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Herbolario, Patricia Mae M.



Physical Fitness Safety Techniques

Safe Exercise Guidelines

• Use Proper Equipment. Replace your athletic shoes as they wear out.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that let you move freely and are
light enough to release body heat. When exercising in cold weather,
dress in removable layers.
• Balanced fitness. Develop a balanced fitness program that incorporates
cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility. In addition to
providing a total body workout, a balanced program will keep you from
getting bored and lessen your chances of injury.
• Warm Up. Warm up to prepare to exercise, even before stretching. Run
in place for a few minutes, breathe slowly and deeply, or gently rehearse
the motions of the exercise to follow. Warming up increases your heart
and blood flow rates and loosens up other muscles, tendons, ligaments,
and joints.
• Stretch. Begin stretches slowly and carefully until reaching a point of
muscle tension. Hold each stretch for 10 to 20 seconds, then slowly and
carefully release it. Inhale before each stretch and exhale as you release.
Do each stretch only once. Never stretch to the point of pain, always
maintain control, and never bounce on a muscle that is fully stretched.
• Take Your Time. During strength training, move through the full range
of motion with each repetition. Breathe regularly to help lower your
blood pressure and increase blood supply to the brain.
• Drink Water. Drink enough water to prevent dehydration, heat
exhaustion, and heat stroke. Drink 1 pint of water 15 minutes before you
start exercising and another pint after you cool down. Have a drink of
water every 20 minutes or so while you exercise.
• Cool Down. Make cooling down the final phase of your exercise routine.
It should take twice as long as your warm up. Slow your motions and
lessen the intensity of your movements for at least 10 minutes before
you stop completely. This phase of a safe exercise program should
conclude when your skin is dry and you have cooled down.
• Rest. Schedule regular days off from exercise and rest when tired.
Fatigue and pain are good reasons to not exercise.
10 Common-Sense Safety Tips for Exercise Enthusiasts

Get your body ready to exercise.

Always warm up before you work out. Warming up properly (i.e., doing enough
movement to raise your body temperature) helps to ensure that your body is
prepared to safely handle the stress of physical exercise.

Don't put yourself at risk.

Don't exercise if you're ill or feeling unduly fatigued. Physical activity can exacerbate
your illness if you're sick, and possibly expose you to an increased risk of being
injured if you're extremely tired.

Organize Your Workout Environment.

Keep your exercise area free of clutter. Rerack weights. Rehang towels. Don't allow
your exercise area to become a makeshift obstacle course, which can elevate your
odds of being injured (e.g., tripping, falling, etc).

Follow instructions.
Know how to perform the various exercises that comprise your workout regimen. If
you use equipment, adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for using each device.

Have a game plan.

Establish an accurate benchmark for your starting level of fitness, and then, based on
that assessment, develop a sound (i.e., safe, efficient, and effective) plan for
achieving your fitness goals. Be cognizant of the fact that your plan is a dynamic
entity. As such, put it in writing and periodically revisit it to determine if any
adjustments to it are appropriate.

Proceed sensibly.
Never try to do too much too soon. When you first begin to work out, start at a
sensible level, and then progressively adjust how much you do as your body adapts
to the demands imposed on it.

Use your lungs.

Never hold your breath while exercising, particularly when you're lifting weights.
Holding your breath while exercising can cause a buildup of inner thoracic (inner rib
cage) pressure, which can inhibit the return of blood to your heart. This action also
can compromise the amount of blood flow (and subsequently oxygen) to your entire

Listen up.
Don't ignore what your body may be trying to tell you if you're doing too much when
you're exercising. Always respond to such signals (e.g., sharp pain, dizziness, nausea,
etc). Having a "warrior" mindset will not protect you if you exceed your body's
capability to adapt to the amount of physical stress imposed on it.

Don't let the forces overwhelm you.

Always control the speed of the weights you're lifting while strength training.
Dropping or throwing the weight can cause an excessive level of load force being
placed on your body's skeletal joints. The same adage applies to your body. Keep the
amount of bouncing and explosive movements to a minimum.

Be prepared.
Know what to do if you need help. If you exercise in a health/fitness club, be aware
of the facility's emergency plan and where key safety-related items are located
(e.g., first aid equipment, antiepileptic drugs, etc). In addition, know the location of
the nearest telephone for getting assistance and the contact number for obtaining it.
Whenever possible, work out with either an exercise partner or a personal trainer.


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