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Review Article
The roles of viruses in periodontal
C. C. Azodo, P. Erhabor1

Department of
The roles of bacteria in the etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease are well‑understand, but that of the virus
Periodontics, University
of Benin, 1Department of
found in the periodontal environment are poorly understood. The aim of this literature review was to report
Periodontics, University of the roles of viruses in periodontal diseases. The roles of viruses in periodontal diseases were categorized into
Benin Teaching Hospital, the role in disease etiology, role in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases, role in diseases progression and
Benin City, Nigeria role in response to treatment. Clearer understanding of roles of viruses in periodontal diseases will facilitate
Address for correspondence:
the provision of effective periodontal disease prevention and treatment.
Dr. C. C. Azodo
E‑mail: clementazodo@ KEY WORDS: Pathogenesis, periodontal disease, virus

Introduction Some examples of DNA viruses are: Herpes viruses (herpes

simplex virus [HSV], Varicella-zoster virus [VZV], Epstein-Barr

P eriodontal diseases are those diseases that affect

one or more of the periodontal tissues: Gingiva,
periodontal ligament, cementum and alveolar bone.[1] Different
virus [EBV], Cytomegalovirus [CMV], human herpes
virus 6, Pox viruses, Papillomavirus, Hepatitis B virus and Some
examples of RNA viruses are: Orthomyxoviruses, Influenza
classifications of periodontal diseases have been used over the virus, Paramyxoviruses, Parainfluenza, Mumps, Measles,
years and have been replaced as the understanding of the etiology Toga viruses, Rubella, Retroviruses, Human immunodeficiency,
and pathology of the diseases of the periodontium improved with viruses, Rhabdoviruses, Rabies, double‑stranded Reo viruses,
increased scientific knowledge. The most recent classification is Rotavirus, Picornaviruses, Rhinovirus, Enterovirus, Coxsackie
based on the 1999 International Workshop for the Classification virus, Echovirus, Polio virus.
of the Periodontal Diseases organized by the American Academy
of Periodontology.[2,3] Here viral diseases of the periodontium Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases
were placed under non‑plaque induced gingival lesions, and they
include herpetic gingivostomatitis, varicella zoster and others. Viruses usually gain entry into the host through different
routes which include: (a) Inoculation (via the skin and
Viruses are one of the smallest forms of microorganism mucosa) as in needle stick injury, bites or accidental abrasions
(10–100 nm) which can only multiply inside living cells.[4] It (b) inhalation (via the respiratory tract) as in aerosol or
consist of the nucleocapsid, which may be “naked,” or “enveloped” droplet (c) ingestion (via the gastrointestinal tract) as in the
within a lipoprotein sheath derived from the host cell membrane. feco‑oral route and (d) the genitourinary tract as in sexual
Classification of Viruses
Once, the virus enters the host cell through direct local spread
Viruses are classified according to nucleic acid composition: on epithelial and subepithelial surfaces, lymphatic spread,
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). vascular spread, and central nervous system and peripheral
nerve spread, it can interact with the host cell in two main ways
Access this article online namely permissive and nonpermissive mode.
Quick Response Code:
• Permissive infection: Here, there is a synthesis of viral
components, their assembly and release with a consequent
death of the host cell
DOI: • Nonpermissive infection: Here, the infection can result in
10.4103/2348-2915.154650 cell transformation often with the integration of viral DNA
into the host genome. Here, there is viral replication within

How to cite this article: Azodo CC, Erhabor P. The roles of viruses in periodontal diseases. J Dent Res Rev 2015;2:37-41.

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Azodo and Erhabor: Viruses in periodontal diseases

