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Shing Cheong Yeung (Philip)


Supervisor: Ian Graham

2nd Reader: Paul Leaney

Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical

and Manufacturing Engineering.


“This is to certify that I am responsible for the work submitted in

this report, that the original work is my own except as specified
in references, acknowledgements or in footnotes”.

PRINT NAME: ………………………………………

SIGNATURE: ………………………………………

DATE: ………………………………...........

Executive Summary
This project focusses on designing a portable off-grid power solution for wild camping
and wilderness adventure activities that is lightweight, reliable and easy to use.
Charging electronic devices in remote places during wild camping and wilderness
adventure activities is difficult. There are products on the market such as power banks,
solar chargers, thermoelectric stove, wind turbines, hydroelectric turbine and hand
crank generators. However, they all have their limitations which makes them unreliable.

In order to identify the average power usage during wild camping and wilderness
adventure activities, a survey was conducted among 6 mountaineers from
Loughborough student mountaineering club and 5 wild campers I met during my two
months wild camping research trip in Scotland. 82% people use power banks (portable
battery chargers), 55% people have problems with charging their electronic devices
and the average power usage per person per day is approximately 12Wh, which is
equivalent to the amount of power stored in a 2,500mAh palm size power bank.

Eight design concepts were narrowed down to a final design using Pugh matrix and
concept feasibility study. The final design is a wearable device that generates
electricity using the natural arm swing motions by pulling two strings during walking.
The mechanism converts two out-of-phase oscillating motions (arm swing during
walking) to a continuous rotation of a flywheel up to 1920 revolutions per minute,
resulting in a power output up to 3.96W according to data collected during user testing.
The estimated walking time for the generator prototype to generate 12Wh is about 8
hours, which met aim of the project.

The design efficiency of the generator is about 35% which is lower than the optimal
threshold of 60%, which could be improved by reducing the number of parts and
simplifying the assembly process.

Table of Contents
List of Figures .................................................................................................................. vii
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... x
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Problem Definition ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Background ................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Aim................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Objectives ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Method ......................................................................................................................... 2

2 Research .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 First Person Action Research.......................................................................................... 3
2.2 Existing Products ........................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1 Power Bank .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.2 Solar Charger .................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2.3 Thermoelectric Camping Stove ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2.4 Hand Crank Generator ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.5 Wind Turbine ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.6 Hydroelectric Turbine .................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.7 Wearable Energy Harvester ........................................................................................................... 6
2.2.8 Quality Function Deployment ........................................................................................................ 7

2.3 Types of Camping .......................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Survey Study.................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Average Electrical Energy Consumption During Wild Camping ......................................11

3 Product Design Specification .................................................................................... 12

4 Design Process ......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Mind Map.....................................................................................................................13
4.2 Concept Generation......................................................................................................13
4.3 Concept Selection .........................................................................................................14
4.3.1 Concept Feasibility Study ............................................................................................................. 15
4.3.2 Final Concept Selection ................................................................................................................ 18

4.4 Generator Power Output ..............................................................................................19

4.5 Product Teardown ........................................................................................................21
4.5.1 Mechanically Powered Torch ....................................................................................................... 21
4.5.2 Retractable USB Charging Cable ................................................................................................ 22
4.5.3 Retractable Tape Measure ......................................................................................................... 22

4.6 Mechanism Design .......................................................................................................23

4.6.1 Initial Sketches ............................................................................................................................. 23

4.6.2 Prototypes .................................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.3 Mechanism Selection ................................................................................................................... 24
4.6.4 Detailed Sketch ............................................................................................................................ 25

4.7 Engineering Calculations ...............................................................................................26

4.8 Computer-aided Design & Prototyping .........................................................................27
4.8.1 Flywheel Design ........................................................................................................................... 27
4.8.2 Ratchet Design ............................................................................................................................. 29
4.8.3 Gear Design .................................................................................................................................. 32
4.8.4 Retractable Mechanism Design ................................................................................................... 32
4.8.5 Swivel Pulley Design ..................................................................................................................... 34
4.8.6 Pulling Handle Design................................................................................................................... 35
4.8.7 Mechanism Fixture Design ........................................................................................................... 37

4.9 Functional Prototype ....................................................................................................39

4.10 Prototype Testing .........................................................................................................40
4.10.1 Data Logger ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.10.2 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 44
4.10.3 Participant Feedback ............................................................................................................... 49
4.10.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 49

4.11 User Interface Design ...................................................................................................50

4.11.1 Control Panel ........................................................................................................................... 50
4.11.2 Mobile Application .................................................................................................................. 51

4.12 Generator Mechanism Enclosure Design .......................................................................52

5 Manufacturing & Maintenance ................................................................................ 53

5.1 Manufacturing Processes ..............................................................................................53
5.2 Manufacturing Cost ......................................................................................................53
5.3 Design for Assembly Analysis (DFA) ..............................................................................54
5.4 Product Maintenance ...................................................................................................55

6 Business Model ........................................................................................................ 56

6.1 Product Licensing..........................................................................................................56
6.2 Product Rental ..............................................................................................................56
6.3 Business Partnership ....................................................................................................57

7 Evaluation Against Specification .............................................................................. 58

8 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 59
9 Further Work ........................................................................................................... 59
10 References ........................................................................................................... 60
11 Appendices ........................................................................................................... 61

List of Figures
Figure 1: Anker power bank ........................................................................................ 4
Figure 2: Anker 21W foldable solar charger [2] ........................................................... 4
Figure 3: BioLite CampStove 2 [3] .............................................................................. 5
Figure 4: Texenergy Infinite Orbit [4] ........................................................................... 5
Figure 5: Texenergy Infinite Air [5] .............................................................................. 5
Figure 6: WaterLily [6] ................................................................................................. 6
Figure 7: Bionic Power [7] ........................................................................................... 6
Figure 8: Types of camping ......................................................................................... 8
Figure 9: Survey results .............................................................................................. 9
Figure 10: Electronics carried by wild campers & mountaineers ................................ 9
Figure 11: Charging solutions used by wild campers and mountaineers .................. 10
Figure 12: Problems with charging electronics faced by campers and mountaineers
.................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 13: Electrical energy generation mind map .................................................... 13
Figure 14: Electrical energy harvesting concept sketches ........................................ 13
Figure 15: Concept A sketch ..................................................................................... 15
Figure 16: Concept A modification ............................................................................ 15
Figure 17: Concept B sketch ..................................................................................... 16
Figure 18: Cardboard prototype ................................................................................ 16
Figure 19: Alternative way to generate power ........................................................... 16
Figure 20: Concept D sketch ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 21: Alternative attachment location ................................................................ 17
Figure 22: Wind turbine generator power output test setup ...................................... 19
Figure 23: Generator unit from wind turbine ............................................................. 19
Figure 24: Tachometer and USB power meter ......................................................... 19
Figure 25: Relationship between generator rotational speed & power output .......... 20
Figure 26: Mechanically powered torch teardown ..................................................... 21
Figure 27: Retractable USB cable teardown ............................................................. 22
Figure 28: Retractable tape measure teardown ........................................................ 22
Figure 29: Reciprocating to rotary motion mechanism initial design sketches .......... 23
Figure 30: LEGO mechanism prototypes (Design A & B) ......................................... 24
Figure 31: Prototypes (Design D & F) ....................................................................... 24
Figure 32: Reciprocating to rotary motion mechanism detailed sketch ..................... 25
Figure 33: Reconfigured mechanism sketch ............................................................. 25
Figure 34: Free body diagram of mechanism ........................................................... 26
Figure 35: Cross sectional view of flywheel .............................................................. 26
Figure 36: Generator shaft ........................................................................................ 28
Figure 37: Flywheel slotted onto generator shaft (CAD) ........................................... 28
Figure 38: Manufacturing flywheel ............................................................................ 28
Figure 39: Problem with machined flywheel .............................................................. 28
Figure 40: Ratchet mechanism from hand crank torch ............................................. 29
Figure 41: Scaled-up ratchet x1.25 & Pawl assembly sequence .............................. 29

Figure 42: Cross-sectional view of flywheel and ratchet assembly ........................... 29
Figure 43: Manufacturing flywheel shaft ................................................................... 30
Figure 44: SLA printed ratchet & UV curing .............................................................. 30
Figure 45: Problems with SLA ratchet ....................................................................... 30
Figure 46: Problems with ratchet .............................................................................. 31
Figure 47: Strengthened ratchet design .................................................................... 31
Figure 48: Problem with flywheel and ratchet assembly ........................................... 31
Figure 49: Cross-sectional view of redesigned ratchet and shaft ............................. 31
Figure 50: Gear ratio 1:10 ......................................................................................... 32
Figure 51: Cross-sectional view of gear and shaft .................................................... 32
Figure 52: Cross-sectional view of retractable mechanism version 1 ....................... 32
Figure 53:Illustration of user using the generator ...................................................... 32
Figure 54: Retractable mechanism prototype 1 ........................................................ 33
Figure 55: retractable mechanism version 2 ............................................................. 33
Figure 56: Retractable mechanism prototype 2 ........................................................ 33
Figure 57: Manufacturing retractable mechanism shaft ............................................ 33
Figure 58: High friction area ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 59: String pulley CAD model .......................................................................... 34
Figure 60: Swivel pulley 3D printed prototype ........................................................... 34
Figure 61: Pulling handle design sketches ................................................................ 35
Figure 62: Pulling handle Design C and F CAD models ........................................... 36
Figure 63: 3D printed prototype (Design C) .............................................................. 36
Figure 64: 3D printed prototype (Design F) ............................................................... 36
Figure 65: Mechanism fixture CAD design view 1 .................................................... 37
Figure 66: Mechanism fixture CAD design view 2 .................................................... 37
Figure 67: Mechanism fixture CAD design exploded view ........................................ 38
Figure 68: Mechanism prototype 1 ............................................................................ 39
Figure 69: Mechanism prototype 2 ............................................................................ 39
Figure 70: Mechanism prototype 3 ............................................................................ 40
Figure 71: Generator power output data logger breadboard prototype ..................... 40
Figure 72: Breadboard connections diagram ............................................................ 41
Figure 73: PCB data logger ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 74: PCB data logger (closeup) ....................................................................... 42
Figure 75: Prototype testing on treadmill .................................................................. 43
Figure 76: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 1) ............................................................................................................ 44
Figure 77: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 1) ....... 44
Figure 78: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 2) ............................................................................................................ 44
Figure 79: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 2) ....... 45
Figure 80: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 3) ............................................................................................................ 45
Figure 81: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 3) ....... 45

Figure 82: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 4) ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 83: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 4) ....... 46
Figure 84: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 5) ............................................................................................................ 46
Figure 85: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 5) ....... 47
Figure 86: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power
output (test 6) ............................................................................................................ 47
Figure 87: Failed swivel pulley .................................................................................. 47
Figure 88: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 6) ....... 48
Figure 89: Relationship between generator power output and pull resistance level . 48
Figure 90: Flexible membrane control panel ............................................................. 50
Figure 91: Mobile application interface design .......................................................... 51
Figure 92: Generator enclosure exploded view ........................................................ 52
Figure 93: Generator enclosure cross-sectional view ............................................... 52
Figure 94: Generator mechanism exploded view (with enclosure) ........................... 54
Figure 95: Generator fitted into a backpack .............................................................. 57

