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5 Types of Launches

TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

Ex e cut i v e S um m ary

• This lesson goes through an explanation of the 5 primary types of launches and
when to use them

• The Seed Launch

• Great when you have no list and no product

• It’s how you get your first list and your first product

• It’s also great to create a new product anytime

• The Internal Launch

• The classic Sideways Sales Letter™ (3 pieces of Prelaunch Content into a

sales video or sales letter)

• Next is the Joint Venture (JV) Launch

• You take your work from the Internal Launch, and bring in affiliates to drive
traffic to your Prelaunch Content

• It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire — you can grow a list really quickly

• Next is the Quick Launch

• Super quick, super simple, super easy

• Bring in quick infusion of cash

• You have to have an offer, some type of product, and a list

• It’s fundamentally different than the Seed Launch and Internal Launch

• It’s email only — story based, and you make money quick and easy

• The Evergreen (EG) Launch is last

• You take your Internal Launch and set it up so when people join your list,

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TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

they go through their own launch

• It makes your cashflow consistent

• It works well with paid traffic which is a great way to build your list and get
consistent results

• These are the five PRIMARY types (we keep adding new types — or tweaking

• Each type will fit at a different time for you and for a different business

• Scroll down and leave a comment — where do you think you’ll start for your first

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TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

Okay, in this lesson, I wanna go through the five primary types of launches in
Product Launch Formula® and just give you a brief explanation of each one and show
you how they tie together so you know which one to use first and then the next one
depending on where you are in your business. And this isn't like a cookie-cutter
where everyone will go through the same process and go through the same
sequence, so I just wanna explain some of these and then you'll see a little further
how they tie together, and one of my next videos, which is the Circle of Awesome
which is really awesome.

So here, I have primary right here. I wanna focus on that word. These are the five
primary types of launches that we've been developing and using for 20 years and
they're super awesome, but I do keep on ... It's just nonstop. We keep on developing
new things, new ways to use these, new variations of these, but these are five primary

Number one is this is an awesome one, the Seed Launch, and the Seed Launch is
one that is often overlooked by people and it's one you can come back to over and
over even though it's often thought of as the beginner launch. Now, the Seed Launch
is great when you have no list and no product. It's how you get your first list. It's
how you get your first list and it's how you get your first product. With the Seed
Launch, what you do is you make an offer that you're gonna teach a class of some
sort, a class, a seminar, whatever you wanna call it, and it's a series of teleseminars or
webinars or live-casts, and before each one you do a quick survey. You find out what
people need to know about whatever that subtopic is.

You take your main topic. You divide up into maybe three, four, five subtopics and you
do a call on each one. The really cool thing here is that you learn how to present, how
to teach your material. This is how I started off with PLF. My very, very first version of
Product Launch Formula® ... When I'd been doing launches for a long time, but I
didn't necessarily know how to teach launches, I did a Seed Launch and I did it as a
series. I promised five calls. Because I like to over-deliver, I did like, I don't know,
probably eight, nine, or 10 calls, but those calls are interactive and that's where you
learn how to teach.

You learn how to create your product and it could be super, super powerful and in
doing so, you record everything and then you end up with a product and you can do
this with a very, very small list and usually through word of mouth, you start to build a
bigger list. If you're just starting out, you wanna start with a Seed Launch. Now, a

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TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

really key thing here is it's also any time you wanna create a new product, you can
go back and do a Seed Launch. I did this where ... I think it was 10 years into this
business. 10 years into my current business, and I wanted to create a new product.
Actually, it was a product about Seed Launches, so I did a Seed Launch for a product
that I called a Seed Launch Deep Dive, and then I taught. I went really, really deep into
the Seed Launch.

Now, I'm gonna teach you the Seed Launch in PLF. Seed Launch Deep Dive was just
like a whole big course just on Seed Launches, but it was amazing how much, even
though I'd be teaching how to Seed Launch for 10 years, how much I learned in that
process. It's great if you're just starting out, but even if you're advanced, don't
underestimate the power of a Seed Launch.

The number two is the Internal Launch. The Internal Launch, you've probably seen
this. It's the three pieces of Prelaunch Content into some type of a sales video or a
sales letter. It's the classic Sideways Sales Letter™. This is the core skill in PLF is
getting the Internal Launch right and when you do this right, you become super-
attractive. It gets you massive authority in the market, but the key is you're doing it just
to your list. Usually, you start out with the Seed Launch and you start to build a bit of a
list and then you do the Internal Launch.

