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John Gottman and Julie Gottman Gottman Institute

The Natural Principles of Love

In this Original Voices article we summarize the created a vital new field called social epidemiol-
past four and a half decades of our work on ogy (see Berkman, Kawachi, & Glymour, 2014).
relationship stability and happiness and explore Ignoring what is cause and what is effect, there
the theoretical implications of that empirical is no doubt that people in happy, stable, commit-
research. First, we briefly review the labora- ted relationships—versus people who are alone,
tory research, clinical work, and the mathemat- in uncommitted relationships, or in unhappy
ics used to understand our results and build our or unstable relationships—live significantly
theory. Then we describe the sound relationship longer, are healthier physically and psycholog-
house theory, constructive blueprints for manag- ically, become wealthier, and have children who
ing conflict, and the three phases of love. We use do better in most aspects of living. Therefore,
the term love in the narrow sense of the primary there is no question that we can precisely iden-
emotions that draw people together to form a tify successful and unsuccessful relationships,
lasting, committed relationship between lovers, and measure the effects of both. Relationship
regardless of sexual orientation. Although we success or failure has enormous consequences
began with no theory at all, we were led by for people everywhere on the planet.
our data and our clinical work at the Gottman We start with the aforementioned history
Institute. to contextualize our work against so-called
poststructural theories of relationships, such
In 2005, 14 scholars got together to review what as strategic and narrative therapies that reject
the benefits of marriage might be, as determined the idea that some relationships fail and others
by social science research (Wilcox, Doherty, succeed. Their view is that every relationship is
Glenn, & Waite, 2005). Their report was cau- unique and whatever happens is just fine, that
tious and quite lengthy. They wrote that it was it is absurd to talk about success and failure,
happy marriage itself that predicted very positive that everything is relative, and that culture and
life outcomes for men, women, and their chil- perception determine everything (see Gurman,
dren. That report was a resounding endorsement Lebow, & Snyder, 2015). These theories lead
of marriage, and yet these conclusions were to therapies that apparently never fail, because
only part of the story. The results were a small they consider every possible outcome fully
part of a much larger scientific literature linking acceptable. These theories also view a scientific
the quality of people’s closest relationships to approach to love as if its goals were to paint
health, longevity, and well-being. Forty years the entire world gray and claim that everyone is
ago, these findings initially surprised the epi- the same everywhere. Our work is based on the
demiologists Leonard Syme and Lisa Berkman, opposite premise: Relationships do indeed fail,
but they have held up over time, and they have and that outcome is not what couples hoped for
at their wedding or commitment ceremonies.
Relationships fail at a great cost to everyone.
Gottman Institute, Seattle, WA ( That is not to conclude that divorce is always
Key Words: Conflict, emotions, game theory, interaction, unwelcome or that divorce needs to be a lifelong
love, relationships. tragedy.
Journal of Family Theory & Review 9 (March 2017): 7–26 7
8 Journal of Family Theory & Review

Why Care So Much About Understanding time-series analysis, with Jim Sackett, Roger
Love? Bakeman, and James Ringland (see Bakeman &
Can science bring clarity where artists have tried Gottman, 1986/1997; Bakeman & Quera, 2011;
so hard and failed? Is there wisdom to be learned Gottman, 1979, 1981; Gottman & Ringland,
at all? Do empirical findings hold? Do they repli- 1981; Gottman & Roy, 1990); (b) in study-
cate? Can we understand our results? Can we ing trust and betrayal, using the mathematics
discover truths that may hold everywhere on of game theory (Gottman, 2002); and (c) in
our planet? After four and a half decades of revealing the complex dynamics of interaction
research on relationship stability and happiness, using the mathematics of nonlinear differen-
we believe that the answer to these questions tial equations, with the mathematical biologist
is yes. This article is about our understanding James Murray and his students (Gottman, 2011,
of what makes relationships long lasting and 2015; Gottman, Murray, Swanson, Tyson, &
happy. We use the term love in the narrow sense, Swanson, 2002). As a wife–husband team we
to mean the primary emotions that draw peo- have combined sensitive and intense clinical
ple together to form a lasting, committed rela- work—led by Julie—with subsequent ran-
tionship between lovers, regardless of sexual domized clinical trials to test cause–effect
orientation. relationships, to prevent relationship disasters,
Data, not theory, are what we brought to this and to try to help ailing couples.
work. In this article we summarize what we have This is supposed to be a theory article,
learned through empirical research and ther- but when we began this research in the
apy on relationships and explore the theoretical 1970s—contrary to what we all learned in
implications of that research. We have achieved graduate school—Robert Levenson and John
high levels of prediction of the future of het- adhered to no theory and had absolutely no
erosexual and same-sex relationships. We have hypotheses. Their goal was simply to observe,
studied relationships across the entire life course describe, measure, and find patterns that repli-
and have been able to predict successful life tran- cated over studies. Robert and John were not
sitions, such as to parenthood and to retirement. limited to studying behavior. They were not
We have also applied these methods success- behaviorists, nor were they psychoanalysts,
fully to the study of parent–child relationships nor were they object-relations theorists, nor
(Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 2013; Havighurst, were they structural theorists, nor were they
Wilson, Harley, & Prior, 2009). For most of these existentialist theorists, nor were they attachment
years John has collaborated with Robert Leven- theorists, nor were they narrative theorists,
son in basic longitudinal research about relation- nor were they solution-focused theorists, nor
ships. For the past 20 years we have collaborated were they strategic therapists, nor were they
as a husband–wife team, in clinical work, and in systems theorists. In fact, they were not the-
randomized clinical trials that reveal the natural orists at all. Mostly, they were dust-bowl
principles derived from basic research and show empiricists studying the role of emotion in
that these principles lead to interventions that relationships. Their first task was simply to
are successful at preventing relationship distress describe, looking for a convergence among
during the major transition to becoming parents multiple methods. They included self-reports
(Shapiro & Gottman, 2005) and at healing most of experience (through interviews and ques-
ailing relationships (Babcock, Gottman, Ryan, tionnaires), observed interactive behavior with
& Gottman, 2013), including very difficult rela- cameras and computer-assisted observational
tionship problems such as situational domestic coding, assessed human physiology, and used
violence (Bradley & Gottman, 2012). video-recall ratings with synchronization to the
We have also been successful in understand- video time code. They wanted to measure all
ing our predictions and building our theory, parts of emotion—behavior, perception, and
using laboratory research, clinical work, and physiology—all synced together with real-time
mathematics to understand our results. Mathe- couples’ interaction. Of course, we weren’t
matics has played a large role in our work. We entirely without ideas of what to study; our
have employed mathematics in many phases work was definitely influenced by the context
of our work: (a) in finding stable sequential in which we worked, especially by the develop-
patterns observed in couples’ interaction, using ment of psychophysiology (e.g., Obrist, 1981),
the mathematics of information theory and the general systems therapists (e.g., Bateson,
Natural Principles of Love 9