List of Tables
Table 1: Electronic devices used during the trip ......................................................... 3
Table 2: Existing portable off-grid power solutions ..................................................... 3
Table 3: The house of quality ...................................................................................... 7
Table 4: Average electrical energy consumption of electronics ................................ 11
Table 5: Average electrical energy consumption per person per day ....................... 11
Table 6: Product design specification ....................................................................... 12
Table 7: Pugh matrix ................................................................................................. 14
Table 8: Concepts A, B&D comparison ..................................................................... 18
Table 9: Generator rpm and power output data ........................................................ 20
Table 10: Estimated time to generate 12Wh ............................................................. 20
Table 11: Mechanism design Pugh matrix ................................................................ 24
Table 12: Excel spreadsheet ..................................................................................... 27
Table 13: Flywheel design comparison chart ............................................................ 27
Table 14: Handle design Pugh matrix ....................................................................... 35
Table 15: Mechanism part list ................................................................................... 39
Table 16: Prototype treadmill test plan ...................................................................... 43
Table 17: Required walking time to generate 12Wh ................................................. 48
Table 18: Manufacturing process and material selection .......................................... 53
Table 19: Manufacturing cost of injection moulded parts .......................................... 53
Table 20: Design for assembly summary .................................................................. 54
Table 21: Category 2 suggestion for redesign .......................................................... 55
Table 22: Category 3 suggestion for redesign .......................................................... 55

1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Definition
Charging electronic devices such as smartphones, GPS navigation devices, torches
and cameras in remote places during wild camping and wilderness adventure activities
is difficult. There are products on the market, for example: power banks, which store
limited amounts of energy; solar chargers, which only work efficiently on sunny days;
wind turbines, which only work in windy conditions; and hand crank generators, which
will give you a sore wrist before you generate enough power to charge your phone.
Without a reliable power source to charge electronics devices, wild campers,
adventurers and mountaineers will not be able to check the weather forecast and
avalanche forecast, navigate to their destinations, call for rescue, and see in the dark.

1.2 Background
Similar studies have been done by a technology company called Bionic Power. The
company developed a wearable energy harvesting device designed specifically for
military use. A soldier typically carries 7 to 11 kilograms of batteries on a 72-hour
mission (Vergun, 2018), whereas the energy harvesting device designed by Bionic
Power only weighs 1.8kg and it is able to generate up to 10 watts per leg while walking.

1.3 Aim
The aim of this project is to design a portable generator that can reliably generate
sufficient amount of electricity for charging electronic devices during wild camping and
wilderness adventure activities.

1.4 Objectives
1. Design brief

2. Identify customer needs

3. Product design specification

4. Concept generation, development and selection

5. Product development

6. Create a prototype suitable for user testing

7. Propose design improvement based on testing

1.5 Method
First person action research and online surveys were used to identify problems and
customer needs. Existing products were identified and analysed to avoid design
repetition and allow creation of a unique product. PDS was created based on customer
needs and existing product analysis, its aim is to ensure the subsequent design and
development of the product meets customer needs and requirements. Design
concepts were generated and eventually narrowed down to a final idea using decision
matrix method and prototyping. Detailed drawings, CAD models and functional
prototypes were created based on the final idea. In order to test the final prototype, a
data logger was created to record data during user testing. Collected data were then
analysed and used for diagnosing problems and design optimisation.

2 Research
2.1 First Person Action Research
An effective way to understand problems faced by users is to put yourself in the user’s
shoes. The two months wild camping research allowed me to experience the difficulty
of charging electronic devices in remote locations for a long period of time.

Table 1: Electronic devices used during the trip

The average power consumption during this wild camping trip was 27.92Wh which
means the 38.48Wh power bank was able to keep all devices charged up for 1.4 days.
A 20W foldable solar charger was used to keep the power bank charged up throughout
the trip. On a sunny day, the power bank was able to fully charge by a solar charger
in about 5 to 6 hours.

Problems with charging electronic devices during the trip:

• Batteries within devices drain significantly faster in cold weather

• Solar charger only works on sunny days (about 1-2 days a week)
• Solar charger does not work in forests (no direct sunlight)
• Solar charger has to be reoriented all the time (keep it pointing directly to the

2.2 Existing Products

Table 2: Existing portable off-grid power solutions

Appendix A contains the detailed version of Table 2. There are products on the
market that provide off-grid energy such as power banks, solar chargers,
thermoelectric camp stove, hand crank generators, wind turbines, water turbines and
wearable generator.

2.2.1 Power Bank

Figure 1: Anker power bank

A power bank (Figure 1), also known as portable charger, is a portable device that can
supply electrical power from its built-in battery through a USB port. Power banks are
a popular charging solution as they are easy to use and affordable. However, there
are some disadvantages: limited amounts of energy can be stored, long charging time,
drains in cold weather, performance decreases over time and safety concerns.

2.2.2 Solar Charger

Figure 2: Anker 21W foldable solar charger [2]

Foldable solar chargers (Figure 2) convert solar energy to limitless electrical energy
for charging electronic devices off the grid. For long trips (over a week) carrying a solar
charger would be better than carrying a high capacity power bank. The drawback is
that it only works efficiently under direct sunlight on a sunny day, which means it will
not work in forests, anywhere in the shade or in bad weathers.

2.2.3 Thermoelectric Camping Stove

Figure 3: BioLite CampStove 2 [3]

Thermoelectric camping stoves designed by BioLite (Figure 3) convert heat energy

from burning wood to electricity to power its internal fan to improve combustion and
charge its built-in battery. It only generates power up to 3 watts, which means it will
take over 2 hours of cooking to fully charge a smartphone. It is only reliable if there is
constant supply of dry wood throughout the camping trip.

2.2.4 Hand Crank Generator

Figure 4: Texenergy Infinite Orbit [4]

Hand crank generators (Figure 4) are compact and lightweight. It can be used anytime,
anywhere in any weather, which makes it perfect for emergency situations. The only
drawback is it requires constant cranking to generate power, which will give you a sore
wrist before you generate enough power to fully charge a smartphone.

2.2.5 Wind Turbine

Figure 5: Texenergy Infinite Air [5]

Portable wind turbines (Figure 5) harness wind energy and convert it to electricity. It
is an alternative to solar chargers, which works during day and night as long as there
is wind. The limitation is that it only works in open space with minimum wind speed of

2.2.6 Hydroelectric Turbine

Figure 6: WaterLily [6]

WaterLily (Figure 6) is a turbine that generates power using water or wind. It can
generate up to 15W in 3.6mph water flow or 36mph wind. There are drawbacks with
this product: it is bulky and heavy, long setup time and risk of turbine blade gets
clogged with leaves.

2.2.7 Wearable Energy Harvester

Figure 7: Bionic Power [7]

A soldier typically carries 7 to 11 kilograms of batteries on a 72-hour mission (Vergun,

2018). Bionic Power is a wearable energy harvesting device (Figure 7) designed for
military use. It enables users to generate energy up to 10 watts per leg as they walk.
Gearbox converts the knee’s rotational speed to a higher speed which drives a
generator to convert mechanical power to electricity. The drawbacks are that it is 1.8kg
in weight, noisy to use, and it cannot be taken off quickly when needed.

2.2.8 Quality Function Deployment

Table 3: The house of quality

The relative weighting in Table 3 shows that the power generation, product weight and
IP rating (defines levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against
intrusion from foreign bodies and moisture) are the three most important quality
characteristics of a portable power supply to be used during wild camping. The
competitive analysis indicates that current competitors do not generate sufficient
amount of electricity and do not withstand any weather conditions. Bionic power is
excluded from the competitive analysis as it is designed exclusively for the military.

2.3 Types of Camping

Figure 8: Types of camping

There are different types of camping, from glamping to survivalist camping. However,
this project only focuses on adventure camping, backpacking, winter camping and

Adventure Camping is a more serious type of camping, usually hike during the day
and camp at night. It gives opportunity to explore remote locations and the idea behind
adventure camping is to enjoy the wilderness.

Backpacking is one of the extreme forms of camping. It is an independent way of

travelling, where you hike through different types of ecosystems. Backpackers carry
enough supplies in their backpacks that can last them for days or even weeks in the

Winter Camping is a tougher version of camping. Extra equipment and warm layers
are required which means heavier backpack. Electronic device such as smartphone,
camera, GPS and torch discharge more quickly in cold weather.

Overlanding is an independent adventure where you travel to remote locations for a

long period of time, which can be months or even years.

2.4 Survey Study

Figure 9: Survey results

A survey was conducted among 6 mountaineers from Loughborough student

mountaineering club and 5 wild campers I met during the 2 months wild camping trip.
Survey results show that 64% of mountaineers and campers are male and 91% aged
between 18 and 24. Over half said they go wild camping 1 to 2 times per year, only
one person goes more than 7 times per year. 45% of campers and mountaineers
spend 5 to 7 days in the wilderness per trip in average.

Figure 10: Electronics carried by wild campers & mountaineers

According to the bar chart in Figure 10, smartphone, torch and GoPro camera (small
action camera) are commonly carried by wild campers and mountaineers. On the other
end of the scale, laptop, GPS and DSLR camera (professional camera) are the least
common electronics being carried during wild camping trips.

Figure 11: Charging solutions used by wild campers and mountaineers

Bar chart in Figure 11 shows the current charging methods used by wild campers and
mountaineers during their adventure trips. 82% of them charge their electronics with
a power bank and 64% just bring spare batteries. The 45% who uses public charging
points such as tourist information centres or coffee shops have to travel for hours just
to charge their electronics. 18% of them do not require charging at all as they keep all
their electronics switched off most of the time.

Figure 12: Problems with charging electronics faced by campers and mountaineers

Over half said they have problems with charging their electronic devices during their
adventure trips. Power banks are commonly used for charging, but most of the
charging problems are power bank related.

