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Today we celebrate the Feast Day of St.

Mary Magdalene, and we are here to give you five

facts about her life with Jesus.

1. Mary Magdalene’s name came from her birth town, Magdala.

It was common in those days for people to be called from the town they came, such as
Jesus of Nazareth and Simon of Cyrene. Eventually, Mary of Magdala became better
known as Mary Magdalene.

2. Mary Magdalene was saved by Jesus from exorcism

Jesus cast out seven demons out of Mary. The bible does not usually reveal people by
their sins or experiences, but Mary Magdalene is one of the select few that the bible
does mention.

The fact that seven demons were cast out of her might be a reflection of Mary
Magdalene’s suffering.

3. Mary Magdalene travelled with Jesus and gave financial support to his work and his

During Jesus’ time, women were often treated differently socially. This was a challenging
time for women like Mary but this did not stop her from serving the Lord.

4. Mary Magdalene is one of the few people who knew where Jesus was buried.

She stayed with Jesus up to his last moments, right at the foot of the cross. She was
able to see where Jesus’ tomb was located and found that the tomb was empty days

5. Mary Magdalene is one of the women given the task to spread the word that Christ has

Mary Magdalene played a special role in Jesus’ life, as she stayed with Him through His
journey and suffering right until His bitter end.

When she saw that the tomb was empty, she knew that Christ was not there, and that he
had risen. She is one of the important witnesses of this miracle and played an important
role in the life of Jesus and the early days of the Church.

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