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- Overcome the scars

The accident causes the deformities for the patient, such as the hyperthropic scars of the cheek
and hands region. These scars can cause lack of self esteem and self confidence to the patient.
We need help the patient to overcome the scars by using a group consultation or therapy to
overcome her self esteem. Understanding and improving body image are important. The scars
also can be treated surgically or conservatively.
- Psychosocial Care of Persons with Burn Injuries
Burn survivors experience a series of traumatic assaults to the body(physically) and
mind(psychologically) which present extraordinary challenges to psychological resilience.
Ideally, clinicians who specialize in human behavior (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers,
psychiatric nurses or others with similar expertise) can be involved in treatment programs for all
burned patients throughout the recovery process, beginning as soon as possible and continuing
throughout rehabilitation.
- Getting the support
Emotional and psychological healing is as important as physical healing. It is important to get
support from other burn survivors who may share your experience.
- Social interactions following burn injury
Some people react to seeing or meeting someone with burn scars for the first time by staring,
avoiding interactions or asking intrusive questions. Burn survivors can learn coping skills to feel
more confident and social skills to defuse these uncomfortable situations and make them less

Some things you can tell to the patient:

 To feel confident while you are talking to someone you can make eye contact, use
confident body posture, smile and use a friendly tone of voice.
 Have a response prepared ahead of time to explain “what happened.” For example, “I was
burned when I was younger, but fortunately I am back to doing all the activities I did
before.” Some burn survivors have found that being able to talk about their injury helps
with emotional healing.
 If you prefer not to discuss your appearance, you can say you do not want to talk about
your injury, or you can guide the conversation to take the focus off you. You can ask open
ended questions (questions that a person cannot answer with “yes” or “no”) about the
other person. For example, “I heard you went to India. That sounds exciting. Tell me about
your experience.”

- Multidisciplinary treatment

Nurmansyah HDP | Shindy Octavia | B3


- Mengingatkan ke masyarakat untuk selalu memperhatikan pentingnya keselamatan dan

kesehatan kerja sebagaimana tercantum pada Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 1970 tentang
Keselamatan Kerja

Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja adalah suatu kondisi dalam pekerjaan yang sehat dan aman
baik itu bagi pekerjaannya, perusahaan maupun bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar pabrik
atau tempat kerja tersebut. Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja juga merupakan suatu usaha
untuk mencegah setiap perbuatan atau kondisi tidak selamat, yang dapat mengakibatkan

Untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja, yang harus dilakukan yaitu :

 Identifikasi bahaya : guna mengetahui potensi bahaya dalam setiap pekerjaan, nantinya
didokumentasikan dan dijadikan pedoman dalam melakukan setiap kegiatan dan juga
agar lebih berhati-hati.
 Pengawasan : Faktor manusia, factor teknis

- Meningkatkan kesadaran tentang bahaya terjadinya luka bakar

- Promosi tentang “fire safety” : cek alat listrik secara periodik, mencabut alat listrik bila sudah
tidak digunakan, jauhkan anak-anak dari dari benda-benda yang berpotensi menimbulkan
kebakaran, memasang smoke detector

Nurmansyah HDP | Shindy Octavia | B3

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