2.5 Average Electrical Energy Consumption During Wild Camping
Battery Voltage Electrical Battery Voltage Electrical
Smartphone Model GPS Unit Model
Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh) Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh)

Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus 3500 3.8 13.30 Garmin eTrex 10 2000 2.4 4.80
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 4000 3.8 15.20 Garmin eTrex Touch 25 2000 2.4 4.80
Bauweise P20 Pro 4000 3.8 15.20 Garmin Oregon 700 2000 2.4 4.80
iPhone XS 2658 3.8 10.10 Garmin eTrex 30x 2000 2.4 4.80
iPhone XS Max 3174 3.8 12.06 DeLorme AG Inreach Explorer 2450 3.7 9.07
Samsung Galaxy S9 3000 3.8 11.40 Average Electrical Energy: 5.65
LG G7 ThinQ 3000 3.8 11.40
Huawei Mate 10 Pro 4000 3.8 15.20 Battery Voltage Electrical
Portable Speaker Model
iPhone X 2716 3.8 10.32 Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh)
Google Pixel 2 XL 3520 3.8 13.38 UE Boom 2 3200 3.7 11.84
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 3300 3.8 12.54 JBL Charge 3 6000 3.7 22.20
OnePlus 6 3300 3.8 12.54 Bose SoundLink Micro 4000 3.7 14.80
Google Pixel 2 2700 3.8 10.26 Anker Soundcore 2 2600 7.4 19.24
Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus 3500 3.8 13.30 UE Wonderboom 2800 3.7 10.36
iPhone 8 Plus 2691 3.8 10.23 Average Electrical Energy: 15.69
Samsung Galaxy S8 3000 3.8 11.40
LG V30 3300 3.8 12.54
Average Electrical Energy: 12.37

Battery Voltage Electrical Battery Voltage Electrical

Smart Watch Model Compact Camera Model
Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh) Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh)

Samsung Galaxy Watch 472 3.7 1.75 Polaroid IX828 550 3.7 2.04
Apple Watch 4 292 3.7 1.08 Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 IV 1240 3.6 4.46
Ticwatch Pro 415 3.7 1.54 Nikon CoolPix P610 1850 3.8 7.03
Apple Watch 3 262 3.7 0.97 Fujifilm X100F 740 3.7 2.74
Fitbit Versa 145 3.7 0.54 Ricoh WG-5 700 3.7 2.59
Ticwatch E 300 3.7 1.11 Samsung NX3000 2330 3.8 8.85
Ticwatch S 300 3.7 1.11 Average Electrical Energy: 4.62
Huawei Watch 2 420 3.7 1.55
Average Electrical Energy: 1.21

Battery Voltage Electrical Battery Voltage Electrical

Tablet Model GoPro Model
Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh) Capacity (mAh) (V) Energy (Wh)

iPad Pro 10.5" 8134 3.7 30.10 GoPro Hero 7 1220 3.8 4.64
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 6000 3.7 22.20 GoPro Hero 6 1220 3.8 4.64
iPad mini 4 5124 3.7 18.96 GoPro Hero 5 1220 3.8 4.64
Huawei MediaPad M5 8.4 5100 3.7 18.87 GoPro Hero 5 Session 1000 3.8 3.80
Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet 3830 3.7 14.17 GoPro Hero 4 1160 3.8 4.41
Average Electrical Energy: 20.86 Average Electrical Energy: 4.42

Table 4: Average electrical energy consumption of electronics

Table 4 shows the average electrical energy consumption of electronics that are
commonly carried by wild campers and mountaineers. The average values were
calculated by averaging the electrical energy consumption of popular smartphones,
smart watches, tablets, GPS units, speakers and cameras. Laptops, torches, DSLR
cameras and drones are excluded from Table 4 because laptops and drones require
over 50Wh of energy and survey results shown that people tend to carry spare
batteries for their torches and DSLR cameras.

Table 5 shows the average electrical energy consumption per

wild camper or mountaineer per day is approximately 12Wh,
which is equivalent to the amount of power stored in a
2,500mAh palm size power bank.

Table 5: Average electrical

energy consumption per
person per day

3 Product Design Specification
Categories No. Parameters
Product must generate at least 12 Watt-hours per day which
1 is based on the calculated average electrical energy 4
consumption per person per day in Table 5.
2 5
Product must generate electricity whenever it is needed.
Product must have a standard USB type-A port for power
3 5
Performance 4 Product setup time should be less than 3 minutes. 3
5 4
Noise emitted by the product must be under 50 decibels.
Product must not produce any environmental impacts during
6 4
its usage.
7 Product lifetime must be at least 5 years. 4

8 Product must be able to be repaired or remanufactured. 4

9 Product must not cause any discomfort during usage. 4

Ergonomics Product should not interfere with normal activities such as
10 walking, running, hiking, jumping, etc. 4

11 The retail price of the product should be under £200. 3

12 Product maintenance cost should be less than £20 per year. 3

13 It should look like a sport/outdoor product. 3

14 Product should look powerful and durable. 4
15 The product should weigh less than 800g. 4
Size & Weight
16 It should be able to fit in a 60L backpack when not using. 4

Product must be able to generate electricity in temperature

17 4
between -25°C and 55°C.
Product must achieve at least IP65 ingress protection rating
Environment 18 (protected from total dust ingress and low pressure water 4
jets from any direction)
Product must pass a drop test from the height of 1.5 meters
19 on concrete surface. 4

Surfaces of product with direct contact with skin must not

20 generate heat over 44°C. (exposing skin to +44°C for a long 5
period of time can cause damage)
Safety Product must have safety features to prevent accidental
21 5
electrocution during usage.
Product must pass all the electrical equipment safety
22 regulations. 5

Product must not be made of any toxic or hazardous

23 5
24 Materials used for the product must be UV resistant, 5
corrosion resistant, water resistant and impact resistant.

Table 6: Product design specification

4 Design Process
4.1 Mind Map

Figure 13: Electrical energy generation mind map

4.2 Concept Generation



Figure 14: Electrical energy harvesting concept sketches

Concept A is a wearable generator located on the upper back to harvest energy from
shoulder movements during walking or running.

Concept B is a wearable generator located on the lower back. It generates electricity

by pulling 2 strings with natural arm swing motions during walking.

Concept C is a wearable generator located on the chest which uses temperature

differences between body temperature and ambient temperature to generate

Concept D is a wearable generator located on the elbow which converts motions

between upper arm and forearm to electricity during walking or running.

Concept E is a mini wearable wind turbine that harvests energy from wind current
during walking or running.

Concept F is a hiking pole with a built-in collapsible vertical wind turbine.

Concept G is a hiking pole with spring loaded rack and pinion mechanism that
generates electricity when being pushed against the ground during hiking.

Concept H is a hiking pole that generates electricity using built-in oscillating magnets
during hiking.

4.3 Concept Selection


Power Generation + + - + - - 0 -
Portability + 0 + + 0 0 0 0
Ease of Use + 0 + + + 0 0 0
Ease of Setup - - - - - - 0 0
Reliability + + - + - - 0 -
Design Complexity - + + - + + 0 -
Manufacture Cost - - - 0 + + 0 -
Sum +’s 4 3 3 4 3 2 0 0
Sum 0’s 0 2 0 1 1 2 7 3
Sum -‘S 3 2 4 2 3 3 0 4
Net Score 1 1 -1 2 0 -1 0 -4
Rank 2 2 6 1 4 6 4 8

Table 7: Pugh matrix

The Pugh Matrix in Table 7 was produced to narrow down concepts for further
development. It is clear to see that the top three concepts are A, B and D with net
score of 1, 1 and 2, respectively. These are concepts that will be taken forward for
further development before narrowing them down into a final concept.

4.3.1 Concept Feasibility Study Concept A

Figure 15: Concept A sketch

Concept A uses three straps to fix device on the upper back could be difficult and time
consuming to put on. Having straps located around bicep, chest and shoulder makes
it inconvenient to put on or take off layers. Users will not be able to wear a backpack
while having the generator on their upper back.

Figure 16: Concept A modification

Figure 16 shows the improved version of concept A. The number of straps reduced
down to just one around the bicep with the generator unit attaches on the backpack
strap. Generator unit is now located on the shoulder allowing users to wear a backpack
and the generator at the same time.

15 Concept B

Figure 17: Concept B sketch

Wrist straps could restrict movements of arms which would be a hazard if users trip
over while using the device. Replacing wrist straps with grip handles would minimise
this particular risk.

Figure 18: Cardboard prototype

A basic cardboard prototype was created to test the concept of pulling a string while
walking. The pulling motion feels very natural and it does not interfere with walking.
The friction between the fast-moving string and clothes could potentially wear out the
string or cut through the clothes. Anti-friction sleeves could be used to solve this

Figure 19: Alternative way to generate power

Figure 19 shows a different way to use the generator. When not wearing the generator,
it could be attached on a tree to generate power by pulling the string from below.

16 Concept D

Figure 20: Concept D sketch

Concept D is very similar to the bionic power generator from Figure 7. It can be used
in most activities such as walking, running, climbing, kayaking or any activities that
involve arm movements. The potential problems are restriction of elbow moving speed
and having straps on the upper arms and forearms might restrict blood circulation.

Figure 21: Alternative attachment location

Users can choose to wear just a single generator unit or up to maximum four if needed.
Units can be worn on both elbows and knees for maximum power generation.

4.3.2 Final Concept Selection


Attach generator unit to the Attach the generator on your Attach generator units to your
shoulder strap on your backpack. lower back, backpack or on a arms or legs then tighten all the
Setup Then place arm support on the side tree. Then start pulling the strings straps and finally just walk or run
Process of your upper arm and finally to generate power. to generate power.
tighten the arm strap.

Can be used in most activities Can be used in different ways Can be used in most activities

Easy to use Simple design Easy to use

Just release handles when not
Pros Can be used on arms or legs
using, no need to undo straps
Harvest energy from both arms
with a single generator.
Easy to use
Not easy to put on or take off
Complex design Strings might get tangled
(too many straps)
Small angular displacement means Friction between fast moving Might affect blood circulation in
less power can be generated strings and clothes arms
Cons Require 2 generator units to Require 2 generator units to
harvest energy from both arms. harvest energy from both arms
Might affect blood circulation in or 4 units to harvest energy from
arms arms and legs.
Potential Restriction on arm movements Strings get caught with branches Restriction on arm movements
Problems Restricted blood flow in arms Strings wear out over time Restricted blood flow in arms
Use telescopic arms and universal
Make sure strings are in tension
joint to allow arm movement in all Reduce gear ratio
all the time.
Solutions directions.
No solutions for restricted blood Use abrasion resistant coated No solutions for restricted blood
flow in arms. strings. flow in arms.

Table 8: Concepts A, B&D comparison

All three concepts harvest energy from natural arm motions. Concept B is the easiest
to setup and has the simplest design compared to concepts A and D. Concept B also
has the lowest design complexity as it uses less materials and components. Concepts
A and D require two generators to harvest energy from both arms, whereas concept
B only require a single generator. It is clear that concept B is best out of the three
concepts in terms of setup time, ease of use, design complexity and manufacturing
cost. Therefore, concept B will be taken forward to development stage.

4.4 Generator Power Output

Wind Turbine


Support Clamp

Airflow Tube (up to 10m/s)

Power Output Cable

Figure 22: Wind turbine generator power output test setup

Due to time constraints of this project, an existing generator

(Figure 23) from a portable wind turbine designed by Texenergy
will be used. The main focus of this project is to design a
mechanism that converts reciprocating motion of pulling the
strings to continuous rotary motion to drive the generator. In
order to design a mechanism that is able to generate up to
12Wh, relationship between rotational speed and power output
of the generator must be identified. Figure 22 shows the setup
Figure 23: Generator unit
from wind turbine of the generator power output test which took place in the fluid
mechanics lab.

