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YEAR NINE THEORY EXAM Name : ________________________

1. Complete the following sentences using one word

a) The scale of D major has __ sharps.
b) The related minor of G MAJOR is __ minor
c) The distance between C# and Eb is a _______
d) Bb, Eb, Ab, Db and Gb indicate the key of __ major.
e) The interval Bb - __ would be a perfect fourth.
f) The scale of __ minor has no sharps in the key signature.
g) C , E and G are the notes of the DOMINANT triad of ___ major.
h) The symbol “ff“ placed on a score would indicate the music to be played
very __________
i) The time signature __ would indicate 3 minims (1/2 notes per bar )
j) ___ 1/2 notes would be equal in value to 8 quavers. /10

2. On the following stave below write TWO octaves ascending of the scale of Ab
Major WITH key signature using minims .


3. On the following stave below write TWO octaves descending of the scale of G
minor WITHOUT a key signature in crotchets.


4. Write these intervals above the given note taking care with accidentals .
a) P 5th b) Maj 7th c) Maj 3rd d) Maj 6th e) P 4th /5

5. Write the following chords as indicated on the stave using a key signature at the

a) CHORD V of G major b) CHORD I of C minor c )CHORD IV of E major

d) Chord IV of Bb major e) Chord V of D minor

6. Write the rhythm of the following song

Aus- tralians all let us re-joice for we are young and free
7. Compose a suitable rhythm for the following

I am leaving you to-day for a coun-try far a-way /5

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