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How can we prove that love actually exist, may be it doesn’t.

Every kid
born is selfish. Is it only me and mine nothing like we and us. We can
not be happy with some one if we don’t get any thing from that one.
Every one wants some thing from any one no matter who ever the any
one is the thing which matter is the thing we want. It’s so simple you
want company from your friends, care from your family, Vitamin-M
from every buddy and love from some buddy. If you don’t get it you
find it, if can’t, you seek for it. That’s how life goes on day after day
month after month and year after year you don’t even know it is in deep
of you.

We want some one to spend time behind us and make us happy agree
with every word we speak if he/she is not doing so then he/she is not the
some one. Any one who can make us fool is that one. if you think that
givers don’t want then think again and don’t ever think that yon can get
everything coz you must have to give some thing from your every thing
you get. Don’t be shy in giving. If you give then you get if you don’t give
then what will you get. Some one has to start the race may the
everlasting race
“Learn to give and used to get”
Seems sweeter than honey but if not followed may be worst.

It is natural that every thing given is in return of something taken.

Following the Newton’s law:-
“For every action there is a reaction”
Plants take Carbon dioxide and give oxygen doesn’t it prove it. Don’t
you think so?
It proves that every piece of world is selfish me, you and us everyone it
is natural. Now if I want and expect anything from you then it is

So can I have hundred bucks?

Just kidding!!!!!!!!

But what when I ask for love you may reply with, no never how dare
you think so and BLA-BLA-BLA

Every one except that love is not selfish, love is not a person who can
have selfishness it is a feeling just like selfishness and no two feeling can
be the equal. Love is the only thing or we can say feeling distributed
with no hope or expectation of getting back, there are exceptions. But it
is the only thing breaking the Newton’s law or just finding a key hole


It is just like every thing on this world which can never be destroyed
completely. It can just be reduced but never be equal to XERO.

Look at your self you don’t want love from every one? Even from the
one whom you hate. You want but don’t expect there is a slight
difference between want and expect
“I want to be God but I don’t expect so”

You need love, as it needs you. It takes time to find and increase love
but seconds to reduce it up to the level slightly grater then Zero it can
never be Zero. How can you hate someone who was love I don’t think
anyone can

It is on you to accept love or not so it needs you coz some time you want
it but don’t accept it coz you don’t expect it.

In case of a playboy you love him/her want her love but never accept it
coz you cant expect or never accept to spend time with a playboy in
front of your community, society and world But remember that world is
not going to be with you in your bad times but the one who loves you
may be and the chance of it can be extended up to INFINITY. There is
no problem in loving a playboy until you know that he/she loves you and
remember that the power of love can be much grater than the power
and strength of world coz whole world is not bonded with love You can
love only one or copal of person not your whole community and if you
can then there are many more community. If you love some one and
that your community and society will never except it then their many
communities who can except it coz you and your love is not going to
make any difference to them but you must have to be strong to tolerate
what ever happens to you in your life and you will realize that what ever
happening is good for you

But problem is created that we don’t generally have faith on people

having extraordinary nature. They are the nature which we do not
accept lightly. Some of them are not faith full but still no two fingers are
same but this is the reason that love not actually exist and if it is then it
is of short duration which is meaning less love which can be consider as
real is of life time not of a few days or month.

Other reason for love of short duration is that no one is ready to

compromise in difficulties I don’t know why we are not ready for it. It is
the sweetest thing by which we can escape from any quarrel or any
world war no matter if it is 3rd or 4th
Why it is sweetest? Want to know coz it creates only happiness. No one
is going to feel guilty until it is crossing your limit of our ego. Problem is
that human is an egoist animal so try to keep your ego as low as possible
but never let it be Zero coz a human with no ego is an animal without a
back bone

But what happens when no one is wrong, just some misunderstandings

and still no after knowing it no one is ready to compromise. Then a
relation starts melting. The reason for the misunderstanding is that we
hide small things from our sweet heart friends without understanding
that things which seems to be small to us may be huge for some one else.
And we forgetting that we cannot hide every thing from our friends.
They come to know about little bit of them and lose faith on us and
starts hating us for a simple reason that we keep secrets but we still
cannot realize that there is no such things like secret between friends.

And what is problem in compromising even if you are not wrong’ some
one going to do so then why we hope others to compromise

“It is better to light a candle then cursing the darkness”

Sweetest thing about compromise is that we think that the one who is
compromising is a fool and believe that they are superior to them and
remains happy but still never realize that it is something of which they
are incapable of. And what about the compromiser he is really happy
after compromising coz it is something which is really hard, tough,
tougher or some times toughest and realize that he is superior then the
one who is not ready to compromise or incapable of it. And if by luck if
both are ready for it then it is called as understanding not the
Sometimes it happens that something goes wrong due to the coincidence
of two right things then don’t think that the one compromising is a fool
or weak he is claver coz he tries to cure the wrong with falsely accepting
himself as the responsible for it to make others happy. It doesn’t proves
that compromiser is weak and if it is then also it doesn’t make any
difference coz still he is claver and every proved thing must not be
accepted blindly after all he trying to stop the melting and weakness
depends upon to what it is comparing not to who is comparing. Some
one can be weak generally but comparing with yourself he may be
stronger than you.

But we have created loops and we don’t want to come out of it. We want
to be loved but still not ready to compromise for it. Seams so ridicules
Coz selfishness and ego don’t let us do so.

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