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Islamic University – Gaza

Engineering Faculty
Department of Computer Engineering
ECOM 2125: Assembly Language LAB

Lab # 5
Addressing Modes and
LOOP Instruction

March, 2014
1 Assembly Language LAB

1. Data Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes
The assembly language instructions require the specification of the location of data for source
and destination operands. The specification of the location of data is called the data addressing
mode. It can be classified as shown in the following diagram:

Register addressing is when a register is used to specify the source or destination of an

operand. This is the most efficient addressing mode because registers are implemented inside
the processor and their access is very fast.

Immediate addressing is when an immediate value (a constant) is used for a source operand.
It cannot be used to specify a destination operand. The immediate constant is part of the
instruction itself.

Memory addressing is used to specify the address of the source and destination operands
located in memory. It can be divided into direct and indirect memory addressing.

Direct memory addressing is when the address of a memory operand is specified directly by

For example:
mov sum, eax ; sum is a variable in memory

Direct memory addressing is useful for accessing simple variables in memory, but it is useless
for addressing arrays or data structures. To address the elements of an array, we need to use a
register as a pointer to the array elements. This is called indirect memory addressing.

Register Indirect
Register Indirect can be any 32-bit general-purpose register (EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, EBP,
and ESP) surrounded by brackets. In real-address mode, a 16-bit register holds the offset of a
2 Assembly Language LAB

variable. If the register is used as an indirect operand, it may only be SI, DI, BX, or BP. Avoid BP
unless you are using it to index into the stack. The register is assumed to contain the address of
some data.


byteVal BYTE 10h
mov esi,OFFSET byteVal
mov al,[esi] ; AL = 10h

The size of an operand may not be evident from the context of an instruction. The following
instruction causes the assembler to generate an “operand must have size” error message:
inc [esi] ; error: operand must have size

The assembler does not know whether ESI points to a byte, word, doubleword, or some other
size. The PTR operator confirms the operand size:
inc BYTE PTR [esi]

Indexed Addressing
Indexed Addressing adds a constant to a register to generate an effective address.

[constant + indexReg]
arrayB BYTE 10h,20h,30h
mov esi,0
mov al,[arrayB + esi] ; AL = 10h

Index Scaling
The scale factor is the size of the array component (word = 2, doubleword = 4, quadword = 8).

constant[indexReg * scale]
[constant + indexReg * scale]
arrayD DWORD 1,2,3,4
mov esi,3
mov eax,arrayD[esi*4] ; EAX = 4
3 Assembly Language LAB

The TYPE operator can make the indexing more flexible:

mov esi,3
mov eax,arrayD[esi*TYPE arrayD] ; EAX = 4

Based Addressing
The based addressing combines a register with a constant offset. The base register holds the
base address of an array or structure, and the constant identifies offsets of various array

[BaseReg + Offset]

arrayW WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
mov esi,OFFSET arrayW
mov ax,[esi] ; AX = 1000h
mov ax,[esi+2] ; AX = 2000h

Based-Indexed Addressing

[BaseReg + (IndexReg * Scale) + Offset]

Useful in accessing two-dimensional arrays:

- Offset: array address  we can refer to the array by name
- Base register: holds row address  relative to start of array
- Index register: selects an element of the row  column index
- Scaling factor: when array element size is 2, 4, or 8 bytes
matrix DWORD 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 4 rows, 5 cols
DWORD 10,11,12,13,14
DWORD 20,21,22,23,24
DWORD 30,31,32,33,34
ROWSIZE EQU SIZEOF matrix ; 20 bytes per row
mov ebx, 2*ROWSIZE ; row index = 2
mov esi, 3 ; col index = 3
mov eax, matrix[ebx+esi*4] ; EAX = matrix[2][3]

mov ebx, 3*ROWSIZE ; row index = 3

mov esi, 1 ; col index = 1
mov eax, matrix[ebx+esi*4] ; EAX = matrix[3][1]
4 Assembly Language LAB

LEA Instruction
LEA = Load Effective Address

LEA r32, mem

Examples on 32-bit Addressing Modes

The following program demonstrates 32-bit memory addressing modes and the LEA instruction:
Open and view this program in ConTEXT. Assemble and link this program to produce the
addressing.exe executable file, by pressing F9, or pressing . You can use the make32 batch
file from the command prompt.

TITLE Memory Addressing Examples (File: addressing.asm)

.MODEL flat, stdcall


arrayB BYTE "WELCOME", 0
arrayW WORD 100h, 200h, 300h, 400h
arrayD DWORD 01234567h, 89ABCDEFh

main PROC
; Direct Memory Addressing
mov al, arrayB ; same as [arrayB]
mov ah, arrayB[5] ; same as [arrayB+5]
mov bx, arrayW[2] ; same as [arrayW+2]
mov ecx,[arrayD] ; same as arrayD
mov edx,[arrayD+2] ; same as arrayD[2]

; Register Indirect Addressing

mov ecx, OFFSET arrayB
mov edx, OFFSET arrayW
mov bx, [ecx] ; address in [ecx]
mov al, [edx] ; address in [edx]

; Indexed Addressing
mov edx, 4
mov al, arrayB[edx]
mov bx, arrayW[edx]
mov ecx,arrayD[edx]
5 Assembly Language LAB

; Scaled Indexed Addressing

mov esi, 1
mov arrayB[esi], 'S'
mov arrayW[esi*2], 102h
mov arrayD[esi*4], 0

; Based Addressing
mov esi,OFFSET arrayW
mov bx,[esi+2]
mov ecx,[esi+4]

