; end) doccia (f,), shower asciugo, I dry; I wipe (asciugare, to dry; wipe) rapidamente, quickly Vasciugatoio (m.), the towel spugna (f.), sponge Vasciugatoio di spugna, the towel mi vesto, I dress (myself) (vestirsi, to dress) Turkish toletta (f.), dressing-table trovo, I find (trovare, to find) oggetti (m. pl.), things; objects necessari (m. pl.), necessary completare, to complete (13-14) abbigliamento _ (m.) clothes; clothing (jere. spazzola (f.), brash pettine (m.), comb brillantina (f.), brilliantine spruzzatore (m.), spray Colonia (f.), Cologne Pacqua di colonia, the eau de Cologne ci, there mia moglie ci tiene anche, my wife also keeps on it boccetta (f,), small bottle profumo (m.), scent; perfume specchio a mano, hand mirror scatola (f.), box piumino (m.), powder-puff cipria (f.), face-pawder ed altre cose ancora, and other things also; and so on cassetti (m. pl.), drawers armadio (m.), wardrobe riposta (F.), placed (riporre, to place) biancheria (f.), linen personale, personal camice (£. pl. of camicia), shirts colletti (m. pl), collars maglie (f. pl.), vests fazzoletti (m. pl.), handkerchiefs cravatte (f. pl.), ties abiti_(m. pl), suits appesi (m. pl.), bung (ap’pendere, to hang) alle (=a+le) (£ pl.), on the; to the grucce (f. pl. of gruccia), coat-hangers 14" LEZIONE Mattina e sera quattordicesima (f.), fourteenth ora (£.), hour a che ora?, at what time? si alza lei?, do you get up? (alzarsi, to get up) di solito, usually; as a rule mattino (m.), morning al mattino, in the morning perché, why; because perché mai... ?, why on earth... ? presto, early: quickly mi ci vuole, it takes me; L need (volere, to wish; desire; want) andare, to go ufficio '(r.), office da casa mia in ufficio, from my house to the office deve?, must you? (dovere, to be obliged to) essere, to be lavoro (m.), work sul lavoro, at work alle otto e mezzo, at half past eight caspita!, by Jove! stare, to be Poratio (m.), the office-hours; the hours; the time-table intero (m.), entire; whole termina, (it) ends (terminare, to end; finish) Porario intero termina alle cinque ¢ mezzo del pomeriggio, office hours end at half past five in the after- noon circa, about (14-15) intervallo (m.), interval con un'ora circa di intervallo per la cola- zione, with about an hour's break for lunch stiamo, we stay (stare, to stay; stand; be) in casa, at home coi (con +i) (m. pl.), with the ragazzi (m. pl.), children qualche volta, sometimes si va, we go; one goes (andare, to go) teatro (m.), theatre a teatro (m.), to the theatre altre volte, at other times vengono, (they) come (venire, to come) degli (=di+gli) (m. pl), some partita (f.), game carte (f. pl.), cards una partita a carte, a game of cards questa sera (f.), this evening libero (m.), free io mi trovo, I shall be (Ji. [ find my- self) (trovarsi, to be) vorrei, I should like (volere, to wish) presentarle, to introduce to you (presentare, to introduce) appuntamento (m.), meeting; appoint. ment abbiamo appuntamento, we are meeting (avere, to have) caffe (m.), café; coffee verrei, I should’ come (venire, 40 come) gran (m.), great; large; big verrei_ con gran piacere, I mach like to come oggi, today Proprio oggi, this very day anniversario (m.), anniversary matrimonio (m.), wedding ma proprio oggi ¢ l'anniversario del mio matrimonio, but today happens to be my wedding anniversary facciamo, (wo) are making (fare, to make; do) vacanza (f.), holiday; vacation facciamo vacanza, (we) are going out pranzo in due, dinner for two ristorante (m.), restaurant auguri (m. pl. of augurio), wishes tanti auguri, all best wishes ossequi (m. pl. of ossequio), regards; re- spects i miei ossequi alla signora!, my kind re- gards to your wife! presenterd, I will present (them), i.e. I will give her your message (presentare, to present; give: introduce) arrivederla, goodbye should very 15" LEZIONE All’albergo quindicesima (f.), fifteenth albergo (m.), hotel ottimi (m. pl.), excellent; very good alberghi (m. pl. of albergo), hotels durante, during pud, can (potere, to be able) esser (—essere), to be sicuri (m. pl.), sur trovar (=trovare), to find posto (m.), room; place; seat non si pud esser sicuri di trovar posto, one cannot be sure of finding room per, 50 as to; in order to; to; for; by correr (=correre), to run rischi (m. pl. of rischio), risks pertanto, consequently; therefore rudente, wise issare, to book: reserve; fix in anticipo (m.), advance pressoche, almost; nearly 26 uguali (pl. of uguale), the same ovungue, everywhere varcata (f.), (having) gone through (vateare, to’ cross; go through) girevole, revolving varcata la porta girevole, after going through the revolving door ci si trova, one finds oneself (trovarsi, to find oneself; be) atrio (m:), entrance-hall hall (m.), ‘vestibule vati (m. pl. of varie), various; varied; different impiegati_ (m. pl.), sistants attendono, (they) wait for; await (at'tendere, to wait for; await) clienti (m.’ pl. of cliente), guests; cus- tomers; clients employees; as- facchini (m. pl.), porters stincaricheranno, (they) will take charge (incaricarsi, to take charge) bagagli (m: pl. of bagaglio), luggage vi tivolgete, you go; you apply (i'volgersi, to apply) segreteria (f.), reception desk per fissare la camera, to book a room dare, to give le vostre (f. pl.), your generalita (£. pl. of generalita), particu- lars ragazzo (m.), page; boy; child vi, you; to you accompagnera, (he) will (he) will escort (accompagnare, to accompany: escort) ascensore (m.), lift ra, (it) will be (essere, to be) assegnata (f.), allotted; assigned che vi sara stata assegnata, which has been allotted to you (/it. which will have been allotted to you) se, if bisogno (m.), need consigli (m. pl. of consiglio), advice se avete bisogno di consigli, if you want advice (avere bisogno di, to need; want; re- accompany; quire) indicazioni (f, pl. of indicazione), in- formation ogni, any; every genere (m.), kind rivolgetevi, apply (rivolgersi, to apply) portiere (m.), hall-porter lui (m.), he; ‘him consegna (f.), trust; consignment; de- livery chiavi (f. pl. of chiave), keys @ lui che ha in consegna le chiavi, it is he who is entrusted with the keys corrispondenza (f.), letters; correspond- ence as) desiderate, you want (desiderare, to want; desire; wish) prenotera, (he) will book (prenotare, to books) posti (m. pl.), seats voi, you noleggera, (he) will hire (noleggiare, to hire) un’automobile (f.), a car acquistera, (he) will buy; (he) will pro- cure (acquistare, to buy; procure) biglietto (m.), ticket ferrovia (f.), railway acquistera il biglietto per ta ferrovia, will get your railway ticket siete, you are (essere, to be) compagnia (f.), company se siete in compagnia di una signora, if you are accompanied by a lady tutte (f. ph, all italiane (f. pl.), Italian tutte le citta italiane, all Italian towns le (f.), to her offriranno, (they) will offer (offcire, to offer) modo (m.), means passare, to spend; pass pitt, most; more come pitt piace alle signore, in the way ladies like best bei (m. pl.), fine; beautiful negozi (m. pl. of negozio), shops bravi (m. pl.), clever artigiani (m. pl.), craftsmen capaci (pl, of capace), able; capable soddisfare, to satisfy desiderio (m.), wish; desire ogni suo desiderio, her every wish eleganza (f.), elegance di eleganza personale o per Ia casa, in the way of personal elegance or for the house 16* LEZIONE Per fissare una camera sedicesima (f.), sixteenth per fissare una camera, booking a room mattimoniale, matrimonial camera matrimoniale (f.), double room camere a un letto, single rooms in comune, in common; joint; shared pochissime (f. pl.), very few in questi giorni, at this time; moment vediamo un po’, just let's see avrebbe, you would have intenzione (f.), intention fermarsi, to stay quanti ‘giotni avrebbe intenzione di fermarsi?, how many days do you intend to stay? (ayere intenzione, to intend) penso, I think (pensare, to think) ci fermeremo, we shall stay settimana (f.), weele © poco pit, or a little longer; or a little more dieci, ten massimo (m.), maximum al massimo, at the most allora, well then; in that case ecco, here you are intercomunicanti (pl. of intercomuni- cante), intercommunicating numeri (m. pl.), numbers inclusa (£.), included (in’cludere, ‘to include) prezzo (m.), price pare, it seems (parere, to seem) mi pare, I think; T suppose nossignore, no sir dalle (=da+te) (£. pl.), from the tariffe (f. pl.), tariffs esclusi (m. pl.), excluded (e’scludere, to exclude) at the desidera, you want (desiderare, to want; desire; wish) fon . . . che, only ordini (m. pl. ordine), orders cameriere (m.), waiter non ha che da dare ordini al cameriere, you have only to give the waiter your order(s) altrimenti, otherwise dalle sette alle die (o'clock) pud, you can (potere, to be able) far (=fare) colazione, (to) have break- fast sala da pranzo, dining room; dining hall fianco (m.), side qui di fianco, just here (at the side) bar (m.), bar qui al bar, here in the bar; in the bar here servizio (m.), service cappuccino (m.), cappuccino ( coffee) c’e anche servizio di caffé e cappuccino, you can also have coffee and (or) a cappuccino va, it goes (andare, to go) va bene, all right; very well datemi, give me (dare, to. give) quelle (f. pl.), those vuol (=vuole)’, you will (volere, to will; wish; desire; want) favorirmi, oblige me with; give me; favour me with yuol favorirmi, would you kindly oblige me with; would you please give me documento (m.), document trovera, you will find (trovare, to find) dal pottiere, with the hall-porter uscendo, going out; as you go out from seven till ten white 178 LEZIONE Al ristorante diciassettesima (i,), seventeenth qualche, any; some importanza (f.), importance abbia (subj.), has (avere, to have) ristoranti (m, taurants teattorie (f. pl.), restaurants birrerie (f. pi.), restaurants (licensed) café (m. pl, of caffe), brasseries bar (m, pl. of bar), bars sale da te, tea-rooms pasticcerie (f. pl.), pAtisseries in grande numero, in large numbers usd, is accustomed to; is used to; is in the habit of (usare, to be accustomed to; be used +0; be in the habit of) pranzare, to dine si usa molto pranzare in trattoria, one often dines out at a restaurant aperto (m.), open (aprire, to open) all’aperto, in the open air buona (f.), fine; good pl. of ristorante), res- nella buona stagione, during the fine season i tavolini sono disposti, little tables are placed piccoli (m. pL), little: small tendoni (m. pl. of tendone), awnings pergolati (m. pl.), pergolas Tiparano, (they) protect {riparare, to protect) sole (m.), son pill calde (f, pl.), hottest nelle ore pii calde, during the hottest hours sui (=su+i) (m marciapiedi (mm pavements pl.); on the pl. of marciapiede) , illustrazione (f.), lusso (m.), luxury un albergo di Lusso, a lnxury hotel camerieri (m, pl. of cameriere), waiters si destreggiano, (they) mancuvre (destreggiarsi, to marceuvre) garbo (m.), grace; elegance si destreggiano con garbo, manceuvre gracefully fra, among; between chi, he who: the person who guarda, is looking: looks (guardare, to look) \"uno, a destra di chi guarda, the one on the right as you look at the pic- ture illustration 29 sta scegliendo, is choosing (sceglierey to choose) antipasti (m. pl.), bors d'ccuvre um altro (m.), another centro (m,), centre reca, is carrying; carries (recate, to. carry) bilanciata (f.), balanced su, on vassoio (m,), tray spumante, sparkling. (wine) coppe (f. pl.), glasses; goblets sulla tavola dei clienti é gia pronto, already waiting on the customers’ table is secchiello (m.), small bucket ghiaccio (m.), ice accogliera, (it) will receive (ac’cogliere, to receive) preziosa (f.), precious ordinare, to order alla carta, A la carte fisso (m.), fixed a prezzo fisso, at a fixed price molto, much; very molto pit, much more economico (m,), economical somma (f.), sum modesta (f.), moderate; modest; simple; plain avere, to have si puo avere, one can have antipasto (m,), hors d’cuvre minestra ({.), soup asciutta (£.), dry un antipasto, una minestra, asciutta o in brodo, hors d’ceuvre, soup, thick (dry) or clear came (f.), meat minerale, mineral percentuale (f.), percentage aggiunta (f.), added (ag’giungere, to add) conte (m.), bill la percentuale per il servizio $ aggiunta al conto, a service charge is added to the bill lasciare, to leave ugualmente, all the same lira (f.), lira mancia (f), tip ma si usa lasciare ugualmente qualche lira di mancia al cameriere, but one usually leaves the waiter a tip of a few lire as well 18" LEZIONE Pranzo al ristorante diciottesima (f.), eighteenth tavolo (m.), table ce, displeases cere, to displease) ispiace, I am sorry prenotati (m. pl.), booked; reserved quel (m.), that laggiut, over there pazienza [f.), patience pazienza!, never mind); helped! lista (f.), menu fayore (m.), favour per favore, please ecco, signore, here you are, sir tu (intimate form), you; thou vuoi, (you) want (volere, to want) tu che vuoi?, what do you want?; will you have? leggero (m.), light quaicosa di leggero, something light fame (f.), hunger non ho molta fame, hungry (avere fame, to be hungry) minestrina (f.), thin soup allora ecco, very well then tortellini (m. pl.), pieces of pasta filled with meat, eggs, cheese and spices filetto (in.), fillet sogliola (f.), sole insalata (f.), salad it can't be what I am not very ti (intimate form), you; to you; thee; to thee ti va?, does that suit you?; will that suit you? cassata (i.), ice cream with candied fruit per finire, to finish with se c’é, if there is one; if there is any signore (m.), gentleman costata (f.), chop ai (=a+i) (m. pl.), ferro (m.), iron ai ferri, grilled patatine (f. pl.), (small) potatoes; new otatoes; fried or chipped potatoes piselli (m. pl.), peas paesana (é), ‘country-woman piselli alla paesana, stewed peas; peas cooked 4 Za paysanne (country fashion with small bits of bacon) gelato (m.), ice cream nco_(m.), white Chianti (m.), Chianti Bardolino (m.), Bardolino (wine) bene, very wel niente, no; nothing due caffé (m. pl. of caff2), two coffees fiquore (m.), liqueur volentieri, willingly; with pleasure maraschino (m.), maraschino (liqueur made from morello cherries) strega (f.), strega (kind of liqueur) cognac (m.), brandy at the; to the 19" LEZIONE Numeri, ore, date diciannovesima (f.), ninctcenth ore (f. pl.), times; hours date (f. pi.}, dates vogtio, I want (volere, to want) sapere, to know guardo, I look at (guardare, to look at) polso (m.}, wrist srologio da polso, wrist-watch preciso (m.), accurate; precise pud, may; can accadere, to happen vada (subj,), it goes (andare, to go) avanti, forward: fast (of clocks); before pud accadere che vada avanti, it may gain; it may get fast 30 devo, I have to (dovere, to have to; be obliged to) portarlo, (to) take it (portare, to take) orologiaio (m.), watchmaker dall’orologiaio, to the watchmaker's perché, so that; why; because registei (subj.), he may regulate (registrare, to regulate (of watches) perché Io registri, for him to regulate guaio (m.), trouble grosso (m.), great; large basta, it is sufficient (bastare, to be sufficient) pulirlo, to clean it (pulire, to clean) regolarlo, to regulate it (regolare, to regulate) occotre, is necessary (occorrere, to be necessary) vera (f.), real; true propria (f.), eee per riparazione (f.), repair(ing) occorte una vera e propria ripatazione, a thorough overhaul is necessary difficile, difficult esprimere, to express esprimere Ie ore, to tell the time italiano (m.), Italian diciamo, we say (dite, to. say) é luna, it is one (o'clock) tocco (m.), stroke; touch & il tocco, it is one (o'clock) sono fe due, it is two (o'clock) le tre, three (o'clock) via, away; of e cosi via, and so on; and so forth le dodici,' twelve o'clock ventiquattro, twenty-four le ventiquattro, twelve o'clock midnight mezzanotte (f.), midnight dice, says (dire, to say) sono le otto e cinque, it is five past eight fe otto e dieci, ten past eight quarto (m,), quarter; fourth (part) fe otto e un quarto, 2 quarter past eight le otto e mezzo, half past eight le otto © tre quarti, a quarter to nine nove, ninth meno, less le nove meno un quarto, a quarter to nine le nove meno dieci, ten to nine meno cinque, five to (nine) ii (m. pl. of servizio), services pubblici (m. pl.), public uffici (m. pl. of ufficio), offices (19-20) non di rado, very often (Zi#, not seldom) privati_ (m. pl.), private individuals, ordinary people parlare (m.), speech corrente, usual; common; general; dinary 0, (they) divide lere, to divide) giornata (f.), day di modo che, so that wedici, thirteen le tredici, thirteen hours (x p.m.). luna del pomeriggio, one o'clock in the afternoon quattordici, fourteen ie guatiordia, 2 pam, pomeridiane (f, pl.), afternoon; in the afternoon; p.m,; postmeridian dicendo, speaking; saying; telling (dire, to speak; say; tell) © via dicendo, and so on; and so forth or in quanto a, as for; as to; as regards nato (m.), born (nascere, to be bor) io sono nato, I was born maggio (m,), May il primo maggio, on the first of May millenovecento, ‘nineteen hundred undici, eleven millenovecento undici, nineteen hundred and eleven sposato (m.), married (sposarsi, to get married; be married; mi mi sono sposato, I was married diciassette, seven aprile (m.), April il diciassette aprile, on the seventeenth of April millenovecentotrentacinque, hundred and thirty-five nineteen 20° LEZIONE I giorni e i mesi—Che ora é ventesima certo, cel ral eevtol, £3 bn’ darel; 0 -couizal tunedi (m.), Monday i (m.), Tuesday mercoledi (m:), Wednesday gloved! (m.), Thursday venerdi (m.), Friday domeni Sunday benione, very good: very well (£. b twentieth dunque, so; therefore; then domani, tomorrow dopo domani, the day after tomorrow era?, was it? (essere, to be) ieri, yesterday era, was; it was ier l'altro, the day before yesterday scorso (m.), last ill sete, the seventh 31 (20-21) venturo (m.), next quindici, fifteen Tunedi a quindici, Monday fortnight ventuno, twenty-one il ventuno, the twenty-first nomi (m. pl. of nome), name eceoli, here they are gennaio (m.), January febbraio (m.), February marzo (1.), March giugno (m-), June luglio (m.), Jul agosto (m.