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Session 6: Writing Formal Letters and Technical Reports


By the end of this session students are expected to be able to:

 Define formal letter and technical report

 List common types of formal letters and technical reports
 Explain essential components of formal letters and technical reports
 Write formal letters and technical reports


STEP1: Presentation of Session Title and Learning Tasks

READ orASKstudents to read the learning tasks and clarify

ASK students if they have questions before continuing

STEP 2: Definition of a Formal Letter

This is a letter exchanged between or among people/organisations for certain


STEP 3: Common Types of Formal Letters

Common Types of Formal Letters

 Letter of inquiry
 Letter of offer
 Letter of acknowledgement
 Letter of acceptance
 Letter of complaint
 Letter of application
 Letter of resignation
 Recommendation letter
 Cover letter
 Order letter
 Follow-up letter
STEP 4: Essential Components of a Formal Letter

Activity: Buzzing (10 minutes)

ASK students to pair up and buzz on the following question for 2 minutes

 What are the essential components of a formal letter?

ALLOW few pairs to respond and let other pair to add on points not mentioned

WRITE their response on the flip chart/board

CLARIFY and SUMMARIZE by using the content below

Essential components of a Formal Letter

Writer’s address
This can be:
 Personal address to include street/location and postal office box number/city
 Company address to include company’s name, street location or postal address
and city

Full calendar date of when the letter was written, for example 06 September 2015.

Reference number
A number useful for reference by a recipientfor relevant matters.

Receiver’s/Reader’s address
Address of the reader to include reader’s name/title, Company Street or postal address
and city

 It set the speed for the tone of the letter. For example, Dear Sir, with first names or
Surname name
 The use of salutation is determined by the relationship between the sender and the

Subject or Reference statement

 This is the theme of the letter
 It should be short, clear, and written in the capital letter

Body of the letter

This includes introductory, discussion, concluding paragraphs

Complementary close
 It is determined by the salutation, such as;
o “Dear Sir” takes a “Yours faithfully”, complementary close,
o With a “Dear Mr/Mrs”, salutation, takes a “Yours sincerely” complementary

Signature (writer’s signature)

Sender’s name
 Type the name of the sender
 Mention your title/position (optional)

Copy to (if any)

For copy of letter write
 cc (complimentary copy)
 pc (photocopy)

STEP 4: Formal Letter Writing

 Ways a Formal Letter should be written:

o The address of the writer (sender’s) should appear in the top right hand corner
o The date should go under the address
o Always write the name and the address of the addressee on the left, above the
o Always leave a wide margin on the left, so that when filed the letter is still
o If writing to someone who is not personally known to the writer, begin with
Dear Sir or Dear Madam
o A writer should be as brief as s/he can; but s/he should include as much
relevant information as possible
o Whenever possible the subject of the letter may be placed as a heading beneath
the salutation
o Formal letters almost always end with: yours faithfully, though: yours truly is
also possible if the writer wants to be less formal
 Refer students to Handout 6.1: Sample of Formal letter

STEP 6: Definition of a Technical Report

Activity: Brainstorming
Ask students to brainstorm on the following question:

 What is a technical report?

ALLOW few students to respond

WRITE their responses on the flip chart/ board

CLARIFY and SUMMARISE by using the content below

A technical report is a specific form of writing that is organized to guide management and
organization to make decisions.

STEP 7: Common Types of Technical Reports

Common Types of Technical Reports

 Investigative reports:
Any organization or Government can commission a report to investigate a matter,
a question or a situation

 Informative reports:
Require written information about a certain issue/topic

 Business reports:
It is written administrative reports

 Special reports:
o Reports specific to certain organization
o Contents of reports relate specifically to the work of the place/area, for
example hospital reports, pharmacy reports and Court reports (deals with
matters relating to Court of Law).

STEP 8: Essential Components of Technical Reports

Common report structures

 Short report
o Title page
o Introduction
o Discussion
o Recommendations
o References

 Science report
o Title page
o Introduction
o Method & materials
o Results
o Discussion
o Conclusion
o Appendices
o References

 Business report
o Title page
o Executive summary
o Table of contents
o Introduction
o Discussion
o Conclusion
o Recommendations
o Appendices
o References
STEP 9: Technical Report Writing

Guidelines for report writing

 The purpose of the report should be clearly stated

 Set a schedule on the tasks and time required to complete the report.
 Arrange the information in a logical order for example accurate details, logical
conclusion and recommendations (if any)
 Use indirect speech except for personal reports
 Give the report a clear heading
 Plan the lay-out carefully, pay attention to headings and paragraphs
 Write the date and sign the report

Refer students to Handout 6.2: Sample of Formal/technical report

STEP 10: Key Points

 Formal letter is the one exchanged between or among people/organizations for
certain purposes while a technical report is a specific form of writing that is
organized to guide management and organization to make decisions

 There are various types of formal letters and technical reports depending on the
need and purpose
 In writing formal letters and technical reports it is important to consider the
essential components and guidelines

STEP 11: Evaluation

 What are the formal letters and technical reports?

 What are the common types of formal letters and technical reports?
 What are the essential components of formal letters and technical reports?
 What are guidelines for writing formal letter and technical reports?

STEP 12: Assignment

Activity: Take Home Assignment

ASK the students to work on the following Assignment

 Prepare official letter to DMO requesting for fast moving medicines in your pharmacy
 Prepare and submit an official weekly report on consumption of medicine in the dispensing unit

REFER students to recommended reference


Burger,B.A. (2009) Communication skills for pharmacist; building relationships, improving

patient care (4th ed.). New York: American pharmacist association

Burnard, P. (1992). A communication skills guide for health care workers (1st ed.). London:
Edward Anorld

Hubley, J (1993).Communicating Health. An action guide to health education and health

promotion (1sted.).  London: MacmillanKadeghe, M. (2005) Communication skills;
theory and practice (3rded.). Dar essalaam: Afroplus Industries Ltd.

Kariuki, M. K.&Munga, E. C. (2011)Fundamentals of communication skills (1st ed.). Mwanza:

Victoria Education Promotional Centre Ltd.

Kurtz, S.,Silnerman,.J.& Draper, J. (1998) Teaching and learning communication skills in

medicine (1st ed.). London:Raddiffe Medical Place Ltd.

Mahundu, C.M. (1999). A manual on communication skills (1sted.). Ndanda: Benedictine


Pitt, B. (1991). Health, teacher’s diploma communication. Harare: MOH

Rungapaidiachy, D. M. (1999) Interpersonal communication and psychology (1sted.).

Massachusetts: Butterworth-Heinemann
Handout 6.1 Sample of Official Letter

Handout 6.2: Writing Formal/Technical Report

 A formal report provides information and presents recommendations based on

that information.
o Examples include weekly/monthly reports, research reports and
problem solving reports.
 Each type of report has its own specific requirements for effective preparation,
but general guidelines can be applied to all formal reports using the following
Components of the Formal Report

The following components are found in most formal reports. They can be omitted or
included as required:

1. Front Matter

 Letter to introduce the report to the person who requested it and/or to whom
the report is being sent o Brief summary of the entire report
 Title page
 Table of contents o List of figures o List of tables

2. Body

 Introduction: The purpose, problem statement, background information,

research methods, limitations and preview of the report
 Discussion: Data, findings and results
 Conclusion: Summary of purpose, problem statement, relevant background,
research methods and findings, recommendations to the reader on the best
course of action

3. Back Matter

 Appendix or appendices
 Bibliography or references
 Glossary

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