Figure 24: Tachometer and USB power meter

Tachometer was used to measure the rotational speed of the generator in rpm and a
USB power meter was used to measure the power output of the generator in volts and

Table 9: Generator rpm and power output data

Data from Table 9 shows that the minimum rotational speed required to start charging
a smartphone is 770rpm, which only generates 1W of power. At 1780rpm, just over a
double of the minimum rotational speed it generates 2.5W of power. The maximum
power output achieved during the test was 5.6W when charging a drone (energy
hungry device) at rotational speed of 2190rpm. However, the output power does not
always increase proportionally to the rotational speed of the generator. The
generator’s built-in printed circuit board regulates the power output depends on the
connected device, which would explain why the generator was able to output 4.8W at
1800rpm when charging an iPad (energy hungry device) and only 2.5W at 1780rpm
when charging an iPhone (low power device).

Figure 25: Relationship between generator rotational speed & power output

The scatter diagram in Figure 25 indicates a positive correlation between the generator
rotational speed and the power output. The ideal rotational speed for generating 12Wh
per day would be somewhere between 1500rpm and 2500rpm.

Rotational Speed Power Output Time to Generate 12Wh

1500rpm 2.2W 5.5 hours
2000rpm 3.6W 3.3 hours
2500rpm 5.0W 2.4 hours
Table 10: Estimated time to generate 12Wh

4.5 Product Teardown
4.5.1 Mechanically Powered Torch

Figure 26: Mechanically powered torch teardown

A mechanically powered torch is powered by the muscle power of the user so it does
not require battery charging or replacement. Figure 26 shows all the components of a
squeeze torch, which converts squeezing force on the spring-loaded handle (1) to
rotary motion on the flywheel (10). Flywheel turns the generator (16) to produce
electricity for the light (20). The ratchet (9) allows the flywheel to continue spinning
even when user stops squeezing the handle. This ratchet mechanism and flywheel
can be scaled up for generating greater power output.

4.5.2 Retractable USB Charging Cable

Figure 27: Retractable USB cable teardown

The retractable cable mechanism uses a spiral spring (5) to retract the cable (1) and
wrap it around a reel (2). The middle end of the spiral spring is fixed on the housing
(4) and the other end of the spring attaches to the reel (2).

4.5.3 Retractable Tape Measure

Figure 28: Retractable tape measure teardown

The retractable mechanism in a tape measure is very similar to the retractable USB
charging cable mechanism but with wider and thicker spiral spring (3) and a bigger
reel (8) to store the tape measure (6).

4.6 Mechanism Design
4.6.1 Initial Sketches



Figure 29: Reciprocating to rotary motion mechanism initial design sketches

Design A: Pinion gear is connected directly to the generator’s shaft, which can be
driven by pulling the strings, which are wrapped around the reels of the gears.

Design B: Pinion gear is connected directly to the generator’s shaft, which can be
driven by pulling the strings, which are connected to both ends of a rack.

Design C: Similar to B but with two spring-loaded racks.

Design D: Scotch yoke mechanism with strings connected to the moving slot and a
pin on a big gear.

Design E: A single string wrapped around the gear shaft.

Design F: Spiral spring-loaded gear similar to the retractable cable mechanism.

4.6.2 Prototypes

Figure 30: LEGO mechanism prototypes (Design A & B)

Figure 31: Prototypes (Design D & F)

4.6.3 Mechanism Selection

Table 11: Mechanism design Pugh matrix

The Pugh Matrix in Table 11 shows that mechanism A and F have the highest net
score. Therefore, mechanism A and F will be taken forward into the detailed design

4.6.4 Detailed Sketch

Figure 32: Reciprocating to rotary motion mechanism detailed sketch

Figure 32 shows a combined mechanism of design A and F from Figure 29. Ratchet
mechanism from the mechanically powered torch (Figure 26) and retractable
mechanism from the USB charger (Figure 27) are incorporated into this mechanism.

Figure 33: Reconfigured mechanism sketch

Tooling cost can be reduced by simply rearrange the gears as shown in Figure 33.
Ratchets on both gears are now identical, whereas previous mechanism requires an
anti-clockwise ratchet on the left gear and a clockwise ratchet on the right gear.

4.7 Engineering Calculations

Left Gear
Right Gear

Left String

Right String

String Reel String Reel

Pinion Gear

Figure 34: Free body diagram of mechanism

The free body diagram in Figure 34 is used to visualise the forces and movements of
the mechanism. The only known factor is the rotational speed of the flywheel, which
between 1500rpm and 2500rpm based on Table 10. The aims of this calculation are
to identify the optimum string reel radius (R2 & R4), gear ratio, required pulling forces
(F1 & F3) and moment of inertia of flywheel. The moment of inertia is a quantity that
determines the torque required for a desired angular acceleration about a rotational
axis. The moment of inertia of a flywheel depends on its mass distribution and location
of the spinning axis. Flywheel with large moment of inertia requires more force to
change its rotation rate and it tends to free spin for a longer period of time before it
comes to a stop. Derivation of equations can be found in Appendix B.


𝒉𝟏 𝒓𝒊


Figure 35: Cross sectional view of flywheel

1 1
𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎-./0122. , 𝐼 = r𝜋ℎ9 (𝑟2 9 − 𝑟< 9 )(𝑟< 9 + 𝑟2 9 ) + r𝜋𝑟 ? ℎ@
2 2
𝑅𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦-./0122. , 𝐾𝐸 = 𝐼𝜔9
𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦-./0122. , 𝜔L = 𝑟𝑝𝑚 ×
R1 × I × Δ𝜔L
𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒, 𝐹1 =
R2 × R6 × Δ𝑡

Output Voltage 5.00 V Thickness (h2) 0.0100 m
Output Current 1.00 A Thickness (h1) 0.0025 m
Output Power 5.00 W Internal Radius (ri) 0.030 m
Resistance Torque 0.029 Nm External Radius (re) 0.035 m
Distance 0.5 m Material Steel
Swing per minute 60 Material Density 8050 kg/m^3
Arm Swing
Required Pulling Force 11.63 N Weight 0.160 kg
(F1 or F3) 1.19 kg Moment of Inertia 1.3E-04 kg.m^2
Radius (R2 & R4) 0.0115 m Acceleration Time 5.0 s
String Reel Flywheel
Rotation per Swing 7 rps Angular Acceleration 35 rad/s^2
Radius (R1 & R3) 0.032 m Angular Velocity (w3) 174 rad/s
Number of Teeth 80 Angular Momentum 0.0234 kgm^2/s
Rotation per Swing 7 rps Rotational Speed 1661 rpm
Big Gear
Rotational Speed 415 rpm Rotational Kinetic Energy 2.04 J
Angular Velocity (w1 & w2) 43 rad/s Efficiency 70%
Module 0.8 5.00 V
KE to Electrical Energy
Radius (R6) 0.008 m 0.29 A
Number of Teeth 20 Required Torque (T3) 4.7E-03 Nm
Pinion Gear Rotation per Swing 28 rps
Angular Velocity (w3) 174 rad/s
Rotational Speed 1661 rpm

Table 12: Excel spreadsheet

The Excel spreadsheet shown in Table 12 is able to estimate the resistance torque on
the generator, required pulling force, flywheel angular velocity, flywheel moment of
inertia, and so on. The theoretical optimum design of the mechanism can be identified
by experimenting with parameters in all the grey boxes.

4.8 Computer-aided Design & Prototyping

4.8.1 Flywheel Design
Flywheel Design
Thickness (h2) 0.0125 0.0120 0.0150 0.0120 0.0140 0.0100 m
Thickness (h1) 0.0025 0.0020 0.0200 0.0020 0.0025 0.0025 m
Internal Radius (ri) 0.0250 0.0300 0.0193 0.0238 0.0195 0.0300 m
External Radius (re) 0.0350 0.0400 0.0318 0.0318 0.0275 0.0350 m
Material Aluminium Steel
Material Density 2710 8050 kg/m^3
Weight 0.090 0.099 0.099 0.186 0.181 0.160 kg
Moment of Inertia 7.50E-05 1.1E-04 6.5E-05 1.3E-04 9.4E-05 1.3E-04 kg.m^2
Acceleration Time 5.0 s
Angular Acceleration 35 rad/s^2
Angular Velocity (w3) 174 rad/s
Angular Momentum 0.0130 0.0191 0.0113 0.0226 0.0163 0.0234 kgm^2/s
Rotational Speed 1661 rpm
Rotational Kinetic Energy 1.13 1.66 0.98 1.97 1.42 2.04 J
Efficiency 70%
5.00 V
KE to Electrical Energy
0.16 0.23 0.14 0.28 0.20 0.29 A
Required Torque (T3) 2.6E-03 3.8E-03 2.3E-03 4.5E-03 3.3E-03 4.7E-03 Nm
Required Pulling Force 10.91 11.33 10.79 11.57 11.14 11.63 N
(F1 or F3) 1.11 1.16 1.10 1.18 1.14 1.19 kg

Table 13: Flywheel design comparison chart

According to the comparison chart in Table 13, flywheel design D and F have the
largest moment of inertia. However, design F has greater rotational kinetic energy
which means it is able to generate more power. Flywheel design F will be taken
forward to the next stage.

The generator was accurately measured in the metrology lab,
measurements are then used to generate a CAD model. To
design a flywheel that drives the generator shaft (Figure 36),
the flywheel must have a square slot to engage with the square
feature on the generator shaft as shown in Figure 37. Appendix
Figure 36: Generator shaft C contains engineering drawing of the generator.



Figure 37: Flywheel slotted onto generator shaft (CAD)

The sleeve on the flywheel reduces the wobbling effect and vibrations when it is
spinning at high speed. Flywheel engineering drawing can be found in Appendix D.


Figure 38: Manufacturing flywheel

The flywheel will be machined out of stainless steel in real production, but mild steel
was used instead for this prototype. The flywheel was cut in the right length (A) before
turning it down to the right diameter (B), then the square slot and holes were machined
on a milling machine (C&D).



Figure 39: Problem with machined flywheel

The square slot on the flywheel fits on the generator shaft, however, they are not
parallel (A). The causes of the problem are that the internal diameter of the sleeve is
too big (B) and the square slot were machined at an angle. The solution is to press fit
an insert (C) on the flywheel, which fixed the alignment issue (D).

4.8.2 Ratchet Design

Figure 40: Ratchet mechanism from hand crank torch

The ratchet mechanism from the squeeze torch that was taken apart previously can
be scaled up to drive a bigger flywheel. Optical coordinate measuring machine was
used for measuring the ratchet, measurements are then used to produce a scaled-up
CAD model of the ratchet as shown in Figure 41.

Step 1
Step 3
Step 2

Pinion Gear

Figure 41: Scaled-up ratchet x1.25 & Pawl assembly sequence

Twist-lock feature is used to secure pawls to the pinion gear. When pinion gear is
spinning, centrifugal force pushes pawls outward and engages with the ratchet wheel.
Moment of inertia of the spinning flywheel keeps itself and the ratchet wheel spinning
when the pinion gear stops spinning.

