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Lauren Tabet

Mrs. Tubbs



Take a Stand Essay- Draft

     What is Human Trafficking? Human Trafficking is the act of forcibly taking a person without

their consent to do labor or a sexual act. Human Trafficking has become the nations biggest

problems and is one of the main reasons kids go missing. Human Trafficking is popular

everywhere around the world but in the United States it is primarily bad in Texas, Florida, New

York and California. It is estimated about 25 million people are human trafficked yearly. Most of

them are usually taken from the United States and transported to another country. Human

Trafficking is a major problem because most of those directly affected are minors, it is a modern-

day form of slavery, and it not only impacts the victim, but also the families’ themselves. Most

people don’t acknowledge the severity of slavery because they have the preceived notion that

human trafficking is not prominent in the United States.   

     Most victims that fall into the cycle of Human Trafficking are often underaged individuals

who struggle with their personal lives. This is a major issue because a child’s adolescence is

pivotal in their growth for adulthood. A child being raised in the human trafficking environment

can greatly impact a one’s future negatively. The children that are kidnapped are usually sold

into sex rings or forced into child labor. Kidnappers mostly prey on the younger children under

the age of 10 for child labor. Children who are kidnapped and forced into work labor are working

in factories or under the control of power people. The ages between 12-17 is the age group that is

sex trafficked and sold for money. The victims of sex trafficking are usually teenage girls,
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younger girls, and younger boys. Growing up as a girl and living in Texas,  one of my biggest

fears has been getting kidnapped and being put into sex trafficking. Every year many boys and

girls are missing without a trace and it is hard to find them with no evidence. Most of the time

the kids are taken out of the country and that makes it very difficult for United States officers due

to other countries not wanting to cooperate with the United States. Sometimes the countries are

in on human trafficking and there is a worlf-wide sex ring including surrounded countries. It is

discouraging how difficult it is for officers to bust a human trafficking ring and to save the

victims. The victims that have been taken out of the country are most likely to never be seen

again. Human Trafficking not only takes the children away from their families but it steals the

innocence of the kids and their chance at life. 

     Human Trafficking is often referred to as slavery. There are two ypes of Human Trafficking:

sex trafficking and forced labor. Sex trafficking is forcibly  taking another person from one

country to be sold into prostitution in the black market. Some common types of sex trafficking

are escort services, pornography, outdoor solicitation, businesses, and illicit massages. Forced

labor is often referred to as modern-day slavery in which people are forced into labor and jobs

that do not provide adequate working conditions. Forced labor is often viewed as child labor

because most of the time kids are kidnapped to work for another person or company. People are

forced to work under horrible conditions. People are starved or given little food or water. They

are most likely getting paid nothing or very little money, they are abused, and have little to no


     Human Trafficking affects not only the victims but also the victims families. When a parents

child goes missing they automatically will blame themselves and wonder where they went

wrong. When a parent finds out their child is missing they go into full panic and their mind starts
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to race and wonder where their child may be. The parents will do anything in their power to get

their child back. In cases of human trafficking it is very rare for a child to be reunited with their

family. Most of the time the children are transported to another country and at that point it is

nearly impossible to be reunited with their family. There are several cases where a parents child

has gone missing without a trace and no remains or clues have been found. It is sometimes not

proven but it is speculated that the child has become a victim of human trafficking. This is

horrible and devastating for the victims' families because they do not get closure. Their families

never get the closure they need to move on with their lives and to lay their suspicions to rest. 

     Human Trafficking is very devastating crime and is inhumane. It is one of the biggest reasons

kids go missing everyday all around the world. It makes kids live in fear for their lives and

parents in fear for their kids safety. The world is a very scary place and it seems at every turn

there is danger. Human trafficking victims are usually minors that are innocent and are unaware

of their surrounding. Forced labor is often referred to as modern-day slavery and is where people

are forced to work in horrible labor conditions with little to no pay. Human trafficking is

devastating for not only the victims but for their families because the crimes are often unsolved

and the families have no closure for their missing family. Sex trafficking is a serious issue in

today’s society that cannot be stopped without the support of countries working in union with

one another.
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1. I have done most of my draft. I have done my intro, 3 body paragraphs and my
conclusion. I have not finished my three body paragraphs entirely and have not done my
counter argument paragraph yet.
2. I am with my paragraph structure and thesis statement. I am unhappy with I have no
finished my three body paragraphs entirely.
3. Do you think I am explaining my topic well enough for a reader that has no understanding
of my topic? Is my thesis statement well worded?

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