It's the general sequence within PLF land is first you do a Seed Launch, then you do
an Internal Launch. The next one is where things really, really blow up. It's what we call
the Joint Venture Launch, or JV, or affiliate launch. This one is where you take the
work that you did in your Internal Launch and now you bring in affiliates. You bring in
affiliates and then all of a sudden, everything gets bigger. The list gets bigger. The
results get bigger. The spotlight gets bigger. Your positioning gets bigger. This is like
pouring gasoline on a fire. It's just this is where you can grow a big list quickly. It's
amazing and I do one of these a year every year and we get massive, amazing results.
But generally, you want to do the Internal Launch first and this is where you figure
out your basic Sideways Sales Letter, and then you roll it out to joint venture

This is the standard PLF way is when you're starting out, you usually do a Seed
Launch, then Internal Launch, then Joint Venture. Not always. When I first did PLF, I did
a Seed Launch and then I jumped right into the Joint Venture Launch, but I had a lot
of experience before that.

Now, the next one is the one a lot of people never see. It's the Quick Launch and the
Quick Launch is just like it says. It's super-quick. It's super-simple. It's super-easy. It's a
way to bring in a quick infusion with not much work at all. It's a favorite of mine. It's a

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TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

favorite of our PLF owners, but it's usually not your ... even though it sounds simple
and it is and it's easy, it's usually not your first one if you're just starting out because to
make a Quick Launch work, you really need to have an offer, some type of a
product, and you really need to have a list, and so if you already have a list and you
already have a product and you're coming into PLF fairly well ... You're well situated.
You're already in business. You can always do a Quick Launch and it's just so easy.

It's usually email-based and you make a lot of money quick, hence the Quick Launch,
so this is fundamentally a different style of launch than what you're doing up here with
the Sideways Sales Letter and the Internal Launch and Joint Venture Launch. It's very
story-based. It's generally very email-based and it's quick and easy. Big cashflow.

Okay, so number five is Evergreen, the Evergreen Launch, and this is something we
also ... I call it EG for Evergreen. Well, it's advanced. It's advanced and it's not
something ... I don't think we developed until, I don't know, PLF was 10 or 12 years
old, but basically, an Evergreen Launch is where you're basically always in launch
mode for the new people coming into your world, for the new people joining your
list. They go through their own private Evergreen Launch, so you take your Internal
Launch and you basically rearrange it so that when people join your list, they go
through their own launch.

The beautiful thing about the Evergreen Launch is that it makes your cashflow
consistent. So if you start doing these launches and maybe you do two or three
Internal Launches a year and one joint venture a year, then your business goes along
like this. You're going along and the sales will put the sales on Evergreen. You'll get
your big spike here and then your launch is done and you go along and you get a big
spike here and then you get a bike spike here. What Evergreen does is it gives you
consistent income.

You can still do your other launches, but the Evergreen Launch gives you a consistent
income because you've always got new leads coming in and they're always going to
the launch. Now, again, it's advanced strategy putting this together, so the process is
you wanna start up here. You wanna get your Internal Launch right. Maybe do a Joint
Venture Launch and once you get this right, then you can turn it into Evergreen and
that gives you the nice, consistent flow. The really beautiful thing about an
Evergreen Launch is it works well with paid traffic, so if you're running advertising,
whether it's a Facebook or Google or Instagram or wherever, if you're running paid
traffic, now you can run paid traffic into your Evergreen Launch and get consistent
results and that's a great way to build your list and build your business and do it in a
super-sustained way.

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TRANSCRIPT / Module 1 /
5 Types of Launches

These are the five primary types, again, primary. We keep on adding new types. Well,
we keep adding new tweaks to these, but over the years, I've been teaching — well,
these first four I've been teaching since the very start in 2005. Evergreen, I think we've
been teaching that ... I don't know. I can't remember when. That was probably 2011 or
2012 we started teaching that. But these are the five primary types and each one will
fit at a different time for you and for a different business.

Scroll down and leave me a comment. Tell me where do you think you'll start with
your first launch?

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