Pawl Pinion
Wheel Flywheel
The ratchet mechanism is fixed to the
flywheel with a shaft passing through the
pinion gear and screwed into the generator
shaft as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42: Cross-sectional view of flywheel and

ratchet assembly

Lathe Flywheel
Chuck Shaft M3 Die


Figure 43: Manufacturing flywheel shaft

The flywheel shaft was machined on a lathe and the male thread was cut with a M3
die. Engineering drawing of flywheel shaft can be found in Appendix E.

SLA 3D Printer UV Curing Camber

Figure 44: SLA printed ratchet & UV curing

The ratchet was printed in a stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer as fused deposition

modelling (FDM) printers would not be able to print the fine gear tooth on the part.
Supports on the parts were removed then placed in the UV curing camber to improve
its mechanical properties.

Ratchet Bad surface Flywheel

Wheel Pinion Gear


Figure 45: Problems with SLA ratchet

Problems were found with the SLA printed parts (Figure 45): bad surface finish on the
ratchet wheel, which could be resolved by changing print orientation; pawl snapped
off from pinion gear, which could be resolved by changing geometry of the parts.

Contact Pawl
Pin Slot

High Stress
Concentration Figure 46: Problems with ratchet

Area highlighted in red in C has a high level of stress concentration which causes
breakage of the SLA parts shown in Figure 45. There are also undesired movements
of the pawls shown in C.
Pawl The ratchet is strengthened by increasing the base
thickness by 50% and adding more material
around the high stress area. Pin slot pawl
assembly is replaced by snap fitting to reduce
undesired movements.

Figure 47: Strengthened ratchet design

Figure 48: Problem with flywheel and ratchet assembly

During testing, the flywheel shaft unwinded itself while the flywheel was spinning. In
theory, the flywheel shaft with right-handed thread should not unwind itself when the
flywheel is spinning in closewise direction. However, friction between the flywheel
shaft and the pinion gear (highlighted in red in Figure 48) causes the shaft to unwind
itself when pinion gear is stationary and shaft is spinning.

Shaft Bearing

Pinion Gear
Ratchet The problem with shaft unwinding itself was
Wheel Flywheel solved by avoiding direct contact between
shaft and pinion gear by adding a neck on
the ratchet wheel (circled in Figure 49)The
shaft, ratchet wheel and flywheel spin
together as a whole, whereas the pinion
Figure 49: Cross-sectional view of redesigned gear slows down between each pulls.
ratchet and shaft

4.8.3 Gear Design

Figure 50: Gear ratio 1:10

Gear was created based on data provided by the Excel model.


Figure 51: Cross-sectional view of gear and shaft

Gear neck is added to minimise the wobbling effect and vibrations of spinning gears.

4.8.4 Retractable Mechanism Design

String Reel Shaft

Pawl Spiral Spring


Figure 52: Cross-sectional view of retractable mechanism version 1

The retractable mechanism from Figure 27 is incorporated into the mechanism shown
in Figure 52 which spins the gear when user pulls the string and retracts the string
back to the string reel between each pulls during walking as shown in Figure 53.

Pull (right arm) Retract Retract (end) Pull (left arm)

Figure 53:Illustration of user using the generator

String Reel Gear Spiral Spring
Pawl String

Figure 54: Retractable mechanism prototype 1

Prototype shown in Figure 54 is able to drive the gear and retract the string, however,
the spiral spring got tangled up after a few pulls. Click here to view testing video

String Reel Spring Cover

Spring Cover

Spiral Spring

Cross-sectional View

Figure 55: retractable mechanism version 2

The spiral spring is repositioned and added a cover to avoid it from tangling while
being pulled. The stability of the string reel during spinning can be improved by the
increased contact area between shaft and string reel shown in the red circle.

Figure 56: Retractable mechanism prototype 2

Prototype 2 shown in Figure 56 solved all the problems from previous prototype.
Click here to view testing video

Shaft Flat

Circular Saw

Figure 57: Manufacturing retractable mechanism shaft

A circular saw was used to cut a slot on the shaft, which secures centre of the spiral
spring. The flat on the other end of the shaft stops the shaft from spinning. Appendix
F contains engineering drawing of gear shaft.

4.8.5 Swivel Pulley Design

Figure 58: High friction area

High friction areas (circled area) between the fast-moving strings and the product
housing requires a pulley to minimise the pulling resistance and friction.




Exploded View

Figure 59: String pulley CAD model

The pulley design shown in Figure 59 allows string to be pulled in different directions.

Figure 60: Swivel pulley 3D printed prototype

4.8.6 Pulling Handle Design




Figure 61: Pulling handle design sketches

Design A: Handle bar similar to the ones found on gym equipment.

Design B: Nylon loop handle that wraps around user’s palm.

Design C: Circular plastic disk that sits at the front of user’s fist.

Design D: Velcro wrist strap.

Design E: Nylon loop handle that wraps around user’s thumb.

Design F: Rectangle plastic piece that sits between user’s index and middle finger.

Design G: String attaches on a ring.

Design H: Conventional grip handle.

Design I: Plastic hook that sits between user’s index finger and thumb.

Table 14: Handle design Pugh matrix

Pugh matrix shown in Table 14 was used to narrow down 9 handle designs down to
just 2. Design C and F have the highest net score and they will be taken forward for
the prototyping stage.

Figure 62: Pulling handle Design C and F CAD models

Figure 63: 3D printed prototype (Design C)

Pulling handle design C can be held in 3 different ways as shown in Figure 63.

Figure 64: 3D printed prototype (Design F)

Pulling handle design F is not as versatile and comfortable as design C. Therefore,

design C will be taken forward to next stage.

4.8.7 Mechanism Fixture Design
Gear Shafts Holder
Retractable String Reel

Pulling Handle
Swivel Pulley
Big Gear


Gear Shafts Holder

Gear Shaft

Waist Strap
Attachment Slots

Figure 65: Mechanism fixture CAD design view 1

Back Support Foam

Fixing Knob

Main Frame

Figure 66: Mechanism fixture CAD design view 2

Mechanism fixture design shown in Figure 65 and Figure 66 is not the final design of
the product, it is only designed for testing the mechanism as a whole. The main frame
will be laser cut and bent to shape. All components are fixed onto the main frame with
bolts or tapes so that they can be modified or replaced easily during the redesign

M3 Bolts

Gear Shafts Holder Spring Cover

Spiral Spring

M2 Bolts
Flywheel Shaft Bearing
String Reel
Flywheel Shaft

Swivel Housing

String Pinion Gear

Ratchet Pawl
Big Gear
Handle Ratchet Wheel

Gear Shaft

Back Support

Main Frame

Gear Shafts Holder


Figure 67: Mechanism fixture CAD design exploded view

Part Name Qty Prototype Material Manufacturing Process
Gear shafts holder 3 PLA Plastic 3D Printing
Main frame 1 3mm Acrylic sheet Laser cutting & heat bending
Waist straps (not shown in CAD) 2 38mm nylon strap Cutting and sewing
Strap release buckle 1 (Standard components)
Back support foam 1 (Foam from a virtual reality headset)
Generator 1 (Generator unit from a portable wind turbine)
Generator fixing knob 1 Aluminium Turning
Flywheel 1 Steel Turning & milling
Flywheel bearing 1 (Standard components)
Flywheel shaft 1 Steel Turning
Ratchet wheel 1
Ratchet pawl 2
Pinion gear 1
Big gear 2 PLA Plastic 3D Printing
String reel 2
Ratchet pawl 4
Spring cover 2
Spiral spring 2 (Standard components)
Gear shaft 2 Steel Turning & milling
M3 Bolts 4
M2 Bolts 2 (Standard components)
Pulley 2
Swivel housing 6
PLA Plastic 3D Printing
Pulling handle 2
String 2 2mm nylon string N/A
Total Number of Parts: 49

Table 15: Mechanism part list

4.9 Functional Prototype

Generator power
output cable

Waist Strap

Figure 68: Mechanism prototype 1

Figure 68 is the first mechanism prototype using SLA printed parts from Figure 44.
The required pulling force is significantly greater than calculated value from Table 12
and ratchet pawls snapped during testing.

Strengthened Ratchet

Frame Snapped

Figure 69: Mechanism prototype 2

The gear ratio for prototype 2 reduced from 10:1 down to 6:1 to reduce pulling force.
New ratchet design is used to prevent pawls from snapping under load. The 3mm thick
acrylic frame broke during testing due to repeated bending from pulling the strings.
Ratchet Pawl Cover

Frame Support Pulling Handle

Figure 70: Mechanism prototype 3

The frame has been redesigned due to previous breakage. The frame is divided in
three parts, laser cut with thicker acrylic sheets (4.5mm) and bolted together with four
3D printed frame supports to increase the overall stiffness of the frame. Ratchet pawl
cover is added to prevent pawls from popping out. Handle connector is added to allow
changing pulling handle during testing.

4.10 Prototype Testing

4.10.1 Data Logger

Battery Charging
Infrared Sensor Generator

SD Card Module
DIP Switch
Data/Power Cable

Current &
Voltage Sensor
Generator Power
Rechargeable Output
USB Power Output

Figure 71: Generator power output data logger breadboard prototype

In order to measure the power output of the generator and the rotational speed of the
flywheel, a data logger is created shown in Figure 71. Data logger code can be found
in Appendix G.

Battery Charging Module: Regulate power and prevents batteries from


Infrared Sensor: Measure rotational speed of flywheel.

DIP Switch: Adjust pulling resistance or power output.

Rechargeable Batteries: Store output power from generator.

Current & Voltage Sensor: Measure generator output voltage and current.

SD Card Module: Store measured data on SD card.

Data/Power Cable: Power and upload software to microcontroller.

Arduino Microcontroller: Process input data.

USB Power Output: Connect device for charging

Figure 72: Breadboard connections diagram

The diagram in Figure 72 shows electrical connections of the data logger prototype
from Figure 71.

Data logger PCB

Figure 73: PCB data logger

Breadboard prototype from Figure 71 is converted into PCB prototype which has
secured electrical connections and it is smaller.

DIP Switch

Figure 74: PCB data logger (closeup)

DIP switch is used to adjust pulling resistance by changing the electrical resistance to
control power output. Higher electrical resistance means lower power output from
generator so less work need to be done (less pulling force required) and vice versa.

42 Test Procedures

Figure 75: Prototype testing on treadmill

The aim of the test is to measure the differences in power output and flywheel
rotational speed at different pull resistance settings of the generator prototype. The
test was conducted by a male participant walking on a treadmill at average hiking
speed of 3mph. Six data sets were collected with a trial test at the start to allow
participant to get familiar with the prototype. Photography or filming consent form can
be found in Appendix H.

Table 16: Prototype treadmill test plan

Due to time constraints, the generator prototype was only tested on one participant.
For better results, data should be collected from a wider range of users with different
test variables such as walking angles, walking speeds, flywheel design and generator

Click here to view testing video

4.10.2 Data Analysis Test 1

Figure 76: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 1)

Data from Figure 76 (test 1) indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel
was 1440rpm and the maximum generator output was 1.08W. There was an
unexpected drop in power output at 22s.