}, August settembre (m.), September ottobre (m.), October novembre (m.), November dicembre (m,), December venti, twenty il mio orologio fa te due meno venti, my watch says twenty to two fidare, (to) rely upon; trast troppo, too much; too indietro, back (wards); slow (of clocks) a volte va avanti, a volte va indietro, sometimes it gains, sometimes it loses bets {lntery.), well chiederé, I will ask for chiedere, to ask (for)) esatta (f.), correct; exact; accurate telefono (m.), telephone behind (hand) ; 21" LEZIONE La moneta italiana ventunesima (f.), twenty-first moneta (f.), money; coin sapra, you will know (how) (sapere, to know) quando sapra parlare, when you can speak certamente, surely; certainly decider’, you will decide (de’cidere, to decide) viaggetto (m.), trip prima (di), before pattire, to’ leave prima di partire, before leaving che conosca (subj.), that you (should) know; that you should be ac- quainted with (co'noscere, to know) sara bene che conosca, you had better get acquainted with (make yourself familiar with) denaro (m.), money unita (f,), unit; unity monetaria ({.), ‘monetary si divide, is divided cento, (2) hundred centesimi (m. pl.), centesimi bassa (f.), low circolazione (f.), circulation carta (f.), paper; card; menu metallo (m.), metal buoni (m. pl.), notes buoni da due . . . lire, two-lira notes tagli (m, pl. of taglio), denominations; sizes; cuts oro (m.), gold argento (m.), silver ormai, now fuori, out of sono ormai da molti anni fuori circo- lazione, have been out of circulation now for many years si hanno, one has; there are banconote (f. pl.), banknotes cinquanta, fifty frequentemente, frequently; often stesso (m.), same valore (m.), value coniate (Z. pl.), coined si tratta di, it is a question of speciale, special lega (f.), alloy acciaio (m.), steel si passa, one goes on biglietti (m. pi.), notes; tickets cinquecento, five hundred mille, (a) thousand cinquemila, five thousand diecimila, ten thousand aveva, had maggior (—maggiore), greater potere (m.), power acquisto (m.), purchase; acquisition potere d’acquisto, purchasing power clerano, there were inferiori (pl. of inferiore), lower inferiori ad una lira, less than a lira soldi (m. pl.), 5 centesimi pieces soldoni (m. pl. of soldone), 10 centesimi pieces ali pi, of tale), such si usano, are used (usare, to use) tali monete non si usano pi are no longer used aceade, it happens . such coins (21-22) sentirle, (to) hear them (sentire, to hear) nominare, to mention; name accade ancora di sentirle nominare, one still hears them mentioned 22" LEZIONE Alla banca ventiduesima (f,), twenty-second banca (f.), banie vorrei, I want; 1 should like (volere, ta want; wish) mbiare, to change se estere (f. pl.), foreign currency valuta (f.), money; currency facilissimo (m.), very easy (here: cer tainly) ricevuto (i. quotazioni ( tions cambi (m. pl. of cambio), changes; ex- changes; rates of exchange Borsa (f.), Stock Exchange ho ricevuto or ora le quotazioni dei cambi alla Borsa d’oggi, I have just received from the Stock Exchange today's rates of exchange sterline (f, pl.), pounds (sterling) franchi_(m. pl. of franco), francs posso, I can darle, (to) give you esattamente, exactly ventiduemila, twenty-two thousand quarantacinque, forty-five nette (f. pl), net dedotte ({, pl.), deducted (dedurre, to deduct) spese (f. pl.), expenses provvigione (f.), commission dedotte le spese e la provvigione, with expenses and commission deducted cassa (f.), cashier's desk si accomodi alla cassa, kindly go to the cashier's desk spezzati (m, pl.), small change va bene cosi?, is that all right? conto (m,), account corrente, current presso, with; near; by bisogna, it is necessary parli (subj.), (you) speak Direttore (m.), Manager bisogna che lei parli col Direttore, you must speak to the Manager capo (m.), chief » teceived ~ pl. of quotazione), quota- capo ufficio (m.), chief clerk allo (=a+lo) (m.), at the; to the sportello (m,), counter quale, what; which conta?, do you intend? versare, (to) pay (in) credito’ (m.), credit assegni (m. pl.), cheques contanti (, cash; ready money totale (m.), total teecentomila, three hundred thousand (to) give us referenza (f.), reference piazza (i), square; market; town qualche referenza sulla piazza, local trade references titolare (m.), owner of a firm, the one who gives his name (titolo) to the rm societa (f.), company anonima (f.), anonymous societa anonima ({.), limited company consigliato (m.), advised rivolgermi, (to) apply (rivelgersi, to apply) perfettamente, perfectly (ere be quite all right) provvedo, I see to rilasciare, (to) give; grant; release libretto (m.), small bool libretto di assegni, cheque book provvedo subito a farle rilasciare un libretto di assegni, I will sce at once to your being supplicd with a cheque book intanto, meanwhile cortesia (f.), kindness; courtesy per cortesia, kindly; (if you) please prepati, prepare distinta (f.), note; list; schedule versamento (m.), paying-in distinta di versamento, pay-in slip prepari questa distinta di versamento, fill up this pay-in slip completi, complete; fill in moduli (m. pl.), forms some that will LB 23° LEZIONE Il servizio. postale ventitreesima (f.), twenty-third postale, postal; post lettere (f. pl.), letters cartoline (f. pl.), (post)-cards si affcancano, are stamped slimbucano, arc posted cassetta (f.), box cassetta postale (f.), letterbox scritta ({.), notice; inscription; writing stampe (f. pl.), printed matter servono, serve; are used giornali (m. pl. of giornale), newspapers stampati (m. pl.), printed matter recano, (they) bear (recare, to bear; cai indicazione (f.), sign; indication; direc- tion (kere: word; inscription) usate (f. pl.), used yanno usate, are used indirizzata (f.), addressed entro, within cerchia (f.), circuit; circle cittadina (f.), (of the) city la cortispondenza indirizzata entro la cerchia cittadina, letters to ad- dresses living ‘within the city boundaries, ie. local correspondence infine, finally Portanti (pl. of portante), bearing (portare, to bear; carry; take) dirette (f. pl.), addressed localita (£.), locality interno (m.), inland; internal; interior: inner estero (i.), abroad; foreign delinterno| 0 dell’estero, abroad inland or urgenti (pl. of urgente), urgent Possono, they can; are able (potere, ta be able) affrancare, to stamp; frank si possono affrancare, can be stamped francobollo (m.), stamp espresso (m.), express posta (f.), post; mail aerea (f.), air; aerial sia (subj.), (whether) it be (essere, to be) caso (m.), case 44 sia in un caso che nell’altro, in either case si acquista, one buys adatto (m.), appropriate; right; proper. suitable; requisite qualsiasi, any una (t,), qualsiasi, any (whatever) privativa (f.), tobacconist’s shop si mette, one puts buca (f,), hole buca per le lettere, letter-box distribuzione (1.), delivery provvedone, (they) see to portalettere (m. or f. inv.), postmen! postman; postwoman; postwomen postini (mn. pl.), postmen riservata (f.) a, reserved for pubblico (m.), public vaglia (m. pl. of vaglia), postal orders: money orders tisparmi (m. pl. of risparmio), fanno, they do spedizioni (7. pl. of spedizione), forward. ing; dispatch; consignment depositi (m, pl); deposits danaro (m.), money si fanno soltanto spedizioni 0 depositi di danaro, only forwarding or deposit. ing of money is dealt with quello (m.), the one raccomandate (f. pl.), registered letters accettano, they accept si accettano, are accepted plichi (m. pl. of plico), packets taccomandari (m. pl.), registered i quali (m. pl. of if quale), which viene, comes rilasciata (f.), given viene rilasciata, is given savings ricevata (f.), receipt telegrammi (m. pl. of telegramma), ‘telegrams pacchi (m, pl. of pacco), parcels si trovano, there are (trovarsi, to be) gettone (m.), counter coin a gettone, operated by counters locali (m. pl. of locale), places (token-money), 24" LEZIONE All’ufficio postale ventiquattresima (f.), twenty-fourth potrebbe?, could you? (potere, to be able) indicarmi, (to) show; indicate; pointout to me potrebbe indicarmi . . . 2, could you tell me the way to... ? non sono di queste parti, stranger here provi, try (provare, to try) chiedere ‘a, (to) enquire from tanto, so; so much scusi tanto, excuse me posta (f.), post-office passi (, steps qui a pochi passi, a few steps from here: a little way from here vada, go drieto, straight on fine a, as far as; to angolo (m.), commer volti, turn (voltare, to turn) Tama a destra, to the right fondo (m.), end; bottom; back in fondo aila piazza, at the far end of the square veda, you will see grazie inille, many thanks di nulla, not at all telegramma (m.), telegram un modulo per telegramma, a telegram form stampatello (m.), block letters; printed characters in basso, at the bottom nome (m.), name indirizzo (m.), address mittente (m.), sender va bene cosi, that’s right comprare, to buy qui accanto, just here (at the side) trentacinque, thirty-five pid, plas trecento, three hundred 25* LEZIONE Viaggi venticinquesima (f.), twenty-fifth viaggi (m. pl. of viaggio), travels (Jere: travelling) si viaggia, people travel divertimento (m.), pleasure sia per divertimento, sia per affari, either for pleasure or on business mezzi (m. pl.), means trasporto (m.),’ transport numerosi (m. pl.), numerous giovani (m. pl. of giovane), young people temono, (they) fear; are afraid Percortere, (ta) cover; traverse; travel (over or through) distanze ({. pl.), distances bicicletta (f.), bicycle in bicicletta, by bicycle motocicletta (f.), motor-cycle recenti (pl, of recente), recent; new le pit recenti, the latest; the most modern motorette (f, pl.), scooters persone (f. pl.), people; persons eta (f.), age matura (f.), mature; ripe le persone di eta matura, older people 35 preferiscono, (they) prefer mare (m.), sea piroscafi (m. pl.), steamers sempre pid, more and more veloci (pl, of veloce), quick; fast sempre pitt veloci, faster and faster) faster than ever sicuri (m. pl.), safe; sure portano, (they) tale (one) continente (m.), continent lussuosi. (m. pl), luxurious apparecchi (im. pl, of apparecchio), machines linee (f. pl.), lines percorrono, (they) cover medesime (f. pl.), same attraversano, (they) traverse; cross cieli (m. pl.), skies mondo (m.), world rimane, remains pur (=pure), however; nevertheless rimane pur sempre, is still, however cui, which di cui ci serviamo, we make use of; we use (servirsi di, to male use of; to use) (25-26) frequente, frequent di frequente, frequently treno (m,), train stazione (f.), station in stazione, in the station partenza (f,), departure pronto per la partenza, ready to leave viaggiatori (m. pl. ‘of viaggiatore), passengers; travellers trovato (m.), found che hanno gia trovato posto, who have already found seats finestrini (m. pl.), windows (of a rail- way carriage) sono affacciati ai finestrini, are leaning out of the windows ultimi (m. pl.), last; final saluti (m. pl.), greetings (here: fare- wells) titardatari (m. pl. of ritardatario), late- comers si affrettano, are hurrying correndo, running banchina (f.), platform si affrettano ‘correndo sulla banchina, are rushing along the platform vedete, you see scendere, to alight; get out; descend passeggeri (m. pl.), passengers; travel- lers vedete scendere i passeggeri, you see the passengers alighting entrato (m,), entered da, since poce, a short time & entrato in stazione da poco, entered the station a short time ago si affollano, are crowding agli (=a+gli) (m. pl.), to the; at the sportelli (m, pl.), carriage-doors speranza [f.), hope nella speranza di trovare, in the hope of finding comprato (m.), bought prima, beforehand; first coda (f.), queue fanno. . . la coda, are queueing biglietteria (f.), booking office deposita, is depositing propri (m. pl. of proprio), own deposito (m.), luggage-offico deposito bagagli a mano, hand-luggage- office ritira, is withdrawing (ritirare, to withdraw) chi . chi, some .. . some; some. . others ingannano, are beguiling; are whiling away attesa (f.), waiting; wait ingannano fattess, are whiling away the time aspetto (m.), waiting sale d'aspetto, waiting rooms 26° LEZIONE Alla stazione ventiseesima (f.), twenty-sixth eccomi, here I am bauletto (m.), small trunk spedire, to send @ da spedire, is to be sent bagaglio appresso (m.), luggage going in the van valigia (f.), suitcase; bag clettrotrene (m.), electric train Velettrotreno delle 14 e 30, the 2.30 electric train ci sitroviamo, we'll meet again (ritrovarsi, to meet again; find each other again) binario (m.), railway track (Jere: plat- form) classe (f.), class cetchi, try occupare, (to) occupy cerchi di occupare un posto, try to get a seat prenda, take (prendere, to take) botsa (£), bag pud stare benissimo, it can go very well reticella (f.), luggage rack una seconda per Roma, one second class to Rome andata (f.), going ritorno (m.), return (biglietto di) andata e ritorno, return (ticket) solo, only (biglietto di) andata, single (ticket) si cambia?, does one change? si cambia’ treno?, does one change (trains) ? Firenze ({.), diretto (m.), Florence direct i treno @ diretto, it is a through train ai ferma, it stops (fermarsi, to stop) Bologna ({.), Bologna molto bene, very good (26.27) sono serviti direttamente nella carrozza, are served in the carriage ah, ab viaggio (m.), journey si rriva?, does one arrive? vedo, I see ee tarrozza (f.), (railway-) carriage; —‘[@y_ there . coacl siamo fa per fe ove citca, we shall be carrosen letocatie,. .diningwar! rea- there by about nine (o'clock) taurant car direttamente, directly viaggiatrice (£.), traveller 27* LEZIONE Viaggi in aereo e per mare ventisettesima (f.), twenty-seventh aereo (m.), aircraft in aereo, by air(craft) accompagnato (m.), accompanied macchina (f.), car; ‘machine; engine in macchina, by car Genova (f,), Genoa socio (m.), partner ho accompagnato in macchina a Genova il mio socio, I went by car to Genoa with my partner si & recato, has gone; went {recarsi, to g0) Nuova York (f.), New York per affari, on business porto (m.), port; harbour paio (m.), couple; pair colto (m.), seized (eogliore, to seize) occasions (£), opportunity; occasion (cogliere Foccasione, to soize or take ‘the opportunity) hordo (m1), board; border a bordo, on board ho colto l'occasione per andare a bordo anch’io, I took the opportunity of going on board myself godermi, (to) enjoy (godersi, to enjoy) spettacolo (m.), sight; spectacle alto (m.), height; top ponte (m.), deck ferveva, was fervent; was intense tivita (f.), activity intensa (£),. in ferveva un'atti intense acti sapitano (in.), captain Passerella (f.), foot-bridge; gangwa: comando (m.), command; tee Passerella di comando, ‘bridge (of a ship) intensa, there was a7 soryegliava, was watching vidi, L saw (vedere, to see) le geu (f. pl. of gra), cranes deponevano, were putting down; depositing stive (f. pl.), holds carico (m.), cargo sirena (f.), hooter; siren fischid, sounded; whistled partivano, were leaving scesero, descended (scendere, to descend) terra (f.), land; earth scesero a terra, set foot on land; dis- embarked rimorchiatori (m, pl. of rimorchiatore) , tugs si misero, put themselves ('mettersi, to put oneself) moto (m.), motion si misero in moto, began to move presto, soon; early; quickly ben presto, very soon vedemmo, we saw motonave (f.), motor-ship were staccarsi, to become detached; with- draw; retire; break away vedemmo la bella motonave staccarsi, we saw the beautiful ship move away banchina (f.), quay partenti (m. pl. Of partente), people leaving parapetti (m. pl.), railings affacciati ai parapetti, leaning on the railings rispondevano, replied gesti (m. pl,), gestures (eres waves of the hand) rimasto (m.), remained; stayed (vimanere, to remain; stay) (27-28) di chi era rimasto a terra, of those who had remained on land ho dovuto, 1 was obliged (dovere, to be obliged to) stesso (m.), self io stesso, (I) myself breve, short; brief scappata (f,), trip; excursion Londra (f.), London si trattava di, it was a question of cosa (f.), matter; thing cosa molto urgente, a very urgent mat- ter scelsi, [ chose (scegliere, to choose) aeroplano (m.), aeroplane alle otto della mattina, at 8 o'clock in the morning; at 8’a.m. ero, I was aeroporto (w.), airport quadrimotore (m.), four engined plane ci, us ci’ attendeva, was waiting for ne (attendere, to wait for) decollammo, we tool off quota (f.), height 2 prendendo quota, gaining height: climb ing facevo, I was making; I was doing (fare, to make; do) facevo colazione, | was haying lunch (fare colazione, to have lunch) corrispondente (m.), correspondent (ere: business friend) inglese, English in compagnia def mio corrispondente inglese, in company with my Eng lish business friend grazioso (m,), elegant; dainty; graceful; gracious sobborghi (m. pl. of sobborgo), suburbs dei sobborghi di Londra, in the suburbs of London 28° LEZIONE Una breve traversata ventottesima ({.), twenty-cighth traversata (f.), crossing; passage gente (f.), people quanta gente!, what a lot of people!: what a crowd! gite (f. pl.), trips; excursions gite domenicali, Sunday trips laghi (m. pl. of lago), lakes attirano, (they) draw; attract gitanti (m. or f. pl. ‘of gitante), trip. pers; excursionists attrattiva (f.), attraction; charm Vattrattiva di andare all’estero, the at- traction of going abroad pure, even; also sia pure soltanto per, if only for eapisco, of course (/#/. I understand) confesso, I admit; | confess divertente, entertaining; amusing spedizione (f.), expedition oltre, beyond confine (m.), frontier; border oltre confine, over the frontier pittoresco (m.), picturesque battelli (m. pl)”, boats organizzazione (f.), organisation svizzera (f.), Swiss accurata (f.), accurate; first rate, excellent] turista (m or f), tourist diverting; careful (Here: provare, to experiance; feel emozioni (f. pl. of emozione), feelings; sensations; emotions salvo, except paese (m.), country; land non capisce, he does not understand lingua (f.), language si parla Pitaliano, Italian is spoken lati (m1. pl.), sides ai due lati, on both sides frontiera (f.), froatier il mal di mare, sea-sickness guardi, look (guardare, to Joule) tranquiflo (m.), peaceful; quiet liscio (m.), smooth olio (10.), oil liscio come un olio, smooth as oil scherza, jests if Ingo non scherza, apfrox. it's no joke being on the Iake burrasca (f.), squall Passaporti (m. pl.), passports passaporti alla mano!, have your pass- ports ready! dogana (f.), customs prepararsi per la doganal, get ready for the customs! ombrellone (m.), (large) umbrella monte (m,), mountain 28 29" LEZIONE Una via di Milano ventinovesima (f.), twenty-ninth via (f,), street; road una via di Milano, a street in Milan eccoci, here we are duomo (m.), cathedral rumorosa (£.), noisy traffico (m.), traffic percorso (m.), come along; taken (percarrere, to come or go along) giungervi, (to) get here (giungere, to reach) corso (m.), (main or high) street Vittorio (m.), Victor Emanuele (m.), Emanuel fiancheggiato (m.), flanked; gone along the side of... sagrato (m,), church square sul Sagrato, in the Church Square spalle (f. pi.), shoulders alle nostre spalle, behind us si drizza, rises (drizzarsi, to tise) mole (f}, structure; pile; building; mass; size superba (f.), superb; splendid; proud cattedrale (f.), cathedral portici (m. pl.), porches galleria (f.). gallery; arcade conduce, leads (condurre, to lead) Piazza della Scala, Scala Square sorge, rises famoso (m.), famous cuore (m.), heart nel cuore stesso, in the very heart vita (£.), life commercio (m.