Jackson, Haley, & Weakland, 1956), and the up to the physiological sensors. That was the
quantitative study of emotions in the human experiment. We did nothing to help them. After 3
face, particularly by our colleague Paul Ekman years we recontacted the couples and they again
(e.g., Ekman, 2015). filled out questionnaires measuring their marital
Our video-recall rating dial has proved itself,
Methods over the years, to be quite valid. It is a good
Robert and John designed a lab that synchro- predictor of the future of a relationship, and it
nized the video time code to physiological mea- gives us a window into the world of perception.
sures and to a rating dial that people turned John’s postdoc William Griffin (2002) applied
from “Very Negative” to “Very Positive,” reveal- the technique of looking for sequential patterns
ing their perception of their interaction, and we using a method called “hidden Markov analy-
had a computer that did this job of synchroniza- sis” and demonstrated its validity by differentiat-
tion. We wanted to get samples representative of ing happily from unhappily married couples. In
the demographics of the city where we worked. another study by Robert Levenson and his stu-
We also wanted about equal numbers of happy dent Anna Ruef (Levenson & Ruef, 1992), they
and unhappy couples in our studies, so we over- had couples use the rating dial twice, once to
sampled these groups. We learned that couples’ indicate how each person felt during the inter-
interactions over time had as much as 80% sta- action and a second time to try to guess how
bility, and we saw that there were both “masters” their partner felt during the interaction. They
and “disasters” of relationships. We have fairly discovered that people were accurate at guess-
low standards. A “master” couple is stable, and ing how their partner felt to the extent that they
both partners are at or above the mean of 100.0 relived their partner’s original physiology during
in relationship satisfaction on the Locke-Wallace the interaction as they watched the video. There-
(1959) or the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, fore, using the rating dial, they discovered what
1976). By a “disaster” couple we mean a couple they called “a physiological substrate” for empa-
who either breaks up or stays together unhap- thy. In our 20-year longitudinal study, the rating
pily (at least one partner is at or below 85.0, dial, coupled with behavioral coding of emotion,
which is one standard deviation below the mean could even predict which husbands would die
of 100.0). Couples came into this lab after hav- early, if their marital conflict interaction resem-
ing been apart for at least 8 hours and then bled a competitive, win-or-lose zero-sum game,
talked about their day. They filled out question- and which would live longer, if their interaction
naires measuring their relationship happiness. were a more like a cooperative win–win game
They talked about their day after we attached the (Gottman, 2011). In Levenson’s lab, Haase, Hol-
sensors measuring heart rate, respiration, blood ley, Bloch, Verstaen, and Levenson (in press)
velocities to the ear and finger of their nondom- could even predict which type of chronic phys-
inant hand, the amount they were sweating from ical illnesses people would develop from their
their palms of their hands, and how much they specific emotional behaviors during marital con-
jiggled around in their chairs, and after we had flict 20 years prior; angry people developed
obtained a 5-minute silent baseline. There were chronic cardiac illness, and stonewalling people
two cameras in the lab, each giving us a full-face developed chronic musculoskeletal illness.
picture of a partner, and they were electroni-
cally merged into one split-screen picture with
Predicting the Future of a Relationship
a running time code. After the 15-minute con-
versation about the events of the day, they were In the early 1970s psychology was actually at
interviewed about what they argued about and somewhat of an impasse. Walter Mischel (1968)
asked to try to resolve the major hot issue in their wrote an important, challenging book noting
marriage in the next 15 minutes, after another that personality psychology had done a poor job
5-minute baseline. Then they chose a topic from of understanding and predicting human behav-
a list of positive topics to discuss for 15 min- ior, because even the best measures were able
utes. They had that positive topic conversation to reduce only about 9% of the uncertainty in
after another 5-minute silent baseline. Then, in prediction. Mischel said that was unacceptable.
another appointment, they viewed their video- Therefore, after 3 years, as we followed up
tape and turned the rating dial, also while hooked with our first 30 couples, we were amazed that
10 Journal of Family Theory & Review

we could account for about 80% of the uncer- else they wanted to. They also participated
tainty in how their marital happiness changed in our standard lab assessment. We followed
over a 3-year period, even controlling for ini- them and repeatedly assessed them for 6 years,
tial levels. Furthermore, the results were clear. as 17 of them divorced, and many other cou-
For example, the couples who became unhap- ples became pregnant. We followed couples
pier over 3 years were initially significantly more through the pregnancy, and then observed them
physiologically aroused than the couples that interacting with their 3-month-old babies using
eventually became happier. Their hearts beat a technique called the Lausanne triadic play
faster, their blood flowed faster, they sweat more situation, taken from Swiss psychologist Elisa-
from their palms, they jiggled around more, beth Fivaz-Depeursigne (Fivaz-Depeursinge &
they rated their emotions as more negative on Corboz-Warnery, 1999). John learned how to
the rating dial, and they were far more hostile study babies from one of his best friends, the
(more criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and developmental psychologist Edward Tronick
stonewalling) when discussing the events of their (e.g., Gianino & Tronick, 1988). Edward and
day, a conflict, or even a positive topic than were John had started grad school in the same class
the couples who became happier over time. Now at the University of Wisconsin in 1965. Edward
we had some hypotheses. spent his professional life working with Amer-
Over the next 23 years, as we did that study ica’s pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton, and no
over and over again, across the whole life course, one understands babies better than these two
following couples for many years, we replicated people. In John’s lab at the University of Illinois
and extended these findings. We also spent a and later at the University of Washington, we
dozen years studying committed gay and les- began with an interview we called the Oral
bian couples. We studied couples going through History Interview, in which couples answered
major life transitions, primarily the transition to questions about the history of their relationship,
becoming parents, and—for 20 years—the tran- their philosophy about relationships, and their
sition to retirement and old age. parents’ relationships. It turned out that couples
In 1987, at the University of Washington who had many positive stories and memories to
we built an apartment lab that was designed tell about their relationship and their partners’
to be like a bed-and-breakfast getaway. It was characters were the strongest; they seemed to
on the beautiful Montlake Cut of the medical have accurate “maps” of their partner’s inner
school campus, overlooking a park, with boats world as well (which we called love maps).
traveling between the salt water of the ocean The Oral History Interview was “coded” quan-
and the freshwater Lake Washington. A full titatively by the “Buehlman coding system,”
130 newlywed couples, each just a few months developed in John’s lab by Kim Buehlman.
after their wedding, arrived at 9 a.m., usually on In another study, that coding system had 94%
a Sunday, to spend 24 hours in the apartment accuracy in predicting stability or divorce over
lab (called “the love lab” by the BBC). The a 4-year period (Buehlman, Gottman, & Katz,
only difference between this lab and a usual 1992).
bed-and-breakfast getaway was that we had Our 13% rate of breakup of new marriages
three cameras bolted to the walls to follow all in 6 years is pretty consistent across labs; as
their movements, they wore Holter monitors to in our other studies, we could predict which
track two channels of electrocardiogram, when couples would divorce and which would not
they urinated we took a sample to measure (and the happiness of those who stayed married)
stress hormones, we took blood from them to with greater than 90% accuracy. We could pre-
measure their endocrine and immune systems dict almost perfectly how their marriages would
(in collaboration with immunology professor wind up 6 years later just from their 15-minute
Dr. Hans Ochs), and people in the control room conflict conversations with about 88% accuracy.
were coding their emotions. People adapted to Most of these predictions were made from the
the cameras and physiological recording equip- way the couples discussed a conflict issue.
ment within about 45 minutes. They brought Having a baby is supposed to be a blissful
videos and music to listen to; they brought their event. However, within 3 years after the newly-
pets; they read the newspaper; they worked, weds’ first babies were born, we discovered that
made telephone calls, prepared and ate meals, an astounding 67% of these couples had begun
cleaned up, walked in the park, and did anything to plummet in marital happiness and increase
Natural Principles of Love 11

