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BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.

)/ Second semester

College of management & IT

Bachelor in Information and Technology.
System Analysis and Design

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Swikar Acharya Chiran Rayamajhi
Semester: Second Semester

LCID: ILC00017000872

Assignment No: 1
Date: I15-07-2020

Swikar Acharya 1
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

1. What are System Analysis and Design overview? Discuss.

System Analysis and design mainly focuses on System, Process, and technology.
System Analysis:
System Analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts,
decomposing a system into its components and identifying the issues. System
Analysis is the process of collecting and interpreting facts, decomposition of a
system into its components, and identifying the problems.
System analysis is carried out for the purpose of considering a framework
or parts thereof in order to recognize its destinations. This can be a problem-solving
process that pushes the system forward and ensures that all of the system 's
components function productively to achieve their goal
Systems Design:
System Design is the method of characterizing components of the framework such
as modules, architecture, components and their interfacing and knowledge based
on the device specifics conveyed. It is the method of characterizing, creating, and
planning frameworks which fulfill the specific needs and requirements of a
company or organization.
System Development goals for how to accomplish the Framework goal.
System Development is called the method of designing a new business system or
replacing an existing one by defining the components or modules to meet the
particular requirements. When planning, we need to thoroughly understand the old
method, and determine how machines can best be used to function efficiently.

Swikar Acharya 2
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

2. Explain all types of System Design.

The types of System Design are described below:
a. Physical Design:
Physical architecture relates to the framework 's actual types of input and
output. This focuses on how information is entered, checked, managed, and
presented as output in a system. It creates the structure of work by
characterizing the scope of the program which shows exactly what the
structure of the candidate does. It is about the plan of the client interface,
the plan of the handling and the design of details.
b. Architectural Design:
It is also known as a high level plan which focuses on the framework design
plan. It elaborates framework structure and behavior. It characterizes the
structure and relation between various system development process
modules. The Thorough Concept follows.
c. Logical Design:
Logical design relates to a particular representation of the framework 's
knowledge source, inputs , and outputs. It represents input as sources,
output as destination, database as stores of information, methods as
streams of information all in an arrangement that meets the client
requirements. When preparing a framework's coherent strategy, the
System Investigator shows the client's needs at the level of detail that
ultimately decide the data stream into and out of the system and the
correct amount of data sources. Data stream graph, using E-R graph
d. Conceptual Data modeling:
It is organizational knowledge representation that combines all the main
substances and relationships. Structure investigators have a conceptual
knowledge show for the existing framework to support the nature and
prerequisite of the proposed program. The basic principle of conceptual
modeling of information is to collect as much information significance as
possible. Many companies now use computational modeling of
information using E-R to demonstrate it uses exceptional documentation
to refer to as much knowledge sense as possible.

Swikar Acharya 3
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

3. What is Information System? Explain the types of Information systems.

An information system may be a structured, sociotechnical, organizational
structure for gathering, processing, storing and distributing data. Information
systems are used to control inter-organizational and electronic supply chain
An Information System is a structured series of components for information
processing, efficiency, and handling and for data, information, and computerized
product transmission. Business and other organizations rely on information systems
to carry out and supervise their operations, interact with their customers and
suppliers and compete on the market.
Such programs increased the pace of daily activities, encouraged
individuals to establish and retain discarded and often more fulfilling relations,
shaped organizational structure and combination, modified the type of products
they acquired and impacted the essence of the job..
The types of Information Systems are explained below:

Transaction Processing System:

Transaction management systems are used to track the day-to-day trade
exchanges within the enterprise. We are used by clients at the level of
organizational administration. The primary task of a transaction management
program is to satisfy the regular enquiries. The Transaction Management System
software offers timely answers to the next day's trade exchanges on questions. The
organizational chairmen make and are strongly taught daily decisions. Provided
data from the exchange planning program is extremely comprehensive. These
transactions can be divided into the processing of batch transactions, single
transaction processing and real-time transaction processing.

Swikar Acharya 4
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

Management Information System:

Tactical managers use Management Information Systems ( MIS) to monitor the

organization’s overall performance level. The Management Information System
system analyzes input with routine algorithms that is, aggregates, compares and
summarizes outcomes to produce reports that operational managers use to monitor
, control and forecast future results. Tactical managers use Management
Information Systems ( MIS) to monitor the overall level of performance of the
organization. The Management Information System analyzes inputs with standard
algorithms that are, aggregates, compares and summarizes outputs to generate
reports that operational managers use to track, control and predict future outcomes.

