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Soil pollution: la contaminación del suelo

Wáter pollution: la contaminación del agua

iIlegal mining: minería ilegal

Deforestation: deforestación

Air pollution: La contaminación del aire

Dump waste: Volcado de residuos

Produce fumes: Produce humos

Extract metals and minerals: Extraer metales y minerales

Cut down trees: Cortar arboles

Use pesticides: Usar pesticidas

2. A. create an environmental newsletter

B. volunteer to plant trees

C. go on a demonstration

D. organize and sign a petition

5 ¿Qué haría para ayudar al medio ambiente? Haga oraciones completas con le gustaría o no le
gustaría conocer cada idea ( What would you do to help the environment? Make full sentences
with would like to or wouldn’t like to about each idea.)

Ej: 1. No, I wouldn't like to sort rubbish at a recycling Centre_ (sort rubbish at a recycling
Centre) 2. No, I wouldn't like to participate in a demonstration (participate in a demonstration)
3. I would like to organize a petition (organize a petition)
4. Would like to volunteer at a community garden (volunteer at a community garden)
5. Would like to help plant trees in a park in your community (help plant trees in a park in your

7 . Según el texto anterior “A story Change ”responde TRUE ( verdadero) o FALSE ( falso ):

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