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Simple Future Story 3, Page 1

Simple FUTUre Story 3

By Really Learn EngliSh
Visit the Simple Future Section for More Resources

Who iS he? Where iS he going? What will happen?

Brent is an American astronaut. Today, he will travel into outer space. At
noon, his space shuttle is going to launch into space. Brent and the other
astronauts are going to travel to the International Space Station. They will
stay in space for almost 6 months.

The crew is going to continue research at the space station. They will do
some experiments. They will record their data. They are also going to make
some repairs on the space station.

Brent will learn a lot in space. He is going to make videos of his time on the
space station. His family will watch the videos on the internet. They will see
what Brent is doing in space.

Copyright © 2013 Ola Zur |

Simple Future Story 3, Page 2

Simple FUtUre Story 3 – ExerciSES

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Future tense.

1. Where will Brent travel today? When is the space shuttle going to

2. What is the crew going to continue at the space station? What will they

3. Where will Brent's family watch Brent's videos? What will they see?

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no

questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag

Examples for the sentence “Alex will make dinner tonight.”

Negative: Alex will not make dinner tonight.
Yes/No Question: Will Alex make dinner tonight?
WH-Question: Who will make dinner tonight?
Tag Question: Alex will make dinner tonight, won't he?

Copyright © 2013 Ola Zur |

1. Today, he will travel into outer space.


Yes/No Question:


Tag Question:

2. They will do some experiments.


Yes/No Question:


Tag Question:

3. He is going to make videos.


Yes/No Question:


Tag Question:
C. Read the description and write down what it is. Use the box below for

astronaut outer space data space shuttle

International research experiment videos

Space Station

1. It is the space outside of Earth's atmosphere. What is it?

2. This is somebody who travels into space. Who is it?

3. It is a scientific test. What is it?

4. It is a study of a topic. What is it?

5. They are something recorded on video tape.

What are they?

6. It is an automobile used to travel to outer space.

What is it?

7. It is a satellite that orbits the Earth. What is it?

8. It is facts and numbers. What is it?

Simple FUtUre Story 3 – AnSWerS
A. Answer the following questions. Use the Simple Future tense.

1. Where will Brent travel today? When is the space shuttle going to


Today, Brent will travel into outer space. The space shuttle is going to

launch at noon.

2. What is the crew going to continue at the space station? What will they


The crew is going to continue research at the space station. They will record

their data.

3. Where will Brent's family watch Brent's videos? What will they see?

Brent's family will watch Brent's videos on the internet. They will see what

Brent is doing in space.

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no
questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag

1. Today, he will travel into outer space.

Negative: Today, he will not travel into outer space.

Yes/No Question: Will he travel into outer space today?

WH-Question: Where will he travel today?

Tag Question: Today, he will travel into outer space, won't he?

2. They will do some experiments.

Negative: They will not do some experiments.

Yes/No Question: Will they do some experiments?

WH-Question: Who will do some experiments?

Tag Question: They will do some experiments, won't they?

3. He is going to make videos.

Negative: He is not going to make videos.

Yes/No Question: Is he going to make videos?

WH-Question: What is he going to make?

Tag Question: He is going to make videos, isn't he?

C. Read the description and write down what it is. Use the box below for

1. It is the space outside of Earth's atmosphere. What is it? outer space

2. This is somebody who travels into space. Who is it? astronaut

3. It is a scientific test. What is it? experiment

4. It is a study of a topic. What is it? research

5. They are something recorded on video tape.

What are they? videos

6. It is an automobile used to travel to outer space.

What is it? space shuttle

7. It is a satellite that orbits the Earth.

What is it? International Space Station

8. It is facts and numbers. What is it? data

Teach the simple future through stories – click here to get the book.

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