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Competition Day

Mental Checklist
Create a routine you can count on for competition

1. Warm Up
 Jog, roll out neck/arms, quick feet, tumbling, gymnastics
 Light Drilling on feet
 Pick up the pace
 High intensity drills- float drill, base up drill, hand fighting, head position
 Live- 1 min rounds each in neutral, top, bottom
 Sprints

2. Nutrition
 After a good warmup, get re-hydrated and eat a snack if they need one.

3. Stay relaxed in stressful situations

 Get out of the gym – find a quiet spot in the cafeteria, hallway,
anywhere to get away from the excitement and action.
4. Strategies to stay calm
 Listen to calming/relaxing music or audio.
 Talk with friends/teammates about something other than wrestling.
 Use breathing techniques
5. Prepare for battle/put on your war paint
 20-30 minutes before your match dial in physically and mentally

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6. Physically Prepare
 Get your feet moving and the blood flowing. Jog, sprint, shadow wrestle.

7. Mentally Prepare
 Think about your wrestling
 Take on your alter ego, ready to go to battle
 Create a feeling of calm, powerful and confident
 Flip the Switch- create a personal warmup routine that you do every
time to get ready so your body knows it’s time for battle.
8. Have a mantra
 Positive phrase you can repeat to occupy your mind when negative
thoughts start to enter

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