; Load Effective Address (LEA)

lea eax, arrayB ; same as: mov eax, OFFSET arrayB
lea ebx,[eax + LENGTHOF arrayB]
lea ecx,[ebx + esi*8]
lea edx, arrayD

main ENDP
END main

Lab Work: Trace the Execution of Program moves.exe

Now run the Windows debugger to watch the variables and the memory content. Run the
Windows Debugger by pressing F10 or pressing .
You may run the debugger from the command prompt by typing:
windbg –QY –G addressing.exe

First, guess the values of the registers and memory variables in program addressing.asm. Run
the Windows Debugger. Open the source file addressing.asm from the File menu if it is not
already opened. Watch the registers and memory by selecting them in the View menu. In the
Memory window, write the name of the first variable arrayB in the Virtual address box. You
may resize the Memory window so that exactly 16 bytes are displayed on each line. Place the
cursor at the beginning of main procedure and press F7. Press F10 to step through the
execution of the program. Watch the changes in the registers and memory.

2. LOOP Instruction
The LOOP instruction, formally known as Loop According to ECX Counter, repeats a block of
statements a specific number of times. ECX is automatically used as a counter and is
decremented each time the loop repeats.

LOOP destination

The loop destination must be within -128 to +127 bytes of the current location counter.
6 Assembly Language LAB

The execution of the LOOP instruction involves two steps:

ECX  ECX – 1
If ECX != 0, jump to destination label

Nested Loops
If you need to code a loop within a loop, you must save the outer loop counter's ECX value.

count DWORD ?
mov ecx, 100 ; set outer loop count to 100
mov count, ecx ; save outer loop count
mov ecx, 20 ; set inner loop count to 20

L2: .
loop L2 ; repeat the inner loop
mov ecx, count ; restore outer loop count
loop L1 ; repeat the outer loop

Reverse a String
The following program demonstrates indirect addressing, array indexing, and LOOP: Open and
view this program in ConTEXT. Assemble and link this program to produce the ReverseStr.exe
executable file, by pressing F9, or pressing . You can use the make32 batch file from the
command prompt.

TITLE Reverse a String (File: ReverseStr.asm)

; Demonstrates indirect addressing, array indexing, and LOOP

.MODEL flat, stdcall

source BYTE "This is the source string",0
target BYTE SIZEOF source DUP(0)

main PROC
mov esi, SIZEOF source ; used to index source
mov edi, 0 ; used to index target
dec esi ; do not copy 0
mov ecx, esi ; loop counter
7 Assembly Language LAB

mov al, source[esi-1] ; get a character from source
mov target[edi], al ; store it in the target
inc edi ; increment target index
dec esi ; decrement source index
loop L1 ; repeat for entire string

main ENDP
END main

Lab Work: Trace the Execution of ReverseStr.exe

Run the 32-bit Windows Debugger. View the registers esi, edi, ecx and al, as well as the source
and target variables in memory. You can open two Memory windows to view separately the
source and target strings.
Put the cursor at the beginning of main procedure and press F7 to start debugging it. Press F8
to trace the execution of the loop, iteration by iteration. If you press F10 on the LOOP
instruction, it will execute ALL the loop iterations and will terminate the loop. This is why it is
better here to use F8 to trace the execution of the loop. View how the esi, edi, ecx, and al
registers change, as well as memory for the target variable.

Summing a Matrix of Integers

Program SumMatrix.asm uses register esi as a pointer to matrix. Register-indirect addressing is
used to access the elements of matrix: Open and view this program in ConTEXT. Assemble and
link this program to produce the SumMatrix.exe executable file, by pressing F9, or pressing .
You can use the make32 batch file from the command prompt.
8 Assembly Language LAB

TITLE Summing matrix (SumMatrix.asm)

.MODEL flat, stdcall


matrix DWORD 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; 4 rows, 5 columns
DWORD 10,11,12,13,14
DWORD 20,21,22,23,24
DWORD 30,31,32,33,34
count DWORD ?

main PROC
mov esi,OFFSET matrix ; ESI = address of intarray
mov eax,0 ; sum = 0
mov ecx, 4 ; initialize outer loop counter
; (number of rows)

L1: ; mark beginning of outer loop

mov count, ecx ; save outer loop counter
mov ecx,LENGTHOF matrix ; initialize inner loop counter
; (number of columns)

L2: ; mark beginning of inner loop

add eax,[esi] ; add an integer
add esi,TYPE matrix ; point to next element
loop L2 ; repeat until ECX
; (number of columns) = 0

mov ecx, count ; restore outer loop count

loop L1 ; repeat until ECX
; (number of rows) = 0

main ENDP
END main

Lab Work: Assemble, Link, and Trace Program Execution

Run the Windows debugger to trace the execution of the above program. You need to view the
registers esi, ecx, and eax. Add also a watch for the sum variable. Put the cursor at the
beginning of main procedure and press F7 to start debugging this procedure. Press F8 to trace
the execution of the loop, iteration by iteration. View how the esi, ecx, and eax registers
change. Press F10 to exit the program.
9 Assembly Language LAB

Lab Exercise
Write a program that uses a loop to calculate the first seven values in the Fibonacci number
sequence { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 } where The Rule is Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2. The Fibonacci sequence is
referenced in the memory by the byte memory array called Fibonacci save the remaining five
elements in the same array.
Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 5 dup(?)

Trace the execution of the program and view the Registers and Memory windows after each
Step into (F8) using the windows debugger.

Homework Exercise
1. Rewrite the Lab Exercise using the array:

Fibonacci DWORD 1, 1, 5 dup(?)

10 Assembly Language LAB

2. Write an assembly language program using the Loop instruction to store all letters in
memory at Letters as follow:
Letters BYTE 26 dup(?)

Trace the execution of the program and view the Memory window using the windows

 Best Wishes 

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