dramatically in hostility toward each other. If they also underestimate how positive the inter-
our sample is representative, for the majority of actions of happy couples are at home. We found
couples the arrival of the first baby is a catas- this out by having couples in one study take
trophe for their love relationship. What a huge the recorders home so no one else (except the
tragedy this is! Just one-third of the couples camera) was present. Small effects cumulate,
sailed through this transition from partners to resulting in divergent accelerating trajectories
parents. What was amazing to us is that we could for different groups of couples. Initial differ-
predict almost perfectly from data obtained a ences between the masters and the disasters are
few months after the wedding whether a couple very stable. Levenson and John (Gottman &
would be in the 67% group (Shapiro, Gottman, Levenson, 2002) found that there is more than
& Carrere, 2000). Couples in the 67% group 80% stability in couples’ interaction over even
also had hostility as they played with their baby, as long a period as 14 years, even if some of the
and our research found that, compared with cou- couples got therapy. Not only could we predict
ples in the 33% group, the baby was harmed the fate of newly married couples over 6 years,
by that hostility. These prediction levels were but in Levenson’s lab our prediction was even
not small. From the way a couple in their last possible for couples in midlife and old age.
trimester of pregnancy talked about a conflict we Let us take a moment and ask a very impor-
could account for half the variance in how much tant question, namely, Is this divorce prediction
their 3-month-old baby would laugh, smile, or easy? A few years ago Laurie Abraham (2013)
cry, and the neurological ability of the baby to spent an entire chapter criticizing John’s meth-
self-soothe, known as the baby’s “vagal tone.” ods. She claimed that if one predicted that 100%
The vagus is the tenth cranial nerve and soothes of the newlyweds in John’s study would get
the heart and mediates the focus of attention divorced, since the U.S. national divorce rate
(Porges, 2011). was then 50%, John would be right half the
time. So, she argued, a prediction rate of 90%
When Julie and John designed a 2-day semi-
accuracy wasn’t that great an accomplishment.
nar based on our theory, and based on comparing
A New York Times review of her book extolled
the unfortunate 67% to the fortunate 33%, in a
the virtues of her arguments and exclaimed that
10-hour seminar we found that we could reverse
she had uncovered the charlatan who had pulled
the drop in relationship satisfaction for 77% of
the wool over everyone’s eyes (John). However,
our last-trimester couples, and we later learned she had made a logical error. Her error was
that we could strengthen this effect with a sup- that the U.S. divorce rate has indeed been esti-
port group (Shapiro & Gottman, 2004). With the mated by sociologists to be about 50%, but only
Gottman Institute, we now have trained more after 40 years of marriage. These high divorce
than 1,000 workshop leaders in 24 countries, and estimates have been successfully challenged by
the prevention effects replicate. Hospitals as far Feldhahn and Whitehead (2014). In just 6 years
afield as Iceland and Australia have adopted our of marriage, only 13% of the couples in our
program. newlywed sample divorced, so if one guessed
It took us only 15 minutes of a couple’s they’d all divorce, one would be wrong by 87%.
conflict discussion data to perform our couple’s Thomas Bradbury at UCLA found a divorce rate
predictions, and furthermore, even our param- of 7.6% over 4 years in his sample of newlyweds
eters that described how the 15-minute conflict (Bradbury & Karney, 1993; Karney & Bradbury,
conversation started in its first 3 minutes—a 1995). So if one guessed everyone would divorce
parameter we called “start-up”—predicted how in Tom’s sample, one would be wrong by 92.4%.
the conflict discussion itself unfolded 96% of In fact, the problem of guessing who divorces
the time (Gottman, 1994). Most of the pre- and who does not at 90% accuracy (our average
dictions we made from our initial study held accuracy across 6 separate replication longitu-
across six separate replication studies, they held dinal studies) in our 130 newlywed couples by
for heterosexual as well as same-sex couples, chance alone is exactly like trying to pick out
and they held throughout the life course. Why blindfolded and randomly 15 out of 17 red balls
were these predictions so accurate? We think from a bowl that also contains 113 white balls.
the reason is simple. Our lab numbers actually The probability of picking 15 out of 17 red balls
underestimate how negative the conflict inter- correctly by chance alone can be computed as
actions of unhappy couples are at home, and approximately 2.5 times 1015 . To spell that out,
12 Journal of Family Theory & Review

the chance of picking 15 out of 17 divorces out over a 3-year period, even controlling for initial
of 130 couples by chance alone, is about 1 in satisfaction. The results were clear. The faster a
2,500,000,000,000,000, or 1 in 2.5 quadrillion (a person’s heart beat, the faster a person’s blood
quadrillion is 1015 ). Not too likely. In fact, the velocity, the more a person sweat from the
Exploratorium museum in San Francisco cre- palms of the hands, the more a person moved
ated an exhibit based on a Levenson paper in around during a conflict conversation, the faster
which people had to guess which 5 couples out that person breathed, the more relationship hap-
of 10 divorced just by watching the first 3 min- piness deteriorated. Just as in our lab, merely
utes of their conflict discussion. Rachel Ebling a couple’s physiological responses during a
and Robert Levenson’s research discovered that conflict discussion can powerfully predict the
almost everyone (even therapists and marriage future of a marriage. To give you some example
experts) are at chance levels (Ebling & Leven- of how powerful these effects are in predicting
son, 2003). To predict, one needs the coding sys- the course of marriages, let us tell you about a
tem, the numbers, and the math. landmark study of newlyweds. The psychologist
Although we were there early in making these Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues at Ohio
predictions, eventually we were not alone. Rand State University studied newlyweds in their first
Conger’s lab at Iowa (Elder & Conger, 2014), year of marriage (Kiecolt-Glaser, Bane, Glaser,
Ted Huston’s in Texas (Huston, Caughlin, & Malarkey, 2003). They used a procedure in
Houts, Smith, & George, 2001), and Tom Brad- which they took very small quantities of blood
bury’s lab in Los Angeles, could also predict from the couple as they discussed an area of
which couples would wind up stable or unstable conflict in a hospital setting. They could later
and which stable couples would be happy or measure the couples’ hormones and neuro-
unhappy. In 1996 Matthews, Wickrama, and transmitters in their blood in real time, as they
Conger conducted a 5-year study with a sample argued. They then followed these newlyweds
of 436 long-married couples from rural Iowa. for 10 years. They found that those couples who
They examined the quality of marital interaction, eventually divorced, had—in their first year of
both as perceived by spouses and as reported by marriage during the conflict discussion; that’s
outside observers. Using codes of spousal hos- 10 years prior—secreted 34% more adrenaline
tility and warmth, they were able to predict with during the conflict, 22% more adrenaline during
80% accuracy which couples would divorce or the day, and 16% more adrenaline at night than
not divorce within a year. They also were able to the couples who remained married. Comparing
predict with 88% accuracy which couples would the happy couples with those they called “the
be in the two most extreme marital groups (most troubled,” they found that compared to the
stable and least stable). Bradbury’s papers were eventually happy couples, the ones who turned
based on a 4-year longitudinal study of new- out 10 years later to be troubled had secreted
lywed couples. He followed his couples for as 34% more adrenaline during the conflict, 24%
long as 11 years. Bradbury’s lab was also able to more adrenaline during the day, and 17% more
predict divorce or stability with high accuracy. adrenaline at night. Note that they were pre-
Bradbury discovered a high level of physical dicting the fate of these newlywed couples 10
aggression in his sample, and that aggression years later, just by measuring adrenaline and
was predictive of divorce. That somewhat noradrenaline in their blood during their first
unusual result is entirely consistent with the year of marriage!
study John did with the late Neil Jacobson, in They also examined another stress hormone
which we also found that physical aggression called ACTH, which is responsible for releas-
led to very high levels of divorce (Jacobson & ing cortisol from the adrenal cortex. Cortisol is
Gottman, 2007). Bradbury was also able to pre- a stress hormone that has been related to sad-
dict which newlywed couples would eventually ness, depression, excessive rumination, separa-
turn out to be stable but unhappily married. tion panic in babies, resignation, giving up, and
helplessness. In the newlywed women, ACTH
was twice as high in those women who even-
The Importance of Physiology During Conflict tually wound up in troubled marriages. Taken
In the Levenson-Gottman lab we discovered together, the results of these studies about phys-
that physiological arousal during a conflict dis- iology show that the prediction of divorce and
cussion predicted changes in marital satisfaction happiness over very long periods of time is not
Natural Principles of Love 13