}. pulsa, throbs commerce meridionali (pl. of meridionale), south; southern settentrionali (pl. of settentrionale), north; northern nonché, as well as; (and) also eleganti (pl. of elegante), fashionable; smart; elegant file ({, pl.), rows; lines con fe lunghe file dei loro tavolini, with their Toug tows of little tables occupano, (they) oceupy spazio_(m.), space disponibile, available Passano, (they) pass veicoli (m. pl.), vehicles brusio (m, se; hubbub incessante, incessant; ceaseless adiacenti (pl. of adiacente), adjacent tassi_ (m. pl. of tassi), taxis autobus (m. pl. of autobus), buses ciclisti (m. or f, pl. of ciclista), cyclists impavidi (m, pl,), fearless confusione (f.), confusion fortuna (f.), fortune per fortuna, fortunately abbondano, (they) abound passaggi (m. pl. of passaggio), crossings pedonali (m. pl. of pedonale), for foot- passengers; pedestrian abbondano i passaggi pedonali . . . , there are plenty of pedestrian cross ings . semafori (m. pl.), traffic lights vigili (m. pl. of vigile), policemen ritti (im. pl.), erect podi (m. pl. of pedio), platforms: motor 30? LEZIONE Per domandare la via trentesima ({.), thirtieth domandare, (to) ask via (f.), way per domandare fa via, asking the way semplicissimo (m.), very easy costeggi, go along (costeggiare, to go along; skirt; coast) monumento (m,)], monument si vede il monumento di qui, one can sce the monument from here attraversi, cross (attraversare, to cross) verso, towards; to verso sinistra, towards the leit passando, passing arco (m.), arch prosegua, continue; go on (proseguire, to continue; go on) sbocea, opens (into); leads (into) vorra, it will need (volere, io need) quanto tempo ci vorra?, how long will it take? a piedi, on foot fretta (f.), hurry; haste (30-31) ha fretta, you are in a hurry (avere fretta, to be in a hurry) tram (m.), tram ’ fermata (f.), stop: stopping place le pare?, do you think?; docs it seem to you? ma le pare? Non c’é di che, don't men- tion it per andare a... ?, how can I get tu? museo (m.), museum e come ci si arriva?, and haw does one get there? taio (m.), conductor dica al biglicttaio di farla scendere, tell the conductor to put you off (Jit tell the conductor to make you get out) fa, you do mi fa la cortesia di avvertirmi?, will you please tell me? (avvertire, to notify) avanti, in front accomodarsi avanti, along the bus si scende, yon get out; one gets out (approx.) pass parking-place posteggio (m.), parkin 31" LEZIONE Roma a volo d’uccello trentunesima (f,), thirty-first volo (m.), flight uccello (m.), bird Roma a volo d’uccello, bird's eye view of Rome riuscira, will succeed non riuscira a vedere gran che, will not succeed in seeing very much dimentichera, he will forget (dimenticare, to forget) mai pil, nevermore; never again quel poco non lo dimentichera mai piil, the little he does see he will never forget conviene, it is fitting; it is expedient (convenire (a), to. suit; be necessary; be expedient; be fitting) al turista conviene, the tourist would do well to... giro (m.), tour; round torpedoni (m. pl. of torpedone), motor buses organizzati (m. pl.), organized scopo (m.), purpose allo scopo, for the purpose passera, (he) will pass tal (m.), such (a) modo (m.), way in tal modo, in that way; thus brevissimo (m.), very short secolo (m.), century storia (f.), history Europa (f.), Europe d’Buropa, European remotissimi (m, pl.), yery remote testimoni (m. pi of testimonio), dence ruderi (m. pl. only), ruins; remains evi- 40 di cai sono testimoni i euderi di... , of which the ruins of . . , are evi- dence; the evidence of which is es- tablished by the ruins of . . antichissime (f. pl.), very ancient tombe (f. pl.), tombs pendii (m. pl, of pendio), slopes Palatino (m.), Palatine resti (m, pl.), remains imperiale, imperial rappresentata (f.), represented Fori (m. pl.), Forums Colesseo (m.), Coliseum archi (m. pl. of arco), arches trionfo (m.), triumph imponenti (pl. of imponente), imposing terme (f. pl, only), thermal baths; thermae; hot baths; hot springs; Roman baths barocea (f.), baroque chiese (f. pl.), churches palazzi (m. pl.), palaces; mansions; palatial buildings fontane (f, pl.), fountains seicento, six hundred chiese .. . del cingue e del scicento, churches , . . of the sixteenth and sevanteenth centuries bellissime (f. pl.), most beautiful; very beautiful statue (f. pl.), statues stupende (f. pl.), magnificent; wonder ful; marvellous prospettive (f. pl.), views; vistas parchi (m. pl. of parco), parks Ia cui (£.), whose; of which (the) nota (f.), mark; note 41° LEZIONE Le stagioni quarantunesima (f.), forty-first primavera (f.), spring estate (f.), summer autunno (m.), autumn inverno (m,), winter natura (f,), nature si ridesta, awakes (again) sonno (m.), sleep; slumber invernale, winter; wintry si coprono di, become covered with; are covered with foglie (f. pl.), leaves novelle (f pl), young: new: fresh tomano, (they) return nido (m.), nest cinguettando, chirping; twittering lietamente, happily campi (m, pl,), fields riprende, begins again (riprendere, to. begin again) alacrita (f.), alacrity con alacrita, actively; busily; cheerfully vanghe (f, pl. of vanga), spades zappe (f. pl.), hoes rivoltano, (they) turn over si trapiantano, are transplanted arbusti_(m. pl.), sbrubs pianticine (f. pl.), young plants seminana, are sown legumi (m. pl.), vegetables fresche (f pl. of fresco), fresh caldo (m.), heat vive (m.), intense; great sempre pi intenso, more and more in- tense agricoltore (m.), farmer riposare, (to) rest ombea (£.), shade deve, he must; has to (dovere, to have to; be obliged to) lavorare, (to) work stringe, (it) presses falciare, to mow mietere, to reap finché, as long as splende, (it) shines riempire, to fill granai (m. pl. granaries pagliai (m. pl. of pagliaio), hay stacks ma ecco che Je giotnate si fanno piit corte, but now the days are becom- ing shorter tender: of granaio), barns; 49 notti (f. pl. of notte), nights raccolte (m.), gathering; picking; har- vest frutta (f. inv.), fruit si fa il raccolto della frutta, the fruit is gathered; the fruit is picked si vendemmia, the grapes are gathered sulle (=su+le) (f. pl.), over the brutle (f. pl.), bare distese (i. pi.), stretches; expanses passa, (it) passes aratro (m.), plough momento (m.), time semina (f.), Sowing viali (m. pl, of viale), avenues viottoli (m. pl.), lanes nei viottoli delle campagne, country lanes stende, is spread; extends morbido (m.), soft ingiallite (f. pl.), (become) yellow vento (m.), wind solleva, (it) lifts facendole (f. pl.), making them (fare, to make) turbinare, (to) whirl che il vento solleva facendole turbinare, which the wind whirls about pioye, it rains bigio'(m.), grey; dull in the neve (f.), snow coprira, (it) will cover tetti (m. pl.), roofs brina (f.), hoar-frost gelo (m.), frost nebbie (f. pl.), fogs; mists feeddo (m.), cold ci faranno, (they) will make us (fare, to make) desiderare, (to) long for calore (m.), warmth; heat domestiche (f. pl. of domestico), domes- tic: homely; familiar pareti domestiche ({. pl.), home riparo (m.), shelter al riparo da, sheltered ftom; protected from intemperie (f. pl. only), inclement weather; inclemency of the weather circondati (m. pl,) di, surrounded by care (f. pl.), well-loved vendemmiatrice vendemmiatore (m.), (f.), grape-gatherer cesta (f.), gerla (f.), basket bue (m.), ox carretta (f.), cart LE.s 428 LEZIONE Sport e giochi quarantaduesima (f.), forty-second sport (m. inv.), sport giochi (m. pl. of gioco), games stadio (m.), sports ground; stadium partita (f.), match calcio (m.), football (the game) incontro. (m.), match; meeting; en counter; collision squadre (f, pl.), teams serie (f. inv.), series (here: division) campionato (m.), championship non erro, I am not mistaken gara (f.), contest; competition; match; race atletica (f.), athletics corsa (f.), running salto (m.), jumpin) lancio (m.), throwing; hurling perché n0?, why not? (here: I should like to) personaimente, personally preferisco, I prefer (preferire, to prefer) rugby (m.), Rugby preferito (m.), favourite oggi, nowadays accontentarmi, (to) be content (accontentarsi, to be content) vedere, (to) look at; watch di stare a vedere, to stand and watch mi piacerebbe, I should like golf (m.), golf gioco, (I) play tennis (m.), tennis io gioco soltanto a tennis, I only play tennis parere (m.), opinion a mio parere, in my opinion gioco (m.), game ci sia (snbj.), there is ho provato, I have tried pallacanestro (f,), basket-ball asso (m.), ace possiamo darci la mano, we can shake hands mi piacciono, I like (piacere, to please) mi piacciono molto, T like . much appena, as soon as scappo, I flee; escape monti (m, pl. of monte), mountains sciatore (m,), skier mi piace, I like mi piace molto, I like .. slitta (f.), sleigh(ing) soggiorno (m.), stay montagna (f.), mountain in montagna, in the mountains in pieno inverno, in the depth of winter beato (m.), happy beato lei!, lucky man! unico (m.), only riesco, I manage; succeed; am able (riuscire, to succeed) praticare, (to) practi corse (f. pl.), racing; races Vunico che riesco a praticare io sono le corse, the only one which 7 manage to practise is racing cavalli (m. pl.), horses non corrono, (they) don't run; are not running very . very much 43" LEZIONE 19 PARTE Vacanze in campagna quarantatreesima (f.), forty-third in campagna, in the country andavo, I used to go; I went tutti gli anni (m, pl), every year zio {m.), uncle un mio zio (m.), an uncle of mine da... mio zio, at my uncle’s da un mio zio, with an uncle of mine fattoria (f.), farm passavo, I sed to spend Passavo le giormate a correre per i campi, I used to spend the days running about the fields 50 grandicello (m.), rather big fatto pid grandicello, when I was older nei momenti in cui, at the times when urgeva, (it) was urgent aiutavo, I used to help; T helped braceianti (m. pl.), labourers; hands ho imparato, I learned rivoltare, (to) turn over fieno (m.), hay rivoltare il fieno, to spread hay; ted condurre, (to) guide (farm-) alleyava, (he) bred; used to breed ogni sorta di, all sorts of animali (m. pl. of animale), animals scuderia (f.), stable buoi (m. pl. of bue), oxen stalla (£.), stall mucche ‘(f. pl. of mucea), (milch) cows vacche (f, pl. of vacca), cows vitelli (m. pl), calves ovile (m,), sheepfold stavano, (they) were pecore (f. pl.), sheep; ewes agnelli (m. pl.}, lambs capre (f. pl.), goats cortile (m.), farmyard continua (m.), continual schiamazzare, noise; cackling; clucking: uawking galli (m. pl.), cocks galline (f. pl.), hens oche (f. pl. of oca), geese anitre (f, pl.), ducks tacchini (m. pl.), turkeys porcile (m.), pig-sty grugnivano, (they) grunted maiali (m.’ pl. of maiale), pigs (43 /1-2) ingrassare, to fatten i maiali da ingrassare, the pigs for fat. tening torne, I go back laggia, there; yonder cambiamenti (in. pl.), changes pulito (m.), clean trattrici (f, pl. of trattrice), tractors camioncini. (m. pl.), (light) motor lorries io (m.), poultry-yard; fowl-house ventato, has become razionale, rational persino, even mungitura (f.), milking si fa, is done a macchina, by machine latteria (f.), dairy ronzano, (they) buzz; bum motori (m. pl. of motore), motors; en- gines non @ certo pitt quella di un tempo, is certainly no longer what it used to be 28 PARTE I lavori dei campi si alzava?, did you get up? stava, you were; you stayed; you used to stay prima, earlier prestino, rather early un po’ prestino, a little early mi pare, it seems to me che faceva?, what did you do? a quelle ore, at that time quando, whenever arrivavo, (I) arrived riposto (m.), gathered in (riporre, to gather in; to put away or acl mietitura (f.), harvest incominciava, (it) was beginning mi piaceva, I used to like trainavano, (they) drew; dragged mietitrice (f.), reaping-machine; reaper aiutare, to help covoni (m. pl. of covone), sheaves fare i covoni, (to) sheaf drizzare, to erect Pioveva, it rained 51 da segare, to be sawn; to be cut da spaceare, to be chopped; to be split da strigliare, to be groomed; to be curried attrezzi (m. pl.), tools da accomodare, to be repaired; to be mended non si correva, one did not run mani (f. pl. of mano), hands di stare con le mani in mano, of stand- ing idle in quanto a... ?, what about? divertimenti (m. pl.), amusements io non dovevo, I did not have to tutto il giorno, all day long pescare, to fish andavo a pescare, T used to go and fish; T used to go fishing accompagnayo, I accompanied; I went with... mercato (m.), market vendere, (to) sell uova (£. pl. of uove (m.)), eggs burro (m.), butter (43/2-44/1) credevo, I thought si annoiasse (subj.), one grew tired che ci si annoiasse a stare in campagna, that one got bored in the country affatto, completely; quite nient’affatto (=niente affatto), not at all il tempo scorre, time flies yeloce, quickly; rapidly; swiftly in citta, in (the) town veloce come in citta, as swiftly as in the town in generale, in general; as a rule si acquista, one acquires salute (f.), health si acquista salute, it is good for one's health scommetto, I bet; I'll be bound frutteto (m.), orchard ricordo, 1 remember sapore (im,), flavour; taste 4 albicocche (f. pl. of albicocca), apricots pesche (f, pl. of pesca), peaches nespole (f. pl.), medlars cogliere, (to) pick; gather andavo a cogliere, T used to go and pick pianta (f.), plant che dire?, what (can I) say? ceste (f. pl,), baskets arance (f, pl. of arancia), oranges mandava, he used to send a casa nostra (f.), to our home; to out house facevano, (they) made; used to make gicia (f.), joy; delight facevano Ja gioia, were the joy (fare fa gioia di, to be the joy of) 44° LEZIONE 18 PARTE La yilleggiatura quarantaquattresima (f.), forty-fourth villeggiatura (f.), holiday torrido (m.), torrid; very hot fuggono, (they) escape; flee refrigerio (m.), relief; solace riva (f.), bank; seashore in riva al mare, at the seaside sui monti, in the mountains. costa (f.), coast Costa del Tirreno coast: Adriatico (m.), Adriatic si trasforma, is transformed spiaggia (f.), beach popolata (f)) di, populated by; peopled wit (m.), Tysthenian villeggianti (m. pl. of villeggiante), holi- day-malers; summer visitors ce n’e, there is something borse (f. pl.), purses; bags ce n’é pet tutti i gusti e per tutte le borse, there is something to suit all tastes and all. purses comodita (f, pl. of comodita), comforts variano, (they) vary azzurro (m.), blue tiepido (m.), warm dappertutto, everywhere brilla, shines spira, blows benefica beneficent; beneficial; a brezza (f.), breeze si divertono, (they) amuse themselves di pit, most of ali spiagge (f. pl. of spiaggia), beaches costrnire, (to) build (m: pl.), castles ), sand castelli di sabia, sand castles sguazzare, (to) paddle senza timore di non toccare il fondo, without fear of getting out of their depth adulti (m. pl.), adults siano (subj.), (they) are esperti (m. pl.), experienced nuotarori (in, pl. of nuotatore), swim- mers scogliere (f. pl.), reefs godono, (they) enjoy tuffarsi, to dive godono tuffarsi, they enjoy diving limpide (f. pl.), limpid profonde (f. pl.), deep barche (f. pl. of barca), boats vela (f.), sail remi (in. pl.), oars barche, a vela o a temi, sailing or row- ing boats motoscafi (m. pl.), motor-boats passeggiate (f. pl.), walks; excursions; trips molo (m.), pier: quay cabine (f. pl.), cabins; buts stabifimenti (m. pl.), establishments stabilimenti di bagni, bathing establish- ments gli amanti (m. pl. of amante), lovers quiete (f.), peace; quiet paesaggi (m. pl. of paesaggio), scenery alpestri (pl. of alpestre), alpine; moun- tainous camminate (i. pl.), walks (44/1-2) raggiungere, (to) reach verte (f. pl.), summits Alpi (£. pl, of Alpe), Alps Dolomiti (f. pl, of Dolomite), Dolomites sentirsi, to feel intima (f.), intimate comunione (f.), communion Dio (m.), God nuotatrice (f.). swimmer bagnante (m. or f.), bather tenda (f,), tent 2a PARTE Progetti per le vacanze progetti (m. pl.), plans deciso (m,), decided (de‘cidere, to decide) battuta (f.), beat; beating caccia (f.), hunt(ing); shooting battuta di'caccia (f-), battue cinghiale (m.), wild boar battuta di caccia al cinghiale, wild boar battue yorrebbero, (they) want; would like (yolere, to want) andassi (subj.), I went; should go trovarli, to join them; find them (rovare, to join; find) i miei genitori vorrebbero che andassi a trovarli, my parents want me to go and join them Po (m.), (river) Po fon . . . punto, not. at all voglia (f.), wish; will; intention (aver voglia di, to wish for) ton ne ha punta voglia, does not want (to go) at all; has no desire (to go) torto (m.), wrong non ha torto, she is not wrong, i.e, she is mais tight (Aere: I don’t blame her] (avere torto, to be wrong) pianura (f.), plain in pianura, in the plain fa caldo, it is hot (fare caldo, to be bot) fino a, until che cosa farete?, what will you do? (are, to do) Bsito, I hesitate Perché non venite?, come? andiamo, we are going Elba (f,), Elba andiamo all’Elba, we aro going to Elba 53 why don’t you cugina (£.), cousin affitta, (she) is letting; is renting stareste, you could stay ci stareste anche voi, there too conduciamo, we are taking (condurre, to take) signorina (f.), young lady; Miss (here governess; nursemaid) potrebbe, (she) could (potere, to be able) essa potrebbe occuparsi anche dei vostri piccoli, she could look after your little ones toa (occuparsi di, to look after) isola (f.), island idea (1.), idea sorride, smiles (sor’ridere, to smile) Videa mi sorride, the idea appeals to me; the idea attracts me bisogna’ che ne parli a must speak to my wil mi spiace, T am sorry pensato (m.), thought parlarvene, to speak to you about it (parlare, to speals) mi spiace di non aver pensato prima a parlarvene, I'm sorry I didn't think of speaking to you about it before di’, say (dire, to say; tell) you could stay di’ a tua moglie, tell your wife preoccuparsi, to trouble (oneself); to worry vestiti (in, pl.), clothes di non preoccuparsi per i vestiti, not to worry about clothes costumi (m. pl. of costume), costumes vat] bagno (m.), bathing: bath costumi da bagno, bathing-costumes; swimsuits (44/2-45/1) accappatoi (m. pl. of accapy (loose) bathing gowns; bat! prendisole (m. inv.), sun-suit(s) badili (m. pl. of badile), spades; shovels piceini (m. pl.), little ones reti (f. pl. of rete), mets e che so io, and what not; and goodness knows what else bisognera, one will have to portarli, (to) wear or carry them (Aere have them) (portare, to take) si capisce, naturally; of course non e il caso di, there is no need to vicinissimi (m. pl.), very near paese (m,), town; village too) , bes si trova, there is (travarsi, to be) si trova di tutto, there is everything: you can get everything sono attrezzati (m. pl.), equipped; fitted up in fondo, in the end sul posto (m.), on the spot costano, (they) cost si evita, one avoids noia (f.), trouble; annoyance caricarsi, to load oneself; burden oneself la noia di caricarsi di, the annoyance of burdening oneself with they are canna (i.) da pesca, fishing-rod bandierina (f.), (little) flag 45° LEZIONE 1@ PARTE L’automobile quarantacinquesima (f.), forty-fifth consentire, to allow; permit ogni, cach; every a prezzo cosi basso da consentire ad ‘ogni famiglia, at so. low a price as to ermit every family appassionati (m. pl.), enthusiasts considerazione (f.), consideration cilindri (m. pl.), cylinders macchine a sei o ad otto cilindri, six or eight-cylinder cars tuttavia, however; nevertheless si vedono, one sees; are seen strade (£. pl.), roads utititerie (F. pl,), ntilitarian (£.), medium; average f.), abdrox, cubic capacity of ie. power (of engine) auto (f.), car di contro, opposite pompa (f.), pump - tifornimento (m.), supply; refurnishing (Here: refuelling) serbatoio (m.), tank sembra, seems potente, powerful almeno, at least quindici cavalli, fifteen horse-power radiatore (m.),’ radiator cofano (m.), bonnet (of car) carrorzeria (f.), body (of car) a sei posti, with six seats; six-seater poggia, rests telaio (m.), chassis fissati (m. pl.), fixed cambio (m.), change scatola del cambio, gear-box 54 posteriore, rear ponte posteriore (m.), rear axle ruote (f. pl.), whee! munite (£. pl.) di, provided with; fur- nished with pneumatici (m. pl.), tyres parabrezza (m.), windscreen tetgicristallo (m. pl. of tergicristallo), windscreen wipers conducente (m.), driver yolante (m.), stcering-wheel davanti a sé, in front of him eruscotto (m.), dash-board quadranti (m. pl. of quadrante), dials manopole (f, pl.), knobs tachimetro (m.), speedometer amperometro (m.), ammeter livello (m.), level il livello dell’olio e della benzina, the oil and petrol gauges accensione (f.), ignition; lighting comando (m.), control (switch) fari (m, pl.), headlights pedale (m.), pedal frizione (£.), clutch; friction il pedale per Ja frizione, the clutch freno (m.), brake acceleratore (m.), accelerator a fianco, by the side guidatore (m.), driver freno a mano, hand-brake leva (£.), lever leva del cambio, gear-lever horn meccanico (m.), mechanic (45) 24 PARTE Guasto guasto (m.), breakdown; fault; damage Buasto al motore, trouble with the en- gine deste (subj.), you gave (dare, to give) vorrei che deste un’occhiata a... , I should like you to have a look at. irregolare, uneven; irregular non gira bene, it is not turning over well scoppietta, it is back-firing candele (f. pl.), (sparking-) plugs controllare, to adjust; control; inspect fo avuto un bel pulire fe candele, con- trollare l’accensione, in vain have I cleaned the plugs, adjusted the igni- tion carburatore (m.), carburettor inutile, of na use; useless non va, it won't go sono ... riuscito (m.), Ihave. . . ceeded esaurire, (to) exhaust batteria (f.), battery impianto (m.), system possa (subj.), it can (potere, to be able) non credo che possa trattarsi di quello, I don’t think that it can be that lasci (subj.), you leave @ meglio che lasci, you had better leave guardiamo, we look at ci guardiamo noi, we will have a look at it beh (interj.), well causa ({.), cause si che l'abbiamo trovata, oh yes, (we've found it) ci ha dato un bel da fare, (apfrox.) it took a lot of finding; it gave us a lot of trouble giunto (m.), join tube (m.), pipe immissione fe intake tubo di immissione, intake pipe lasciava, was letting a ire, to let) (E.), air check; suc- al motore lasciava passare Ilaria, was letting the air in; was leaking to” (interj.), well, I never sarebbe, would (essere, to be) mente (f.), mind questa non mi sarebbe mai venuta in mente, I should never have thought of that ci, here; there che ci siamo, while we are about it bene, it would be best ricaticare, to recharge carter (m.), cranle-case lubrificare, to oil per bene, thoroughly potreste, you could (potere, to be able) regolarli, (to) adjust them (regolare, to adjust) mancato (m.), missed; lacked sbattere, to bang; slam contro, against fanale (m.), street lamp ’é mancato poco che andassi a sbattere contro un fanale, I nearly smashed into a lamp post (mancar poco, to be near to) stamattina, this morming me la son cavata, I got off (cavarsela, to get off) ammaccatura (f.), dent parafango (in,), mudguard; wing paraurti (m,), bumper scorta (f,), provision; escort ruota (f.) di scorta, spare wheel sgonfio (m.), flat; deflated temo, I am afraid sia (subj.), it is forato (m.), punctured come vuole, as you like richiedera, ‘will take; will require; will demand un bel po’ di tempo, quite a long while non potra, will not be able (potere, to be able) non potra essere, can’t be prima di sera, before the evening (ie. this) 55 46 LEZIONE 1* PARTE Il commercio e Vindustria quarantaseesima (f.), forty-sixth industria ({.), industry produzione (f.), production; mannfac- ture alimentari (m. pl.), food tessili (m. pl. of tessile), textiles meccanica (f. sing.), mechanics si trovano, are found; one finds sui mereati di tutto i mondo, on the markets of the whole world; on the markets all over the world attigianato (m.), (the whole body of) artisans gode di, enjoys meritata (f,), deserved fama (f.), fame le,” world (-wide) mobilio (m.), furniture lavorazione (f.), manufacture paglia (f.), straw cuoio (m.), leather soffiatura (f.), blowing tessuti (m. pl), fabrics; cloths stampati (m. pl.), printed i tessuti di seta stampati a mano, hand- printed silk fabrics meccanica (f.), mechanical chimica (f.), chemical non @ all’ultimo posto, does not occupy the last place fabbriche (f, pl. of fabbrica), factories cantieri (m. pl, of cantiere), dockyards navali (pl.), naval farmaceutiche (i. pl pharmaceutical esportano, (they) export povera (f.) di, poor in materie (f, pl.), materials materie prime (f. pl.), raw materials importare, (to) import petrolio (m.), petroleum; oil cotone (m.), cotton esporta, she exports semilavorati (m. pl.) tured goods finiti (m. pl.), finished of farmaceutico) , semi-manufac- in gran parte, to a large extent; to a large degree agricolo (m.), agricultural cereali (m. pl. of cereale), cereals locale, local fabbisogno (m.), requisite(s); what is necessary sufficienti al fabbisogno, sufficient for the needs popelazione (f.), population; people agrumi (m, pl.), citrus fruits noti (m. pl.), known stranieri (m. pl.), foreign * 2a PARTE Parlando d’affari parlando, speaking; talking parlando d'affari, talking business potrei?, could 1? (potere, to be able) parlare con, (to) speak to dottor (=dottore) (m.), doctor biglietto (m,), (visiting) card se mi fa la cortesia di portargliclo, if you would kindly give it to him ricevera, he will receive (/ere: he will see) vado a vedere, I'll go and see subito, in a moment; soon ingegner (=ingegnere) (m.), eugineer ecco, well faccio, I make; I do io facie parte della Societa . . from the . . . Company -y lam (fare parte di, to belong to; be a mem- ber of) importatori (im. pl.) of importatore), im- porters esportatori (m. pl. of esportatore), ex- porters America (f.), America sud (m.), south America del Sud, South America Argentina (f.), Argentina Brasile (m.), Brazil desidereremmo, we should like accordarci, (to) come to an agreement (accordarsi, to come to an agreement) esportazione (f.), export(ation) articolo (m.), product; goods lavoriamo, we work commissione (f.), commission questo potrebbe andare, that might be all right; that might suit us franco (m.), free banchina (f), wharf imbarco (m.), embarkation; loading; shipping franco banchina porto d’imbarco, free alongside carico (m.), charge pagamento (m.), payment tratta ({.), draft le va?, does that suit you? discutere, to discuss telefoni (subj.), I may telephone permetta che gli telefoni, allow me to telephone (to). him chiami, call (46/2-47/1) ing. (abbrev. of ingegner m.), engineer officina (£.), works; precast labora- tory prontol, (on the telephone) hullo! sei, you are (essere, to be) sei tu?, is that you? potresti?, could you? Pproposta (f.), proposal; proposition interessante, interesting presenza (f{.), presence ti aspettiamo, we'll wait for you; we'll be expecting you cestino (m.) per le lettere, letter-basket portafoglio (m.), bricf-case casellario (m.), filing-cabinet 47* LEZIONE 14 PARTE Il medico, il dentista, il farmacista quarantasettesima (f.), forty-seventh medico (m.), doctor dentista (m.), dentist farmacista (m.), chemist mal (m,) di denti, toothache corta, run; hurry (correre, to run) cariato (m.), decayed otturera, he will stop (of feeth) guasto (m.), decayed glielo topliera, he will take it out for you togliere, to take out or off; remove) capo (m.), head mal (m.) di capo, headache occhiali (m. pl.),’ spectacles ceulista (m.), oculist soltanto, just ottico (m.), optician si sente, you feel si rivolga, go lo facia venire, haye him come; send for him gli dica quel che si sente, tell him what you feel like chiedera, (he) will ask mostrargli, (to) show him (mostrare, to show) ingua (f.), tongue i mostrargli la lingua, to your tongue tastera, he will feel polso (m.), pulse Je tastera i polso, he will feel your pulse misurera, he will’ measure Pressione (f.), pressure show him le misurera a pressione, he will take your blood-pressure ascoltera, he will listen to ben bene, very well (here: very care- fully) dopo di che, after which se occorre, if necessary consigliera, he will advise; he will se- commend cura (f.), treatment; cure dara, (he) will give (dare, to give) ticetta (f.), prescription portera, (you) will take la spedira, (he) will make it up (spedire, to make up (a grescri tion): execute; despatch) farmacia (f.), chemist’s shop infinito (m.)) infinite specialita (f. pl, of specialita), special lines; specialities; (Here: patent medicines) guariscono, (they) cure; heal (guarire, 10 cure; heal) mali (m. pl. of male or mal), ills; il) nesses; pains; aches; diseases sciroppi (m. pl.), syrups tosse (f.), cough sciroppi per la tosse, cough syrups compresse (f. pl.), tablets aspirina (f.), aspirin pillole (f. pl.), pills unguenti (m, pl.), ointments cerotti (m: pl.), plasters 57 (a7) 28 PARTE Una visita medica medica (£.), medical una visita medica, a visit to the doctor's pezzo (m.), while; time @ un pezzo che non la vedo, it time since I saw you disturbi (m. pl.), trouble(s) fossero (subj.), they were (essere, to be) magari fossero quelli solitil, would that they were the usual ones! if only they were the usual ones! fatto (m.), fact addosso, on; upon; about (me) mi pare di avere addosso, I think I have tutti i mali, every illness insonnia (f.), insomnia; sleeplessness reni (f. pl.), back; loins mal (m.) di reni, backache acidita (f.), acidity stomaco (m.), stomach per di pits, moreover; besides il torcicollo (m.), a stiff neck la raucedine ({.), hoarseness fa, ago ho starnutito, I sneezed violentemente, violently rotto (m.), broken; ruptured Crompere, to break; rupture) mi pare di essermi rotto qualcosa dentro, Tthink I have broken something in- side (me) duole, aches (dolere, to ache) mi duole fa spalla destra, shoulder is aching ginocchio (m.), knee slogato (m.), dislocated mi sembra di avere il ginocchio slogato, T think my knee is dislocated povero amico (m.), my poor friend male, ill va male, it goes ill (andare male, to go ill) va proprio male, you are in a bad way respiri, breathe (respirare, to breathe) some my right 58 profondamente, deeply dica, say (dire, to say) trentatré, thirty-three bronchi (m. pl.), bronchial tubes polmoni (m. pl. of polmone), lungs a posto, in order; in place arrossata ({.), reddened (kere tocco, T touch fa male?, does it hurt? (far male, to hurt) rotture (f. pl.), ruptures; breakages né, nor slogature (£. pl.), dislocations niente rotture, né slogature, broken or dislocate grave, serious niente di grave, nothing serious esaurimento (m.), exhaustion pensiero (m.), thought non stia in pensiero, don't worry regime (m.), diet stia un po’ a regime, keep on a slight dict disintossicare, to unpoison organismo (m.), organism per disintossicare Vorganismo, to get the poison out of your system verdure (f. pl.), green vegetables; greens passate (f. pl.), sieved; strained cotta (f.), cooked Ccuccere, to cook) diminuire, reduce fumo (m.), smoking dozzina (£.), dozen iniezioni (f. pl. of iniezione), injections faccia una dozzina di queste iniezior take a dozen of these injections sara, you will be (essere, to be) arzillo (m.), sprightly; lively; sparkling vigorous eccole le ricette, hore are the prescrip tions for y inflamed) nothing stetoscopio (m.), stethoscope dominante, dominant costituita, constituted; formed caratteristici (m. pl.), characteristic pini (m. pl.), pines marittimi (m. pl,), maritime moderna (f.), modern monumentale, monumental conciliazione (f.), conciliation italico (m.), Halic; Italian universita (£.), university esposizione ({.), exhibition funzionale, functioval mondana (f.), worldly; mundane movimentata (f.), busy elegante, fashionable Veneto (m.), Venetia cui, to which (31-32) fanno da, (they) act as sfondo (m,), background villa (£.), country-house e che dice?, and what (ca oy about? what (can one say) memorie (f. pl.), memories; recollec- tions; remembrances; reminiscences sacre (f. pl.), sacred Cristiani (m. pl.), Christians catacombe (f. pl.), catacombs martini (m. or f, pl. of martire), martyrs basiliche (f. pl. of basilica), basilicas bastano, are sufficient edifici (pl. of edificio, m.), buildings — 328 LEZIONE Addio a Roma trentaduesima (f.), thirty-second addio (m.), goodbye; farewell romana (f.), Roman (Jere: in Rome) potré?, shall I be able? goderla, to enjoy it meglio, best; better come potrd goderla meglio?, how can T make the most of it? ecco, here you are (Heres well) fossi (subj.), 1 were (essere, to se fossi in lei, if I were you tomerei, I should return; I should go again Vaticano (m.), Vatican Citta del Vaticano, Vatican City certo (m.), certain; sure affrettata (f.), hurried vi, there fatto (m.), make (fer: paid) (fare una visita, to pay a visit) non @ bastata, did not suffice; was not sufficient permetterle, (to) enable you; permit you (permettere, to permit) ricordare, (to) remember yedute (f. pl.), seen tagione (f.), Teason ha ragione, you are right (avere ragione, to be right) entrato (m.), gone into; entered San (m.), Saint Pietro (m.), Peter sono entrato a San Pietro, | went into Saint Peter's ayuto (m.), had avere, to have) soffermarmi, (to) stop a little; make a short stop osservare, (to) notice; observe; look at: st particolari (m, pl. of particolare), de tails; particulars tempio (m.), temple gigantesco (m.), gigantic contiene, contains (contenere, to contain) potuto (m.), been able ha potuto?, were you able? dedicare, to devote; dedicate cappella (f.), chapel sistina ({.), Sistine; Sixti esempio (m.), example; instance per esempio, for instance; for example affreschi (m. pl. of affresco), frescoes cartoni (m, pl. of eartone), cartoons pochi (m. pl. of poco), few ben pochi (m. pl.), very few che, than sufficienti (pl. of sufficiente), sufficient} enough dirlo, (to) say it (dire, to say) devo dirlo, I must say povere (J. pl.), poor gambe (f. pl.), legs e allora, well then a due passi dalf’albergo, a few steps from the hotel; quite near the hotel forse, perhaps carrozzella (f.), cab si faccia condurre, have yourself taken (heres go) zoologico (m.), zoological 4t 48° LEZIONE 1* PARTE La radio e quarantottesima (f.), radio (f.), wireless televisione (f.), television esperimento (m.), experiment Guglielmo (m.), William quanta strada dal primo esperimento!, how far (we have travelled) since the first experiment! naturalissimo (m.), very oatural sederci, (to) sit down (sedersi, to sit down) comodamente, comfortably girare, to turn sintonia (f.), syntony per mett eet in sintonia, to tune in forty-eighth canzo! pl. i canzone), songs discor: a ph , talks chiari te pl), clear orecchio (m.), car che giungono chiari al nostro orecchio, which reach our cars clearly (giungere a, to roach) fin da, from capo (m.), end fin dall’altro capo, from the other end avevo, (I) had (avere, to have) radiogrammofono (m.), valvole (f. pl.), valves a sei valvole, with six valves gamme (. pl.), ranges onda (£,), wave gamme d’onda, wavebands radiogram la televisione funzionava, (it) workrd Vho venduto (m.), 1 sold it recentemente, recently televisore (m.), television set automatico (m,), automatic Permette, (it) allows; enables pienamente, fully serve, it serves; enables perfezionarmi, to perfect (myself); prove per periezionarmi nelle lingue straniere, to perfect my (foreign) languages trasmissioni (f. pl. of | trasmissione), broadcasts; transmissions complemento (m.), complement corst (m. pl.), courses complementa | dei corsi complement to the courses quello che (m.), what schermo (m.), screen pregustare, to anticipate; have a fore. taste of il giorno in cui, the day when barriere (f. pl.), barriers non vi saranno pia barriere, there will no longer be any barriers; there will be no more barriers popoli (m. pl.), nations; peoples potremo, we shall be able (potere, to be able) voei (£, pl. of voce), voices in- Linguaphone, Linguaphone cortissime (f. pl.). very short (fere: attraverso, across VILF.) vederci, to see each other 28 PARTE Le radiotrasmissioni radiotrasmissioni (f. pl. of radiotrasmis- sione), broadcasts questo tuo nuove... , this new . of yours tadio-televisore (m.), set funziona, (it) works ottimamente, excellently potenza (f.), power; strength tmusicalita (f.), melodiousness selettivita (f.); selectivity wireless-television i giorni scorsi (m. pl.), during the iast few days ho stentato, I have had difficulty ho stentato un poco a ricevere, I have had some difficulty in getting anch’io, so have I atmosfera (f.), atmosphere temporalesca (f,), stormy hai?, have you? (avere, to have) hai sentito?, did you hear? (48/2-49/1) fauto (m,), fute magico (m.), magic pazza (f.), crazy; mad opera (f.), opera va pazza per Vopera, goes crazy over ‘opera debole (m.), weakness davano, they gave (dare, to give) tedesco (m.), German non ho capito, I did not understand sola (f.), single parola (f.), word gia, really; indeed; certainly; to be sure; of course forte (m.), forte; strong point programmi (m. pl. of programma), pro- ‘grammes preferisci, you prefer (preferire, to prefer) ma, well; why commedia (f,), comedy specie, especially; particularly allegra ({-), merry; gay conversazioni (f. pl. of conversazione), talks sinfonica (f.), symphonic mi diverto, I enjoy myself resoconti (m. pl.), accounts; reports mu diverto. mezzo mondo ai resoconti sportivi, I thoroughly enjoy the sports reports tu ascolti, you listen to se non sbaglio, if I am not mistaken dicono, they say (dire, to say) quasi tutto quello che dicono, nearly everything they say finalmente, at last; finally ho afferrato, I have . . . grasped intonazione (,), intonation pronuncia (f,), pronunciation te, you dono (m.), gift beato te, che hai il dono delle linguel, lucky you, having a gift for languages! volonta (f.). will riesce, succeeds (riuscie, to succeed) chiunque, anybody: anyone ci riesce chiunque, anyone can succeed credi a me, believe me volere & potere, where there’s a will, there’s a way 49" LEZIONE 1s PARTE Teatri, cinema, spettacoli di varieta quarantanovesima ({.), forty-ninth spettacoli (m. pl.), shows; performances gloriosa (f.), glorious sala (f.) da spettacolo, play-house funzione (£.), function primeggiano, are pre-eminent; stand out featri (im. pl.) d’opera, opera-houses noti (m. pl.), noted allestiscono, (they) present operistici (m, pl.), operatic hanno subite, have submitted to; have undergone vicende (f. pl.), changes; whims sono stati adattati, have been adapted danno, (they) give (dare, to give) rivista (f.), revue anziché, rather than