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Storytelling is an impressive tool that I keep in my arsenal at all times. I am an

Engineering student who works with the Idea and innovations team of my college
to do research and find effective and efficient solutions that are faced by the
more vulnerable less fortunate sector of the population. Since most of the people
belonging to this category lack a formal education they aren’t really able to
understand the technical aspects of what our projects are or how these projects
will help to improve their living conditions.


I chose storytelling as a means to communicate more effectively to the people. I

found that people generally relate to a story of how something can help them,
rather than listen to the technical side of the project. As Steve Jobs said, “The
most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the
vision, values and agenda of an entire generation to come.” Stories connect to the
emotions, the characters, the values of the people that use the product every day.


In Pambanar, Kerala, in one of the living areas of the migrant workers of Assam
and Bengal, there was a report of a very high number of cases of Cholera in the
locality, and the majority of the cases originating from the slum like living
conditions of the workers. After a quick tour of the area, our team came to the
conclusion that the reason for the spread of the disease was the poor water
delivery system that existed.

We then came up with a proper idea and a plan to revise and improve the
infrastructure. But, the landlord that owned the property was less than
enthusiastic by the notion of a renovation. He wasn’t really sure about spending
more money on the property.
Insight and Approach

After conversing with the landowner for a while it was clear that he believed that
temporary solutions like using disinfectants would be enough. I wasn’t really sure
what to say at that point, but then I remembered a very similar incident that took
place near my hometown. I went ahead and told him about how such an incident
took place on a much larger scale in my hometown, how families were horribly
affected by such a problem, and that the final cost to solve the problem was
significantly higher as opposed to if it were done earlier.

After our conversation, he was really sure that this was something that needs to
be solved immediately; the landowner even advised similar areas in the locality to
do the same.

I really do think that storytelling is an asset in every field. It has really helped me
to connect with people, get to know them and portray my ideas and views more

Even though I am an engineering student I hope that I can make proper utilization
of this tool.

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