an anomaly but a stable scientific result. It is no physiology in therapy sessions, using inexpen-
wonder that physiology is important. We know sive but accurate fingertip pulse oximeters. If
that when people are physiologically flooded, chronic physiological arousal and inadequate
they are much less capable of even processing self-soothing is an issue, we treat it directly with
incoming information. Physiologically flooded the HeartMath emwave2 biofeedback device that
people have trouble remembering what they ever teaches self-soothing and increase the tone of
liked about their partners; it is hard for them the vagus nerve. By the way, this chronic phys-
to give or receive affection, to be empathetic, iological flooding is a major issue for couples
and to even be polite and courteous. Positive experiencing situational domestic violence.
social skills such as shared humor seem to be
inaccessible once people are in fight or flight. What Predicts Divorce?
This diffuse physiological arousal happens when
people’s heart rates exceed the “intrinsic pace- Interactive behavior matters a great deal. We dis-
maker rhythm” of the heart—with both the vagal covered that the “masters” of relationships (cou-
slowing of the heart withdrawn and sympathetic ples that stayed together happily) were much
activation—which is when adrenaline is secreted gentler with one another than the “disasters”
into the blood stream, activating alpha and beta of relationships. The ratio of the number of
receptors, and sympathetic nerves are secreting seconds of positive-to-negative emotions dur-
noradrenaline and getting the heart the heart to ing conflict for the disasters averaged 0.8, and
contract more forcefully as well as beat faster for the masters averaged 5.0. There was far
(Rowell, 1993). With this diffuse physiological more positive than negative affect even during
arousal, a cascade of automatic physiological a conflict discussion for the masters. That 5-to-1
events take place in the brain and the nervous ratio of positive to negative emotions in a con-
system. For example, blood is drawn in from flict discussion jumped out of the pages of our
statistical analyses. The natural principle here
the periphery into the trunk to minimize hemor-
we call “the triumph of negative over positive
rhage, blood flow is redirected to vascular beds
affect,” which determined the influence func-
necessary for fighting or fleeing, nonessential
tions in our math model. That principle works
services like digestion shut down, glycogen in
very well in mathematically modeling couples’
the liver is converted to glucose, blood volume is
interactions (Gottman et al., 2002). Then we
increased (to minimize the damage from poten- asked the data, Are all negatives equally cor-
tial hemorrhage) through the renin-angiotensin rosive? The answer was no. The disaster cou-
system, there are increases in heart rate and ples during conflict used what John called “the
myocardial contractility, and increases in periph- Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” These Four
eral vasoconstriction and blood pressure. Horsemen during conflict were our best predic-
Other psychological effects of fight-or-flight tors of early divorce. They co-occurred (though
cascade were also severe. We get tunnel vision, not in a fixed order) in the conflict of the dis-
our perception becomes distorted so that every- aster couples. These attack–defend behaviors
thing seems dangerous, our lover becomes the were criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and
enemy, and everything said by our partner seems stonewalling. They have been documented and
like an attack. Therefore, staying calm during described elsewhere (Gottman & Silver, 2016).
conflict is a great idea. We’ve done this experi- When we did our sequential analyses, we dis-
ment in our lab: interrupting conflict and having covered an overall robust summary of what the
couples silently read magazines for 20 minutes. disasters do in conflict discussions. We divided
Then we have them talk about the conflict again. our emotion codes into three emotion states: pos-
When we compared the last 5 minutes of the itive, neutral, and negative. We examined the
first conversation to the first 5 minutes of the probabilities that a couple stays in a state or
second conversation, it was like these people makes a transition from one state to another.
had a brain transplant. Suddenly in the second When we compared happy with unhappy cou-
conversation, they were reasonable, rational, ples (even just a few months after their wedding),
had their sense of humor back, could listen, and we found that, for unhappy couples, negative
could be affectionate and empathetic one again. affect was what mathematicians call a “Markov
Yet, remarkably, our couples’ therapy is the only absorbing state.” A Markov absorbing state is
one on the planet that actually measures people’s one that is easy to enter and hard to exit. So,
14 Journal of Family Theory & Review

the natural principle here was this: Compared From Predicting to Understanding
to happily married couples, during conflict dis- So far the news of this article is that we can
cussions, a negative absorbing Markov state of bring love into a laboratory and predict the
negative emotions existed for unhappily married future. However, now we had to build a the-
couples. For unhappily married couples it was ory of love relationships that helped us under-
easy to enter a state of negative emotions and stand these predictions, and it needed to be a
hard to exit it. This means that for only unhap- disconfirmable theory in which we made causal
pily married newlyweds, encountering negative hypotheses. If we didn’t build such a theory,
affect during conflict was like stepping into a we wouldn’t be able to help prevent serious
quicksand bog. No matter how hard they tried, love problems or know how to treat those prob-
they only sank deeper and deeper into negativity, lems once they developed. For example, we
eventually escalating to the Four Horsemen. Nan discovered that the newlyweds who eventually
Silver and John (Gottman & Silver, 2016) wound stayed married laughed together more often than
the couples who eventually divorced. Without
up calling this the roach-motel model of unhappy
understanding that relationship, we don’t know
marriage because it resembled the advertisement what it means or how humor operates. Then we
for a cockroach-poison “hotel” that read, “They discovered that shared humor reduces physio-
check in but they don’t check out.” This is how logical arousal.
negative affect begins to pervade the lives of OK, but how do we get couples to laugh
unhappily married couples as they move down together more during a conflict discussion? That
what John and Robert called the “distance and knowledge came from coding small moments
isolation cascade,” in which they withdraw from of newlyweds making attempts to connect emo-
one another and become lonely. The master cou- tionally. These tiny moments of emotional con-
ples also enter the negative affect state (but less nection form a kind of emotional bank account
often), and they can repair and exit negativity that gets built over time and provides a buffer
more easily. By identifying these sequences of against momentary irritability or emotional dis-
interaction, we were led by our data to become tance. Here are some examples: “There’s a pretty
systems theory therapists. boat.” No partner response—that’s turning away.
Or a crabby response, “There’s a pretty boat.”
Later, when we had 14-year longitudinal data,
“Will you be quiet? I am trying to read!” That’s
Levenson and John discovered another group of turning against. All these moments build, or fail
couples that divorced an average of 16.2 years to build, an emotional bank account. The new-
after the wedding (instead of an average of lyweds who divorced 6 years after the wedding
5.6 years for the “Four Horsemen” couples). averaged 33% turning toward, whereas the cou-
These couples weren’t negatively hostile at all. ples still together after 6 years averaged 86%
They were just sad and mildly angry, but mostly turning toward. John’s former student Janice
they were detached and disengaged; the best Driver discovered that turning toward bids is
identifier was that they showed very little pos- correlated with humor during the conflict dis-
itive emotions at all during their conflict discus- cussion. When our 2-day seminar for couples
sions. There was no shared humor, no laugh- increased turning toward, humor also increased
ter, no playfulness, no silliness, no curiosity, no during the conflict discussion, especially for
shared excitement, no affection, and no empa- men. We could do brief experiments to cre-
thy; Cuber and Harroff (1965) had called these ate proximal change in conflict discussions, and
in that way we could build our interventions
marriages “devitalized.” Apparently, these emo-
tionally detached couples can last longer than Understanding our predictions also
the Four Horsemen couples; they can raise chil- came from a unique 15-year collaboration.
dren together, but they tend to divorce in midlife. John teamed up with world-famous bio-
Now we could not just predict if a couple mathematician Dr. James Murray to build
would divorce, but roughly when they would the “love equations” that would fully explain
divorce. This leads to the natural principle: Over our predictions. We succeeded in deriving two
time, a negative Markov absorbing state leads to nonlinear differential equations that described
early divorce. Low positive affect also leads to and explained our predictions. Therefore, we
divorce, but much later. were able to both predict and understand.
Natural Principles of Love 15

There is no magic here. Mathematics is the Figure 1. The Sound Relationship House Theory.
ultimate language for making sense of data and
for creating natural principles from raw data.
Mathematics is the best, most succinct way of
summarizing our understanding of why our pre-
dictions were so accurate. We published those
findings for researchers in 2002 in a book titled
The Mathematics of Marriage and for therapists
in John’s 2015 book Principia Amoris: The New
Science of Love (see also Tung, 2007). Math and
therapy do go together.

The Sound Relationship House Theory

We call the theory we built the sound relation-
ship house theory, and it is the basis of all
our clinical work (Figure 1); to ease commu-
nication of this theory to clinicians, each level
of the theory is formulated as advice. What is
unusual about this theory is that we can mea-
sure every concept in the theory precisely in
our lab. Because of that, we know how to build
each process that we have identified as impor-
tant. From the start of our research we knew we doing right and to admire and appreciate specific
could predict the nature of the conflict discus- qualities in their partner. One can then avoid
sion from the amount of positive affect during being like the Swedish farmer who loved his
the events-of-the-day discussion. So we had a wife so much that one day he almost told her.
clue that friendship must be intrinsically related The third part of friendship is turning toward
to conflict. bids for connection, rather than away or against.
We learned from our other data that there When people were in the love lab, often they
are three primary parts of friendship: The first were letting their needs be known to each
part is building love maps. From our Oral His- other either nonverbally or verbally. They were
tory Interview we learned that love maps were making what we called bids for emotional
important. We defined a love map as a road map connection. A bid is part of a fundamental unit
one makes of one’s partner’s inner psycholog- of connection, which begins with one person
ical world. Love maps are about the partner’s expressing a need for connection; for example,
emotion of interest, about feeling known, and a bid might ask for a partner’s attention, or inter-
about feeling like one’s partner is interested in est, or a desire for a conversation, or for shared
continuing to know one. We measured love map- humor, or for affection, or for sexual contact,
ping with the Oral History Interview scales. The or for warmth, for empathy, for help and assis-
fundamental processes in creating love maps are tance, for support, and so on. The second part
asking open-ended questions and remembering of the unit is some response from the partner;
the answers. We now have examples of these turning away is when there is no response, turn-
love-map questions as a smartphone or iPhone ing toward is a minimal response or more, and
application (11 such apps come up when you turning against is a negative response. What is
type Gottman into the Apple Store). In our book needed here is increasing awareness and mind-
and on our website (, fulness about how one’s partner expresses needs
we also have an exercise for building an erotic for connection and a desire to turn toward. Turn-
love map for one’s partner. ing toward is about meeting needs for emotional
The second part is nurturing the fondness connection. The fundamental natural principle
and admiration system. This part of friendship of bids and turning toward is positive feedback:
is about communicating affection and respect. Turning toward leads to more turning toward.
Here we ask couples to develop a habit of mind Therefore, one need not have very high standards
that scans their world for things their partner is for expecting turning toward from one’s partner.
16 Journal of Family Theory & Review

