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The world of tea is vast with well over 3,000 different varieties with each of them

having different characteristics. But out of those selections, I want to focus on one
that’s gotten a lot of attention: kombucha.
Kombucha is an olden slightly sweet, slightly acidic beverage first used in east Asia
about 2000 years ago and now consumed worldwide. It is composed of either black
or green tea as a base and fermented with a type of tea fungus (bacteria and yeast).
It is a non-alcoholic drink that holds vitamins, acids, and many other nutrients
associated with health benefits, such as cardiovascular health. [1]
Kombucha has taken the beverage world by storm in recent years due to the claims of
its health benefits such as liver function, heart disease, immunity, and digestion.
As a result, the kombucha market has been offering quite a lot of kombucha brands
for gut health, but that leaves consumers with one big question: which one is the
best? OR in other words, which one is the right one for you?
I have gathered some important information about kombucha, its health benefits,
and answered some of the most common questions asked by readers to help you out
in your quest for the best kombucha brand to improve gut health. Hopefully, one of
them is the best kombucha brand for you.
But first, understand why kombucha is actually good for you.
1. Why Is Kombucha Good for You?
2. 10 Best Kombucha Brands
3. FAQs
4. Final Thoughts
5. More Drinks for a Healthier Gut

Why Is Kombucha Good for You?

Below are some of the known benefits of kombucha.

1. Potential Source of Probiotics

There is a particular way that tea is made and the best kombucha brands follow that
same process with a bit of twist. You see, kombucha is a black or green tea that’s had
yeast and specific strains of bacteria included in it. It’s then fermented for about a
week or more.[2]
By the end, you’ll have a blob of living symbiotic colonies of bacteria, also known as
SCOBY. This kombucha SCOBY can go on to ferment other kombuchas.
This process allows kombucha probiotics to build up during fermentation and then
sits in your stomach after you drink it. While we tend to think bacteria is all bad,
most bacteria in the world are good for us.
Case in point, the bacteria that’s in kombucha will go into your guts which will help
with digestion, inflammation, and in some cases, weight loss.[3]

2. Contains Antioxidants
Antioxidants are substances that fight radicals and reactive molecules that damage
your cells if left unattended. You’ll find many antioxidants in various fresh foods, but
you’ll find them in kombucha as well.
The effects of these antioxidants are prominent in any kombucha recipe that contains
green tea. Though so far, the studies in this area have only been performed on rats.
 Regardless, it’s promising if these effects apply to humans.

3. Reduces Heart Disease Risk

There have been studies looking at the kombucha benefits in the heart, too. While
these studies have only been on rats, the studies have shown some promise.
One study found an increase in “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol levels in 30
days. Those cholesterol measurements are markers for heart diseases. [5]

10 Best Kombucha Brands

We’ve provided the essential things that you should know about the kombucha.
However, you may still have a hard time choosing which products to buy. So, we
made a list of some of the best kombucha brands to help you choose.

1. Health-Ade Kombucha

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