Figure 77: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 1)

Figure 77 (test 1) shows a small fluctuation in generator output voltage and big
fluctuation in output current. Raw data can be found in Appendix I. Test 2

Figure 78: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 2)

Data from Figure 78 (test 2) indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel
was 1320rpm and the maximum generator output was 0.6W. There are significantly
less fluctuations compared to data from test 1 in Figure 76.

Figure 79: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 2)

The output voltage from Figure 79 (test 2) is very steady compared to results from test
1 in Figure 77. Fluctuations in output current is slightly less than results from test 1 in
Figure 77. Raw data can be found in Appendix J. Test 3

Figure 80: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 3)

Data from Figure 80 (test 3) indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel
was 1920rpm and the maximum generator output was 1.06W. There were unexpected
big drops in power output at 13s and 19s.

Figure 81: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 3)

Figure 81 (test 3) shows a steady output voltage with unexpected sudden drops in
output current. Raw data can be found in Appendix K.

45 Test 4

Figure 82: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 4)

Data from Figure 82 (test 4) indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel
was 1800rpm and the maximum generator output was 0.94W. Generator output power
has greater fluctuations than the flywheel rotational speed.

Figure 83: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 4)

There are big fluctuations in the generator output current with relatively stable output
voltage. Raw data can be found in Appendix L. Test 5

Figure 84: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 5)

Data from test 5 indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel was 1800rpm
and the maximum generator output was 1.79W. The output power was very stable
from 18s to 38s.

Figure 85: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 5)

Output voltage and current from Figure 85 (test 5) are very steady compared to
others. Raw data can be found in Appendix M. Test 6

Figure 86: Relationship between flywheel rotational speed and generator power output (test 6)

Data from Figure 86 (test 6) indicates the maximum rotational speed of the flywheel
was 1680rpm and the maximum generator output was 3.96W. However, the 3D printed
swivel pulley failed during the test as shown in Figure 87.

Figure 87: Failed swivel pulley

Figure 88: Relationship between generator output voltage and current (test 6)

Data from Figure 86 and Figure 88 are invalid due to prototype breakage during test
6. Raw data can be found in Appendix N.

Figure 89: Relationship between generator power output and pull resistance level

Figure 89 shows the generator power output of all 6 tests at different pulling resistance
level settings. Test 6 (blue line) has the highest power output of 3.96W, test 2 (grey
line) has the steadiest power output and test 5 (green line) has the best results.

Table 17: Required walking time to generate 12Wh

Table 17 shows the estimated walking time required to generate 12Wh at different pull
resistance settings. The generator prototype at level 5 pulling resistance settings can
generate up to 12Wh of energy in 8 hours.

4.10.3 Participant Feedback
“The pulling resistance for both hands was inconsistent. The left hand did most of the
work that the resistance on the right hand was minimal. The fixing around the waist
was suitable for the lower resistances where it requires less effort to pull. However,
when it came to the higher resistances, as the left arm did most of the work, it started
to pull the device to the left hand side. Because of this, it felt uneven making it a little
bit uncomfortable when walking.

On the positive side, it is an easy device to understand and use. It also helped that the
handle was comfortable to hold in various ways without affecting the pulling motion
much. It was also easy to tighten/loosen, so in the case that it started moving, I was
able to adjust it to fit comfortably. When the device wasn't pulled to one side, it was
barely noticeable during its use. It was only when the device was being pulled to the
left side of my body that I started to feel it a lot more.”

4.10.4 Summary
Measurements of generator power output and flywheel rotational speed at different
pull resistance settings were successfully recorded using the data logger shown in
Figure 73. The highest flywheel rotational speed recorded was 1920rpm at level 3 pull
resistance and the highest power output was 3.96W at level 6 pull resistance. At level
5 pulling resistance, the generator can generate up to 12Wh of energy in 8 hours which
met the product design specification no.1 from Table 6.However, data collected from
this test does not represent the actual flywheel rotational speed and power output of
a properly manufactured generator. 3D printed gears were used in the testing
prototype which do not run as smoothly as machined gears. Therefore, with a properly
manufactured generator, the required pulling force to spin the flywheel will be much
smaller and the power output will be much greater.

According to feedback from participant, the pulling resistance for both hands was
inconsistent which makes it uncomfortable when walking; on the other hand, the
device is easy to use and understand.

4.11 User Interface Design
4.11.1 Control Panel

Figure 90: Flexible membrane control panel

Flexible membrane control panel clips onto the shoulder strap of the backpack allows
users to control and monitor the generator easily. The pulling resistance and power
output can be adjusted via button A and B, higher power output requires higher pulling
force. Power output mode can be selected by pressing button D and C. “USB Output”
mode charges connected device and “Charge Battery” mode charges the built-in
rechargeable batteries. Four red LEDs on button E indicate built-in battery level.

4.11.2 Mobile Application

Figure 91: Mobile application interface design

Mobile application allows users to wirelessly control and monitor the generator unit in
more detail compared to the physical control panel.

User Interface:

A) Bluetooth connection status

B) Power generation time in hours
C) Total power generated in watt-hour (click for historical data)
D) Built-in battery level and battery temperature (click for power usage data)
E) Real time USB port power output from built-in battery
F) Pulling resistance and current output control
G) Select power output mode (generated power can either charge connected
device or built-in battery)
H) Home button
I) Instruction manual
J) Online store (buy accessories or spare parts)
K) Technical support
L) Settings (languages, units, Bluetooth connection, etc)

4.12 Generator Mechanism Enclosure Design

Top Enclosure

Middle Enclosure

Bottom Enclosure

Threaded Mounting Points

Figure 92: Generator enclosure exploded view

Figure 93: Generator enclosure cross-sectional view

Generator mechanism is fitted into an injection moulded nylon enclosure to protect it

from the environment and reduce noise during power generation.

5 Manufacturing & Maintenance
5.1 Manufacturing Processes

Table 18: Manufacturing process and material selection

Nylon 66 has high mechanical strength, good electrical insulation, good fatigue
resistance and excellent wear resistance, which make it suitable for injection moulding
the generator enclosure, string reel, gear ratchet pawls, spring cover and flywheel
ratchet. Flywheel will be machined out of stainless steel to achieve a large moment of
inertia. Stainless steel will also be used in all the gears, flywheel ratchet pawl, and
shafts because of its high corrosion resistance, high durability and low maintenance
properties. Kevlar string has high cut resistance, high tensile strength of 2920Mpa,
heat resistance and high toughness which make it suitable to be used in the generator
mechanism. Standard parts such as spiral springs, bearings, screws, strings and the
generator unit will be outsourced from specialised manufacturers.

5.2 Manufacturing Cost

Table 19: Manufacturing cost of injection moulded parts

The manufacturing cost of injection moulded parts are estimated using a cost
estimator from CustomPartNet, a leading online resource for manufacturing cost

5.3 Design for Assembly Analysis (DFA)

Enclosure Gear
Bearing Gear
Shaft Middle
String Ratchet Enclosure Bottom
Reel Pawls Enclosure
Screws Flywheel


Ratchet Screws
Pinion Pawls
Gear Generator
Spring Spiral Flywheel
Cover Spring


Figure 94: Generator mechanism exploded view (with enclosure)

Table 20: Design for assembly summary

Table 20 shows the summary data generated by the DFA Product Simplification
software. There are total 49 entries in the assembly. The total assembly labour time is
3m39s with 27% of the time spent on parts that are candidates for elimination. The
design efficiency of the generator is about 35% which is lower than the optimal
threshold of 60%. Appendix O contains the DFA product worksheet.

Table 21: Category 2 suggestion for redesign

The number of screws can be reduced by using snap fitting to hold the enclosure
together. Generator enclosure can be split in half instead of having top, middle and
bottom enclosures. Spring covers can be incorporated into the top enclosure. Flywheel
ratchet can potentially be incorporated into the flywheel.

Table 22: Category 3 suggestion for redesign

Fixing the spiral spring onto the left or right mechanism subassembly is very fiddly
perhaps a specially designed insertion tool can be used to speed up the process.
There is alignment issue between the gear shafts and the top enclosure which could
be solved by adding self-aligning features.

5.4 Product Maintenance

Replacement parts and components can be ordered via the mobile application shown
in Figure 91. Users can also get help with installing replacement parts via technical
support service. Parts that are likely to fail are the strings, ratchets and the string reels
due to cyclic loading.

6 Business Model
6.1 Product Licensing
The generator design can be licensed to companies that are specialised in off-grid
power systems such as Texenergy, BioLite and Goal Zero.


• Reduces time to market.

• It costs less than starting an entire company.
• Receives royalties when the company (licensee) starts making sales.
• Quick and easy entry into foreign markets.
• Potential for large return on investment.


• Licensor has low level of control.

• Licensee may become a competitor.
• Risk of intellectual property infringement.

6.2 Product Rental

Wild campers, mountaineers and adventurers can hire the generator through outdoor
equipment hire companies instead of purchasing the product in full price.


• A single generator can be hired out over and over again and it will keep
generating profit until its end of life.
• Opportunity to build long lasting relationship with customers.
• Create partnerships with outdoor activity instructors for group hire.
• Sustainable, reduces carbon footprint and minimises waste.


• Maintenance and repairs

• Product misuse, loss or damage by customers.

6.3 Business Partnership




Figure 95: Generator fitted into a backpack

Create Partnerships with well-known outdoor backpack manufacturers such as The

North Face, Arc’teryx, Osprey and so on. Design the generator to fit their backpacks
or companies can design outdoor backpacks that fit my generator in return for a
percentage of revenue from selling the generator. In order to attract potential
customers, generator can be recommended to online customers who are browsing for
outdoor backpacks.

7 Evaluation Against Specification

Rating Has it
Categories No. Parameters Justification
(1-5) been met?
According to collected data from user testing,
Product must generate at least 12 Watt-hours per day which
the generator prototype at level 5 pulling
1 is based on the calculated average electrical energy 4 Yes
resistance settings can generate up to 12Wh
consumption per person per day in Table 5.
of energy in 8 hours.
It is not weather or terrain dependent.
2 Product must generate electricity whenever it is needed. 5 Yes

Product must have a standard USB type-A port for power Generator has a USB power output.
3 5 Yes
Generator is ready to use whenever you start
4 Product setup time should be less than 3 minutes. 3 Yes
Performance pulling the handles.
Current prototype is very noisy because of
the 3D printed gears. The properly
5 Noise emitted by the product must be under 50 decibels. 4 N/A
manufactured generator will be a lot quieter.