Implications of Friendship in Love Positive and Negative Sentiment Override

What tests a good theory? First of all, it ought What happens when friendship isn’t working?
to be disconfirmable; therefore, every part of We hypothesized that people would be in neg-
the theory needs to be measurable. Second, the ative sentiment override, an idea proposed by
theory’s cause–effect hypotheses ought to be Robert Weiss (1980). If a couple is in the state
supported by experiment. Third, a good theory of positive sentiment override, then the posi-
ought to make unexpected new predictions that tive sentiments they have about the relation-
turn out to be true. We tested the theory empiri- ship and the partner override negative things
the partner does. People then do not take their
cally in a randomized clinical trial, dismantling
partner’s negativity as personally, but merely
our 2-day seminar for couples (Babcock et al., as evidence that the partner may be stressed.
2013), so we know that an intervention based The theory claims that when we are in posi-
on this theory does work. We were very sur- tive sentiment override, repair is effective, and
prised to discover that love maps, fondness and we start repairing earlier, before the interac-
admiration, and turning toward were also signif- tion gets too negative. In negative sentiment
icantly correlated with the quality of romance, override, the negative sentiments one has about
passion, and sex. To convince yourself of this the relationship and the partner override any-
latter finding, begin by asking yourself, “How thing positive the partner might do to repair.
would you make your relationship more roman- People are then hypervigilant for put-downs.
tic in the next 2 weeks? What would you do?” They tend not to notice positive events. Robin-
There’s a book called 1001 Ways to Be Roman- son and Price (1980) discovered that unhappy
tic, by Gregory Godek (2010). Number 24 is couples don’t see 50% of the positive things
addressed to guys: “What could be more roman- that objective observers see. In negative sen-
tic than getting your wife a golden locket with timent override we tend to distort and to see
your picture in it?” Now imagine this: (a) John even neutral—sometimes even positive—things
as negative; we are overly sensitive about neg-
hasn’t asked Julie a question in 10 years, so John
ative affect; and in our cost–benefit analysis of
fails love maps—first strike. (b) Last night we
the relationship and our partner’s character, the
were out to a dinner party and as she was telling balance is heavily on the cost side. In negative
a story and John said, “Don’t tell that story. sentiment override people react quickly even to
You don’t know how to tell a story. Let me tell messages that seem quite neutral or even posi-
it.” That’s contempt, and so John fails fondness tive to an outside observer. Our theory claims
and admiration—second strike. (3) John hardly that people are in negative sentiment override for
ever notices Julie’s bids, so John fails at turning good reason, because friendship and intimacy
toward—third strike, he’s out. Then John fol- are not working. When that happens, we tend to
lows romantic advice Number 24 and gets Julie a see our partner as our adversary, not as our cur-
golden locket with his picture in it. We now ask, rently annoying friend. Therefore—and this is
Is that going to be a romantic event? We don’t confirmed by our math model parameters—not
think so. only will we have negative start-up and high
We made a further discovery about repair emotional inertia, but also repair will not work
during conflict. These first three levels of the very well, and negativity during conflict will be
sound relationship house are the basis for effec- an absorbing Markov state. The natural princi-
tive repair when a couple tries to process a fight ple here is that sentiment overrides control the
effectiveness of repair during conflict, and sen-
or regrettable incident. This is true because the
timent overrides are controlled by the quality of
basis for effective repair is not just how one friendship. In those predictions we were partly
makes the repair but also how much “emotional wrong because we discovered from intervention
money” a couple has in the bank, which predicts research that sentiment overrides are also con-
how the repair will be received. We recently pub- trolled by the nature of the conflict interactions.
lished a study analyzing repair (Gottman, Driver, The Four Horsemen and the positive-to-negative
& Tabares, 2014). In summary, these three com- affect ratio also significantly affect sentiment
ponents of friendship and intimacy affect way overrides. So we had to modify our theory
people are when they disagree. accordingly.
Natural Principles of Love 17

Manage Conflict Constructively her partner’s position to the satisfaction of the

We use the term manage conflict rather than other. They take turns as speaker and listener.
resolve conflict. It is not our goal to eliminate This is like Guerney’s (Guerney & Ortwein,
conflict, because our data show that conflict is 2008) active listening, except that, following
natural and inevitable, and it has functional, pos- Dan Wile (1995), we also down-regulate the
itive aspects. For example, conflict helps us to speaker so the speaker is in “self-disclosure
better understand our partner’s emotional world, mode” instead of “attack-defend mode.” Very
to deal with change, and to renew courtship over few people can empathize with an attacking
time. There are five skills we teach for manag- partner. We have the listener take notes on a
ing conflict. Yet all these skills—as we noted clipboard and yellow pad. The listener isn’t
earlier—are inaccessible once people are phys- the only one responsible for good commu-
iologically flooded. We use inexpensive pulse nication in the Gottman-Rapoport blueprint.
oximeters with alarms that fit on an index finger The speaker must use softened start-up, talk-
to measure heart rate and percentage of oxygen ing about feelings and positive needs, wants,
in the blood as people discuss conflicts in ther- or preferences. A positive need is what one
apy. For most of us, the intrinsic pacemaker heart does want rather than what one does not
rhythm for healthy adults is between 100 and 105 want. It is the speaker’s recipe for success for
beats per minute (bpm); the vagus nerve slows that partner. Instead of pointing one’s index
the heart down to its usual baseline of around finger at the partner and becoming critical,
76 bpm for men and 82 bpm for women (rough the finger is pointed at one’s self. Then the
averages). When our heart rate first increases, couple can problem solve and compromise
it is due primarily to vagal inhibition. However, using our two-oval method.
sympathetic drive will thereafter increase heart • Conflict Blueprint 2: Reprocessing past
rate, and after the heart exceeds the heart’s intrin- emotional injuries. There is also a need for
sic rhythm, we begin secreting adrenaline (Row- a blueprint to reprocess emotional injuries
ell, 1993), which leads to a more diffuse physi- from the past, so that they do not fester.
ological arousal. Peter Katona (Katona, Mclean, Emotional injuries that are not “processed”
Dighton, & Guz, 1982) found that Olympic become like a stone in the shoe. Over time
rowers have a decreased intrinsic rhythm of they hurt the relationship more and more. By
80 bpm. Surprisingly, being in fabulous shape processed, we mean being able to talk about
thus reduces the rate at which the pacemaker the miscommunications in the regrettable
cells fire. So for people with a low resting heart incident without getting back into the pro-
rate (60 bpm or lower), 80 bpm is where we set cesses. William Faulkner wrote in Requiem
our pulse oximeters when we assess flooding in for a Nun, “The past is never dead. In fact,
a couple during assessment in a conflict discus- it isn’t even past.” Because of this truth, it’s
sion. For people who we find are easily flooded, still possible to revisit past emotional injuries
we use HeartMath’s emwave2 biofeedback and reprocess them. Most of these emotional
device to increase vagal tone, because it gives injuries are major failed bids for connec-
feedback about vagally controlled respiratory tion, a failure of one person to “be there”
sinus arrhythmia (how much respiration influ- for another. These regrettable incidents are
ences the heart rate), not heart rate. We teach all often breaches in trust. Sue Johnson (2013)
couples how to take effective breaks when they brilliantly discovered these past attachment
become flooded. The natural principle here is injury events as explaining some of her
that conflict is easier to manage when people are failure with clients, until she added this com-
physiologically calm. There are three conflict ponent to her therapy. So, therefore, the data
blueprints that make conflict more constructive: require us to become attachment theorists.
The assumptions of this blueprint are to talk
• Conflict Blueprint 1: Current conflicts. only when calm and to agree that there are
This constructive blueprint is based on the always two very different, but equally valid,
groundbreaking game theory work of Ana- perceptions of the regrettable incident—or,
tol Rapoport (1960) on how to increase as Dan Siegel once said, “There is no immac-
human cooperation. The Gottman-Rapoport ulate perception.” The goal of processing
blueprint requires both people to postpone is to understand each other’s perceptions
persuasion until each person can state his or in that unfortunate incident. The natural
18 Journal of Family Theory & Review