the cell but the cell remains alive. Examples are hepatitis B the skin or mucosa to the sensory dorsal root ganglion, where
viruses, herpes viruses and retroviruses infection.[5] latency is established. When the dormant virus in the ganglion
is activated, it begins to multiply again and moves down the
The Roles of Viruses in Periodontal Diseases trigeminal nerve usually to the site of initial inoculation and
infect the epithelial cells causing a recurrent infection.[7] This
Role in disease etiology is considered as ganglion trigger theory. The other, the skin
trigger theory proposed by Hill and Blyth, holds that virus is
Viruses can cause severe acute oral and orofacial disease, produce continuously shed from neuronal endings and lesions develop
oral signs of systemic infection and be transmitted to patients when the susceptibility of the skin is sufficiently permissive
and dental staff. Therefore, the role of viruses in the etiology of for the development of a clinically apparent infection.[8]
periodontal diseases can be divided into direct and indirect roles This showcases the unresolved nature of proposed theories
depending on whether they cause periodontal disease locally or concerning the mechanism of development of recurrent HSV
as a result of the presence of a systemic infection.
Reactivation of latent virus can be triggered by physical
Direct role in periodontal disease etiology
injury, trauma, surgery, sunlight, wind, cold, fever, immune
suppression, upper respiratory tract infection, emotional stress
Herpes simplex virus infection
and physiological event like menstruation. Trigger of latent
Herpes simplex virus, which are of two types: HSV‑1 and HSV‑2
virus within about 3 days of intense dental work like root canal
are known to commonly cause skin and mucous membranes
treatment or tooth extraction have been reported.[9,10]
Varicella zoster virus
Herpes simplex virus‑1 infections occur in the oral cavity while
The vesicular stomatitis virus or human herpes virus-3 (HHV-3)
HSV‑2 infections occur in the genital area. However, they
cause Chicken pox, which is the primary infection of VZV and
can occur in either area and at other sites in the body. These
this is followed by latency. Recurrence can occur as herpes zoster
viruses can be carried in body fluids or in fluid from herpes
often after many decades. The virus is presumed to spread
lesions. For an infection to occur, the viruses must gain entry
through air droplets or direct contact with an active lesion. The
into the body of the uninfected persons through their skin or periodontal lesion is indistinguishable from HSV except that
mucous membrane in the intraoral or genital area. Once the the lesion of chicken pox tends to be relatively painless. Herpes
virus has contact with the cells of the mucous membranes zoster is characterized by pain and rash in one dermatome.
or skin tissue, it tries to replicate in the cell nuclei. This can Pain that persists long after the rash has healed is recognized
result in symptoms following multiplication and destruction as postherpetic neuralgia.[11]
of the vulnerable cells of the skin and mucus membrane
in previously uninfected individuals with inflammation Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus
and appearance of vesicles. After this initial infection, the This is also known as HHV8 and has been identified in all
virus is transported through the nerve cell to their sensory forms of Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions. This virus is believed to
dorsal root ganglion where it becomes latent for a period of have a significant role in the induction and/or maintenance
time. Autoinoculation, which is process by which infected of Kaposi’s sarcoma. Different clinical patterns of Kaposi’s
individuals infect other parts of their own bodies, may occur. sarcoma have been described: The classic, endemic, iatrogenic
However, this is uncommon because of the development of immunodeficiency-associated as well as Acquired Immune
protective antibodies against this problem among affected Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)-related Kaposi sarcoma. Oral
individuals. lesions are frequently seen in the immunodeficiency state than
in other forms of Kaposi sarcoma. Kaposi’s sarcoma has been
The primary oral infection causes symptoms, which can be very described in most oral regions, although the palate, gingiva,
painful, particularly in young children. This primary lesion is and tongue seem to be the most commonly affected sites.[12]
called primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, which is characterized
by the formation of vesicles on the gingival, lips, tongue and Cytomegalovirus infection
buccal mucosa. The rupture of the vesicles results in painful Cytomegalovirus or HHV‑5 is a herpes virus that infects most
erosion and ulceration with yellowish membrane development persons at some time during their lives. It is similar to other HHV
before healing, but disappears within 3-14 days. There is also that is, after infection, latency is established and reactivation is
associated increased salivation and bad breath. Rarely, chills, possible after conditions favorable to the virus. This infection
myalgia, dysphagia, or hearing loss may occur.[6] is often subclinical and usually occurs in young children but
may also be seen in adolescents and adult. It is common in
Recurrences known commonly as herpes labialis, which the developing world especially among the low socioeconomic
usually affects the lips or the adjacent skin, are usually group. In infants, the virus is contracted through the placenta,
milder than the primary infections. It is usually caused by the during delivery or during breast feeding. Transmission occurs
reactivation of the latent virus. Following the primary HSV during adolescence during sexual activity. Transmission has
infection, virions travel from the initial site of infection on also been documented during blood transfusion and organ

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Azodo and Erhabor: Viruses in periodontal diseases