Product must not produce any environmental impacts The generator converts arm swing motions to
6 4 Yes
during its usage. electricity.
7 Product lifetime must be at least 5 years. 4 N/A Cannot be justified at current stage.
Parts can be replaced easily.
8 Product must be able to be repaired or remanufactured. 4 Yes

Pulling resistance for both hands was

9 Product must not cause any discomfort during usage. 4 No
inconsistent during user testing.
Product should not interfere with normal activities such as More testing needs to be done.
10 4 N/A
walking, running, hiking, jumping, etc.
11 The retail price of the product should be under £200. 3 N/A Cannot be justified at current stage.
Cost Cannot be justified at current stage.
12 Product maintenance cost should be less than £20 per year. 3 N/A

13 It should look like a sport/outdoor product. 3 N/A Cannot be justified at current stage.
14 Product should look powerful and durable. 4 Yes It looks and sounds powerful.
Current prototype weighs about 900g, weight
15 The product should weigh less than 800g. 4 No could be reduced by using a smaller generator
Size & Weight and lighter materials.
It can easily fits in a 60L backpack.
16 It should be able to fit in a 60L backpack when not using. 4 Yes

Product must be able to generate electricity in temperature Cannot be justified at current stage.
17 4 N/A
between -25°C and 55°C.
Product must achieve at least IP65 ingress protection rating Current prototype is not designed to
Environment 18 (protected from total dust ingress and low pressure water 4 No withstand water or dust ingression.
jets from any direction)
Product must pass a drop test from the height of 1.5 meters Can only be tested with properly
19 4 N/A
on concrete surface. manufactured product.
Surfaces of product with direct contact with skin must not Cannot be justified at current stage.
20 generate heat over 44°C. (exposing skin to +44°C for a long 5 N/A
period of time can cause damage)
Safety Product must have safety features to prevent accidental Mechanism and electronics are insulated by
21 5 Yes
electrocution during usage. the plastic enclosure.
Product must pass all the electrical equipment safety Cannot be justified at current stage.
22 5 N/A
Product must not be made of any toxic or hazardous It does not contain any toxic or hazardous
23 5 Yes
materials. materials in any of its parts.
Material Parts are made from stainless steel, nylon 66
Materials used for the product must be UV resistant,
24 5 Yes and Kevlar.
corrosion resistant, water resistant and impact resistant.

8 Conclusion
The aim of this project is to design a portable generator that can reliably generate
sufficient amount of electricity for charging electronic devices during wild camping and
wilderness adventure activities. According to survey data, the average power usage
per person per day is approximately 12Wh, which is equivalent to the amount of power
stored in a 2,500mAh palm size power bank.

The highest power output recorded during user testing was 3.96W and the maximum
rotational speed of the flywheel was 1920rpm. At level 5 pulling resistance setting, the
generator prototype can generate up to 12Wh in 8 hours of walking at the speed of
3mph. The required pulling force to spin the flywheel will be much smaller and the
power output will be much greater with a properly manufactured generator.

There are total 49 entries in the generator assembly with total assembly labour time
of 3m39s. The design efficiency of the generator is about 35% which is lower than the
optimal threshold of 60%

9 Further Work
Further work needs to be done to improve the design efficiency of the generator by
reducing the number of parts and simplifying the assembly process.

Detailed manufacturing cost needs to be calculated including cost for outsourcing

parts from manufacturers.

Data should be collected from a wider range of users with different test variables such
as walking angles, walking speeds, flywheel design and generator positions.

The problem with uneven pulling resistance for both hands must be investigated.

10 References
Anker (n.d.). PowerCore Speed 20000 [Upgraded]. [image] Available at:[upgraded]/A1278011 [Accessed 9
Apr. 2019].

Anker (n.d.). PowerPort Solar. [image] Available at:

BioLite (n.d.). CampStove 2. [image] Available at:

[Accessed 9 Apr. 2019].

Texenergy (n.d.). INFINITE ORBIT. [image] Available at:

orbit/ [Accessed 9 Apr. 2019].

Outdoorsmagic (2017). Texenergy’s Infinite Air Mini Wind Turbine | Preview. [image] Available at:

WaterLily (n.d.). WaterLily USB. [image] Available at:

turbine [Accessed 9 Apr. 2019].

Bionic Power (n.d.). Bionic Power Generator. [image] Available at: https://www.bionic-

Vergun, D., 2018. Army researchers hope to lighten Soldiers' battery load. 4

Weather Terrain
Existing Products Weight Size (mm) Price Power Source Power Output Power Capacity Lifetime Setup Process Advantages Disadvantages
Dependent Dependent
Charge anytime and Take a long time to
2-3 years or anywhere. charge the power
Plug & Charge bank. (10-20hrs)
356g 166 x 58 x 22 £32.99 Lithium-ion 100Wh 20100mAh 300-500 NO NO
charge cycles
Anker Power Bank
Charge anytime and Take a long time to
11 Appendices

anywhere. charge the power

2-3 years or
Sun & Lightweight. bank. (AC 10hrs, Sun
270g 140 x 78 x 20 £19.99 50Wh 10000mAh 300-500 NO NO Plug & Charge
Lithium-ion days or even weeks)
charge cycles
Solar Power Bank
Never run out of Need to keep moving
Unfold and place it in power as long as it to get direct sunlight.
36Wh (8hrs of
458g 282 x 160 x 28 £52.99 Sun Unlimited 20+ years YES YES direct sunlight or hang there’s sunlight.
sunlight) on backpack Works on cloudy
days as well.
Anker Foldable Solar Charger
Long setup time. Low
power output and
3Wh really heavy.
Heat & Assembly, find dry
935g 127 x 127 x 210 £129.99 (1hour of 2600mAh 20+ years YES YES -
Lithium-ion sticks and start a fire

BioLite Campstove 2
Compact and high Use a lot of body
power output. energy to keep
20Wh (2hrs of Attach handle and start cranking while
330g 100 x 45 x 45 £105.95 Hand Crank Unlimited Unknown NO NO cranking charging.

Texenergy Infinite Orbit

High power output Quite bulky and can’t
and work 24/7 as be used while moving
75Wh Assembly and position long as there’s wind. about.
626g 200 x 140 x 80 £105.95 Wind (10hrs of Unlimited 20+ years YES YES turbine in wind
15mph wind) direction

Texenergy Infinite Air Wind Turbine

Appendix A: Existing portable off-grid power solutions

High power output Very heavy and bulky.

and work 24/7. Long setup time and
Place into river and fix
120Wh (10hrs can’t be used while
1300g 180 x 180 x 76 £152.63 Water/Wind Unlimited 10+ years NO YES turbine with anchor
of water flow) moving about.
Water lily Turbine
High power output Not available to public
and doesn't depend to buy. (designed for
140Wh (7hrs Strap device on legs on weather or terrian military use only)
1800g 600 x 180 x 40 Unknown Walking Motion Unlimited Unknown NO NO and start walking
of walk)

Bionic Power
Appendix B: Derivation of required puling force equation and flywheel moment of inertia equation

Required Pulling Force

Freebody diagram of mechanism

𝐹1 × 𝑅2 = 𝐹2 × 𝑅1 (1)
𝑇3 = 𝐹2 × 𝑅6 (2)
Rearrange (1): 𝐹1 × 𝑅2 (3)
⇒ 𝐹2 =
Substitute F2 in (2) with (3): 𝐹1 × 𝑅2 (4)
⇒ 𝑇3 = × 𝑅6
𝑅1 × 𝑇3 (5)
Rearrange (4): ⇒ 𝐹1 =
𝑅2 × 𝑅6
𝑇3 = 𝐼𝛼 (6)
Δ𝜔L (7)
𝛼 =
Substitute 𝛼 in (6) with (7): Δ𝜔L (8)
⇒ 𝑇3 = 𝐼 ×
Substitute T3 in (5) with (8): 𝐑𝟏 × 𝐈 × 𝚫𝝎𝟑 (9)
⇒ 𝑭𝟏 =
𝐑𝟐 × 𝐑𝟔 × 𝚫𝒕

𝑇3 = 𝑇𝑜𝑟𝑞𝑢𝑒j<k<lk m2no

𝐼 = 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎-./0122.

𝛼 = 𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-./0122.

Flywheel Moment of Inertia

Cross sectional view of flywheel

𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝐼 = 𝑚𝑟2 9
𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝐼 = 𝑚(𝑟< 9 + 𝑟2 9 )
𝑚 = 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑟< = 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑟2 = 𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑢𝑠

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 (𝑚) = 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦(r) × 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒(𝑣)

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝐶𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑣 = 𝜋𝑟 9 ℎ@

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑣 = 𝜋ℎ9 (𝑟2 9 − 𝑟< 9 )

=> 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝐶𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑚 = r𝜋𝑟 9 ℎ@

=> 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐶𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝑚 = r𝜋ℎ9 (𝑟2 9 − 𝑟< 9 )

=> 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝐼 = r𝜋𝑟 ? ℎ@
=> 𝑀𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟, 𝐼 = r𝜋ℎ9 (𝑟2 9 − 𝑟< 9 )(𝑟< 9 + 𝑟2 9 )

𝟏 𝟏
𝑴𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒇𝒍𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒆𝒍 , 𝑰 = r𝝅𝒉𝟐 (𝒓𝒆 𝟐 − 𝒓𝒊 𝟐 )(𝒓𝒊 𝟐 + 𝒓𝒆 𝟐 ) + r𝝅𝒓𝟒 𝒉𝟏
𝟐 𝟐

Appendix C: Wind turbine generator engineering drawing

Appendix D: Flywheel engineering drawing

Appendix E: Flywheel shaft engineering drawing

Appendix F: Gear shaft engineering drawing

Appendix G: Data logger Arduino code

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_INA219.h>
Adafruit_INA219 ina219;
#include <SD.h>
#include <SPI.h>
File myFile;
int pinCS = 4;
const int IRsensor = 5;
const unsigned long sampleTime = 500;
void setup()
pinMode(pinCS, OUTPUT);
uint32_t currentFrequency;
void loop()
float shuntvoltage = 0;
float busvoltage = 0;
float current_mA = 0;
float loadvoltage = 0;
float power_mW = 0;
int rpm = getRPM();
shuntvoltage = ina219.getShuntVoltage_mV();
busvoltage = ina219.getBusVoltage_V();
current_mA = ina219.getCurrent_mA();
power_mW = ina219.getPower_mW();
loadvoltage = busvoltage + (shuntvoltage / 1000);
Serial.print("RPM: "); Serial.println(rpm);
Serial.print("Voltage: "); Serial.print(loadvoltage); Serial.println(" V");
Serial.print("Current: "); Serial.print(current_mA/1000); Serial.println(" A");
Serial.print("Power: "); Serial.print(power_mW/1000); Serial.println(" W");
if (!SD.begin())
myFile ="Data.txt", FILE_WRITE);
if (myFile) {
myFile.print(rpm); myFile.print(", ");
myFile.print(loadvoltage); myFile.print(", ");
myFile.print(current_mA/1000); myFile.print(", ");
myFile.close(); // close the file
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
else {
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");
int getRPM()
int count = 0;
boolean countFlag = LOW;
unsigned long currentTime = 0;
unsigned long startTime = millis();
while (currentTime <= sampleTime)
if (digitalRead(IRsensor) == LOW)
countFlag = HIGH;
if (digitalRead(IRsensor) == HIGH && countFlag == HIGH)
currentTime = millis() - startTime;
int countRpm = int(60000/float(sampleTime))*count;
return countRpm;

Appendix H: Photography or filming consent form

Appendix I: Test 1 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 1 (minimum)
Max Flywheel RPM 1440
Average Flywheel RPM 913
Max Power Output (W) 1.08
Average Power Output (W) 0.54

