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Templates for Describe Images:

 Bar graph template :1

1. The bar graph represents …(topic)….from the year/month (19xx to 20xx)

2. The data is calibrated as ….. in ……..

3. There are some participating categories/ countries/ states such as X, Y and Z in red, blue and green
colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the graph that category X which accounted for the highest proportion at …….. in the
year XXXX followed by the product Y which was at second highest value at ……. in the year YYYY.

5. On the other hand, Product Z represented the lowest value at…… in the year ZZZZ.

6. In conclusion, the BAR graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the bar graph is very accurate and informative. ( If time is running out )

 Bar graph template :2

1. The bar graph represents …(topic)….from the year/month (19xx to 20xx)

2. The data is calibrated as ….. in ……..

3. There are some participating categories/ countries/ states such as X, Y and Z represented in red, blue
and green colours respectively.

4. Moreover, there are some higher numbers such as X and Y in the year Xx and Yy respectively.

5. On the other hand, there are some lower numbers such as X and Y in the year Xx and Yy respectively.

6. In conclusion, the BAR graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the bar graph is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)
Example 1:

1. The bar graph represents participation of men in senior development position from the year 1980 to

2. The data is calibrated in percentage.

3. There are some participating categories or companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Apple in green, red
and yellow colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the graph that IBM which accounted for the highest proportion at 60% in the year
2010 followed by the Microsoft which was at second highest value at 45% in the year 2010 (Or in the
same year).

5. On the other hand, IBM represented the lowest value at 1% in the year 1980.

6. In conclusion, the BAR graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

Example 2:
1. The bar graph represents population of different countries from the year 1997 to 2007

2. The data is calibrated as population in millions.

3. There are some participating countries like Germany, Spain, France, Italy and Turkey.

4. It is evident from the graph that Germany which accounted for the highest proportion at 80% in the year
2007 and 1996 (Or in both the years) followed by Turkey which was at second highest value at 70% in
the year 2007.

5. On the other hand, Poland represented the lowest value at 40% in the year 1996 and 2007 (Or in both
the years).
6. In conclusion, the BAR graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

 Line graph template:

1. The line graph represents …(topic)….from the year/month (19xx to 20xx)

2. The data is calibrated as ….. in ……..

3. There are some participating categories/ countries/ states such as X, Y and Z in red, blue and green
colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the graph that category X in the year XXXX, was at …….. It then gradually/suddenly
increased/decreased and reached to a top/low of ……

5. Furthermore, category Y in the year YYYY, was at ….. and after several ups and downs, it settled at ….. in
the year YYYY.

6. On the other hand, category Z remained constant throughout the time period at average of …..

7. In conclusion, the line graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the line graph is very accurate and informative. ( If time is running out )
Example 1:

1. The line graph represents rubber duck exports from 2013 to 2017.

2. The data is calibrated as units per thousands.

3. There are some participating countries such as EU, USA and UK represented in green, blue and yellow
colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the graph that UK in the year 2013, was at 20 units. It then gradually increased and
reached to a top of 40 in 2017.

5. Furthermore, US in the year 2013, was at 30 units and after several ups and downs, it settled at 40 in the
year 2017.

6. On the other hand, USA remained constant throughout the time period at average of 7.

7. In conclusion, the line graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

(Tips: When Line graph comes in exam, just identify gradual/sudden increase/decrease line for the point
no.4, then identify any zigzag patterns for point no.5 and lastly, any constant or relatively stable line for
point no.6. So that you can fix your speaking lines according to the template)

 Pie chart template:

1. The Pie chart represents … (topic)….

2. The data is calibrated in …..

3. It is subdivided into several different categories such as X, Y and Z represented in colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the graph that category X which accounted for the highest proportion at …….. in the
year XXXX followed by the product Y which was at second highest value at ……. in the year YYYY.
5. On the other hand, Product Z represented the lowest value at…… in the year ZZZZ.

6. In conclusion, the pie chart is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

In conclusion, the pie chart is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)


1. The Pie chart represents favorite type of movies.

2. The data is calibrated in percentage.

3. It is subdivided into several different categories such as comedy, action, romance, drama and sci-fi
represented in red, green, violet, blue and yellow colours respectively. (or in various different colours /
or not to speak colours at all!!!)

4. It is evident from the graph that romance movie which accounted for the highest proportion at 30%
followed by the action which was at second highest value at 25%.

5. On the other hand, Drama represented the lowest value at 1%.

6. In conclusion, the line graph is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

 Image template: Academic & photograph

Note: Image can be of two types. One can be the actual photograph and second can be academic that includes
educational or informational image such as flow chart, life-cycle and process diagram. Both has a similar
template with 1 or 2 line modification. Image template can be used in Flow, Map and life cycle diagram as well
with few changes according to image.
For academic types of image:

1. The image represents … (topic)….

2. It seems that the image can be used in academic studies as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth details.