principle here is that regrettable incidents are them (i.e., they are still in peaceful dialogue).
inevitable, but that the past can be healed. Hence, we claim that for the majority of
Our Aftermath of a Fight or Regrettable a couple’s conflicts, the therapeutic goal
Incident is a small booklet for guiding a is not about reaching resolution but about
couple in processing past regrettable inci- reaching enduring, peaceful dialogue. Thus,
dents. It has proved itself to be remarkably the data required us to become Christensen-
effective. The booklet guides a couple type behavior therapists.
through five steps: (a) feelings they had (b) But why are these perpetual conflicts so dif-
subjective realities (c) triggers that uncover ficult? The answer lies in interviewing couples
what Thomas Bradbury called “enduring about these gridlocked issues. The couples told
vulnerabilities,” (d) taking responsibility us that in gridlocked conflict about a perpetual
and apologizing, and (e) constructive plans. issue, compromise feels unthinkable because it
Because of our clinical work we had to feels like having to give up some part of one’s
include triggers, which were past traumas, personality or core needs just for the sake of
often going back to childhood, that partly peace with the partner. Therefore, in gridlocked
explained the reasons that conflict had esca- conflict, compromise feels like selling one’s self
lated and revealed their defenses. Therefore, out just for the sake of peace. Therefore, we dis-
to understand these triggers, we were com- covered that in gridlocked conflict each person’s
pelled by the data and clinical experience to position has a deeper purpose in it, a “dream”
become psychodynamic therapists. of how he or she wanted the world to be with
• Conflict Blueprint 3: Dreams within conflict. respect to this issue. Thus, in our theory the
This conflict blueprint comes from a detailed basis for moving a couple from gridlock to dia-
analysis of 960 lab conflicts, which led us to logue formed our “dreams within conflict” inter-
conclude that not all conflicts are the same. vention, which examines the meaning of each
Our longitudinal research involved bringing person’s position and finds ways to honor each
couples in every 3 years, 6 years, 9 years, person’s dreams and core needs with respect to
and so on, and interviewing them about their his or her position on the issue. A prescient,
relationship conflicts. This longitudinal work brilliant clinician, Dan Wile, foresaw the need
revealed that 69% of the time when couples for this third blueprint. In his book, After the
were asked to talk about an area of continuing Honeymoon Wile (1995) wrote that “choosing a
disagreement, what they discussed was a per- partner is choosing a set of problems” (p. 12).
petual issue we had heard before in the same He noted that problems would be a part of any
lab. These perpetual problems concerned relationship, and that a particular person would
fundamental differences between a couple, have some set of problems no matter who that
differences in personality, or needs that person married. Wile wrote: “There is value,
are fundamental to their core definitions of when choosing a long-term partner, in realizing
self. These are conflicts that the couple has that you will inevitably be choosing a partic-
often been dealing with for many years. This ular set of unsolvable problems that you’ll be
conflict discussion was an attempt to establish grappling with for the next ten, twenty, or fifty
a dialogue with the problem, which, admit- years” (p. 13) That conclusion fits our data that
tedly, will never go away or be fully resolved. 69% of all relationship conflicts are about per-
The natural principle we arrived at here is that petual issues, lasting differences in personality
not all relationship conflict is the same; most or preferences that never change. The natural
relationship conflict arises from personality principle here is that relationships will work to
difference between partners, so it is perpetual, the extent that one has selected a partner with a
not resolvable. Couples in our studies were set of perpetual problems one can learn to live
either “gridlocked” or in “dialogue” about with. Our conclusion is that the masters of rela-
these issues. Being in dialogue is very much tionship (couples who stay together and are not
like what the eminent behavior therapist unhappy) know how to move from gridlock to
Andrew Christensen (Christensen, Doss, dialogue on their perpetual problems because
& Jacobson, 2014) calls acceptance-based they are able to both (a) express a fundamen-
couples’ therapy; these couples have learned tal acceptance of their partners’ personality and
to accept their differences, although they still (b) discuss and understand the existential hidden
have some relatively minor conflicts about agendas, the dreams in their partner’s position
Natural Principles of Love 19

on the issue. The data, not our theoretical ori- meaning in life and fill the “existential vacuum.”
entation, therefore compelled us to also become We come to “the attic” of the sound relationship
existential therapists. house, where couples build a sense of shared pur-
pose and meaning. Mirra Komarovsky (1987)
recognized the importance of shared meaning in
Make Life Dreams Come True her classic book Blue Collar Marriage. So did
Dreams therefore enter into relationships even at Studs Terkel (1997). Everyone is a storyteller
the level of what we mostly vehemently argue and a philosopher, trying to make some sense out
about. They also enter more directly. We are of this brief journey we have through life. Even
all dreamers, meaning makers; we are all story 4-year-olds are asking questions about whether
tellers; all searching for meaning, for adventure, they have to die, why they were born, where they
for playfulness, for having our lives fulfill our go when they die, and what life is for, what it’s
own personal dreams that give life meaning and all about. This is part of what our species is all
make it worth living. A crucial aspect of any rela- about, making meaning. In this sense every mar-
tionship is to create an atmosphere that encour- riage is a cross-cultural experience, since cul-
ages each person to talk honestly about his or ture is about how we create meaning, and we
her dreams, values, convictions, and aspirations, do that in the values and symbols we have, the
and to feel that the relationship supports those rituals of connection, the shared life goals, and
life dreams. Our Oral History Interview led us shared philosophies of life. The family therapist
to add this level of the sound relationship house. William Doherty (1997) spelled out the impor-
To save money, we had eliminated that interview tance of meaningful formal and informal ritu-
from our longitudinal 20-year study, but the cou- als of connection in his classic book The Inten-
ples actually demanded that we let them come tional Family. We create meaning by loving the
back and tell us their story. The eminent sociol- same children, we believe in similar things, and
ogist Andrew Cherlin (2010) recently concluded we create meaning beyond ourselves. We build
that marriages are in a new phase in which the community. Here we return once again to build
criterion of the self-actualization of partners’ life love maps, but at an existential level. Therefore,
dreams has become an additional requirement the data compel us to become existential and cul-
for the success or failure of today’s marriages. tural anthropologists and sociologists to under-
In our experience this is especially true for any- stand how people create meaning. The data also
one who wants to be close to a woman today; compel us to recognize the importance of how
women are being empowered in most parts of people create narratives that include the creation
the world after millennia of oppression. It is high of shared purposes, such as shared ethics, shared
time to honor their dreams. In a sense, we are values, shared philosophy, shared community,
back to love maps in a deeper way here. One of and shared spirituality.
our favorite films is Don Juan DeMarco. In that
film Johnny Depp plays a mental patient who
thinks he is Don Juan. He transforms Marlon Build Trust Instead of Distrust
Brando’s life. Brando is about to retire. One day, One of the weight-bearing walls of our sound
after Depp talks to him about women, Brando relationship house is trust. Trust may be defined
converses with his wife, Faye Dunaway, in their precisely within the Levenson-Gottman research
garden. He asks her what her life dreams are. paradigm using the mathematics of game the-
After a silence she says, “I thought you’d never ory (see Gottman et al., 2002) as a metric in
ask.” And so we were also driven by our data to which each person acts to maximize the part-
become narrative therapists. ner’s (as well as one’s own) rating-dial scores,
that is, behaving so as to maximize the sum of
their payoffs; then each person “has the other’s
Create Shared Meaning back,” the other’s welfare, at heart. People build
A relationship is about building a life together, trust in their relationship by raising many forms
a life that has a sense of shared purpose and of the following question: Will you be there for
meaning. It’s not just about being happy. Vic- me when I need you? The trust metric assesses
tor Frankl wrote that the pursuit of happiness whether one’s partner is acting (behaving, not
is empty, and instead he suggested that we find just thinking) for the partner’s welfare, also
happiness along the way, as we pursue deeper acting to maximize the partner’s payoffs. We
20 Journal of Family Theory & Review