transplantation.[13] Patients with immune defects are liable to characterized by the presence of ulceration, sloughing, and
severe and/or protracted infections, or the virus reactivation.[14] necrosis of one or more interdental papillae, accompanied
by pain, bleeding, and mouth odor
• Infection in normal children or adults is usually • NUP is characterized by the extensive and rapid loss of soft
asymptomatic, but the virus thereafter remains latent in the tissue and teeth
body. Symptomatic CMV infection in otherwise apparently • Necrotizing stomatitis is thought to be a consequence of
healthy children and adults causes the CMV mononucleosis severe, untreated NUP. It is characterized by acute and
syndrome of headache, back and abdominal pain, sore painful ulceronecrotic lesions on the oral mucosa that expose
throat, fever and atypical lymphocytosis underlying alveolar bone.
• Transplacental infection may result in abortion, learning
disability or other defects, and the affected child excretes Role in pathogenesis of periodontal diseases
CMV in the urine for months or years after birth and is a
major reservoir of the virus Viral infection contributes to the development of various
• In immunocompromised patients, such as those with renal forms of periodontal diseases including severe chronic
transplants and patients with human immunodeficiency periodontitis, localized and generalized aggressive periodontitis,
virus (HIV)/AIDS, CMV acts as an opportunistic infection HIV‑associated periodontitis and acute NUG.[17] The possible
and may cause serious disease involving the lungs, liver, role of viruses in periodontal diseases is suggested by the recovery
gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and eyes. of a patient from a chronic and highly treatment refractory
Chronic oral mucosal ulcerations have been documented periodontal condition upon antiviral treatment.[18] Moreover,
especially in patients with HIV and may demonstrate these viruses are found significantly more frequently in samples
co‑infection with other viruses.[15] taken from disease active pockets, and gingival crevicular fluid
compared to healthy pockets.[19,20] Whereas several viruses are
Indirect role in periodontal disease etiology known to be involved in oral diseases, Herpes virus, as well as
the HIV play a more relevant role in periodontal diseases.[21]
Human immunodeficiency virus: The most frequent routes of
transmission of HIV are sexual contact, parenteral exposure Herpes virus infections generally involve three phases,
to blood or mother to child transmission. The primary target which include (1) a mild or asymptomatic primary phase,
of HIV is CD4+ helper T cells. The HIV become incorporated followed by (2) an asymptomatic latent phase. Sporadically,
into the DNA of the lymphocyte and become present for the asymptomatic latent phase is interrupted by periods of
the life of the cell. It may remain latent for a period of time activation, where viral replication and clinical disease may
but soon becomes active and cause cell death. A subsequent become manifest. The reactivation of the herpes virus is
decrease in the number of T helper cell number occurs with triggered by a number of immunosuppressing factors. As
a resultant loss in immune function. It is this reduction in these viruses are contact transmitted, either by means of virus
immune function that predisposes the individual to a number production in the skin accompanied by vesicles or viral presence
of opportunistic infection including periodontal diseases in sputum and saliva. In addition to the traditional clinical
and some of the viral infection discussed above. The EC manifestations of EBV and CMV and HSV described above,
Clearinghouse on Oral Problems Related to HIV Infection they have been associated with periodontal diseases.[22,23]
and WHO Collaborating Centre on Oral Manifestations of
the HIV classified periodontal diseases as lesions strongly The pattern of herpes viral infection may explain several
associated with HIV infection.[16] hallmarks of periodontal diseases such as: (a) Episodic
progressive nature of periodontal disease due to transient
Periodontal diseases are common among HIV‑infected patients, local immunosuppression depending on active or latent viral
and they are characterized by gingival bleeding, bad breath, infection); (b) localized pattern of tissue destruction (due to viral
pain/discomfort, mobile teeth, and sometimes sores. Its tissue tropism); (c) some individuals carry periodontopathogenic
reported prevalence ranges widely, between 0% and 50%. If left bacteria and still maintain periodontal health due to absence
untreated, HIV‑associated periodontal disease may progress to of viral infection.
life‑threatening infections, such as Ludwig’s angina and cancrum
oris. Four forms of HIV‑associated periodontal disease have been These viruses play a fundamental role in the pathogenesis of
described: Linear gingival erythema, necrotizing ulcerative periodontal diseases by a number of mechanisms operating
gingivitis (NUG), necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis (NUP), alone or in combinations namely:
and necrotizing stomatitis. • Direct cytopathic effect on inflammatory cells such as
polymorphonuclear, leukocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages,
• Linear gingival erythema is characterized by the presence of and other cells such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells and
a 2–3 mm red band along the marginal gingiva, associated even bone cells. Herpes virus‑induced cytopathic effects
with diffuse erythema on the attached gingiva and oral will hamper tissue turnover and repair as the involved are
mucosa. The degree of erythema is disproportionately the main constituents of inflamed periodontal tissue[24]
intense compared with the amount of plaque present on • Cytokines and chemokines release: Their release from
the teeth inflammatory and noninflammatory host cells are mediated
• NUG is more common in adults than in children. It is by viruses. [17] Cytokine are cell products of different