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are X, Y and Z.

4. Some information related to image

That may include:

-comparison: The image compares
-process involves: The process involves
-direction of the objects: The upper/left/right/down part of the image shows
-other general info: Make your own suitable sentence

5. The foreground of the image is of …. colour while the background mostly represented in …. colour.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

Example: 1

1. The image represents waste disposal method.

2. It seems that the image can be used in academic studies as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth details.

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are dust bean, pizza box, orange peels, used capsicum shown at
the upper part of the image whereas a diaper, white lunchbox and flower pot at the bottom of the
4. The upper part of the image is of blue, orange and green colours while the bottom mostly represented
in white and maroon colours.

5. The upper part of the image shows correct method of edible waste disposal whereas lower part
represented wrong method of plastic disposal.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

For actual photographic image:

1. The image represents … (topic)….

2. It seems that the image is taken by a professional photographer as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are X, Y and Z.

4. This makes us fell as if we are standing within the photo itself.

5. The foreground/left-right-top-bottom side of the image is of …. colour whereas background/left-right-

top-bottom side is mostly in …. colour.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

1. The image represents London’s Fleet Street back in 19th century to that of today.

2. It seems that the image is taken by a professional photographer as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are old church, buildings, road-transportation such as hoarse-
cart, cycle, buses and cars.

4. This makes us fell as if we are standing within the photo itself.

5. The left side of the image is of black and white colours with old means of transportation like hoarse-cart
whereas right side is full of bright colours represents urban developed area.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

 Pyramid template:

1. The image represents … (topic)….

2. It is subdivided into several different categories such as X, Y and Z where the pillars of the pyramids are
X, Y and Z while ………….. is at the pinnacle(or top).

3. The other middle layers include categories such as A, B and C at second top position and D, E and F at
the second last position.

4. General statements: Make your own sentences according to pyramid or fix the general statement for all
General statement:
There must have been a popular debate about the information provided in the image whether it is true
or false. However, the details provided appear to be true.

5. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)


1. The image represents food pyramid.

2. It is subdivided into several different categories where the pillar of the pyramid is water while Junk food,
sugar drinks and sweets are at the pinnacle (or top).

3. The other middle layers include categories such as milk, cheese, meat, poultry, sausage and fish at
second top position and breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables at the second last position.

4. The pyramid is set according to the daily requirements of different foods to the human body where
water is the most vital part and junk food is given less priority.

5. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

 MAP template:
1. The image represents map of ……

2. It seems that the image can be used in academic studies as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth details.

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are X, Y and Z represented in Xx, Yy and Zz colours respectively.

4. It is evident from the MAP that in the North/North-East, there is a …… while ….. is in the south/South-
West direction.

5. Some information related to image

That may include:

-comparison: The image compares
-process involves: The process involves
-direction of the objects: The upper/left/right/down part of the image shows
-other general info: Make your own suitable sentence

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.

In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)


1. The image represents map of rhinoceros distribution in Asian countries.

2. It seems that the image can be used in academic studies as it emphasizes vividness of in-depth details.

3. Some of the main subjects in the picture are Inferred Historic and Current distribution.

4. It is evident from the MAP that in the North-East, there is an inferred historic distribution of rhinos in
the countries like Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and part of India while current distribution of rhinos are
only in the fraction of Chitwan, Bhutan and Kaziranga.

5. The Map clearly shows that rhinos are on the verge of extinction in contemporary times.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference fo
further/future studies.

In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

 Flow-chart/Process template:

1. The Process / Flow chart represents... (Topic)...

2. It is subdivided into several different stages.

3. The first step of the process is (stage1) followed by (stage2).

4. The next stage is (Stage3) before it reach to the most important stage of (stage4)

5. Finally, the last step is to (stage5) and process starts over again to complete the repetition of process /
flow chart.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

1. The image represents the hotel booking process.

2. It is subdivided into several different stages.

3. The first step of the process is request execution by customers using emails followed by hotel

4. The next stage is customer service center before it reach to the most important stage of filling request
form after reservation confirmed by phone.

5. Finally, the last step is the request execution where customer finally able to book hotel by paying money
and process starts over again to complete the repetition of process.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

1. The image represents solar panel to heat water process.

2. It is subdivided into several different stages.

3. The first step of the process is sun rays followed by cool water inlet.

4. The next stage is transparent top box where water inside water pipe is heated using sun energy.

5. Finally, the last step is the warm water outlet from where we can collect heated water for use and
process starts over again to complete the repetition of process.

6. In conclusion, the image is not only easy to understand but also it can be a helpful reference for
further/future studies.


In conclusion, the image is very accurate and informative. (If time is running out)

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