measure payoffs with the rating dial, but this measured the extent to which an interaction was
partner’s benefits is a general idea because the like a zero-sum game (each person’s gain is the
rating-dial metric is valid. John’s former student other’s loss). John found that his betrayal metric
Dan Yoshimoto discovered that building trust is was significantly related to the fundamental
correlated with his attunement interview. The variable first measured by the late, eminent
variable he derived from interviewing people social psychologist Caryl Rusbult. That funda-
about whether they can calmly talk to their part- mental variable is making negative comparisons
ner about their emotions (particularly anger and between one’s partner and real or imagined
sadness), attunement measures listening nonde- alternative relationships. Negative comparisons
fensively, when emotions are regulated, with begin the cascade toward betrayal. Rusbult’s
calm understanding and empathy to one’s part- model is called the investment and commitment
ner’s negative emotions (even if oneself is the model (Rusbult, Martz, & Agnew, 1998). Her
target). The finding is that if one can connect work is the only research that has been able to
emotionally about everyday feelings, conflicts predict sexual infidelity (Rusbult, Johnson, &
do not escalate. Morrow, 1986). In her model of commitment,
Over time, when trust is established in Phase people do not make these negative comparisons
2 of love, the relationship becomes what Susan between their partner and real or imagined
Johnson calls a “safe haven.” Our therapy as other relationships. Instead, they invest more
well as the emotionally focused attachment in the relationship, sacrifice for it, nurture
couples’ therapy of Susan Johnson seeks to pro-relationship thoughts, turn to the partner to
accomplish this very important goal. And so get their needs met, put a wide fence between
the data compelled us to become emotionally themselves and other potential relationships,
focused attachment therapists. However, the and they speak highly of their relationship.
emotional connection necessary is about being In our study, using our own and Rusbult’s
friends, touching base on an everyday basis, measures, we found that cherishing one’s partner
being able to calmly discuss emotions. This and nurturing gratitude for what one has, min-
revealed to us the importance of the skills of imizing the partner’s shortcomings, and max-
intimate conversation as a basis for connec- imizing the partner’s positive qualities is part
tion. These skills turn out to also be the basis of this process of building commitment. This is
of a great sex life. Northrup, Schwartz, and opposed to what could be called “trashing” one’s
Witte (2012) discovered that everywhere on the partner, and nurturing resentment for what is
planet, whenever people say they have a great missing, minimizing the partner’s positive qual-
sex life, they do the same things: They say “I ities, and maximizing the partner’s shortcom-
love you” every day and mean it, they express ings is part of this process of building betrayal.
compliments, they give surprise gifts, they have The betrayal metric assess the extent to which
a weekly date, they take romantic vacations, interactions in conflict are a zero-sum game in
they cuddle often (only 6% of noncuddlers had which one partner’s benefit is the other’s loss;
a satisfying sex life), they kiss each other pas- that is, the betrayal metric assesses the extent to
sionately for no reason, they display affection in which couples have a win–lose power struggle in
public, and they make sex a priority. In her book the relationship. In a zero-sum relationship both
The Science of Kissing, Kirshenbaum (2011) partners negotiate to get what they want, regard-
reviewed a German study that found that men less of the costs to the other. Commitment, as
who kiss their wives good-bye as they leave for the late, insightful Shirley Glass suggested in her
work live 5 years longer than men who do not. book Not Just Friends (Glass & Staeheli, 2004),
What makes those lips seem so kissable is trust. also means that the wide fence between self and
other potential relationships is a decision that
this relationship is one’s final life journey. The
Build Commitment and Loyalty Instead natural principle here is that loyalty is built in a
of Betrayal love relationship through commitment and cher-
Building commitment and loyalty is the second ishing that person as unique and irreplaceable.
weight-bearing wall of our sound relationship
house. The “betrayal metric” John defined Three Phases of Love in a Lifetime
and validated was the existence of a negative One of the big questions we often get from
correlation in the rating-dial time series, which therapists is, “What do I do if I love my partner,
Natural Principles of Love 21

but I’m no longer in love with my partner?” something big and wonderful is about to happen;
Most people feel that love is just one thing and estrogen, which generates a willing availability;
that it shouldn’t change or transform over time. luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone, or
Let us provide a best answer, one based on LHRH; and the reverse sex gear involving pro-
our longitudinal research that has spanned the lactin and progesterone (in women, not men).
lifetime. We can see that from the very differentiated
effects of this cascade of hormones that the
experience of love in Phase 1 is a complex mix
Phase 1: Falling in Love—Limerence of affection, soft receptivity, calm sociability,
Dorothy Tennov (1998) coined the term limer- comfort in cuddling, unbridled excitement, the
ence for the stage of falling in love. Limerence thrill of falling in love, obsessive thinking about
is characterized by physical symptoms (e.g., the loved one, heightened eagerness and desire,
flushing, trembling, palpitations), excitement, compulsion, electrifying exhilaration, antici-
intrusive thinking, obsession, fantasy, sexual pation that something wonderful is happening
excitement, lust, hope, and fear of rejection. We or about to happen, seeking intense pleasure,
now know a great deal about the first phase of dreaming about the future together, growing
love. Even in countries that arrange marriages, comfort and familiarity, an ease in relating and
there is actually a great deal of selection and talking, delight, playfulness, silliness, humor
choice. Of course, in a great deal of the world, and laughter, aggressive lust, passive and open
marriages are arranged by two families or by a receptivity, sexual arousal and orgasm, adven-
matchmaker. Yet even in many of these cases, ture, a desire to deepen one’s relationship and
anthropological research has shown that the stay at home, intense interest and absorption
families really allow their children a consid- with love itself, a feeling that you can really
erable amount of choice, and Helen Fisher be yourself, acceptance of the partner, ferment,
(2016) has found that many couples in arranged secure bonding and attachment, friendship, fear
marriages also fall in love. In physician Theresa of rejection and loss, and restlessness, all mixed
Crenshaw’s (1997) revealing book The Alchemy with poor judgment and clouded reasoning.
of Love and Lust, it is very clear that not just Wow!
anyone can set off the cascade of hormones and Oxytocin is responsible for attachment, but
neurotransmitters that accompanies the exciting it is also responsible for shutting down the fear
first phase of love. The person we select has system in the brain and the resulting poten-
to smell right, feel right, look right, taste right, tial bad judgment that happens during limer-
and feel just right in our arms. The first phase ence. Because of oxytocin, we become attached,
of being “in love” is thrilling. We can’t stop and also because of oxytocin we do not see
thinking about this person, we ruminate happily, the red flags that this new person is also show-
we are filled with potential stories of how great ing us. We ignore negative signs that this may
our life with this person might be. We connect, not really be such a good match. Research with
we have so much in common, we feel intense oxytocin nasal spray—compared to saline nasal
attraction, we are obsessed. We can’t keep our spray—has shown that it does heighten positive
hands off this person when we’re together. feelings in couples’ interaction and reduce corti-
Those lips are the best. We are in love at last. sol secretion (Ditzen et al., 2009). Reducing fear
There is a cascade of hormones and neu- through oxytocin also clouds good judgment
rotransmitters in Phase 1. These hormones (Kosfeld, Heinrichs, Zak, Fishbacher, & Fehr,
and neurotransmitter include the following: 2005). In one experiment comparing spraying
phenylethylamine (PEA), “the molecule of oxytocin with spraying saline up people’s noses,
love,” which is a natural form of amphetamine they gave subjects a lot of money. Then a per-
our bodies produce; pheromones; dehy- son pretending to be a well-dressed Swiss banker
droepiandrosterone (DHEA); oxytocin, which came in and offered to take the subject’s money
has been called “the cuddle hormone”; vaso- and either quadruple it for the subject or just
pressin, related to mate guarding in males; keep it for himself. The people who had saline
testosterone, the steroid “hormone of lust”; sprayed up their noses they said no to this offer.
dopamine, which is inspirational, motiva- The people who had oxytocin sprayed up their
tional, exciting, anticipatory, and joyful—when noses dreamily agreed. Limerence requires sus-
activated, it is accompanied by the feeling that pending good judgment. The oxytocin haze is
22 Journal of Family Theory & Review