Decision Support System:

Senior management takes advantage of decision support systems to make non-
routine decisions. Support systems for decision making make use of feedback from
internal systems i.e. Control of information infrastructure, transaction management
system, and external networks. The primary goal of decision-support systems is to
provide solutions to dynamic and ever-evolving problems. Help structures for
decision taking use sophisticated mathematical models and analytical methods to
provide solutions, and are very interactive

Executive Support System:

Executive Support System offers the opportunity to help chairmen identify or fix
problems. Such frameworks are based on generated insights which explore

Swikar Acharya 5
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

4. Elaborate the attributes of System Analyst.


Systems analysts often analyze how customers communicate with innovation and how
organizations work by analyzing the input and preparation of information and the
generation of data in order to improve organizational forms. Most changes integrate
extended back for laboratory activities and consumer trading forms by using
computerized data structures. The description illustrates a descriptive, expository
method for evaluating and potentially making progress and what is happening within
the particular setting faced by consumers and generated by a company. Our definition
of a research context has to be precise. The investigator must be able to deal with
individuals in all portrayals and have computer expertise. The auditor plays different
roles, sometimes juggling several at once. The three basic positions of the systems
analyst are a expert, professional advocate and shift operator.

Some of the required attributes are:

i Communication Skills: System analyst should have the ability to fluent and speak
and flair of working with all levels of managerial positions of the organization.

Understanding: System analysts should be able to recognize problems and analyze

their response, catch organizational priorities and objectives, demonstrate openness
to the effects of system ion people at work and understand their problems,

Teaching & selling ideas: System analysts should have the ability to educate other
people on the use of computer systems and the sale of ideas and the promotion of
innovations in computer problem solving.

Swikar Acharya 6
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

5. What is System development life cycle? Explain.

The life cycle of device creation may be a preparation for the design, produce,
check and submit of a data structure. The concept of life cycle improvement
frameworks applies to extending the equipment and program arrangements, as a system
can be composed of equipment as it were, computer program as it were, or a
combination of the two.
Additionally, it is a conceptual display used in extended administration that
describes the stages included in a project for data system development, considered from
the outset by supporting the completed application. SDLC can apply to systems of
specialized and non-technical nature. Various SDLC strategies have been developed to
guide the included systems, with the first SDLC strategy being counted, the waterfall
reveals. Other SDLC models include Rapid Application Growth (RAD), Joint
Application Advancement (JAD), Wellspring Show, Winding Show, Build and Settle,
and Synchronize and Stabilize; Another rising evidence nowadays is Agile computer
program development.
In general, System development life cycle methodology follows these following steps:

Analysis: A summary of the new System. Faults are found. This can be achieved by
speaking with support staff and interviewing app users.

Plan and requirements: Specifications are set for new program. Concrete reform plans
in particular need to address the shortcomings in the current program. Other listed factors
include critical features, capabilities and functions.

Design: The framework is planned which it proposes. Plans are laid out for physical
design, infrastructure, operating systems, programming, communication, and security

Development: The new program is under development. We need to get the latest
modules and applications, and update them. Device users must be educated on how to use

Swikar Acharya 7
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester
Testing: All measurements of the performance must be checked. Changes have to be
made at this stage, where possible. Tests performed by quality assurance teams (QA) may
require systems integration and system testing.

Deployment: The device is part of a system of development. This can be done in various
ways. The new system may be phased in and the old system gradually replaced, depending
on the program or location. In other cases it may be more cost-effective to shut down the
old system and implement the new system in one go.

Upkeep and maintenance: This phase involves software change and update once it is in
service. To best consistently suit the end-user needs, hardware or software can need to be
modified, replaced, or changed in any way. Users of devices will be kept up to date on new
updates and procedures.

Swikar Acharya 8
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

6. Compare Prototype model and Agile Model.


Prototype Model:
The concept model is not a complete design by itself. The concept model also has
plenty of detail not designed into it. The basic purpose of the prototype model is to have a
structure that gives functionality overall. It is a slow-processing technique. This reduces
costs. It is a complex framework and beyond the initial plans, program scope is increasing.

