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4 3 2 1 MODEL
It doesn’t have legs but it can
jump. It sounds like ‘fake’ .
SNAKE Picture 6.

5 a. It’s strong and dangerous. It lives in the sea and its name sounds like ‘park’.
S HARK Picture 10
b. It has got a pointed mouth. It lives in the sea but it isn’t a fish. Its name sounds like
D OLPHIN Picture 2
6 c. It has got big teeth and a long tale. It eats birds and fish. It lives in rivers.
Its name sounds like ‘reptile’.
C OCODRILE Picture 7
d. It has got a mane. It lives in Africa. Its roar is powerful. Its name sounds like ‘ion’ .
L ION Picture 14
7 e. It has got no tail, but its back legs are strong. It can jump high. It lives in water and on
land. Its name sounds like ‘dog’.
F ROG Picture 5
f. It’s in the cat family . It lives in Asia. It’s yellowish with black lines with a long tail. Its
name sounds like ‘spider’.
8 T IGER Picture 13
g. It has got wings but it isn’t a bird. It flies at night and its name sounds like ‘fat’.
B AT Picture 4
h. It’s heavy and loves swimming in the sea. It eats fish, sea animals and plankton.
Its name sounds like ‘snail’.
W HALE Picture 11
9 i. It has got eight thin legs and eats insects. It builds webs. Its name sounds like ‘tiger’.
S PIDER Picture 15
j. It jumps and hops in Australia. It eats different plants. Is name sounds like ‘corkscrew‘.
KANGAROO Picture 9
k. It’s a reptile with short legs and a long tail. Its name sounds like ‘wizard’.
10 L IZARD Picture 16
l. It’s cute when it’s young, but dangerous when it’s an adult. Its name sounds like ‘fair’.
B EAR Picture 8
m. It’s noisy and flies in flocks. It can be very colourful. Its name sounds like ‘ferret’’
P ARROT Picture 3
n. It has got a long tail and it climbs trees. Its name sounds like ‘monthly ’.
11 M ONKEY Picture 1
o. It’s an insect. It makes honey. Its name sounds like ‘me’.
B EE Picture 12
p. This animal lives in or near the water. It eats fish, insects and plants. It’s very slow. Its
name sounds like ‘purple’
T URTLE Picture 17
12 15 16 17
13 14

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