also generally accompanied by poor judgment, purpose to the madness. What we discovered is
so that many people ignore the red flags that they that this second phase of love is all about estab-
will inevitably confront in Phase 2 of love. How lishing trust. Most of this fighting comes from
long does this limerence phase last? Some claim failed bids for connection that reveal trust issues.
that it ends naturally within 18 months. How- We suggest (but have no data to show) that build-
ever, Fisher (2016) has put people in an fMRI ing trust is as highly selective as limerence. Trust
machine and shown them pictures of the per- either is established or, if the couple fails to build
son they are in love with versus a picture of a trust, they will usually divorce. All the argu-
stranger. With the loved one’s picture the whole ments that our newlyweds in the love lab had
septal area of the brain, the dopaminergic reward were about trust. The question is, Can they cre-
center, lights up. For some married couples the ate a safe haven in this relationship in which they
septal area still lights up after 21 years of being can count on their partner’s being there for them?
together. Therefore, perhaps limerence can last But, what was trust? As noted earlier, John
forever. developed a trust metric by putting together the
rating dial with John’s specific affect (SPAFF)
coding of the couple’s interaction. Then John
Phase 2: Building Trust used the mathematics of game theory. Game
There is a less well-known second phase of love theory isn’t just about games, parlor games
relationships, after an initial commitment, after like poker or chess. Game theory is a gen-
she or he has moved in, or after the two of us eral approach toward understanding all of social
marry. The couple has some buyer’s remorse. interaction (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959; Von Neu-
Then they wonder, “Did I make a mistake?” “Did mann & Morgenstern, 1949). It relies on the
I rush into this too fast?” “Who is this person I very simple idea that as we interact, we gener-
love really?” “Can I really trust her?” “Will he ally automatically evaluate the positivity or neg-
or she be faithful?” “Will I come first?” “Am I ativity of the “exchange.” A great deal of social
more important to him than his friends, or his research has borne out that basic assumption. If
mother?” “Why does she act so thoughtlessly?” John smiles at Julie and John gets a return smile,
“Why does she hurt me so much?” “Will she he may react happily as if the sun just came out
never be happy with anything I do, ever?” “Why of the clouds. Or he might think, “That’s not a
doesn’t he listen?” And, above all, “Can I really very real smile. She hasn’t really smiled at me in
trust this person?” This leads us to another natu- a heartfelt way in a long time.” He may not be
ral principle: The big question of Phase 2 of love very conscious of his evaluation, but it’s there,
is, “Will you be there for me? Can I trust you?” guiding his thoughts, emotions, and actions. In
That is the basis of all the conflicts newlyweds other words, with game theory we can define a
had in the love lab. The answer to this ques- metric that indexes trust.
tion is the basis of secure or insecure attachment
to the romantic partner. In this second phase
Phase 3: Building Commitment and Loyalty
of love, sometimes the very same qualities that
at first blush were so charming and endearing For many people who write about trust, the
become irritating and annoying. The vivacious erosion of trust is the same process as betrayal.
and vital extrovert who was so charming now As apparently sensible as that may sound, we
seems flighty, impetuous, and impulsive. The think it is wrong. The processes of building
solid and thoughtful introvert now seems aloof, trust versus distrust are entirely distinct from the
remote, cold, and unreachable. “Why can’t he or processes of building loyalty and commitment
she be more like me?” “Why can’t she be happy versus betrayal. That’s part of the news in John’s
with me the way I am?” Love in Phase 2 becomes work on defining the trust and loyalty metrics.
punctuated by frustration, exasperation, disap- Therefore, we suggest that there is a third phase
pointment, sadness, and fury. The most fighting of love, which comes after building trust. That
in a relationship happens in the first 2 years. third phase is about building commitment and
What’s going on here? Why are they hurting loyalty. We suggest again, without data, that
each other? Why do they fall so quickly from building commitment is also highly selective. As
anger to despair? Why all this sudden chaos? noted earlier, to understand that phase John cre-
Well, turns out that there is actually an order to ated a betrayal metric, which we also validated,
all this Phase 2 fighting, and there is indeed a a metric that could apply to any interaction for
Natural Principles of Love 23

which had the rating dial data. The natural prin- needs this demand? Who needs this negativity?
ciple here is this: To the extent that a couple’s I can do better.” We can summarize this natural
interaction is like a zero-sum game, versus a principle as follows: Negative comps begin the
win–win cooperation, they will be nurturing a cascade toward betrayal. Starting with negative
betrayal metric in their relationship. comps, an entire cascade can be described that
In a study that combined this betrayal met- leads eventually to actual betrayal. In this third
ric with the work of the late social psychologist phase of love couples then either systematically
Caryl Rusbult, we could describe this third phase build commitment and loyalty or systematically
of love. We could describe how couples system- build the basis for eventual betrayal.
atically built either loyalty and commitment, or The third phase of love is about cherishing
a lack of commitment and betrayal. The math- what one has and nurturing gratitude, or trash-
ematics of game theory helped again. Just as it ing what one has and nurturing resentment for
helped to define a trust metric, and to understand what is missing. In the first case, one tries to get
what processes built trust, John could define one’s needs met in this relationship, and to meet
and validate the betrayal metric. Combining the the partner’s needs as well, and the couple moves
new betrayal metric with the three decades of toward commitment and loyalty. Romance and
research by Caryl Rusbult, we could understand sex become very personal because they are cher-
the precise processes that either built loyalty or ishing and loving this person, with commitment
built betrayal. Husbands in marriages that had and loyalty. This very personal romance is the
the betrayal metric in their conflict interaction opposite of pornography, which can be defined
were much more likely to die during Robert Lev- as the ultimate impersonal sex (anyone can be
enson’s 20-year study of couples initially in their plugged in or out of the porn images; it’s not
40s or 60s than were husbands in marriages that personal). In personal sex no one else will do;
had a cooperative metric in their conflict inter- romance is about making love to that person
action. In a second study we discovered that a rather than just having sex. In personal sex one
betrayal metric correlated with these husbands is excited by the partner’s passion, not just work-
having faster baseline myocardial contractility, ing for the orgasm as if it were a field goal. In the
and therefore chronically higher blood pressure. second case of nurturing negative comps and the
The betrayal metric was not only valid; it had betrayal metric, one begins thinking that one can
life-threatening consequences. do better, that there is some real or imagined rela-
Why do so many relationships end with an tionship out there in which one would be happier.
affair? There is a score of books about how to Negative comps become par for the course. Peo-
help couples recover from this betrayal. None ple believe that there must be a better match out
is based on any data. What was the betrayal there somewhere, and they then invest less in the
exactly, and was it limited to only sexual infi- relationship and sacrifice less for the relation-
delity? What predicted infidelity? What pre- ship. They work to get the best deal for them-
dicted fidelity? What were the dynamics of selves in negotiating any conflict. They avoid
betrayal or of loyalty? We discovered that there self-disclosing their needs to the partner, and
is a new fork in the road for relationships in they start avoiding conflict as well.
Phase 3. This third phase of love is about a cou- Conflict becomes the roach-motel model of
ple either cherishing each other and nurturing negativity. The couple starts avoiding conflict
gratitude for what they have with their partner or and avoiding self-disclosure of their needs.
nurturing resentment for what they think is miss- Secrets are naturally kept in the interests of
ing. This third phase is about making a deeper maintaining peace with the partner. People start
love last a lifetime, or slowly nurturing betrayal. substituting for what they think is missing in
Caryl Rusbult found that people’s compar- the relationship. They vilify and trash their
ison level for alternative (real or imagined) partner in their minds, and then to confidants.
other relationships was central in understanding Surprisingly, they begin seeing their partners as
commitment or betrayal. Negative comparisons untrustworthy and are more likely to leave them.
(i.e., negative comps) are most important when They begin forming liaisons as they substitute
one’s partner experiences a negative emotion, for what is missing in their relationship, giving
is in pain, and makes a bid with a need to themselves permission to cross small bound-
connect, and then the partner turns away, with aries, and eventually to cross bigger ones. This
the emotion-dismissing negative comp “Who third phase was also entirely predictable.
24 Journal of Family Theory & Review

Conclusion Ditzen, B., Schaer, M., Gabriel, B., Bodenmann, G.,

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and our clinical work to become systems thera- Doherty, W. (1997). The intentional family. New
pists, to become behavior therapists, to become York, NY: Morrow.
emotionally focused therapists, to become psy- Ebling, R., & Levenson, R.W. (2003). Who are the
chodynamic therapists, to become narrative ther- marital experts? Journal of Marriage and Family,
apists, and to become existential therapists. We 65, 130–142.
began with none of these theories, but we were Ekman, P. (2015). Emotion in the human face (2nd
forced by the data to adopt parts of them all. The ed.). New York, NY: Malor Books.
sound relationship house theory is simply one Elder, G. H., & Conger, R. D. (2014). Children of the
eclectic way of integrating them all. It works. land. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Feldhahn, S., & Whitehead, T. (2014). The good
news about marriage. New York, NY: Multnomah
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