liriche ({. pl. of firico), lyric (al) opere fitiche (f, pl. of opera lirica), grand opera(s) sono divenuti (m. pl.), have become (divenire, to. become) cinematografi (m, pl.), cinemas palcoscenico (m.), stage sfruttato (m.), made use of; used, avanspettacolo (1 interlude’ spettacoli di varieta in avanspettacolo, variety shows between the films cioé, that is proiezione (f.), projection; showing pellicola (f.), film prosa (f.), drama; prose; theatre dispone . |, . di, commands; has at its disposal (disporre di, to command) pet quanto, however (much) per quanto non pochi, howe ver many orchestra (f.), orchestra direttore d’orchestra, conductor cantanti (m. or f. pl. of cantante}, singers 60 grido (m.), Here: fame scenari (m, pl. of scenario), (stage) scenery; scenario luci (f, pl. of tuce), lighting corpo di ballo (m.), corps de ballet tutto e tutti, the whole ensemble; every- thing and everybody sfarzo (m.), magnificence; Inxury; show; pomp abiti da sera, evening ciress(es) pubblico (m.), audience si uniscono, (they) unite (uniesi, to ‘unite) splendour; (49/1-2) creare, (to) create; produce fantastico (m.), imaginary; fantastic qualcosa che ha del fantastico, somie- thing that doesn’t look like real life palchi (m. pl. of palco), boxes poltrone (f. pl.), orchestra stalls poltroncine (f. pl.), pit stalls numerati (m. pl.), numbered posti numerati di galleria, seats in the gallery loggione (m.), upper gallery costa, (it) costs numbered 28 PARTE A teatro mattinata (f.), matinée vero (m.), true; right non c’é mattinata, vero?, there isn’t a matinée, is there? Ia domenica, on Sundays fontano (m.), far scena (f.), stage pari (inv.), even dispari (inv.), odd guardaroba (f.), cloak-room ingresso (m.), entrance all’ingresso della sala, at the entrance to the auditorium maschera (f.), attendant Paccompagnera, (he) will take you dici, you say (dire, to say) atto (m.), act che cosa ne dici di questo primo atto?, what do you think of this first act? bravi (m. pl.), good; clever attori (m. pl. of attore), actors Fecitano, they act tanta (f.), such ‘Asturalezza (f.), naturalness volevo, I wanted ‘volere, to want) Proprio quello che volevo dire io!, just what I was going to say! Andiamo, let’s go 61 andiamo a fate due pa: have a stroll ridotto (m_), foyer mi sono. . . divertito, I have . . joyed myself caratterista (f.), character actress fa la parte, plays the part vecchietta (f.), little old woman buffa (f.), comical; funny bravissima (f.), very clever; very good resto (m.), rest; remainder; residue del resto, besides affiatata’ ({.), agreeing; well-matched mi pare . . . che sia una compagnia molto affiatata, I think the company shows very good team-worle spengono, they are turning out (spegnere, to turn out) spicciamoci, Ict’s make haste; let's hurry (spicciarsi, to make haste) si alzi (subj.), rises (alzarsi, to rise) sipario (m.), curtain prima che si alzi il sipario sul secondo atto, before the curtain rises for the second act i, let's go and en- harmonizing; spec- spettatore (m.), spettatrice (f.), tator; member of audience botteghina (m.), box-office 50° LEZIONE Brevissitno cenno sulla letteratura italiana cinquantesima (f.), fiftieth cenno (m.), account letteratura (f.), literature cenno sulla letteratura italiana, account of Italian literature tiassumere, to summarize in breve, in a few words: short ci, ourselves limiteremo, we will confine (limitare, to. confine) elenco (m,), list opere (f. pl.), works significative (f. pl.), important; signifi- cant sentito (m.), heard chi non ha sentito parlare di . who has not heard of . . .? grandioso (m.), grandiose; grand; mag nificent, poema (m.), poem divina (f.), divine cantiche (f. pl. of cantica), parts (of a long poem); canticles; songs; poems; hymns inferno (m_), inferno; hell purgatorio (m.), purgatory paradiso (m.), paradise conduce, takes (condutte, to take) lettore (m.), reader regni (m. pl-), kingdoms; realms, reigns olfretomba (m. inv.), (the) Beyond immaginazione (f.), imagination profondira (f.), depth altezza (f.), loftiness; sublimity; perfec- tion; height sentimento (m.), sentiment; feeling poetico (m.), poctic(al) religioso (m.), religious considerato (m,), considered; esteemed; in brief; in ? regarded (considerare, to consider; esteem; re gard) fe opere maggiori (f, pl.), the greatest works di ogni tempo, of all time contemporanei (di) , contemporary (with) novelle (f, pl,), short stories; '' novels '*; tales Decamerone (m.), Decameron sonetti (m. pl.), sonnets facciamo, Iet’s make (fare, to make) salto (m.), jump facciamo un salto, let’s take a jump (fare un salto, to take a jump) 62 facciamo un salto di un paio di secoli, lot's jump a couple of centuries festoso (ni.), gay: merry; joyous; festive Orlando’ (m.), Roland furioso (m,), furious; raging sentimentafe, sentimental Gertrsalemme (f.), Jerusalem liberata (f.), liberated; redeemed; de. livered; set free; released; rescued lasciamo, let's leave poemi (m. pl. of poema), poems passiamo, let’s pass on incontro (a), towards ecco venirci incontro, here to meet us mad; violent; lis...» ); here comes (yenire incontro a, to come to meet; to meet) bonario (m.), good natured; friendly; ‘kind geniale, of genius; possessing great talents innovatore (m.), innovator Carlo (m.), Charles tardi, late pi tardi, later romanticismo (m.), romanticism introduce, introduces introdurre, to introduce) romanzo (m.), novel storico (m.), historic(al) Alessandro (m.), Alexander scrive, writes promessi (m, pl.), betrothed; engaged) promised. (pro’mettere, to promise) sposi (ra: pl.), married couple; wedded pair i promessi sposi (m, pl.), the betrothed insuperato (m.), unsurpassed capalavoro (m.), masterpiece del genere, of its kind tradotto (m.), translated (tradurre, to translate) a cavallo, astride; hali-way between classicismo (m_), classicism sconsolato (m.), disconsolate; unhappy; sad poeta (mn.), poet Giacomo (m.), James leggeremo, we will read fra poco, presently; shortly lirica (f.), lyric(al) poem; lyric i moderni (m, pl.), the moderns bei (m, pl.), fine; beautiful (Aere: great) ancor (=ancora), still; yet; again recente, recent celebre, famous fuori di, beyond; out of fuori dei confini, beyond the confines patria (f.), fatherland commediografo (m.), wright romanziere (m.), novelist Luigi (m.), Lewis; Louis infinito (m.), infinite; infinity fu, was (essere, to be) ermo (m.) (Avefical), lonely; solitary colle (m.), hill (ock) siepe (f.), hedge(row); fringe of trees ultimo (m,), last; utmost; ultimate orizzonte (m.), horizon guardo (m.), gaze; glance esclude, cuts out; excludes; debars; shuts out sedendo, sitting down (sedere, to sit down) mirando (foctica?), gazing; contemplat- ing; admiring interminati (m. pl.), limitless; bound- less; interminable sovrumani (m. pl.), superhuman; more than human silenzi (m. pl. of silenzio), silence(s) profondissima (f.), profoundest; deepest fingo, I feign; here poetical for: 1 imagine ove, where dramatist; play- 63 (50) Per poco (. . . non), nearly: almost; all but cor (=core=cuore) (m.), heart si spaura, is dismayed (spaurarsi, poetical, to become frightened, dismayed) come, as; when odo, T hear (udire, to hear) stormir (=stormire), (to) rustle odo stormir vento), I hear (the wind) rustling vo (=vado), I go (andare, to go) comparando, comparing mi sovvien (=mi sovviene), (there) comes to my mind; I am reminded of (sovvenire, to occur; remind) presente, present viva (f.), living; live; alive suon (=suono) (m.), sound immensita (f.), immenseness; immen- sity; infinite space s’annega, is drowned; drowns itself (annegarsi, to be drowned; to drown oneself) naufragar(=naufragare), shipwreck; be wrecked dolce, sweet mare (m.), sea; ocean to ITALIAN PRONUNCIATION Language is not like the laws of the Medes and Persians, something that cannot be changed. On the contrary, it is con- stantly changing, both as regards grammar and pronunciation, and what is the colloquial language of one generation becomes the commonly accepted and even literary language of the next. In Italian, there is what we may call the traditional pronuncia- tion, used by the majority of educated people and taught in the schools as the only correct one. It is like Florentine, though not strictly either Florentine or Tuscan. Then there is the new pro- nunciation, more like Italian as spoken in the north of Italy. It is advisable, especially for foreigners, to keep to the tradi- tional form, and it is this pronunciation that is used by the speakers on the records. As a matter of interest, we give below the two chief differences beween the traditional pronunciation and the other form which is mainly in evidence on the stage and radio. In the latter, speakers tend not to make use of il rafforzamento (i.e. the reinforcing or doubling) of the initial consonant of a word, which mostly takes place when the preceding word is a monosyllable ending in a vowel or a word stressed on the final vowel, e.g.: Il presidente parld (b)bene, The president spoke well. Carlo e (m)Maria vengono anch’essi, Charles and Mary are also coming. Verra (d)da (m)me (d)domani, He will come to my house tomorrow. They also give a uniformly voiced pronunciation to inter- vocalic s, that is, they pronounce it always as ‘'z'’ whereas in the traditional pronunciation intervocalic s is sometimes voiceless, i.e. like ‘"s” in “sing”. For instance, mese, pronounced traditionally me:se, becomes me:ze in the new pronunciation. SOUNDS RECORD The text of the Italian sounds has been specially compiled to enable the student to study the Italian vowels and consonants and to check up on the pronunciation of any sound he is not sure about. Students will find that time devoted to this record will prove well worth while and they should refer to it constantly dur- ing their study of the Course. 65 LES The Vowels The Italian vowels are all pure: there are no diphthongs, and the student must take care to keep his lips in a perfectly rigid position when pronouncing them. For instance, sound No. 2 is a pure vowel which should in no circumstances be pronounced like the diphthong in the English word “'day''. Similarly, No. 6 must not develop into the diphthong heard in the English word “rose”. Special attention should be paid to the open and close e and to the open and close o (see footnotes on page 68 and 69). The English student should avoid a natural tendency to pro- nounce unstressed vowels as neutral vowels instead of giving them their full quality. Tn appartamento, for instance, avoid slurring the first and third syllables. Similarly, the word camera should in no way resemble the pronunciation of the English word “camera "’. Note that an open stressed syllable, i.e. one terminating in a vowel, is always long: e.g. “pri:mo (primo), ‘disko (disco). The Consonants Generally speaking, the Italian consonants are not likely to cause the student much difficulty, but the double consonants should be given special attention as they are always reinforced (raffor- zate). The same effect is produced in English in speaking two words when the initial consonant of the second word is the same as the final consonant of the first word, e.g.: ‘‘ good dog”; “hot toast"’. Section (E) of Part II of the Sounds Record gives examples of consonants grouped together for comparison and a careful study of this section will be well worth while. The ‘reinforcing ’’ of consonants affects not only double consonants. It is also applied to the sounds A, p, f, ts, dz, when they occur between two vowels: e.g. uf fire (uscire); la f’fe:na (la scena); ‘eAi (egli); i:o £Ai'dissi (io gli dissi). Then, as already indicated in the note on Italian Pronunciation, an initial consonant is reinforced if the preceding word is stressed on the final vowel or is om of a number of words (mostly monosyllables) ending in a vowel. Stress Normally the main stress of an Italian word is on the syllable before the last, but there are numerous exceptions. The only way to learn on which syllable the stress falls is to listen carefully and constantly to the records. It is practice alone that enables the student to stress the words correctly without having to think about it. 66 The Written Accent Usage concerning the adoption of a written accent in Italian varies considerably, but there is general agreement that an accent should be used in the following cases: (a) to indicate that the final vowel of a word bears the stress: e.g. attivita, “‘activity’’; avré, ‘I shall have’; cid, “that; gia, ‘‘already’’; pid, ‘‘more’’; egli puo, ‘he can.” But no accent is used on qua or qui, “‘ here’’. (b) to distinguish words with the same spelling but different meanings, e€.g.: da, from, by da, gives la, the la, there li, them li, there e, and é, is che, who, that ché, since, because il danno, the damage danno, they give to distinguish words that are spelt the same, but have different meanings, according to which syllable bears the stress, e.g.: (c ancora, anchor ancéra, yet, still balia, nurse balia, power, mercy In many books the only written accent used for words in the above categories is the grave. As, however, this does not indi- cate whether the vowel is open or close, there is a growing tendency to use the grave accent only for the open vowels and to indicate the others by an acute accent. This is what has been done in the text-books relating to the present Linguaphone Italian Course. Thus, in the examples given above, é is written with a grave accent to denote that it is pronounced with the open [e] sound, whereas ché has the acute accent to denote that it is pro- nounced with the close [e] sound. 67 ITALIAN VOWELS AND CONSONANTS (The alphabetical list given below is for reference purposes, enabling the student to refer to the Sounds Record for the pronunciation of any sound Spelling a b c gl - m that may be causing him difficulty.) Pronunciation Pronounced a, No. 4. Never like a in far or fat ; nearer u in fund. Pronounced b, No. 9. (1) Before a, 0, u, h, | or x, pronounced k, No. 12 and Section E. (2) Before e or i, pronounced No. 28 and Section E. Pronounced d, No. 11. A dental sound, not alveolar, as in English. (t) Pronounced e, No. 2*. (2) Pronounced ¢, No. 3%. Pronounced f, No. 2r. (1) Before a, 0, u, h, | or r, pronounced g, No. 13 and Section E (2) Before e or i, pronounced &, No. 29 and Section E. Before i pronounced 4, No. 19. Pronounced gl in negligente, No. 13, in the initial syllable of a few words like glicerina, “‘ glycerine’, and in the combination ngli: e.g. anglicano, ‘“ Anglican”. Pronounced p, No. 16. Not pronounced. (x) Pronounced i, No. 1. (2) Unstressed before a vowel, pronounced j, No. 31. Rare in moder Italian orthography, replaced by i, for which see above. Pronounced k. Used exclusively for words borrowed from other languages. Pronounced 1, No. 18. Always as 1 at the beginning of an English word, not at the end, i.e. as in leaf, not as in feel. See also gl. Pronounced m, No. 14. *e is always pronounced [¢] in an unstressed syllable. In a stressed syllable, it may be [e] or fe], and practice alone will enable the student to know which pronunciation to use. 68 Spelling Pronunciation n (x) Pronounced n, No. 15. (2) Followed by hard ¢, ‘hard g or q, pronounced D, No. 17. See also gn. (3) Before £ or v, approximates to m: e.g. im’vetfe (invece). ° (rt) Pronounced 9, No. 5*. (z) Pronounced 0, No. 6*. Pronounced p, No. 8. q Pronounced k, No. 12. Always followed by u [=w]. if Pronounced r, No. 20. Strongly rolled with the tip of the tongue. 8 (x) Pronounced s, No. 23. (2) Pronounced z, No. 25. sc (1) Before a, 0, u, h, 1 or r, pronounced sk, Section E. (2) Before e or i, pronounced J, No. 7 and Section E. t Pronounced t, No. ro. Dental, not alveolar, as in English. u (xz) Pronounced u, No. 7. (2) Before a vowel, pronounced w, No. 30. Pronounced v, No. 22. w Pronounced u or v. Used exclusively for words bor- towed from other languages. x Pronounced ks. Used chiefly in Latin ex, as in ex novo, ex-ministro. y Pronounced i or j. Found only in words borrowed from other languages. Zz (xz) Pronounced ts, No. 24 and Scction E. (2) Pronounced dz, No. 26 and Section E. *o is always pronounced o in an unstressed syllable. In a stressed syllable, it may be o or 2, and practice alone will enable the student to know which pronunciation to use. 69 (32333) modernissima (f.), very modern attrezzatura (f.), equipment; rigging passa, passes ssa per essere, iS considered interessanti (pl. of interessante), teresting faccia, make (fare, to male) mi raccomando, please; if T may be al- lowed to say so (raccomandarsi, to beg) 7 nel passare, in. passing; when passing non dimentichi, don’t forget (dimenticare, to forget) buttarvi, (to) throw there (buttare, to throw) in- implore; entreat: di buttarvi dentro una throw a coin into it acquistera, you will acquire (acquistare, to acquire) cosi, thus; in this way; in that way dice, says (dire, to say) tradizione (f.), tradition certezza (f.), certainty tornare, (to) return acquistera cosi. . . la certezza di tor- nare, in this way you will be cer. tain ‘of returning to moneta, cupola (£.), cupola; obelisco (m.), obe colonnati (m. pl.), colonnades 33" LEZIONE I grandi empori trentatreesima (f.), thirty-third empori (m. pl. of emporio), stores andata (4.), gone sono andata, I went giretto (m.), short tour trascorso (m.), spent (trascorrere, to spend) soffermandomi, stopping a little; mak- ing a short stop (soffermarsi, to stop a little; make a short stop) reparto (m.), department meravigliandomi, (being) surprised; marveling (meravigliarsi, to wonder; marvel; be surprised; be amazed) varieta (f.), variety meravigliandomi della yarieta, surprised at variety molteplicita (f.), multiplicity atticoli (m_ pl.), articles esposti (m_ pl.), exhibited (esparre, to. ex! banchi (12. pl. of bance), counters vendita (f.), sale; selling amimirato (m.), admired commessi (m. pl.), salesmen; assistants commesse (f, pl.), saleswomen: assistants innumerevoli (pl. of inaumerevole), in numerable profumeria (f.), perfumery cancelleria (f.), stationery chincaglieria (f.), fancy articles, cheap jewellery, etc. (m. pl. of mobile), furniture mobi generi (m. pl. of genere), articles; goods alimentari (m. pl. of atimentare or ali- mentario), alimentary generi alimentari, foodstuils giocattoli (m. pl.), toys accoglienti (pl. of accogliente), coming; making welcome gli innumerevoli reparti . . . sono ac- coglienti, in the innumerable de- partments there is an atmo- sphere of friendliness botteghe (f. pl. of bottega), shops d'un tempo, of old times products; wel m'indugiavo, I was loitering (indugtarsi, to loiter; linger) ebbi, T had (ayere, to have) sorpresa (F.), surprise incontrare, to meet la sorpresa di incontrare, the surprise of meetin libreria “(f.)