Agile Model:

Agile is used for quick planning, fast development, rapid release and rapid revision. The
Agile method is polyvalent. When the project manager isn't experienced, it can turn into a
big sprint sequence and come in late and over-budgeting. Agile is very flexible.

Comparison of Prototype model and Agile Model:

Prototype and Agile both require gradual changes over multiple periods but they are not
exactly the same. The concept involves repeating at the planning level and arranging to
shape simple choices that are used to guide progress. The model is removed from the
object, and the designers start coding the product once again. The iterative handle in Agile
is in the middle of the advance stage. A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is made and has
been attempted and pursued over several cycles after that. The MVP is essentially like a
model itself, but it is not disposed of and is continually updated instep until it is the ultimate
object. Agile centers on computer program improvement, whereas fast prototyping focuses
on plan practices. The prototype can be utilized nearby an agile methodology when it is
important to get input sometime recently the advancement of the MVP starts, but this is
often situation-dependent and not common practice.

Swikar Acharya 9
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester
7. Make a comparison chart for waterfall vs spiral model.
Waterfall model:

The layout of the waterfall works by following handle. Mistakes or hazards in

waterfall models are identified and fixed until implementation has been arranged.
Customers take pattern after the Waterfall. The waterfall reveals a small expanse of alludes.
Determinations of a waterfall display and early arrangement of organization are important.
Changing adaptability in waterfall format is disturbing. Within the waterfall demonstrate
there is more sum of chance. Show waterfall is comparatively inexpensive.

Spiral Model:
Given the spiral model capabilities in advancement planning. Within a spiral model
errors or hazards are detected and updated prior to this. Despite the fact the designers are
focusing on winding architecture. While showing that Winding is being used for a major
extension. Given the fact that determinations are needed within the winding display and
early arrangement. Changing the versatility of the spiral model isn't alarming. There is a
small danger inside the number within the winding illustrate. Given the fact that the
fetched spiral model is outstandingly small.

Waterfall Model Spiral Model

This model follows a sequential approach. This model is based on an
evolutionary approach.
Process involves stages or phases. Process take regions.
Needs a thorough understanding of Requirements can be added up in the
requirements from the beginning. new iterations if required.
Risks can only be detected during the Risks are identified and rectified
completion of the model. earlier.
It is suitable for small systems. It is suitable for large systems.
It is preferred by customers. It is preferred by developers.

8. Explain RAD and JAD with clear labelled diagram.

Swikar Acharya 10
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester
Rapid Application Development (RAD):
RAD is a set of tools and techniques that can be paired with traditional methods to construct
an application faster than normal. This does not substitute SDLC but complements this,
because it is more based on process definition and can be paired well with the object-
oriented approach. Its job is to create the application by quickly and incrementally
implementing the user requirements specification through tools such as visual basic, power
builder etc.
The phases in RAD are:
1. Business modeling
2. Data modeling
3. Process modeling
4. Application generation
5. Testing and turnover
Advantages of RAD model:
1. Reduced development time.
2. Quick initial reviews occur
3. Increase reusability of components
4. Encourage customer feedback
5. Integration from very beginning solves a lot of integration issues.
Disadvantages of RAD model:
1. Depends on strong team and individual performances for identifying business
2. Only system that can be modularized can be built using RAD.
3. Requires highly skilled developers/designers.
4. High dependency on modeling skills.
5. Inapplicable to cheaper projects as cost of modeling and automated code
generation is very high.

Swikar Acharya 11
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester

Joint Application Development (JAD):

It is a new technique developed by IBM that uses structured and intensive

workshops to identify and design the system through proprietors, consumers, researchers,
designers and builders. JAD certified analyst serves as facilitator of workshops with certain
advanced competences.
Roles of JAD model are:
1. Facilitator or session leader.
2. Scribe or documentation expert
3. Project manager
4. End user or client representative
5. System analyst
6. Executive sponsor
7. Outside observers

JAD Advantages:
• By replacing months of conventional interviews and follow-up meetings it saves
time and costs.
• Organizational culture that promotes collaborative problem-solving is useful.
• Fosters structured relationships between employees of different levels.
• It can creatively contribute to design growth.

Swikar Acharya 12
BIT 123 System Analysis and Design BIT(Hons.)/ Second semester
• Allows fast growth and increases information system ownership.
JAD Disadvantages:

 Different opinions within the team make it difficult to align goals and maintain
 Depending on the size of the project, JAD may require a significant time

Swikar Acharya 13

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