Journal of Dental Research and Review ● Jan-Mar 2015 ● Vol. 2 ● Issue 1 39 

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Azodo and Erhabor: Viruses in periodontal diseases

kinds of cells such as leukocytes, keratinocytes, resident indicators of periodontal diseases.[30] Bacterial activity, for
mesenchymal cells, dendritic cells and endothelial cells. example, bacterial enzymes or other inflammation‑inducing
Cytokines stimulate inflammatory cells, which if not products, on the other hand, can also activate periodontal
contained results in destruction of the connective tissue herpes viruses, which are considered as the vicious circle
alveolar bone. Some of them can stimulate one or more concept. Herpes viral‑bacterial interactions may help
steps of bone resorption by recruiting, differentiating or explain the destructive periodontal disease burst‑like
fusing of precursor cells to form osteoclasts or to enhance episodes characteristics. Alteration of prolonged latency
osteoclast survival. Chemokines, which are chemotactic periods with periods of activation of herpes viral infections
cytokines attracting leukocytes, contribute to the process of may be partly responsible for the burst‑like episodes in the
destruction of mineral tissue during bone resorption because periodontitis progression. Absence of herpes viral infection
macrophages release matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). or its reactivation helps to explain why some individuals
MMPs are structurally related endopeptidases usually carry periodontopathic bacteria and still maintain
divided into several subclasses according to their substrate periodontal health or minimal disease while frequent
specificities and physical structure: Interstitial collagenases, reactivation of periodontal herpes viruses help account
gelatinizes. They are involved in the degradation process of for the rapid periodontal breakdown in some patients
different extracellular molecules such as collagen, elastin, even in the presence of relatively little dental plaque.
proteoglycans, and laminins. MMPs are considered to be of Tissue tropism of herpes viral infections is a contributory
great clinical importance in the pathogenesis of periodontal explanation for the localized pattern of tissue destruction
disease due to their ability to activate latent forms of effector in periodontitis
proteins such as antimicrobial peptides, chemokines and • Immunopathologic responses: HCMV can induce
cytokines[25] cell‑mediated immunosuppression by interfering
• Interference with the immune system of the host: EBV infects with cytotoxic T‑lymphocyte recognition through
periodontal B‑lymphocytes, and CMV infects periodontal the down‑regulating cell surface expression of major
monocytes/macrophages and T‑lymphocytes in periodontitis histocompatibility complex class I molecules. It
lesions.[26] The down regulations of these cells involved in interferes with the induction of major histocompatibility
the periodontal defense may lead to bacterial superinfection class II antigens and inhibits natural killer cell activity.
resulting in increased virulence of resident bacteria including HCMV may lead to global impairment of cell‑mediated
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella immunity by suppressing antigen‑specific cytotoxic
nigrescens, Campylobacter rectus, Treponema denticola T‑lymphocyte functions, which now results in an increase
and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans.[27] Human in CD8+ suppressor cells and a decrease in circulating
CMV (HCMV) and EBV have been reported frequently in
CD4+ cells
aggressive periodontitis sites, in chronic periodontal disease
• EBV may induce proliferation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
as well as periodontal disease associated with systemic
whose the main purpose are recognition and destruction
of virally infected cells. However, various aspects of the
• Promotion of bacteria colonization: The promotion of
periodontal immune response may be hampered secondarily
subgingival attachment and colonization of periodontopathic
by EBV.[24] Together, these mechanisms probably contribute
bacteria occurs in gingival herpes virus infection, which is an
to the pathogenesis of periodontitis.
illustration of enhanced bacterial adherence to virus‑infected
cells that exists in some other viral infections.[28] This
enhanced presence of periodontopathic bacteria results in Role in diseases progression
a more severe periodontitis. The expressed viral proteins on
eukaryotic cell membranes, which act as bacterial receptors Viruses, as evident by most of the herpes viruses, go into
and help generate new bacterial binding sites is an enhanced latency after the primary infection and reactivation is possible
bacterial adhesion mechanism.[24] Exposed basement in the condition favorable to the virus. Immunocompromised
membrane and surface of regenerating cells resulting from patients tend to experience more severe symptoms than the
the loss of virus‑damaged epithelial cells are known to immunocompetent individuals. HIV also goes into latency
provide new sites for bacterial binding[27] after the initial infection to recur later. They predispose the
• Herpes virus – Bacteria Synergy: Herpes viruses interaction individual to a number of opportunistic infections that progress
with specific bacterial species are considered as an faster and present more severe symptoms than those occurring
important pathogenetic feature of periodontitis.[29] Initially, in immunocompetent individuals.
dental plaque bacteria cause gingival inflammation, which
facilitates the entry of herpes virus‑infected inflammatory Role in response to treatment
cells into the periodontium. The subsequent reactivation
of the herpes virus in the gingival tissue spontaneous or Although most periodontal diseases of viral origin resolve
as a result of various types of the host immune defense spontaneously, antiviral agents such as acyclovir, ganciclovir,
impairment may then aggravate the periodontal disease. valacyclovir and famciclovir accelerate the healing of the lesion
These host immune defense impairment factors such as and reduce the duration of pain. However, these drugs must be
including HIV infection, pregnancy, hormonal changes, begun early enough in treatment to be effective. They may be
and psychosocial and physical stress are recognized risk given by the intravenous route in the immunocompromised

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