., Book department amica (i.), friend una mia vecchia amica (4,), friend of mine vedeva, I saw che non vedevo da anni, whom I had not scen for years sposatasi (f.), (having got) married (sposarsi, to get married; marry; be married) Sicilia ({.), Sicily old an oe evo ae e (at) (a+) (e+) (e+) (i+) (i+) (a+) (ut) I SUONI ITALIANI—I (THE ITALIAN SOUNDS — I) A Le vocali italiane (The Italian Vowels) primo disco benissimo ‘primo ‘disko be’nissimo queste quelle leggere "kweste ‘kwelle “leddgere ecco specchio fratello ‘ekko ’spekkjo fra’tello camera patata appartamento —_—attaccapanni ‘ka:mera pa’ta:ta apparta’mento attakka’panni donna oggi mobili ‘donna ‘oddi 'moxbili moglie giorno molto ‘mofAe ‘&orno ‘molto: una sulla musica ‘una ‘sulla ‘muzika B Esempi di gruppi vocalici (Vowels in groups) mai aiola maestto Paolo paura rauco mai a’joila ma’estro "Pazolo pa’utra—‘razuko reo rei rea ree neutro ‘reso "veri ‘rea ‘rere ‘nezutro mio zio mia zia i miei zit ‘mito ‘tsizo le mie ‘miza ‘tsiza i ‘tsiti zie le ‘mize ‘tsize suo ‘suio suoi 'swotk sua ‘sura 70 10. Ir. 12. 13. 15. 16. ccs 18, Ig. 20. c Le Consonanti (The Consonants) * Exception to (19) p primo Piano tulipano tappeto P= ‘primo ‘pjamo tuli‘pamo tap’pe:to b bagno brodo albergo abbiamo b 'bapno "bro ido al’bergo ab’bjaimo t tempo treno contento tutto t "tempo ‘treo kon’tento “tutto d= dove padre giardino soddisfare d ‘dove ‘pardre —dgar'ditno —_soddis'farie c (before a, 0, u) q, ch gioca poco cura pacco quando k 'dorka ‘poiko ‘kuira ‘pakko "kwando quercia fichi ‘kwertfa “fitki g (before a, 0, u) gh gatto gola gusto aghi negligente* g ‘gatto “gorla ‘gusto = ‘aigi_—~—snegli’dente aggradire agera’di:re m= madre sempre grammofono m /ma:dre ‘sempre gram’mo:fono n mano treno buona donna no ‘mano ‘temo "bwo:na ‘donna gn campagna insegnante —signore ~—smagnifico pn kam’papna_—inse’ppante _—si’ppozre ~—sma’ppi:fiko n (before q, c=[k] or g=[g]) banca anche —_angolo lungo — dunque p ‘bagka —‘agke ‘angolo = ‘Iuggo.—‘dugkwe 1 lezione libro ala alla 1 let’tsjozne —'lizbro ‘ala ‘alla gl(i) figlio egli moglie gigli A(i) ‘fiSK0 —‘eSKi_— ‘moe "GiAAL © per favore parlare parte Pianterreno r __perfa’vorre par'la:re ‘parte pjanter’re:no 7 See also note on gl, page 68 ar. 22. 20. 27, 28. 29. 30. 31. I SUONI ITALIANI —II (THE ITALIAN SOUNDS — II) D Continuano le consonanti (The Consonants—Continued) £ famiglia fanciullo garofano caffé f fa’mifa fan‘t{ullo ga’ro:fano —kaf’fe vi verdi tavola pavimento davvero voi ‘verdi ‘ta:vola —_ pavi’mento dav’ve:ro s sabato salotto aspetto fusso s ‘sarbato sa’lotto as’petto ‘lusso. z stanza gtazie. ~=—zucchero. —pezzo.—sspazzola ts ‘stantsa ‘grattsie ‘tsukkero —'pettso—‘spattsola 8 tosa musica slitta sgrida Z ‘"roiza ‘muzika "2litta ‘2grida Zz pranzo zero azzurro magazzino dz 'prandzo ‘dze:ro ad’dzurro— magad’dzi:no sc (before e, i) scena conoscere fascino uscire J ‘Jena ko’noffere “faffino uf 'fizre c¢ (before e, i) cipolla cinque piace cid accento ff tli’polla "finkwe — 'pjarffe fo at’tfento g (before e, i) gentile giovane gia_—leggere~—_ pomeriggio & gen'tisle “do:vane ca Neddere pome'riddo u (before a vowel) uomo nuovo quale guarda = guerra w ‘wormo ‘nwo:vo ‘kwa:le ‘gwarda ‘gwerra i (before a vowel) piano chiama piede ieri fiore j ‘pja:no ‘kjaiuma ‘pjeide ‘jeri ‘fjoire 72 E Esempi di consonanti per paragone (Consonants grouped for comparison) fato fatto avremo avremmo ‘farto ‘fatto a’vre:mo a’vremmo coro corre, capello cappello ‘koro ‘korro ka’pello kap’‘pello giorno. aggiorno cento accento *dorno ad’&orno ‘fento at’tfento ce che ci chi tfe ke ffi ki carpa ciarpa scarpa sciarpa ‘karpa ‘farpa ‘skarpa ‘arpa cena scena schema ‘Yema = “Jena 'ske:ma chiudo schiudo sciupo ‘kjurdo ‘skju:do ‘furpo gusto giusto —-_ ghetto. —s getto.— ghiro~— giro ‘gusto ‘dsusto ‘getto ‘Getto ‘giro ‘kiiro pezzo mezzo zitto zero ‘pettso ‘meddzo ‘tsitto ’dzeiro L’alfabeto (The alphabet) A B Cc D E F G H I a b c d e f g h i a bi ffi di & ‘efle di ‘akka i J K L M N oO P Q R j k 1 m no Pp q r i‘lujgo ‘kappa ‘elle ‘emme ’enne 9 pi ku ‘erre s T U Vv Ww x Y Z s t u v w x y z ‘esse ti us vu vu'doppjoiks —‘ipsilon ‘dze:ta 73 ITALIAN SOUNDS RECORD—I primo (m.), first disco (m,), record benissimo, very well queste (f. pl.), these quelle (f. pl.), those leggere, to read ecco, here is; here are specchio (m.), mirror fratello (m.), brother camera (f.), room patata (£.), potato appartamento (m.), flat attaccapanni (m.), hall-stand donna (f.), woman to-day (am; pl.) furniture moglie (f.), wife giorno (m.), day molto, very; much una (1), a(n); one sulla (f.), on the musica (f.), music mai, never aiola (f.), flower-bed maestro (m.), master Paolo (m.), Paul paura (f.), fear rauco (m.), hoarse reo (m, sing.), convict; (ad/.), rei (m. pl.), convicts; (adj.), guilty rea (f. sing.), convict; (a: guil ree (f. pl.), convicts; (adj.), guilty neutro (m.), neutral mio zio (m. sing.), my uncle mia zia (f. sing.), my aunt i miei zii (m. pl.), my uncles guilty le mie zie (f. pl.), my aunts suo (m. sing.); suoi (m. pl.); sua (f. sing.); sue (f. pl.), his; her; its; your (Polite form) primo (m.), first piano (m.), floor; storey tulipano (m.), tulip tappeto (m.), carpet bagno (m.), bath brodo (m.), broth albergo (m.), hotel abbiamo, we have tempo (m.), time treno (m.), train contento (m.), happy tutto (m.), all dove, where padre (m.), father giardino (m.), garden soddisfare, to’ satisfy gioca, he or she plays poco (a). little cura (£.), care pacco (m.), parcel quando, when quercia’ (1), oak chi (m. pl.), figs gatto (m.), cat , throat ( aghi (m. pl.), needles negligente, negligent aggradire, to accept madre (f.), mother sempre, always grammofono (m.), mano (f.), hand treno (m.), train buona (£.), good donna (f.), woman campagna (f.), country insegnante (m.), teacher signore (m.), gentleman mmagoiticn (m.), __manificent banca (f.), anche, a P angolo (m.), corner tango (m.), long dunque, therefore lezione (f.), lesson libro (m.) coun ala (f.), alla (£), 40 the; at the figlio (m.), son egli (m,), he moglie (f.), w: gigli (m. pl.), lilies per favore, please parlare, to speak parte (f.). pa pianterreno (m.), gramophone ground floor 75 ITALIAN SOUNDS RECORD—II famiglia (f.), family fanciullo (m.), child; boy garofano (m.), carnation ff (m.), coffee vi, there verdi (pl.), green tavola (f.), table pavimento (m.), floor davvero, indeed sabato (m.), Saturday salotto (m.), sitting-room aspetto (m.), appearance lusso (m.), Tuxury stanza (f.), room grazie (f. pl.), thanks; thank you zucchero (m.), sugar pezzo (m.), piece spazzola (f.), brush rosa (f.), rose musica (f.), music slitta (f.), sleigh sgrida, he or she scolds, rebukes pranzo (m,), dinner zero (m.), zcro azzurro (m.), blue magazzino (m.), shop scena (f.), stage conoscere, to know fascino (m.), fascination uscire, to go out cipolla (£.), onion cinque, five piace, it pleases cio, this accento (m.), accent gentile, kind giovane, young gia, already leggere, to read pomeriggio (m.), afternoon uomo (m.), man nuove (m.), new quale, which guarda, he or she looks guerra (f.), war piano (im.), floor; storey chiama, he or she calls, piede (m.), foot ieti, yesterday fiore (m.), flower fato (m.), fate fatto (m.), fact avremo, we shall have avremmo, we should have coro (m.), chorus corro, I run capelio (m.), hair cappello (m.), hat giorno (m.), day aggiorno, 1 adjourn; I put off cento, hundred accento (m.), accent ce (form of ci before Io, la, li, le, or ne), there che, who(m); which ci, there chi, who (interrogative) carpa (£.), carp (fish) ciarpa (f.), scart scarpa (f.), shoe sciarpa (f.), scarf cena (f.), supper scena (f,), stage schema (m.), scheme chiudo, I shut schiudo, 1 open sciupo, I spoil gusto (m.), taste giusto (m.), just; right ghetto (m.), Jewish quarter getto (m.), jet ghiro (m.); dormouse giro (m.), excursion; tour pezzo (m.), piece mezzo (m.), half zitto (m.), silent zero (m.),' zero 16 ENGLISH-ITALIAN ALPHABETICAL VOCABULARY ENGLISH-ITALIAN ALPHABETICAL VOCABULARY A a(n), uno (-a) able, capace to he able, potere to be hardly able (to), stentare abound (to), abbondare about, circa to be about to, stare per what about . . . ?, in quanto a above, sopra above all, soprattutto abroad, (all')estero (m.) accelerator, acceleratore (m.) accept (to), accettare accident, disgrazia (f.); incidente (m.) accompany (to), accompagnare accord, accordo (m.) according to, secondo account, resoconto. (m.); conto (m,); cenno (m,) accurate, accurato (-a); preciso (a) accustomed to (to be), usare ace, asso (m.) ache, male (tm.) ache (to), dolere acidity, acidita (£.) acquire (to), acquistare across, attraverso act, ato (m,) act (to), fare la parte (di); recitare; rapptesentare to act as, fare da active, attivo (-a) actively, con alactit: activity, attivita (f. actor, attore (m,) character actor vr actress, caratterista (m, or f, inv.) actually, addirittura adapt (to), adattare add (to), agginngere added, aggiunto (-a) addition, addizione (f.); aumento (m.) in addition to, oltre address, indiriz20 address (to), indirizzare adjacent, adiacente adjust (to), contrllare; regolare admire (to), ammirare; mirare admit (to), confessare Adriatic, Adriatico (m.) adult, adulto (m.) advance (in), in antic advice, consiglio (m.) advise (to), consigliare aerodrome, aeroporto (m.) aeroplane, aereo (m.); aeroplano (m.) “flection, affezione (f.); passione (f.) afford (to), pagarsi esatto (-a); ipo i afloat, a galla afraid (to be), temere; ayere timore after(wards), dopo afternoon, pomeriggio (m.) good afternoon, buongiomo in the afternoon, di pomeriggio; (adj.) pomeridiano (a) afterwards, poi again, ancora; nuovamente against, contro age, eta (f.) ago, fa agreed, d'accordo; inteso (-a) agreeing, affiatato (a) agreement, accordo (m.) to come to an agreement, accordarsi agricultural, agricolo (.a) aim, scopo (m.): termine (m.) air, aria (f.) ait-port, aeroporto (m.) by air, in aereo in the open air, all'aperto air (aaj.), aereo (-a) aircraft, aereo (m.) alactity, alacrita (£.) Alexander, Alessandro (m.) alight (to), scendera alike, simile alimentary, alimentario (-a); alimentare alive, vivo’ (-a) all, tutto (-a) alfot (to), assegnare allow (to), permettere; consentire alloy, lega’(f.) almost, quasi; (. . . non) alone, solo (-a) Alpine, alpestre; alpino (-a) Alps, Alpi (£. pl.) already, gid also, anche; pure (and) also, nonché altogether, in tutto; tutt'insieme always, sempre amber, ambra (£.) America, America (f.) South (North) America, America del Sud (del Nord) amid, fra; tra ammeter, amperometro (m.) among, fra; tra amuse (to), divertire amusement, divertimento (m.) amusing, divertente and, e(d) animal, animale (m.) anniversary, anniversario (m.) annoyance, ‘noia (f.) anonymous, anonimo (-a) answer (to), rispondere a pressoché; per poco 79 sono quasi vent’anni che non ha ayuto occasione, it is almost twenty years since she has had the opportunity alta (f.), high Alta Italia (f.), North Italy felici (pl of felice), happy; glad ritrovarci, (to) meet (each again (ritrovarsi, to. meet again) siamo salite (f. pl), we went up cerca (f.), search cantuccio (m.), (little) corner; nook sala (1,) da te, tea-room avevamo, we had other) (33-34) dirci, (to) say to each other (dire, to say) Inga (f.), long, chiacchierata (f.}, chat siamo ridiscese (f. pl.), we came down again (ridi’scendere, to come down again) ho aiutato (m.), 1 helped regali (m. pl.), presents i suoi (m. pl.). hers (Aere> her family; people) compratore (m.), _compratrice buyer; shopper stoffa (f,), stuff; material 34" LEZIONE Compere trentaquattresima (f.), thirty-fourth compere (f. pl.), purchases; shopping guanti (rm. pl.), gloves if teparto guanti, the glove department subito dopo, just past mercerie (f. pl.), haberdashery tipo (m.), type; kind robusto (m.), strong un tipo robusto, something hard-wear ing capretto (m,), kid marrone, brown un po’, somewhat; rather sportivo (m.), sporting: sports misura (f.), size; measure cucito (m.), sewn cucito a mano, hand-sewn quest’altro (m.), this other (one) bottoni (m. pl. of bottone), buttons fine, fine (quality) qualita (f), quality pelle (f.), skin; leather; hide prendo, T take’ (Jere: I will take) provarli, (to) try them on (provare, to try (on)) scontrino (im,), ticket; check; voucher Paga, you pay (pagare, to pay) . you collect (ritirare, to collect; withdraw) merce (F. sing.), goods calzature (f. pl.), shoes; footwear seminterrato (m.), basement scala (f.), staircase mobile, mobile; moving (of or for) scala mobile ({.), escalator qui dietro, at the back here desidera?, ere: can I help you? una cosa comoda ({.), scmetiing com fortable nero (m,), black tacco (m.}, heel col tacco basso, with a low heel pesante, heavy perd, however camminare, (to) walle i tacchi alti non vanno, won't do mi stanco, I get tired (stancarsi, to get tired) mocassino (m.), moccasin lei calza il 37, you take 37's (shoes size 37) (calzare, to take size... in shoes; to put om one’s shoes or stockings) vual provarle?, would you like to’ try them on? modelo (m.), design; model proviamo, let's try (them) sembrano, they seem su tmisura, to measure come fe stanno bene!, how well they fit you! (stare bene, to fit well) stringono, they pinch (stringere, to pinch) un tantino (m.), a little penso, 1 suppose (pensare, to suppose; think) cederanno, they will stretch Ceedere, to stretch; yield) nigh heels pattern ay answer, risposta (f,) Anthony, Antonio (m.) anticipate (to), pregustare; anticipare antique, antico (-a) any, qualsiasi; qualche anybody, chiunque anyhow, comunque anyone, qualcuno; chiunque anything, qualcosa apartments, appartamento (m.) apparatus, apparecchio (1m.) appear (to), parere appearance, aspetto(m.) apple, mela (£.) apply to (to), rivolgersi (a) appointment, appuntamento (m.) appropriate, adatto (-a) apricot, albicocca (£.) April, aprile (m.) arch, arco (m.) Argentine, Argentina (f.) armchair, poltrona (£.) arrange (to), disporre artive (to), artivare article, articolo (m.) artisan, artigiano (sm.) artisans (body of), artigianato (m.) as, come; poiché as a rule, di solito as to, in quanto a as well as, nonché ask (to), domandare; chiedere to ask a question, fare una domanda to ask for, chiedere aspirin, aspirina (t.) assemble (to), riunire; riunirsi assign (to), assegnare assistant (shop-), commesso (-a); im- piegato (-a) astride, a cavallo at, a athletics, atletica (f sing.) atmosphere, atmosfera (f.) attend to (to), servire attendant, (at he theatre) maschera (f.) attentive, attento (-a) attire, abbigliamento (m.) attract (to), attirare attraction, attrattiva (f.) audience, pubblico (m.) August, agosto (m.) aunt, zia (f.) author, autore (m.) authorize (to), autorizzare authorized, autorizzato (-a) automatic, automatico (-a) autumn, autunno (m.) available, disponibile avenue, vizle (m.) average, medio (-a) avoid (to), evitare await (to), aspettare; attendere awake again (to), ridestarsi away, via awning, tendone (rm. axle, asse (m,); albero (m.) back-axle, ponte posteriore (m.) B back, dorso (m.); dosso (m.); ren) (f pl); fondo’ (a.) back (adj.), posterior backache, mal di reni back-fire (to), scoppicttare background, sfondo (m.) back(wards), indietro bag, valigia (f.); borsa (f.) balanced, bilanciato (-a) ballet (corps de), corpo di ballo (m.) bank, riva (f.); (dnaneia/) banca (f.) banknote, banconota (£.) bar, bar (m.) barber, barbiere (m.) bare, brullo (a); nudo (-a) barn, granaio (m.) baroque, barocco (-a) barrier, barniera (f.) base, basso (m.) basement, seminterrato (m.) basilica, basilica (£.) tain baclls (e.) basket, cesta(f.); gerla (f.) basket-ball, pallacanestro (f.) bath, bagno (n1.); vasca (f.) bath-robe, accappatoio (m.) bather, bagnante (m. and {.) bathing, bagno (m.) battery, batteria (f.) battue, battuta di caccia (f.) be (to), essere; stare; trovarsi beach, spiaggia ({.) bear (to), portare; recare beard, barba (f.) beautiful, bello (-a) beauty, bellezza (f.) because, perché become (to), divenire; diventare bed, letto (m.) bedroom, camera (f.); camera da letto beef, manzo (m.) before, (t2me) (di); (dtace) davanti (a) beforchand, prima beg (to), pregare; raccomandarsi begin (to), cominciare; incominciare to begin again, ricominciare: ripren- dere beguile (to), ingannare behind, dietro (a) behind(hand), indietro believe (to), credere bell, campanello (m.) prima. 80 belong to. (te), appartenese a: saoore xi; fare parte ‘d bend, curva (£); plega (4) beneath, sotto beneficent, benefico (-a) beneficial, benefico (-a) beside, accanto a besides, per di pit; oltre; del resto best (207.), il (la) migliore best (aav.), meglio bet (to), scommettere betrothed, promesso (-a) (the) ‘betrothed, i (m, pl.) better (ad7.), migliore better (adv.), meglio between, fra; tra beyond, oltre; fuori di bicycle, bicicletta (£.) by bicycle, in bicicletta big, grande to make bigger, ingrossare bill, conto (m.) bird, uccello (m.) bird’s eye view of Rome, Roma a yolo d‘uccello biscuit, biscotto (m.) black, ‘nero (-a) blessed, beato (-a) blouse, camicetta (f.) blow (to), soffiare; spirare blowing, soffiatura (f.) blue, azzurro (-a); blu (inv) navy blue, blu marino board, bordo (m-) on board, a bordo boat, barca (f.); battello (m.) body (of car), carrozzeria (f.) bond, buono (m.) bonnet (of car), cofano (m.) book, libro (m.) book department, libreria (£.) book (to), prenotare; fissare bookcase, scaffale (m.) booking-office, sportello (m.); teria (f.) border, confine (m.), bordo (m.) bore (to), stancare; annoiare to be or grow bored, stancarsi born, nato (-a) to be born, nascere both, ambedue; tutt’e due bottle, bottiglia (f.) bottom, basso (m.); fondo (m.) pint the: bottoms, in poe dary, periferia (f.); termine (m.) boundless, interminato (-a) box, scatola (f.); cassetta (f.); theatre) palco (m.) (little) box, scatoletta (f.) box-office, botteghino (m,) promessi sposi bigliet- (in a boy, ragazzo (m.); brake, freno (m.) hand-brake, freno a mano brand, marca (£.) brandy, cognac (m.) Brazil, Brasile (m.) bread, pane (m.) bread and butter, pane imburrato break (to), rompere to break away, staccarsi breakage, rottura (f.) breakdown, guasto (r.) breakfast, prima colazione to have breakfast, fare colazione breathe (to), respirare breed (to), allevare breeze, brezza (f.) briar-wood, radica.