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Martin Elías pallares

It (x3), her (x4),my (x2),them,yours,me,their,hers,mine

Jane: helen lost hers purse yesterday. She had some money and hers Passport in it

Sarah: oh, i hope she finds hers back son. She always leaves her things around – she can be so
untidy ! in fact, i lent her me jacket and i have never seen it again

Jane: i lost you purse last year, but some girls found it and gave it back to her. It was so kind of
them! I hope helen finds it easily.

Sarah: well, helen must be more careful with her things, just as i am with mine and you with yours.
People pay attention to theirs belongings if they don´t want to have unpleasant surprises!
B. Acording to the text, are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? (0,4 C/U)

1. Jane was with helen when she lost her purse. TRUE

2. Helen lost her Passport and her purse the same day. TRUE

3. Sarah believes that helen is a messy girl. TRUE

C. Choose the correct option.

4 “They don’t want to have unpleasant surprises!´´ the underlined Word can be replaced by:

a. Pleasant

b. Disagreeable

c. Unexpected

5. “Helen must be more careful´´ with this pharase Sarah means:

a. Helen should pay more attention to her things.

b. Helen should be more organized.

c. A and B are correct.

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