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Joseph Emmanuel M.

Gonzales October 9, 2019

11535164 MADINMC K32

Get a Mac

The ‘Get a Mac’ campaign all started in May 2nd 2006 when they aired their first
commercial about this. After four years, the campaign included 66 advertisements which purpose
is to convince people that getting a Mac is better than getting a pc. I think apple’s comparison
advertisement with pc works because with this, people could easily tell the difference on
software and the simplicity and luxury you get when you purchase an apple laptop. They used a
simple type of strategy in the advertisement and it also highlights how more user-friendly apple
products are in comparison to its competitor brands.

Every bit of the elements that were used in the commercial’s success were all helpful and
are all very important factors for its success. The backdrops of these ads are a plain white seen
with nothing else to distract the eye. It is easy to watch and simple, which is what Apple is trying
to portray that MAC’s are. The company is subtly making the viewer aware of how simple their
product is to use, and how simple it is to switch from PC to MAC. Another strategy of the
campaign was making the casts of the advertisement to be humorous. This campaign was one
that played out like a story; people enjoyed watching them because of the humor that is going on
in the ad. Also, the relationship between the two men is a friendship. In the friendship though, a
strategy the MAC used was making the character “Mac” the more friendly, caring character.
While the “PC” character at times does not always seem to appreciate “Mac’s” friendship and is
seen as the cold-hearted friend. Overall, the strategies Apple used are able to capture the
audience and keep them attentive and interested throughout the whole campaign. As well as
ultimately increasing sales.

The campaign targeted an audience that is not that tech-savvy and who are just your
average consumer/customer. It is for users who already have a pc, but also do not know what
else is different out there in the laptop brands. As mentioned, it is for the average person who
wants to get a more basic yet classy device that can help themselves in their everyday work or

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