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 240 0.68 0 0
2 120 0.66 0 0
3 840 4.54 0.23 1.05
4 480 3.28 0 0
5 480 3.19 0 0
6 720 3.58 0 0.16
7 600 3.76 0 0
8 960 4.2 0.09 0.29
9 600 4.47 0.1 0.18
10 360 3.76 0 0.02
11 960 4.5 0.15 0.44
12 840 4.36 0.18 0.77
13 840 4.43 0.09 0.67
14 720 4.58 0.22 0.87
15 960 4.59 0.08 0.55
16 1200 4.09 0.08 0.39
17 1080 4.56 0.24 1.08
18 1080 4.34 0.18 0.73
19 1080 4.32 0.12 0.57
20 1200 4.3 0.16 0.68
21 840 4.42 0.2 0.88
22 600 3.31 0 0
23 960 3.84 0.17 0.05
24 960 4.5 0.21 0.97
25 960 4.38 0.18 0.81
26 1200 4.43 0.2 0.85
27 960 4.34 0.16 0.71
28 840 4.37 0.19 0.79
29 1080 4.41 0.19 0.88
30 720 4.46 0.19 0.85
31 1320 4.4 0.09 0.49
32 720 4.46 0.08 0.28
33 720 4.5 0.22 0.96
34 840 4.28 0.11 0.7
35 1080 4.43 0.15 0.38
36 1200 4.41 0.19 0.79
37 1080 4.47 0.15 0.67
38 1200 4.48 0.21 0.97
39 1080 4.41 0.19 0.8
40 840 4.36 0.17 0.76
41 1440 4.37 0.17 0.78
42 1080 4.16 0.12 0.51
43 1080 4.56 0.16 0.66
44 1200 4.29 0.14 0.58
45 1080 4.25 0.13 0.34
46 1440 4.16 0.12 0.49
47 1320 4.53 0.11 0.47
48 600 3.56 0 0

Appendix J: Test 2 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 2
Max Flywheel RPM 1320
Average Flywheel RPM 1074
Max Power Output (W) 0.60
Average Power Output (W) 0.47

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 720 3.77 0.01 0.04
2 1200 5.01 0.07 0.41
3 1320 5 0.11 0.52
4 1200 5.04 0.11 0.39
5 1320 4.99 0.08 0.55
6 1080 5.02 0.07 0.59
7 480 5 0.12 0.56
8 600 5.02 0.08 0.42
9 1320 5.02 0.12 0.58
10 960 5.01 0.12 0.58
11 1080 5.04 0.11 0.35
12 1200 5.04 0.08 0.51
13 1200 5.02 0.11 0.5
14 1080 5.04 0.12 0.36
15 960 5.05 0.08 0.37
16 1320 5.05 0.08 0.47
17 840 5.03 0.12 0.38
18 960 5.05 0.1 0.37
19 1200 5.05 0.08 0.48
20 1200 5.01 0.12 0.57
21 960 5.01 0.12 0.59
22 1080 5.02 0.08 0.6
23 1200 5.06 0.07 0.49
24 720 5.04 0.09 0.36
25 1080 5.03 0.11 0.58
26 1320 5.02 0.1 0.59
27 1200 5.02 0.12 0.54
28 1200 5.01 0.11 0.59
29 1200 5.03 0.12 0.44
30 1080 5.06 0.1 0.46
31 1200 5.06 0.11 0.43
32 1320 5.03 0.12 0.57
33 1080 5.02 0.12 0.42
34 1320 5.03 0.11 0.4
35 1320 5.05 0.08 0.49
36 1200 5.02 0.12 0.59
37 1200 5.03 0.11 0.4
38 1080 5.05 0.08 0.54
39 1080 5.06 0.08 0.38
40 960 5.02 0.12 0.58
41 720 5.02 0.11 0.58
42 360 2.24 0 0

Appendix K: Test 3 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 3
Max Flywheel RPM 1920
Average Flywheel RPM 1180
Max Power Output (W) 1.06
Average Power Output (W) 0.86

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 960 5.01 0.21 1.05
2 1560 4.99 0.21 1.03
3 1440 4.98 0.21 1
4 1440 4.99 0.21 1.05
5 960 5 0.21 1.06
6 1920 4.94 0.2 0.97
7 1680 4.96 0.2 1.03
8 1080 4.96 0.21 0.98
9 1320 4.95 0.2 1.01
10 1200 4.95 0.19 1
11 1320 4.92 0.19 0.97
12 1320 4.94 0.2 0.99
13 960 4.3 0.02 0.02
14 1080 4.93 0.2 0.97
15 1320 4.97 0.2 0.99
16 1200 4.94 0.21 1.02
17 1680 4.98 0.21 1.02
18 1680 4.96 0.2 1
19 840 3.76 0 0
20 1200 4.95 0.2 1
21 1080 4.97 0.21 1.02
22 1560 5 0.21 1.03
23 1440 4.93 0.04 0.99
24 720 4.97 0.2 1.02
25 1440 4.99 0.2 1.03
26 960 4.98 0.2 1.03
27 1080 4.98 0.21 1.03
28 1080 4.98 0.21 1.04
29 1200 4.98 0.21 1.02
30 1200 4.98 0.21 1.02
31 1320 5 0.21 1.05
32 1200 5 0.21 1.05
33 840 4.97 0.2 0.4
34 1080 4.97 0.21 1.03
35 1080 4.96 0.21 1.02
36 1200 4.99 0.21 1
37 720 4.97 0.13 0.27
38 840 4.63 0 0.77
39 1320 4.98 0.21 1.03
40 840 3.82 0 0.03
41 720 3.81 0.18 0.02
42 480 2.99 0 0

Appendix L: Test 4 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 4
Max Flywheel RPM 1800
Average Flywheel RPM 1314
Max Power Output (W) 0.94
Average Power Output (W) 0.68

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 1200 4.45 0.16 0.73
2 1440 4.37 0.14 0.59
3 1320 4.73 0.15 0.72
4 1320 4.51 0.18 0.78
5 1800 4.52 0.18 0.8
6 1440 4.19 0.09 0.5
7 960 4.4 0.06 0.04
8 1200 4.6 0.2 0.94
9 960 4.5 0.17 0.79
10 1560 4.43 0.14 0.72
11 1680 4.51 0.16 0.84
12 840 4.51 0.18 0.78
13 1440 4.43 0.16 0.74
14 1080 4.54 0.18 0.78
15 1680 4.64 0.2 0.93
16 1200 3.91 0.01 0
17 960 4.68 0.19 0.83
18 1560 4.59 0.19 0.84
19 1080 4.54 0.18 0.82
20 1440 4.44 0.16 0.71
21 1440 4.35 0.14 0.54
22 1680 4.27 0.12 0.5
23 1320 4.4 0.01 0.09
24 1320 4.6 0.19 0.89
25 1560 4.6 0.2 0.89
26 1440 4.62 0.19 0.91
27 1320 4.52 0.18 0.82
28 1440 4.49 0.17 0.76
29 1200 4.24 0.13 0.51
30 1200 4.39 0.05 0
31 1200 4.46 0.04 0.58
32 1080 4.57 0.19 0.84
33 1440 4.6 0.2 0.92
34 1320 4.64 0.2 0.94
35 1560 4.62 0.19 0.9
36 1320 4.63 0.2 0.91
37 1800 4.62 0.19 0.91
38 1440 4.6 0.2 0.89
39 960 3.94 0.07 0
40 1200 4.57 0.2 0.91
41 1560 4.62 0.2 0.94
42 240 2.42 0 0

Appendix M: Test 5 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 5
Max Flywheel RPM 1800
Average Flywheel RPM 1192
Max Power Output (W) 1.79
Average Power Output (W) 1.50

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 120 0.61 0 0
2 960 4.85 0.31 1.61
3 1440 4.89 0.31 1.53
4 1440 4.96 0.33 1.63
5 1440 4.93 0.32 1.59
6 1440 4.94 0.32 1.59
7 840 4.94 0.32 1.58
8 1080 4.93 0.31 1.5
9 1440 5.01 0.35 1.75
10 960 4.86 0.31 1.53
11 1200 4.94 0.32 1.62
12 960 4.11 0.27 0.06
13 1320 4.97 0.34 1.67
14 1440 4.97 0.34 1.69
15 1200 4.93 0.32 1.58
16 1200 5.01 0.35 1.7
17 1200 3.84 0.31 0.77
18 1440 4.97 0.34 1.69
19 1080 4.91 0.3 1.56
20 1320 5.03 0.35 1.75
21 1200 5.04 0.35 1.77
22 1080 4.99 0.34 1.69
23 1440 5.03 0.35 1.75
24 1080 5.04 0.35 1.78
25 1200 5.04 0.35 1.77
26 1200 5.04 0.35 1.74
27 1320 5.04 0.35 1.77
28 1440 5.03 0.35 1.75
29 1440 5.01 0.34 1.71
30 1560 5.05 0.36 1.79
31 1200 5.03 0.35 1.76
32 1800 5.04 0.35 1.77
33 1320 5.03 0.35 1.75
34 1560 5.04 0.36 1.78
35 1200 5 0.34 1.69
36 840 5.01 0.35 1.71
37 1440 5.04 0.36 1.78
38 1080 5.04 0.36 1.78
39 1200 4.94 0.34 1.55
40 720 4.99 0.34 1.7
41 1320 5.04 0.35 1.78
42 840 4.06 0.01 0
43 960 4.02 0.11 1.24
44 480 2.02 0 0

Appendix N: Test 6 raw data

Walking Speed (km/h) 4.8

Pulling Resistance Level 6 (maximum)
Max Flywheel RPM 1680
Average Flywheel RPM 400
Max Power Output (W) 3.96
Average Power Output (W) 0.67

Time Flywheel Rotational Generator Output

(s) Speed (rpm) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W)
1 0 1 0 0
2 120 0.62 0 0
3 0 0.61 0 0
4 0 0.6 0 0
5 0 0.59 0 0
6 0 0.59 0 0
7 600 3.4 0 0
8 960 3.95 0.05 0
9 480 5.08 0.01 0.06
10 360 2.69 0 0
11 0 1.57 0 0
12 0 1.12 0 0
13 360 0.92 0 0
14 0 0.83 0 0
15 0 0.75 0 0
16 0 0.7 0 0
17 0 0.66 0 0
18 0 0.64 0 0
19 0 0.62 0 0
20 120 0.61 0 0
21 1320 4.05 0.18 0.01
22 1200 4.93 0.72 3.5
23 960 4.93 0.7 3.38
24 1560 5.02 0.53 2.71
25 1080 3.98 0 2.05
26 1680 4.88 0.66 3.17
27 1200 4.89 0.65 3.12
28 960 4.98 0.81 3.96
29 240 2.22 0 0
30 0 1.43 0 0
31 0 1.05 0 0
32 0 0.88 0 0
33 0 0.78 0 0

Appendix O: Design for assembly product worksheet





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