(f.) le, sposa (f.) trideaconn, sposo (m.) maschio (m.) bridge, ponte (m.) bridge (of a ship), passerella di comando brief, breve in brief, in breve brief-case, portafoglio (m.) brilliantine, brillantina (f.) broadcast, (radio)trasmissione (f.] broadcast (to), trasmettere (per radio) broken, rotto (-a) bronchial tubes, bronchi (m. pl.) broth, brodo (m.) brother, fratello (m.) brother-in-law, cognato (m.) brown, marrone; bruno (-a) brush, spazzola (3 pennello (m.) (to), spazzolare brushing, spazzolata (f.) build (to), costruire building, edificio (m.); costrazione (f.); mole (f.) bumper, paraurti (m. burden (to), caricare busily, con alacrita; attivamente business, affari (m. pl inv.) how is business?, come vanno gli affari? busy, movimentato (-a) but, ma all but, per poco (. . . non) butter, burro (m.) buttered, imburrato (-a) button, bottone (m.) buy (to), comprare; acquistare buzz (to), ronzare by, presso; accanto a; per; da BL LES cab, carrozzella (f.) cabbage, cavolo (m.) cabin, cabina (f,) cabinet (small), scafialetto (m.) cackle (to), schiamazzare café, café (m.) cake, torta (£,) little cake, pasta (f.) calf, vitello (m.) call’ (to), chiamare properly (so) called, propriamente letto to be called, chiamarsi to call again (at a place), ripassare to call on, visitare can, lattina (f.) candlestick (branched), candelabro (m.) canticle, cantic capable, capace; bravo (-a) capital, capitale (f.) caonpeciae (white coffee), cappuccino m.) captain, capitano (m.) car, auto (f,); automobile (f.); machina f. by car, in machina dining-car, carrozza_ristorante restaurant car, carfozza ristorante carburettor, carburatore (m.) carta (f.); (festeard) cartolina (f.) visiting card, biglietto (m,) (da visita) care, cura (£.) care of, presso careful, attento (-a) carefully, con cura cargo, carico (m.) carnation, garofano (m.) carpet, tappeto (m.) cartiage, trasporto (m.); costa (m.) del trasporto; (nehicle) vettura (f ) carriage paid, franco di porto carry (to), portare; recare cart, carretta (f.) cartoon, cartone (m.) case, caso (m.); cassa (f.) cash, contanti (m. pl.) cash desk, cashier's desk, cassa (f.) for cash, a or per contanti castle, castello (m.) cat, gatto (m.) catacomb, catacomba (1.) cathedral, cattedrale &y duomo (m.) cauliflower, cavolfiore (m,) catuse, causa (f.) ceaseless, incessante ceiling, sofftto (m.) centre, centro (m.) century, secolo (m.) the 17th century, il seicento cereal, cereale (m, 82 certain, certo (-a); sicuro (-a) cettainly, certamente; sicuro certainty, certezza (f.) chair, sodia (f.) championship, campiouato (m.) change, cambio (m.); cambiamento (m.); vicenda (f.):° (money) resto (m.) small change, spemaitl (m. ph.) change (to), cambiare chant, ¢anto (m.) chapel, cappella (f.) characteristic, caratteristico (-a) charge, carico (m.) to take charge of, incaricarsi di Charles, Carlo (m,) charm, attrattiva (f.) chassis, telaio (m.) chat, chiacchierata (£.) to have a chat, far quattro chiacchiere pl.); far una chiacchierata chat (to), chiacchierare check, freno (m.); controllo (ticke?) scontrino (m.) check (to), controllare cheek, guancia (f.) cheerfully, con alacrits; allegramente cheese, formaggio (m.) chemical, chimico (-a) chemist, farmacista (m.) chemist’s shop, farmacia (f,) cheque, assegno (m:) cheque book, libretto di assegni chest, cassa (f.) wooden chest, cassapanca (f.) Chianti, Chianti (m.) chicken, pollo (m.) chief, capo (m.) chief clerk, capo ufficio (m.) child, bambino (m.); bambina ragnzzo (m.); ragazza (f,) chin, mento (m.) chirp (to), cingucttare choice, scelta (f.) choose (to), scegliere chop (to), spaccare chop, costata (f.) Christian, cristiano (m.) church, chiesa (f.) church square, sagrato (m.) churchyard, sagrato (m,) cigar, sigaro (m.) cigar-lighter, accendisigaro (m.) cigarette, sigaretta (f,) cigarette-case, portasigarette (m.) cigarette-holder, bocchino (m.) ioe y cinema ’ (m.): cinematografo ‘m. cirele, cerchio (m.); cerchia (f. (m.); (f)5 .){ circolo (m,) circuit, cerchia (f.) circulation, circolazione (£.) citrus fruits, agrumi (m. pl.) city, citta (£.) class, classe (f.); condizione (f.) classicism, classicismo (m.) clean, pulito (-a) clean (to), pulire; lavare clear, chiaro (-a) clever, bravo (-a) client, cliente (m. or f.) cloakroom, guardaroba (£.) clock, orologio (m.) alarmeclock, sveglia (i.) at one o’clock, a) tocco pendulum-clock, orologio a pendolo cloth, tessuto (m.); panno (m.) clothes, clothing, abbigliamento (m.) cluck (to), schiamazzare clutch, pedale (m.) per la frizione: frizione (£.) coach, carrozza (f.) coal, carbone (m.) coast, costa (£,) coast (to), costeggiare coat, soprabito (m,); ablto (m_); vestito (m. Behe beanies Bruccia (f.) cock, gallo (1.) coffee, caffé (m.) white coffee, cafié e latte coin, moneta (E, coined, coniato da) cold, freddo (m.); (sicéness) raffreddore m1.) cold, freddo (-a) to be cold, fare freddo (0/ weather); avere freddo (of a derson) Coliseum, Colosseo (m.) collar, colletto (m.) collect (to), raccogliere; ritirare; riunire collision, incontro (m.)} urto (m.) Cologne, Colonia (f.) eau de Cologne, acqua (f.) di Colonia colour, tinta (.)! colore (m.) comb, pettine (m.) come (to), venire to come along, percorrere to come down’ again, ridiscendere fo come in(to), entrare (in) comedy, commedia (£.) comfort, comodita (f.) comfortable, comodo (-a) comfortably, comodamente comical, buffo (-a) command, comando (m.) command (to), disporre di commerce, commercio (m.) ission, commissione vigione (f.) sommon, comune; corrente in common, in comune commonly, comunemente (£); prov. communion, comunione (f) company, compagnia (f.)} societa (4.) limited company, socicth anonima (f.) compare (to), comparare comparison, confronto (m.) compensation, compenso (m.) as a compensation, in compenso competition, gara (f.) complement, complemento (m.) complete, completo (-a) complete’ (to), completare; integrare completely, affatto compliment(s), complimento (m.); os- sequio (m.); omaggio (im.); con venevoli (m. pl.) customary compliments, d'uso concert, concerto (m.) conciliation, conciliazione (f.) condition, condizione (f.) conductor, (of orchesira) direttore (m,) orchestra; (0/ dus) bigliettaio (m.) confectioner's (shop), pasticceria (£.) confess (to), confessare confine (to), limitare confusion, confusione (f.) consecrated ground, sagrato (m,) consequently, pertanto consider (to), considerare consideration, considerazione (f,) capelpauietty consegna (f.)} spedizione ¢. constitute (to), costituire contain (to), contenere contemplate (to), mirare contemporary (with), (di) content (to be), accontentarsi contest, gara (£.) continent, continente (m.) continual, continuo (-a) continue (to), proseguire contour, contorno (m.) control (to), controllare convenient, comodo (-a); conveniente conversation, conversazione (f.) cook (to), cuocere cooked, cotto (-a) corner, angolo (m.) correct, esatto (-a) correspondence, corrispondenza (f.) correspondent, corrispondente (m.) cost, spesa (f.); costo (m.) cost (to), costare costume, costume (m,); abito a giacca bathing-costume, costume da bagno cotton, cotone (m.) cough, tosse (f.) count (to), contare counter, banco (m.); sportello (m,); (token-moncy) gettone (1.) convenevoli contemporanea country, (as opposed to town) campagna (f.); (nation) paese (m.) countrywoman, pacsana (f.) couple, paio (m.) course, corso (m.) of course, si capisce courtesy, cortesia (f.) courtyard, cortile (m,) cousin, cugino (-a) cover (to), coprire cover (i.e. knife, posata (f,) cow, vacca (f.) milch cow, mucca (f,) craftsman, artigiano (m.) crane, gru (£.) crankcase, carter (m.) crazy, pazzo (-a cream, crema (f.) crease, piega (f.) create (to), creare credit, credito (m.) cross (to), attraversare; varcare crossing, traversata (f,); passaggio (m.) crowd (to), affollarsi crowded, affollato (-a) crutch, gruccia (£.) ery, grido (m.) cultivate (to), coltivare cumbersome, ingombrante cup, tazza (f.) cure (to), guarire cure, cura (f.) currency, valuta (f,) foreign currency, divisa estera (f.) current, corrente curry (to), (0/ forses) strigliare curtain, sipario (m.); cortina (f.); tenda (f. fork, and spoon), cushion, cnscino (m.) customer, cliente (in. or f.) customs, dogana (f.) cut, taglio (m.) cut (to), tagliare to cut out, escludere cyclist, ciclista (m. or f.) cylinder, cilindro (m.) D dainty, grazioso (-a) dairy, latteria (f.) damage, guasto (m.) dark, scuro (-a) dash-board, cruscotto (m.) date, data (f) daughter, figlia (£.) daughter-in-law, nuora (f.) day, giorno (m.); giornata (f.) all day tong, tutto il giorno during the last few days, i scorsi good day, buongiomo nowadays, these days, oggigiorno dead, morto (-a) dear, caro (-a) debar (to), escludere Decameron, Decamerone (m.) decanter, carafia (f.) decayed, cariato (-a); guasto (.a) December, dicembre (m.) decide (10), decidere deck, ponte (m.)° decorative, decorativo (-a) dedicate (to), dedicare deduct (to), dedurre deep, profondo (-a) deeply, profondamente deflated, sgonfio (-a) delicate, delicato (-a) delicious, squisito (-a); saporito (-a) delight, gioia (f.); piacere (m.) deliver (to), consegnare delivery, consegna (f.); distribuzione (£.) giorni demand (to), richiedere denomination, denominazione (unit) taglio (m.) dent, ammaccatura (f.) dentist, dentista (m.) department, reparto (m.) departure, partenza (f.) depend (to), dipendere deposit, deposito (m.) deposit (to), depositare; deporre depositing, deposito (m.) depth, profondita (f.) descend (to), scendero deserve (to), meritare deserved, meritato (-a) design, disegno (m.); modello (m.) desire, desideria (m.) desire (to), volere; desiderare despatch, spedizione (f.) despatch (to), spedire detached (to become), staccarsi detail, particolare (m.) deyote (to), dedicare dial, quadrante (m.) diet, regime (m.) different, diverso (-a); vario (-a) difficult, difficile difficulty, difficolta (f.); fatica (f.) to have difficulty (in), stentare dig (to), cavare dine (to), pranzare dinner, pranzo (m.) dinner for two, pranzo in due direct (to), dirigere (£); pena (f): 84 direct, diretto (-a) direction, indicazione (t,) directly, ‘direttamente; subito disconsolate, sconsolato (-a) discuss (ta), discutere scendere a terra disembark (to), dislocated, slogato (-a) dislocation, slogatura (£.) play (to), disporre lease (to), spiacere; dispiacere dispose (to), disporre ance, distanza (f.) inguished, distinto (-a) disturbance, disturbo (m.) divan, divano (m,) dive (to), tuffarsi divide (to), dividere e, divino (-a) division, divisione (f.): (L) do (to), fare dockyard, cantiere (m.) doctor, medico (m.); dottore (m.) a visit to the doctor’s, una visita medica document, documento (r.) dog, cane (m.) Dolomites, Dolomiti (f. pl.) domestic, domestica (-a) dominant, dominante door, porta (f.); uscio (m.) catriagesdoor,’sportello iin.) Joor to us, proprio accanto a noi down gid dozen, dozzina (f.) draft,’ trata. (£.) drag (to), tirare; trainare drama, dramma (m.); prosa (f.) dramatist, drammaturgo (m.); mediografo (m.) draw (to), attirare; tirare; trainare drawer, cassetto (m.) drawn ‘up, allineato (-a) dream, sogno (m. dress, ‘vestito (m.); abito (m.) dressing-gown, vestaglia (f.) dressing-table, toletta (£,) evening dress, abito (m.) da sera dress (oneself) " (to), vestir(si) dressmaker, sarta (f.) drink (to), bere drive (to); guidare driver, conducente (m,); guidatore (m.) drown oneself (to), annegarsi drowned (to be), annegarsi dey, arido (-a); asciutto (-a) dry’ (to), asciugare duck, anitra (f,) dull, ‘bigio (-a) during, durante dust, polvere (£,) (feothall) serie com. dye(ing), tintura (f,) B each, ciascuno (-a) ear, orecchio (m.} earlier, prima early, presto tather early, prostino earth, terra (f.) east, est (m.) easy, facile eat (to), mangiare eau de Cologne, acqua di Colonia economical, economico (-a) edge, bordo (m.) egg, uovo (m.—pl, le uova) eight, otto eighteenth, diciottesimo (-a) eighth, ottavo (-a) Elba, Elba (£.) electric, elettrico (-a) elegance, eleganza (f.); garbo (m.) elegant, elegante; grazioso (-a) eleven, undici eleventh, undicesimo (-a) Emanuel, Emanuele (m.) embarkation, imbarco (m.) embrace (to), abbracciare emotion, emozione (£. employee, impiegato tay empty, vuoto (-a) enable (to), permettere; servire encounter, incontro (m.) encumbering, ingombrante end, termine (m.); capo (m (m.) in the end, in fondo end (to), terminare endure (to), subire engaged, occupato (-a); promesso (-a) engine, macchina (f.); motore (m.) engineer, ingegnere (m.) English, inglese enjoy (to), godere (di): goderst enough, abbastanza; sufficiente that’s enough, basta! enter (to), entrare (in) entertaining, divertente enthusiast, appassionato (m.) entire, intero (-a); completo (-a) entrance, ingresso. (m.) entrance-hall, atrio (m.) entreat (to), pregare; raccomandarsi equal, uguale equip (to), attrezzare equipment, attrezzatura (f,) erect (to), drizzare erect, ritto (-a) err (to), errare fondo escalator, scala mobile (f.) escape (to), fuggire; scappare escort (te), accompagnare escort, scorta (f.) especially, soprattutto; specie establishment, stabilimento (m.) esteem (to), stimare; considerare esteemed, pregiato (-a) etc, (etcetera), ecc. (=eccetera) eternal, eterno (-a) Europe, Europa (t.) even (adj.), uguale; liscio (-a), pari (inv,) even number, numéro pari even (adv.), anche; pure; persino; magari evening, sera (t.) good evening, buonasera evening (adj.), serale every, ogni (inv.); tutto (-a) everybody, everyone, tutti (m. pl.) everything, tutto (m.) everywhere, dappertutto; ovunque evidence, testimonio (m.) ewe, pecora (L) exact, esatto (-a) exactly, csattamente; precisamente; pro- prio example, esempio (m.) excellent, ottimo (-a) except, salvo exchange, cambio (1m.) Stock Exchange, Borsa (f.) exclude (ta), escludere excursion, _passeggiata (£); gita (£) excursionist, gitante (m, oF f,) exeuse (to), scusare execute (to}, cseguire; fare; spedire exercise, esercizio (m.) exhaust’ (to), esaurire exhaustion, esaurimento (m.) exhibit (to), esporre exhibition, esposizione expanse, distesa (f.) expedition, spedizione (f.) expense, spesa (£.) experience (to), provare experienced, esperto (-a) experiment, esperimento (m.) exploit (to), sfruttare export (to), esportare export(ation), esportazione (f.) exporter, esportatore (m.) express, expresso. (m,) express. (fo), esprimere exquisite, squisito (-a) extend (to), stendersi extinguish (to), spognere extract (to), cavare (£.)5 scappate (f) F fabric, tessuto (m,) face, viso (m,) facing, di fronte (a) fact, fatto (m.) as a matter of fact, addirittura in fact, infatti factory, fabbrica (f.) fairly (=enough), abbastanza fall (to), cadere fame, fama (f.); grido (m.) familiar, domestico (-a) family, famiglia (f.) famous, celebre; famoso (-a) fantastic, fantastico (-a) far, lontano (-a) as far as, fino a farewell, addio (m.) farm, fattoria (f.) farmer, agricoltore (1m.} farmyard, cortile (m.) fashion, moda (f.) fashionable, elegante fast, veloce; (of clocks) avanti fat, grasso (-a) to make (one) look fat, ingrossare father, padre (m.) father-in-law, suocero (m.) fatherland, patria (f,) fatten (to), ingrassare fault, guasto (m.) favour, favore (m.} fayour (to), favorire favourite, preferito (-a) fear (to), temere; avere timore fear, timore (m.) fearless, impavido (-a) February, febbraio (m.) feel (to), sentire; tastare feeling, sentimento (m.); .emozione (f.) feign (to), fingere female, femmina (f.); (ed/.) femminile fervent (to be), fervere festive, festoso (-a) few (a), qualche field, campo (m.) fifteen, quindici fifteenth, quindicesimo (-a) fifth, quinto (-a) fiftieth, cinquantesimo (-a) fifty, cinquanta fig, fico (m.) filing-cabinet, casellatio (m.) fill (to), riempire to fill’ up (a form), preparare fillet, fletto (m.) film, pellicola (£.) final, ultimo (-a); finale finally, finalmente; infine find (to), trovare to find each other again, ritrovarsi to find it hard (to), stentare &6. fine, belio (-a); buono (-a); fine finish (to), finire; terminare finishing’ touch, ritocco (m.) fireplace, caminetto (m.); camino (m.) firm, ditta (f.) first, primo ( first (adv), prima first of all, per prima cosa fish, pesce (m.) fish (to), pescare fishing-rod, canna (f,) da pesca fit (to), stare bene; andare bene to fit up, altrezzare fitting, prova (£.) five, cinque fix (to), fissare fixed, fisso (-a) flag, bandiera (#.); bandierina (f.) flank, fianco (m.) flank (to), fiancheggiare flat, appartamento (m.) flat, sgonfio (-a) flavour, sapore (in flee (to), fuggire flight, volo (m.) fling ‘(to), lanciare; sbattere flint, pictrina (£.) floor, pavimento (m.); piano (m.) ground-floor, piantetreno (m.) Florence, Firenze (.) flower, fiore (m.) flower-bed, aiola (f.) flute, flauto (m.) foam, schiuma (t.) fog, nebbia (f.) fold, piega (£.) folder, cartella (f.) follow (to), seguire food, cibo (m.); viveri (m. pl.) foodstuffs, generi alimentari foot, piede (m.) on foot, a piedi to set foot on land, scendere a terra football, pallone (m.); palla (f.); (the game) calcio (m.) foot-bridge, passerella. (f.) footwear, calzatura (£.) for, per; da as for, in quanto a foreign, estero (-a); stranicro (-a) foreigner, straniero | (m.) foretaste of (to have a), pregustare forget (to), dimenticare fork, forchetta (L) form, modulo (m.) form’ (to), format costituire former, antico (a); primo (-a); pre- cedente the former, the latter, quello |-a) questo (-a) forte, forte (m.) fortieth, quarantesimo (-a) 87 fortnight, quindici giorni Monday fortnight, lunedi a quindici fortunate, fortunato’ (-a) fortunately, per fortuna fortune, fortuna (f,) Forum, Foro (m.) forward, avanti forwarding, spedizione (£.) fountain, fontana ({.) four, quattro fourteen, quattordi fourteenth, quattordicesimo (-a) fourth, quarto (-2) fourth (part), quarto (m.) fowl, pollo (m.); uccello (m.) fowl-house, pollaio (m.) foyer, ridotto (m.) franc, franco (m.) frank, franco (-a) frank (to), affrancare free, libero (-a); franco (-a) freeze (to), gelare French, francese French pastries, paste (£. pl.) frequent, frequente frequently, frequentemente; di irequente fresco, alfresco (m.) fresh (2dj.), fresco (-a) friction, frizione (£.) Friday, venerdi (m.) friend, amico (m.); amica (f.) friendly, bonario (-a); amichevole from, da; fin da front, davanti (m.); fronte (f.) in front (of), davanti (a); davanti (di); di fronte (a) frontier, confine (m.); frontiera (f.) frost, gclo (m.) froth, schiuma (f.) fruit, frutta (f. inv.); fratto (m.) full, pieno (-a); completo (-a); intero sul a) to be full up (¢.g. of hotels), essere al completa fully, pisnamente function, funzione (£.) function’ (to), fanzionare functional, funzionale funny, buffo (-a) fur (coat), pelliccia (£.) furious, furioso (-a) furnish’ with (to), munice di furniture, mobili (m, pl.); mobilio (m. piece of furniture, mobile (m.) G gallery, galleria (f. upper gallery, loggione (m.) game, gioco (m,); partita (f,) gangway, passerella (f.) garden, giardino (m.) kitchen-garden, orto (m.) gather (to), raccogliere; cogliere; meel) viunire; riunirsi to gather in, riporre gathering, raccolto (m.) gay, allegro (-a); festoso (-a) gaze (fo), mirare gaze, guardo (m)) gear-box, scatola del cambio gear-lever, leva del cambio general, generale; corrente generally, comunemente; gencralmente Genoa, Genova (f,) gentleman, signore (m.) German, tedesco (a) gesture, cenno (m.); gesto (m.) get (to), ottenere; procurare; ricevere; trovare, etc. to get off, cavarsela to get out, scendere to get to (-=arrive), arrivare a to get up, alzarsi gift, dono (m.); regalo (m.) gigantic, gigantesco (-a) girl, ragazza (f.); femmina (£) give (to), dare; rilasciare glad, felice; lieto (-a) glance, occhiata (¥.); guardo (m.) glance at (to), dare un'occhiata a glass, bicchiore (m.); coppa (f.); vetto (m, onan: glorioso (-a) glove, guanto (m.) go (to), andaro; recarsi to go along, costeggiare; percorrere to go in(to), entrare (in) to go of, prosegnire: procedere to go out, uscire; fare vacanza to go through, varcare to go (towards), cirigersi to go up, salire goat, capra (f.) goblet, coppa (f.) od, Dio (m.) gold, oro (m.) golf, golf (m.) good, buono (-a); bravo (-a) goodbye, addio (m.) goodbye, arrivederla; arrivederei goods, merce (f. sing.); articolo (m.); generi (m. pl.) semi-manufactured goods, vorati (m. pl.) goose, oca (f.) government, governo (m.) grace, garbo (m,); grazia (f.) (to giungere a; semila- BR graceful, grazioso (-a) gracious, grazioso (-a) gcamophone, grammofono (m) granary, granaio (m.) granddaughter, nipote (E.) grandfather, nonno (m.) grandiose, grandioso (-a) grandmother, nonna (f.) grandson, nipote (m.) grant (to), rilasciare; accordare; con- vedere granted, d'accordo grape-gatherer, vendemmiatore (1. ); vendemmiatrice (4,) grapes, uva (f, sing.) to gather grapes, vendemmiare grasp (to), afferrare great, grande; grosso (-a) a great deal, molto greater, maggiore green, verde greenery, verdura (£.) greenness, verdura (f.) greens, verdura (f.) greeting, saluto (m.) grey, grigio (-a); bigio (-a) grilled, ai ferri groom (to), strigliare to groom again, rigovernare grow (to), crescere; (cultivate) coltivare grunt (to), grugnire guest, cliente (m, or f.) guide (to), condurre; guidare H haberdashery, mercerie (f. pl.) habit, abitudine ({,); aso (m.) to be in the habit of, usare; avere Vabitudine di haie(s), capelli (m. pl.) haircut, taglio (m.) hairdresser, pettinatrice chiere (m.) half, mezzo (m.) fall, anticamera (f.); sala (f,) ‘ing hall, sala da pranzo all-stand, attaccapanni (m.) hallo! (en ¢he telephone) prontol hand, mano (f.) by hand, a mano (i); parruc vestibolo (m.)) on the other hand, inve: al con- trario; dall’altra parte handkerchief, fazzoletto (m.) hang (to), appendere; — sospendere pendere happen (to), accadere; capitare happy, felice; beato (a); lleto (-a) harbour, porto (m.) hardly, appena hardware, chincaglieria (f.) hard-wearing, durevole; sostenuto (-a) harmonizing, affiatato (-a) harvest, raccolto (m.); mietitura (f.) haste, fretta (£.) to make haste, spicciarsi; affrettarsi hat, cappello (m.) have (to), avere; prendere to have to, dovere hay, fieno (m.) hay stack, pagliaio (m.) he, egli (m.): esso (m.); lui (m.) head, capo (m.); (of match, fin, nail) eapocchia (f.) headache, mal (m.) di capo headlight, faro (m.) heal (to), guarire health, salute (f.) hear (to), udire; sentire to hear of, sentire parlare di heart, cuore (m.) heat, caldo (m.); calore (m.) heating, riscaldamento (m.) central heating (apparatus), termosi- fone (m.) heavy, pesante hedge(row), siepe (£.) heel, tacco (m.) height, altezza (f.); alto (m.); quota (£) hell, inferno _(m.) help (to), aintare hen, gallina (f.) henceforth, ormai Henry, Enrico (m.) her, la (f.); le (f.); her (adj.), suo (-a) here, qui here is, here are, ecco herein, dentro herself, si; <6 hesitate (to), esitare hide (=skin), pelle (£.) high, alto (-a) hill, colle (m.); collina ({.) him, lo (m.); gli (m.); Ini (m.); esso im.) lei (£) himself, si; sé hinder (to), impedire hire (to), noleggiare; affittare his, suo (-a) historie(al), storico (-a) history, storia (f.) hoar-frost, brina (£.) hoarseness, raucedine (f.) hoe, zappa (f.) hold (to), tenere hold (of a ship), stiva (f.) hole, buca (f.) holiday, vacanza (f,); villeggiatura (f,); giorno (m.) di. vacanza holiday-maker, villeggiante (m.) to have a holiday, fare vacanza home, casa (f.); pareti domestiche (f ph) homely, domestico (-a) honey, micle (m.) hooter, sirena (f.) hope, Speranza (£.) hope (to), sperare horizon, orizzonte (m.) horn, corno (m,); (ef car) clacson (m.) hors ‘d’ceuvre, antipasto (m.) horse, cavallo (m.) (fifteen) horse - power, cavalli host, padrone (m.) di casa hostess, padrona (f.) di casa hot, caldo (-a) to be hot, (of a person) avere caldo; (of meatier) fare caldo hotel, albergo (m.) hour, ora. (f.). house, casa (i.) play-house, sala da spettacolo how, come how many, quanti (-c) how much, quanto (-a) however, pero; tuttavia; pure however (much), per quanto hubbub, brusio (m.) hullo!, ola; (0 the telephone) pronto! hum (to), ronzare hundred, cento hunger, fame (f.) hungry (to be), avere fame hunting), caccia (f.) hurl (to), lanciare; sbattere hurling, Iancio (m.) hurried, affrettato (-a) hurry, fretta (f.) to be in a hurry, avere fretta, hurry (to), afirettarsi hurt (to), far male (a) husband, ‘marito (m.); sposo (m.) hut, cabina (£) (quindici) 1 I, io ice, ghiaccio (m.); (m,); cassata (f.) idea, idea (f.) idle, ozioso (-a); disoccupato (-a) to stand idle, stare con le mani in mano if, se ignition, accensione (f.) ili, ammalato (-a) ill(ness), male (i.); malattia (f.) illustration, figura (1.); illustrazione (f.) imaginary, fantastico (-a) imagination, immaginazione (f.) imagine (to), fingere; immaginare 89 (ice-cream) gelato 35" LEZIONE Il sarto e la sarta trentacinquesima (f.), thirty-fifth sarto (m.), tailor sarta (f.), dressmaker ho ordinato, I ordered abito (m.), suit proprio, really completo (m.), suit a doppiopetto, double-breasted panciotto (m.), waistcoat senza panciotto, without a waistcoat calzoni (m. pl.), trousers dritti (m. pl.), straight risvolto (m.), tum up mi sarebbe piaciuto, [ should have liked cappotto (m.), overcoat momento (rm.), moment che mon posso pagarmi, questo momento, which afford just at the moment ha preso, took (prendere, to take) misure (f pl.), measurements fra, within; in otto giorni, a week (Jit. eight days) ripasserd, I shall call again (ripassare, to call again; go again; go back) ripasserd da fui, I shall call on him again prova (f.), fitting immagino, I imagine ci saranno, there will be (essere, to be) ritocchi (m. pl.), finishing touches fara, (he) will make (fare, to make) tornare, (to) return egli mi fara tornare, he will get me to return qualche, a few qualche giorno (m. sing.), a few days tisultato (m.), result finale, final sono certo del buon risultato finale, I’m sure it will turn out all right in the end vestito (m.), suit avranno, they will have (avere, to have) consegnato (m.), delivered proprio in T can't 44 avro, [ shall have Pagato (m.), paid for (pagare, to pay for) daro, I will give (dare, to give) sospiro (m,), sigh sollievo (m.), relief quando il vestito sara pronto, quando me fo ayranno consegnato e lo avr pagato, dard un bel sospito di sol lievo, when the suit is ready, when they have delivered it to me and I have paid for it, I shall heave a sigh of relief un po’ di tempo, a little while penserd, I shall think (pensare, to think) non pill, no more; no longer: not . any more non ci penserd pitt, I about it any more shan't think si & vestita a nuovo, has bought herself some new clothes in questi giorni, recently rimodernare, to remodel; modernize; renovate pelliccia (f.), fur ( ha fatto rimodernare [a sua pelliccia, she has had her fur coat remodelled si 2 fatto fare, has had made (for her- self) abito a giacca, costume; suit un tailleur (m.), a tailor-made credo, I think credo che abbia avuto, I think that she hai difficolta (f.), difficulty qualche difficolta a trovare, some diffi- culty in finding camicetta (f.), blouse gusto (m.), taste di suo gusto, to her taste compenso (m.), compensation in compenso, as a compensation; on the other hand Vho vista, I saw ber trionfante, triumphant modista (f.), milliner cappellino (m.), small hat seconde, according to lei (£.), her; she sogno (m,), dream immediately, subito immensity, immenseness, immensit& (F.] imperial, imperiale implore (to), implorare; raccomandarsi import (to), importare importance, importanza (f.) important, ‘significativo (-a); importante importer, importatore (m,} imposing, imponente impression, impressione (f.) to make an impression, fare impres sione prove (to), periezionarsi in, in; a; fray tra incapable, incapace incessant, incessante inclement weather, intemperie (f. pl.) include (to), comprendere; includere including, compreso (-a) indeed, dayv infatti indicate (to), indicare indication, indicazione (E.) industry, industria (£.) inferior, inferiore inferno, inferno {m.) infinity, infinite, infinito (m.) inflamed, arroxsato {-a) information, indicazioni (f. pl.); infor- mazioni (f. pl.) injection, iniezione (f.) inland, interno (-a) inner, interno (-a) innovator, innovatore (m.) innumerable, innumerevole inscription, scritta (f.) inside, dentro insomnia, insonnia (£.) inspect (to), controllare; esaminare instance, esempio (m.) instant, punto (m,) instead, invece instcument, strumento (m.) intake, immissione (f.) integrate (to), integrare intend (to), contare; avere intenzione (di) intense, vivo (-a); intenso (-a) to be intense, fervere intention, intenzione (f.); voglia (£.) intercommunicating, intercomunicante interesting, interessante interior, interno (-a) interlude, avanspettacola (m.) interminable, interminato (-2) internal, interno (-a) international, internazionale interval, intervallo (m.) intimate, intimo (-a) into, in intonation, intonazione (E,) introduce (to), introdurre; presentare introduction, introduzione (f.); presen- tazione (f.) invite (to), invitare iron, ferro (m.) ironmongery, chincaglicria (f.) irregular, irregolare island, isola (£.) it, lo (m.): la (F.); esso (m.); essa (£.) Italian, italiano (-a) Italy, Italia (£.) its, suo (-a) itself, si; sé a jacket, giacca (f.) double-breasted jacket, giacca a dop- piopetto jam, marmellata (f.) James, Giacomo (m.) January, gennaio (m.) Jerusalem, Gerusalomme (f.) jest (to), scherzare join, giunto (m.) joint, in comuné; comune journey, viaggio (m.) joy, gioia (f.) to be the joy of, fare la yioia di joyous, festoso (-a) jug, carafla (f.); bricco (m,) Julius, Giulio’ (m.) July, luglio. (m.) jump, jumping, salto (m,) to take a jump, fare un salto June, giugno (m.) just, proprio: soltanto; appena K keep (to), tencre; mantenere to keep together, riunire; raccogliere key, chiave (f.) kid, capretto (m.) kind, sorta (f,); genere (m.); tipo (m.) kind’ (adj.), gentile to be so kind as to. . kindly, per cortesia kindness, gentilezza (f.); cortesia (£,); favore (m.) kindred, affine kingdom, regno (m.) kiss, bacio. (m.) kiss (to), baciare kitchen, cucina (f.) knee, ginoechio (m.) kneeling, (in) ginocchioni knife, coltello (m.) knob, manopola (f.) know (to), conoscere; sapere knewn, noto (-a) i} - » favorire L laboratory, officina (f.); laboratorio (m.) labourer, bracciante (m.); operaio (m.) lack (to), mancare lady, signora (f.) young lady, signorina (f.) lake, lago (m.) lamb, agnello (m.) lamp, lampada (£.) street lamp, fanale (m,) land, terra (£.); (dfn) paese (m.) landscape, paesaggio (m.) lane, viottolo (m.) language, lingua (f) large, grande; grosso (-a) last, ultimo (-a}; scorso (-a) at last, finalmente late, tardi to be late, essere in ritarlo latecomer, ritardatario (m.) latest, ultimo (-a) father, schiuma (f.) latter (the), questo (m.) lavatory, gabinetto (m.) lay (to), porre; posare; mettere lay the table (to), apparecchiare lead (to), condurre to lead into (of streets), shoccare leaf, foglia (£.) lean (to), appoggiarsi Jeaning on, out of, affacciata (-a) a learn (to), imparare (at) least, almeno feather, cuolo (m.); pelle (f.) leave (to), partire; lasciare left, sinistra (f.) on the left, a sinistra leg, gamba (f.) lemon, limone (m.) less (adj.), inferiore; minore less (adv.), meno lesson, lezione (f.) fet (to), (Zeave) lasciare; affittare letter, lettera (f.) block letters, stampatello (m.) (let on hire) letter-basker, cestina (m.) per le lettere letter-box, cassetta (f.) postale; buca (£.) per le lettere level, livello (m,) lever, leva (£.) liberate (to), liberar? licensed, autorizzato (-a) life, vita (£.) lift, ascensore (m.) lift’ (to), sollevare ight, luce (£.) light, (of colowr) chiara weight) leggero (~a) lighting, iluminazione (£.); accensione f (a): (or like (adj.), simile; uguale like (adv.), come like (to), volere bene a; avere simpatia per I like this book, mii piace questo libro I like these books, mi piacciono questi libri lily, giglio (m)) imit, termine (m,); limite (m.) limit (to), limitare limitless, interminato (-a) limpid, limpido (-a) line, fila (f.); linea verso (m.) linen, biancheria (£.) linger (to), indugiarsi lip, labbro (m.—pl. i labbri, Ie lebbra) lip-stick, rossetto (m.) Hiquene, liquore (m.) list, distinta ({,); elenco (m.) fisten to (to), ascoltare literature, letteratura (f.) fitele, (not muck) poco (-a)} (not targe) piccolo (-a) little one (=child), piccino (m.) live, vivo (-a) live (to), abitare; viyere vely, arzilla (-a); animato (-a); vivace living, vivo (-a) foad (to), caricare loading, imbarco (m.) focal, locale locality, localita (£.) loftiness, altezza (f.) lofty, alto (-a); elevato (-a) loins, reni (4. pl.) loiter (to), indugiarsi Londen, Londra (f.) lonely, solitario (-a); (foelic) ermo (-a) long, lingo (-a) as long as, finché how loag?, quanto tempo? long for (to), desiderare look (to), guardare to look after, occuparsi di to look at, guardare; vedere to look for, cercare lose (to), perdere Louis, Luigi (m.) love, amore (m. sione (£.) low, basso (-a) lower, inferiore luggage, bagaglio (m.) luggage-office, deposito (m.) luggage rack, reticella (f.) lunch, colazione (£.) to have lunch, fare colazione tung, polmone (m.) luxurious, lussuoso (-a); di lusso luxury, Iusso (m.); sfarzo (m.) lyric, lirica (£.) fyric(al), lirico (-a) 1 (£.); (of poetry) } affezione (f.); pas ™ machine, apparecchio (m.); macchitta ia by machine, a macchina mad, pazz0 (-a): furioso (-a) madam, signora (f,) magic, magico (-a) tmapalipsacey sfarzo (m.); magnificenza magnificent, grandiosa (.a); stupendo al maid, cameriera (1.) mail, posta (f. make, fattura ({.); fabbricazione (f.) make (to), fare to make up, confezionare: (a prescrip. tion) spedire; (/ace) imbellettarsi ready-made, confezionato (-a) man, uomo (m.) manage (to), dirigere; (succeed) riuscire manager, direttore (m.); gerente (m.) manicurist, manicure (f. manceuvre (to), destreggiarsi mansion, palazzo (m.) mantelpiece, piano (m.) del caminetto manufacture, fabbricazione (f.); lavora- zione (£); confezione (f,); pro- duzione (f.) marble, marmo (m.) » Tharzo_(m.) maritime, marittimo (-a) (m.); marca (f,); nota mark, sogno (t trade mark, inarca (f.) market, mercato (m.); piazza (f.) marmalade, marmellats (f,) d’arance married, sposato (-a) to be or get married, sposarsi married couple, sposi (m, pl.) marry (to), sposar(si) martyr, martire (m, or f,) marvel at (to), meravigliarsi di marvellous, meraviglioso (-a); stupendo (a) Mary, Maria (f.) mask, maschera (f.) mass, mole (£.); massa ({.) massage, frizione (f.) master, Maestro (m.); padrone (m.) master of the house, padrone di casa masterpiece, capolavoro (m,) match, (sfort) partita (f.); gata (f.); incontro (m.); (digit)’ fammifero (m.) matches in book form, “'minerya" sulphur-match, zolfanelio (m.) wax match, cerino (m,) material, stofla (£.); materia ({.) raw material, materia prima matinée, mattinata (f.) matrimonial, matrimoniale matter, cosa (f.) there is nothing the matter with him, non ha nulla what is the matter with you?, che cosa avete? mature, maturo (-a) maximum, massimo (m.) May, maggio (m.) meal, pasto (r,) mean (to), volere dire means, mezzo (m,); modo (m.) meanwhile, intanto measure, misura (f.) made to measure, fatto su misura measure (to), misurare measurement, misura (f.) meat, carne (£.) mechanic, meccanico (m.) mechanical, meccanico (-a) mechanics, meccanica (f, sing.) medical, medico (-a) medicine, medicina (f.) patent medicine, specialita (f.) medium, mezzo (-a); medio (-a) mediar, nespola (f.) meerschaum, schiuma (f.) meet (to), incontrare; venite incontr a to meet again, ritrovar(si) meeting, incontro (m.); appuntamento m. member, membro (m.) to be a member of, faro parte di memory, memoria (f.) mend (10), accomodare mention (to), nominare; fare menzione di menu, carta (f,); lista (£.) merry, allegro (-a); festoso (-a) metal, metailo (m.) midday, mezzogiorno (im.) middle, mezzo (m.) in the middle (of), in mezzo (a) midnight, mezzanotte (£.) Milan, Milano (1.) milk, ‘latte (m. milk.jug, lattiera (£. milking, mungitura (f, milliner, modista (f.) mind, mente (f. to come to mineral, minerale minute, minuto (m.) mirror, specchio (m.) hand mirror, specchio a mano Miss, signorina (E.) miss’ (to), mancare mist, nebbia (f.) mistaken (to be), sbagliarsi; errare mistress of the house, padrona (f.) di ) ) casa mobile, mobile moccasin, moccasino (m.) model, modello (m.) moderate, modesto (-a); conveniente modern, moderno (-a) modernize (to), rimodernare modest, modesto (-a) moment, momento (m.); punto (m.) at the moment, in questo momento; in questi giorni in a moment, subito Monday, lunedi (m.) monetary, monetario (-a) money, danaro (m.); denaro (m.); moneta (f,); valuta (f.) money order, vaglia (m, inv.) monopoly, monopolio (m.) month, mese (m.) monument, monumento (m.) monumental, monumentale more, ancora; pitt more and more, sempre pill moreover, per di pitt morning, mattina (f.) good morning, buongiomo this moming, stamattina most, massimo (m.) most (adv.), il mother, madre (£.) mother-in-law, suocera (f.) motion, moto (m.); movimento. (m.) motor, motore (m.) motor-boat, motoscafo (m.) motor-bus, autobus (m.); (m.) motor-cycle, motociclstta (f.) motor-ship, motonave (f.) mountain, montagna (f.); monte (m,) moustache, basette (f pl), baffi (m 1) mouth,’ bocca (F.) mouthpiece, bocchino (m.) movable, mobile move (to), mnover(si); far muovere to begin to move, mettersi in moto mow (to), falciare Mr., signore (m.) Mrs., signora ({-) much, molto; assai as much as, quanto how much, quanto so much, tanto mud, fango (m.) mudguard, parafango (m.) multicolour, multicolore multiplicity, molteplicita (f.) mundane, mondano (-a) museum, museo (m.) music, musica (f.) my, mio (-a) di pid torpedone N naked, brullo (-a); nudo (-a) ame, nome (m.) name (to), nominare 93 nation, popolo (m.); paese (m.) national, nazionale natural, naturale naturally, naturalmente; (of course) si capisee naturalness, naturalezza (f.) nature, natura (f.) naval, navale near (2d,), presso; appresso; vicino neat (red.), vicino a; press di nearly, quasi; press’a’ poco; pressoché; per poco (, » . non) necessary, necessario (-a) everything necessary, rente if necessary, se occorre to be necessary, bisognare; occorrere; convenire (a) need, bisogno (m.) need’ (to), avere bisogno di neighbour, vicino (m.) nazione (E)4 tutto loccor- neighbourhood, yicinanzs (i pl,)) din- ‘torni (m. pl.) neither, né; neanche neither . . . nor, non né,, .né nephew, nipote (m.) nest, nido_(m.) net, rete (f.) net (ad7,), netto (a) never, (non...) mai never again, nevermore, mai pid nevertheless, pure; tuttavia new, ‘novi (-a); recente; novello (-a) New York, Nuova York (f.) newspaper, giornale (m.) next, accanto; (a/ferwards) poi next (adj.), prossimo (-a); (a), niece, nipote (f.) night, notte (1) nine, nove nineteen, diciannove nineteenth, diciannovesimo (-a) ninth, nono (-a) no, no; non; punto; niente no longer, no more, non mo one, nessuno nobody, nessuno nod, cenno (m.) noise, brusio (m.); rumore (m.) noisy, rumoroso (-2) nook, cantuccio (m.) nor, né north, nord (im.) north(ern), settentrionale not, non not altogether, non del tutto not... any more, non... , pi not at all, non... punto; di nulla; niente affatto not . . . either, neanche not even; neanche venturo pia

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